Thursday, December !£> 1937 JbiorAK Major F. T. Davis of Washing ton, D. C., was the guest last week of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell, at their home on West Main street. Miss Anne James of Winston- Salem, was the week-end guest of Mrs. Lee Phillips, at her home on Market Street. Reggie Myers of Jonesville is quite ill in the local hospital suf-1 fering from ~k sinus infection, his friends will regret to know. Miss Freddie Matthews of Con-1 way, S. C., was the guest last week of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Nicks, at their home on Main Street. Corp. and Mrs. R. E. Burgiss of Fayetville and Fort Bragg, are spending the Christmas holidays here with Mrs. Burgiss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy West. Moir Hall, a student at David son College, will arrive Friday to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Hall, on Westi Main Street. Mrs. J. S. Atkinson returned Wednesday from Charlotte, where she has been for sometime visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson, the former her son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. James, of this city, announce the birth of a son, Gerald Scott, December 10, at the Baptist Hospital in Win ston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Raper and son, John, Jr., of (Lexington, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter at their home on Gwyn Avenue. Misses Nancy and Sarah Click, students at the Woman's College of the University of North Caro lina, Greensboro, will arrive Sat urday to sDend the holidays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Click, at their home on Circle Court. We Are At Your Service! • To the citizens of Elkin and Jonesville, and to the visitors here on shopping \ trips, we extend a cordial invitation to call on us in every way possible. We are here to cash your checks, make change for you, and in other ways be of service. Please feel that this is YOUR bank and that all of us want to serve you. I 0& The Bank H? of Elkln R. C. LeweUyn, Garland Johnson Franklin Folger President Vice-President Cashier MMiiA/ M DDITE UNICRMMIf TNI LETTERS Of (ACM UNC-THf ANSWER OJf!W Hi rn//f 18 aWW WORD SEMTIMSOMtV OMf WORD TB (AIM lIMf \ PALAT IRURC j Iff | SHOE VIEWUS 11 j| j-j MTJTI YNMOC j i HGILYH K 3 CORD MEMEN £ PUZZLE No. 3 N > , J OUR EXPERIENCED Ufj 'i ITRO £ COUTEOUE ROUTE- Jl U MEN WILL GLADLY j mrip-stepr 31 ""Vn « vo n«o.!^ n ' $ M RECEIVS PRIZES MftIS IUSTeOHCRCIR Wilt BE AWAftOEO FOR WtMT n WE JUDCE TO BE THE MOST MO/KAll. THE miIST. Z lat . « 9AA , n ANCTHE MOST A7TRACT/YI SOLUTIONS MAI If 008 It Ist. 52 00 m ItOUCMT TO OS wtraw five days following publi- ) PjM Laundry. cation of tws advertisement. duplicate awards « U 2nd: $1.50 in WIL *E PAID TO TYIWC CONTESTANTS. AMY BODY, " * Laundry "** compete. it is t it r~T .' .. . NOT NECESSARY TO MAKE ANY PURCHASE' USE i 2 3rd: SI.OO in THE fORM above,oa A separate sheet writs .£ Y Laundry. *•>«* ano address plainly S jj Winners Last Week: 1 5 IST. PRIZE—MRS. IRA GENTRY 2ND PRIZE—JOHN C. NEWMAN, Benham 3RD PRIZE—WILLIE REECE / i T Robert Windsor of High Point, was the guest Saturday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wind sor. W. A. Neaves left Sunday for Philadelphia and Detroit, where he will spend this week attending to business matters for Chatham Manufacturing Company. I Mrs. Talmage Lewis of Wash ington, D. C., and Yadkinville, spent the week-end here the ! guest of Miss Hazel Byrd, at her ! home on Elk Spur Street. Mrs. Jlmmle Anderson of North Wilkesboro was the guest Friday and Saturday of Mrs E. S. Spain hour, at her home on West Main street. Mrs. C. O. Hadley and children, Ruth and Charles, of Statesville, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snow at their home on Gwyn Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. W- Glenn ar ' rived Saturday from Burlington, and will remain here until after the holidays with Mrs. Glenn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Byrd. B. J. Snow, well known citizen of the Mountain Park commun ity, suffered a heart attack at his home Saturday. His condition is not regarded as critical. R. E. Devereux of Salem, Vir ginia, was the overnight guest! Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Ashby, at their home on Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Masten had as their guests Sunday at their home on Elk Spur street, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Masten, Mrs. John Brendle, John Brendle, Jr., Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Paul Wil son and little daughter, Mignon, all of Winston-Salem, and W. F. Masten of Charlotte. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, EI,KIN. NORTH CAROLINA Mr. and Mrs J, L. Li lard and son, Jlmmle, and Mrs. W. J. Price and daughter, Mary Gale spent Sunday at Creston and West Jef ferson, the guests of relatives. Edwin Roy all, a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will arrive Friday to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Royall, on Church street. Jack Carter arrived Saturdav from Providence, R. 1., and will be associated with his brothers, Wilbur and Roger Carter, in op erating the White Swan Laundry here. Rufus Crater, a student at Wake Forest College, will arrive the latter part of the week to spend the holidays with his moth er, Mrs. R. P. Crater on Gwyn Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moose and son Hoy, Jr.. of Mount Pleasant, spent the week-end here the guest of Mrs Moose's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitaker, at their home on Church Street. Miss Ruth Atkinson, a member I of the Marion school faculty, will arrive the latter part of the week to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, on West Main Street. Edwin Salmons, John Rider, Chas. Loman and Harry Froeber, all of Winston-Salem, were the week-end guests of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Sal mons, at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitaker and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moose and son, Hoy, Jr., of Mount Pleasant, spent Sunday in I Pilot Mountain, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Frye. Mrs.A. B. I Harrell and Mrs. J. Matt Tuttle |of Winston-Salem, were also guests in the Frye home. ®SOCi ETY. Misses Byrd Fete Two Brides at Dinner Saturday Eveninc Misses Hazel and Blendon Byrd entertained at a lovely dinner party at their home on Elk Spur street Saturday evening to honor two brides, Mrs. Garland Johnson, who prior to her marriage was Miss Flora Royall and Mrs. Tal mage Lewis of Yadkinville and WEishington, who prior to her marriage was Miss Charlotte Sim mons. • Yuletide decorations in red and silver, were used in the living room, where a tempting dinner was served from card tables. Cov ers were placed for twelve. Both of the honorees were given linens. Mrs. Campbell is Hostess to Presbyterian Auxiliary Mrs. Leßoy Campbell enter tained the Woman's Auxiliary of the Prebyterian church at her home on Gwyn Avenue Monday evening, with twelve members present. Mrs. Wm. R. Wellborn, auxili ary president, presided over the meeting and directed the program on Christmas. Assisting in the nrogram were: Mesdames Morgan Hanks, Chas. Poplin and T. A. Leeper. Mrs. Campbell led the Bible Study. During a social hour the mem bers exchanged Christmas gifts. The prifts were distributed from a beautifully decorated tree. A tempting refreshment course was served. Miss West is Hostess to S. S. Class Miss Edwin West entertained the members of her Sunday School class at her home Tuesday evening. The puests included the members of the cltiss and the teacher, Mrs. Beatrice Myers Phillins. Following the program and business meeting an ice course was served the guests. The guests were then invited into the dining room where a prettv Christmas scene was arranged. The table was transformed into a woodland by the -use of miniature trees and an artificial lake. Concealed in the woods were presents for each truest. After the exchange of gifts Christmas carols were sung in unison. Miss Perry and Mr. Gentry Feted at Dinner Honoring Miss Lucy Mae Perry and Conrad Gentry, whoso en gagement has recently been an nounced, Misses Esther Mae Lan ier and Betty Norman entertained at a lovely dinner party at Hotel Elkin Monday evening. The table was attractively dec orated in bridal green and white. Covers were placed for twelve. Miss Perry was presented a bride's' book by the hostesses. Following the dinner the guests were entertained at a theatre party. The guests in addition to the honor miests and the hostesses Miss Bertha Byrd, Miss Marthalene Davis, Miss Estelle Litaker, Miss Hilda Lee Heatwale. *'rs. Henry Wolfe, Mrs. Gertrude whitehead. -J. Sam Gentry and Bpencer Norman. , Mrs. Adams is Hostess to Pearl Johnson Circle Mrs. George Adams was hostess to the Pearl Johnson circle of the Woman's Missionary" Society of the First Baptist church at her Lome Tuesday evening, with nine members