I "The Best Little Town In North Carolina** VOL. No. XXVI, No. 44 ®SOCi ETY. Sunday School Classes Enjoy Picnic The Sunshine Philathea and the Friendly Baraca classes of the Elkin Valley Baptist Sunday school motored to White Sulphur Springs, near Mount Airy, Sunday where a delightful picnic dinner was enjoyed. Approximately thirty members of the classes, chaperon ed by their leader, Mrs. Hugh Couch, enjoyed the outing. Mrs. Ipock is Clnb Hostess limiting her guests to mem bers of the Friday Evening Book Club, Mrs. J, P. Ipock entertain ed at her home on Bridge street Friday evening. Three tables were placed for rummy against a pretty background of autumn flowers. Prizes in the games were awarded Mrs. H. F. Laffoon for (Mechanical and D.iign Patents P.ndlng) i"^£|Sj • Most revolutionary invan- | tion ilnca the dynamic [ speaker. Acoustical 4 m chamber bland* and equalizes voice end In- instrument tonei end "belances" reception _ throughout the room. Vlrtuelly Re-creates EMERSON Model R-167 Q|J Q Ejj the Artist in Your Home. S-Tube AC Superheterodyne. AmeHcen V I U>UU ■ iiMiiAwi Broadcasts, All Police Bands, Amateur M ■■ OthfiF New EMERSON and Aeroplane Stations. k w Features ___________________ 1. Emerson Micro-Selector brings . in More Americen end Foreign Here's OR Ideal Stetions. ... ... 2. Large GEMLOID Dials make 2nd SeT TOT 3. Automatic Conh.l and ! Y ° Ur Home Tone Control give better For living room, bed reception. , room, children's room, 4. Handsome Styling. Hand-rubbed kitchen or for your cabinets. °^ ce - Come in and 5. There are Emerson sets for see how Emerson Radio every purpose and every purse. meets every wish of the family. 30019S 5-Tube AC Superheterodyne ■■ Mm Americen Broadcasts, All Police Bends. Ameteur and Aeroplene Stetions. AC-DC —plays everywhere. sl4-95 Yen get Big-Set Performance n Sold OO EASY TERMS. I high score and Mrs. W. C. Cox for low score at the conclusion of the play. A lovely collation was served late in the evening. Mrs. Dobbins is Hostess to Sun day School Class The Young Matrons Class of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Seeman Dobbins on West Main street Tuesday evening, with twenty-three members present. Mrs. T. L. Parnell conducted the devotionals. Mrs. L. M. Stewart, class presi dent, presided over the business session, which featured routine reports. An ice course, with cake and salted nuts, was served during a delightful social hour. ELKIN. N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Entertain at Dinner to Honor Guests Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Henry Palmer and Misses Ruth and Mil dred Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. William Bersey, all of Arlington, N. J., guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hayes, of Boonville, Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hayes entertained at a delightful dinner party at their home on Church street Tuesday evening. Quests in addition to the above were: Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hayes, Misses Gfrace and Ellen Hayes and Wade Williams, all of Boon ville, and Dan Williams of Annap olis, Maryland. Mrs. Carrick and Mrs. Holcomb Honor Bride Mrs. Lucille Dorsett Carrick and Miss Velda Holcomb honored Mrs. Herbert Dockery, a bride of the week, at a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Dockery's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Young, on West Main street Monday evening. An attractive and useful array of gifts were presented the honoree from the thirty guests who attended. Late in the evening a beauti fully appointed refreshment course, in which the bridal colors of green and white were carried out in detail, was served the guests. Mrs. Fred Neaves Is Study Club Hostess Mrs. Fred Neaves entertained members of the Wednesday After noon Study Club at her home on Gwyn Avenue Wednesday. Con tinuing the study of world affairs, Mrs. Hugh Royall and Mrs. Errol Hayes presented the program, using as their subject the Japa nese people. Mrs. Hayes gave the past history of Japan and Mrs. Royal told of the present Japa nese-Chinese conflict. Mrs. Royall, who is president of the club, pre sided over the business session, which featured routine reports. A tempting collation in two courses was served late in the af ternoon to the following mem bers: Mesdames Hugh Royall, Fletcher Harris, J. H. Beeson, Er rol Hayes, Marion Allen, A. B. Somers, R. B. Harrell and C. H. Brewer. Young-Dockery Wedding Saturday Of interest to a host of friends here and elsewhere is the wedding of Miss Mae Young and Herbert Dockery, both of this city, which was solemnized Saturday after noon at four o'clock in Independ ence, Virginia, with Rev. Mr. Funk officiating, using the ring ceremony. For her wedding the bride wore a becoming dress of gray