PULLETS SHOULD PROVIDE PROFITS Flock of Chickens, if Well Managed, Should Give Own er Nice Dividend FEEDING IS IMPORTANT Proper management of a flock of well-matured, production bred pullets during the winter months will return owners sizeable profits, according to C. J. Maupin, ex tension poultryman at State Col lege. Freezing weather has already been felt over the state, and a long hard winter is in prospect. Therefore, Maupin declared, the good poultryman should be pre pared to give his birds a chance to do their best. Two highly important factors in winter management are the kind of feed the laying flock re ceives and the condition of the laying house. A constant supply of drinking water that is kept above freezing temperature is almost as import ant as proper feed, the poultry specialist pointed out. Then, too, eggs should be gathered as often as necessary to prevent their 0 ° 1 ° ■■■■■■■-■b. ■■■ B8 I We Wish You All A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR Your patronage and friendship during the 0 a past year has been sincerely appreciated. ELKIN LUMBER & MFG. CO. "Everything to Build Anything" THE BEST COAL Phone 68 Elkin, N. C. ft—s— ° o SI Here's Our Wish S ■ CSmas I M jjt Ever y Good Thing IJor ™ I FIDELITY FINANCE CO. I AUTO PARTS CO. I E. Main Street Elkin, N. C. .fig Free Health Examination! - What's wrong with you? Do you really want to know? Remember, it is your privilege to enjoy good health—and your mistake If you don't. Your nerves are your "life-lines?*—when your nerves are free, you are free—you are well and happy. Thousands of people suffer and die un necessarily. Let me show yen why. Remember we rive no medicine, no drags. We perform BO oper ation. There la no pain, no ugly incision left to came row trou ble afterward. Come In for Free Examination. Reduced Prices Only SI.OO Per Treatment at Our Office Dr. and Mrs. James Oliver Crutchfield PALMER GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Office at Joneerille, N. C., Next to Post Office I Office Honrs Daily Ito 5:30 and.7-8 P. ML TELEPHONE 860-J freezing or becoming badly soiled. Each year during the cold months, reports are received at State College on flocks coming in to production slowly, or of a sud den slump among many flocks Chat have been laying fairly well. Maupin explained that if para sites or diseases are not present, the cause of this slow rate of lay ing is usually due to a lagging ap petite or to the birds being un derweight. In some cases, the birds are perhaps not getting the proper amount of grain, and in others, they are receiving insufficient mash. The wise poultryman can usually determine which is out of balance by handling and observ ing his birds. , DR. JENKINS IS TO GIVE SPECIAL SERMON Dr. Wm. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Methodist church, will preach a special sermon Sunday at the 11 o'clock hour of worship to col lege students. The topic of the sermon will be "Take a Look at Yourself". A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend. A case of leprosy that developed 43 years after exposure to the dis ease has been discovered in Scot land. THE Er KiN*TRIRimErELKIN t NORTH CAROLINA REOPEN IREDEL MURDER MYSTERY Body of 20-year-old Bride Ex humed Tuesday Afternoon By Officers LEFT FOOT AMPUTATED Statesville, Dec. 21.—The body of Mrs. Herman Westmoreland, 20-year-old bride of two months, whose lifeless body, clad in pa jamas, was found in a well in tfie yard of her father-in-law, R. H. Westmoreland, at Amity Hill, Jan uary 20, was exhumed this after noon at the Bethesda Chifrch cemetery, seven miles east of Statesville. The young bride and hef hus band were making their home with his father, a widower, in the Amity Mill community. She dis appeared on the night of January 19, two months after her mar riage, leaving her clothing and personal effects in the bed room. Her husband was working in a textile mill in Mooresville and was not - at home that night. Searching parties were organized the next day and late that night they found the body in the bottom of a well 35 or 40 feet from the Westmoreland home. The back of her head was crushed. One shoe was off. The shoeless foot was slightly bruised. Iredell officers began working on the solution of the mystery. It was first thought to be a possible suicide. But that theory was ex ploded when no water was found in her lungs and the fatal wound was on the back of the head. In February the coroner's