j Commercial Printing .Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Envolopoa, - 0 etc, $ TIIE PEOPLE iu invitation to tra.lo with yoa. Kj The best nay to iavito them is to aJ- w vertisa ia 0 Executed Neatly and Promptly.- H VOL. IV. WALTER 2, SELL. Editor. ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1896. BD8BAU & ECU FBUidnn. NO. 21, - Important Ouban ExDsdition Stopped in New York Harbor. SAD BLOW TO THE PATRIOTS. Xhe Leader Held and a Krltlah. testner , Seize General Ca'lxto Garola and Four Other He'dFor.'y Ton of Arms and Ammunition, Two Tujr and Lighter Captured. Nkw York. Fobrtinry 23. Tho biggest rail yot malo sines sympathising Cubans In this oountry first banaa assJstiag In tho rovola tlon oa the Inland of Cuba bysending expe. ditloa to tssUt Cornea and his men was mala by t'c'ted S!a:ei Marshal McCarthy and hs rasa batweea midnight aad 4 o'clock JCjrterday morning. Ia thN raid the Feder al offleers seiz-d the steamship Bermuda and three tugs, an 1 gat ovar 15) prisoners, t That th3 Cubais were betrayed by a trait or in their council thara la no doubt, for they were lad tato a trap set by the Span lards and eantured with the assistance of the ftuthor.ties at Washington. Tbesiddest blow to the Cubans was the Capture of General Cilixio Garcia, who wa3 to hava led tha exosdition. General Garcia 'was also the le-.idar of the ill-fated Hawkins csoeditioh. Hud It not boon for the Interference of Marshal McCarthy and his men General Gar-1 cla would hava Parted with the finest ex- ! .pedltlon that ha3 as yet ben fitted oat to j aid the pan-lots latheir fl.gat for liberty. Besides the prisoners aad the boats cap- ; turej the Marshal and his mea a so got all j ot the ammunition and firearms that were i about to be transferred from a tugooat to ' the Bermuda. Altogether the work of the ; UnttaA utates ofilaers was as complete as ! possible. ' Sixty-nine of the prisoners eaptnred wore brougnt to the Federal huildinK and placed In tt room under guard. They are a fine look ing lot ot men, most of them rauglng be tween the ages of twenty and thirty years. They were all wall dressed, and a Cuban tiaa catiai to see one or tne number THS SPANIARDS DZFEVTEO." MOO or Them Fat to Flight la a Herd Kontbt Battle. Refugees troat Saa Oristob.il aad Cande'. aria, towns on the Wostern Railroad la Plnar del Bio province, Cubs, bring news from a region that is-without telegraphs, rallro.il trains, and regular mails. It Is n'si a pro yinee without salt, and In which inhabitants are shut nplo towns In a starving couditlqo, and guards of Spanish troops threaten to Shoot any one passing ia or out. A battle has taken pines whioh has not figured In the official Govrnmact reports, It was at Ban Oristob :iL The town had been ooouple 1 by the rebels. An eye witness of the affair eald that a Spautsh eoinuin Ji!0) strong under Colonel Hernnudez arrived at San Cristobal suppos ins that the insurgents had cue further east, for Maioo was near Artenesia. Tne rebel leaderayas and five of his men werj KILLED BY BANK R03BERS. XUrtt Men Wound tha CaiUl.r lit an Ar. kantas Town. A daring and desperate attempt at bank robbery osoarred at throe o'clock p. to., at Warren, ArS. The robbers failed to cot any moay, but the brave cajiiler. Adair, waa dangerously wounded, and T. M. Goodwin, a .eadln oiiizsa, merchant and bank dlreo tor. la dead. There were only thres of the robbers la slsht one a tall, red oomplailonel, sandy inustaoned person, and the others, appar ently brothers, eacj having blaok hair and dark complexloned, round faces, appearing to bn of foresifn blrta. They had been about town occasionally, buyinur horse fekl and provisions, and one of them made a deposit of $25 In the Mer- cban'a' and Pinters' Baok, soon afterward I urawin it nut, nur at a rime. On entering the bank the one'wbo had de. rilK FIFTy.ROt'RTU POUKKtt. In the Houso on V riiiny as soon as the X Synopsis of the 1'rocecdlnga of lioth Jouninl was road the llouse wer.t Into cousld. Ilousea. ! eraon or tne legislative, oxucuuvo and judi THE SENATE. mm mmih wm i A TBAIS. CU3AJJ lKSUnGENr3 ATTACK who stated that most of those arrested were rep iresehtatives of tho best 'a:nilies in Cuba. D) of the prisonors wore trray slouch hats. Besides the sixty-nine rcen in the Federal building the Marshal and his men also had eixty others In custody and tblrty-two men wno oomposed the crew of the Bermuda. The to boats V. J. MoCaldin and JIo Caldin Brothers, with the steam JlehterJ. B. T. Btranahan, whioh w-recaptared a'one- Flae tue steamer by the marshal", and whioh, with the Arrow and cutters, were subsequently used in transferrin? the men to the shore, are also in the custody ef the cutnonties. All tne arms and atnmnaition, encased in