NEWS OF | TELEPHONE 96 Personal Interest I - - Rev? and Mrs. David W. Day spent Tuesday in Winston-Salem. C. S. Poster and son, Sam, spent Friday in Albemarle, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Toby .Webb. Leo Hinshayv is spending . this week in Atlanta., Ga., attending a John Deere tractor show. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Mayberry of Pulaski, Va., spent the week-end visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. V. B. Holcomb. Mrs. Luke Irwin of North Wilk esboro was the Tuesday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ratledge. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holcomb spent the week-end in Shelby, visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Jane Dover. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Casstevens attended the Carolina - Virginia football game in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pentriss Layton of .hahatn were the week-end guests i Mr. and Airs. Faul Couch in Pleasant Hill. Delon Layne, a student at Glade Valley High School, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Layne. Mrs. Eva Teague of Manila, Ark., spent the Thanksgiving holi days with her sister, Mrs. James Crowe and Mr. Crowe, West Main Street. Lose Your Bulges in a Spencer Support It will rest you, too—and give you fine figure lines. P. O. Box 125 Elkin. N. C. Mrs. Dixie Byrd Glenn Phone 174 Miss Erline Mayberry and Miss Carolyn Fletcher returned Sunday from Wilton, Gem*.rafter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lutz. Kirs. O. W. Mann and children, spent last week in Asheboro, visit ing Mrs. Mann’s mother, Mrs. A. L. Briles. ■ Gilbert G. Brown, 45, of High Point, brother of Mrs. Hoyle Cran ford of this city, died Friday, November 19, in a hospital in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Kiser of Greensboro were the Sunday guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Harry Barker, Jr., and Mr. Bark er, West Main Street. Mrs. J. T. Zearley and daugh-. ters, of Indianapolis, Ind., spent the past week visiting Mrs. Zear ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Meed, Sr., West Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and son, Andy, spent the week end in Mars Hill visiting Mr. An derson’s brother, Richard Ander son. Sam Foster, a student at Ap palachian State Teachers College. Boone, has arrived to spend some time visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Foster. Miss Daphne Johnson of At lanta, Ga., was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luff man and other friends in this vi cinity. Mrs. C. S. Foster returned to her home Friday, after spending several weeks in Brookhaven, Miss., visiting her daughter, Mrs. Warren Holmes and Mr. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jones and Roland, Jr., spent Sunday in Charlotte visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. James King and Mr. King. Miss Dorothy Bee Parks, who attends Woman’s College, Greens boro, and Ralph W. Parks, Jr., a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, were tlie Thanksgiving holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Parks, North Bridge Street. Here Are Gifts To Please Everyone! At Turner’s you’ll find gifts practical and useful— gifts that will be used and appreciated long after Santa has come and gone. Select today and avoid the last minute rush. m f 4 Remington Rand Portable Typewriters No finer gift for high school and college student . . . for the business man or woman than a Reming ton-Rand Portable Typewriter. SHEAFFER AND PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS AND SETS Schick Electric Razors Yardley and Old Spice Shaving Sets Mickey Mouse Watches Cosmetic Gift Sets By Evening In Paris, Yardley and Dorothy Perkins Turner Drug Co., Inc. Phone 64 Elkin, N. C. Mr. ahd Mrs. Hayden Ratledge of Chapel Hill, spent the Thanks giving holidays with the fonher’s parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. John Rat ledge. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Parks will spend the latter part of the week in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., attending a contractors’ convention. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Crater and daughter, Helen, of Mt. Ranier, Md.-, were the Thanksgiving holi day guests of Mr. Crater's mother and sister, Mrs. R. P. Crater and . Miss Effie Crater, Gwyn Avenue. Pfc. Jimmy Lee Crowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Crow’e, West Main Street, is spending a ten day leave with his parents before reporting for duty at Brunswick, N. J. Herman Holcomb left Tuesday ' for Columbia, S. C., where lie has accepted a position with the Atlas Supply Company. Mrs. Holcomb will remain here until the first of the year. ■ 1 Miss Jean Parnell of Winston Salem, was the Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Parnell, North Bridge Street. Also j visiting in the Parnell home was John Wells of High Point. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Me Neill and son, Hayes, of Wake Forest, were the holiday guests of Mr. McNeill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNeill, Sr., North Bridge Street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter have returned to their home on Gwyn Avenue after spending 10 days in Scottsboro, Ala., visiting Mrs. Poindexter’s sister, Mrs. A. R. Couch and Mr. Couch. Miss Alice Blake Dobson of Salem College, Winston-Saleni, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobson, North Bridge Street. Dr. J. S. Hiatt spoke to a Men’s Fellowship banquet at the Central Methodist Church in Concord, Wednesday evening. On Friday evening he will speak to the Ki- ( wanis Club in Mooresville. E. L. Byrd is a patient at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, where he underwent an operation for the amputation of his left < foot, Wednesday. His condition is ’ reported as satisfactory. Joseph Hayes, a student at N. C. State College, Raleigh, and Martha Hayes, a student at Wo mans College, Greensboro, were the guests during the Thanksgiv- i ing holidays, of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hayes. < Mr. and Mrs. James Meed and daughters, Mary Lou and Ellen ! Ann, will return the latter part . of the week from Wheeling, W Va., , where they are visiting Mrs. [ Meed’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Niles , Carp. Mrs. Toby Webb and son, who have been spending sometime with the former's father, C. S. Foster, returned to her home in Albe- 1 marie, Sunday. Mr. Webb spent the week-end in the Foster home and accompanied Mrs. Webb and son, home. Mrs. Walter Bell of Winston Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Watt Byrd of Enka and Mr. and Mrs. John Evans of Hamlet are visiting Mr. Byrd’s and Mesdames Bell and Evans’ father E. L. Byrd who is a patent at Hugh Chatham Mem orial Hospital, and Mrs. Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Walker and Mrs. Alice Hicks spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Waynes ville visiting Dr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, and in Franklin, visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry. Mes dames Turner and Henry are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Miss Pauline Wagoner, a stud ent at Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone, was the Thanks giving holiday guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Wag oner. She also attended the N. C. State-Villanova football game and attended the WOody Herman dance in Raleigh. Mrs. L. E. Williams, Manassas, Va., and daughter, Mrs. W. C. Witts, of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Jennie Wright of Rural Hall, Miss Anna Lula Dobson of Win ston-Salem, and John H. Dobson, of Rockford, were the Saturday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobson, North Bridge Street. Mr. Dobson is a nephew of Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. James Teague and children, Nancy and Phyllis, of Boiling Springs, have returned to their home after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Teague’s mother, Mrs. J. B. Hud son in North Elkin Other visitors in the Hudson home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hutchins and son, Larry, of Winston-Salem, Misses Camilla Welborn and Gerotha Thompson of Mountain Park. Goodman Is To Be Kiwanis Speaker John Goodman, of Raleigh, director of Extension Service at State College, will be guest speak er at this evening’s meeting of the Elkin Kiwanis Club, having been secured by Garland Johnson of the Kiwanis committee on agri culture. At last week’s meeting the club was entertained with a variety of features, including a number of Christmas Music Program To Be Given Dec. 19 A program of Christmas Music will be given at the First Baptist Church Sunday night, Dec. 19 at 7:30 o’clock. The combined choirs of the First Baptist Church and guest members of the First Methodist Church choir will sing. MAPLE SPRINGS BAPTIST Rev. Graham Smith. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Worship service each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Howard Ford, Pastor Sunday School convenes at 9:45 a.m. The pastor will deliver the ser mon at the 11 o’clock morning worship service. His subjeqt will be “God's Claim Upon Us.’’ B. T. U. will meet at 6:30. Baptismal service will be held at the hour of Evening worship at 7:30 p.m. EAST ELKIN BAPTIST Rev,' J. L. Powers, Pastor Sunday School begins at 9:45 a. m. The assistant pastor, Rev. E. M. Eldridge, will bring the mes sage at the 11 o’clock morning worship service, B.T.U. meeting begins at 6 p.m. with B u r r u s Gray leader, in charge. Evening worship service will be gin at 7 p.m. with Rev. Eldridge again delivering the sermon. PILGRIM Rev. George Far ah, Pastor Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a. m. The pastor will speak on “How To Pray’’ at the morning worship service at 11 a. m. Rev. O. C. Rushing will be in charge of the Young People’s ser vice at 6:45 p. m. Evening worship service will be held at 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Rev. R. V. C. Ritchie, Pastor Sunday School convenes at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship service is at 11 o’clock. The Rev. Joseph Hollings worth Carter, D. D. of the First Presbyterian Church of Newton, will preach. The occasion marks the 25th anniversary of his ordin ation to the ministry. Dr. Carter was formerly the editor of what is now The Elkin Tribune. Youth Fellowship meeting will begin at 5:30 p. m. Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. the quarterly meeting of the Sun day School Council will be held. METHODIST Rev. ft. G. Tuttle, Pastor Sunday School will convene at 9:45 a.m. Dr. J. S. Hiatt will be guest minister at the 11 o’clock morn ing worship service. The pastor will deliver the ser mon at the 7:30 evening worship service. His subject will be “What Is This World Church?” Choir rehearsal will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Midweek prayer service will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Teen-Y Club Formed Under “Y” Program The newly organized Teen-Y Club of Elkin and Jonesville, com posed of eighth grade girls of the two schools, began last week un der direction of Miss Mary Ellen Harrell. At the last meeting they elected officers for the year. Chos en were Polly Price, president; Glenda Spicer, vice-president; Patsy Francis, secretary; Betty Ellen Harris, treasurer and Betty Tuttle as chaplain. Advisers elect ed were Margaret Cole and Ethel Whitley. This club is for the girls who had “graduated” from the Little Women’s Club but who are not yet old enough to enter the Tri Hi-Y. Patterned after the Tri Hi-Y, the Teen-Y Club has as its purpose “To create, maintain and extend throughout the home, school and community high stand ards of Christian character.” The club will meet every other Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Y.M.C.A. The programs will .be planned in advance and will cover such fields as Personal Develop ment, Education, Religious and Recreational fields. Members of the club will carry out projects under those fields and from time to time they will be having dances and parties for entertainment as do the members of the Tri-Hi-Y. songs by a sextette made up of George Royall, Hugh Royall, Ralph Ritchie, Dr. E. G. Click, Sam Boose and Dr. V. W. Taylor, with Mrs. J. H. Beeson accom panying at the piano. Charles Armstrong, Jr., presented p read ing of old-time baseball stories. An old-fashioned spelling bee rounded out the program. The meeting was held at the Gilvin Roth Y.M.C.A. Church Group To Sell Cakes The Ladies’ Willing Workers Band of the Church of God of Jonesville, will sell homemade cakes at the Quality Food Store, Saturday morning. The price of the cakes will be two dollars each. The public is cordially invited to attend the sale. Miss Dyer Fetes Mrs. Vf. T. Roth Honoring Mrs. William T. Roth, a recent bride, Miss Mamie Dyei entertained at a dinner party Fri day evening at Hotel Elkin. Mrs Roth was the former Miss Roxie Bowen, before her marriage. The table was attractively ar ranged with a cornucopia and seasonal fruits and greenery. Tiny place cards suggestive of the Thanksgiving season were used tc mark the places of the 32 guests Mrs. Roth was presented a cor sage of yellow rosebuds a‘nd a gift by the hostess. Baptist Church Classes Convene The Willing Workers class ol the First Baptist church met Tuesday evening at the home oi Mrs. W. G. Church with Miss Mattie Sale as associate hostess Mrs. T. V. Cockerham, class president, presided. During the business session plans were made for Christmas and the Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs. Esther Ray. I. C. Yates, class teacher, made a most inspiring talk on “Our Freedom.” At the conclusion of the meet ing delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. George Sale and daugh ters, Barbara and Sandra. Mrs. I. C. Yates was hostess to the Ed Lawrence Bible class of the First Baptist Church, Tues day evening. Group No. 2 were associate hostesses. Mrs. Silas Nichols, class presi dent, presided. Mrs. Grady Harris conducted the devotional and Mrs. William T. Roth offered the prayer. During the social hour a quiz contest was enjoyed and refresh ments were served. Twenty-four members were present. * * * The Dorcas Class of the First Baptist Church met Tuesday night with Mrs. Jack Terrell with Mrs. Vance Byrd as associate hostess. There were 16 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Terrell offered the devo tionals and Mrs. Glenn Lewis and Mrs. Johnnie Sears took part in the program. During the business session plans were discussed for the an nual Christmas party to be given December 14. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour. U. S. Forest Rangers were hosts to more than 7,300,000 visitors to the 24 Southern National Forests during the 1948 season. The Pisga Croatan National Forest in North Carolina led in recreation users with 2,530,825 followed by Chat tahoochee in northern Georgia, 2,476,420, and Natahala in North Carolina with 978,725. SI PONDOROSA PINE PANNELING 6”, 10”, 12”, WILL BE HERE ABOUT DECEMBER 1ST Elkin Lumber & Mfg. Company Phone 68 Elkin, N. C. Visit Elk Pharmacy For a Choice Selection of Wondering about what to give? Hurry in to our store and you’11 find many worthwhile gift sug gestions for practically everyone. Space does not permit the listing of all — just pay us a visit now and see for yourself. FOR HER: Cosmetic Gifts By DOROTHY PERKINS — COTY YARDLEY’S—EVENING IN PARIS FOR HIM: Toiletries By OLD SPICE — YARDLEY’S WILLIAMS AND COLGATE Tobaccos of All Kinds The Largest Selection of Pipes In Elkin NORRIS AND SCHRAFFT CANDIES Elk Pharmacy Phone 310 Elkin, N. C. Hinshaw Radio Sales and Service TO COME IN AND HEAR... RADIO AT ITS BEST! FM-AM RADHO PHONOGRAPH 1 FAMOUS ZENITH * COBRA TONE ARM 1 ZENITH-ARMSTRONG STATIC-FREE FM If you’ve been waiting for Zenith’s important ‘‘exclusives’’ at a modest price—we’re betting this is it! The new “Regent” offers truly fine furniture styling plus a wealth of radio value! Zenith’s featner-light Cobra makes records sound better, and adds years to their life. 2-band Zenith-Armstrong FM brings you music and programs with new, “non-fade" true-fidelity. And a powerful super-sensitive radio plus Zenith’s famous Wavemagnet pulls in long distance AM radio! $274.50 ' Cobra Ton* Arm—Records still SlUnl-Spood Chongor—Plays 10 sound like new after 2000 plays! and 12-Inch records intermixed! Zottlth-Armtlrong FM-GENU INEstatic-free FM—on both FM Rodlorgon—Blends individual \ bands i. ' tone registers 64 different ways! _ Hinshaw Radio Sales and Service Where Radio Is A Business, Not A Sideline Albert Hinshaw — Phone 206

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