Elkin "The Beat Little Town in North Carolina'' VOL. No. XXIX. No. 31 U. S. Is Hastening Aid To The Allies; Rush Defense Plan MUNITIONS ARE TRADED IN' FOR SALE TO ALLIES Numerous War Planes Are Assigned Under Policy $50,000,000 FOR RELIEF Money Would Be Used for Work Among European ( Civilian Population CONGRESS MOVES FAST Washington, June 12 The United States hastened "short of-war aid" to the Allies today as Congress made new strides to ward strengthening national de fense. Less than 24 hours after Presi dent Roosevelt pledged all the material resources of this coun try to help the Allies, the follow ing moves were being made to fulfill that promise: 1. The United States Steel Cor poration announced in New York that a subsidiary company had completed arrangements for the purchase of $37,600,000 of sur plus munitions and that it will resell them to the Anglo-French purchasing mission at no profit. 2. Ninety-three Northrup at tack planes were ordered by the War Department to proceed to Houlton, Me., where they will be sent across the Canadian border for shipment to Great Britain. Fifty navy bombers already have been assigned to the Allies under the administration's "trade-in" policy. 3. Congress received a presi dential request for $50,000,000 for relief work among European ci vilian populations. The "trade-in" policy, whereby war supplies designated as sur plus or obsolete are returned to the manufacturers for re-sale to the Allies, passed its first con gressional test late yesterday. The Senate voted, 67 to 18, to grant the administration authority to make available to the Allies through that procedure surplus army and navy guns and am munition. Authority for selling airplanes to the Allies by that method already exists. Congress, eager to comply with the chief executive's defense re quests, neared completion of the $5,000,000,000 army-navy expan sion program. WAR IS TAKEN TO ITALIANS British Planes Bomb Military Objectives in Northern Part of Italy EMBARGO ALL EXPORTS London, June 12.—Great Britain took the war to Italy today with a bombing raid on military objec tives in northern Italy and a blanket embargo against all Italian exports. In addition, striking back at Italy promptly and forcibly, the British and South African air forces attacked Italian bases, in cluding airdromes, in Ethiopia. Royal air force planes had bombed Italian Libya yesterday. It took the air ministry two short sentences to tell of the raid on Italy: "Aircraft of the royal air force reconnoitered northern Italy last night. Bombs were dropped on certain military objectives." It was reported from Cairo that royal air froce planes had bombed the main Italian air bases in Ethi opia yesterday, concentrating on grounded machines and gasoline and bomb dumps, and had return ed to base without loss. Announcement was made by 1 British east African military head- i quarters, the exchange telegraph Nairobi correspondent reported, that heavy bombing planes of the South African air force heavily and successfully bombed Banda Hill and other military objectives in.the Moyale area of southern (Continued on Last Page) THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Speaks Here * If G. F. Ball, public relations man of a large oil company, who was guest speaker at the meeting of the Elkin Kiwanis club at Hotel Elkin last Thurs day evening. Mr. Ball spoke on "Radio and the News" and il lustrated his talk with motion pictures in sound. LOCAL CLUB IS YADKIN VISITOR Meet in Yadkinville Tuesday; Hear Interesting Speaker at Thursday Meet SEE SOUND PICTURE At a joint meeting of the Elk in Kiwanis club and the Yadkin ville Civitan club, at Yadkinville Tuesday evening, mutual prob lems were discussed by Kiwanian W. M. Allen, of Elkin, and Civitan Avalon E. Hall. Attorney D. L. Kelly welcomed the visiting Kiwanians, and L. S. Weaver, president of the Elkin club, responded for the visitors. A musical program featured Miss Jerry Weaver, soprano; Miss Elizabeth Hall, reader, and Miss Augusta Reece, pianist. Mrs. Wi ley E. Dobbins accompanied Miss Weaver at the piano. At their meeting at Hotel Elk in last Thursday evening, the lo cal club heard G. F. Ball, of the public relations department of the Standard Oil company, north Carolina division, speak on "Ra dio and News." He illustrated his talk with* a motion picture in sound, which showed the speed in which news is gathered from all parts of the world, and which also showed actual pictures of the bombing of the U. S. gunboat "Panay" near Shanghai. The program was brought here by Kiwanian E. C. Boyles. The session was presided over by President Weaver. Dr. C. L. Haywood, Jr., had his father as guest. Tom Phillips was the guest of his uncle, C. N. Myers, and Glenn Lewis was with [Kiwanian G. L. Hill. PLENTY OF BALL IS ON TAP HERE Chatham Will Face Three Teams on Three Succes sive Days TO PLAY ENKA FRIDAY Plenty of baseball will be on hand for fans here this week-end with games having been scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday by the Chatham Blanketeers. A game