huno box"?, were stowei on the leca ot the btrannban. James KcCaldln. ownlasf tne two tap?, was Riso arrested by ias mursnais, put was released oa lua cwn recoRottance. At 10.3J o'clock the ln?s Edmund M. Tim. nuns and Ge tree Xi, Garllek broutrht seoar. ate hatches of prisoners from theBormudato tho Barge 03138.' They were immediately jhastled, under guird of marshals, to the rostomvie, wnere tne arraignment was ar raneedfor noon. While this was being done another force of marsnals was on board the Bermuda search tnjf her oarso. The Strantihan, it was said. contained two million rounds of ammnnl- Ion. in addition to a number of Maxim and JfoMenfotdt pleeev I The second batch reached the rostofliee shortly alter 11 o eioek, and Assistant United BtalfS District Attorney Hinmmi. Who has charge ot the prosecution, together wua uniei uoan. oritie bacret Servioe.aad ageni z9gg, ot ine hbw orx oranon. nau a flomerence. ine result was that all the men, with four exoeption, were released by Dap. uty E. V. Bastwick, who saldi "l'ou chaps bay go." The fonr men held were General Garcia, Dr. Bui!!, Captain Samuel Hughes and E. , Hernandez. These were taken from the room where the men hail been confined, end, under guide of halt a dozen marshals, with a big Crowd in their wake, were escorted to the pea, whioh Is on the north aide ot the bnildlnf. When the Assistant United States Dlstrlot Attorney was askei why the lea iers were held and tha others allowed to go, he re plied that he was simply following tela graphlo instructions from Washington. 1 . AVMEN RAM KATAHDIN. Tm flrar-Shtiied Ve.tel Which tPlll Help Defend Our Sea Coast. , Tha ram Ea'ahdin, which baa j jet pone Into coaimia3loa at the Brooklyn Kavy lard, was launehed from tho ways ot the Bath He.) Iron Works on February 21, 189S. She waa designed by Bear Admiral Daniel Am men of the United States Navy, and is classed ! aa a coast dWeuee vsbi. She was intended to aitack an enemy with her raai, that being her only weapon of oSnse, save four small oalibro guns, which were pot on board as a protection against torpedo boat attauk. She issnayeu uxo a uig&r, aaa ner r am and the pe- In the town and 9Mof bis followers were camped jus' east of the to,;n. Hernandez came from the west, entering themain street, Zayas and Ids companions ran firing their revolvers to warn toeir men of the approach of the troops. Zayas reached the rebel camp and look oommand. He divided his men into three battalions of 8'J0 men eae:;. Two of these remained at the east end of the town and attaoked Her nnndez's column as they cane down the narrow street. With 800 mounted men Zayas rode a.oun l the town and entered it iu Her nandez's rear, attacking the troops anl driving them In betwun the cross-fire of the other rebel bands. Hernandez fought desper ately and used several onnnon. but tho reb-ils had him in n disadvantageous position. Ho fought on, moving slowly along the road east trom Ban Cristobal to Candelaria. Zayas s men louent him on eash flank and from tha rear. It is said that the road was littered with dead poldlers for the rntire eix miles to Candelaria. The in formant said he saw In the ruins of a hoi se whioh had -been burned oa the road the heads of six Spanish soldiers. - END 0? THE TARIFF BILL.' Tha Senate Buries tha Homo Maur br a Vote ot 33 to 3D. Tariff agitation Is over for the present ses sion of Congress. The bill presented by Rep resentative Dingley received its death blow ia the Senate. The bill was killed by the vote of 32 to S3, by whioh the Senate rolusej to take it ud for consideration. Senator Frve accurately described tht condition ot the tariff bill, passed early in the assion by the House ot Bepresentati ves, when he said daring the ppocaodmTS In the Senate: "It Is as deal as Julius Caesar." Senator Morrill, of Vermont, the Chair man of the Finance Committee, had demon strated a few months before to the Senate and the oountry that the bill cou'd not even be considerea because five Republican Senators bad deserted their party, and he had followed this statement with the pub io announcement that he would not take the time ot the Senate again to consider the bill. The motion and the remarks of Senator Morrill and the cpeech of Senator Frye w 're all part of a prearranged nrogramme to tive nonoe to the oountry that no tariff legis'.at'on would be onat'ted by the Fifty-iourth CV The Aral vote disclosed the fact that the silver Republicans bad gained one vote that of Senator Cannon, of Utah. The five Bepnblloans wno voted against considera tion were Senators Cannon, Carter, Dubois, aanue ana xeuer. posited and drawn out the $25 demanded of the cashier to know if be did not pay inter est on deposits. He replied ia the negative, and