7~ € ■'K.' j i'il A 5 / ^ BUNE. THDH8DAT. DBCSiBER 30. 1 _THE ELKIN (N. C.) TRIBUNE, NEWS OF PARTIES, CLUBS, WEDDINGS AND OTHER SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IN THE SOCIAL REALM MRS. RUTH BYRD CRATER Editor TELEPHONE M Miss Donnell Wed To Roht. Kirhman Hawkins-McNeill Kou;s Are Spoken Miss Smith Weds L F. Chandler In B beautiful ceremony Tues day aftemomi at 5:30 at the Home i Moravian church In Wlnston-8( las Carrie Eobgood Donnell, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harper Donnell of Th(»n- i asvllle. became the bride of Rob- i ert Lee Kirkman, son of Mrs. 1 ert Lee EUrkman and the late Mr. Kirkman of this city. The Rev. R. Gordon Spaugh, pastor of the bride, officiated, using the double i ring ceremwiy. The church was decorated with ’ evergreens. Baskets of white flow ers against a background of palms ' and seven-branched candelabra were used at the altar, The pews ' were marked with bows of white ' ribbon. Dr. Charles G. Vardell. organ ist. and Mrs. Elizabeth Tavis Jen sen. contralto soloist, presented e program of nuptial music. The | traditional wedding msrehes were ] played in processional and r sional. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle. Harvey i Eugcue Perryman, wore a gown of white chiffon velvet fashioned i with a soft-draped V-neck!ine. ( The full triple-shirred skirt gath ered to a low waist and ended in : t train. Her veil of illusslon Miss Annette Lyon Smith, only i daughter of the Reverend and • Mrs. Walter M. Smith of this city. • and Lawrence Fowler Chandler of - Chattanooga. Tenn.. and New i London. Conn., were married in a private ceremony Christmas Eve 1 at 7:30 at the home of the bride’s parents on Hawthorne Road. Rev. ; Smith, father of the bride, and . superintendent of Hugh Chatliam : Memorial Hospital, officiated, us- • Ing the double ring ceremony of the Methodist church. The vows e spoken in Uie living room of ; the home which was decorated I with Christmas greenery and can- : dies. Only Immediate members of the bride's family and a few close : friends attended the ceremony. : Tlie bride wore a two-piece ■ dre.ssmakcr suit of pale blue wool 1 crepe with black accessories. Her t was a calot of black felt, soft- veiled. The bridal couple, who re unattended, entered fogelh- Mrs. Chandler attended Salem Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock I at the Home Moravian church in ' Winston-Salem Miss Barbara Ben- , nett Hawkins of Blackstone, Vir ginia, became the bride of Dr. Claude A. MeNelll. Jr., of this ■ city. The church was decorated with ' evergreems and lighted by candles. The bride's father, Rev. Prank ' Carter Hawkins, officiated, assist- ' ed by Rev. James M. Hayes of Winston-Salem, an uncle of the , bridegroom. Prior to the ceremony ; Charles Vardell, Jr., organist, and , Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen, contralto ; soloist, presented a program of , nuptial music. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle. A. T, Hawkins, of Goldsboro. She wore a gown white slipper satin with a fitted ’ bodice and lowcut neckline. The ^ yoke and long tight sleeves were tulle. Clusters of orange blossom.s wcie caught in the full skirt. Her veil cascaded from a tiara of orange blossoms and lier College. Winston-Salem bouquet was of white orchids. • Greensboro College, graduating Ml-sses Minnie Ruth and Eliza- from the latter in 1941. Since jclli McNeill of this city, sisters: her graduation she has taught of the bridegroom, Miss Ruth, home economics at Murphy and ' Hadley of Slate.KVilh and Miss I Jame.stown and this year is a I Sara Henry of Chatiotte attended member of the Beulah high school the bride. Their gowns were of faculty. Mount Airy, fell from a tiara of seed pearls j pinfc brocade with yokes of net • Mr. Chandler Is the only son of and her only ornament was a j to form a high neckline. The Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Chan- single strand of pearls, a gift of | sleeves were bracelet length and'dier of Chattanooga and New the bridegroom. She carried a' the full skirls had scallopped London. He is a graduate of the white velvet covered te.stamcnt to i horns. They carried arm bouquets university of Tennosaee. liolding which wa.s pinned a white orchid,; of snapdragons and carnations. • a degree in Indu-strial Engineer- showered with ribbons. Dob McNeill of this city, broth- ■ mg. Following his graduation he She was attended by Mi.ss Eu- 1 er of the bridegroom, was best was witli General Motors in Day- genia Baynes of Winston-Salem man. Groomsmen were Frank C.; ton. Ohio, and now Ijolds a posl- as mald-of-honor and Mrs. Wal- [ Hawkins. Jr., of Blackstone, D. E. uon wiQi the Combustion En ter Miller Safrlt of this elty as ; Ward and Kenneth Cheek of Dur- pmeering Company in Chatta- matron-of-honor. They wore ; ham and Ed Lane of Bloomsbury.; nooga. wlilte floor' length dresses fash- ' N. J. , After n wedding trip of .several toned with bodlce.s of velvet, with The bride's mother wore a flame day.s Mrs Chandler will resume .sweetheart necklines and full net nd chiffon gown with a corsage |,pi. dmies a.s instructor in home skirls over taffeta. Their Juliet of roses and the bridegroom's economics and will complete the caps were of white velvet with mother wore pale blue crepo cm- term. In June she will join sheulder length veils and ihelr broldored with sequins and a i,p,. hu.sbmd in Chattanooga, arm bouquets were of red roses corsage of .American beauty roses j v^-here they will reside, and white .snapdragons tied with The bride l.s the only daughter red ribbon.s. of Rrv, and Mrs. Hawkins of a riDoons. oi uiiu rxawMii.-* g »• t c - The bridegroom liad a.s liis best Blacksburg, and is a graduate of J /-/f-Innn an his brother, John Frank Sali-m College and is an attractive I'ifDo Liitl I iJUli were and talented young woman. D i JJ ■ Jr,. Dr. McNeill Is a graduate of rnYTU ri/"If I of Wake Forest College and of Bow- ^ '■H iL//L L- Klrlanen of Atlanta. Ushers Staff Sergee.nt Frank Joy- of Sanford. Walter M. Safrit Port Bragg. Claude Farrell of this city and Jame.s Fulk of Winston- Gray School of Medicine and > a member of a prominent and :cll known family. Mns, James H. Donnell, mother Fo’lcwjig the wedding an in- of the bride, wore a gown of, formal reception was held at Iht brown crepe, and Mrs. H. E- Per- ' clubfoom of the F-obert E. Let ryman. aunt of Llie bride, wore 1 Hotel for members of the wedding green crepe. Both wore corsages -and the families, of talisman loses. Mrs. R- L. Kirk- I “'“1 McNeill Iclt dur man. motlier of the bridegroom. | ‘"8 the evening for a wedding wore a brocaded aqua crepe with h'*P- For travel the bride » a corsage of red roses I a brown gabardine suit with JmmedUtely after ' tlie cere-1 ““IPO blouse. Her accessories - mony Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Perry man. uncle and aunt of the bride, entertained the wedding party and ouc-of-tnwn guests at an in formal reception at their home on Broad Street. Winstcn-Salcm. During the evening the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. For travel Che bride wore a soft suit of black with a white blouse and other ac cessories of black. She carried a silver fox muff on which she pin ned the orchid from her bouquet. Mrs. Kirkman graduated from Salem College with the class of 1M3. where she was an outstand ing student. Since her graduation she has been a member of the faculty of the city schools here. Mr. Kirkman was educated at Berea College. Kentucky and Is associated with the Southern Railway company in the Elkin office. After their return frcmi their wedding trip they will be at home for the present at Lewis Apart ments on Church street, this city. - WITH of brown and she wore a brown rhesterfield topcoat. Her corsage wiis orchids from her wedding bouquet. After the first of January Dr. and Mrs, McNeill will be at home in Hartford, Conn., where Dr. Mc Neill will serve his Intemeship at the Hartford Hospital. Methodist Circle Meetings Monday Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Metho dist church will meet Monday in the following hunes. In the afternoon at 2:30 circle number one will meet with Mrs. C. O. Garland; circle number two with Mrs. E. O. Click: circle num ber three with Mrs. Chas. Ashby, and circle number four with Mrs. R. W. Hartness. At 8 o’clock in the evening cir cle number five will meet with Mrs, Julius Hall wl'di Mrs. Bern ard Hall associate hostess and circle number six with Miss Bet ty Allen. A Few Tnnely Drops Help Prevent Many Colds from Developing!.. Works Right Where Most Colds Start! Bewarr of colds! At the first warning sign of a cold—f^t sniffle or sneeze—put a few drops of Va-tn>-nol up each nosml.