jury found that she came to her death at the hands of a person or persons un known. Sheriff J. W. Moore, ordered the body exhumed this afternoon in the presence of a number of physicians and officers. The left foot was amputated and held for analysis by experts. DISEASE DRIVE TO START SOON Anti-Syphilis Campaign Made Possible by Z. Smith Rey nolds Foundation INCOME FROM $7,000,000 Raleigh, Dec. 20. Dr. Carl V. | Reynolds, state health officer, ! said tonight an enlarged anti syphilis campaign made possible by a gift from the Z. smith Rey nolds Foundation, probably would get under way in three months. The first job of expanding the campaign, he said, will be to en gage a qualified personnel to ad minister antisyphilis treatment. Until additional persons are em ployed, the SIOO,OOO already made available by the foundation will be used only in existing clinics. Officers of the foundation an nounced Saturday the state would receive the income from to combat the disease. Terming the gift a "real trust" Dr. Reynolds added, "I am not willing to use any of it, unless I have a qualified personnel to put in the field to do the work prop erly. When I have that, we will begin." Governor Hoey said he was "very much pleased" to hear of the gift. "The syphilis menace is a tremendous thing," he said. "The increased funds ought to go a long way to get it under con trol." WEAVER HAS INTEREST IN AUTOMOBILE FIRM Stacey Weaver, of Jonesville, has acquired a one-third interest in the Yadkin Auto Sales, local Dodge-Plymouth dealers here, it has been announced by officials of the company. I Other members of the firm are L. P. Amburn and J. C. Chappell. PROGRAM SUNDAY BY COLLEGE STUDENTS The annual program presented by college students of the First Baptist church will be given Sun day at the evening hour of wor ship at 7:30. A number of col lege students will make brief talks. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend. Resting Her Face. Rastus—Dafs better. I don't like to see yo' all frowned up. But' does dat smile mean yo' forgives me? Mandy—Stay away, man, I'se just smilin' to rest my face. The Birth of Christ The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still: The Christmas bells from hill to hill Answer each other In the mist. —Tennyson. Jelly can be made from barber ries. , Christmas I Awakening TITH Christmas drawing VA/ near, why can't we get » * together and make plans—" Robert Dutton read no further. With calm deliberation, he put the heavily scrawled letter back into its envelope. / "Always the impractical Hal," he said slowly. "No wonder he never gets anywhere." A list of appointments waited up on . his desk. Visits from two of the most important men in town; a delegation about a right-of-way through a tract of land he had just purchased; a reminder of a talk he had promised to make at a lunch eon. Important things, he thought, things Hal would never be called upon to do. Hastily he went through his maiL A square envelope in a familiar hand caught his eye. He opened it a little curiously. What could Miss Denby be writing him about? His long fingers drew out an artistic Christmas card. A conservative wish and an old Christmas carol printed in English letters. That wai all, except the signature, "Eleanor Denby." A flush stained his face, an un deflnable something sent the blood singing through his veins. "Elea nor," he said softly; "a beautiful name; how queer that I never heard it before." Then, as if resenting his weak ness and sentiment, he dug into his mail again. But try as he would, he could not concentrate on the things that had meant every thing to him before. Something had happened to Robert Dutton; a Christmas greeting from a secre tary whom he had scarcely noticed left him visibly unsettled. Christmas memories surged through his heart. He was back in the old home again. Everybody wds rushing around in circles. He saw the big tree in the corner of the parlor; the kitchen table piled high with good things to eat. And Moth er and Dad, with happiness beam ing upon their faces. He picked up Hal's letter again. After all, maybe his kid brother wasn't so crazy? The thought was pushing through his mind that may be it was he who lacked real sense. "We're Going to Forget Business for Today," He Said. This time he read the letter in a different mood. "Let's give Dad and Mother the surprise of their lives. Let's go down and make one grand Christmas for them. You can turn