Thursday. November 30. 1939 @SOCi ETY. Leonard-Kelly Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. 'O. E. Leonard of Hickory, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Mary Lee, to John A. Kelly, of Elkin and Taylorsville. The wedding will take place in December. r-—'Mesdames Messenger and Shinn Are Honored at Dinner Honoring Mrs. Harold T. Mes- I senger, of Hartford, Conn., and lb Mrs. T. P. Shinn, of Bronxville, ,N. Y., Mrs. H. C. Graham enter tained at a delightful dinner party Wednesday evening at her home on Terrace avenue. The guest list was limited to close friends of the honorees, covers being placed for twelve. Miss Greenwood Is Luncheon Hostess Thursday Miss Maude Greenwood enter tained members of the Two-Pour Bridge club at the regular fort nightly meeting Thursday at her home on Bridge street. Upon the arrival of the guests at one o'clock, a tempting luncheon was fserved. Bridge was enjoyed dur fi ng the afternoon. The club %ward for high score went to Mrs. E. C. Grier at the close of a series of interesting progres sions. Mrs. Benson Honors Daughter and Visitors Honoring her daughter, Miss Idelia Benson, a student at Duke University, Durham, and her hol iday guests, Miss Muriel Edwards of Long Island, N. Y., Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith of Woodbridge, N. J., Miss Betty Partenfelder of Canton, Ohio, and Miss Louise - Piano T Mrs. C. H. Wittiams, teach er of piano, can accept sev eral more pupils, using latest approved methods. Musical education received in Greensboro and New York. For details inquire at former A. D. Stout home, Jonesville, or write Box 764, Elkin. I /«r£s Western Auto Associate Store IGIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN a - GIFTS FOR THE GROWN-UPS GIFTS FOR THE CAR —— J^L Sturdy Roller Skates made tricycles for boys and girls 99c UP for the young- sters— See Our Qomplfcte Display of Toys! You'll fl»-i 9Q TTrj Find All Kinds at Prices So Low They m ► Will Surprise You! » _ , \ f _ Coaqter wagons >\ GIVE A BICYCLE! .m.EH Sturdy Gifts for Car and Home Auto Heaters $4.19 to $11.85 True-Tone Radios for the Wizard Washing Machines ... $37.50 Western Auto Associate Store O. D. Causey Elkih, N. C. Price of Ashland, Kentucky, Mrs. J. W. L. Benson entertained at open house Wednesday evening on Hospital Road. The guest list included twenty five of the younger set. Mission Circles to Meet Monday Afternoon /The circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Metho dist church will meet Monday af ternoon at 3:30, in the following homes: Circle number one with Mrs. W. A. Finney on West Main Street; number two with Mrs. R. L. Church on Gwyn Avenue, and number three with Mrs. Joe Biv ins on Gwyn Avenue. All members are invited to at tend. Mrs. Thomas to Speak at Woman's Club Meeting The open meeting of the Wo man's Club will be held in the club room at Hotel Elkin Tuesday afternoon, December 5, at 3:30. Mrs. Ruth M. Thomas, well-known interior decorator of Winston- Salem, will speak on "House Beau tiful." Mrs. J. H. Beeson will pre sent Christmas music in connec tion with the program, which is under the direction of Mrs. Ma son Lillard. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Gwyn Entertains Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. Paul Gwyn entertained at a delightful morning party and luncheon Tuesday, having as her guests members of her bridge club and two additional friends. In the games the high score award went to Mrs. Marion Allen. Club members enjoying the hos oitality of \lrs. Gwyn were: Mesdames Raymond Chatham, R. C. Freeman, Richard G. Chat ham, Errol Hayes, Chas. G. Ash by, and Marion Allen. Additional guests were Miss Maude Green wood and Mrs. John Sagar. Mrs. Roth Is Club Hostess Tuesday Mrs. Thomas Roth entertained at an enjoyable bridge-luncheon Tuesday at her home on West Main street. The guest list in cluded members of the Wednes THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA day Bridge club and three addi tional guests, Mesdames Charles L. Haywood, Jr., Gavin H. Dortch and Hugh Parks. The home was attractively ar ranged throughout with autumn flowers and the appointments of the luncheon table were sugges tive of the Thanksgiving season. Bridge was enjoyed during the afternoon. Mrs. Glenn Hamby Honors Niece At Surprise Party Honoring her niece, Miss Sara Cockerham, on her birthday an niversary, Mrs. Glenn Hamby en tertained at a delightful surprise party Saturday evening at her home at State Road. Several games were enjoyed during the evening. In the dining room, where the guests were invited for refreshments, the table was cen tered with a handsome birthday cake, surrounded by a number of gifts. Tempting refreshments were served to the twenty-six invited guests. Mrs. Dortch Honors Visitors at Bridge-Luncheon Complimenting Mrs. Harold Messenger, of Hartford, Conn., and Mrs. P. G. Shinn, of Bronx ville, N. Y., Mrs. Gavin Dortch entertained at a luncheon Wed nesday at Hotel Elkin. Covers weije placed for eight. The table was centered with a bowl of yel low roses. In the afternoon bridge was enjoyed at the hostess' home on West Main street. Mrs. Shinn won the high score award and both Mrs. Shinn and Mrs. Mes senger were presented remem brances as honor guests. W. S. Reich Is Honored on Seventieth Birthday The children and grandchil dren of W. S. Reich gathered at his home on Vine street Sunday to honor him on his seventieth birthday anniversary. A turkey dinner was served. The table was centered with a compote of fruit, suggestive ,of the Thanksgiving season. With the dessert course, a handsomely decorated birthday cake was served. Covers were placed for W. S. Reich, the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Reich and daughter and son, Miss Sarah and Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boren and daughter and son, Miss Mar garet Wiley and Dicky, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wilmoth and daughter, Anne. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilmoth and Graham Reich, of Winston-Sa- lem; Mr. and Mrs. John Reich and daughters, Patricia and Joan, of Statesville; Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hunt, of Hamptonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reich. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Entertain Club Thursday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown "en tertained at an enjoyable bridge party Thursday evening at their new home, the guest list being limited to members of their bridge club. Three tables were placed for the games. In the progressions scoring honors went to Mrs. Carl Young and Gilbert Meed. A salad course was served at the conclusion of the play. Those making up the tables were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Meed, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Browq. Mrs. Smith Honors Bride-Elect and Visitors Mrs. R. G. Smith entertained at an informal tea at her home on Gwyn avenue Thursday after noon to honor Miss Julia Finley, of North Wilkesboro, popular bride-elect of December, and Mrs. Harold Messenger, of Hartford, Conn., and Mrs. F. G. Shinn, of Bronxville, N. Y. The home was artistically arranged throughout with autumn flowers. Out-of-town guests in addition to the honorees were: Mrs. Ed ward Finley, mother of the bride elect, Mrs. Pat Williams, Mrs. Robert Brame and Mrs. Carl Cof fey, of North Wilkesboro, and Mesdames Carl Schoonover and T. M. Lillard. of Charlotte. Each of the honorees was pre sented a lovely gift. South Carolina Visitor Is Honored at Party Honoring Miss Mary Wheeler, of Newberry, S. C., guest of Mrs. BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING AT SPAINHOUR'S Clearance of Fall Fashions SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON GROUPS OF COATS, SUITS. DRESSES AND MILLINERY *-127i£r" REDUCTIONS ON SUITS COATS Dr ®i ses was°| $19.65 SAVE 1-4 TO I*2 IGro up tccc 1 Group /t. OO /.