TO HONOR SURRY VETERANS OF WAR Plans Announced for Erec tion of Monument at Dob son Courthouse TO I N VIT E ROOSEVELT The World War veterans of furry county will be honored with a monument of native Mount Elkin's ¥7« * Superior Newest J—J l_i .At. Sound THEATRE Thursday, Dec. I—(Today)— "BROADWAY MUSKETEERS" With Ann Sheridan - Margaret Lindsey and Janet Chapman .News - Shorts Admission 10c-25c Friday-Saturday, Matinee and Night— JACK RANDALL in "GUN PACKER" Serial - Comedy - Cartoon in Color Admission 10c-25c Monday-Tuesday— THEY'RE FOUR OF A KIND...AND IN LOVE! ... js... , „"• 1 : WALTER CONNOLLY • HUGH HERBERT • MELVILLE COOPER* A WARNER RROtv Heturo . Olr.ettd by Mltbtil Curtis Added "Toradjo Land" in Technicolor - Admission 10c-25c Wednesday—Matinee and Night— TM FROM THE CITY" • With Joe Penner - Kay Sutton Admission 10c to All I I Auction Sale! Saturday Ard DecemberQ 2:00 P. M. Mrs. W. D. Martin Property Located in Arlington on hard surface road leading from Elkin to Brooks Cross Roads. (This sale was postponed from Thanksgiving Day to Dec.* 3rd at 2:00 P. M. on account of rain.) We will sell one 9-room home with bath and several home sites. One master I filling station site in the town of Arlington, with no city taxes and one of "" the best communities in Yadkin county. You make the price you will give. EASY TERMS 3Q FREE PRIZES? ~ W. R. Weir Auction Co. Phone 5275 218 First National Bank Bldg. Winston-Salem, N. C. Airy granite, which will be erect ed on the lawn of the county court house at Dobson, according to plans announced last week by the Slurry county welfare offi cials. The plans of the group, who are working in conjunction with A. H. Wolfe, principal of the Dobson high school, also call for the placing of a marker at Low gap in memory of Governor Jesse Franklin, the only Surry county man that ever sat in the North Carolina gubernatorial chair at Raleigh. The welfare officials plan to THE ELKIN TWfRTTVW. FTKTN. NOWTTT TARm.TNA erect the soldiers' monument and the Franklin marker during the next year, and elaborate unveil ing ceremonies are planned for next Armistice Day, November 11, 1939. The plains for the cere monies next year even include an invitation to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and a concerted ef fort to have the New Deal leader attend. The invitation to President Roosevelt will be extended by Congressman A. D. Folger, who goes to Washington this year as fifth district representative. In case the President is unable to at tend, it was said that a member of his cabinet will be invited. The plans for the veterans' monument was conceived by A. H. Wolfe in 1923, and he has personally conducted a campaign which resulted in the contribu tion of about $2,000 to a fund for the purpose. His movement is backed by the welfare board, which includes W. M. Allen, of Elkin; John G. Lewellyn of Dob son; and Mrs. R. J. Lovill, of Mount Airy. STATE ROAD Mrs. B. T. Parriss and husband, of Danville, Va., visiter her par ents here during Thanksgiving. Mrs. Monroe Myers, of the Mining Ridge community, gave a demonstration of "The Right Way to Success" to a group of H. H. members here Sunday ev ening. She received hearty ap plause and the meeting was end ed with a song, "You Get Out." Mr. Scripp Harris, of Elkin, visited friends here Sunday after noon. The well known dog trainer, Mr. Barney G. Rhodes, of Surry county, visited relatives here dur ing the week-end. Misses Mary Myers and Kath leen Simmons, of Elkin, were the Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Maines here. Messrs. James Defibaugh, Jr., Howard Pettyjohn and Luther Smith, of this community, were the guests of Mr. Virgil Anderson in Jonesville Saturday evening. Mr. D. C. Stokes, of Sparta, visited friends here November 27. Mrs. Bessie Smith, who has been seriously ill for the last month, is showing no improve ment, her friends will regret to know. Cabbage Head Once while campaigning in the home state of his opponent, Wil liam Howard Taft found his speech constantly interrupted by heckling from the gallery. Final ly a cabbage landed on the stage and came to rest near his feet. Pausing in his address. Taft peered at the vegetable intently and/then remarked, "Ladies and gentlemen, I see that one of my adversaries has lost his head." 44,000 thunderstorms occur daily throughout the world. CHRISTMAS MORNING ECSTASY lr Kik '■ - ■R§? : "Hello, Santa! Sorry I'm to late bat Christmas is Just around the corner and I'd like to place my or der. Bring me a doll, a teddy tear, a tricycle, a toy piano, a bag of can dy, a new dress and a . . . What's that, Santa? Have I been a good girl? Of course I have! Er . . . that is, I hope I have.",. M if ' "Look kt that doll! Santa WAS here last night, wasn't he, mammy? Guess I mast have been an awfully good girl to deserve a doll like this! Brown eyes, real hair, a pretty dress . . . 'n everything!" : jjEj* fIH /'» H Ik ■&■ m ••What's this? Another doll! Kind of hard to get It out. Wonder what else is in this big stocking . . . maybe it's the candy I ordered from Santa Claus." , HHyjp ~ Jft jU "Whee-e-e! Some tricycle Santa left me. There's so much to play with that I hardly know where to start. Wouldn't It be nice if Christ mas came every day? But maybe that would be too much work for Santa Claus, and, after all, maybe I'd get kind of tired, too." NHpF "Here It Is bedtime already. I've bad a busy day but I'm really not tired. Better go te bed, though, 'cause mummy says I should . . 1 and I- really ought to be a rood girl After this wonderful Christmas, rhaaks a lot, Santa Claus!" "RC&Me&t Electric Tuning for All! Herc'f the Harris Electric Co. Phone 250 Elkin, N. C. SPECIAL CHIRSTMAS TRADE-INS . . . EASY TERMS! •fi ■ /-vv ~f Let the Laundry End Your Wash Day and Dry Cleaning Worries If having your weekly wash done by the laundry were expensive, it would still be worth the cost to get this worry off your mind during the Christmas season. But with our laundry seryice so efficient and so very inexpensive, there's no excuse for a busy housewife to burden herself with this weekly drudgery at any time of the year. And here's another tip—send us your dry cleaning when you send the wash. We use the most modem methods, and having us provide both of these services will prove of less bother and trouble to you. Just phone 205. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY QUALITY PHONE 205 SERVICE Thursday, December 1, 1938