*Jhtt the Social !\ea(m News of Parties, Clubs, Weddings TELEPHONE No. 96 Mrs. Gwyn,Recent Bride, Is Honored. i Honoring Mrs. Owen Gwyn, a recent bride, Mrs. Paul Gwyn en tertained at a tea on Wednesday afternoon of last week at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Alternating greeting the guests at the door were Mrs. Raymond Chatham and Mrs. J. O. Bivins. The receiving line was composed of the hostess, Mrs. Owen Gwyn, Mrs. M. W. Price, mother of the honoree, Miss Barbara Benson, a bride-elect of September, Mrs. J. W. L. Benson, mother cf the bride-elect, and Mrs. M. E. Mot singer of Winston-Salem. Directing guests into the dining room were Mrs. Harry Jonnson during the first hour, and Mrs. Charles Dixon, the second hour. Sandwiches, nuts, cakes and punch were served from a tea table which was overlaid with a handsome lace cloth and centered with an artistic arrangement of fellow roses. Presiding at the punch bowl were Mrs. R. B. Harrell, Mrs. Eu gene Spainhour and Mrs. Hardin Graham. Assisting in serving were Miss Ann Harris, Miss Cathey Leeper, Miss Virginia Graham, Miss Betsy Richardson and Miss Gene Click. The guest register was presided over by Mrs. Edwin Duncan, Jr., and Mrs. E. W. McDaniel. Receiving guests in the den were Mrs. Charles Ashby and Mrs. N. J. Blackwood. Assisting in receiving and serving were Miss Maude Greenwood, Mrs. R. G. Chatham and Mrs. LeGrand Johnson. The honoree and Miss Benson were presented gifts of silver in their chosen wedding patterns. Good-byes were said to Mrs. R. C. Freeman during the first hour and to Mrs. Herbert Graham, the second hour. , Approximately 125 guests called during the receiving hours from 3:30 until 5:30 o’clock. Tribune Advertising Gets Results I THURSDAY At 7:45 p. m., the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Hall. Every member is urged to be pres ent. A meeting for the purpose of organizing a Senior Woman’s Club will be held at 8 p. m. at the Gil vin Roth YMCA. All interested persons are invited to attend. * * * FRIDAY The Junior Woman’s Club will hold a bake sale at the Basketeria beginning at 9 a. m. Mrs.Thomassonls Honored Sunday A family dinner was held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Thomasson at her home in Hamptonville Sun day. Mrs. Thomasson is 91 years of age. All of Mrs. Thomasson’s child ren, but one daughter, Mrs. W. A. Creason of Michigan, were present for the occasion. Children attend ing the dinner were Mrs. Mallie White, Miss Sallie Thomasson, Strong Thomasson, and Mrs. Mary White, all of Hamptonville, Wiley and Roger Thomasson, both of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Math Moss of Misenheimer, Roy Thomasson of Detroit, Mich., and J. Stowe Thomasson of Elkin. Mrs. Thomasson has 40 grand children and 35 great grandchil dren who also attended the cele bration. Mother-Daughter Meeting Held The Young Women’s Association of the First Baptist Church held its annual Mother-Daughter meet ing on Tuesday evening with Lou isa Roth and Mrs. W. T. Roth at their home on West Main Street. Approximately 25 members and mothers or friends were present for the meeting. Betty Lineberry, president, presided. Mrs. Reece Gilliam, adult leader, extended the welcome knd Ethel Milan conducted the devotional and Bible study. Carolyn Freeman, Frances Os borne and Wilma Nichols gave two special vocal selections, ac companied at the piano by Gwen dolyn Walker. A program on “Christianity vs. Catholicism’’ was presented by Molly Dobbins, Joanne Dorsett, Lynn Oliver, Gaye Taylor, Fran ces Crowe and Carolyn Freeman. Delicious refreshments, through the courtesy of the Estfelle Coun cilman Circle, were served at the close of the program. Helen Dobson Circle Meets The Helen Dobson circle of the Grassy Creek Methodist Church met Tuesday evening in the rec reation hall of the church with eight members, one new member and two visitors present. The devotionals were conducted by Mrs. J. B. Felts and the open ing prayer was offered by Mrs. Walter Collins. “Spreading His Light In Bur ma,” the program topic, was dis cussed by Mrs. George Felts, Mrs. Tom Bruce and Mrs. Clifton Davis. Mrs. O. F. Yarborough was a guest at the meeting and spoke to the group using as her topic, "What Women Can Do In The Church.” The closing prayer was offered by Mrs. A. D. McCoin. if vou’re 5 feet 5 or less, Leslie Fay fits you to a rp» moonlit satin for summer nights $149S . Midsummer satin ... rich Bur-Mil rayon slipper efltfa. .VWdnderful-feeling and wonderfully fashioned for evenings out. The season’s new form-defining line in black, navy, copper, blue steel, wine and deep green. Precision-sized 10T to 20T to sate you alteration cares.and costs! as advertised in GLAMOUR I P 0 HN A ’S ...JtelMaingtreet Elkin, N. C. Bride-Elect Feted During Past Week Miss Barbara Benson, bride elect of September 3 has been shown several courtesies during the past week. Miss Benson is to wed John Fairclough, Jr., of Ridgewood, N. J. Miss Benson was honored on Thursday at a luncheon given by Mrs. William T. Roth at her home on West Main Street. Luncheon covers