ELKIN The Best Little Town In North Carolina ELKIN Gateway To Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge I VOL. NO. XXXIV No. 6 ELKIN, N. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1946 $2.00 PER YEAR PUBLISHED WEEKLY 14 PAGES—TWO SECTIONS From the State and Nation STATE RALEIGH, Jan. 8. — The state highway and public works commission will hold its monthly meeting here tomor row, and there was speculation tonight as to whether Gover nor Cherry would have any thing to say to the board in the nature of a follow-up on his ul timatum of several weeks ago about secondary roads. Gover nor Cherry told his press con ference this afternoon that he had no announcement to make about an appearance before this commission tomorrow. A large map of the state spread out on the Governor’s office desk when his press conference opened led some newsmen to surmise that there was a con nection with this map and the highway meeting tomorrow. However, Governor Cherry ex plained that he had been look ing at the map to find the best way to go from Raleigh to Asheville. NATIONAL THOUSANDS of Kentuck ians along the Cumberland and Big Sandy river valleys fled for their lives Tuesday as these two flood-filled streams spread death and destruction along their paths. Elsewhere in the southeastern states, hundreds were marooned by swollen streams and at least five per sons were reported drowned in Tennessee. Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and West Vir ginia also were hit by floods which disrupted communica tions and blocked highways. The death toll reached two in Kentucky, when a negro was