HATS Christmas Dresses ReducedH HI H Silks Wools Suedes I ■ HH One Were ■■ fl* M A A 111 ■ II ■VV $| -00 Clean-up of Broken Sizes, Lots, Etc., $5 00 S2OO In New Fall and Winter Merchandise! 8 $10,95 Our Christmas Clearance will be glad news for thrifty people throughout this entire section. For this store, stern in __ A 4% Mm mm its policy of not carrying over merchandise from one season to another, is placing on sale NEW FALL AND WINTER "l % K 1111 MERCHANDISE at reduced prices in order to clear it from our counters. Items which have been reduced represent # 1111 ■■ 11 1111 broken lots in which a complete range of sizes, colors, etc., are not in stock, and have been priced to move. M "1111 Read this advertisement carefully and take advantage of the real savings on fresh new merchandise on which we had ■ rather take a loss than carry over until next year. Our loss will be your gain! So come early if you would get your pick! COATS I TOYS —GAMES —NOVELTIES | SUITS $10.95 VALUES NOW - $9.65 . _ 1 REDUCED TO 1-2 PRICE. 2 AND S-PIECE STYLES $16.95 VALUES NOW $12.65 O fAV* 1 >alo $16.95 VALUES NOW $8.48 $19.95 VALUES NOW $15.65 ™ lUI A UAIC $29.50 VALUES NOW .i _ $14.75 $29.50 VALUES NOW $23.65 BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE 535.00 VALUES NOW $17.50 ————————— SELECT ANOTHER OF THE SAME 549,50 VALUES NOW *24.75 SIL DREN ' S COAT J . _ „ COSTUME SUITS We are closing out our entire stock of toys, games, $7.95 VALUES $5.65 $18.50 VALUES, NOW $9.25 novelty sets, etc., in our Basement Store. This is ___ __ 4 _ $9.95 VALUES $7.65 $22.50 VALUES, NOW $11.25 __ the surplus stock from last year and as we are - r . x TTrifl .__ $10.95 VALUES $8.65 $29.50 VALUES, NOW .... $14.75 closing out this department, we have priced each MM Only 8 Children's OO ** em * or clearance! One Lot Ladies and Misses' Twin £[(| Skirts, Were $1.98, Now Vl'Wv Sweaters, Were $1.98 and $2.98, now «|J •' KNIT SUITS ' ONE LOT OF SKIRTS 1 WOOLEN MATERIAL One Lot, Only 4 Left, Were - One Lot, Only 6 Left, Were $7.95 tf»l AO 1/11 firp ITAIV CI CO 56-IncheS Wide. Plaids and Solid Colors $7.95, Now— I and $10.95, Now— tpl«9o 1/iLUIjO llUlf Jl.Oj $1.98 Values Now— I $1.49 Values Now— s4.oo I $2.00 $2.98 VALUES NOW $2.39 $1.49 Yard | sl.l9 Yard You'll Find Many Unusal Christmas Clearance Values In Our Basement Store! MEN'S SUEDE JACKETS - MEN'S SUITS I ™^OWNLEY^I^RT^™™ , ™ , OUTING GOWNS These Jackets were $6.95, now— 35 Griffon suits in single and double breast- This includes our entire stock of Townley Ladies' Outine Gowns Regular e . QK ed styles. Plain and belted backs. Were Shirts regularly selling to $1.50. special— - " OW $29.50. Now reduced to— frl 90 a ■ t KNICKERS # S 2 for $2.50 Boys wool and cordurov knickers. Were $2.98, T A OTV/IT A now _ LADIES S NGLE AND TWIN LADIES' DRESSES chiidrjn-s Raineoata ta *""■ d"**- now SWEATERS Were sL9B»now— v *1 no Ladies' Scotch Plaid Dresses. Sies 14 to 20. 07^ $ a $1.59 Values Now $1.19 Were $1.98, now— 5,7(1 BOYS'JACKETS mvS™v™Z:~~:Z "J£ $1.34 SHOES Only Bof these jackets. Plaid wool Were $3.95, - AIJ sned « and suede combination shoes reduced. now ~~ CHILDREN'S COATS CREPE DRESSES anc * $2.45 Values Now $1.69 Values Now $3.94 one of Crepe Dresses, were $1.98, now— $2.98 and $3.95 Values Now $2.6? PIECE GOODS §9B vIaSS S $1.69 $3.95 and $4.95 Values Now $3.69 Cotton Suiting, prints rayon crep«. Were 29e RED CROSS SHOES ,nd 39c - LADIES' COATS CHILDREN'S DRESSES 8 «d. and s«ede cmbi«.tu». $4.95 Values Now $3.94 Children's Print Dresses, were 98c, now— $6.50 Values Now t 85 A W .m% N. . $5.95 Values Now $4.94 ' One Lot 22c rants, now._ • 18c $7.95 Values Now $5.94 ' ®4 BLANKETS One Lot 19c Prints, now. 15c $8.95 Values Now ...... $6.94 owmr™ *"" b "»- Ni » One lot 15c Prints, now. 11c ————————— FALL HATS REDUCED LADIES' SUEDE JACKETS All Fall Hats reduced. Blacks, browns, navy, MEN'S SWEATERS These jackets have zipper fronts. Were >1.98, wlne - ruM Were 98c, now— BLANKET REMNANTS $1.29 Values now . 97c $1,39 Cotton Blanket Remnants. Per yard— 98c Values now 79c _ ' 22c CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Cvt J M f «wm PART WOOL BLANKETS One group, coal and pull-on styles. Were 59c to Kjj VlllUl "k/ UCtlllllU ill 70 XBO Part Wool Blankefa, each 97c ' UL. % ■ * 70 xBO Part Wool Blankets, Pair $1.98 49c ELKIN.N.C 72 x 84 Part Wool Blankets, Pair $2.98 THE BLKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Thursday. December 9, 1937