! _TBe iiLPN TgroUNB. BLKIW. NORTH CAROLINA ^OCT ETY. ProferteriM Cinlc t* Meet Itie drcle ttu ctivcb wOl meet Uoodar eren* log, Rfacuary 3. at the home ol Mre. Morgan Hanks on Hoepltal Boad. All members are cordially inrtted to att43ui. Methodlft AHmtan Cireka Meet BCondar The circtea ol tbe Woman’s So ciety ot Christian Service of the Methodist chuioh will meet M»-' day aftenmon at 3:90 In the fol- loirtng homm: Circle number ooe with Mis. R. L. Harris, with Mrs. Oaode Farrell associate hostess: chole number two with Mrs. E. O. CZlcfe; circle number three with Mn. J. 1.. Hall, and circle number foor with Mrs. Paul Owyn. AD menben are cordially in- of Uhens from the hostess. The Dorcas Class of the Sun day school of the Flist Baptist met In the regular busi ness-social meeting 'Tuesday ev ening at the home of Mrs. J. H. Mann, on West Main street, with ireseot. Mrs. Clyde Carroll conducted the devotlon- als. Mte Orler la Hoeless at Buffet Mias Louise Orler entertained at a delightful buffet supper at her home on Bridge street Thurs day evening, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Page. jr.. who were maiTled the past summer. Potted plants were used in the living room and dining room in an trachro arrangement. Miss Orler was assisted In receiving the guests by Mrs. Rich Chatham and The class presldeDt. Mrs. T. L. Parnell, presided over Uie busi ness session, which featured rou tine reports and plans for an In tensive membership campaign. Refreshments wore served by the hostess during a pleasant clal hour. Oray and the Pearl Johnson cir cle with Mrs. Red Earns. All members are Invited to at tend. Methodist Group Heele With Hiss Eleanor Hay« The Board of Christian Educa tion of the Methodist church met Monday evening at the home of Miss Eleanor Hayes, with eight members present. I>. R. B. Har rell. chairman, presided over the session, which featured routine Plans were made dur ing the meeting for the training school to be held at the church February 16 through Feb^^ 19. The program featured a brief talk by Rev. Herman p. Duncan, pastor of the church, and a re port by Mrs. c. C. Weaver, Jr., on the Young Adult Conference of the Western North Carolina Methodist church which she at tended at Sunny Acres at Lewis ville last week-end. Refreshments were served dur- Ing a pleasant social hour. Mrs. Cox Is Hostess to Round Dozen Club Mrs. W. C. Cox entertained members of the Round Dozen Book club at a delightful meeting Friday evening at her home on Owyn avenue. Potted plants, pussy willow and Jnponlca were used In the living room, where two tables were placed for rook. Upon the arrival o! the guests a beautifully appointed dessert served. In the progressioo-s during the evening the high score award went to Miss Mattie Mae Powell and the runner-up award to Mrs. Walter Darnell. Club books were exclianged during the evening. Otop! driving widioiit | good Anfontoiiile Insurance. Sec HUGHROYAIX Mr.-i. Hall Ls Hostess to Book Club Thursday Mrs. J. L. Hall was hostess to members of the Thursday After- I Book club at her home or West Main street Thursday af ternoon at a delightful meeting. Eleven members of the club were present Mrs. E. G. Click, president of tljc group, presided over tlie brief bu.sine.ss session. The program in charge of Mrs. H. P. Gra ham, as.sistcd by Mis. Joe Bivins, and was an Inttre.sting .study of native flowering trees. White japonica and white can dles were used in tlie living room dining room, where the guest-s were received. A .salad course, followed by a sweet course, served during the afternoon. ALL FORMS OP INSURANCE Baptist Circles to Meet Monday and Tuesday Tlie circles of the Woman’s MLs.sionary tToion of the First Baptist church will meet Monday and Tuesday In the following homes: Monday afternoon at 3:30 Uie Emma Leechman circle will meet with Mrs. j. B. Mathis; the Naomi Shell with Mis. T. P. Cooley, and tlie Neal Young with Mrs. E. C. James, Monday even ing at 7:30 the Rosalee Appleby circle will meet with Mrs. H. O. York. ’Tuesday morning at 10:30 the Pauline Moore circle will meet with Mrs. Burrus Gray. Tuc.sday evening at 7:30 the Edith Adair circle will meet with Miss Lucy Woman’s Club to Have