everything over to someone else for a week—anyone can handle things like that—there's nothing personal or precious about them." "Nothing personal or precious about them I" He turned the words over in his mind. Hal was right. Someone else could handle the things that had seemed so terribly important. A few hours of confu sion, perhaps; then things would go on as before. The world would for get him in a day. His fingers reached for the pen upon his desk. "Dear Hal," he began, "I heartily agree with your proposal that we get together and make plans to give Dad and Mother the biggest surprise and the grand est Christmas ever—" He was smil ing broadly, almost laughing aloud, as he finished the letter with a flourish. Five minutes later Miss Denby entered Jttis private office to find a new Robert Dutton. She almost dropped her book in surprise at the expression upon his face, and the new way in which he greeted her. / "I'm ready to- begin, Mr. Dut ton," she began nervously, when he made no motion to start the routine of the day. "We're going to forget business tor today, Miss Denby, and go Christmas shopping, that is, if you want to help me out." „ He fumbled with his tie as he spoke, noticing (or the first time the soft curving of her white neck. "Your Christ mas card," he went on "wrought some miracle. I've found out that justness and making money isn't iverything in life. They're both fine n their way, but there are other hings, too; precious things that I've .een overlooking." He came closer o her side and looked hatd into her yes. "For instance, going shop* ng with a good-looking and ador ble secretary." £ Western Newspaper Union. SB& Funeral Services for Mrs. Tom Whitaker to Be This Afternoon at 2 o'Clock HAD LINGERING ILLNESS Mrs. Plutina Whitaker, 80, of Burch, died in the local hospital Wednesday morning from a lin gering serious illness. The de ceased was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams and the widow of Tom Whitaker. She is survived by the following children, James E. and U. C. Whitaker and Mrs. Charlie Ash burn, of Elkin; Mrs. John Wil liams and E. A. Whitaker, of Rusk: and Mrs. B. W. Key of Ga lax, , Virginia. One sister, Mrs. Nat Ashburn, of Winston-Salem, also survives. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Little Richmond Baptist church. The rites will be in charge of Rev. Everette Draughan. PROMINENT SURRY WOMAN IS TAKEN Mrs. Alice Jane Hampton Dies Tuesday Following Lengthy Illness FUNERAL RITES TODAY Mrs. Alice Jane Hampton, 75, widow of Dr. Ed Hampton, and •member of a prominent Yadkin county family, died at her home near Friendship church in this county late Tuesday night, fol lowing a lengthy illness from a complication of diseases. Her hus band, a well known doctor in this section, died in January, 1918. She is survived by ten children, H. C. and Vernon Hampton, Elk in; E. T. and W. B. Hampton of California; Mrs. S. W. Emory and Miss Minnie Hampton, Charlotte; Miss Ola Hampton, Raleigh; Mrs. D. W. Whitaker, Greensboro; Mrs. A. D. Wellborn, State Road, and Mrs. G- H. Payne, Mount Airy. One sister, Mrs. Lillie Felts of Cycle, also survives. Funeral rites will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from Friendship church, in charge of Rev. T. S. Draughan. Interment will be in the family cemetery near the Aome. Correction Due to an error which was later caught and corrected, a few of the first copies of last week's edition of The Tribune stated thp* the Eagle Furniture Co. would give away SIOO free on DecemOer 7. This should have read December 27, which will be the Monday after Christ mas. W To Everybody Everywhere, 8 1 Merry Christmas 1 1 Happy New Year | iOur thoughts naturally turn at this season of the year & to the loyalty and friendship of our patrons who have 7g made 1937 so worthwhile for us. So, in real sincerity, xj we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Nefw |8 Year! V R J. C. Penney Co., Inc. 1 ELKIN, N. C. KWCWfWIWWfI } I and take/' yg\ v| I 11 ■ « 2** jp| O - ; jA ) f JB|l^Jj|B§t H &'JY " c ' .-'.;^p^ Old Santa gives so much and asks so little. Ditto for the pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. The handy six-bottle cartons, at your dealer's, ■■l will bring holiday refreshment to your house. COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Phone 32 North Wilkesboro, N. C. TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS! -v r .. • . • v.. ' ThurHday. DeeemMr 83, IM7