with na oath the robbor presented his pistol and ordered the cashier to 'bold up his hands. T. it Goodwin and I). Vt. Sutton, direc tors, were sitting inside the office and did not pay any attention until Mr. Adair, in stead ot holding up his hands, reaohea for his pistol, lying close by. The robber fired on him, the ball grazing his head, stunning him so that he fell to the floor. Doubtless the robbers thought Adair dea l and rushed inside to get the plunder, but Goodwin and Sutton, belnJn their way, thongh unarmed, were fired upon, and Goodwin fell, fatally -wounded. Meanwhile the oashier, lying on the floor, fired two shots at the robber nearest him. They were returned and a bullet went through Adair's shoulder. The bandits then fiod. CLEVELAND'S PACS IDEAS, II Writes a Letter to the Advocates of In ternational Arbitration. The anniversary of the birthday of George Washington was observed in Philadelphia at the confereaoe held In the headquarters of the Universal Fenoe Society by advocates of arbitration, for the purpose of dis cussing the feasit Uy of the "creation of a court of arbitration1 for the peaceful adjust ment Ot aimcuities tflat may ar.se oetween the United States and Great Britain." Judge William H. Ahmnn presided. Li t ters were read from President Cleveland and Secretaries Smith and Morton and Postmas-ter-Gnneral Wilson. The letter of President Cleveland wnsi ExEotmvi JJassios, 1 WisniKoroy, February 21, 18S0. f ' 'Herbert Welsh, Esq., Secretary, etc. i "My Dear Sir i shall be nn ible to attend the conference to be held to-morrow In the Interest of international arbitration at the city of Philadelphia. It should be entirely unnecessary for me to assure those who ad vocate this cause of my hearty sympathy with any rnovoment that tends to the estab lishment of pe.iceful ag ,ucles for the adjust mont nf tntp.rnntional riiftmitan. Thn ftnhtAAf should be dUcuesed with a clear perception lu8 congressional appropriation lor aeota. M0NDA.T. In the Senate Monday tho Mil jrrantinK a pension of SiOO a moutii to the widow of tho Into Ktxjrotary of Slide, Brigadier General Walter (,. Orwiinm, wok amended to make the amount tlOO per month uud passod. Homo bill to provldo f ir tho extension by flvt, yrurs of the tiuso within which suits ma be bn uglit to vacate ttLr) annul land patents to raiiroad companies, was reported from the committee on j.tibiio lands, discussed briefly and passed. The Vice President announced hla signa ture to the urgent delieiency bill. After a short executive session the Benato adjourned. The Senate on Tuesday, by a vote of 83 to 22, declined to coiiMt er the House tariff bill. Th2iast three hc. "-S of tho d.iy's set-sipu rore given up to theooDMcralion of the Cu ban belligerency resolution. Mr. Morgan eoncludeii bis three dav speech in support Of the resolution aa reported from the eo n mittee cn foreign relntlons. Mr.": Gray, an other member ofibosa ue committee, while denouncing Spanish rule In Cuiii, ni d do flaring tho warmest syhipathy with tho revo lutionist)!, argued that the declaration bel ligerency was solely an t-xecntiro function and ouUldo of the oonstituti nal powers of Congress Without a nion ou tho resolution, the Senate adjourned. wrnsEsbAr. In tho Senate ou Wednesday Mr. Cameron presented tho petition of the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States nd Canada, urging the re-enactment of tho Iree coinage laws at the ratio of 16 to 1. The army appropriation bill was reported md placed on the calendar. It calls for a total appropriation of 623,279,403. The Senate committee increased the amount of the House biil by $3,i00 only. -Mr. .Allen, of Kebroekn, offered a substitute for the pending Cutau resolution. Itauthor izes and requires the President to issue a proclamation reoognidng thu independence jf the Republic of Cuu.x Ho asked that the resolution lie on the table.' ' TBCBBEAr. lathe Senate oa Thursday bill appro priating $500,000 for two first class revenue .teamen for the Pacific coast and $100,000 for a public building at Newport News, Va , sere passed. Also the army appropriation Mil. with no greater delay that caused by ts befnz read f.i fulL It appropriates over 5zd,wu,i!uu ana u tne nitn or tne annual ap propriation bills that has passed the Senate. lna CuPun lielllfreroncy resolution was .aken up, and it was agreed that a vote bo taiten ou it at 4 o olooc i rtday. ritlDAV. In the Senate on Friday after a few minutes Jevoted to matters of no general Interest, on notion of Mr. Sherman, the business of the morning hour was dispensed with and the resolution lor tne recognition of Cuban oelligereney was taken up and after con- liderable discuuslon was adopted by a vote Df H to 6. The resolution as adopted