was under way here Wednesday afternoon as Hie Tribune went to press, the Blank eteers meeting Hanes Hosiery. The game began at 4:30. Friday the Blanketeers will j play Enka, of A3heville, in a contest slated to start at 4:30 p. m. Saturday they face a strong Mock-Judson team from Greens boro at 3:00 p. m. Sunday a Pu laski, Va., nine will be here for action at 3:00 p. m. All games will be played in the new and improvedtoffiiatharn Park. LATE P L TlVr and BRIEF N T NATIONAL NEW YORK, June 11—Un der a deal effected by the War Department and the U. S. Steel Export Co., the Allies will get $37,600,000 worth of sur plus munitions, equipment and ordnance, it was announced last night by the United States Steel Corp. Local steel sources said the transaction signalized an important step in line with President Roosevelt's pledge to the Allies of the nation's full material aid. In acting as the medium for transfer of the war material, the steel corporation said its export subsidiary would derive no profit. ABOARD S. S. Washington at S«i, June 11—Calm under the supervision of officers of this United States liner, men, women and child', en climbed into lifeboats in .he gray dawn today while Cayt. Harry Man ning' held at bay one unidenti fied submarine which had threatened to torpedo her in "ten minutes" and outmaneuv ered another. "We are an American ship," Captain Man ning repeated over and over in answering the signalled threats of the first undersea boat. This finally satisfied the submarine commander who gave the Washington a "go on" signal. There were few, if any in stances of terror among the 1,020 passengers and 750 crew members. All donned lifebelts for the emergency. WASHINGTON, June 11 With only six adverse votes, the House passed a defense fi nancing bill yesterday boosting taxes $1,004,000,000 a year and increasing the federal debt limit from $45,000,000,000 to $49,000,000,000. The measure raced through in a single day by a roll-call vote of 396 to 6. The six members opposing the bill were Representatives Craw ford (R), Mich., Thill (R), Wis., Wolcott (R), Mich., Al exander (R), Minn., Thorkel son (R), Mont., and Marcan tonio (AL), N. Y. Secretary Morgenthau will explain the bill to the Senate finance committee today and Senate approval is expected next week. INTERNATIONAL ANKARA, Turkey, June 11— Turkey summoned probably 200,000 men and officers to military barracks to join 350,- 000 already under arms last night as she waited a hint from Russia before casting the die on war. Informed sources said if Soviet Russia keeps out of the conflict, Turkey will enter the war on the side of the Allies to whom she has pledged assistance in a Med iterranean war. But if Josef Stalin is ready to help Italy and Germany there is no al ternative but for this country to keep quiet, it was added frankly. ROME, June 12 (Wednes day)— Rome experienced her first air raid alarm of the war early today but no planes were heard and there was no anti aircraft fl.'k Most Romans were caug) 7 asleep by the sirens which sounded for 20 minutes. GENEVA, Switzerland, June 12 (Wednesday) Crown Prince Umberto is planning to throw his Italian shock troops against the French line In the southern half of the Maritime Alps, advices reaching Geneva from both sides indicated to day. RIO De JANEIRO, June 11 President Getullo Vargas, Brazil's dictatorial ruler, pro claimed his country's neutral ity in the Allied-Italian war yesterday in a decree preceded by a vigorous speech Interpret ed as a defense of totalitarian ways. "We are marching to ward a future different from all we know in economic, po litical and social organization and we feel that old systems and antiquated formulas have entered a decline,** he said. "It is not, however, as pessimists and stubborn conservatives pretend, the end of civiliza tion, but the hftriunanr—tu multuous and fecund—of a new era." ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1940 ADOPT BUDGET HERE; TAX RATE REMAINS $1.35 Expense for Road Right-of- Way Said Heavy REDUCTION IS BLOCKED Tax Valuation During Past Year Is Announced as $300,000 PUBLISH TAX SCHEDULE The budget for the coming fis cal year, setting the tax rate at $1.35, was adopted by the Elkin board of commissioners at a meeting last week. The $1.35 tax rate is the same as during the past year. Officials stated that the tax rate could have been reduced had not the town found it necessary to undergo heavy expense for the purchase of right-of-ways for the new road now under construction from the western limits of town. Tax valuation here is now $3,- 500,000, it was said, the increase in valuation during the past year amounting to $300,000. In addition to approving the town budget, the commissioners also ordered published the town's license and privilege tax sche dule, which appears elsewhere in this issue of The Tribune. Burgin Avers That Hysteria In U. S. Is Not Justi Lexington, June 11.