News of Jonesville Mrs. Gurney Wagoner, Editor Phone 48-W Mr. and Mrs. Bill Triplett and son, Billy, of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mrs. Triplett's mother, Mrs. Ula Ingram, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Castevens and sons, Kenneth and Elton, vis ited Mr. Castevens' brother, Dew ey Castevens, and Mrs. Castevens on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Cas tevens has been sick for several weeks but Is improving since a recent operation. Mrs. M. F. Sprouse and her daughter, Mrs. Lorace Weather man, and her daughter, of Boon ville R. F. D., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Holcomb on Monday afternoon. Misses Hattie and Alice Brown and Mr. Sam Brown were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lineberry on Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Helton spent last week with her son, Elmer Hel ton, and Mrs. Helton at Ashe ville. Mr. Helton went up and spent the week-end and accom panied Mrs. Helton home on Sun day. Rev. and Mrs. P. L. Smith and family moved Monday to Ad vance. Mr. Smith had been the pastor of the Methodist church here for three years. The com munity regretted to see them leave and wish them much suc cess In their work at Advance. Mrs. J. G. Ray had as her guests Sunday afternoon Mrs. Sam Ray and Mrs. Mary Gilliam, of Elkin. Mrs. Carl Hyden returned on Friday from a visit with relatives in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Frank Roberson and chil dren, Garland and Betty, Miss Annie Baker and Ernest Baker spent the week-end with relatives at Kannapolis. Miss Alda Sue Hemric, of Statesville, spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hemric. SAVE MOST HEREJ Monogram Flour, 24 lbs. Fatback, EAVY BC|8 C | Heinz Soups Pure Coffee ANY KIND Ground While You Wait 12 Cans 75 c 2P oun fe 25 c Matches, 3 Large Boxes "| 0C h clu™ Baking Powder, l can e |oC Daisy Cheese, Lb. 10c NICE LETTUCE, 3 heads 25 c ILG. BOX SUPER SUDS 21 c FANCY TOMATOES 3 lbs 25 c ISM. BOX SUPER SUDS l c ___________________ IN THE BLUE , PACKAGE PHONES , CALL US 89 .inil WE 309 ij 9 ;l\ DELIVER ML mL I** JBPW Wtts. m m lm Mrs. H. C. Wishon, of Winston- Salem, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Davis. Mrs. Davis, who has been ill for several weeks, hasn't been quite as well for the past few days, her friends will regret to learn. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wishon, of Wal tertown, also visited her on Sun day. Mr. W. P. Jones, of Arlington, underwent an operation at Davis hospital, at Statesville, last week and is getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. C. L. Davis and children. Johnny and Abbey Carolyn, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Davis at Yadkinville. Mr. and Mrs. Baltus Holbrook, Mrs. C. C. Mason, Mrs. Hugh Lyons and Miss Nettie Holbrook visited their sister, Mrs. Edd Har ris, at Mt. Airy last Sunday. Mrs. Gray Wagoner and fam ily spent the week-end at Roar ing River with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward. Mr. A. L. Brown and grandson. Bobby Brown, and C. L. Davis spent the week-end at Chapel Hill with the former's daughter, Mrs. J. R. Brandon. They were accompanied home by Mr. J. L. Brandon, who had been visiting in Chapel Hill and Raleigh for two weeks. Mrs. Brandon will return home about the middle of the week. Mrs. Jones Byrd returned home last Friday after visiting friends and relatives in Greensboro and Winston-Salem for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Slater left Saturday for their home in Orange, Calif., after visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. M. C. May berry. and other relatives for the past twp weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Groce and children, Marion and Sonny Boy, Mrs. P. H. Underwood and daughter,* Elizabeth, Mrs. Arthur Martin and children, Thad, Dett, THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, BLKDf, NORTH CAROLINA Rozeria, Benny and Kenneth, and Earl Berry motored over to "Lover's Leap" In Virginia and had a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Sprouse. of Mitchell Chapel community, l were the guests of the former's' sister, Mrs. C. J. Holcomb, and Mr. Holcomb, on Sunday. Misses Ruby Pinnix and Erma Vanqy, of Marler community, were the week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Paul Gray, and Miss Helen Plnnlx. Mrs. Wiley Seagraves was the guest of Mrs. Bob Carter, of Ar lington, on Sunday. Mrs. Vick Mann, of Fall Creek community, spent the latter part of last week with her brother, C. P. Finney. Mrs. Boy Seagraves Honors Her Husband on