r December 23. 19.37 T r .fc,' Washlnton, D. C., December 21 —Rivalled in Intensity only by the brilliance of its own social season, the Nation's Capitol is now nightly bathed in a lavish display of floodlighting that gives newcom ers a vague suspicion that some how the Christmas Holiday, like so many old-fashioned institut ions, has gone slightly Hollywood. Visitors admire the shiny new Government buildings by night and then, by day, if not suffering from klieg eyes, stroll along Penn sylvania Avenue to mingle with the throngs of happy shoppers. Night-Lights Again H The grave bombing of the United States gunboat, Panay, and the sinking of three Standard Oil Tankers, with consequent loss of nearly a score of lives, by the Jap anese during the Nank ! n* battle last week, Is still keeping the night-lights burning in Foreign Department offices. The incident brings back vivid memories of 1915-16 to veteran reporters. Sent iment on the situation is divided. Some say the United States should withdraw from China and not risk further "incidents." Foremost a mong advocates of withdrawal are Senators McCarran of Nevada, Shipstead of Minnesota. Senator Borah opposes hasty action. Meanwhile, a variety of gossip is making the rounds in the wake of recent changes in the London and Berlin embassies. After the announcement that Joseph P. Kennedy would succeed Robert W. Bingham at the Court of St. James's, and that Hugh R. Wilson would replace William E. Dodd at Berlin, speculation has been rife as to the real story behind the news. In the case of the Wilson ap pointment, explanation fs simple. Dodd was disliked by the Nazis. However, the appointment of Kennedy to the London post, most important ambassadorial position, has no such simple background. Kennedy, Business Go-Between Kennedy's popularity with busi ness is matched by his rapidly in , creasing influence with the Pres ident. As intimate as Harry Hop s] kins or Thomas ('the Cork') Cor x coran, some say Kennedy, acting in the role of mediator between Roosevelt and the rank and file of business men, was largely res ponsible for the present peace overtures to industry and finance. Thus, if he remained here, Ken nedy would be counted on to go far in New Deal circles. That the President actel wise ly in appointing Kennedy to the foreign post is not to be question ed. But the evident speed with which his name was suggested and approved by the inner circle casts suspicion on the deeper mot ives of the President's advisors i Badness Good Copy Apropos of the recent "truce" between business and the New Deal is the growing sentiment In Washington for rapid action on the problem of relieving business. Repercussions are still being felt from the convention of the Nat ional Association of Manufactur ers at New York's swanky Wal dorf-Astoria. Ordinarily the NAM meet would get only routine handling in the news columns but this year, with stocks off 30 to 40 per cent and the New York Times, Index down' almost 40 points, editors guessed, rightly that the "man on the street" would be interested in what Business, with a capitol B, thought about the situation. Lammont du Pont pleaded for stabilization of the laws that con trol Industry and received a mild two column head, inside, in most sheets. Walter J. Kohler, whose "ideal village" of Kohler, Wiscon sin, has won him fame as a for ward-looking employer but who experieced a bad siege of labor trouble in 1936, raoped the Gov ernment's labor policy and man aged to crash Page Two of New York's liberal Daily News. Weir Hits Page One But when Earnest T. Weir, Chairman of the Board of Nation al Steel, who with Tom Girdler of Republic led the fiarht of Little Steel against the Clb. let loose a volley against the Perkins Labor Policy, he flashed across Page One of, every metropolitan daily. Weir blamed labor strikes for a wa«e. profit and product loss of $5,000,000,000 this year. He con demned strikes as a wasteful and unsatisfactory method of settling labor disputes. He demanded that Washinton establish a clear-cut and fair labor policy. ' Critics were ouick to retort that Weir had formerly decried govern ment "Interference" -In matters affecting emnloyer employee re lationships. They changed incon sistency. One of the worst aftermaths of the NAM convention was the an nounced investigation bv the La- Follette srroup to see whether or not member* who voiced pious - sentiments In favor of imoroveed k working conditions were treating " their workers according to law. This, plus the now memorable "Fascist" speech of Secretary Ick les, has done much to make busi ness