Published Every Thursday by ELK PRINTING COMPANY, Inc. Elkln, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 193? Entered at the post office at Elkln, N. C., as second-class matter. C. 8. FOSTER... JreaMent H. F. LAFFOON , Secretary-Treasurer SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PER YEAR In the State, $1.50 Out of the State, 92-00 It used to be that a boy's chance of be coming President was one in fifty million. Now it is only one in 127 million. With so many of us making monkeys of ourselves, it ought not to be so hard to find the missing link. There's always something to be thank ful for: This cold weather has been no time for bathing beauties to pose for pictures for the papers. Christmas Everywhere Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight! Christmas in the lands of the fir-tree and pine, Christmas in lands of the palm-tree and vine, Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white, Christmas where cornfields stand sunny and bright, Christmas where children are hopeful and gay, • Christmas where old men are patient and gray, „ . -x Christmas where peace, like a dove in its flight, Broods o'er brave men in the thick of the fight, Everywhere, everywhere Christmas tonight! For the Christ-child who comes is the Master of all, No palace too great, no cottage too small. —Phillips Comforting thought, that last, and one that finds echo in our thoughts at this Chrismas time, for we have no better way than through these columns to reach a friendly hand and speak a hearty Christmas greeting to all our friends and patrons, whether in palace great or cottage small. And in all sincerity we are doing just that. To some it cannot be a "merry" Christ mas, but we are coveting for one and all a full measure of peace and contentment and all the joy this glorious Yuletide season can bring to them. And Now It Is Admitted The Wall Street Journal, spokesman for industry and ever watchful of industry's dollars carried this editorial comment in a recent issue: "The one Sine qua non for revival of nor mal business is return of confidence among business men, and the one sure way to prevent that return is to keep business men in constant fear of further extension of social frontiers by methods which have thus far stifled confi dence." Apparently the administration's interest in the forgotten man, which is to say the extension of "social frontiers," is the colored boy in the woodpile. For here is one of the Journal's bright young analyzers, backstand ing the boss in the remarkable "discovery" that the "leftist group" of the Roosevelt ad ministration is playing for time, hoping that as the nation emerges from the present re cession, it can begin all over again extending the "social frontiers." I}he Journal declares: "There is one difficulty in the way of achievement of this program. It is predicated on the assumption that business confidence can be revived by a 'breathing spell' sufficient ly to permit a renewal of the asphyxiation by further reforms . . . Business is not quite so naive as all that. If the present Congress does not furnish tangible evidence that the war upon business has been stopped, we shaU not emerge from the present recession, but rather drop into something like a major depression whose length and depth cannot be measured." There you have an acknowledgment that it is within the power of business to loosen things up, if it wills. But business will con tinue its sit-down strike or renew it, unless government meets its demand to stop plan ning for social improvement and steer a course back to the good old days of holding companies and incorporated yachts. Here is admission that the power to re store prosperity rests in the hands of our captains of industry, which is equal to the admission that these captains could have prevented this "recession" if it had not suited their purpose better to initiate and prolong it. And thus the feud between business and government continues. The stake is great—-"social 1 frontiers." Government wants them extended, business says they must be abandoned, and along with them all tax shackles that compel business to bear its share of the cost of reliof and the expense of government. Business has the whip hand and proposes to use the lash until it gets j what it wants. It is that and little else. Aiid such has been the suspicion in many minds until the Wall Street Journal comes out in plain words and replaces sus picion with certainty. Farmers Should Organise, But — • v A contributor to the People's Forum column of the Raleigh News and Observer, has this to say: "I noticed that Harry B. Caldwell, State Grange master, is in Washington opposing' what Grange members here in North Caro lina want because perhaps the National Grange, representing by far and large the dairy industry of the West long protected by tariffs, fears that any legislation that might grant some measure of equal rights to tobac co and cotton growers could conceivably nulli fy some of their benefits long enjoyed . . . Approached in another way, is Mr. Caldwell representing the expressed will of the major ity of his members, or is he representing the expressed will of the national leaders? We think that is a fair question to ask, and if the facts square with the contention that he is so acting, then the head of the State Grange will be strengthened in his prestige. If he is not, then the farmers of North Carolina, members or not, may find themselves expecting something they won't It should not be held against Mr J Cald well that he has been in North Carolina for only a few years, and that he comes from a section whose problems are not all the same as our own. If he possesses qualities of leadership he should be recognized on that basis; and if