Anniversary Mrs. Roy Seagraves entertain ed at her home on Saturday ev ening, October 29, with a buffet supper in honor of Mr. Sea graves' birthday anniversary. About thirty-five guests were present to enjoy the evening with Mr. Seagraves. Virginia Lee Holcomb Entertains With Hallowe'en Party Virginia Lee Holcomb enter tained a number of friends at a Hallowe'en party on Saturday night. The room was decorated in the Hallowe'en motif and lighted with candles. Refreshments were served to the following: Eloise Sparks, Mary Thompson, Juanita and Edwina Ray, Helen Nelson, Fran cis Gilliam, Nancy Holcomb, Billy and Mack Holcomb, Her bert Johnson, James Mathis, Leo Wagoner, Reece Shugart, Ralph Nelson and the hostess. Rose Marlowe Circle Meets with Mrs. Holcomb The Rose Marlowe circle met at the home of Mrs. Odell Hol comb on Tuesday evening with 15 members present and three visitors. Miss Bertha Adams gave the devotion. Her topic was, "The Sin of Not Praying. Mrs. G. S. Wagoner directed the program and was assisted by Misses Thel- A Future Miaa America? / -BM ™r ?g ■A _ W? v : v^ i Hk' • -,. , 9 9 | :...v - ; iPr m McKEESPORT, Pa.—Mrs. John Mustacchio, the former Henrietta Leaver, who was Miss America of 1935, is shown with her talented laughter, Patricia Lee, whom the jiother will take to Hollywood presently in hope of a career. ma Shore and Haael Phillips, Mesdames Marvin Holcomb and Ivry Johnson. Special music was rendered by Miss Bertha Adams and Mrs. Marvin Holcomb. Mrs. Odell Holcomb, vice-presi dent. presided over the business meeting in the absence of the president. After the business session de licious refreshments were served. Misses Harris and Martin Entertain Misses Mildred Harris and Pearl Martin entertained about twenty young people at an en joable Hallowe'en party at the home of Jones Martin Monday evening. Decorations of autumn leaves and flowers were used in the home. In the contest the prize went to Miss Lorraine Lineberry. Refreshments were served dur ing the evening. Sunday School Classes Enjoy Party Members of the Junior Girls and Boys Class of the Sunday school of the Baptist church en joyed a Hallowe'en party Mon day evening at the home of Madge Sparks in Arlington. Mrs. F. A. fyineberry, teacher of the girls, chaperoned the party and directed a number of inter esting games and contests. Refreshments were served to the sixteen members who attend ed. JONESVILLE, R. 1 Farmers are busy harvesting their crops. Mrs. D. G. Norman and Miss Elsie Mae Hutchins of East Bend, spent the week-end here with I their uncle and brother, L. R. Hutchins. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vestal visit ed their daughter, Mrs Robert Collins, at North Elkin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Billings and children spent thp week-end with Mr. Billings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaither BUlings, at North Elkin. Miss Blanche Hemric and Her man Vestal were married Satur j day, October 22, at Independence, I Va., They were accompanied by | Miss Vermeil Chappell and Cecil | Chappell, of Cycle. Rev. Eli Jordan will assist the pastor. Rev. J. T. Murray, in the | revival at Fall Creek, beginning i the third Sunday in November. The revival will begin at Swaims' church the second Sun day in November. Rev. Clete Simmons will assist the pastor, Rev. E. C. Norman, in the servi ces. There will be a singing conven tion at Fall Creek, Sunday, No vember 6. C. J. Hemric is resting better than for sometime, his friends will be glad*to know. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson of East Bend, were the Sunday guests of his uncle, L. R. Hutch ins. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Groce has recovered suf ficiently to be removed to its home here from the Baptist hos pital in Winston-Salem, where it underwent a major operation. Newlywed Newlywed: "There's something wrong with this steak. It tastes queer." Wife: "I cant understand it, dear. I burned ft a little, but I rubbed vaseline on it right away." Grammar "I don't need none!" skid the lady of the house before the agent had opened his mouth. "How do you know?" he re turned. "T might be selling gram mars." Could Satisfy Him "What's the matter, Jenkins?" snapped a sJioe store manager. 