I LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS This week, just before we get around to wishing you one and all a merry Christmas (and why shouldn't we it doesn't cost anything), we present for your edification and approval our annual "letters to Santa Claus" edition of the Gab Bag. * ~ For six years now we have waited until the last week before Christmas for this great event. Then we've gone off somewhere and hid for fear that? " . .. , .. ... This year, we promise you shall the authors of these letters might nQ different from the rest, only deny their handiwork and blame we p j an to hide just a little bet it on us. ter. But now for the letters: I i I I w To You and All We Wish A e* 1 MERRY § i CHRISTMAS j| Mj And A § HAPPY NEW YEAR! jg We pause at Christmas-time to wish each w and everyone of you a Joyous Christmas M and a New Tear that will brine twelve jQ S months of real happiness. Tour pat- T* mJ ronafe during the past year has been sincerely appreciated; S GRAHAM & CLICK 5 £L 5c & 10c Store 1 ou • I I Merry Christmas! | W We—and Chevrolet—wish each and everyone of you « the best and Merriest of Merry Christmasses! Your iff g friendship and patronage during the past 12 months jS? g& has meant much to us and we would be ungrateful if *£[ K we failed to pause and extend Season's Greetings. May 1938 bring every happiness! 1 F-W Chevrolet Co. I ELKIN, N. C. 8 i • \* ' '"W ' '■ T*W J- ' Dear Santa Claus: For the past year I have gone around shedding good cheer and trying to bring a little joy and happiness into other folks* lives through selling Insurance policies. I believe I have succeeded in cases where it was a fire insurance pol icy which resulted in a fire on the part of the person insured. How ever, in the case of life insurance policies it might not have been so enjoyable for the persons who died. Anyway, I have done my best and have been as good as good can be, and for that reason I want you to bring me several things, including more customers for fire insurance policies who live in fireproof houses, and more prospects for life insurance poli cies who have every hope of living at least, for 75 more years. Use your own judgment about bringing me prospects for automobile in surance for seems like they wreck 'em faster than I can get 'em in sured. Hoping you have a big Christ mas, I am. Your friend and pal, HUGH ROYALL. Dear Old Santa: If it is not asking too much, I would like for you to bring me as surance that the business reces sion now under way will last and grow worse. For a while it looked as if prosperity was really here under Mr. Roosevelt, and this made me, and a lot more of My Republican friends very sad, but now with a recession on hand the situation looks a lot brighter. If things will only get worse than they were during Mr. Hoover's de pression, I am sure we will all be very happy. It is all right for you to bring prosperity, but please wait until a Republican president is in office. t Your little friend, R. L. (Our Bob) LOVELACE Dear Good Santa-Claus: Although we try to be good boys and girls all the time we never before have bothered you at Christmas with letters asking this and that. We've always been sat isfied to let you bring us what ever you saw fit, but this year it is different and so we all join as one to implore you to bring our boss a plain, simple decision in the matter of whether to get mar ried or not. For the past 12 years he has been planning to get married one minute and then backing out the next. This year he seems to be really smitten, so if you can, please bring him the vision of married life that will enable him to take the final step. Personally, we think a wife would do him good although, we don't know whether she would be doing her self good or not. Thanking you too much for this favor, we are, EMPLOYEES OF McDANIEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE. Dear Mr. Claus: When you come Christmas kindly bring the fourth install THE BLKIN TRIBI NE ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA ment on your note, now 12 months past due. You of course realize that prompt payment means sound credit, and that we cannot give you a satisfactory rating un less you are prompt in meeting your obligations as they fall due, regardless of whether you have anything to meet them with or not. If you should decide to bring me anything else, I will appreci ate to the fact that it is now costing me just twice as much to live as it was at the time of your last visit. Yours very truly, GARLAND JOHNSON. Dear Santa Claus: I have two fine reasons why