w < ELKIN ' The Best Little Town in North Carolina The Elkin Tribune 24 PAGES THREE SECTIONS VOL. No. XXXI. No. 39 ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 PUBLISHED WEEKLY . Elkin Claims Record In Sale Of War Bonds For July ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ CHATHAM TO RECEIVE AWARD MOHDAY ★ ★ ★ ★★★ ★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★ Vital War Salvage Drive Is To Begin Here Thursday BOND SOLD FOR EVERY PERSON IN CITY LIMITS Purchase Value of Bonds Amounts to $67,931.25 RANGE FROM $25 TO $1000 Wires Are Sent to President Roosevelt and Secretary Morgenthau GOVERNOR WIRES MAYOR Sale of United States War Bonds in Elkin for the month of July reached a figure that is be lieved to have set a national re cord for cities of over 2,500 pop ulation. During July a bond was sold for every man, woman and child in the city of Elkin, with several hundred bonds to spare. According to the 1940 census, Elkin’s population stands at 2,730 people. A total of 2,978 bonds, ranging in denomination from $25.00 to $1,000, were sold. Total purchase value of the war securi ties amounted to $67,931.25. Maturity value amounted to $90, 574.00. It has been pointed out that if the total purchase value of the bonds was divided by $18.75, the purchase price of a $25.00 bond, it would show a total of 3,623 twenty-five dollar bonds purchased during the month, or 893 twenty-five dollar bonds in excess of the town’s population. Following the successful con clusion of the bond drive Friday evening, Mayor J. R. Poindexter sent the following wire to Presi dent Roosevelt: “Elkin challenges nation on sale of War Savings Bonds for cities of over 2,500 population. City has just completed drive which shows that one bond has been sold dur ing July for every man, woman and child within the city limits, with bonds to spare. Bonds range from $25.00 to $1,000.” Mayor Poindexter also dis patched a similar wire to Govern or J. M. Broughton, which brought the following reply: “I have received your telegram and wish to congratulate you and the citizens of Elkin on the won derful record that has been made in the war bond campaign for July. I doubt irany city in the nation can equal this record and I have been glad to make a state ment to the press about this re markable record.” A wire was also sent to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., secretary of the treasury at Washington by Post master French w. Graham. How ever, no reply had been received