he is a real leader he will sense the danger of running counter to the wishes of his members. Railway engineers are getting eight to ten dollars a day as against the farm la borer's one dollar, largely because the engi neers are organized. The moral is that far mers should organize. They are among the very few who let the buyer set the price for what they have to sell, whether it be labor or lolly-pops. In the past farm organizations have sold the farmer down the river when they began dabbling in politics. The old Farm er's Alliance lost its prestige and its ability to serve that way. Which is not to say that farmers should not be heard in the political arena, for they should. Above all others they should. But their voice should be that of Jacob, and they should hold themselves away from political short-cuts that some times causes them to meet themselves com ing back. ' Keeping Christmas Christmas again! How time flies for we oldsters; how it drags for the young-' sters; and how quickly the younger become old! We are in the midst of circumstances that may serve to dampen our outward en thusiasm at this Christmas time, but there will be an inward happiness and peacefulness if we will but search the depths of our own souls for happiness gems that we may not have suspected are hidden there. It is tragic to think that we are cele brating the birth of Christ who came to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Man, with the world sitting on a veritable poHvder Hteg; with the inhumanity of man's greed about to be demonstrated, if not already that, as it has never been demonstrated before; with nations and men at each other's throats in mortal combat, and with others, profes sing peace, but engaged in no less signifi cant antagonism to the teachings of Him who gave His life that others might live. But we can find recompense for this dark outlook if we will but take to our hearts these words from Hen*y Van Dyke, and adopt them as a part of our Christmas pro gram: , "There is a better thing than the observ ance of Christmas Day, and that is, Keeping Christmas. "Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people, and to remember what other people have done for you; to ignore what the world owes you, and to think what you owe » the world; to own that the only good reason for your existence, is not what you are going to get out of life, but what you are going to give life? "Are you willing to stoop down and con sider the needs and the desires of little chil dren, to remember the weakness and loneli ness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you, and ask yourself whether you love them enough; to try to understand what those who live in the same house with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you; to trim jjour lamp v so it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you; to make a grave for your ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feel ings, with the gate open—are you willing to do these things for a day? Then you can keep Christmas. "Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world —stronger than hate, stronger than evil, strohger than death— and that the true concept of human relation ship is to do unto others as you would have . them do unto you? Then you can keep Christmas. "And if you can keep it for a day, why not always? But you can never keep it alone." * And as we come to extend the season's greetings to all our patrons and friends, we can wish for them no greater happiness than we are certain will come if they will under take to "keep Christmas" by these simple rules laid down by Van Dyke. TOE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ETRTN NORTH CAR PUNA FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHY' (By C. M. Dickson) There is no light equal to day light. If you would destroy a thing, pluck it out by the roots. If a parson is "determined" to fall, he shouldn't soar that the fall will prove fatal. The owl, the parrot, and the peacock may be termed symboli cal of "darkness," "imitation" and "gaudiness," respectively. S The hen sometimes "lies" about her laying. *' Store - bought" light bread functions in two ways: 1. 11 accommo ■ dates the ama teur house - keeper who has J not learned to make biscuits. 2. It takes the burden off the ones who are slightly "indisposed" about meal time. While some people profit by seeing the "world," others are destroyed by seeing it. It is perfectly ridiculous for a person to stick his finger in the fire Just to see whether or not the fire will burn it. No tyrant is greater than he who shackles youth with the fet ters of ignorance. The traits of a gentleman are propelled from within—not from without. The thought is usually the fath er of the act. An evil thought should be smothered before It takes time to take root. Falsehood cannot stand the light. There are no folks like home folks. The person who does not coop erate with his "better-self" is doomed to destruction. The greatest evidence that a person likes the truth is that he acts it. No man can bosom a serpent and not be bitten. Though the foliage of a tree be green, if the heart be rotten, the tree will soon decay. How tragic for one to wade through oceans of advice and still be strangled on the shore of de struction! BETHEL | Ronda Route 2, Dec.20 —Rev. R. J. Pardue filled his regular ap pointment at the serviceo here at Bethel the second Sunday morn ing. There was a good service also held in the evening, with a splen did sermon by Rev. Lloyd Pardue of Elkin. Four new deacons were ordained at this meeting: Messrs D. S. Gilliam, Seamon Dobbins, Charles T. Jones and Wayne Stroud. Rev. Albert Qilley and Rev. Mr. Pardue assisted the pas tor in the ordination. A very good congregation was