Elkin Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge VOL. No. XXVII. No. 52 Big Campaign Ends On Saturday, November 19th Surry County Gives Usual Big Majority To Name Democrats A. D. (LON) FOLGER LEADS TICKET IN RACE FOR OFFICE Elected to Congress from Fifth District REYNOLDS IS _ CHOICE Henry Dobson Received Ma jority in Contest for State Representative FULP WINS 2 PRECINCTS Surry county returned its usual heavy Democratic majority for all candidates in Tuesday's general election, giving its favorite son, A. D. Folger, 6,129 votes for con gress as against 2,348 for Kurfees, his Republican opponent. In the race for U. S. Senate, Robert R. Reynolds was given 6.053 votes and Jonas 2,333. Henry C- Dobson, of Elkin, Democratic candidate for the house of representatives, received a total of 5,934 votes as against 2,325 votes for his Republican opponent, Cola Fulp, also of Elkin. Mr. Fulp carried two pre cincts of the county's 18. polling majorities in Eldora and West field. A. D. Folger led the Democratic ticket in the county with Sparger, candidate for the state senate, leading the Republican ticket. A complete tabulation of the county vote by precincts, will be found elsewhere In this issue. YADKIN YOUTH FATALLY HURT Run Over By Ambulance While Lying in Road, May Have Been Hit Before RITES HELD WEDNESDAY Herman Smith, 19, Yadkin county youth, died in the local hospital early Tuesday morning from injuries sustained Monday night near the Yadkin river bridge in Jonesville. Smith was run over by a local ambulance driven by C. R. Alex ander. Immediately afterward he was placed in the ambulance and rushed to the hospital by Mr. Alexander. The true cause of the young man's death is unknown. Al though the ambulance passed (Continued on last page) Red Cross Roll Call to Be Held Here Next Week The national Red Cross roll call will begin November 11, and the roll call in Elkin will be held during next week, ac cording to Mrs. Joe Bivins, lo cal chairman. The work of the Red Cross is so varied and far reaching that its benefits are hard to define. It stands courageous and ready as the symbol of hope and tenderness and nelghborliness. Sixty-one na tions of the world have in their Red Cross societies the com mon bond of binding up the wounds of battle, the preven tion of disease, of relief in dis aster, of character training of children, the latter through the junior Red Cross. In a world of uncertainty Red Cross stands for security. The world sorely needs the human understanding, the kindly action, the sharing of burdens which the Red Cross stands for everywhere. It is for these expressions of the heart of mankind and In the interest of such a cause that the annual roll call Is held. Won't jrom Joinf THE ELKIN TRIBINE Voters Adopt Amendments, Returns Show North Carolina voters ap proved two amendments to the state constitution Tuesday by safe margins, incomplete re turns showed Wednesday. On the amendment provid ing: for establishment of a state department of justice to consolidate and co-ordinate legal and law enforcement ac tivities, the incomplete vote was: For, 49,711; against, 30,- 024. On the amendment provid ing a four-year term for sher iffs and coroners instead of the present two-year terms, the incomplete vote was: For, 61,493; against, 38,627. Sher iffs and coroners eelcted Tues day will serve four-year terms as a result of the passage of this amendment, which was submitted to the people by the 1937 General Assembly. YADKIN CO. ELECTS THREE DEMOCRATS Name Two Commissioners and Representative to State Legislature CONFUSION IN KNOBS Bearing out their prediction that they were going to elect sev eral Democratic officers, Yadkin county Democrats Tuesday put two commissioners in office and elected their choice for the state house of representatives. With all returns in, an unoffi cial tabulation of votes by pre cincts disclosed that Frank Woodhouse, Democrat, won over W. T. Fletcher v by 390 votes, to become the only member of his party to represent Yadkin since Baxter Simpson went to the legis lature in 1914. The two Democratic commis sioners elected were J. W. Shore, of Boonville, and D. A. Reynolds, of Yadkinville. Republicans fill ed all the other offices. Sheriff Inscore was relected by a small majority of 273 votes. Clerk of Superior Court Crater was reelected by 69 votes. Confusion reigned in North Knobs township (Jonesville), when Republicans accused W. D. Holcomb, Jonesville