is as follows: 'Resolved. By the Senate rthe Houso of neprt-Beuiauveg concurring mat, in ie apinion of Congress, a condition of public war exists between the government of Spain lud government proclaimed and for somo time maintained by force of arms bv the peo ple of Cuba; and that the United Slates of America should maintain a strict neutrality between tho contending powers, according to each all tho rights of belligerency in the ports nnd territory of the United States. "Eesolved. Further, that tho friendly of aces of the United States should be offered by the President to the Spanish government fortho recognition of the -independence of I'tmse bill relating to the anchorage and movements of vej-sels in St. Mary's river on Lako Huron were taken Irotn the calendar ud passed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, chalrnit of the ommiite on privileges and elections, gave Duties of his intention to bring before the 3enate the election Case of Mr. Dupont, for the SUto of D. laware, immediately after tho jouclufaion ol the mondng business on Wed nesday next. The Senate adjourned till Monday. THE noUSE. . MOJiPAY. The Indian appropriation bill was consld sred in the Uoue Monday, and several imendments adopted one of which tirohib Its the Secretary ot the Interior from spend' cial apriroprintion bill for the year ending June SO, 1897, and twenty-one "pages Ot it Wore disposed of before ndionrnment. A message from Pre.ldei.t Cleveland, veto !n tPO l,.il authorizing the leasing of th J retool lands ot Arizona, was laid before tho I Uouse and mado the speclul order for Satur day. The conference r- port on tho general pen sion appropriation bill, and the report of the election committee No. 2, conllrmlng Mr. Jones' title to bis sent aa representing the first district of Virginia, wore agreed to. SATURUAT. After an hour's debate Saturday the House passed ovorthe President's veto thu bill au thorizing tho leiising of school lauds iu Arizona, by a vote of 200 to S3. The Senute amendments to the army ap propriation bill were disagreed to and the Dill sent to conference. - Mr. Henderson reported from the com tnittoo on raiuu an order tumUim lu uider aud net subject to a pol. t of order under the roles, as an amendment to the lotielntivo. executive and judicial bill, the bill reported by the committee on the judiciary, providing for the compensation of thu United State; marshals and district attorneys by salariei instead of fees. He explained the objuot ol the order to be to get the proposed legisla tion into the appropriation till lorthe roason that it provided the money 1 1 pay these offi cers, and, further, to effect, by getting the S revisions of the cow bill In the apprupria on measure, a reduction of 6216,000 in the expenses attached to these ofllceu. He read a htuto'i ent showing thut in the past seven years there uad been an increase iu the ap propriations for United Slates niareliais ot 8(756,000. Tho order was adopted without diviblon. Mr. Daniels, chairman of elections com mittee, No. 1, presented reports of the ma jority .l the Aldriub-Bobblus contested elec tion case, from the fourth Alabama district, ana asuea leave to nave tuem printed, per mission nas given tho minority to file theii views not later than Friday next, tho under Stauding being that the caao will tie called "I early in the following week. The Houso, in committee of the whole, then, under the llve-miouto ruie, resumed consideration of the legislative, exeoutiv and Judicial appropriation bill for the yeai ending June 30 it), ISitf. Consideration ol the bill wn3 completed, aavo the paragraph! covering compensation for United States dis trict attorneys and marshals. A low unim portant amendments were made to the blU What is Ju:JlAjI Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. . It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Karcotio substance. It Is a harmless substitute .for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting1 Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving: healthy and natural hep. Cas torla ia the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. ) Castorla. "BILL" MYS 13 DEAD, '' The Famous Humorist fie Away His North Cam! Ins Home. Edgar Wilson Kye, tho humorous writer, died at his home, "Buck Shoals," eiht miles from Ashevillo, N. C. Ha was stricken by paralysis ten days before. . He lay since then in a helpless condition, neither speak ing to nor recognizing anyone, tits wile ana children were at his bedde when the end peaceably came. "Castorla Is an excellent medidue for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ice of Its good effect upon their children.' Dr. C. C Osgood, Lowell, Mas. "Castorla la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castor ia Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby (ending them to premature graves." DR. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to ma." H. A. Akcbeb, M. D., til So. Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, W: Y. "Our physicians in the cblldren'8 depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castorla and although we only have among out medical supplies what ia known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the menu of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." Ukiteo Hospital ahd Dispbnsam, Boston, Haw. Alum C Surra, Pret. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. iTr a m a man Uoth Celled the Wire. Jess Tracer, fifty-five years old, And bis son, Jesse. Trasey, Jr., twenty-four years old. were killed by grasping a live wire th tt dangled In their yard in Toornton. a Tillasre aoont two mm a out oi rrovmence, a, l. The wire was an old telephone wiro that bad broken down and hung from the pole for several days in the way of pedestrians, one or wnom picxen up tne end and tnrew it over the bars of Traaev'a yard. The wire crossed an eleotrto light wire and became charged with a povrenul ourrent, , THE KATAHDIN. CJO't p'aeed In commission at tha Brooklyn Navy Tard.) eai'ar shaps of her hull, on which her upper; A 1. matrix -n n.-tM 11W- A. - b-lf. ,'ealoulated to wori irreparabla injury to a .easel with which tcc-y may come in con tact . TbeKiiahJin U propelled by twin aorewf, and has armor on her sloping sides varying in thk-kirees from tares '.o six ln-hos. It will take about a mcnth to fit her for sea Her enaines are a 1 below the water-line, and when she goes ir.to action there will be noth ing Tisibl'j but the smoke pips and the light upper work! on hr d-k, toiether with her ,eonotng tower. The latter is regarded as nearly lmprenatle, and tne remainder of her desk hamper cun be shot away wlthont affecting the offensive power of the vessel. The rim of the Katahdin is so braced that there Is little danger of the vessel belnff dis abled by any blow she may strike, even shonld she ram a vapsel going at full speej, as in hereonstruotioo tsetwistiug eff-ret of a blow of ths sort has been provided for. and the whole hip tnny bs called on to wlthftand ths effeets of aa lmpict. Xicaracaa'a BeralctloB. 4 miiifary uprising has 'occurred In tha city cf Leon, Nicaragua. 'President ieiaya der patched a 'orw of 1000 men to Matearee, to be disposed between Managua and Leon, where t &e insurrectionists are supposed to be en"amted Oecersl Godoy.wai ordered to go to MomototnOo with 500 men andtakaGov ernmrait peanier In chsree. When the 11 nee ol the stevner were cast loose at toe hour at which ha'3 ut to Mart back to Msna jm the reb-ia fired on the vmw1, klllingone i and wcaed-ng ivrat other. T.-.e ; a of Msaaaa Mid Or).tda ate on the ide ol the G'jveraieat in tue r-:"jt. Bobbad by Clerer Rogues. Four smooth-fsoad young men, posing as attaches of the Long Island City (K.. X.) Water Department, committed on- of the biggest burglaries that ever took plaoe in Queens County. They entered the pawn, shop of Dennis G. Ferguson on Jack son avnn, a much-traveled street, In broad daylight. Tares of them lured thi. proprie tor and his eleven-year-old granddaughter Into a rear room, where they assaulted and bound them, and the fourth pulled down the blinds In the front of the store and locked the door. They then ransacked tbs cafe and got aoont i -yjuo worta oi jewelry and a small amount of cash. of all ha features belonging to iC (spirit of patriotism as well as love lima. "Hoping the conference you contemplate Tray result In stimulating a sentiment In favor of just and fair arbitration among Nations, I am yours, very trruly. "Gboveb Cleveland." ' The Cabinet ofBeers also expressed sym pathy with the movement aud regretted their Inability to lie Jn attendance. MISS FLACLt'H IN JAIL. 800 Coffee Crop Is Small. The amount of t-ofTee ot the new crop re: eelved thus far is much less than Is usually received at this time, and Indicates that the coffee crop of Central Ameriea la not nn to the average yield. Three Honrs Imprisonment and Fine for Killing s Boy. Miss Elizabeth M. Flagler, the young so ciety. Jeader who, InWaihingtoaCity, shot and fcllie J the oolond lad Green, whom she discovered stealing pears from her father's garden, reoetvei a sentence of three hours' imprisonment and a fine of (503 on her pleadingguilty to Involuntary manslaughter. The sentence was pronounced at a session of the court held half an hour before the usual time, under direction of JndgeCox. When th sentence was pronounced. Gen erf.l Flagler, of the United States Army, father of the young lady, promptly put his band in his pocket and paid over the exact amount of tna fine in crisp new greenbacks. He then drove with his daughter nnd a friend In a private carriage to the jail, whore the prisoner and her companions sat chat ting for three hours In the matron's room before driving back to the Flagler house, a tree woman. Cheers for Dr. Jameson. tr. Jameson, of Transvaal raid fame, ar rived at London, was arraigned in the Bow 3treet Police Conrt, and was releatd on his own recognition in the sum, ot 10.003. Fourteen others wno took cart in the raid were arraigned also ea t were all admitted to bail in $10.0CO each, which was furnished by themselves. The ex- art charge preferred against the prisonors was that ''the defendants In the month of December, 1895, In South Africa, within Her Majesty's dominions, without It- cense of Ker Majesty, did unlawlnl'y pre pare a military expedition to proceed aTainet the dominions of s certain friendly State, to wit, the Sooth A'rioan B-pnblle. contrary to the pravisions of the Foreign Enlistment act td .870." All were enthusiastically cheered Ui they entered nnd left the court. A NorwelsTn Ship Stranded. - A Bllpxl (Miss.) dispatch says that tha Norweigan ship Mendel want ashore while bound from Ship Inland. She is on the we t side of the Island, and will probably prove a total loss. Killed by Bank Cobbers. - ' A National bank at Wichita Falls, Texas, was robbed of a 'arge atnouot of money anl the oashier killed. Two masked men com mitted thrim. They (led from the town, but bad only ntmut a mile start Ot a posse wuleh started in pursuit Kara! Veterans te Parade ia Kew Tork. Bear Admiral Samuel Aim an, commanding the National Association of Nay 1 Teteraii of the United f's'.es, has oriercd that (h? convention and ronnion of the-veterans 1 b"H In New Voik Citr. eommeneiL Jul? j with a paiade. . Guns for Cnba's Sea Forts. Two twenty-Inch bore breech-loaders have ben sent from Spain to Cuba. They will be added to the fortifications at Havana. The sea forts and batteries facing the sea an being put oa an effective footinr, and they will sxin be ready for any contingency, do tneetie or foreign. Pre.Ide.it Crenpo Gratnfot. A cable despatch from Caracas, Venezuela, says that Prcill ml Cre.spc's raos.aa to the Cocsress was read. The men;d re'erwt with grntftnde to th a tion ot the United rft.ites In Uie Acglo-Teiiezuelan bauudary distant, riau schools, 8pc-aker Heed announced tnat he had slim, ad tho urgent deficiency and diplomatic and oonsuiar appropriation wits. irtsiiAY. In the tlotiw on Tuesday the Indian ap. propnntion biil was passed. Mr. Diau'k-y called up the bill Introduced by him and unanimously reported by the committee on ways and means, relating to the fur seal Industry. It directs the Presi dents to enter Into negotiations with the "wernmcnts of Great Britain, Russia or japan, or eitber of them, for tho anooint. ment of a joint committeii to investigate the mrseui l.iuustry m all it- bearings, and td report wbat, if any additional, regulations are necessary for the preservation of the fur seal herd. It also provides for the entablish- meni oi a moaus viveDdl between the several governments under the fludins of the Pari. tribunal of 1693, respecting the protection of ,iitoTOi, wim u prvvuio mui ii uiia moo us v;vev.ai ne not concluded in time to govern tne searon o: lf-06 the Secretary of the treasury is directed to kill every seal that can be reached on the Priblov Islands, and sell the skins for tbe benefit of the Treasure. The report of tbe committee setting forth tbe necessity of the proposed exohaLge was reau una me out was passed unanimously, as It did lu the House last Congress. Three bills, local to the District of Colum bia, wero passed and the House then took up ' lemurs oi elections ooinmittee no. z, on the contest ol Robert T. Van Horn vs. John u. larsuny. from tbe ntth Missouri dlstriet. favoring the contestant's rlffbt to the seat occupied by Mr. Taruey. The resolution declaring this to t-e tho Judgment of the Hoiuo wua i cod. This &sa was discuseed at engtn, nut a vote was not taken. WXDSEBDAI. All but the first hour ol a long day's session In the hou:-e on Wednesday was devoted to the digcusslon of the Van Horn-Tarsnev contested election contest. No action was taaen. Senate amendments to the bill ertpniUnw tha time in which the government may enter .mi iu Bourn mnu pni'.