Jn News of Parties, Clubs, Weddings TELEPHONE No. 96 Club Presents Radio Program The Business and Professional Woman's Club presented a Christ mas broadcast over radio station WIFM last night at 7:45 p. m. Miss Ola Crowder was in charge of the broadcast and taking part was the third grade of Elkin Ele mentary School which sang carols and gave recitations. Students participating were Savanah Car rico, Maxine Hemric, Sylvia Harpe. Mary Ann Johnson, Donald Couch, Larry Darnell, Tom Law rence, Norman Graham, Tom Dil lon, Johnny Welborn, Dickie Evans, Buddy Hay Musgrove, Mary Lou Meed, Sara Redinon, Ronnie Transou. Mary Lee Eldridge and Linda Eidson. The children were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. E. T. Spence. Miss Johnson Is Feted Wednesday Mrs. Dwayne Irwin was hostess! to an informal party Wednesday evening, honoring Miss Phyllis | Johnson who will leave Wednesday for Cincinnati, Ohio, where she; has accepted a position and will j also attend the University of Cin cinnati to study French. The guest list included twelve fiiends of the honoree. During the evening games were played and guests told of exper iences they had had during Christ mas seasons past. Miss Johnson was presented re membrances by the hostess. The receiving rooms were beau tifully decorated carrying out the Christmas motif which was repeat ed in the refreshment course. Tribune Advertising Gets Results Jonesville Couple Is Wed Yesterday MRS. R. E. SMITH {PHOTO BY BELL) In a candlelight ceremony. Miss Betty Jean Pardue, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Richard John Par due, and Ranny E. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith of Jonesville, were united in marri age at 7:30 o’clock last night at the home of the bride’s parents. The Rev. J. Max Brandon, pas tor of the Jonesville Methodist Chtirch, officiated using the double ring ritual, assisted by the Rev. L. J. Pardue, uncle of the bride, and pastor of the Mt. View Baptist Church. Frior to the ceremony a pro gram of wedding music was pre sented by Mrs. Ivry Johnson, pian ist and David Reece of Raleigh, soloist. Mr. Reece sang "I Love You Truly,” “Because," “The Sweetest Story Ever Told,” "Al ways" and for the benediction, Moy oil the joys of Christmos be yours throughout the year. POPLIN MOTORS Oldsmobile Sales and Service At this season of the year we pause to express to our many friends and customers our sincere appreciation for your patronage during the past year. We wish for each and everyone of you a wonder ful Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year! Hinshaw Radio Sales and Service Albert Hinshaw, Prop. Elkin, N. C. 1% ( W.M.S.Elects 1950 Officers The W. M. S. of the First Bap tist Church met for a general meeting on Monday afternoon at the church with Mrs. C. N. Myers, president, presiding. Mrs. A. T. Whittington read the scripture and Mrs. H. G. Harris led in prayer. Miss Emma Cooke presented the program “Christ the Answer for the World.” During the business session, re ports of the year's activities were given, and officers for 1950 were elected. Mrs. Fred Harris was named president; Mrs. E. C. James, first vice-president; Miss Emma Cooke, second vice-presi dent; Mrs. A. R. Plastef, third vice-president; Mrs. Zeno Dobbins, secretary; Mrs. J. D. Brendle, treasurer and literature chairman; Miss Mattie Mae Powell, steward ship chairman; Miss Hazel Byrd, mission study chairman; Mrs. C. R. Alexander, community mission chairman; Mrs. James Burcham. social chairman and Miss Cathey Leeper, publicity chairman. Circle chairmen for the year are as follows: Mrs. W. T. Roth, Emma Leechman circle: Mrs. G. H. Tatum, Katie Murray circle; Mrs. T. L. Parnell, Neil Young circle; Mrs. Ted Griffin, Olive Lawton circle; Mrs. Jack Hol comb, Mary Ellen Dozier circle; Miss Lucy Gray, Pearl Johnson circle; Mrs. R. L. Jones, Estelle Councilman circle; Mrs. Charlie Young. Rosa Lee Appleby circle; Mrs. Hadley Badgett, new circle < yet unnamed); Miss Fannie Sue Harris, Young Business Woman’s circle; Mrs. Reece Gilliam, Y.W.A.; Mrs. Phil Poats, Intermediate Girls’ Auxiliary; Mrs. David Blown, Junior Girls’ Auxiliary; Mrs. J. S. Elmore. Royal Ambas sador chapter and Mrs. Grady Daye, Sunbeams. At the conclusion of the meet ing, the retiring president was given a vote of thanks for hei work throughout the year. The closing prayer was offered by Mrs T. G. Harris. Church Class Holds Parly The Homemakers Sunday Schoo class of the First Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Noah Darnell Friday evening for a Christmas party with 17 members present. Mrs. H. G. Harris, class teacher read the Christmas story and Mrs C. R. Alexander offered the open ing prayer. Games and contests were en joyed and gifts were exchanged. A tempting refreshment coursi was served at the conclusion of th< meeting. “The Lord’s Prayer.” During th< ceremony, Mrs. Johnson playec "Clan- de Lune.” The traditiona wedding marches were used. The vows were exchanged befon a background of Oregon fern in terspersed with arrangements o white gladioli and candles ii branched candlelabra. The bride, given in marriage b: her father, wore a skipper bln gabardine suit with a matchini hat and gray accessories. At he shoulder she pinned a corsage o red rosebuds. Her only ornamen was a double strand of pearls. Miss Bonnie Lee Pardue, siste of the bride, was maid of honoi and was attired in a gray suit witl black accessories and her corsag was of white carnations. Jimmy Eldridge of Jonesvilh cousin o4 the bridegroom, acted a best man. Ushers were Jo Glenn Weatherman, brother-in law of the bride, and Williar Howard Pardue, brother of tli bride. Immediately following the wed ding, an informal reception wa held. Mrs. R. J. Pardue greete the guests and directed them t the dining room. A three tiere heart shaped wedding cak topped with a miniature brid i and groom centered the bride table which was overlaid with lace cloth. The cake was sui rounded with greenery an gladioli blossoms and lighted tap ers completed the setting. Assisting in serving were Mi; Peggy Morrison, Miss Edna Wag oner, Miss Carolyn Rary, Mb | Betty Lou Scott, Mrs. Paulin Wagoner, all of Jonesville, Mr; Virgil Shumate of Ronda, Mis Arleen Byrd of Elkin. After the reception the coupl left on a wedding trip to unan nounced points, after which the will make their home with th bridegroom's parents. Mrs. Smith is a member of th Senior class of Jonesville Hig School. Mr. Smith, a graduate e Jonesville High School, is employ ed at Holcomb Brothers Plumbin and Heating Company. * * * Among the out-of-town guest attending the wedding were Mi and Mrs. David Reece of Raleig; and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cocker ham of Winston-Salem. Miss Ferguson, Mr. Mrs. Mayberry is Emerson, Are Wed Feted Yesterday l MRS. CHARLES EMERSON (PHOTO BY BELL) Miss Edna Marie Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Ferguson of Jonesville, became the bride of Charles Lindbergh Emer son, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Emerson of Jonesville in a pretty home ceremony yesterday at G o’clock in the evening. Rev. D. L. Temple of Arlington, officiated, using the double ring ceremony, assisted by Rev. George Walters, pastor of the bride. Prior to the ceremony a prelude of wedding music was presented by Mrs. J. Clyde Phillips, pianist, and Jerry Blevins, soloist. Before the ceremony, Mrs. Phillips play ed “Nocturne” (Chopin), “The Sweetest Story Ever Told” (Stults) and Miss Blevins sang “At Dawn ing” (Cadman), “O Promise Me" (DeKoven). During the ceremony Mrs. Phillips played “I Love You Truly” (Bond). The traditional wedding marches were used. The vows were exchanged before an improvised altar of Oregon fern, white gladioli and an arch of lighted candles. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a skipper blue gabardine suit with which she used a matching hat and gray acces sories, with a corsage of red rose buds. Her only ornament was a heirloom necklace belonging to hei great-grandmother. Miss Sarah Lee Ferguson was her sister’s maid of honor and only attendant. She wore a wine gabar dine suit with brown accessories and her corsage was of white rose | buds. Raymond Hemric of Winston Salem, acted as best man. Ushers were Jack Everidge, Jonesville uncle of the bride, and J. B. Math is of Cycle, also an uncle of tin bride. Following the ceremony, an in i formal reception was held. Mrs Harry Greene of Ronda, directec the guests to the dining roon where the bride’s table was over i laid with a three tiered cake top ped with a miniature bride anc j groom. The base of the cake wa; i encircled with greenery and whin j gladioli blossoms. The setting wa: ! framed by lighted tapers in crysta holders. ■1 After the traditional cutting o ■ the cake, Mrs. Farmer Groce com pleted the serving. Presiding at tin punch bowl was Mrs. Foy Hemrii , of Boonville. Assisting in servini I were Carolyn Haynes, Betty J< j! Osborne, and Maggie Burcham. Mrs. Emerson is a member o the Senior class of Jonesville Higl School. The bridegroom is a grad j. uate of Jonesville High School am is associated with Brendle CasI 1 Wholesale Company. Upon returning from an unan nounced wedding trip, Mr. an ! Mrs. Emerson will be at home witl ! the bridegroom’s parents. c1 _____ IZ:Ul Hub Has Christmas Party e The annual Christmas Seaso dinner of the 12:01 Club of Elki was held at the Coffee Shop c Hotel Elkin last night. Eighteen members of the clul an informal luncheon group, al tended and re-elected Harry Her sel president for 1950. Also, for th first time, a plaque was presente the president. It will be used as club emblem for future meeting Those attending were Harr Hensel, Noah Hayes, Dr. and Mr James H. Howard, Ted Griffii Dixie Graham, C. J. Hyslup, Her fcert Graham, C. C. Poindexte Mr. and Mrs. Mel McAdams, 1 W. McDaniel, H. F. Laffoorr, Gwy Franklin, Bob Isbell, Dan Busicl Charles Utley and Garland Johr son. Gifts were presented to Mr Bonnie Andrews arrd her staff c kitchen and dining room err ployees. e s e ]onesi)ille Scouts Are Feted Monday The Jonesville Senior G i r Scouts met at the home of the: leader, Mrs. Carter Dickson o Monday evening for a Christma ^ party. J I The guest list included 23 mem bers of the Scout troop and com mittee women. ’ During the evening the grou sang carols and exchanged gift: They also filled a basket for s needy family. Punch and cookies were serve 1 by the hostess. Assisting in serv ing were Mrs. Carl Rary and Mr: Lester, Haynes. Mrs. Dick Mayberry, who before her lecent marriage was the for mer Miss Ann Harris of this city, was honored by Mrs. G. A. B. Moore at a kitchen shower yester day afternoon at her home on Gwyn Avenue. The guest list included friends of the honorec. Games were played with the prizes going to Miss Maxine Lud wig and Mrs. Mayberry. Mrs. Mayberry was presented a corsage and a gift by the hostess. The Christmas motif was car ried out in the decorations and the appointments. Mrs. Harrell Is Hostess To Club The Mason Lillard Bible Class met on Monday evening at the home.of Mrs. R. B. Harrell with 23 members present. Mrs. Jones Holcomb, Mrs. James Atwell and Mrs. Clifton Leary were associate hostesses, Miss Phyllis Johnson presented the program on her trip to Europe during the summer, and showed the group movies made there. The members exchanged gifts, after which the hostesses served j delicious refreshments, carrying out the holiday theme. U. S. auto workers are paid from three to 10 times as much as similar workers in Europe. fy. TP, ■■ fa u £wkJ 1 i Best wishes and good cheer for a Merry Christmas Season. J. H. BEESON Insurance Elkin, N. C, :'4P rv.,tr^ I > ) i I A REFLECTION OF CHRISTMAS CHEER The jolly smile on Santa's face, the twinkle in his eye. the goodness in his mellow voice reflect the good wishes in our hearts for a joyous Yuletide for each and every one of our friends. I 1 Each and Everyone of Us Wish Each and Everyone of You Marys Ideal Elite Modem Alma s / aba Gray s J ower j j BEAUTY SHOPS « i i 'w i a RIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS! % vj&Grry/jz 0 To all our many friends! May you enjoy a truly Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year. Filled with joy and plenty! mmss W. M. WALL Elkin’s Leading Jeweler