Elkin "The Best Little Town in North Carolina" VOL. No. XXX. No. 5 late From NEWS £. IN and BRIEF N t n LOCAL AT A MEETING of the Elk in Merchants Association here Tuesday, it was decided that local stores would begin stay ing open each night until 9:00 o'clock starting Friday, Decem ber 20, and continuing the practice through Christmas Eve. NATIONAL WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— Amid intensifying efforts to speed up the defense program, the war department ordered 30 regular army units to new sta tions today and announced that approximately 20,000 addition al reserve officers probably would be called to active duty by next June. Although the army exepects to have about 30,000 of its 110,000 eligible re serve officers on active duty by the end of this year, officials said thousands more would be needed t* train recruits who will be potting into the service i n ever-increasing numbers when the draft program gets in full swing next month. Thus far, only about 20,000 of the 800,000 draftees to be called by next June have been in ducted. WASHIINGTON, Dec. 10.— Herbert Hoover's plan for feed nig the civil population in Ger man-occupied countries was rejected by the British govern ment tonight with an an nouncement here that it would refuse permission "for the pas sage of food through the block ade." The statement by the Marquess of Lothian, British ambassador, apparently ended the prospect of any extensive American food relief to Ger man conquered nations, includ ing France. Lord Lothian however, expressed his govern ment's willingness to facilitate the passage through the block ' ade of "medical supplies des tined for distribution in terri tories occupied by Germany and in unoccupied France by approved bodies." WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— The busiest Christmas in many years and possibly in the his tory of the country, from a bus iness point of view, is being ushered in on the wings of the national defense program. The background is war and the pur pose in preparedness to fight, but the nation's factories are humming, and money jingles in the pockets of hundreds of thousands who a few months ago were jobless. The New York Times index of business has passed the highest point in history. The national income stands at 76 billion dollars, tile best level of a decade, and is headed up to 80 and perhaps to « 90 billion^. NEW YORK, Dec. 10.—An inventor exhibited a rocket mo tor at. New York university to day which, he said, may revolu tionise warplane speeds and give the United States world air supremacy. The army has ac cepted the device as a subject for further experimentation. The engineer-inventor, 50-year old E. B. Myers, of New York, whose work has been supervised by Dr. Alexander Klemin, head of the university's school of aeronautics, said he would "not to see an Ameri cak warplane equipped with such a motor within a year. He talked freely about the possi |AUties of rocket propulsion for airplanes which would permit much greater speeds and carry ing power, but conceeded that his motor had not actually been tested in flight. INTERNATIONAL ATHENS, GREECE, Dee. 10. —The retreating Italians suf fered "heavy blows" along the northern front today, a Greek •government spokesman said to night, and left more prisioners In Greek hands. Over the en tire front, the spokesman de clared, H was a familiar story: A continued fascist retreat, with rear guard fighting by the Ital ians "overthrown" as it devel oped. At Dehrlno, he said, "large quantities of all kinds of materials" abandoned by the Italians were collected by Greek troops. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Is Executed jfl I HHHHBHHH 1 General Argentianu, former Premier and War Minister un der King Carol of Rumania, has been executed with 64 other ex-government officials accused of responsibility for the slaying of Cornelia Codreanu, Iron Guard leader. 