*This specialized medication is designed to aid natural HnMWtf defenses against colds and so nelp prevent many WIvKw coIdsfmmdeve]opingifu$edintlme.ua VBA HAM Try it) Pollowdirectionsin package. WW*IKV*IIVIl The la.st Of a round of pre nuptial courtesies for Miss Louise lAffoon. who wa.1 married on Monibiy afternoon ^ to Private Frank Hicks Walker was a ' given Chrlstma.s afternoon Miss Peggy Royall at her home on Church street. The bridal motif was carried out in detail in the appointments of the dining room. The table centered with a miniature bride and bridegroom and on either end were white tapers surrounded by greenery. In the living i-oom. library and hall Christmas decorations were used. Mrs. George Royal], mother of the hostess, poured tea and Miss es Constance Greenwood and Eleanor Hayes served assorted sandwiches, individual cakes and mints. Miss Laffoon was presented _ gift of silvef in her wedding pat tern. The guest list was limited close friends of the bride. Brides Honored At Bridge Party Misses Ola Crowder and Mamie Dyer were hostesses at a lovely party Wednesday evening at the Ollvln Roth Y. M. C. A. to hemor Mrs. Preston Harper, bride of last month, and Miss Louise Laffoon. bride-elect of the week. Christmas decorations were us ed in the Y parlor, where six tables were placed for bridge. Corsages of roses marked the place of the honor guests. In the gomes the high score award went to Mrs. George Royall and the runner-up award to Miss Jo Barker. The honorees were each presented a crystal vase in their wedding pattern. The refreshment plates were adorned with a lighted red candle in a gum-dre^ candleholder. Fruit cake with whipped cream and Russian tea were served. Special guests for the refresh ment hour were Mrs. H. P. Laf foon and Ml&s Grace Laffoon. mother and sister of the bride- elect. Miss Prances Benson of At lanta. was an out-of-town guest Miss Laffoon Bride Of Frank Walker Miss Louise Laffoon. older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Franklin Laffoon. and Private First CTass Prank Hicks Walker, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Franklin Walker were married in a beautiful informal church cere mony Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Methodist church. Rev Herman p, Duncan, pastor of the bride, officiated, using the double ring ceremony of the Methodist church. The altar was banked with na tive pbxe. Against this were two seven-branched candelabra and floor baskets of white snapdrag ons. Tlie choir loft was also bank ed with plne^ interspersed with graduated white candles to form a semi-circle. Boughs of pine were interwoven ip the chancel rail on either side and the center was wrapped wltli white satin ribbons and entwined wltli sprays of white narcissus and a.sparagus fern. In front of this was a white satin prayer pillow. ^ The Rev. Stephen Morrisett. pastor of the bridegroom was or ganist. and ML-is Kay Lee Walker, sister of the bridegroom, soprano soloist. Rev. MorrUett played Schubert’s "Serenade” and "Ave Marla." and "Traumeri" by "-chu- mann. Mi.ss Walker sang "Bo- causC and ’’All For You." During Uhe ceremony Rev. Morrisett play- 'ed the marriage liymn "O Perfect 'Love’’ 'Bambyi- The traditional wedding marches were used ' processional and recessional. I The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, ■ street length dress of gray-blue crepe, fashioned with a sweet heart neckline and soft slilrrlng at the waist. The peplum was , edged with dyed lace of the same shade os her dress. Her small hat was of black felt, with bows of grosgrain ribbon the same shade a.s tiic dre&s outlbilng the edge, and it was softly veiled. Her other acce.s.sories were of black and she carried a white suede prayer book topped with a white orchid show ered with lily-of-the-valley. Her only attendant was her .sister. Miss Grace Laffoon, as mald-of-honor. She wore a soft woolen dress of shell pink with Uie neckline and sleeves embroid ered in gold, and a small . black hat with plij and carried pink The bridegroom was attended. by his father a.s best man. Ushers I were Earl Pardue of the Naval R. O. T.