F Tharsday, December 16, 1037 ■ MODERN FOOD STORE S [■ ANNIVERSARY SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! SATURDAY! To-show our hundreds of customers from throughout this entire section Mmk Your generous acceptance of our modern new store during the past year our real appreciation of your patronage during the past year, we are stag- has meant a lot to everyone of us. And in this Anniversary Sale we are ing our Anniversary Food Sale today, Friday and Saturday, this event attempting to express our very sincere thanks in the form of real food marking the end of our first year in our modern new home! Food prices savings for you! Now is your opportunity to stock up for Christmas! have been reduced so that you may save on practically every purchase! . / v^qfMmSEHmzt&'Jrf . We invite everyone, whether you are a regular customer or only an occa- J ■ Buy.nlargequantit.es! But whether you buy or not, come m and see us. sional one, to visit us, and share in these savings! y^MKKt ,ted ST™ I mPM % Sandwiches and Coffee reg 2™'""" 15' BROOMS Served All Day Saturday uilP _4 Small Cans i5 c | i5 cEach I WSanMB I COME m AND SEE us! 11 HEINZ SOUPS All Kinds, 3 Large Cans 39 c MCCORMICK'S MAYONNAISE 2 Medium Jars —2s* I HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP Bottles 43c MCCORMICK'S RELISH 2 Medium Jars 25 * HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLE 2 Jars 41 c McCORMICK>s SALAD DRESSING 2 ~ 12 oz - Jars 25 c Premier Golden Bantam Early June , M rnffi 2Lbs .ocl PINTO BEANS 4 Lbs 25 c CORN 3 N °- 2 CanS 41* PEAS 3 N °- 2 CaMS 25* ■®fCl JJ™ Great Northern "'J* 0 ? - Mayfield jk COFFEE 2 LBS * 97C I BEANS LH - - 5' PORKS BEAMS 10° CORN® 0 ™ —— 25= SALMON AN 1 (VC Fresh Blackeyed I 1 COFFEE LB - 2s* TOMATO JUICE 6 CANS 25* mow CI A¥K 3 For 10c PEAS 3 No * 2 Cans - 37* HP.-Sra MILK Da. Small Cans JOc *■"». j ' „ . CORN FLAKES 3 For 19* Tomato Pf.. „ . Jy GIBBS SOUPS 6 Cans —2s* P-NUT BUTTER 2 Jar 21* JUICE 60 oz - Can — ; ~ 25* RICE 6 Lbs - 25* QUAKER OATS 3 For 2s* Save On Soaps! PINEAPPLE 2 cans 42c 12 a 2 n 3 s 7 For I Save On Each Purchase! RED SUPER SUDS 3 For 2s* 12Cans For FFV CRACKERS 1 Lb -10* - 2 Lbs 19* BLUE SUPER SUDS 3 For —2s* FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 No - 1 Cans: 27* $1.59 FFV VANILLA WAFERS 1 Lb - Box 16* OCTAGON SOAP 10 Cakes 22* TOM ATnK 3Cans for OCc OCTAGON POWDER 10 PKGS - 22* BARTLETT PEARS 2 LARGE CANS - 41* OL 1 Large, 1 Small Package For £6* , r „12 Cans For SB? 0 " 5 "~ ' PAIMJVE SOAP 4 Cak * B 24* APPLE SAUCE 2 Cans 14* 78c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 3 For 38* Complexion Cloth Free nol M „„ 4 „ „ n ~, - Del Monte OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 For ls* CATSUP 26* S?COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN 3 for 38* LUX TOILET SOAP 4 CAKES 2S* GOOD FAT BACK POUND — 11* Fresh "r™ P,Ckage —TiT SPINACH 3 N °- 2 % Cans 47c yBBY'S BABY FOODS 4 Cans - 35* FRESH VEGETABLES jj 3 FLOUR *2* 75c IV/|T7 A TT-Q DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR A 2* 12«T|] |M (|1 »| MARKET! A I M Wl] LB Western t*J £\ 1 FidUJNIiS 89—3U9—WK DELIVER ELKIN, N. C. Fryers, Fresh Fish and Oysters ■»« M T.N TRmtTNK ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA