i'eroip tp SibcriWi, ,. Copy, ow. I ear,. .11.00 j: it ii y, 1 BUJUiiit , Ml fr.i'l'. i'oiiIm 06 A 0 .' tbiirg rate reaopbl, and nad kuown W a Li er B. Bkll, Editor, Hubbard & Roth, . . . .Proprietors n HW. od )& mail inaicr. N. C, Febuary. 27 1896 Tl.j Caucasia says that Surry r-oijr.'y AIJanc lias cputributed r.00 U tha Polk monument, We f!;il noknow thoro wns such an rgauu&(ion in (Bjfistenco- Tha Winston Republican say that electoral fusion between the Populist and Republicans in J-'orth Carolina this year, is not frtjiy onxt to impossible, but un desirable and, dangerous, Mr. Marshall L. Mott, the fo Mfiitor of th.s judicial district plewled guilty t3 tb,e charge of gambling, iu Foiyth court last w'ok and was fined $10.00 aod prst. It cannot bo fsaid that this i nartisifea persecution as the presiding Judge Norwood, was filleted on the same ticket with Mott. This is indeed a prfetty dtat of alfalra. An officer who is sworn to uphold and enforce the laws punished for Violating thm himsolf, But this is Reform. Several weeks ago a pcusion jE?a.uiiaer was in town, and some pn told an old colored man Tom pwyn, who is wg!1 known around town that the pension agent was looking for him, that the govern ment was going to ppnsionail tho pldslavss. Tom would not believe! Jt at first, bijfc when a drummer fleiftd him 40,00 for his chance, The railway commission has issued an order that railroads shall bulletin tm minutes before hand the arrival of trains at tele graph stations, and if behind time the time of arrival shall be ap proximated as nearly as pos siblo The much talked about prize fight has actually taken place at last and the country breathes easier. Fitzsimmons knocked out Maher in the first round. It only took him ninety five min utes to do the little Irishman up. The fight took place in Mexico. Tho Statesville Semi-Weekly Landmark has been enlarged to a seven column paper. We note with pride the rapid advancement which this paper the best of all the weekly State papers is mak ing and congratulate it on its success. Edgar W. Nyo better known as "am rsye inenumorisi aieu at his homo at Buck Shoals near Ashe ville Saturday evening. Ov erwork is said to be the cause of his death. He was a gonial whole souled gentleman and we regret to hear of his death. Oscar Welch, aged"-, an oper ative in mill No. 2 of the Worth Manfacturing Company at Cen tral Falls, was trying to adjust a belt on a pulley Tuesday when his arm was caught and in a twinkling it was torn off between the wrist and elbow and he was whirling around the shaft which was making 2u0 revolutions toi tho minute. He died in a few hours. A correspondent writing from Traphill. to tho Raleigh News and Observer, says: "It is thought by the leading men of all parties in this section of the State that Dr. Tyre York , Yadkin Letter, Lougtowu needs a doctor bad- 'y- The weather like a womniis affections continues variable. Mr. R. P. Crater has been right sick for the past few days. The Public School attbis place touglu by J. II. Mathis closed today. Mr. Andrew Gentry will leave here next Monday for Simpson, Kansas where he will no doubt find work to-do.. New corn is worth hirty five cents per bushel. Several per. sons are making arrangements to go to boiling it. Mr. Calvin Gross whose insan ity was nottid in the Times some time ago will be taken to the State Ilospital at Morganton soon We are pained to announce that Mrs. A. M. Tomlin of this place is dangerously sick. She is considered in a critical condi tion. Mr. J. P. Kay will sell his property the "8th inst, and will leave in 'a few days for Barbers Mills Indiana where he will re aide in the future. On last Saturday night a parly of young people assembled at the kind and hospitable home of Mr. F. L. Gentry at Flanpton ville to enjoy a few hours in conversation and nice music. Miss Maggie Hampton held us almost spellbound for half an hour on that sweet and beautiful duet "Home Sweet Home." P. M. II. Longtown Fed. 22, 1890. Saved Hid -Life BY USING ayer's Cherry pectoral "wnenmy aaopi- o ed 'A'us Hevcn o mm UC3 W yeiu-g of iie, he had j cougn 0 o o as severe a a I ever knew nny. onu to suffer from lie coughed luces- 0 nnnttv nnil .nit. lit) O FL blood. I tried overy- ;. thhw- T enuld tllillk of, but lio constant- ol ly grew worse, amt JJ I feared the poor 0 little fellow would surelv tile. At last, I gave him Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, being recommended to do bo by the physician, o This mediolne gave tho child speedy re- o lief and effected permanent cure." 5 Mrs. M. E. Deuat, Liberty, Texas. o o o o o o o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ! Recalved Highest Awards AT THE WORLD S FAIR oooooooooooooooooooooooo J. L. TURNER, NORTH WILKEBOltO. X. C ..L.LJ.l JL SCHOULERS DRY GOODS STORE AND ilSLLISJARY ESTABLISHMENT It. T. M0TSINOEH, Saleiman. PLANT DED CLOTH, AWAY DOWN. BOOTS AND SHOES IN SAM . PLES. VERYCAEAP, REMNANTS OP FRJES' STRIPED SHEETING, ONLY 6 CENTS. Our fine Hup of Ladips Beave, Plush, and Fur Capes, at Less than New York cost. D. D SCOULER, WINSTON. N. Ct will ho ii.-l(nendprit-eandida.tn hp scouted the idea and went toifnr r,nr, n.vt fn. n i hunt up the agent to get more information. Of course it was all a joke but what do we see now? A bUl before Congress introduced by Senator Thurston pood money. This is a great bill. It ousrht to pass with a rush. Uncle Tom would get his 1500 and his 15 a mouth regu larly, and of course he would let cir Eli; in msrch; n s and farmers have part of the money and in that way tha government would b helping our people indirectly, push it Mr. Thurston and if you peed any help ju6t call on us. W wilj bring you a train load of darkeys to Washington every weK 10 lot'Oy tor the bill if it peed 3 bd. youa cfiEDir, T"$omo p&ople seem to think fiat their credit is good for an in fUiiiiita length of timo It is al most a criminaloffense to expect a business man to trust you, not far a few weeks or a mouth and to allow your debts to go unpaid for six months or a year. Busi ness meu Lava to meet their ob ligations promptly. The big firms will oot carry them over a certaia l&flgth of time and their customers cannot .vxpect any roater latitude to ba givau them. U surprising how many "well- lo do people allow their bills to go unpaid until tho dealer, much agaicst his inclinations, is forc ed to tend thf obnoxious dun and thereby rbap6 give mortal of- fvWS, "Hateful old thing. we heard a merchant called the other day who had dared, pressed by his own sharp necessities, to dun myj iaay. ui course i expected to pay the bill some day." By, it i the some day. dear sir, and, Scar madam, to which yea put off paying for your gro ceries, your dry goods, your ?noes, your mrqituro, or your drugs tbat pv&ds so many bu6i p.ess men to the wall, True, it is not aiways convenient to pay at once and the accomodating buicess man will tell you your cvt-dit is good, but in the name pi heaven keep it good. Doq't lat your billa go unpaid i day longer tbaa you ci help fad above all tilings don't make it a jioint to forget whether you fcive paid them or not. Ex- one of (he best stump speakers in the State, and if he does come out, he wili give Zig Zag Linney or any other man a hard race to beat him. The Democrats of Gov. Dough Governor of ton to be the next North Carolinia.-' pf Nebraska, to pay every negro Wilkes want Lieut now living, who was iu slavery, from -4,03 a mouth if less than fifly years old up to 815.00 a paouth jf seventy, Iu addition la this if the darkey emerged fr6hj slavery peaniless be is to have 850Q besides of Undo Sam's A Far-Ilcfcch Eg Prayer. There is nothing in Iho world which equals in uniqueness the prayer of the old time darkey. A l Union county negro is credited i with winding up a long and fer vent petition in the following words; "Now, oh Lawd. bless all dem people away oil yander in Africa and Asia and Spasia and dem f ureign countries where deiootob man has nobor trod and Gawd himself knows not of!" Monroe Journal. Manufacturer and Dealer iu Cabinet Work, Upholstering, FURNITURE, ! Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, . Burial Shoes, and General Undertaking. I FINE WOOD MANTELS A SPECIALTY. I -AI..SO- Manufacturer of Mattresses. I I L B. CALLAWAY, ELKIN. n. c GENERAL MERHANT OKALKU IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods I have the reputation of carrying THE BEST STOCK OF LADIES 1ND GENT'S SHOES l TOWX. Haw just received a nice, liae liecoived a large stoi lc of Glassware, Lam;?, Tarablers, Direct from Liverpool. Tariff off. Use Mason Jars, the best (o k eep fruit in. and easy to use. . You will lind my stock com plete and at my old stand on Front Street, where I will be glad to. see you. . FIGURES DON'T LIE, PRICES TALK, OUR GOODS ARE ALL MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES Calico, So. aud Co. yd. Lawns, 6c, Dress Suitings and DimiUes, 7c. apd 8c. . Percals, 8c. and 10c C?-epon Brocades, 20c. Taffetta Moires, 20e. and .r)c. Puckings. 10c. Denims, 10c. Pins. lc. and 5c Ladies" Hose. 8c , 10c, 15c to 25c. pair. Ladies Gauze Vests, 10c, 20c, 25c. and 50c. pair. Ladies Gloves. JOc, 15c. and 25c. pair. Ladies Belts, 10c, 15c and 25c. each. Ilall Thread, lc. 500 yards Spool Cotten, 5c Ladies Shoes, lace or button, $1,00 tp ?2.00. Ladies Slippers, black and tan, '75c, $3.00 and 1.25. Notions in endless variety and too many to name them. M.T stork for th Snrlne Trade In full and comTilr.tn-in nrv 5in. It i n nn larfic as 8i.niohoimecairy.J)iitH'i! new, clean and fren. I malt prices and live up to them. I wo. k for a, prntlt and expect It. I do not claim to sell goods S!0 to 50 per cent.luss than where but I do piomise to (five you full value for every cent you spend with ra. 1 appreciate your trade. I thank you klndlv for vou. patronite in Hie pnt and will do my bent to please yon in the time tp come. A cordial invlia Hon Is extended to you to come o my store whe,u In )klu. J(. S. DELL. Yours to pies jo. Geiser. Threshevs, Peerless Engines, Horse Powers, If 'I I W&L : . t Reduced Prices, I I I f IS The most populous country Oblivion. Many go there: return. Tho largest river is Time. The deepest ocean is Death. The region where no living thing hath habitation is called Yesterday. The most highly civilized coun try is To day. Tho highest mountain is called Success. Few reach the top 6avo those who watch sharply for tho passing of the spirit of the mountain, Opportunity, who car ries upwara all those" that-seize upon him. - The greatest desert is called Life, and it has many oasist These are called Hope, and Am bition, and Love, and Charity," and Home, And of them all the j last is most beautiful. Besides! That the blood should perform its vital functions, it is absolute- feW il.r nonnccnpir if. cViruilrl wr finlv be pure but rich in life-giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well known standard blood purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The Discovery Saved His Lite. Mr. G. Caillouotte, Druggist, Uoaversvilla. 111., says: "To Dr King's New Disovery 1 own ni.v life Was takeuwith La Gripp and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told IcouJd not live.--Having Dr. King.s New Discovery in my" store I. sent for a bottle and began its use" and from the first does began to get better, and after using three bot tles was up and about agaiii. It is worth its '"'eight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Dr. J, W $ , I fit 1 -ELKIN TIMES Job Printinq OFFICE, Is prepared to do all classes J of printing. i The Bvown, Rogers & Co., Agents, Winston, N. U -to Sii The Lowest Ever Priced Made Watch PRSCE $2.50 there are many others, similar in j King's drug store. extent, whence the traveler ob .J" 1 j i- Vice-President Stevenson says rti: UIIUK. A goid Companion, ever de-! ligbtful and welcome, is found Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopas, Statements, Circulars.' ' Pamphlets: Shipping Tas A. Full Line of Legal Blank.-, Blank Books, 4c. in The Youth s Companion, es tablished iD 1827, vet crowinsr more vigorous each year. Its Announcements for tho coming twelve mouths are well worth reading. Threw Away His Canes. Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek, N. Y., was so badly afflifted with rheumatism that he was ot.ly able to hobble around with canes, and even then it caus ed mm great pain. Alter using Chamberlain's- Pain Balm he was itm i . t t me remarKaoio weeiuy circu-so much improved that he threw lationof The Companion testi UWay his Caues IIo oays this fies to the general appreciation liniment did him more good than of Us worth; to the elevated tone all othcr mdicines and treatment Of everything it prints, as well 50 nut tocrcther. For sale at as of its interest for boy and girl, j ccul bottI( by 3 s BelL Many people professional and father and mother Those who make tho acquaint ance of The Youth's Compan ion for the first time this year will find it entertaining, instruc tive, generous and healthful. Those who for many years have re ceived its weekly visits will find in it an old and truo friend, more welcome than ever. To all new subscribers, and to those renewing their subscrip tions, The Companion sends free its handsome four page Calendar for 1893. The four reasons have been .appropriately pictured' in water colors, reproduced by lith ography, size of each page 7 x 10 Inches. Addrtsss The Youth's Companion. 195 Columbus Ave Due, Boston, Mass. ) ...... i Estimates cheerfully fur- nished by mail or in person. Give us a trial. j HUBBARD & ROTH,! y Proprietors, I I ELKIN. N. C. ! s Wakranted to be a Pekfect Timekeeper Not ar poor Swiss, nor a "clock," ' but a perfect American " 'Uujpiex movement, r Gall and see this Watch or -wrritfl to W. T. V06LER & SON, 234' Maiu S.t., Winston, N. C. F. HEUDREUj ATTORNEY AT LAW EIEIN, V. C. lr'tIoii fcl the Rt xt' und Flflral Courl. Agwn for the Continental Fire Insurance Co., of New York and tho Southern Stock Mul ual. of Greensboo. . Insurauce placed iu theso standard Co's., on liber al terms. LEADING- DEALERS IN .Furniture, Coffins and Caskets, j Our stock is larger and more complete than ever, and it is our j pleasure to sail you the BEST FURNITURE to be found for j LESS MONEY than you can buy at any Other place. The j amount we sell and tho advantage we nave in manufacturing is ! such, we can sell at a SMALL PROFIT. I ... i Coffins Furnished Day or Night in Thirty Minutes Time. : We will be glad to have you get our prices and see our stock. Y Your friends, j v Green & Gray Furniture Company, Telephone No. S. 83 to 25 Main Street, Elkln, N. C THE EKIN WOOLEN MILLS, ELKIN, Surry County, N. C, MANUFACTURERS O Jeans, Qassiiuere, Linseys, Flannels Blankets, Knitting Yarns, and Single Yarns. CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. WE PAY FREIGHT ON ALL WOOL SHIPPED US. BUT DO lOT PAY EXPRESS. When Buby wa nick, we gnv her Cestorfab When slie van a Child, (he cried for CastorJa. When slie became Mtas, she clung to Csstorla When fill had CUildrttO, she gavo them CaatorUu N. W. N. C. K. II. Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Wilkesboro. n. 57, Mixod S.e Note. lj'ive Grfennboro, ly-ave Wln.Mtoa-:ilem. levc Kural Hall.. .. I-av F.lliia Arrive Wllkt)oro,... y 7 2 5 . m. 40 p. tu. 2 H p. ni i 0 p. tn r.O p. m. Children Cry for Pltpher's Castorla, D illy E 43 ept Sunday. 12 . m. fo 30 a. m. 1 1 Si p. m. I p. m. 1 so p. m. Noe otherwise are complaining of hard times" but none look so much dowu in the mouth as the dentists. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber. Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and cough which he had not been able to cure with any thing. I ga.'e him a 25 cent of Chamberlains Cough Romedy, says W. P. Holdon, merchant aud postmaster at West Orim field, and the nest time I saw him he haid it worked liki a charm. This remedy is intended especial ly for acute throat and lung dis eases such as cold croup and iK HaiCV. whooping cough, and it is famous j SSS! JSS. for its cures. . There is no danger ! - -oy Expt, sua e y . . .. .... ... , .. I-vr WliiRtfiii-Salem, 7 on . m. in giving it It tO children for it Arrive Om-Bsboro. Sinn, tn contains nothing injurious. por!.Ni'TErNwr!Ll7atc0r'ns,,ori'M''u1;ivs- Lcnvo (lrvenatxro ly aw Win: ton -Salem, Ieavo Rural Hall Uoavtj Kllln Arrive WllkcFboro. No. 5. Mixed Sec Ieave Wllktfctrro. yia. m. Ijrave KlUltx 1M. tn. lev'H Rural Hall. .. I30p. m. lycav WiUMton-Saleiu I Vf p. m. Arrive Greensboro.. 8 p. a. No. 6 Dally Exot pt Snndajr Leave Creernbiiro,.... l?lSp. n Arrive Winston Salenj j; ji m. No. 6 Dally Except 8uur. Leave Wilkesboro. IWo m, m n n X III its ilLJ- L L 1 sale- hy J. S. fl.'ll, mm Ilow Lines, 8, 12, and 15 cents. Trace Chains. 30, 35, and 40 cents. Hoes, 20, 25, and 30 cents. Dixie Points, 2 for 15 cents. The whole plow for $1.40. GOOD SEWING MACHINE, 22.00 & 24.00. HUBBARD & ROTH. .-.Sai Im mH4s. . dj-4 wtyl t-'tir.1af , 5