present. Mrs. Leslie Reinhardt, circle chairman, presided over the bua ness session, which featured rou tine reports, Mra. George Adams conducted ;he devotionals. The program, on the observ ance of Christmas in different nations, was in charge of Mrs. Reinhardt, assisted by Mrs. L. M. Stewart, Mrs. Chas. Young, Mrs. Mary Lassiter and Miss Mattie Mae Powell. Refreshments were served dur ing a pleasant social hour. Misses Gray Entertain Mission Circle Tuesday Misses Lucy and Agness Gray entertained the Edith Adair circle Df the Woman's Missionary Soc 'ety of the First Baptist church at their home on Franklin Street ruesday evening, with twelve members and two visitors present. The devotionals and program were in charge of Miss Mary Jane Byrd. Assisting in the program were Misses Agness Gray, Hazel Byrd, Emma Cook and Minnie Ruth McNeill and Mrs. Jack Ter rell. Miss Lucy Gray, circle chair man, presided over the business session, which featured the an nual Lottie Moon Christmas Of fering program. A nominating committee,, to select officers for the coming year, was appointed. Refreshments were served dur- # Goodies of All Kinds For Your Christmas Meals. Come In And Let Us Help You Select Them PEACHES Choice California 2 Cans 29c PEARS Choice California Bartlett J. 2l Cans 33c Tomatoes _____________ — Chocolate Drops 2 Lbs. 25c >■ N0.2 O Orange Slices Lb. 10c fS6cIHS String _■ TI Broken Mix 2 Lbs. 25c ___—— Stick Candy, Pure, Box 24c ri n raic n/\ Raisins, Layer, 2 Lbs. 25c dOUD Campbell's Tomato - J lANS fcVC English Walnuts * Fancy Lb. 25c li/f* 'H/l i_ O Lb. o*7 Cream Nuts Lb. 25c Mince Meat Z *Jar Z/C Mixed Nuts Lb. 23c Pecans Lb. 20c Fruitcake Home Made . LB. 50c I Lots of Other Candies I rp ■ P i 1 14-oz. ()/> SPECIAL PRICES ON 1 OmatO LatSUD Del Monte £Bottles£oC ORANGES \yU4// OUR TREAT! I Miracle Whip I ALL DAY SATURDAY p 1 1 n • Quart Oft HOT CHOCOLATE salad Dressing JAR oac / \ Made With CARNATION MILK I Cross & BlackwelPs I ' * FOR 15c Date - Nut Bread CAW ISc RITZ (National Biscuit) itrcc. 21c I Crisco 3 LB. CAN 59c | Snowdrift 6 99c VFr.FTARI.F.«i | MEATS ~ T *■ „ FANCY WESTERN AND NATIVE FRESH VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, MEATS, DRESSED TURKEYS, HENS, AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. DUCKS, GUINEAS AND FRYERS Eikin wBJfnA #UI ■VH Jm nf JEM Bivins No. 2 AW « f "W fflf Ijf g " 1 S/IJH F«ley Jonesville J Jik T' Ml BAI MMm Norman ing a pleasant social hour. Dr. and' Mrs. HarreH Entertain Fortnightly dob Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell en tertained members of the Fort nightly Bridge Club at an enjoy able bridge-dinner at their home on West Main street Thursday evening. Dinner was served upon the arrival of the guests at seven o'clock. The home was decorated with evergreens, holly and crim son candles. Santa Claus place cards marked the places of the guests and the holiday motif was carried out in the appointments of the dinner. The club award for high score went to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brew er at the close of the progressions. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter, spe cial guests of the club, were given a remembrance. Those playing were: Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter and Dr. and Mrs. Har rell. T. W. A. Leader is Honored at Shower Tuesday The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Socie ty of the First Baptist church met Tuesday evening with Miss Mat tie Lee Eidson. Ten members were present. Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt was a special guest. Miss Fannie Sue Harris direct ed the program, assisted by Misses Dorothy Masten, M Alice Blalock and Beatrice Newman. At the close of the program a delightful social hour was enjoy ed. Mrs. Garland Johnson, leader of the circle, who prior to her re-1 cent marriage was Miss Flora Royall, was presented a lovely ar- «LOOK YOUR PRETTIEST CHRISTMAS } HOLIDAYS Time is getting short, so why not phone for appoint ment today and let us give you a lovely Eugene, Oil of Tulip or Duradene Permanent Wave? Expert oper ators, modern equipment, makes our beauty service far superior. OPEN EVENINGS MARY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Up-stairs at Spainhours Phone 156 ray of gifts from the members. The gifts were presented Mrs. Johnson by little Norma Jean Eldaon, who was dressed as Santa Clans. I Coffee and cake were served and candles and wedding bells were given as souvenirs.

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