Varied Prograjn Tuesday ’Tlie open meeting of the Wo- club will be held at Hotel Appeal PITTSBURGH, Pa.... An old Eng lish Sheepdog and a German Dachibund stop to exchange a tew loring words, all unaware oC Uw turmoil In their homelands. Watt till they see the newapapersl E. w. McDaniel on N. Y. BUYING TRIP McDaniel, of McDan- Elkln Tuesday afternoon. Feb-iiei’s Department store, of this nlar^• 4. at 3:30. The program | city, is in New York City this week, where he is buying 'ill be under the auspices of tlie Garden Department and will be In charge of Mrs. P. M. Green". Walter Burgiss will be guest en tertainer and he will present a program on "Beauty In Our Neighborhood,’" which will be il lustrated with photographs of this Immediate section. Also fea tured on the program will be a group of songs by the liigb school glee club, under tlie direction of Miss Evon Eldridge of the school faculty, and piano numbers by Miss Barbara Ann Bci son. The business meeting will be of extreme importance, as officers for the year will be elected. All members arc urged to at tend and visitors are extended s cordial welcome. spring merchandise for the store. Mr. McDaniel left Elkin last Sat urday night and expects to re turn this week-end. Won’t Change Now Wife; "Will you love me when my hair has turned to silver?" Hubby: "Why not? Havent I stuck with you through brown, red and black?" Goodyear Playing Big Part in Joh National Defense With fresh and encouraging evidence that America is actual^ arming for defense at a rapid pace, Ed. Snyder returned Tues day from Atlanta, Ga.. where he attended a meeting directed by executives of “rhe Goodyear ’Tire Se Rubber Co. Speakers at the one day pro gram were p. w. Utchficld. chairman of the board of the company: E. J. Thomas. Its pres ident. and R. S. Wilson, vice- president and sales manager, all of Akron. Ohio, who discussed not only the company’s efforts In the field of preparation for defense, but also its domestic sales pro gram for 1941. Featured at the conference was a display of half a hundred Goodyear-made producU which are being fabricated in large vol ume for use in the nation’s de fense program. Including: bullet proof gas hose, bullet-seal tubes, bullet-proof gasoline tanks for Planes, flotation bags for planes forced down on bodies of water. Epidemic of Cold Symptoms 666 Liquid or 666 ‘Tablets wltii 666 Salve or 666 Nose Drops generahy relieves cold symptoms the first day. —Adv. ThoradAy, January SO, 1941 bombing plane control surfaces, gas masks, fire and decontanUna- tlon hose, miscellaneous Airfoam applications for defense use. in flatable rubber boats for crew of planes that are forced down at sea. a complete exhibit of tires, airplane pimtoons, airplane tins and dual seal tubes and airplane hydraulic brakes, airship parts, rubber treads fer combat and a host of other applications. Mr. Snyder wa; e^>ecially in terested in a new, Pathe sound motion picture production. "Goodyear Shoulders Anns," di rected by Bert Cunlngham with radio commentator Edwin HUl as narrator, depicting the company's role In the manufac ture of a long list of defense ma terials. Particularly impressed was Mr. Snyder with the rapid strides which have been made by Good year in keeping pace with the de fense demands made upon it, as zreU as manufacturing current domestic product output for use in ordinary business. Industrial and agricultural pursuits. “It seems to me," be said, “that 11 all industry is as far advanced as this company in defense pro duction there Is little reason to suppose that America will not be well-armed and w e 11-prepared shortly to defend herself against any threats of outside aggres- RADIATORS Cleaned and Repaired .All Work Guaranteed W. C. OLIVER .At Bryan's Double Eagle Service Co. We often heat favorable comments expressed by patrons con cerning our service and de pendability. We conscien tiously strive to merit the favor Of the most exacting customers. Parent-Teacher Members Hear Highway Safely ’Talk Members of the Parent-Teacher Association met In the elemen tary school auditorium Tuesday afternoon for the regular month ly .ses.slon. ’Tlie meeting opened with the Parent-Teacher song, with the