3 SURRY MEN OFF TO ARMY Are First from This Draft Area to Be Called into Nation's Service REPLACEMENTS NAMED Three Surry county young men under the supervision of Surry draft board No. 2, left Dobson Wednesday for Fort Bragg for in duction into the United States army as the first draftees from this area. Three other men, it is understood, also left for Fort Bragg from draft area No.l, which includes Mount Airy, Stewarts Creek and Long Hill townships. The men to leave from this area were Worth Barnard Folger, Wil liam Larrick Trevathan and Jesse Floyd Holyfield. Due to the fact that one or more of these men may not be inducted at the induction station at Fort Bragg due to physical, or other reasons, it was pointed out by the draft board, the following men may be required as replacements: Herman Anderson Simpson, Paul Ivan Badgett and John Dan iel Bowman. In case any one of these three should be required to report as a replacement, five days notice will be given, it was said. BEER AND WINE FILL UP JAIL Thirteen Are Arrested Here as Elkin Police Have a Busy Week-End ARE FINED BY J. L. HALL Elkin police had a field day here during the past week-end, locking up a total of 13 men in the new town jail, it was learned from Chief of Police Corbett Wall and Night Policeman J. L. Darnell. Of those locked up, eight were in the jug at one time, it was said, crowding jail facilities to capacity. And of the 13 arrested, the major -1 ity were said to have been drunk on wine and beer. According to police, a ten cent glass of wine and a bottle of beer provide a jag that is high, wide and handsome, and this, accord ing to evidence disclosed at the jail, is followed by a hangover containing all the deluxe elements of headache and nausea. Those arrested for drunkenness were kept in jail until they were in condition to be freed, and were then fined by Magistrate J. L. Hall, it was said. No arrests for speeding were made during the past week, police stated. PARKING LIMIT SET FOR MARKET, BRIDGE Beginning next Monday, local police will start checking cars on Market street from the Pilgrim church to the new bridge, and on North Bridge street from the ho tel to the square, Corbett Wall, chief of police, said Wednesday. Acting under instructions from Mayor J. r. Poindexter, Chief Wall said that a two-hour park ing limit would be in effect on these two streets. The parking limit on Main street Is one hour. The first silver money was struck in the U. S. In 1792. DR. T.R. WHITE PASSES AWAY HERE MONDAY Prominent Elkin Dentist Dies in Local Hospital WORLD WAR VETERAN Pneumonia and Heart and Kidney Ailments Are Cause of Death LAST RITES TUESDAY Dr. Thomas Roy White, 43, prominent Elkin dentist and son of the late George Thomas White and Mrs. Mary McCollis White, of Yadkin county, passed away at the local hospital early Monday morning, following an illness of a few days from pneumonia and pleurisy, complicated by a heart and kidney ailment. Dr. White was a veteran of the World War, having enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps in 1918. He was honorably discharged from service at the close of the war and immediately afterward entered Southern Dental College, Atlanta, where he was graduated in 1923. Since that time he has practiced dentistry here. He joined St. Paul Methodist church in Yadkin county, in early boy hood and later moved his mem bership to the Elkin Methodist church. • In 1927 he was married to Miss Mary Thomasson, who survives him, with four children, G. T., Jocelyn, Selwyn and Lelon. He is also survived by four sisters, Mrs. W. F. Reece, of Elkin; Mrs. V. F. Couch, pf Winston-Salem; Mrs. Addie Jennings, of Mount Airy, and Mrs. W. G. Brown, of Bur lington; three brothers, W. F. and N. D. White, of Hamptonville, and Charles S. White, of Fort Worth, Texas, and his stepmother. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Paul church. The rites were in charge of the pastor, Rev. S. G. Brawley, assisted by Prof. Z. H. Dixon, of this city, former teacher of the deceased. Inter ment was in the family plot in the church cemetery. Active pallbearers were: Jack Allred, Z. Johnson, Ray Shore, Tuttle Allen, Homer Allen, Brae Madison Dewey Allred and Lum Shore all of Yadkin county, and honorary pallbearers were: Dr. M. O. Fox, Dr. E. G. Click, Dr. H. J. Johnson, Hugh Royall, Dr. L. C. Couch, Dr. J. W. Jolley, Dr. J. G. Abernethy Dr. W. R. Well born, F. W. Graham, W. M. Gray, M. Q. Snow, Parks Hampton, Dr. M. A. Roy&ll Dr. I. S. GambUl J. O. Bivins and Dr. R. B. Harrell, all of this city. STATE ROAD