men to wonder If they were ever really out of the New Deal doghouse at all. Will It Be Aiken? When Vermont's Governor, George D. Aiken, found himself being boomed as a possible 1940 GOP Presidential candidate he modestly commented "he didnt know what he'd done to deserve it." The Aiken incident came al most simultaneously with the an nouncement by ex-Governor Alf M. Landon that he would not con sider running again If he should "happen" to be re-nominated. Governor Aiken, who slightly resembles Landon, is a tall, wrink led, grey-haired New Englander whose manner and bearing is re mindful of Calvin Coolidge, though less restrained. He is com paratively young, and has a flair for being both progressive and practical. His call for a party "purge" of reactionary elements and for a constructive program in step with the nation's problems should go far to attract younger voters back to the fold. , >iVj>BES et Reddy Kilowatt Bring Your Family Better Living This Christmas!, Give . . . Eleetrical Gifts . a om * ort anc ' Convenience m Universal Waffle Iron Non-Automatic Toasters—2 Slice ySL' Jml Crisp golden brown waffles Uke you SUris the day oft right with goad toast, made jjjgHjH6HP £\jnAw £ , , , , . - golden brown on one of these toasters. Can be # always wanted to make, can be had flat for toasting sandwiches or in upright fl| ratj (rtit yours with this new electric waffle iron. conventional type. M W It delivers delicious hot waffles as they JB££ ' l|W They are chromium plated, trimmed in black | 1 are wanted, right at the table. bakelite, and designed to give years of service. F OH 1 n»fx Tir*ii It is finished in chromium plate, cleans . E'ectrical Gifts Will , ndhas . h ..,injidr. $5 50 Mean A Upright QC sc Cash s « Automatic (J»Q ("A 50c Cash. SI.OO per Month •> IPfc- MP' Toaster 50c per Month MERRIER CHRISTMAS! Cl.Jl . TWOSL '« FI £ T °*™ 05c Cash, SI.OO per Mon-j cent , hoU r. » j>l.7 J 95c Cash. SI.OO Per Month ■ m " 'i _ - mmmmmm—mmmmmmmmmmi tmmmm—mrnmimmm^mmmmmm—mmmMm—mmimmmmmmmmmm f Reflector and —-> Pin-lt-Up Lamp Electric Heating Pad fiSßS®| / Radiant Type v , / \ Move the furniture as oirten as yon room Tut Heaters SJbiem™* fiti^g{iTff(mSnm* ■ comfort »« ■» other Ume » Warmth for the I foMtesnbeeasily ™ on the sleeping porch or ,n the baby, crlb. more convenient Reflector Heaters. *\J on the wall wherever needed. Gives I'JW&Ls Useful throughout the winter and on tl 'deal light for reading in bed. A ,**•,» 'Jm chilly days, giving instant heat when tl ver y handy fixture for home or apart- nr . _ A H and where dslred - bathroom, bed- ™a" if {hem* hon, ° ,honld haV ® QllO JpO.jU Well-made, adjustable, with healing TWO MODELS Cash, f element and completely guarded. SSSftJS'WO IS OflH $3 45 Reddy Kilowatt's comfort U worth man, tuna, hi. If this Pln-It-Up Lamp UIIU -DJtIJ normal charge of 2-10 cent an hour. rr or C 7 OC for only 2-10 cent an T» - . ipj.3o/-«P» .7J hour 450 Cash, 50c Per Month _ mmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmm—mmßmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmi 95c Cash. SI.OO Per Month Economical: Reddy operates It for only 1 and I Ini'iinaral PI . • a AHISriCaH Bcailty AlltOmatlC I'Ott 6-10 cento an hour or 2*4 cents depending * UniVerSal fcleCtNC I TOII alze - The automatic Iron oan be adjusted for Well bn,,t > Perfectly balanced household irons. Large ml,d heat 'or silks, rayons, and deli- ff ironing surface and heat storage capacity permits Iron- cate fabrics, for ample heat for heavier, /> lng many pieces on stored heat. damper pieces, or any intermediate Beveled edges and tapered points get under buttons easily heat aU at the touch a ,in * er> rijirp VATTD 1? A A/TYT V and lnto " nes * P'eats and raffles. Available with separate plug and stand V vll V£j lUU XV f AiVIILI Trip back heel rest. or attached cord and heel rest. 1 . 45c Cash nr W made on any purchase of an Ameri- —7m. I 111 ■ iBSto RFTTFR V IfHT 500 Per Montb / - m \ mir , irlm „ . 01l "Tourist" Models $3.50 95c CASH, W.OO PER MONTB THIS CHRISTMAS! llow hw wUl be ready for only » ' , VISIT OUR SHOWROOM / I I I. E. S. Floor and «. I Table Lamps Electric Percolator TODAY AND SEE THESE Every home oan use one or move *" need never » bo «rt lack ¥ | J *V » 1 «"« 1 m • 1 ) of these famous I. E. S. lamps.. Pre- of «me for preparing breakfast If yon { : hW I I AAtll I Ml A/«fMi/kA I r eyesight of the whole family needs use an elMtrlo percolator. It not only I || II Sr 111 I fj I CCTI IC3 I r^f Ch M r##d * prepares coffee more qaiekly but %*»J£ VOVIUI *"f and sewlnff, These lamps possess . . • • • unusual beauty of design of heavy made th ® •>«***« way U always m m I bronse, and harmonise with any room «ers appetising. """""" f* *£* 'f \ e*l«scheme. We have a complete assortment •( | 111 | I / \ THREE FLOOR MODELS AT slaea and designs in attractive chrom- ■,™-u Z—s7.Bs, $11.95 ium nmsh. \J Jj All of them are sure to please! i and $12.95 $5.95 to $9.50 M ' I - 95c cash. SI.OO Per Month Many others not listed here are 95c Cash, ,SI.M Per Month SK: p»e Table Model will make a splen- MSMM ftn Hianlflv! 