Democrat, of doing away with over 50 Repub lican votes during the course of counting Tuesday night. Mr. Holcomb stated Wednesday that ,he was innocent of the charge, I and intimated that the votes al legedly found in the rear of the polling place were planted there by parties who wished the result of the North Knobs election to be thrown out. As the result of this argument, the ballot boxes were ordered locked up pending an investiga tion. The count disclosed, how ever, that North Knobs had voted Democratic. Incomplete returns in the race for the state senate in the 24th district, which includes Yadkin, Davie and Wilkes, show Dr. T. W. Shore, Democrat, of Boon ville, the apparent winner. A complete tabulation of the vote in Yadkin county by pre cincts, will be found elsewhere in this issue. WILKES SINGERS TO MEET NOVEMBER 24 The regular semi-annual meet ing of the Wilkes County Singers Association will be held at the county court house in Wilkesboro on Thanksgiving day, November 24th, 1938, beginning at 10 o'clock ajn. i All singers including choirs, octets, sextets, quartets, trios, duets and soloists are cordially invited to attend this meeting. ELKIN, N. C„ THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1938 Are Elected to Office in Tuesday Contest cai ■ 19 j ELKIN VOTERS GIVE MAJORITY Democratic Candidates Win Here By Over 3 to I; Termed Fair Election OVER 1,000 VOTES CAST In what was termed by Demo crats and Republicans alike as the fairest election ever held here, the voters of Elkin precinct marched to the polls Tuesday to chalk up substantial majorities for all Democratic candidates. With over 1,000 votes cast, Democratic candidates polled over a three to one majority in most instances. However, Dave Woodruff, of Elkin, Republican, candidate for commissioner, made an excellent showing here with a total of 417 votes, leading the Republican ticket. Dr. Ira S. Gambill, also of Elkin, and Re publican candidate for coroner, received a good vote, polling 354, The average Republican vote was around 250. Complete returns for all county candidates will be found in the tabulated returns contained else where in this issue. In the matter of the constitu tional amendment making the term of office of sheriff and cor oner four years, 705 votes were cast for and 228 against. The voters avored a state department of justice with 587 votes as against 196 opposed. In the township race for jus tice of the peace, John Brook shire received 781 votes; C. W. Young. 788; W. M. Gentry, 780; and R. L. Harris 794. There were no Republican candidates. For constable Andrew J. Hayes received 794 votes with his Re publican opponent, J. B. Gentry, receiving 10. In the race for the state legis lature, with both the Democratic and Republican candidates from Elkin, .Henry C. Dobson led Cola Fulp, Republican, 785 to 293. CLUBS HOLDJOINT MEETING AT RONDA Elkin and North Wilkesboro Kiwanians Meet in School Gymnasium WINSTON MAN SPEAKER The Kiwanis clubs of Elkin and North Wilkesboro held a joint meeting last Thursday ev ening at Ronda. The meeting was held in the Ronda gymnasium, with a deli cious dinner being served by the ladies of the community. Wilbur Carter, president of the Elkin club, called the meeting to order, turning the chair over to A. H. Casey, president of the North Wilkesboro club. Pete Ivey, humorous lecturer of Winston-Salem, delivered the feature talk of the evening, which dealt with journalism and which proved highly interesting. Thirty-one Kiwanians were present from Elkin and 33 from North Wilkesboro. The meeting was considered an enjoyable suc cess from every point. t i 1| & § - M % M Js: ; .• ;; Pictured above are three Democratic winners in Tuesday's election, which saw Surry county and North Carolina giving usual substantial majorities to Democratic candidates. Left is Senator Robert R. Reynolds; center is A. D. (Lon) Folger, who led the ticket in Surry to win as Congressman from the fifth district. Right is Henry Dobson, of Elkin, who was elected as representative to the state legislature. Doughton Only Democratic Winner In Wilkes County Unofficial, but complete re turns in Wilkes county, disclose that the Republicans elected their entire county ticket with the exception of sheriff, Claude Doughton, present sheriff, hav ing been reelected by a narrow margin of 88 votes. Republican majorities for other candidates were said to range from 200 to 500 votes. WINSTON PASTOR TO PREACH HERE