—There is no occasion for hysteria on the part of the American people be cause of the critical internation al situation, Representative W. O. Burgin told members of the local American legion post and a num ber of veterans from other coun ties in an address here tonight before catching a train for Wash ington to attend pressing con gressional duties. Nor is there justification, de clared Mr. Burgin, for assertions that this nation has been laggard in preparedness efforts during the past few years. Some seven bil lion dollars has been authorized and about five billions appro priated for defense measures, he said, and great progress has been made. This is particularly true in regard to increasing naval strength so as to be able to repel any invader in either ocean. The United' States has not prepared for offensive war, said Mr. Bur gin, nor have the people hitherto desired that such be done. However, the eighth district representative predicted that the accelerated defense measures now being speeded would enable the country to benefit by the latest developments in weapons of war. He also added that Congress would probably authorize increase of the standing army to a half million men. Mr. Burgin added that in his opinion the Monroe Doctrine would soon thus be embodied in statutory law and thus be re moved from the realm of interna tional speculation. Thomas Jefferson became pres ident under the title Democrat- Republican party. In 1825 the co-title Republican was droppexl and the present Republican party was founded in July, 1854. Bethlehem is only five miles south of Jerusalem. Contributions To Red Cross Here Total $521 A total of $521 has been con tributed locally to the American Red Cross for use among the mil lions of refugees of Europe, it has been announced by Mrs. W. C. Cox, assistant secretary of the lo cal Red Cross' chapter, putting Elkin over the half-way mark in its drive tc raise its quota of SI,OOO. Of this amount, $230 has been contributed by employees of the Chatham Manufacturing Com pany. It was said the donations came from the rank and file of employees, who were generous with their contributions. Another worthwhile contribu tion of $25 has been donated by the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion. These dona tions, added to the $260 already Nazi Troops Are Reported Only Short Distance From Paris As Germans Capture French Cities rr /IMF TIIDnWI7B Be,ow is pictured a Nazi t LAIVIL-1 ntxUn £JI\ contribution to the art of frightfulness in form of a monster flame throwing tank, used by the Germans in their attacks against French positions. Flame-throwers like these blasted the Nazi army to the Channel ports and are now threatening all of France. BHHMBMHHHBBBBBBBBBBMBBBHBBHHHMBBI Carrier Service Here Is Approved By Subscribers The Tribune has received many expressions of compli mentary nature from its sub scribers following the inaugu ration last week of delivery service in Elkin by carrier boys. This favorable comment is very much appreciated, and every effort is being made to perfect the carrier system in sofar as is possible. In order to have the paper delivered each Wednesday af ternoon as soon as it comes from the press, it is necessary that The Tribune go to press earlier than has been its cus tom heretofore. In order to do this, cooperation of local mer chants in releasing their ad vertising copy early is neces sary. To date Elkin merchants have cooperated in grand style. This newspaper wishes to thank them for their coop eration. THIS STATE HAS THE WAR SPIRIT Change in State Now Far Swifter Than in First World Conflict MANY FAVORING WAR Raleigh, June 11 Oldtimer North Carolinians, who were younger in 1915 at the time of the Lusitania's sinking than they are now, think the feeling against Germany is intenser generally in North Carolina than it was in 1915. And the odd thing about this feeling is that none of it appears to grow out of propaganda. There was no end of it in 1915. Prom the first of August, 1914, Tar .Heels were told the United States should get into it. And there was no apparent reason for think- (Continued on Last Page) raised, put the local chapter past the half-way mark. Throughout the nation a total of $20,000,000 is being sought by the Red Cross to carry all possi ble aid to the refugees in France and other allied countries. It is reported by the Red Cross that 5,000,000 refugees are flooding into Prance —people who but a few weeks ago were leading nor mal lives. For days and weeks these pitiful unfortunates, vic tims of the Nazi war lords, have fled through woods, over rivers, through tangles and swamps—al ways in terror. They forage for food, but find the armies have taken all. No houses are left standing, only shattered ruins. (Continued on Last Page) MISSIONARY MEET HERE Approximately 150 Members of Conference Gather at Methodist Church MRS. WEAVER PRESENT Attended by approximately 150 members, the Woman's Mission ary Conference of the Elkin dis trict of the Methodist church met with the Elkin Methodist church Thursday of last week for an all day session. Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, district superintendent, presided over the meeting. Mrs. J. L. Hall, of this city, conducted the open ing devotionals and Mrs. George Roy all, president of the local auxiliary, welcomed the guests. The response to the welcome was given by Mrs. W. D. Halfacre, of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. C. C. Weaver, of Char lotte, president of the Woman's Missionary Society of the West ern North Carolina Methodist conference, gave a most inspiring talk on united Methodism. Her address was followed by a pledge service conducted by Mrs. R. G. Smith, of this city. Other fea tures were an illustrated lecture on mission work in Korea by Miss Mable Cherry, a returned missionary, and special music by Miss Josephine Paul, soloist, with Miss Mayme Blackwood playing the accompaniments. The morn ing session closed with a worship period conducted by Rev. Her man F. Duncan, pastor of the local church. At the noon hour a bountiful lunch was served the guests by members of the Elkin auxiliary. The afternoon session opened with special music by the vested junior choir of the church. Miss Lena Sale, soloist, sang "The Holy City". A varied program was presented, including a skit "Presenting Literature," by Mrs. J. L. Clements, of Mocksville, as sisted by other members of her society; a mission and Bible study led by Mrs. J. W. Payne, of Waxhaw; children's work of the auxiliary presented by Mrs. J. W. Harbison, of Shelby, and a study of supplies by Mrs. George Hoyle, also of Shelby. Pages for the conference were: Misses Paye Hiatt, Peggy Royall, Mary Elizabeth Allen and Eleanor Hayes, all of Elkin. FEDERAL FURNITURE CO. MOVING PLANT According to information ob tained by The Tribune from Charles S. Adler, an official of the Federal Furniture Company here, the business of the local plant is being transferred to the home office at Rahway, New Jer sey. The plant here has been in op eration for several years follow ing remodeling and enlargement. It has employed approximately 75 men. Mr. Adler also stated that his company hopes to close a deal this week whereby the plant win be purchased by other Interests, which will continue its operation. It requires 100.090 enumerators to take the U. 3. census. EUrin Gateway to Roaring Gap . and the Blue Ridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY FRENCH MAKING HEROIC EFFORT TO HOLD LINES Germans Claim French Hurl* ed Back Across Seine LOSSES ARE SAID HIGH Many Enemy Elements Des troyed by Fierce French Counter Attacks SITUATION VERY GRAVE Berlin, June 12—German troops on the river Oise were only 12% miles from Paris today, the Ger man high command said in a communique which claimed also that Rouen had been captured. (The German claim to be with in 12 y 2 miles of Paris, put them closer to the French capital than they were in the World War, when a few Uhlans managed to reach Meaux, 20 miles due east of Paris.) In claiming the advance to wards Paris, the communique, is sued from Adolf Hitler's field headquarters, said that the French had been thrown back across the River Seine with heavy losses. Below Paris the Seine was crossed by German-troops at sev eral points, the high command said. .i ■ The high command said that the German offensive against the French capital had led "to com plete success." On the coast, the high com mand said, Germans had cut off and surrounded French forces near St. Valery en Caux, between Dieppe and LeHavre. LeHavre again was bombarded by the German air force. In the Senlis area, 32 miles northeast of Paris, the Germans said, their forces were on both sides of the ancient town. The communique 59 enemy planes and thre baflfe rage balloons were destroy! '-jfl terday. Three German apIJM were listed as missing. The Germans admitted! fl British had bombed Tj H and Bergen, both in/ H from the air and British planes-' had |/l down in these raids. * fl Enemy planes also bombed a town iifl Germany, the high said. Tours, France, June French defenders of Paris ■ determined stand at Ojfl : Thierry and Meaux third time in a quartofl tury, after withdrj^^B (Continued on lastH THRONGS DEWEY AM Numerous Citizens from Elk in and Surry Go to Winston Saturday LAMBASTS NEW DEAL A large number of Republicans from Elkin and Surry county were among the throng which 'packed Reynolds park gymnasium in Winston-Salem Saturday night to hear the address of Thomas E. Dewey, of New York, a leading Republican hopeful for the nom ination for the presidency. Broadcast throughout the coun try, the address of Dewey Satur day night was described as one of the most important of his vigor ous campaign for the Republican nomination. He discussed the subject of "National Defense" and bitterly assailed the New Deal for vast expenditures diuing the past sev eral years. Striking at the defense policy of the present administration, ne assailed it for a sudden burst of appeals for defense funds and without any well defined policy, and urged that the American, people in the November election return the task of running the government to the Republican party.

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