(■ 1 Group MQ /•£• Was ? 12 - 95 «PO.OD Values to $49.50 tPjZ»uD Was $49.50 1 Group 1 Group (DQO - COSTUME SUITS ™ "SHS \SSk-. $5.65 1 Group Costume Was $29.50 bZj.Ut) v 1 Group (t»j rr Suits N 1 Group *+ r£r Was $6.50 J4.uD HALF PRICE sl " s 1 G ™e cq cc $13.65 Wa " M $3 - 65 DRESSES HATS I 1 Group Dresses COATS 1 Group Hats | I Sheer Wool and j Group Coats Values to $5.95 HALF PRICE 1 "*LF ™ SUEDE SHOES REDUCED , lflr ™ - One Group One Group . JAllUjld $3.98* Now° .s2* Now" $5 - 00 ' .$3-44 PLAID JACKETS 1 GROUP WERE $7.95 VALUES $6.00, NOW $4.85 \ NOW , ,MN \ $5.65 Vitality Suede and \ « y T>\l OR-* * \ Suede Combination \ $5.95 VALUES Were $6.75 \ NOW NOW $5.44 ! 1 $3.65 T. P. Cooley, Mrs. Cooley and Mrs. D. G. Smith entertained at a delightful bridge-luncheon Fri day at Klondike Lodge. Pump kins, laden with fruits, and drawn by turkeys, were used as a cen terpiece for the luncheon table, where covers were placd for 28. Chrysanthmums and evergreens were used elsewhere in the rooms. Among the luncheon guests the prize was drawn by Mrs. Richard O. Chatham. During the after noon bridge was played at five tables. The high score award went to Mrs. Errol Hayes and the runner-up prize to Mrs. E. W. McDaniel. Miss Wheeler was presented a lovely gift as guest of honor. Dorcas Class Meets Tuesday Evening The Dorcas Class of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Seaman Dobbins Tuesday evening, with fifteen members present. The meeting opened with the devo tional period in charge of Mrs. Noah Darnell. Mrs. Clyde Jen nings, class president, presided over the business meeting. It was decided to have a Christmas party for the class on December 19, and committees were appointed to work out the details of the party. Officers were elected as follows to serve for the coming year: President, Mrs. T. L. Parnell; first vice-president, Mrs. Fred Harris; second vice-president, Mrs. L. M. Stewart; third vice-president, Mrs. Carl Myers; fourth vice-president, Mrs. Ora Walls Vanhoy; secretary, Mrs. Clyde Jennings, and pianist, Mrs. Parks Hampton. Refreshments were served dur ing a pleasant social hour. Garden Club Meets With Mrs. Hendren Thursday Mrs. J. F. Hendren entertained members of the Yadkin Valley Garden Club at the monthly meet ing Thursday afternoon at her home on West Main Street. Nan dina berries were used throughout the home In an artistic arrange ment. Mrs. Mason Lillard, club presi dent, presided over the business meeting during which plans were made for Christmas cheer, each member agreeing to take one fam ily to aid during the holiday sea son. Mrs. Joe Bivins, historian of the club, read the history of the club since the organization and told of the many activities of the group. An interesting program on the cultivation and care of roses was presented by Mrs. J. L. Hall, assist ed by Mrs. H. P. Graham, Mrs. E. F. McNeer, Mrs. M. A. Biggs, Mrs. George Royall and Mrs. Joe Bivins. A salad course was served at the conclusion of the program. Eleven members and one additional guest, Mrs. Thomas Hendren, were pre sent. Expect Too Much Patron—Say, waiter; this steak isn't very tender. Tired Waiter —Well, did you expect it to put its arms around your neck and kiss you? Don't Fail to See "The Marlenburg Necklace" A mystery in three acts by Elkin High School Seniors Dec. 5 at 8 P. M. School Auditorium Admission 10c and 25c for MORE MILDNESS, COOLNESS, and FLAVOR CAMELS SLOW-BURNING COSTLIER TOBACCOS R=S.?RTRR Of the l.rge.t-.eHlng brand, tested —slower than any of them.CAMELS gWo • «"«*- ing plus equal to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK!