THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA Thursday, July 29, 1943 News Events From Our Nearby Communities • Crutchfield Mr. Carl Chandler of Louisville. Ky„ and Mr. Marcus Chandler of High Point, were recent visitors of their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Chandler, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wood and children, Rheta, Tommy and Buster, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spainhour and family in Yadkin county. Miss Jerry Connell, of Mount Airy, was the Sunday guest of Miss Verlie Marion. Third Class Petty Officer Wade Chandler, who is stationed at Floyd Bennett Field in New York, spent part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler. His mother accom panied him back to High Point, where she will spend a few days with her daughters, Mrs. Roy White, Mrs. Fred Moore and Mrs. Delmar Evans, and their families. Mrs. Bettie Barker is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Linda Hyatt and family, of Hampton ville. Mrs. Estelle Hall and small son, Gene, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Phillips, and Mr. Phillips, at North Wil- kesboro. Mrs. Iva Jester and brother, Hayden Poindexter, of Winston- Salem, spent last Sunday with their sister, Mrs, Ella Hardy, and family, here. Those attending the funeral of Private Harding Coe, at Stony Knoll, last Thursday, from here, were Mr. and Mrs. Genie Stanley, Mrs. Ella Hardy, Mr. Joe Barker and son, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hardy and children. Misses Mary Hardy, Lillian Barker and Rosa Cliandler, Mrs. Bertha Stanley and children, and W. H. Chandler and son, Pred. • Shady Grove Pvt. Howard Kimmer of Camp Tyson, Tenn., is spending a fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Kimmer. Pred Evans and Odell and Dale Winters spent Sunday in Win ston-Salem, where they visited John Winters, who is a patient in the Baptist hospital there. Mrs. Sherman Brown and daughter, Geraldine, have return ed to their home in Danville, Va„ following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winters here. Misses Patty Shaw and Mary Winters spent Thursday in Boon- ville. Miss Oleen Royall of Elkin, was the Sunday guest of Miss Mozelle Kimmer. Miss Marie Mosteller, a student at a Winston-Salem business school, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosteller. Private Lonnie Hutchins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchins, is reported to have arrived with the American forces in India. Rockford Mrs. George Wilkins was host ess to the members of the Home Demonstration Club at her home Monday afternoon. After the usual business meet ing and reports from the differ ent projects leaders, Mrs. Brown, Surry County Home Demonstra tion Agent, gave a most interest ing demonstration on “Busy Day Meals,” using recipes for scallop ed soup mixture and fruit cob bler. These delicious dishes were served with the refreshment course. During the social hour Mrs, Ed Sears and Mrs. R. G. Holyfield entertained the club members with several piano se lections. Mrs. Wilkins served her guests cookies, pickles and iced tea, in addition to the soup mix ture and fruit cobbler. She was assisted in serving by her daugh ter, Miss Ruth Wilkins. A good crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Booker, Miss Laurena Booker and Nor man Booker, of Greensboro, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thore and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burrus and children and Miss Abigail Stout, of Pfafftown, were the dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Burrus, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boles of Win ston-Salem, visited their children, Jimmy and Bobby, who are spending several months with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coe, Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Snow and children, Brent, Kent and Janice, of Dou ble Creek, were the all-day guests of Mrs. C. B. Davis and Mr. John Burrus, Friday. Miss Louise Clark left Sunday for Winston-Salem, where she will spend this week visiting friends and relatives. The many friends of Mrs. Alice Dobson will be glad to know that she is much improved in health and returned recently to tier home here from Winston-Salem, where she has been taking treat ment from a specialist. WORRY, WORRY, WORRY HEADACHE! It's bad enough to worry, without sufferinir from head ache, too. Take Capudine to relieve the pain and soothe nepes upset by tte i>ain. Cap- / udine is liquid — no waiting ( for it to dissolve, before or \ after taking. Use only aa dl- ' rected. IQc. 30c, 60c. CAPUDINE First choice when a laxative is needed Follow label Directions DRINK Oi"3nge« Crush MO. ■■«. ma. o»». CARBONATED BEVERAGE Bottled By NORTH WILKESBORO COCA-COLA BOTTLINjB CO. • Cool Springs Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanly and little daughter, Carolyn, of Ports mouth, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carter the past week. Mrs. Maynard Harris visited her sister, Mrs. George Snow, who is very sick at Hugh Chatham, Me morial hospital, several times dur ing the past week. { Mrs. Bill Burton spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. John Burton at her home in Winston- Salem. Mrs. Burton returned home Saturday. The son of Mrs. Virgil Carter of the Merchant Marines left for his ship Wednesday after a visit of ten days with his mother. Rutherford Maynard Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris, has been recently transferred from Sheppard Field, Texas, to the University of Denver, at Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Holbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hol brook visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holbrook Sunday at their home in Traphill. Mr. Roy Darnell has been very sick for the past several days. Tobacco crops throughout our community are very late and far inferior to the crops of last year. Corn and hay crops are fine, and gardens in general, fair. Ronda Miss Katherine Jones returned home Wednesday of last week af ter spending nearly a week at Fort Myers, Fla., visiting her brother, Pvt. J. C. Jones and wife. Mrs. W. W. Bentley and little son, Charles Dean, were brought home from Hugh Chatham Me morial Hospital, Elkin, Friday. Both are getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walls re turned to their home in Ports mouth, Va., Saturday, after spending more than a week here visiting relatives and friends. Their son, Bernard, and wife, al so of Portsmouth spent a few days here recently. Friends of Miss Grace Dean Bentley are glad she is improving and is up part of the time now af ter suffering a severe case of flu. We wish her a speedy recovery. Quite a number of folks are hav ing flu. Mr. George Harvey Sale has had it and is now in Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital and we under stand he has pneumonia. His friends wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Mrs. M. C. Jones, ac'companied Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Anderson and daughters, Thelma and Prances of Cycle, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jones and family in Elkin Sun day. Mrs. Frank Sale and little son, William Crockett, arrived home Friday from Davis Hospital, Statesville. Both are doing nice ly. Mrs. J. P. Echard and Sarah Chappel of Taylorsville and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Spruill of Wilkes- boro, were among the visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bentley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Caudle and daughter, Ida Fay, spent Sunday night with Mrs. Caudle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Groce, in Ire dell county. They attended ser vices at New Hope Monday and returned home Monday evening. Mrs. S. M. Carter of Roaring River was the guest of Mrs. R. M. Carter Monday. Rev. J. L. Powers and Mr. B. P. Rollins of Elkin, were the din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Caudle Sunday. Miss Ijouise Forester of Concord, arrived here Friday, to spend a week with her aunj,, Mrs. E. G. Sparks. • Pleasant Hill Rev. D. W. Day, the pastor, de livered a wonderful sermon Sun day morning on the subject, “Con fidence,” to a large congregation which attend Sunday school also. Rev. Walter Calloway brought the message Sunday night, in ab sence of the pastor, who is help ing in a revival at New Hope Bap tist church in Iredell county. Everyone present enjoyed Rev. Calloway’s sermon and we bid him as well as others a hearty wel come to Pleasant Hill. The Cradle Roll department gave a short and very interesting program the third Sunday night. Corp. David L. Day spent a short furlough with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Day. Pfc. Charles Collins, who spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Collins last week, returned to Camp Forest, Tenn., Wednesday. Charlie Settle who is with the U. S. Navy and stationed at Bain- bridge, Md., is spending a few days at his home with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Yar borough. Misses Ruth and Doris Black burn visited relatives at Thur mond last week. Mr. Turner Transou will leave today (Tuesday), to report for ac tive service with the armed forces. He will report for duty at Camp Jackson, S. C. • Buggaboo Sunday was a successful day at Macedonia Baptist church, as it was the Home Coming Day. ■ Rev. Reid R. Harris of Hemp, delivered a very enjoyable sermon in the morning, dinner was served on the grounds. In the afternoon there' was singing. Those who sang were; The Melody Trio of Pleas ant Hill, The Winston-Salem Trio, Bradley Sisters and Mace donia Quartette. Sunday also marked the beginning of a week’s revival. Mr. Sam Burchette of Blue- field, W. Va., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bur chette recently. Miss Mary and Phyllis Holcomb of Ronda, spent the week-end with Miss Nancy Tharpe. Sam and David Tharpe of Maryland are spending part of this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tharpe. Mr, and Mrs. Lonnie Brown and daughter, Shirley, of Hays, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. Lillie Brad ley. Mrs. C. F. Stroude of Harmony visited friends and relatives here the first of the week. Pvt. Douglas Harrison of Home stead, Fla., is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tharpe of Pocahontas, W. Va. Pvt. Harrisoij is formerly of this community. Boonville Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Transou had as their week-end guests their two sons, Lt. Hugh Transou of the U. S. Marine Corps who is stationed at New River; Lt. Ralph M. Tran sou and Mrs. Transou of Monroe, La.; and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Tran sou and son of Winston-Salem. Ralph Transou, who is in the Air Corps, has been transferred from the Air Base at Monroe, La., to the air base at Goldsboro. Pvt. Alvis Hobson of Mississippi spent the past week-end with his wife and mother, Mrs. A. B. Hob son. Pvt. Hobson came from Mississippi to Winston-Salem as a passenger in an army transport plane. The plane came by the way of Nashville, Tenn., and flew directly over Boonville and his mother’s home. On one other oc casion, Pvt. Hobson had the pleasure of viewing his home town from the air as he flew over this place while on a mission with a transport crew. He is a member of the Air Forces ground crew. Miss Ruth Fletcher spent a few days the past week visiting her sister, Mary, at Black Mountain. Mrs. Ralph Fletcher and daugh ter, Nancy, spent the past week end with Mrs. Fletcher’s family at Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Loman C. Rich ardson have returned from a visit of a few days with Mr. Richard son’s parents at Mayodan. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Coram and children of Winston-Salem were the Sunday guests of Mrs. J. M. Speas and family. Mrs. A. S. Speer is recovering from an operation that she under went at Baptist Hospital last week. If Mrs. Speer continues to improve as she is at present, she will like ly return to her home here the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones of Mount Airy were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Co ram. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boles of San ford have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Prank Woodhouse this week. Francis Woodhouse, Yoeman Third Class, who has been sta tioned for several months at Brooklyn Naval Station, is spend ing a furlough with his parents. Francis came home last Friday and will be here until Saturday of this week. This is the first ex tended furlough he has had since going to the Brooklyn station. Francis is doing clerical work and likes the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Steelman had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman of Win ston-Salem; Mrs. Bill Atwater of Alexandria, Va. • Mitchell Chapel The many friends of Mrs, Char lie Cranfill will be glad to know that she is able to be out again following a minor operation. Gorrell Brown is spending some time in Baltimore, Md., visiting his brother, Herbert Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Draughn at tended to business matters in Yadkinville and Courtney Satur day. Corporal Tom B. Draughn, who is stationed in the South Pacific war zone, says in a letter to his family that he receives the papers from his home community regu larly and thoroughly enjoys read ing them and that after he has finished with them they are pass ed around among his friends un til they are worn out. Farmers in this community are priming tobacco. According to re ports, the crops look good. A revival is in progress at Mitchel Chapel. Rev. Shinn from North Wilkesboro, is in charge of the services and is bringing inter esting messages at each service. Pi'ivate and Mrs. Harold Haynes of Fort Bragg, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Par- due. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Goforth of Statesville, were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Goforth’s mother, Mrs. Lelia Bryant. Mrs. Emma Shugart of Dunn, is spending several days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holcomb of Jonesville, were the Sunday guests of Mr. Holcomb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Holcomb. FAMZLY REUNION A Scotsman paid a visit to a friend in London, but stayed far longer than was expected. Time dragged on, and still the visitor from the north made no attempt to leave. At length the friend dropped a gentle hint. “Don’t you think,” he said, “that your wife and children would like to see you again?" “Thanks verra much,” was the answer. “It is most awful kind of you. I’ii send for them.” When You Think of FLOWERS Think of Us! We Can Supply Flowers for Every Occasion Morrison’s Flower Shop Phone 170 Elkin, N. C. NO&’TH CAROUNA’S SCRAP CAN UCK THE JAP! • Mulberry The regular communion and foot washing will be held at Mul berry E>rimitive Baptist church next Sunday, August 1st. Several from this community attended the revival services at Poplar Springs last week-end and the Baptismal service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cockerham, Mrs. Flora Cockerham and Mrs. K. W. Steel and son, of this com munity and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cockerham of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Key and family of Liberty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude White and daughter, Izella, of Union Cross, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Southard. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nixon and Mrs. Garland Morrison of Elkin visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Lena Collins and daugh ters, Lillian and Doris, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Key. la 9 I ' h %' 1 TO MOVE UP THE DATE THAT JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME? Have you a boy in this war—a son or a sweetheart, a husband or a nephew or a grandchild or a friend? Is your heart with a sailor on the broad, high seas— a soldier stationed somewhere abroad—a pilot, a tail gunner, a bombardier? Then surely you want to do all you can to shorten the war, to help bring our boy’s familiar footsteps back to your front stoop again! And the best way—the simplest, surest way you can help is to buy U. S. War Bonds! Buy them at Penney’s today! All through July at Penney’s, we are featuring War Bonds. While we will continue to serve our customers with the finest the market affords in clothing and shoes, fabrics and furnishings, the service of Uncle Sam comes first. And we are hopeful that everyone who comes to Penney’s during July will buy a Bond, or several Bonds, or at least War Savings Stamps. You save money when you shop at Penney’s. Put every cent you save into U. S. War Bonds! There is no better way you at home can help win the • Dobson, Route 2 Mr. and Mrs. Fox White and baby, were the guests over the week-end of Jlr. and Rirs. Alilas Carter, at Boonville. Mr. L. C. Bray attended the Chaney reunion near Greensboro, Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Bray and son, Roy Bray, and Miss Claudine Poin dexter, visited relatives near Boonville over the week-end. Mrs. J. Loyd White had as her guest the past week her mother, Mrs. Key, of Motmt Airy. Miss Lena Snow, of near Dob son, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln White Sunday afternoon. Cycle This section was visited by a severe hail storm Tuesday even ing. Sam Caudle has enlisted in the U. S. Navy, and will leave next week for duty. Farmers are beginning to prime tobacco. Mrs. Roy Sale and son. Max, visited her father, Tom Simmons, at Courtney Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Money visit ed relatives in Wilkes county Sunday. Just Unloaded Big Shipment 1-4 INCH GUM PLYWOOD Elkin Lumber and Mfg. Co. Phone 68 JULY BARGAINS MEN’S SUMMER STRAWS Save on These Good Straw Hats. Special Lot Reduced to Only MEN’S STRAW HATS Save real money on this special lot of better summer straws, greatly reduced — 77c $1.44 MEN’S WORK STRAWS,educedto25c LADIES’ GARDEN HATS NOW 25c Men’s POLO SHIRTS For Summer Coolness 79" 1 Lot Ladies’ OPA RELEASED Unrationed Shoes (Until July 31) $2.68 LADIES’SUIIB DRESSES Repriced To Clear We are offering three special groups of ladies’ summer dresses, all repriced to clear in three attractive price groups. Smart styles, colors, materials, everv one! $2.00 $2.50 $3.50 BATHING SUITS All Bathing Suits greatly reduced to clear $1.44 MEN’S FELT HATS One lot Men’s Felt Hats. Broken sizes — $1.50 MEN’S TIES Men’s Summer Ties reduc ed to only — 25c ANKLETS Large assortment of Lad ies’ and Misses White Anklets 15c PAIR LADIES’ HATS One lot Ladies’ Summer Hats cut to the bone. Plen ty sizes, styles left — 50c LADIES’ GLOVES Ladies’ Summer Gloves Reduced to Half Price. Now One lot, reduced to clear — 50c BOYS’ JIMMIES One lot, reduced to clear - 44c AND 69c Men’s Short fWlCTOKV Sleeve buy Sport Shirts $1.19 jLmsuHips