were laid for 24 guests. The traditional bridal colors of green and white were carried oyt in the decorations consisting of white roses, gladioli and gypso philia. The honoree’s place was marked with a corsage and she was pre sented a gift of china in her chos en pattern. Bingo was played with the priz es going to, Mrs. Livingston Will iams and Mrs. Lee Neaves. Remembrances were given to Mrs. Charles Meade of St. Peters burg, Fla., and Mrs. J. D. Dunn of Shelbyville, Ky., visitors in Elkin. * * * Mrs. N. J. Blackwood and Mrs. Charles F. Dixon entertained Sat urday with a, luncheon at the Forsyth Country Club in Winston Salem in honor of Miss Benson. Luncheon covers were laid for 40 guests from Elkin and Winston Salem. Miss Benson was given a corsage and a gift of silver in her chosen pattern by the hostesses. They al so gave Mrs. Owen Gwyn, a recent bride, a gift of silver. The luncheon tables were beau tifully decorated carrying out the bridal colors of green and white. Mixed Summer flowers were used throughout the club. * * • Miss Benson was feted Monday evening when Mrs. W. B. Reeves entertained at a theatre party at the showing of “Connecticut Yankee.” The guest list included about 25 friends of the honoree. Following the movie, refresh ments were enjoyed at a local drug store. Mrs. Reeves presented Miss Ben son with a gift of silver in her chosen wedding pattern. * * * Miss Mabel Sale honored Miss Benson Tuesday evening, when she was hostess to her bridge club at her home on North Bridge Street. Upon the arrival of the guests, a tempting dessert course was ser ved. Each of the individual tables was centered with a silver wedding bell filled with pale pink babies breath. Miss Benson’s place was marked with a miniature bridal doll and she was presented a gift of crystal. Budge was played at three tables with the prize for the club members going to Miss Erline Mayberry, and for the guests, to Mrs. Edwin Duncan, Jr. Guests in addition to the club members were Miss Benson, Mrs. Duncan, Miss Cathey Leeper, Mrs. Ray Collie, and Mrs. Fred York. Club members are Miss Ola Crow der, Miss Mamie Dyer, Miss Idelia Benson, Miss Pauline Masten, Miss Lois McKnight, Miss Erline May berry and Miss Lucille Shermer. Affianced Couple Shown Courtesy Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brendle en tertained Miss Geraldine Couch and John P. Mayer, who were wed July 30, at a cake cutting on Fri day, July 29, at their home on North Bridge Street. Guests in cluded members of the wedding party, families and close friends. The bride’s table was overlaid with a linen cloth and centered with a two tiered heart shaped cake topped with a miniature bri dal couple. The base of the cake was encircled with babies breath. White satin ribbon was caught up with bouquets of flowers around ttffe table. Queen Anne’s lace and candles were used on the buffet. Also in the dining room was a miniature wedding scene. After the traditional cutting of the cake, Miss Ethelda McCarver of Hampton, Va„ completed the serving. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Harold Brendle and Mrs. T. L. Parnell. The receiving rooms of the home were beautifully decorated with Queen Anne’§ lace and roses. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Mayer of Bing hamton, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayer of Long Island, N. Y., and Mrs. L. C. Couch of Chapel Hill. Circles Hold Group Meeting The circles of the Woman’s So ciety of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church met at the church Monday afternoon for a group meeting with 50 members present. Mrs. Raymond Harris, president, presided over the meeting. The devotional period was con ducted by Mrs. C. Hf Leary. Mrs. Peter Masten, the former Miss Sally Blackwood, was guest speaker. She spoke of her work as secretary at a rural mission school in Kentucky, where she was sent by a mission board. Later she was transferred to Pfieffer Junior College, Misenheimer, where she still holds a position. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. C. O. Garland, Mrs. Callie Robinson, Mrs. C. C. Wright, Mrs. Abe Harris and Mrs. James Booher. r (PHOTO BY BELL) CONTEST WINNER — Roderick Norwood Harris, above, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mon Harris of Jonesville, was winner in a baby contest, sponsored recently by the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Pentecostal Holiness Church in Jonesville. Mickey Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayes of Elkin, was runner-up. Proceeds from the contest were used for general expenses of the church. Baptist Circles Convene Monday The circles of the W. M. S. of the First Baptist Church met Monday using as their program topic, “Christ, the Answer for Er rors in Catholicism.” The circles met as follows: The Estelle Councilman circle met with Mrs. Walter Burgess at her Summer home near Roaring Gap for a picnic at 6:30 p. m. Monday. Nine members and nine visitors were present. Mrs. A. R. Plaster gave the devotionals and Mrs. Glenn Lewis the program us ing the assigned