SUNDAY Rev. William D. Johnson, of Winston-Salem will preach each Sunday morning during the month of November at the 11 o'clock hour of worship at the Presbyterian church here. The public is extended a cordial invitation to attend the services. HARDEST FIGHT OF CAMPAIGN NOW ON; SSO EXTRA PRIZE AND FREE PRIZE VOTE BALLOTS ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Excitement runs high in The Elkin Tribune "Cash Offer" | Campaign as this is the great "Protect You" Vote offer week i and last offer on double votes and Extra Cash Prize. Nine | working days and big drop in votes after Saturday. Business j turned in between now and Saturday night will more than likely = decide who has the best chance of winning that Extra $50.0Q ! and $600.00 Grand Award. All workers are busy this week. WHO WILL WIN THE EXTRA $50.00? j $50.00 Cash to the worker turning in most money for subscrip- j tions from Monday, October 31st, to Saturday, November 12th — | A period of two weeks, ending this Saturday. SATURDAY NIGHT PROMISES TO SHOW BEST j RESULTS OF ANY WEEK IN BIG j CAMPAIGN TO DATE j Those Big Cash Awards Have Not Been Won Yet, and Any- j one Weakening at This Critical Time May Regret j It—Real Fighting Is Important Now Several big workers are making headway and anyone may j crash through the line for first place and win the $1,000,000 free "Protect You" vote ballot by Saturday Night. The winners of the "Protect You" votes will have the better chance of the two major awards. j| List of Candidates in The Elkin Tribune "Cash Offer" Cam- | paign and Percentage Votes accepted for publication: NAME TOWN VOTES | j Miss Willie Guyer Elkin 1,426,000 Miss Beatrice Burcham Jonesville 1,430,000 Mrs. Franklin Folger Elkin 1,430,000 II Mrs. Gurney Wagoner Jonesville 1,423,000 | Miss Virginia Price Elkin 350,000 Miss Estelle Cockerham .Elkin 700,000 Mrs. Ella Mae Mock Boonville 1,420,000 | Mrs. J. B. Church Roaring River 1,415,000 Miss Thelma Comer Dobson 900,000 Mrs. Annie Pauls Elkin 316.000 Miss Pearl Holbrook Traphill 1,410,000 Mrs. Bessie Myers Cycle 350.000 Mrs. Elmer Cockerham Zephyr 1,420,000 Mrs. C. B. Burrus Rockford 1,410,000 j Miss Hazel Brandon , Arlington 200,000 Candidates who expect to win big prizes will work every hour of every day from now to end of Campaign 11 CAMPAIGN CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 19th Only 9 More Working Days Left WHERE WILL YOU FINISH? TELEPHONE OFFICE TO BE MOVED HERE Central Electric and Tele phone Group Office to Be in Old P. 0. Building IS NOW IN MOUNT AIRY The group office of the Central Electric and Telephone com pany, now located at Mount Airy, will be moved here around the first of the year, according to a statement by W. S. Beddingfield, of Mount Airy, group manager, Wednesday. The office will be housed in the building formerly occupied by the post office, on Market street, which is owned by the telephone company. About three new families will come to Elkin to reside as a re sult of the change, Mr. Bedding field stated. $50.00 Extra Prize and "Protect You" Votes Are To Be Won Saturday Offers Closing on Saturday Are of Vital Importance to All Those Who Expect Best Awards; First Winner Gets S6OO CASH; Second Winner Gets $400.00 CASH • WHO WILL WIN THE EXTRA $50.00? With the Three Great "Protect You" Vote Ballots, the Extra $50.00 Cash Prize and Last Double Vote Offer at Stake and Time for Finish So Near, Every Working Day from Now to Finish Worth Almost $70.00 to First Award Winners; Members of Campaign Realize That Most of Them Have a Chance to Win High Honors —the "Protect You" Vote and Extra Prize Winners Will More Than Likely Be Winners of the Best Awards; the Supreme En joyment of All Is to Win IATENEWC from the State and Nation DURHAM LEADS IN SIXTH DISTRICT Early election returns from the sixth congressional district showed Carl T. Durham, of Chapel Hill, the only congres sional candidate whose name was printed on the ballots, leading by a considerable ma jority with Oscar G. Barker, of Durham, who was defeated in the Democratic primary by the late Judge Lewis E. Teague, of High Point, polling perhaps the largest write-in vote in the history of North Carolina. In Durham county the Barker protest vote was lead ing. Reports from 25 out of 30 precincts in that county showed that 1,675 voters had scratched out the name of Durham and substituted that of Barker, as compared with 1,450 who voted for Durham. GOV. LEHMAN APPARENT