I want you to be very generous to me this Christmas. Your friend, ROGER CARTER. Dear Santa, Old Pal: Ask anybody and they will tell you I have been a good boy and deserving of many good things this Christmas. However, being of a very unselfish nature, I don't want much, just the following: About fifteen or twenty events to promote! during the coming year, each of which will pay a goodly sum, also a lot of good ideas that there is money in. How about putting me in charge of your bal lyhoo campaign next Christmas? Your little pal, GENE HALL. • • • Which, loyal readers, is all the Santa Claus letters we have space for this year. Thanks for read ing this far, and please continue on to the' end so that we may wish for each of you a Christmas un beset by worry and truly happy and joyous throughout. Yours— x ALAN BROWNING, JR. V ' | BETHEL (Deferred From Last Week) Ronda Route 2, Dec. 14—A good service and interesting Sun day School was held at the church here at Bethel Sunday morning. At the evening hour an ordination service was held which was very impressive. The new deacons who were ordained were: D. S. Gilliam, Seaman Dobbins, Chas. T. Jones and Wayne Stroud. Rev. Albert Gilley and Rev. Lloyd Pardue assisted the pastor in the service and Rev. Mr. Pardue delivered a most interest ing sermon to a very good con gregation, including several visit ors. Mrs. N. E. Burchett spent last Saturday night at Greensboro visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Sam Price. Dewey Myers, who has been in South Carolina is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. R. O. Myers. Rev. Mr. Gilley. filled his ap pointment at Big Ivy Church, near Mt. Airy last Sunday morn ing. Misses Natoa and Pauline Par due and Sadie Mathis visited Misses Mary Nell and Ethel Gray at Clingman last Sunday after noon. * Mr. D. J. Melton has been in disposed for several days. Mr. Paul B. Collins of Lincoln ton spent last Tuesday at the home of W. H. Jones. Miss Ollice Mae James of near Winston-Salem, was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Jones last week. Mr. Walter Durham and family moved here last Monday from a home on the J. B. Armstrong farm. Plans are being made to have a Christmas tree at Bethel church on Sunday morning Dec. 26. It! will be at this time, and a brief exercise, for the benefit of the] children who live at a distance; and are members of the Sunday! School will be given. Bisr corn shuckings were heldj last Thursday and Friday at the, homes of Messrs. Gilley and Mel-| ton. ■ Not Badly Injured. Sambo—Well, Johnny, I hears yo' got cut in the fracas last night. Johnny—Naw, suh, I didn't. I jest got mah ahm cut some. Telling The Judge. Judge—Speeding, eh? How many times have you been before me? Speeder Never your honor.; I've tried to pass on the road! once or twice, but my old bus will only do 55. |WHEN A COLD STRIKES For common colds ■ j Exploration. Joyner—My wile explored my pockets again) last night Slink—What did she get? Joyner—The same as any other explorer—material for a lecture. AJDMJNISTRATHJX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Sadie Frank lin, deceased, this Is to notify all ALL OT US WISH YOU A Merry Christmas | AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! ® ' | All Texaco and Firestone dealers throughout this - 3S 1 entire section take this opportunity to extend to ® you our sincere appreciation for your patronage T* during the past year, and wish for each and all a rg most Joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with health and happiness. w L. W. LAXTON I DISTRIBUTOR g Texaco Products Firestone Tires | TO ONE AND ALL WE WISH A 1 1 Merry Christmas! I 8? At this season of the year it is only fitting that each and every *1 m person connected with this store extend a cordial greeting to the W £jj hundreds of loyal friends and customers who have made the past year successful for us. Jm So—and we say it simply but sincerely—Merry Christmas to you W all! Merry Christmas, and our wish for a New Year that will © bring you only good fortune, good health and happiness! m 1 Surry Hardware Co. | I ELKIN, N. C. 1 persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned within one year from date of this notice or game will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons owing said estate please settle at once. This Decem ber 1, 1987. Mary F. McNeely, adminis tratrix of the estate of Ba -12-23 die Franklin, deceased. Thiirsdav TJccciiiifisF ?3 19315F ■ I " " " FEVER Liquid, Tablets Salve, Nose Drop* 30 Try "Rub-My-Ttanr-W-rtd's Best liniment