News of Parties, Clubs, Weddings « TELEPHONE No. 96 E.Ii.S. Seniors Honored Saturday The Juniors and Seniors of El kin High School danced to the music of Harold Gale and his orchestra amid a colorful Dutch setting at the Junior-Senior prom Saturday evening at the high school gymnasiiftn. The gymnasium was transform ed into a lovely Dutch scene with a flower garden, wishing well and windmill. To open the festivities, the members of the Junior class form ed the figures “49” in honor of the Senior class. Highlighting the evening was the grand march which was led by Dale Aldridge, president of the Junior class, with Nancy Caroll Gambill. and Miss Jenny Tran sou, president of the Senior class, escorted by* Rowan Motsinger. A contest featuring pictures of the Seniors when babies was held with Sonny Blackburn being crowned “Mr. Baby High of 1949.” During the intermission refresh ments were served by members of the Home Economics department. John Frank Price acted as master of ceremonies. Members of the faculty and school board members were chaperones. VENETIAN BLIND • The new, all metal enclosed head in Breneman Venetian Blinds i$ an outstanding improvement and top value in modern window treatment. Small and compact, it is sturdy and smooth in operation and neat in appearance. Call us to measure your windows and quote our low prices. * EAGLE Furniture Co. Elkin, N. C. I Ferguson-Harris Vows Solemnized Miss Florence Harris of Wash ington. D. C„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris of this city, and Edwin W. Ferguson, son of Mrs. Martha Ferguson of Wash ington, D. C., and the late Mr. Ferguson, were united in marriage at 7 o'clock Saturday, Apiil 30 at the Washington Cathedral in St. Joseph’s Chapel. The Rev. George J. Cleveland, officiated, using the double ring ritual. The bride wore an afternoon gown of pastel orchid crepe with which she used black and white accessories. Her corsage was a white orchid. Mrs. John W. Mathis of Wash ington, D. C., was h e r sister’s matron of honor and her only attendant. Hugh Ferguson was best man. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mathis. Mrs. Ferguson holds a position with Garfinckle Department Store in Washington. The bridegroom is a veteran of World War II having served overseas and is now em ployed by the Potomac Electric Power Company. Following an unannounced wed ding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will make their home in Washing ton, D. C. Y. W A Holds April Meeting The Y. W. A* of the First Bap tist Church met Monday evening of last week at the home of Fran ces Crowe on West Main Street with 13 members present. Betty Lineberry, president, call ed the meeting to order and con ducted the devotional service. Mrs. Reece Gilliam, adult leader, was in charge of the business session. Molly Dobbins presented a pro gram entitled “Halfway House to the Orient” and Anne Elmore ^poke on “Windows of Alaska.” The hostess served refreshments, after which the entire group went to the church for the evening service. Present for the meeting, in ad dition to the hostess and Mrs. Gilliam, were Joan Dorsett, Molly Dobbins, Jean Adams, Anne El more, Frances Osborne, Gwyn Walker. Ethel Milan, Gaye Tay lor, Lynn Oliver, Betty Lineberry and Lquisa Roth. The chemical designation for the element plutonium, an in gredient of the atom bomb, is PU. DONMOOR Knitted -Boxer Sets No belts • No buttons • No straps Dressing himself is fun with this on and off in a jiffy outfit — no straps or buttons for young fingers to fumble. The boxer waistband keeps his shirt down and his shorts up. Beautifully knit for good fit and good looks. Won’t shrink or sag and the Form-Lok leg never kicks out of shape. In fresh, gay colors that never seem to lose their sparkle. Sizes 1 to 4. Shirt and Shorts The Set - *295 Elkin Valley Circles Meet The circles of the Elkin Valley Baptist Church met in the follow ing homes this week: The Carrie Woodruff circle met at the home of Miss Ruth Martin Monday evening with 16 members and one visitor present. The pro gram opened with the group sing ing, ".Jesus Saves.” The Bible study was taught by Mrs. Brady Settle followed by prayer offered by Mrs. Garvey Chambers.. Miss Mattie Lee Johnson, program chairman, presented a program on “The Origin of Mothers Day" with members of the circle taking part. Miss Reba Johnson, presi dent, presided over the business session, followed by the group singing, “Send the Light.” Mrs. J. C. Gwaltney was hostess to the Carolyn Caudle circle Tues day evening with 11 members present. The group sang “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” to open the meeting followed by a devotional service conducted by Mrs. Garvey Simmons, circle chairman. Mrs. Earl Konkle led the group in prayer. Mrs. Ray mond Johnson sang “Home Sweet Home” and "My Mother's Bible.” The guest speaker, Mrs. D. L. Temple of Jonesville, introduced by Mrs. Lester Cass, gave a very inspiring talk on “Christ, the Answer in the Home.” The closing prayer was led by Mrs. Oscar Darnell and Mrs. Temple. At the conclusion of each of the meetings, a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Benson Is Hostess To Club The Yadk'ji Valley Garden club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. L. Benson at her home on Hawthorne Road. A musical program w'as present ed during the afternoon. Mrs. E. F. McNeer was program chairman. Solos were sung by Mrs. E. G. Click, Mrs. J. H. Beeson and Miss Phyllis Johnson. Miss Barbara Benson played a violin and a piano solo. A selection was render ed by a trio composed of Mrs. Beeson, Mrs. H. P. Graham and Miss Phyllis Johnson. Also taking part on the program was a quar tet composed of Mrs. McNeer, Mrs. E. G. Click, Mrs. Graham and Miss Johnson. Three new members, Mrs. Will iam Roth, Mrs. David Brendle, and Mrs. George Theobald were welcomed into the group. Guests at the meeting wrere Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, Mrs. Carl Poindexter, Mrs. J. R. Poindexter, Mrs. Hardin Graham, Mrs. Stauber Flynt, Mrs. E. T. Shamel, Mrs. Edwin Duncan, Jr., and Miss Phyllis Johnson. The home w-as artistically ar ranged with spirea, tulips and iris. A beautifully appointed refresh ment course was served by the hostess. Helen Dobson Circle Meets Mrs. Rel Hayes and Mrs. Clif ton Davis were hostesses to the Helen Dobson circle of the Grassy Creek Methodist Church Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Hayes with 14 members and five visitors present. Devotionals were conducted' by Mrs. D. O. Davis. An interesting program on “By His Light Shall the Nations Walk” was given by Mrs. Buford Hayes, Mrs. Tom Bruce, Mrs. Clifton Davis and Mrs. Rel Hayes. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. Hubert Adams. A tempting refreshment course was served by the hostesses. 4 Dorcas Class Has Meeting The Dorcas Class of the First Baptist Church met Tuesday eve ning with Miss Hazel Byrd with Mrs. Turner Carter as co-hostess. Mrs. Livingston Williams, pres ident, presided over the business session. Mrs. Glenn Lewis, program chairman, used as her topic, “Ser vice,” with Mrs. Grady Day, Mrs. E. D. Lane, Mrs. Clyde Jennings and Mrs. Turner Carter taking part. R£freshments were served to the 20 members present. s Miss Rhodes, Mr. 'Triplett, ToWed Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rhodes of Winston-Salem, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mar tha Jean, to William Ernest Trip lett, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Triplett of Winston-Salem, formerly of this city. The wedding will take place June 4. Baptist Groups Hold Meetings W.M.U. circles of the First Bap tist Church met as follows Mon day: Estelle Councilman circle met with Mrs. Jake Brown with Mrs. Frank Fleming as associate hos tess, with 12 members and two visitors present. The meeting opened with the group singing “Home Sweet Home” followed by a devotional service conducted by Mrs. Linville Norman. Mrs. A. R. Plaster presented the program with all members taking part in a discussion on “Christ the An swer in the Home.’’ Mrs. John Sears presided over the business session. Miss Jacquelyn and Miss Phyllis Brown, accompanied at the piano by their mother, Mrs. Jake Brown, sang the closing prayer. The Katie Murray circle held its regular luncheon meeting at the church with Mrs. Parks Hampton as hostess. Mrs. Granville Church gave the opening prayer. Mrs. Reece Gilliam presented the pro gram on “Facts About the Baptist World Alliance, It’s Origin and Growth.” Routine business was discussed. Mrs. C. N. Myers offer ed the closing prayer. Eleven members and one visitor wrere present. Miss Mamie Dyer w’as hostess to the Pearl Johnson circle with 11 members and one visitor pres ent. Mrs. Ora Walls Vanhoy con ducted the devotional service. Miss Hazel Byrd presented the pro gram on “Christ the Answer in the Home.” Following the business session, Miss Emma Cooke offered the closing prayer. The Olive Lawton circle met with Mrs. Luther Baker with Mrs. Livingston Williams as associate hostess. Ten members and one visitor were present. Mrs. George Adams conducted the devotionals and program, using as her topic, “The Christian Home.” The Young Business Women’s circle met with Mrs. Beauford Stanley with 10 members present. Mrs. Charles Alexander, Jr., gave the devotional reading followed by prayer offered by Miss Lois McKnight. Mrs. David Brown had charge of the program, “Christ the Answer in the Home” with Mrs. David Long, Mrs. Harold Freeman, Miss Selma Guyer and Miss Fannie Sue Harris, taking part. The Rosa Lee Appleby circle met with Mrs. Roland Jones with Mrs. Ernest Edwards as associate hostess. Mrs. Howard J. Ford pre sented the program on “Chrisf, the Answer in the Home.” Routine business was discussed. Eleven members were present. The Mary Ellen Dozier Circle met with Mrs. M. H. Terrell at her home on Elk Spur Street with 14 members and two visitors. Three new members, Mrs. Ray mond Vestal, Mrs. Fred Masten and Miss Earline Mayberry, were welcomed into the group. Mrs. Earl C. James presented the pro gram on the topic, “Christ, the Answer in the Home.” Miss Collins, Mr. Money, Betrothed Miss Ella Nevada Collins, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins of this city, became the bride of Lloyd Lawrence Money, son of Eugene Money of this city, and the late Mrs. Money. The wedding took place at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. C. Gwaltney on April 16. Only a few close friends of the couple witnessed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a white gabardine suit of pink carnations. Since returning from a wedding trip to Western Northe Carolina, the couple are at home with the bridegroom’s father. He’s using. .. ^JeXOLITE” Texolite* paint'mixes easily, ap plies easily, does both fast. Dries in an hour, too. It’s available in a wide range of smart colors. One gallon, thinned with water, makes VA gallons of paint, enough for an average room. ^Trademark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off* Elkin Lumber Manufacturing Co. Phone 68 — Elkin, N. C. and Crater-Darnell Vows Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darnell an nounce the marriage of theii daughter, Jo Ann, to James Will iam Crater, son of Rev. and Mrs Roy Crater of Ronda at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon, April 30, a the home of the officiating min ister, Rev. J. C. Gwaltney. Th< double ring cerehiony was used. The bride wore a suit of Roya I1 blue with gray accessories. At her shoulder she pinned an orchid corsage. Miss Caleen Darnell, sister of the bride, and Miss Tommie Joe Darnell, cousin of the bride, were the bride’s only attendants. J. C. Combs acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Crater are mak ing their home with the bride’s parents. Gold was forbidden in Scot land in 1491 because people were neglecting their archery practice l for it. Jonesville High Tq Present Show An amateur hour will be spon sored Friday at 7:30 p. m., at Jonesville High School. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place winners in each of three divisions, instru mental, vocal and variety. The public has been invited. Admission prices will be 25 and 50 cents. Remember Mother - With Hallmark Cards and Personalized Gifts Griffin Sporting Goods i All America Proclaims Remember Mother With Something New From Spainhour’s Basement Store Here You Will Find Everything Her Heart Desires In A New Dress, New Hat, New Coat, New Bag, * Beautiful Lingerie, Etc. Ladies’ Hats Chics and Matrons for Mothers of All Ages. All New Styles In Assorted Trims. Newest Spring Colors. $1.98t»$3.98 Ladies" Bags Wonderful Gifts -Fpr „ Mother. Beautiful Assortment In Straw, Plastic and Calf Bags. $1.00-$1.98 $2.98 Ladies"1 Suits (Choice of Styles and Colors. Special Prices. Were to $24.95, Now— $14.88to$19.88 Ladies"1 Dresses Lovely Styles and Colors. Sizes 9 to 24Co. Special for Mother’s Day— $5.88 to $6.88 Ladies’ Coats l/2 Price Gabardines Were $29.95, Now— $14.98 Other Coats $16.95 Values Now— ' $8.48 $24.95 Values Now— $12.48 Ladies’ Toppers Assorted Spring Colore In All Sizes $3.98 to $16.88 For HER Gift! ^adii les* Ideal For Moth< Gifts For ier! Gotton_ $h49 to $1.98 iiayon and rv^n $1-00 to «Q no6 •00 to 98 Here lie s’ •uses 7\Gift Both Usefi" 4nd Practical! Cotton-_ 98 •00 to 8'"98 and $2.98 In Pair 45 'on 1 Pink, / In L°Ve,J' New Gaugp Gauge .. ®rassieres >se Shad( lea. 51 $1.00 $1.25 ..'.j Whit, Sizes and Tear 32 to 38 'ose 79c to .98 0NE TABLE of Co,*o*i H A IU D n m i U basement store II