-uis issued unaer rail road, wagon road and eanal eranta. wr oucurred in by a yea and nuv rct l.VS tn 83. . The restL'linti' n of RnreaAntnllva r-,en pomncrrit, of Maryland, as a member o the Jommitteo on banking and currency, was on- louueed by Speaker P.eed. .nr. i,oud. oi Lalirornia. chairman of tha lomuiittee on postofilcoa und post-roads re wrted tho pos-tal appropriation till for the rear cart lug June UOtb. 1HW7. The committee ins mado several important addition' to the ill. providiug for incrntwd fast mail faci- itles btweeu Hprinefleld. Mass., aad New irieana, V.. whi-li provision bad Ijeen "trieiieii frra the biil. !.ui which Is now re-nsene-l, the appropriation for the service t-ing f 1M CfiO. Am into m-t-ropriating 00. tXW. was added for speejal titl trvieo be tween ChK-Hg.-), lil., and Couivil Bluffs, Iowa, via Burlington. Special facilities w-rt also provided for between Kanras City. Mo., and Kewtou, Kanoas. the appropriation foi this route being tMl.700. THrasDAV. In the Hoce on Thursday the artiment in the coutested election cose' of Van Hora v Tar.uey was resumed. The r aolutloss oi tbe majority, declaring Van Horn entitled to th ,.at, and that TKnsiicy was rot parted wereoyrwwl to and toe ooiilestnat fwora in Mr. Hitt, . of Iiitaois, r?ported from tn. committee on fureign aflairs a resniutino relative to Cuba, as a Buistitiite for the va rious propi.'l'tom referr.-d to the committee. The remniudei of the dy was conum-d in iu i coimi leriUion oi tii,$ rolutfon, but nc action wss, token. '. L . .Mm IDOAB W. NYE. Ed?ar W. "Bi!l Nye was born on August 28, 1850, fn Shirley. PIcataquis County, Me. He was brought up, however, on a farm on the banks of the St. Croix Elver, Wis., his parents go ing West when he was two years old. He reoeived an academical education at River Falls, Wis., and in 1878 was admiitel to tbe bar in Wyoming Territory. He savs he himself flna ly heoied the warnng of the authorities not to practice law after his law practice was nearing zero. His first effort at writing was in the Cheyenne Sun at tl a column. He worked for a time on the Denver Tribune and thon became the editor of tbe Laramie Boomerang. He christened tbe paper after aa obstinate mule he owned, which he called Boomer ang, because, be said, "yoa eould never tell where it woa d strike," The mule was in a livery stable, over which was Bill Nye's edi torial sanctum. Callers were instru-tted "to twist tba tail of the gray mu'e and take the elevator." Bill Nye male his reputation on the Boomerang, whioh began to be quoted all over, and spread smiles from one end of the oountry to tbe other. A Storm Browing. "What la that loud, Jarring nolee in the next roomV" asked young Fertru on, with soma uneasiness. "It's papa," answered the youna woman. - "I I think he's changing; his mind about your coming here bo of-ten." mm m m . I WOULD BURN IT INTO THE g mttvjds of tm HIthfpfopt fwZ That there is not iiV-I - i !1 t M a. iiuiuy ituywutn to which money means so much ten cents means so much that it can aiiori cot to ex chancre ten cents a" qJ month for the'" art,'-fO the refinement, the pleasure. - ani . the information that a j copy of Munsey's at3 Maeazine will bring; yiS Southern Railway. PIEDMONT AIR LINB. Cendenssd Schedule ef Passenger Trains. Northbound. Jan. 5. 1 396. I.v. Atlanta. C. T ' Aiianta, K.T.j " orel8..... " Bulurd " daiaesvill .. I.ula. troella " li. A117 Toeooa Wescmlnsur Beiu-CA teniril " Greenville .. " bpsrtanburg - Gaif neys " liliicksbtirg.. " King's Alt... x (7H8U.nl .... Ar. Cu.rlotte .... " iiiiivliie Ar. Richmond.. Ar. Washington haliin'e. P I'.W Fuiuueiiinia. Jvew iork.... Sonthbouod. Lv. N.Plttt. " I'bilailelphia Ilaltiiuore.... - Wa-ihlng.oti . Lv. Richmond . Lv. Danville...... " Cbarloiie .... (Jaatoiila King's Ait... Blaeksburg.. " CaUiieys. . - Spartanburg Greenville.... " t'euiral &eneca einiinster " Toccoa Mt. Airy u Cornelia.. .. Luia " Ghuiesvllle .. bulotd - Norcr-ws Ar. Ailnata, F. T I ., . , , r t . Vc. No. 38 Daily UOiim 1 00 p s'25'p i 45 p 8 3(1 p 618p tba'p 820p ijws Ft Ji. - , n uOOa S4a 8 05 a lu n a Ves Ne- 37 iaily 11 ISp 12 1 . a liUi "Ola .23a "2 Ma 16 a s &u a 40; a 43Ja 6 in a 6 ,8a Ut T Oil a 7M TUn 83JA loUp 640p U4Di 11 20 p 3 W) a 1 at.MI iioiiy IMt Hit 9 3i a 10 Ids 10 4 a 11 04 a 11 M a 11 30 a 11 W a 1; 21 p 12 4Jp 1 W p 2 W p 9Zi V 4 lop 4 30p 6 00 p 1J11 0 20 p 11 .0 p 6ii0a 4 SO p ! 12 1 a 6 6i p i 3 Jt a 6 42 a lu 43 ji ! 