WOMAN PASSES AWAY HERE Mrs. Carlena Viola West, 53, died in the local hospital last week, following a lengthy illness. She was well known here, having been an employee of Chatham Manufacturing company for a number of years and also having served as housekeeper for several families in Elkin and Roaring Gap, She made her home with her sister, Mrs. Clay Burchette, and Mr. Burchette. at State Road. In addition to her sister she is survived by two nephews and three nieces. She was a devout member of East Elkin Baptist church. Funeral services were held Fri day from Pleasant Ridge Baptist church. The rites were in charge of Rev. J. L. Powers, pastor of the deceased, assisted by Rev. Grant Cothren. INCOME Cash income from American farm marketings and government payments in October totaled sl,- 125,000 as compared with $908,- 000,000 in SeptembA- and $1,042,- 000,000 in October of last year. Aid For Greece Sought By Organization He»i Cooperating with similar groups in the county and nation, an organization was begun here Tuesday to give aid to the civilian population of Greece. People are asked to contribute to the aid of Greece and the Greek people In their fight against Italy and the totalitarian allies. Mrs. Gavin Dortch, Jr., was named chairman of the group and Mrs. Ruth Byrd Crater, secretary and treasurer. ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 u/11/ji IXllil UlxlVu they would see the liner America on the high seas again after she was consigned to a graveyard in a Virginia port. But here she is again, going into drydock in New York before being commission ed as aU. S. Army transport. The ship was formerly the Hamburg-American liner "Amerika." She was. seized during the last World War and used as a transport. HH School Holidays To Begin on December 18-20 Elkin high school will close for the Christmas holidays on December 18 and reopen on January 2, 1941, according to a statement Tuesday by J. Mark McAdams, superintend ent of schools. The elementary school will close on December 20 and re open on December 30, in or der to make up the week 6t school lost at the beginning of the session when the school building was under repair. AGED YADKIN MAN IS DEAD Thomas William Edward Hemric, 95, Passes Away at His Home FUNERAL HELD FRIDAY Thomas Willilam Edward Hem ric, 95, died late Wednesday night at the home of his son, Harrison Hemric, on the Shacktown road, two miles from Yadkinville, after an illness of three days. Mr. Hemric was one of the oldest men in Yadkin county and was active until Monday preceeding his death. He was born in Yadkin county and had spent his life in the county and in Elkin. He was a soldier of the war between the states. He celebrated his 95th birthday June 23. Survivors include five sons, Harrison, with whom he lived. Wade of State Road; Clay of Ronda; George of Elkin; Robert of Kimball. W. Va., and one daughter, Mrs. Fannie Counch of Jonesville; 48 grandchildren and 57 great grandchildren. He was a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist chuuch, where the funeral was held Friday afternoon, with Rev. Carl Clanton and Rev. Murry in charge. Grandsons were pallbearers. Burial was in the church graveyard. CONTINUES STUDY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Continuing a study of the New Testament, Rev. Stephen Morri sett will preach on "Luke—A Por trait of the Son of Man," at the evening hour of worship at 7:30 Sunday at the First Baptist church. The subject for the morning service at 11, o'clock was not announced. The church extends a cordiftf welcome to the public to attenfl services. / A committee composed of repre sentatives of various civic organ izations in town is being formu lated to aid the work. Contri butions will be received at/The Tribune office and the 11 it of donations will be published each week. Similar organizations havd been perfected in Mount Airy, Pilot Mountain and Dobson, with'W. L. Olancey, of Mount Airy, as poun-1 ty treasurer. FOOTBALL TEAM GUEST OF CLUB Letters and Stars Are Pre sented Outstanding Play ers by Coach WELCOMED BY WEAVER Members of the 'high school football squad were guests of the Kiwanis club at their weekly din ner meeting Thursday at Hotel Elkin. The visitors were welcom ed by