present includ ing several visitors. Mrs. N. E. Burchett recently visited her gradaughter, Mrs. Sam Price at Greensboro. Miss Ollie Mae James of near Winston-Salem, spent last Tues day here visiting Mesdames W. H. and Charles Jones. Mr. Walter Durham and family moved, to a house here on the J. B. Armstrong farm, last Monday from Swan Creek. Mrs. J. T. Stroud, Misses Norma and Kathleen Gilliam were in Elkin shopping last Saturday morning. Mrs. W. A. Pardue and sons Messers. Millard and Major Pardue visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. A. P. Woodruff and family near Boonville last Sunday. Dewey Myers, who has been spending some time in South Car olina, returned to his home near here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gilley and little son James D., moved last week to a farm near Dobson. Miss Hallie Harris had as her guest last week-end. Miss Effie Ball from Winston-Salem. Mrs. G. P. Pardue, went to be with her mother and family, Mrs. Hort filler, near West Jefferson, during the funeral and burial of sister nee Miss Blanche EUer, who died at the Wilkes Hospital last Friday. We are having a good Sunday School and named have been drawn so everyone will be remem bered with a gift. An • offering from the Sunday School of SIB.OO was taken and sent to the Baptist Orphanage. The children are all looking forward to a happy Christmas. —Let us all think of what a precious gift we have and the abiding love and peace. A happy Christmas to all. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and D. S. Gilliam attended the singing' at Shoaly Branch church last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Vanhoy of North Elkin were the guest of relatives here last Sunday. There will be a Christmas Tree and a brief exercise at the church here next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Dec. 26, also a sermon by Rev. Mr. Oilley. A good congrega tion is expected. There is nothing else in nature like the wings of an insect. The wings of a bird, or of a bat, are merely made-over fore legs; fly ing fishes glide along on their fins, and flying squirrels glide by means of skin streched between the fore and hind legs; but in sects have wings originally made for the purpose of flying. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND WHEREAS, on the 19th day of April, 1935, W. J. Lawrence and Katie Lawrence, executed and de livered unto W. O. McGibony, Trustee for The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry County, North Carolina, in Book 132, at page 29; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein contained: NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority confer red by the said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will on the 17th day of January, 1938, at the Courthouse Door of Surry County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land known as the form er D. J. Melton farm and contain ing One Hundred Twenty and one-half (120.50) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in Bryan Township, County of Sur ry and -State of North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by C. F. Fields, Sur veyor, on the 9th day of June, 1923, a copy of which is now on file with The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, and being bounded on the North by the lands of E. W. Hanes; on the East by. the lands of J. M. Bates and J. F. Fields; on the South by the lands of W. T. Snow; and on the West by the lands of M. A. Dockery and W. T. Snow. This the 17th day of December, 1937. W. O. McGIBONY, Trustee. By; ROBT. A. FREEMAN, Agent and Attorney for 1-13- Trustee. WANTS • . 1 For Sale—One Pointer, well broke, good retriever. Price right. ..See B. J. Settle. North Elkin. ltp i For Sale: Hot point electric stove, ; A-l condition. Sacrifice price. I Call 241. ltc For rent—•Three-room apartment on first floor. Private bath. Mrs. Carl Chappell, phone 136-M. tfc Do you want plenty of eggs from strong, fast growing young chicks? If so feed Panamin. We have It. Abernethy's, A Good Drug Store, Elkin, N. C. tin FREE! If excess acid causes yon Stomach Ulcers, Qas Pains, In digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sam ple doctor's prescription, Udga, at Turner Drug Co. 6-3p We bay scrap iron and metals. Double Eagle Service Co., Sk in. N. C. tfc Wanted to repair radios. Our expert thoroughly knows his business. Prices right. Harris Electric Co., Elkin, N. C. tfc Plumbing and Heating j GENERAL ELECTRIC*REFRIGERA TORS—WASHING MACHINES RADIOS ELKIN PLUMBINGAND HEATING CO. ' Phone 254 Elkin, N. C. Radio Service BY AN EXPERT , RADIO SERVICE MAN Complete Line of Tubes and Parts Hayes & Speas (Incorporated) PHONE 70 ELKIN, N. C. i ■ ■_ ■ jl Wishing You An Old-Fashioned g | Merry Christmas | For your patronage during the past year we are truly grateful. May this Christmas be the best TO yet and the New Year brim full of good things for m you and yours! 1 ELKIN BOTTLING CO. I fi C. A. McNeil, Prop. Elkin, N. C. S Thursday, December 28, 1937 1 Squibbs Mineral Oil, quart size 89c. Antacid Powder, large size 50c. Nyseptol, pint 49c. Gallon Mineral Oil $2.25. Turner Drug Co., Elkin, N. C. tfn REAL ESTATE For Sale: 44 acre farm, fairly good buildings, 6 acres creek bottom, tobacco barn and good tobacco land. 1 mile city limits of Jonesville. Price SI2OO. cash. For Sale: Good building lots in Elkin, Arlington and Jonesville. See me for your building needs. D. C. MARTIN, Realtor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A Yadkin farm, 72 acres at Swan Creek. Let us show you this -farm. * 6 rm. cottage in W. Elkin at a price that will pay net 10 per cent on your investment. See us about this investment. REICH & HUNT

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