11 L, a 20oa ;0a 6 3 10 48 a il'aVa U2tp 1 10 y (31 p 4 6Sp s "in 06p 10 06 p 11 Hop i.210 a U bv a 160 a 236a 3 uo a '' W a 4 41 a 4 60 a 62ia s i a No. ( 1 Duly 2 no a T no a 12 20 p 1 00 p 13. p 2t0p 2 is p Stup 4 -top 64i u ti tlj p C2Jp 0 ep 7 40p 7 4.p S 2"p sa-ip t07p 9 4--P 10 30 p No. 18 4 33p 6 35 u 2s p TuS p Tlip Up 8ua SG7 a 7 20 a T4a 8 27 a 30a 8 ..II 4 a . iu. "1"' p. ui. "M ' noon. "S" night. No 87 and 3S Wasliic'gt n and Southwestern Vestibule Limited. Tlnuugh 1'ulliuan sleep, rs between New i'ork tind New Oilcuiis, via Wa-b-tngtun, At lauta and MouiKninery, mid also be. tween New ''rkaid Memphis, via Washington. Atlanta nnd Birmingham. Ditdiig cars. Kos. 36 and 3tt United States Fast Iall fulV. man sltejilng cars Leiweeu Atlanta, ow Or leans aud iw York. ,. Kos. !1 and 12. Pnlluuan sleeping oar kstwcea RJoboiond, Dauvlile aud Greensboio. - W. II. GREEN, Gen't Bupt., Wa)ini;ton, D. 0. J. M CULP, Trafflo M'g'r, Wanhingtoa, D. Q, W. B. RIDER, Superintendent, Charlotte, North Carolina... W. A. TURK, S. If. HARD WICK Oen. I't?. Ag t. As lueu 1 ! w., Washington, D. O. ' Atlanta, Gs. XAVFATS TRADE rRKsTV . .J.i-u'W RIGHTS. A - w wwtrrJklUt 'A PATENT f FOF a iff answer and an bonest opinion, writ to NrttV CO.. vtao have bad naariy fifty veariw exp9rienc ta th patent baslnpsA. Communica1 CAPE FEiR YABKIN TajuLST UT. Jobs GiLt, Receiver. CONDENSE 08CHECUUE. In Effect Doc'r. 8th, 1898. KOBTH BOOKS, No. 4. Dally. Leave Wilmington ' 7 23 a. m. j Arrive Fayetteville 10 85 " j Leave Fayetteville 10 65 " j Leave Fayetteville Junction 10 57 ' Leave Banford 12 It p. m. Leave Climax. 3 23 " 'Arrive Greensboro.... 2 56 " Leave Greensboro.,,,,.,., . 8 05 " Leave Stokesdalo 8 68 " Arrive Walnut Cova 4 81 " ' Leave Walnut Cove 438 " ' Leave Rural Hail. 617 " , Arrive lit Airy 6 45 " I SOUTH BODHA, o. I. Dally. Leave Mt. Airy 8 85 a. m. Leave Rural H.'ill. .11 05 " 1 Arrive Walnut Cova 1183 " j Leave Walnut Cova... ..1145 " Leave Stokesdala ....1313 p. 0k Arrive Greensboro. ............. .12 58 " Leave Greensboro 1 03 "I Leave Climax 183 " 1 Leave Sanford .....319 " Arrive Fayetteville Junotlon .... 4 80 " Arrive Fayetteville 4 33 " - Leave Fayetteville 4 43 " Arrive Wilmington 7 55 " I KOIlTH 0UND. ' No. 4. Dally. Leave Bennetb?vllle 8 25 a. m. Arrive Maxton 923 " Leavo Maxton ,..,. 9 29 " Leave Red Springs...., 955 11 Leave Lumber Bridge 10 13 " : Leave Hope Mills 10 35 " Arrive Fayettoviile 10 53 " south Bcoxn, No. 8. Dally. Leave Fayetteville 4 88 p. m. . Leave Hope Mills 4 58 " Leave Lumber Bridge 6 20 " Leave Red Springs 6 43 " Arrive Maxton 6 13 " Leave Maxton 8 18 " Arrivo BennettsvUle 720 " VOBTH BOUND. (Doily Exoept Sunday.) ' No. J6. Mixed. Leave Ramseur 8 45 a, m. Leave Clijaax 8 85 '" Arrive Greensboro 9 iil " ueavu urteusuoro... 9 85 " Leave Stokeslale 10 50 " Arrive Madison 1160 M south Boutin. (Dally Except Sunday.) - No. 15, lUxei Leave Madison 12 25 p. m. Leave Btokesdale 128 u Arrive Greensboro 3 85 " Leave Greensboro............... 810 " , LeaveCilmax , ..... 865 " Arrive Ramseur 6 60 " ' KOBTH BOrn COKKICTIOKS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and East, at Sanford with ' the Seaboard Air Line, at Gro-nsboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk 4 Westell Railroad for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUtfD COITOXOTIOWS ' at Walnut Govs with the Norfolk Western Railroad for Roantxe aud points north and west, at Greeusboro with the Southern Rail way Company for Raleigh, Richmond ani all points north and eastt at Fayetteville with the Atlaotlo C ast I 'ne for all points South; at Maxton with tha Seaboard Air Lin for Charlotte, Atlanta aud all points south snd southwest. W. . KYLE, J. W. FRY, . Gen'l rose. AgeaA ; - Gen'l Manager. turn, urletlr confidential. A Ii anribnok of In foriraf.lon eonoemitur i n trntK and bow to oh. tAln thorn sent fret. Also s ontalogue of mechan ical and .ctentiao bonk iunt, tro- ! Patent, uien toroneb .Matin ft Co. receive speeial nottdn tbe reiealille Amerlran. snd thus sre brousht widely belorethe pobhc wim. eut G't to the Hcentor. 1 bts .DienaJd paper, twued weesiy. eleirantlf lllnst rated, ha. oy far the largest c'rcnistloa of snr scientific work in the j world. 13 i .ear. gtnnle onpiw. sent free. BuildlDg Blltion, monthlr. 2Jusear. 8lnn1e enfea, 'ii cents. Every number oontans bnu fia pistes, id colors, snd photosrsphs of new j eotwes, with plans, enabling builder, to .how tbe i umi,.-tij. muu wore contracts. Anurcf. ,hX A Ou, i r.w yoiiK, Sol Bboaswav The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY CAlDWBixaTHOfctpiure, Puhltshers. J. P. Caldwell, Editor VBSCRIPTION PttlCE. . i i Year. fa 00 batlt OaaAWVBTR, i J Months to rn. wisely O: Mavaa.js 11.69. Tear. 11.09 Months .6 . .rs ' to the fireside. FRAN'S A. MUNSFY, lil Fif h Are, New York. Py the year, gi.oo. feampte copy frtM. tV V y a? ry -i "You eetn sad, my red-skinneil I brother," aald the missionary. "Itetl- skinned brother's heart heap bad," aald j tho noble son of the prairie. "Whito ' man shoot better, fight better, and now . Injun hear college yell, he know Injtiu I can't war-whoop foy sour np!os, Waugh":" Cincinnati pu)uirer. itiu Full Tetegraphle Bervioe, aud large corps . OorespoDdrnta. Best advertising aedinm betveen Wsahtnf -Ion, D. C i and Atlanta, a. A. Adart - OBSERVER. -HA BI.OTTK. f. rl HIGH GRACE COTTON YAJINS, WASPS, - TW1ES, KNfTTLNG COTTONS. . 40., . Euan, rja o. l