5 did grift for the children as a study Reddy will operate It for I cent per hour. "II ulopiaj • A TWO MODELS AT I DUKE POWER CO. Table Model—4-10 cent an hour • ■ THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. jffORTH CAROLINA THIRD MONTH HONOR ROLL AT MTN. PARK The following Is the honor roll for Mountain Park high school for the third month: First grade: Bobby Lee Cock er ham, J. B. Mayes, Charles Par due, Maudie Hodge, Ella Isaacs, Winnie Luffman, Collie Wllmoth, Doris Prultt, Beauford Wood, Guy Ulley. Second grade: Dean Ross, Billy Stonestreet, Bobby Wellborn, Pauline Brown. Dorothy Calloway, Elizabeth Cockerham, Mary Fran ces Nixon, Stuart Simmons, Mar tha Whitehead, Doswell Gentry, Doris Kennedy, Guy Hemric, Ber nice Childress. Third grade: Wallace Cocker ham, James Edwards, Fred Har ris, Dot Harris, Harold Hanes, Pennie Hanes, Irene Gentry, Har old Snow, Betty Swift, Howard Thompson, Wanda Wellborn, Lois Wolfe, Ethel Lyles, Carlie Lyles Ray Lyles, Edgar Norman, Paul ine Brooks, Pearl Hodge, L. T. Smith. Fourth grade: Faye Calloway, Mary Ruth Calloway, Margaret Cockerham, Sadie Franklin, Nan- cy Hanes, Dorothy Paruue, Lois Pardue, Leola Ross, Helen Snow, Martha Jane Walters, Dorothy Wilmoth, Peggy Wolfe, Clifton Nixon, Tommle Wood, Homer Wallace, Troy Wilmoth, Raymond Hodge, Rosa Lee Wall, Nellie Hol comb. Fifth grade: Ruth Calloway, Bertha Baugess, Pred Sidden, Pauline Wood, Tiny Smith, Avis Mays, Vivian Hemric, Homer Mil ler, Francis Caudill. Sixth grade: Janice Nixon, Marjorie Walters, Hessie Luff man, Ola Pruitte. Elvira Wood, Hazel Snow, Joe Bill Isaacs, Na omie Thompson, Bert Cockerham, Arlene Williams, George Saylor, Irene Simmons. Reba Jane Roy al. Seventh grade: Clyde Walters, Cecil Welborn, Buster Smith, Marie Wilson, Garvey Golden. Eighth grade: Austin Caudle, Dorothy Cockerham, Mabel Sim mons, Ruth Smith, Grace Well born. Ninth grade: Ruth Nixon, Annie Laurie Johnson, Annie Lee Har ris, Gertrude Guyer, ' Pauline Cockerham. Tenth grade: Nartcy Calloway, Versie Collins, Hazel Mounoe, Syl via Norman, Gracie Sidden. Ruth Thompson, Imogene Wellborn Alma Lee Woodle, Dollie Caudill Stella Mounce. Eleventh grade: Martin Callo way, Lillian Caudle, Clark Cock erham, Cecil Mae Richardson Helen Wall. Reba. Calloway, Wade Calloway, Jane Nixon. About 100 species of mammal now living probably will become extinct within 100 years. Read Tribune Advertisements! WESTERN * * T-BONE STEAKS REAL MEXICAN CHILI BEANS At The RENDEZVOUS "sra T*. BoUdiltf DR. P. W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST OffioM open dally for optical repairs and adjustment* of ail klnda Examination* on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to { p. n. By Appointment Phone 1M Bronchial Coughs Need Creomulsion Just a common cough, a chest cold, or a bronchial irritation of to day may lead to serious trouble to morrow. They may be relieved now with Creomulsion, an emulsified Creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a medicinal com bination designed to aid nature in soothing and healing infected mu cous membranes by allaying irrita tion and inflammation and by aiding in loosening and expelling the germ-laden phlegm. The Medical Profession has for many years recognized the benefi cial effect of Beechwood Creosote In the treatment of coughs, chest colds, and bronchial irritations. A special process was worked out by a chemist, for blending Creosote with other in gredients and now In Creomulsion you get a real dose of genuine Beechwood Creosote which Is palatable and even be taken frequently »m contin uously by both adults and children. Creomulsion is one preparation that goes to the .very seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. When coughs, chest colds and bronchial troubles— due to common colds—hang on, get a bottle of Creomulsion from your druggist, use it as directed and if you are not satisfied with the relief obtained, the druggist is authorized to refund every cent of your money. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and youH get the genuine product and the re lief that you want. (Adv.)