L. S. Weaver, president of the club. Hugh Holcomb, cap tain of the squad, was introduced by J. Mark McAdams, superin tendent of the school, and Bobby Chatham, team manager, intro duced members of the team. Letters and stars were present ed outstanding players by Coach J. S. Bumgamer. Letter men are: Eldon Burgiss, Tom Whatley, George Stockton, Monroe Free man, Gaither Burch, Clifford At wood and Fred Baker. Stars were awarded Charlie Fox, Max Sparks, Russell Johnson, Donnie Harris, Hugh Holcomb, Reece Shugart, Joe Windsor, and man ager, Bobby Chatham. The let ter men elected Joe Windsor and Max Sparks as co-captains of the 1941 team. Coach Bumgarner, who will be married during the Christmas holidays, was given a Chatham blanket by members of the team. Jimmy Parks, president of the Reidsville Kiwanis club, was a guest of the club. Members of the first and sec ond line players, who have turn ed in an excellent record during the season are: First eleven: Sparks, Holcomb, Harris, D., Whatley, Fox, Johnson, Burgiss, Windsor, J., Stockton, Freeman, Shugart; second team: Windsor, C., Burch, Transou, Cockerham, Baker, Atwood, Daye. McNeill, Norman, Eddinger, Mills, Har ris, B. Masons iVeu) Officers Of Lodge Here At a meeting of the Elkin Ma sonic Lodge held here Tuesday evening, officers to serve during the year 1941 were elected, it was announced Wednesday. New officers are: Worshipful Master, M. C. Whitener; Senior Warden, A. O. Bryan; Junior War den, Ajeslie Reinhardt; Treasurer, E. El Harris, and Secretary, French Graham. Mr. Whitener succeeds Hugh Royall; Mr. Bryan succeeds (himself; Mr. Reinhardt succeeds O. E. Boles, and Mr. Harris and Mr. Graham succeed themselves. Other officers of the lodge will be appointed by the Worshipful Master, it was said. THURMOND CHATHAM IS TO BE N. Y. SPEAKER Thurmond Chatham* president of the Chatham Manufacturing, Company, of Elkin,. will preside at one of the sessions of the Con gress of American Industry in New York Friday morning of this week, it has been announced by the National Association of Man ufacturers, sponsors of the con gress. The congress will be concluded Friday night at which time Wil liam S. Knudsen and Dr. Will Entrant will be the feature speak- I ers at the annual banquet at the congress. Two Crack Italian Divisions Trapped By British Troops Turnip Weighing Three Pounds Is Sent to Tribune Although as yet no freak country hams have been sent in to the editor of The Tribune Freak Department, an exceed ingly large turnip was brought to The Tribune Tuesday by H. E. Beamer, of Elkin, route 1. A notation which accom panied the turnip contained the information that it WM "from old land." The scales showed it to weigh three pounds. The turnip was nicely shaped and of smooth texture. Haw ever, no one should visit The Tribune to see it because the editor of the Freak Depart ment had it for dinner today. Somewhere there must be a freak ham! IS KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY CAR E. E. Harmon Dies Instantly in Unavoidable Accident Saturday DRIVER IS EXONERATED Edward E. (Ed) Harmon, 66. a farmer of the Bethany township of Iredell county, was instantly killed Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a car driven by Miss Florence Harris, of this city. The accident occurred on the Statesville-Turnersburg highway, 4 miles north of Statesville. Harmon had just alighted from a northbound car and walked be hind it into the path of the car driven by Miss Harris, which was going south. C. L. Casey, owner of the car driven by Miss Harris, and who was a passenger, in the car, stated that Miss Harris ran into a ditch to avoid hitting the man but the left fender of the car struck him, resulting in head injuries and multiple fractures of both legs. N. D. Tomlin, Iredell coroner, held an inquest Saturday night, the jury completely exonerating Miss Harris from any blame in connection with Harmon's death. Harmon, who was unmarried, is survived by two brothers and a sister. FARMER DIES OF GUN WOUND Will Mathis, of Surry, Third Victim of Shooting With in Past Six Months OFFICERS HOLD SLAYER The death of frill Mathis, 50, tenant farmer of near Mount Airy, Friday night, was the third fatal shooting in the county in the last six months. Mathis died from gunshot wounds, allegedly inflicted by Alf Thomas. 