if ft m It Pays to Giv( THE PEOPLE r an invitation to trade with you. The best way to invite theraii to ad vertise in 4 , , THE TIMES. fy . . . commercial Ji'rintlng K Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Envelopos, Exeouted Neatly and Promptly. VOL. IV. WALTER 8. SELL, Editor, ELKIN, N. CM THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1890. HUBBARD & ROTH. Publishers- NO. 30'.., NORTH STATE NEWS. ! I NORTH CAROLINA'S SONS'. Ilow Floe North Carolina Tobacco Came to bo Called. -'Virginia Brlguts." Of all the contradictions ever arrayed against indisputable facts, of all the wrongs committed against existing rights, of all baseless claims ever made against anthontio priority, of all the arrognnoe that lays titlo to name and fame to that w hich brings houor and profit to its originator and almost Bole - produoer, nono are so Unfounded as those -which attaches the name of "Virginia Bright" to the Unrivalled leaf of North Cnrolina. It was in North Carolina it hat! its origin; it was here it made its home, it is here it ia Oeetiocit to live wiihoutthe fear of suc cessful competition. For with the ex ception of portions of Halifax end Pitt syivnuU counties, in Virginia, it re mains the exclusive glory of North Carolina. Nor it is coullned to the section in which it origiuuted or rath er where the process that has bo magni fied tobacco wan Bret perfected In that fraction, Caswell and Person, Graovil.'o mill Vnnce, Orange and Dur ban), Wnke mill Chatham, Alamance "nnd Guilford, Rockingham and Stokes, Forsyth and Surry; in the east, Nash and Edgecombe, Pitt and Greene, Halifax end Wilson, Loaoirand Wayne; in the west, Uuncombo and Madison, Yancey and Mitchell, Haywood and Swain, are not only largo producers of tobacco, but also of bright tobacco, the solo difference in quality boing that derived from longer experience ta the processes 'of cure; and from these and other counties not named, are derived nino tenths of the tobacco that goes on the foreign market as Virginia Brights. Bnt perhaps the censure we naturally fcfflx upon Virginia for the absorption of an houor properly belonging to North Carolina may be modified by the reflection that the application of her name to onr property was, to some 'extent, natural end unavoidable. From time immemorial our tobacco was taken to her markets and shipped -from her ports. It never went to any 'North Carolina port except in past period when the heavy tobaccos, in their coarse packages, of Chatham, grange and some other counties, found their way to sea out of Wilming ton by way of Fayetteville. The rest went to Riohmoud, and thence to Europe. There it received the name of the State from whioh it was shipped. Virginia was not reluctant to appropri ate the honor thus implied, and was quite willing to be magnified, even at the expense of her neighbor. lHt NEWS EPITOMIZED Vfuhlnsrton Items. The MamuAtfA statu, u-a. knAant-J kw !. -X . .. . BuvCinDU i' J 1 11 J Senate. . Bensfor Teller, of C.nr.rA . the Senate that hn publican candidate on a gold platform. Bpsnisb authorities tn Washington have discovered a Cuban plot to seixa a port, blow i wnrauip nua rapture Bpanlsn gold. Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow attacked the plans of thn Nicaragua Canal promoters nd r fleeted upon the Worit bf Engineer Menooal. The General Pension bill was pmsed by k.m .HoU9e "n 1 debate on the BaukrUpto? The President lot the Agricultural bill be come law without hla sigenture, presuma bly because It thwarted Secretary Morton's purpose to abolliih the eed distribution aya tnm. A favorable report Wu made to the Senate n CflUaior Bail ran hill unnrnnrUIHin tftt pro for an equestrian statueof General Grant In Washington. Secretary Hoke Smith has roeommendod lo the Attorney-General the dismissal of the suit ngainst the Burlington fcUd. Missouri River Railroad Conlpnriv to recover about 60.000 acres of land in Kansas and Nebraska, erroneously ra'ented to the road, upon whioh about 2000 homesteaders have settled, senator Gorman took the lead In thn Senate In an effort to eut dowa the proposed appropriations for the navy, . Secretary Carlisle decided to ask Congress to amend the Chinese Exclusion bill, so as to exclude testimony of Chtnttmen. The President has nominated Leo Berg noJz,tf New York, to be United States Con sul at Ereeroum, Armenia. Mr. Berghols is a resident of New Rochelle, N. . Domestic Rtooan or tbm tSAarJa otoBs. Pee Clubs. Won. Loit. et Pittsburg. ,7 Philadel ..7 Washing'n.8 Boston 6 St. Louis.. 6 Cincinnati. 6 .778 .700 .600 .600 fe. ct. .5 0 .600 .600 .444 .1011 100 ! M'hltecaps In Rowan County. While on his way home, Lee Pinkes ton, a respected white farmer living near Braddy'e distillery, four miles from Salisbury, was held up by a hun tlred or more masked men, taken from his wagon, placed upon a stump and cowhided. Every man in the party administered one or more lathes, and Pinkeeton when left, was thought to be dying. Revenue officers had seized twenty -five barrels of whiskey at Brad y's distillery, and PinkeBton was charged with having given the informa tion. After being fcowhided, he was told that if he did not leave the county in ten daye he would be hung. 