wool, with black suede accessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of radiance roses. Mrs. Dockery is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Young of this city. She was graduated from Jonesville high school with the class of '37 and since her gradu ation has been employed at Som ers and Company. The bridegroom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dockery of Elkin, R. F. D., was graduated from Dob son high school with the class of 1931. For three years he has been associated with his father in business. Following a brief honeymoon to places of interest in Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Dockery are at home in West Elkin. Legion Auxiliary Resumes Meet ings After Vacation Following a vacation period of several weeks, members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the George Gray Post of the American Le gion met at the home of Mrs. H. B. Holcomb on West Main street Monday evening, with Mrs. Fred McNeely associate hostess, with seventeen members and one vis itor present. • Mrs. George Royall, president of the auxiliary, presided over the business session at which time clans were made for the auxiliary to sponsor a high school Glee Club this year, the club to be di rected by Mrs. J. H. Beeson, mu sic instructor, other routine mat ters were dispatched. The program was in charge of Mrs. Joe Bivins and featured a talk by Mrs. George Royall on the state convention in Durham in July. Mrs. Royall gave a splendid report of the meeting and also displayed the naval plaque pre sented the local unit for out standing work during the, year. A tempting refreshment course was served during a pleasant so cial hour at the conclusion of the program. Mrs. Hal C. Bell is Honoree at Shower Mrs. Chas. W. Cough and Miss Caroline Bell were Joint hostesses at a shower at the home of the former in Hamptonville Tuesday evening, to honor Mrs. H. C. Bell, a recent bride. The home was tastefully dJecorated with lovely autumn flowers. Mrs. Lula B. Moore, sister of the hostesses, greeted the guests and directed them to the tables, which were placed for bingo and other games. Many beautiful gifts were pre sented the honoree. A tempting and beautifully ap pointed collation was served the following guests, Mrs. Bell, the honoree. Misses Laura and Flos sie Joyner, Tabltha Burgess, Beu lah and Esther Fleming. Sallie Thomasson. Maude and Mary Melton, Mesdames Fred Money." B. F. Gough, Q. C. Wallace, L G. Crow, T. F. Mlllef, J. R. Allred, G. G. Angell, H. J. Weaver and W. N. Ireland, Jr., Hamptonville; Mesdames Homer Wagoner, Jones Todd and Miss Elva Shermer, Yadkinvllle; Mrs. Albert Cooper and Miss Lucy Parks, Union Grove and Mrs. Alden Hunt, El kin. ACT TODAY, tomorrow may be too late! The Tribute's great premium otter of free fountain pen and pencil set expires Satur day. WINDSORS TO HOLD 9TH ANNUAL REUNION The ninth annual reunion of the Windsor family be held Sun day, September 19, at Windsor's Cross Roads. S. O. Maguire of this city will be the principal speaker Sydnor-Spainhour Company Elkin, N. C. The New Talon "All-Way" Step-in The ingenious Talon dosing aakes mis Gossan! "all-way stretch step-in so easy to cull 00, wsth never aline or bubble to show the fastening under your clothes. The front panel is lightly boned to prevent the figure from round- COTi iag out. Model 373. GOSSARD SPAINHOUR'S Best IN THESE f GH\ Stylish New Shoes m For Fall! combinations in brown^and ■ $2.98 - $3.95 - $4-95 Wl 1 * II OXFORDS IN suede and suede MULTI COLORED f(i. •|| combinations. Calf leathers, suedes styled to match \ A \JSI •LL Browns and blacks .. . Marvel- In beauty the chang- I ftl ous new styles that will make in'g season. You'll like a decided hit the moment you the new styles .. . and f | see them! you'll find we have LJ your size. $1.98 - $2.45 - $2.98 ' JHN. KIDS. SUEDES and suede combinations in beautiful new straps, ties and pumps. Many attractive styles you'll like. And inexpensively priced, too. Sydnor CSr ELKIN, N. C. . of the day and several singers will be present to furnlsn special mu sic. All friends and relatives of the ~Meet~Miss Hiss Jane Bradley Saturday, Sept. 18 KI DO YOU HAVE SLIP TROUBLES OR DO YOU WEAR BARBIZONS? • If you "hov«n> hod any luck with slip* com* in and t*H yaw trouble to th* Barbixon R*pr*«*ntativ*. Sh* wjll prMcrlb* a slip that fit* you «xoct!yl And Barblxon* w*ar for ag*t . . *v*n rough tr*atm*nt do*tnl harm th*m for th*y or* pur* itlk, no fllKng of any kind I Com* in and h*ar about Barbizon superiority. SMby, Cr*p* Oarttf r* . 2.25 j Fairian*, Satin OartMr* . 240 ! Sryn Mod*, Satin Datchl 9.00 SYDNOR-SPAINHOUR COMPANY Elkin, N. C. Elkin Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY family are invited to attend and bring a basket dinner. Read Tribune Advertisements!