*C.. Chapel Kill, and Private David H. Rcam.'i of Petersburg. Virginia. The bride is an honor graduate of Mitchell College, Statesville, and since her graduation has served as secretary of the Elkin Merchants Association. She has been extensively entertained since the announcement of I gagement. The bridegroom holds degree from Wake Forest College and Is a senior at the Medical College of Virginia. He U a mem ber of Psl Omega fraternity. Immediately after the cere mony the bride's parents enter tained at a buffet supper at their home on Church street for mem bers of the wedding party and out-of-town guests. For travel the bride wore a two-piece dress of gray wool, studded with silver nail heads around the revem of the collar and down the front, with a bonnet shaped hat of the same shade and a wlneberry Cop coat of Imported wool, to which she pinned the orchid from her prayer book. After the first of the year Mr. and Mrs. Walker will be at home at 3008 Noble Avenue. Richmond. The bridegroom will resume his studies Olid the bride will be as sociated with the Federal Reserve ank in Richmond. Out-of-town guests for the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. T. Dodd Finger of Malden, Mrs. H. O. Nichols and daughters. Misses Mary. Peggy and Elsie, of North WUkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Rex C. Waiker of Wirston-Salem, Miss Helen Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. McQuage of MocksvUle. Mi-«a, Elolse Solomon of Concord and Lieut. (J. g.) Robert W. Turner of'Dante, Virginia. Miss Williams Weds Mr. Gilliam Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Rebecca Ann Williams and John Reece Gilliam which was solemnized on Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents in Monroe, with the pastor of the bride officiating, using the ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thtanas Marsh Wil liams and for several years has been a popular member of the faculty of the city schools. The bridegroom is the scat of Mrs. John Gordon GUllam and the late Mr. Gilliam of this city. He is a member of a well known family and is employed with Bridal Party Is Honored Sunday Following the Laffoon-Walker wedding rehearsal Sunday even ing at the Methodist church. Miss Grace Laffoon. sister of the bride, entertained at a cake cut ting at her home on Church street. The home was decorated with poinsettlas and Christmas green ery. The dining room was In the bridal motif. The table was ov erlaid with a handsome cloth and centered with a two-tier wedding cake, topped with a miniature Chatham Manufacturing Com pany here. Following a wedding trip of a week Mr, and Mrs, Gilliam will make their home* here. bride dressed in wh.te satin and a bridegroom in a soldier’s uni form. designating the branch of service of the bridegroom. Ten drils of English Ivy and white candles in silver holders c(»i- pleted the decorations. The wedding cake, which con tained the traditional symbols, was sliced and served with ices and green and wlilte mints. Mrs. George Royall served the wed ding cake and Ices and mints were served by Misses Peggy Roy all. Eleanor Hayes. Helen Stroud and Dorothy Jean Salmons. Pack ages of wedding cake were.pre sented the guests as favors. The guest list of fifty Included the wedding party, the Immediate families and a few close friends. "What are you doing at the un iversity?’’ "Taking medicine." "Feeling better?” IN BIRD STORE ' "Do you make good money a ventriloquist?" "Oh, yes. l have a good Job nov In the city." "Wheie are you working?" "In a bird store selling parrots,' The safect inveatment on earth —B. S. GovemiDciit War Beads jliUt ei^ blue Wumes] i ■ cOl^llrtl CORRge ol' blw tn.xed flow^s. j Presbyterian Circle Meetings The circles of the Woman' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meet next week. Circle number one will meet on Tuesday evening at.7:30 at the home of Mrs. w. R, Wellborn and circle number two will meet Mon day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. o. v. Caudill. All members are Invited to at tend. Engraved or Printed W edding A nnouncements Invitations and Calling Cards Or Anythinsr in the Engraving or Printing Line When you need beautiful, attractively designed engraved or printed wedding announcements, in vitations or calling cards, you will find we can supply you with exactly what you want. We have the agency for one of the finest engraving firms in the nation and can give you the best service and lowest prices on high class engraving. We can also fill your needs promptly on printed announcements, cards, etc. No need to go out of town—just call 96 or visit our Pffice. Printing Company Phone 96 Elkin, N. C.

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