■- Thursday January 6, 1938 IS OF GREAT AD) TO THE HOSPITAL Thurmond Chatham Plays Big Part in Making Local Plant Possible OP GENEROUS NATURE Among those who have. played an outstanding part in making possible, not only the new addi tion to Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, but the entire plant as well, including the nurses' home and home of the superintendent, is Thurmond Chatham, president of the Chatham Manufacturing Co., of Elkin and Winston-Salem. Although now making his home in Winston-Salem, Mr. Chatham is a native of Elkin, and is among the state's most prominent and successful business men. When the idea of constructing a hospital here was first conceived Thurmond Chatham was among the first to lend his aid and mon ey to the project. And in addition to his generous support, the Chat ham Manufacturing Company do nated the site upon which the hos pital Is located, the area covering 15 acres. The hospital is named after Mr. Chatham's father, the late Hugh O. Chatham. When the need for an addition to the hospital made itself known through lack of space in which to care for the many who sought treatment, Mr. Chatham again was first among those to offer generous support; and the fact that the new addition to be dedi cated today is an actuality is but a tribute to his unselfish nature and his inborn desire to be of aid to his fellowman. BETHEL Ronda, Route 2, Jan. 3. Christmas passed very quietly and pleasant here. Another year has gone and we must begin to live in the new year. Next Sunday morning and evening is the time for the regular preaching service at the church Elk Theatre West Main Street Elkin, N. C. Thursday, January 6 "THERE GOES THE GROOM" With Burgess Meredith—Ann Sothern M , Roping 'Em Alive—News Adm. 10c-25c Friday-Saturday, Matinee and Night— "RIDERS OF THE DAWN" With Jack Randall, the Sensational New Sing ing- Cowboy of the Screen ♦ Serial—Kennedy Comedy—Mickey Mouse Cartoon Admission 10c-25c Monday-Tuesday, Next Week— r- Am EJvorJ Small Production. Dltocloi ly Boh Stoloff. DKO-RADIO FICTUIC Special: Sybil Jason, "The Littlest Diplomat" In Technicolor Admission 10c-25c Wednesday, Matinee and Night— HARRY CAREY in "RUSTLERS' PARADISE" Tom Mix Serial Adm. 10c to All COMING SOON: "LIFE OP THE PARTY" THE ELK THEATRE Extends Hearty CONGRATULATIONS To Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital Upon The Formal Opening of Its Modern New Addition. | Played Big Part ?£> - . ■ ' | " ' 'v ' : . ' '■--^z'ss■:'• '•■■•'s •••• ; '•• *'•" ' ' : 'Ts; iBHH 5 £Ki S&Pm ■' .-i-mmmmmam-rnm |HK -. v ~' M I MHAfI Thurmond Chatham, president of the Chatham Manufacturing Co., whose unfailing aid and generous contributions played a big: part in making possible Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital here. here at Bethel. There was a right good attendance at Sunday school last Sunday to begin the new year. Mrs. C. W: Haynes of Cling man and daughter. Miss Irene Haynes, who have been spending the holidays with her parents, vis- THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROIJNA ited their father and grandfather, Mr. T. N. Green here last Wed nesday. Mr. Green has been right sick, but is much improved. Little Bobby Gilliam, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Gilliam has been right sick, suffering with an ab scess on his jaw for the past week. Some carpenters have been busy this week here, building a new house on the farm of B. R. Pardue and brothers. This will be occu pied by a Mr. Hemric and family from Clingman who expect to move into it within a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, Eu gene. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, all visited ielatives in Winston-Salem last Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Baity Larry and little daughter, Joan, from Elkin were the guests of Mrs. Larry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dur ham here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Landon Menden hall and daughters, Misses Gladys and Ruby and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Mendenhall of near Boon ville were the Sunday guests of Mr. J. P. Mathis and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pardue had as their holiday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and children, Miss Jettie Johnson, Alfred Par due and Claude Johnson, all of Greensboro. Read Tribune Advertisements I NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND WHEREAS, on the 19th day of April, 1935, W. J.i Lawrence and Katie Lawrence, executed and de livered unto W. O. McOibony, Trustee for The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry County, North Carolina, in Book 132, at page 29; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein cor' .~ied: NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority confer red by the said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will on the 17th day of January, 1938, at the Courthouse Door of Surry County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land known as the form er D. J. Melton farm and contain ing One Hundred Twenty and one-half (120.50) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in Bryan Township, County of Sur ry and State of North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by C. F. Fields, Sur veyor, on the 9th day of June. 1923, a copy of which is now on file with The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, and being bounded on the North by the lands of E. W. Hanes; (Hi the East by the lands of J. M. Bates and J. P. Fields; on the South by the lands of W. T. Snow; and on the West by the lands of M. A. Dockery and W. T. Snow. This the 17th day of December, 1937. W. O. McGIBONY, Trustee, By: ROB'l. A. FREEMAN, Agent and Attorney for 1-13- Trustee. 1 Hugh Chatham Hospital (By Bishop Paul B. Kern) Whoever reads the gospels must know how deeply concerned Je ms was over the broken and pain racked bodies of the men and wo men of His day. He was touched by their agonies, deeply stirred HBHSNNMN SHOP PENNEY'S AND SAVE l\ A \\ I lV 4 1 V / J \ I \ i \\ Starting the New Year Right—With Thrilling Values or Shoppers! DOWN go prices on Penney's White Goods ... making this neys took fu, l advantage of new lost costs to see to it that YOU B et f H II benefit - We paid less so YOU PAY LESS! \\ ® u * even with lower prices Penney's quality is higher than \\ > ever. Our famous Testing Laboratory took care of that. Science okays the quality ... YOU'LL 0. K. THE BAR -81 Inches Wide—Seamless ,M SHEETING 1 JL® Sturdy, Unbleached, Fine Weave! Q# IBig Size, Part Linen ■ « KITCHEN TOWELS 5* Colorful Borders! Extra Absorbent! %£«• New Low Price Was 13'/zc Mk '/k _ HONOR MUSUN 1A« Bleached—Pure finish. Unbleached, 39 inches V jf U# # Pre-Shrunk! Seam-Proof! V* NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO RDEMFU PREPE PRINK SAVE AS NEVER BE- rKEWIn UvtrL rlunio FORE! POPULAR SIZE Looks as nice as silk and MAa S>lx99 INCHES WAS 93c, fay (*3blef ter '. and . 4tfyd. Bleached Sheeting, 81- 63 x 99 Sheets ygc 42x36 Pillow Cases, Were 23c, Now Ifc "J ' B«"' ——— m 5». *"• D J D • 1 \SLy r WAS 7* YD. trvOfifm rnntc New curtain ® willooßlßo p™»i *«*y1«*—>»»«« »•»! » * »Ulw little! Choose from a grand lay j n g good supply! Standard Pre-shrunk! New md \'"' y ""* co ' "'- "**■ I Exclusive Patterns! Wizard SHEETS Bleached Muslin 80 Square Fast Color. Short Length WERE 7 9* iot YD. # VT 1 81"x99"— full double bed sire! A splendid quality for count -1 A. Bargain m# _■ J 9 They're sturdily, yet smoothly J® BB 0868 1 Lay in a supply of jj Priced J[ (£ JL woven—remarkable values! famous Belle Isle brand. 36". Solid Color Big X*> DOWN, DOWN, DOWN COME PRICES! TUDDV _ Hundreds and Hundreds of TOWELS 10c "Wmfr REMNANTS Extra Large » AMAZING LOW PRICES! Extra Heavy WASH CLOTHS TERRY TOWELS 3 |A BELLE ISLE PILLOW CASES IS& IJt ££:! £?*,£*,* Were 13c, now ... AVV W J-1- PENNEY CO. « East Main Street Elkin, N. C. | For |j ——■■ WHERE ELKIN SHOPS AND SAVES HMMHHj ■ • ■ " ' :&.* t . by the anxieties of their hearts. And the church, which is Christ's continuing ministry in the world of today cannot be indifferent to the physical need of the world around it. That is why the Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital tucked away in the pine woods of the Old North State, is a house cf blessing to countless mortals. Here healing ministries made the body whole again and here the quieting sense of Qod"s good presence gives strength of mind and soul. Today we dedicate it again £o its high ministry of Christian service and pray God's richest blessing upon those who lia*e made it possible and upon those who in Hla name minister here to the broken bod ies and minds of this suffering generation. To give healing to one of Christ's little ones is to bring Joy to the heart of the Master and be the fellow servant of the Great Physician. *