'tSan't you serve this customer." "No, sir,*' replied the assistant. "He's trying to find two shoes which squeak In the same key." OSOC' ETY. Methodist Circle to Meet Today Circle number four of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet this evening at 7:45, at the home of Mrs. Dixie Graham on Gwyn Avenue, with Mrs. Max Boyles associate hostess. All mem bers are Invited to attend. Girls Auxiliary Has Party Friday Evening Members of the Girls Auxiliary of the W. M. U. of the First Baptist churdh and a number of guests enjoyed a party Friday evening at the barn of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Boger on West Main Street. Corn shocks, autumn leaves and pumpkins were used in the decorations. A number of games and contests were enjoyed during the evening. Refreshments were served. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Boger and Mrs. Ora Wqlls Van hoy. Mesdames Kidson and Nichols Entertain Friday *Mesdames Silas Nichols and Fred Eidson entertained at a lovely party Friday evening at the home of Mrs Nichols on Elk Spur Street. Bronze and yellow chrys anthemumn and orange candles were used in the decorations of the home. The guests found their partners by completing pumpkins from parts handed them on their arrival. Bingo and other table games were played at six tables. Mrs. Sam Martin and James Burcham won the high score a wards and runner-up went to Mrs. Freer Adams and J. F. Moseley. Refreshments, in which the Hallowe'en motif predominated, were served at the close of the games. Mrs. Harris is Hostess to Class Meeting Tuesday Mrs. T. G. Harris entertained members of the Willing Workers Class of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church at the busi ness-social meeting at her home on West Main Street Tuesday evening, with 15 members present. Mrs. H. G. Harris read the scripture lesson and the opening prayer was by Mrs. F. A. Brendle. During the business session Mrs. H. G. Harris was named class teacher, with Mrs. C. N. Myers assistant. Mrs. Roy West was ap pointed secretary and Mrs. W. F. Reece assistant. Mrs. I. C. Yates directed a num ber of .games and contests during a pleasant social hour. A salad course was served. Mrs. Royp.ll is Hostess to Garden Club Thursday Mrs. George Royall entertained members of the Yadkin Valley Garden Club at a delightful meet ing at her home on Church Street Thursday afternoon, with a full membership attendance. Autumn flowers were used throughout the home in an ar tistic arrangement. The program was in charge of Mrs. J. L. Hall and was a word picture of Williamsburg. Assist ing in the program were Mrs. E. F. McNeer, Mrs. Joe Bivins and Mrs. H. C. Salmons. The conclud ing number was a vocal solo "Michaelmas Daisies," by Mrs. E. G. Click, accompanied at the piano by, Mrs. J. H. Beeson. A beautifully appointed colla tion in two courses was served. The dessert course was ices moulded in the shape of pump kins, carrying out the Hallowe'en motif. Woman's Club in Departmental Meetings Tuesday The departmental meetings of the Elkin Woman's Club were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in the following homes: The Department of Education met at the home of Mrs. Chas. L. Haywood, Jr., on Hospital Road, with 19 members present. Mrs. L. G. Meed, vice-chairman, pre sided over the meeting and di rected the program. Mrs. Rob ert McKey of Charlotte, was guest speaker for the meeting, and she gave an interesting talk on "Women and Peace Work." A piano solo by Miss Carolyn Lil lard concluded the interesting program. Mrs. Joe Bivins was hostess to the Literature Department at her home on Gwyn Avenue, with 17 members present. Mrs. P. M. Greene, department chairman, presided over the meeting. The program! was a study of recent bocks on peace, by Mrs. R. C. Freeman and was a review of "Must We Fight" (Kirby), by Mrs. Lathan Mills, and "Swords and Plowshares," (Cranston), by Mrs. Freeman. Miss Josephine Paul, soloist, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Franklin Folger, delighted the guests with two numbers. The Garden Department met with Mrs. W. M. Allen on Church street with 12 members present. Mrs. J. 8. Atkinson, assisted by I Mrs. G. L. Hill and Mrs. W. M. I Allen, gave an Interesting pro- gram on "International Gardens of Radio City." s Mrs. C. H. Brewer, department chairman, presided over the meet ing and displayed the C. H. Ver ner silver loving cup awarded by the State Federation to the local Garden Department for outstand ing work during the past year. Henry C. Dobson (ON NOVEMBER EIGHTH) THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE CANDIDATE WHO HAS BOTH BUSINESS AND LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE Still Cheering ! HERE ARE MORE BIC I gnH k ■ L Thursday. November 3. 1938 During a social hour at the close of the meetings each host ess served tempting refreshments. -/ Agriculture Secretary Wallace wants prizes to go to prettiest bulls and cows at State fairs in stead of top milk and beef pro ducers.