SURRY BAPTIST WOMEN MEETING Representatives From Five Churches Gather at Dob sea Baptist Church f MISSION STUDY CLASS Thirty representatives from five churches of the Surry Baptist Association met Saturday, March 12, 1938, in the Dobson Baptist church for a mission-study class. Hie morning session opened with the hymn. "Faith of Our Fathers." The devotionals were conducted by the associational superinten dent, Mrs. C. N. Myers of Elkin. The churches answering to roll call were Mt. Airy First, Dobson, Mt. Carmel, Elkin Valley and Elk in First. The mission study book, "Outriders for the King," by Dr. Clark, was ably taught by the as sociational mission study chair man, Mrs. EPh Whisenhunt of Elkin. She described the work of six pioneer missionaries of Sou thern Baptists. After an intermission for lunch the afternoon devotionals were conducted by the associational young people's leader, Mrs. Robert Transou of Elkin Valley church. A solo, ' My Task," sung by Miss Mary Bettie Norman of Dobson was greatly enjoyed. A financial report of all con tributions from women's and young people's orgnlzations to the cooperative program in 1037 was read by Emma Cooke of Elkin. Why Suffer With Colds-Pain ? TAKE COOK'S —? c c c And Be Relieved Tailoring Ana thlki An lOnds «f Sewfa* Mrs. C. W. Laffoon Elk Spar Street Run 119-R Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC Building * LMB Office Main Street Friday and Saturday SPECIALS! Ladies' Smocks Mfeft Attractively Styled and Made of Fine Ik Quality 80-Square Quadriga Prints REGULAR PRICE IS 98 c EACH Friday and Saturday Only 69c H/Kl?\T9 HERE'S VALUE M JHB . lVlUlill J FOR YOU! Handkerchiefs tl AAA REGULAR PRICE 5c EACH «P | ||"UU Friday and Saturday Only . Will Be Given Away 3 1 /■ Friday at 5:30 P. M. JL A 99 Our $20.00 Prize Last Fri : Buy a Supply for Summer at This d ßichl?d acoUtos, 4 * Give-Away Price! E,kin ' NC - McDANIEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE ELKIN, N. C. Organizations from ten churches contributed. Mrs. W. A. Jackson of Mt. Airy gave an interesting report of the State W. M. U. convention held at Asheville March 8-10 Mrs. Myers extended an invi tation to attend the associational meeting of W. M. U. in June at the First Baptist Church, Elkin. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. Whisenhunt. VISITOR HERE IN INTEREST OF ASSN. Miss Anna Lula Dobson of Winston-Salem *nd Rockford was here Saturday in the interest of Hospital Savings Association of North Carolina, sponsored by the Duke Foundation and ap proved and controlled by the North Carolina Medical Society and the North Carolina Hospital Association. The Duke Endow ment gave a working capital for the association. - The association is a non-profit organization which will provide all essential hospital care for its memebrs. Individual member ship fees are SI.BO per quarter and family rates, including all children under sixteen years of age, is $4.80 per quarter. Mem bership entitles the owner to en ter any the state. At present individuals are be ing enrolled but within a short time membership will be accept ed only in groups. JR. ORDER HERE HOLDS INSPIRATIONAL MEETING An inspirational meeting of the Elkin council of the Junior Order was held Friday evening in the lodge hall. Several delegates from the following councils were pres ent for the meeting: Mount Airy, Siloam, Copeland, Harmony, Ron da and Clingman. Special field worker, N. Sankey Gaither of Harmony, was guest speaker for the meeting. He re ported splendid progress in his district. A district class initiation will be held in the council hall on April 15, at 7:30. Every member of the local council is urged to be present for the regular meeting this week, as important business will be transacted. Funny world! As a nobody, he is Jones. When he gets some money, he is Mr. Jones. When he wins fame, he is just Jones again. Americanism: Resenting the ef forts of foreigners to influence us; accepting anything that has the O. K. of New York. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA MISSIONARY IS TO MAKE TALK Will Be at Arlington Baptist Church Sunday to Tell of Experiences ALSO AT RONDA CHURCH Miss Amanda K. Martin, who spent more than six years as a missionary to Persia, and who is now a member of the faculty of Campbell College, will be at the Arlington Baptist chUrch at 11:00 a. m. Sunday, March 20, to make a talk on her experiences in Per sia. She will have with her a number of Persian tapestries and costumes, and will have a num ber of girJs to appear in Persian costume. The senior classes of the Elkin and Jonesville high schools have been invited to attend the service in a body, and the seniors of the West Yadkin school are also ex pected to attend. The service promises to be of a highly enter taining and profitable nature, and the church feels exceedingly for tunate in having such an inter esting program come to it. At 2:30 p. m. Miss Martin will also make a similar talk at the Ronda Baptist church. The public is cordially invited to attend the services at both churches. TRAILER LABORATORY COMING MARCH 24TH A new traveling laboratory a fully equipped trailer—will be in Elkin March 24th at 10:00 a. m. for the purpose of testing a lim ited number of soil samples for the farmers of this section. The trailer will remain all day. This "laboratory" will be park ed at the entrance of the Wall, Holcomb Wagoner warehouse, under McNeer's Warehouse and is made possible by the manufac turers of Eastern Fertilizers, dis tributed by the local firm. Com plete details will be found in the Wall, Holcomb & Wagoner ad. in this issue of The Tribune. His Mother's Son At the annual prize-day of a certain school the head boy rose to give his recitation. "Friends, Romans, country men," he vociferated, " lend me your ears!" "There," commented the moth er of a defeated pupil sneeringly, "that's Mrs. Briggs' boy; he wouldn't be his mother's son if he didn't want to borrow something." Mechanical Man To Be At Eagle Furn. Co. Here Mamrello, the mechanical man, will make personal ap pearances here Friday and Saturday at the Eagle Furni ture Co.. at which times he will offer SIOO to anyone who can make him smile, and a new 1938 model automobile to any one succeeding in making him laugh. Friday the mechanical man will make two personal ap pearances, the first at 1:00 p. m. and the second at 3:00 p. m. Each Appearance will be for one hour. Saturday three one hour appearances will be made at 1:00, 3:00 and 7:00 p. m. re spectively. In addition to the standing offers to those attempting to make him laugh, Marvello win also give away a number of prizes at each performance, it is understood. Everyone is invited to wit ness these free exhibitions, and try in every way possible to make the mechanical man smile or laugh. CONTOUR FURROWS ON YADKIN FARMS How erosion practices are being adapted to conditions found on the average farm is well illustrat ed in a new type of contour fur row being constructed by farmers in the Soil Conservation Service area in Yadkin, according to T. L. Robinson, Agronomist of the Mt. Airy CCC camp. These furrows, which are small er and spacei more closely than those previously used, can be constructed with equipment found on the average farm, Mr. Robin son says. The new method sim plifies the furrowing and reduces the cost of construction. A good example of this type of contour furrow can be seen on the farms of A. B. Hobson and C. W. Maynard. These furrows were constructed by plowing two fur rows with an ordinary hillside turning plow at one foot verti cal interval last year. In addition to contour furrow ing, cooperating farmers in the area this spring are seeding and fertilizing their pastures and mulching galled areas to provide a complete demonstration of how improved pastures fit into the complete program of soil and moisture conservation on the farm. $61,000 FARM CHECKS RECEIVED MONDAY The Yadkin county agent's of fice received $61,000 in check* Monday morning to be paid out to Yadkin county farmers who co-operated in the soil conserva tion program of 1937. This, according to county agent L. P. Brumfield, represents one fourth of the amount to be re ceived within the next few weeks, making a total of $160,000 in all. These checks range in sums from seven cents to $348.50. Farmers are requested not to call for their checks until they re ceive a card, setting a time to come f6r it. SEED POTATOES USED 76 YEARS Hemp. March 13. Sylvester Marley, well-known farmer living four miles south of Hemp, will plant his Irish pottato crop this spring from seed potatoes that have been in the Marley family for the past 76 years. While in Hemp today Mr. Mar ley stated that his grandfather, Thomas Brown, bought the va riety he is now using in the mountains of North Carolina 76 years ago this spring, and that a crop of spuds has been harvest ed from the variety each year since 1862. SPAINHOUR'S TO STAGE TWO BIG DOLLAR DAYS Sydnor-Spainhour Co., of Elkin, is announcing in a full page ad vertisement in this issue of The Tribune, two Dollar Days, Friday anfc Saturday of this week. Special values will be on sale during these two big days, and customers are advised to take ad vantage of them during the event as prices will go back to normal Monday morning. Complete details of Dollar Days, prices, etc., will be found in the advertisement. EAST BEND FIRM GETS A BUSINESS CHARTER R&leigh, March 14.