devotional period in charge of MLs.s Alice Dixon. Mrs. Harold Click, prosident, presided. Mrs. E. C. Janies was program chairman for the month and she introduced Corp. Lee Phillips, who presented Uic guest speaker, Lieut. Lambert, commanding of ficer of Troop C of the state highway patrol, who spoke highway safety. Following the talk by Lieut. Lambert on forum was conducted, with m bers participating In the discus sion. Members of the safety pa trol of the elementary school special guests at the meet- Jone.s Carter, of State Road. Is spending several days here visit ing Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carter, tlie former liLs brotiier. John w. Martin and son. x-nt Sunday at Salem Pork ris- iting N. J. Martin. Mr.s, Sallie Layne, who has ‘on a patient In a Statesville; hospital, will be able to return I home the iatlei part of this] week. j Miss Beatrice Vunlioy, of neari BootuHle. .spent the week-end iiere the guest of Miss Thelma' Sver, OLD d^riJe Jvevi OLD CAN REJOICE Twice each year they can buy matching items to complete any older es ofterlu lO patterns. Orders placed before July 31st will be delivered after October 1st. If you desire to duplicate monograms or dbdnctive personal marking— a cJamfyle y/.M.wAii Elkin’s Leading Jeweler An Interesting display of the art work of the first seven grades of the school was arranged In the auditorium for inspection by the group. Attendance prizes went to Mrs. Fred Harris’ third grade in the elementary school, and Miss Vir ginia Barker's eighth grade in the high school. BURCH LAST THREE DAYS BELK’S January SALE FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE! Many Extra Values Not Listed in This Advertisement Will Be Worth Your Time Investigating! CURTAINS Ruffle Priscilla curtains in pin dot. fig ured marquisette and tailored styles. 31 Inches wide. 2 yard,. IS inches long. Cream, ecru. rose. blue, green, gold, or- cWd. Pair— 48c Ruffled Priscilla style curtains in cushion and pin dot styles. 47 Inches wide. tVi yard.*) long. Pair— 88c MEN’S SUITS $15'00 New Shipment ol Spriiip Suits Included in This lA>t Special lot of Curtains, Values up to $2.50 $1.88 New I,ot Sprinj; Curtain Material 10c and 1.5c yd. ABC Percales, yd, . 18c Reautiful New Plain .Marquisettes, 5.T inches wide. 2'/j yards long .. EXTRA SPECIAL Valencia Prints, yd. 15c Spring Prints, yd. . 13c Dod.sa Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slade, of Winston-Salem, were the Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roscoc Sunniey. J. M. Phlllip.s, who has been In Elkin hospital, is improving, his friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs, L. P. Dodson vis ited Mrs. Salhe Dobbins, of Union Cross, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Grady Corder. of Pairvlew, visited Mr. and 'Mrs. i John Corder. the former his son.! Watt and Conrad Wilcox, ofi North Elkin, visited Mr. and Mrs.; Clarence Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Henderson Stanley, who Is ■ in the Statesville hospital. Is im proving, her many friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Burton and children, of Spray, spent the week-end at Unitm Cross with Mr. and Mrs. Buck Burton, the former their son. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hampton and daughter, of Arlington, spent several days here last week the guests of friends and relat-/es. Miss Geneva Burton, who has been ill for several days with pneumonia, is improving, her many friends wiU be glad to know. ^ R. W. Flincham. who has been ill with flu. Is improving, hla many friends will be gioA to know. SPECIAL! Thursday - Friday and Saturday Only LL SHEE’HNG WHILE THEY L.AST Priscilla pin dot curtains ip cream and ecru. 86 (P 1 * V V inches wide, or 172 1 inches per pair. F* * 20 yards of fine quality LL Hroadcloth. Values to 25c yard Shoclinfi' for only— JJc yd. $1.00 Limit 20 Yards per Customer Men’s Sanforized Work Shirts and Pants to Match, Suit $1.48 Another Shipment I^adies’ Silk Hose One Table Fancy One Lot of PILLOWS 48c Value, Pair— Gingham, 19c Value Children’s Slips $1.00 Pair 39c 12c yd. 15c and 25c Ladies’ “Guaranteed-A-Year” 4-Gore Slips, Each 48c BELK-DOUGHTON CO. Elkin, N. C.