topic. Mrs. John Sears presided over the business session and Mrs. Reece Gilliam of fered the closing prayer. - Mrs. M. O. Fox was hostess to the Katie Murray circle for lunch eon at the church Monday. Mrs. W. F. Reece had charge of the devotional service^. Mrs. Adrian Nixon presented the program us ing as her topic, “Catholicism vs. Christianity.” Eight members and six visitors attended the meeting. Rev. Howard J. Ford and Dr. M. O. Fox were guests for luncheon. The Neil Young circle met with Mrs. H. D. Transou at 3 p. m. with 11 members and two visitors pres ent. Miss Ruth Masten presented the program. The Pearl Johnson circle held a picnic at the home of Mrs. Clyde Carroll. The devotional period was conducted by Miss Lucy Gray. Miss Emma Cooke presented the program. Ten members were pres ent. The Emma Leechman circle met with Mrs. W. W. Byrd with Mrs. G. L. Hampton as associate hos tess. Mrs. T. Vern Cockerham pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. Silas Nichols gave a reading, “Someone Gave Me A Bible,” followed by the devotionals given by Mrs. I. S. Gambill. Mrs. Troy D. Mathis gave a story, “The Experiences of a Missionary in Colombia.” Mar gie Powers offered the closing prayer. Twelve members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Raymond Vestal was hos tess to the Mary Ellen Dozier cir cle with nine members and one visitor present. Mrs. Paul Hinshaw had charge of the devotional per iod. “Christ the Answer to Cath olicism,” the program topic, was discussed by Mrs. Sam Gray. Carolyn Caudle Circle Convenes ♦ The Carolyn Caudle circle of the Elkin Valley Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Stone Coop er Tuesday evening with 11 mem bers and, two visitors present. Mrs. Smith Collins offered the opening prayer. “New and ‘Living Way” was the topic of the devo tionals conducted by Mrs. Betty Frye. Mrs. Lester Cass, program chair man, introduced David Lee Fletch er, a ministerial student at Wake Forest College, who spoke on “Christ the Answer for Errors in Catholicism.” The closing prayer was led by Mrs. J. C. Gwaltney. Delaine Utley Feted Monday Mrs. Charles Utley honored her daughter, Delaine, on her fifth birthday anniversary, Monday aft ernoon, with a party at their home on Surry Avenue. Games were enjoyed on the lawn of the home by the approximate ly 30 guests of similar ages. At the conclusion of the play, delicious refreshments were serv ed the group. Bake Sale To Be Held Friday A bake sale will be held Friday at 9 a. m. at the Basketeria spon sored by the Junior Womans Club. Proceeds from the bake sale will be used for the organization’s project of building playgrounds at various points throughout the town. Miss Minnick Is ■ Honored Saturday Miss Norma Jean Minnick was honored on her 16th birthday an niversary, Saturday afternoon with a party given in her honor by her mother, Mrs. Sarah Min nick. Games and contests were play ed with prizes going to Leo Myers, B. C. Trexler, Bill Reece, Freder ick Pardue and Norma Jean Min nick. A color scheme of red and white was carried out in the decorations. A delicious refreshment course was served by the hostesses. The guest list included 25 friends of the honoree. Elkin Valley Y.WAMeets The Young Women’s Associa tion of the Elkin Valley Baptist Church met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Sam DeBorde. Eleven members and four visitors were present. % The meeting was opened with the singing of “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” after which Susie Royall gave the opening prayer. Mrs. Brady Settle conducted the Bible study. Miss Mattie Johnson, program chairman, and other members presented a very interesting pro gram on the subject “Christiani ty vs. Catholicism.” After the business session and program the hostess served de licious refreshments. Rural Mail Carrier Exam Will Be Held The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an ex amination to fill the position of rural mail carrier at Dobson. Applications will be received un til August 25, and the examina tion will be held at Mount Airy. The date of examination will be stated on admission cards which will be mailed to applicants after the closing date for receipt of applications. Applications must be on file with the Commission at Washing ton, D. C., prior to the close of business on the date specified above. Casstevens To Speak At Mineral Springs Rev. Kenneth Casstevens, a stu dent at the Bob Jones College, will speak to the Young People of Mineral Springs Baptist Church 7 Sunday evening at 6:30 o’clock. ^ ^ At the evening service at 7:3tyP o’clock, the pastor. Rev. Clifford Vestal will bring the message us irig as his topic, “Unpardonable Sin.” The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Prescription Service Pure, Fresh Drugs Promptness and Accuracy Go Into The Filling Of Every Prescription! V You Can Depend On Us! Abernethy’s A Good Drug Store PHONE 42 August Special TttaJie SontefocUf *7od . 4 k * * ) Blaekufdder-fRathib furnitupe company “The Home of Quality Furniture For Less Money” Phone 549 'Jmresrflle, N. C.