55, own er of the farm on which Mathis and his family lived. The shooting occurred, accord ing to an investigation by Surry officers, about five miles south of Mount Airy \*(hen the men were discussing the settlement of their crop. It was several days before Mathis died from the wound and he made a statement to the ef fect that Thomas drew a gun and shot him while they were settling the crop. Following the shooting Thomas surrendered to Surry officers. He told officers that he and Mathis both had pistols and that he shot Mathis in self-defense. He also said that he threw both guns into a field beside the road. Thomas was held without bond pending the outcome of Mathis' wounds, and following his death a charge of murder was preferred against him. The other two fatal shootings in the county were Oscar Under wood and Clifton Burns, the lat ter a negro. Underwood was shot by Howard Pickett, the shooting taking place at Mount Airy, and Burns was shot by another negro, William Eaton, this shooting oc curring in Pilot Mountain. 14 Pages TWO SECTIONS PUBLISHED WEEKLY TOMMIES ARE ON THE MARCH IN NEW FIGHT English Attacking Series of Italian Forts ITALIANS MAY ESCAPE London Calls Upon R. A. F. to Patrol Atlantic Sea Lanes for Raiders ARE TO COMBAT SUBS London. Dec. 11—British forces have trapped parts of two crack Italian .divisions in the Egyptian desert and have hopes of sur rounding the entire divisions, numbering perhaps 30,000 men, military informants said tod»y. The chance of the Italians to escape encirclement depends on the extent of their motorization —the speed with which they are able to withdraw—provided the British are able to hold their new positions, it was said. For the present the British were reported to be attacking a series of defensive forts in prep aration for a drive against the main Fascist army in the coastal zone between Sidi Barrani and Solium, on the Libyan frontier, it was reported. British attacks on some of these forts, called perimeter camps, around Sidi Barrani, al ready have succeeded, military informants said. Fighting was proceeding today, they said, in the neighborhood of the important camp at Maktila 15 miles west of Sidi Barrani. British Empire motorized units had driven a wedge through the Italians south of Sidi Barrani, it was reported, and in that way trapped thousands of men by cutting them off from the main Italian body farther west. Pockets of Italian troops, still resisting in the remaining desert forts, are now under attack, in formants said. • TO PATHOL ATLANTIC London, Dec. 11—Britain today called upon its young airmen, credited with having saved it from invasion in September, to patrol the Atlantic sea lanes and save it from the threat of starva tion at the hands of* 1 U-boats, sur face • raiders and ocean-flying bombing planes. Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced yesterday that the admiralty was overtak ing operational policy of the coastal command of the Royal Air Force because it was neces sary to use bombing and recon naissance planes to guard mer chant ships and convoys. This was interpreted as Bri tain's 1940 answer to the subma rine and raider menace. The convoy system was the answer in 1917. Churchill announced a week ago that he personally was tack ling the problem of dissipating the new threat to Britain's life. TO ORGANIZE ASSOQAHON Hunters and Fishers Group to Be Formulated at Sup per at Elkin 63ml LAUGHLIN IS TO SPEAK A picnic supper and business meeting will be held at the school gymnasium this evening - (Thurs day), at 7 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a local chapter of the North Carolina Hunters and Fishers Association. All sports men and farmers who are inter ested in the movement are cor dially invited to attend. Attor ney John L. Laughlin, of States vine, member-elect of the State Legislature, will be the principal speaker. Similar clubs have been organ ized in Surry and surrounding counties and membership has proven profitable both to sports men and land owners. The pur pose of the organization is for the conservation of game in this section.

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