WINNER Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, Democrat, apparently won re election after a terrific strug gle in New York yesterday (Tuesday), but Republican candidates for major posts took leads in v such strategic states as Pennsylvania,/ Kan sas, Michigan and Wisconsin. Incomplete returns indicated a strong upsurge of Republi can strength in several areas. Thomas E. Dewey, young rack ets prosecutor, carried the Re publican colors into the lead in early returns from New York state, but later a rush of ballots from New York city in dicated a slim margin of vic tory for Lehman. N. C. VOTES AS EXPECTED Raleigh, Nov. B—North Car olina kept its Democratic al legiance unbroken in today's general election, scattered re turns from all parts of the state indicated tonight. On the basis of available re ports, new deal Senator Robert R. Reynolds, the 11 Demo cratic nominees for Congress, and two incumbent members of the State Supreme court were re-elected, and two pro posed amendments to the con stitution were apparently ap proved. , With 548 of 1,877 precincts reported, the vote for Reynolds was 78,238 against 23,041 for his Republican opponent, form er Congressman Charles A. Jonas, of Lincolnton. TRUCK DRIVER BURNS TO DEATH Oxford, Nov. B—A Norfolk beer truck driver who begged horrified onlookers to shoot him burned to death 15 miles from here this afternoon as he sat erect in his cab, pinned to his seat by the dashboard and steering wheel in front and his wreck trailer behind. State highway patrolmen In vestigated the tragedy, but to night had not been able to identify the victim. Ashes and a few bones were all that was left of him. _________ Elkin The Best Little Towa In North Carolina" PUBLISHED WEEKLY" $50.00 Extra Cash Prize If $50.00 extra cash for twelve days extra effort isn't sufficient inducement for one to put forth one's best effort for a period of twelve days, nothing is. And re member, if you were the lucky candidate on last week's Extra Cash Prizes you will have all the better chance this week of win ning the $50.00 Cash Prize. If you put forth every effort this week it is possible to win the $50.00 Cash Prize in one week's work. One of the earnest workers will receive that much for the short period of twelve days for securing the lar gest amount of money for both new and old subscriptions. Not bad, is it? That isn't all either. Double the regular schedule of votes will be credited upon all subscriptions that are turned in this week. Subscriptions have two-for-one value this week. "Protect You" Votes Prom the beginning of the campaign and continuing through Saturday of this week the "Pro tect You" Vote Offer will be in effect. EXTENSIONS COUNT MORE VOTES Extensions in First Period Ext. 2nd. Pmt. Ext. Votes 1 to 2 yrs.„.s 1.50 22,500 1 to 3 yr5..... 3.00 47,500 1 to 4 yrs 4.50 70,000 1 to 5 yrs 6.00 100,000 5 to 10 yr5..... 7.50 155,000 1 to 10 yrs 13.50 255,000 Remember extensions only count for this tremendons additional vote. Get extension NOW and gain in votes toward winning the $600.00. Here, Is the Offer The three "Protect You" vote ballots will be offered to the can didates in the Cash Offer cam paign on all business frcm begin ning of the campaign through Saturday, November 12th. The "Protect You" vote ballots will be awarded at the end of the cam paign. "Vote ballots' of 1,000,000, 500,000 and 300,000 will be given to the three candidates having to their credit respectively the three largest number of votes turned in for both new and old subscrip tions from the beginning of the (Continued on last page) Pumpkin Sprouts Found Growing- Inside Pumpkin Unseasonable weather which has been experienced by this section for the past month, has been responsible for many queer pranks of nature, but the most unusual to date was brought to The Tribune office Monday morning by John Gil liam, of Elkin. Mr. Gilliam displayed sev eral pumpkin seed that had sprouted, the sprouts being several inches In length and with well developed leaves a yellow-green in color. This growth was found Inside of a pumpkin which was cut at the Gilliam home earlier that morning. The pumpkin was sound in every way, Mr. Gilliam stated. It is believed that due to the unusual warm weather, the fully matured seed inside the pumpkin, nourished by the natural amount of water the pumpkin contained, sprouted as it would have done had It been planted normally.

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