—The Bur chette & Huff Mutual Burial As sociation of East Bend, obtained a charter as a non-stock cor portation today from Secretary of State Thad Sure. R. E. Burchette, C. B. Huff and C. V. Burchette. all of East Bend, form the association. ORGANIZATION IS PERFECTED Name Officers of Sunday School Association of Surry Baptist Churches MEETING IS IN DOBSON At a meeting in Dobson Tues day the organization of the Sun day School Association of the Surry Baptist churches was per fected. Officers elected were: Superin tendent, Dr. W. L. Johnson, Mt. Airy; assistant superintendent, C. A. Simmons, Mount Airy; secre tary-treasurer, Claude Harris, State Road. Group superintend ents appointed were: Elkin dis trict, L. F. Walker, Dobson dis trict; J. T. Threatte; Mount Airy district, J. W. Hilton; Westfield district, Glenn Hall. Departmental superintendents are: Cradle roll, Mrs. C. S. Bran nock; beginners, Mrs. Leslie Reinhardt; primary. Mrs. A. B. Council. Mrs. Spurgeon Belton; intermediate, A. L. Hiatt; young people, Mrs. Reid Jackson; adult W. C. Baughn; home department, Mrs. N. J. Martin; dally vacation Bible school, Mrs. J. O. Wallace. Meetings of the association will be held monthly and the first meeting will be the fourth Sun day in March at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Dobson Baptist church. McMASTERS TO PREACH AT PILGRIM CHURCH Rev. C. C. Masters, pastor of Pilgrim Church of Winston-Sa lem, will be the guest speaker at the Thursday evening service, at the Pilgrim Church in Elkin. Special music will be rendered by a quartet of the Winston church. The church will have as its guest speaker, and singers this week-end a trio of young ladies from the People's Bible School of Greensboro. Miss Thelma Cloer will assist the pastor in the preaching. The public is invited to attend these services. Services each evening at 7:30 throughout the week. \\\ - The kind leaf you'll Fall is partly decided at . _ , , , „ B .. the best, crops in my immediate In Roberta*s Proven Ferti- section will send you ticket SSB liters are quantities of fisb, rich a little later in the season; when j— mttravcn and tiugntv-ane you see Rodgers has made a good Robertson's Special In f, r y sale it is almost certain that to- gr edients Tobacco Brand, m * neraiS - bacco was grown on Robertson's . fertilizers. Yours very truly. contain bird-guano, no te) Otis Rodgers. turf's own rich, natural plant-food Choose Robertson's yf Z When you buy Robertson's you are getting exact M)/t mixtures of special rich ingredients. In every bag are . many forms of nitrogen to constantly feed the crop. We use such rich and varied materials as Sulphate of N Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda, Fish, Urea, Bird Guano, - Poultry Manure, Blood, Tankage, Cotton-seed and A±jfkf / Aw!jSi Vegetable Meal. Mixtures for tobacco contain 50% w& organic nitrogen and 50% mineral. Robertson's tobacco brands contain Potash in Ui lir three different forms—Muriate and Sulphate of Potash K t° give body and weight, and Sulphate of Potash Mag- B 3m nesia to help ward off frog-eye and sand-drown. mfjmi They are non-acid forming—rich in soluble Mag- W nesia. They contain, too, needed minerals such as From the bones of prehistoric Copper, lodine, Boron, Sodium, Calcium. animals come tbe superpbos- _ , , pbates for Robertson's Proven Do not accept any substitute. Get the best. Get mixtures. Robertson's. ROBEOTSON'sfK FERTILIZERS ★ SILKY LEAF 3-»-3 BETTER *GOLD DOLLAR 3-«-5 * OLD RELIABLE 4-10-6 INGREDIENTS ♦GOLD STANDARD 3-10-6 *PACKED IN COTTON BAGS ® PROVEN FORMULAS FOR EVERY CROP FOR SALE BY F. A. Brendle & Son (X V. Marion W. C, Meyer* t Elkin, N. C. Crutchfield, N. C. Windsor Cross Roads, N. C. Help At Hand A man slipped on a banana peel and executed a very funny fall, not being hurt, as It turned out, but having his dignity somewhat ruffled. When he recovered a moment later a friend was hold ing his hat and a number of peo ple had formed a circle. "What do these idlers want?" he snarled. "They are not idlers," explain ed his friend, soothingly. "Here's a doctor who wants to look you over, a lawyer ready to bring suit for you, and a producer of comic films who would like to sign you up." Surprise Party Harold: "Can't I go. too and tpama?" Mother: "Papa and I are go ing to a surprise party." Harlod: "Can't I go, too—and can't we take Bobby and Susie along?" Mother: "No, you weren't in vited." Harold: "Well, don't you think they'd be lots more surprised if you took us all?" It pays to choose a line and stick to it. Climate is just weath er with a reputation. NOTICE We are better prepared than ever before to han dle your produce and will assure you your bus iness will be appreciated. See us before selling. Brendle Produce Company Elkin, N. C. Phone 308 Thursday, March 17, 1938 NOTICE I am now equipped to make window and door frames of all kinds. I will be glad to figure with you. Kerley's Cabinet Shop Phone 206 Elkin, N. C. FERTILIZER For Lawns and Gardens At F. A.Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C. ■ - V-T« -- Elkin Plumbing & Heating Co. Elkin, N. C.