'Club". Won. fvur. Brooklyn.. 8 5 Chicago. . .5 Baltimore.. 6 01eve!and..4 600 New York.l 600 Louisville..! Abram S. Cassedy, former Mayor of New burg, N. Y., shot himself to death While in sane from financial losses and domestic troubles. Mrs. Thomas Balloy ari l her fifteen-year at?Shter were killed in their house near Knleigh, N. 0., by lightning. A rich vein of silver has been encountered by New York and Pennsylvania prospectors at South Canaan, Wayne County, Penn. At Milwaukee, Wis., a team hitohed to a haok ran away, dashing west through a crowd of ehildren, who were standing In front of the Parochial sohool. Twenty of the uuc3 were mjurea. John Manning, a mill hand living near Morehouse, Mo., itwoke to find his home in names, In the bouse with him were his wife tad three chtldren , Two of the little ones were roasted to death, one fatally burned, and their mother dangerously injured. Manning was badly scorohed, s. i: A mass meeting of eltteens of New York and Brooklyn was held In Cooper Union, New York City, to ask the Governor te veto the Greater New York bill. The New York Court of Appeals granted a new trial to Tincenxn Ntnn niiiii k,i Recorder Goff in New York City, of wife murder. Howard Strassler, Frank McElrotf and Cash Alexander, of Corrj , Pena., went on a Ashing excursion in a small boat. In at tempting to change seats McElroy fell over board. The boat Was upset and MoElroy and Strassler were drowned. Commander Booth-Tucker, of the Salva tion Army, was arr.sted in "Chinatown," New York City, while slumming" in die guise with "Steve" Brodie, the bridge Jumper, The cyclone in Clay County. Kansas: was far more disastrous thnh at first Supposed. It Is now certain that eleven persons were killed outright and more than twenty-flve Injured, many of them fatally. The United States cruiser Newark arrived at Hampton Roads, Va., after a four years' cruise. James J Bush, Cashier of the broken El ? rslN- Yl) Nallon' Bnk, was ihdioted arter three attempts and placed Under arrest. The anniversary 6f General Grant's birth was observed in New York City and else wnereln the East by commemorative din ners. A celebration tn hla ai UAlCQlt, ill, The new commercial treaty between flo-nt aen ana uapan nas oeen ratified. The Philippine Islands are develonln disposliion to shake off Spain's grip, Chamberlain, Beoretarv for the Colonies Baiamni me critisn uovernment had re luctant'y decided to withdraw the Invitation to visit uonaon extenaea to President Kru- Br. Pari of the Italian carrlsott at ttasnala ft.!)j'isintu, ooniolnt'v with a detachment n th Italian foroes frou Mekran. made an at. taok upon a foroe of 8000 dervishes, whom they defeated and Dunned to Th. Italians k lied 500 of the dervishes And lost iuu oi inoir owu men . vreslitent Kruger of the Transvanl At. eiaea to not visit London for a conference wo. nr. uramoeriain. Argontinaand Chile will xohaft?e proto- cui3 luriuuinung rer.ns tor tne settlement Of Ihebnundnry dlspitte betwefla those Ooun- trii, lltu Prsidftit bf Argentina has al- rxaay signej tne protocol prepared by hi VHUIUtH. Sir Henry Parkes. formerly rrim Mlbls ter ol new Siuth Ta's, died In Sidney. He rose tro:u Delug a laborer to be Frime Minis- ten , Mlainnary Knnpp, In good hea'.th, was naune.i over oy i urney to tH4 United Btates consular Agent at Aiexamlretta. The Govrnmont secured a large majority In the Senate elections ia Spninj tHere were uu UIMUrullDceF; . Mn LabouiSher Interpellated the British Goveromeut in the House of Commons re- garuing tue Venezuela question. .lhe Ambnssadors of six Powers in Con stantinople, I urkev, have entered a formal protest cor.?eruinit the appointment of Mahometan overZeitoun. i-The aixlh Besston of t'JS Sevelitll Parliai ruent of the Cahadlan Dominion Was pro rocud tit Ottawa with the usual Ceremonies. The trittl at Havana, Cuba; of Julio, Bon- puuy, me American woo was oharged with klduapplng Forrmn:!ea de Castro: resulted in hla aonMitfnl. TV. . i. i -1. . i . " " uiijiiuiui. xj 11 unaiiy, n uu iuuk lid It U IS tno prosecuuon ot Sangullly from the out set, has just lost three country estates by lire. Cecil Rhodcs's brother and t o other Ult- lanuers p eaaed guilty- of treason to the Xransvanl, Boulh Africa. The election ih the North division of kerry to All the vacancy in the British House of Commons left by the resignation ol Thomas Bexton, anti-Parnellile, took place and re suited In the election of M. Flavin, and. tttinoilite, without opposition. WEATHER-CROP BULLETIN Issued A Remarkable Cow. A farmer in Salem Chapel townehin. Forsyth county, recently sold a re-1 T ca,?in ourred at the slate quarry of rnarkable cow to a Winston man. He rl JoneVot.?elta Penn., In whioh tnat she was 22 years old, and gave milk for 19 years. She gave turth to nino calves, which he sold for $138. For 19 years she gave an aver age of two gallons of milk per day, making a total of 18,860 gallons. He esys that had he sold the milk for 20 cents per gallon, he would have re ceived $2,774. This, added to the sale of- the cow and calves, would make a grand total of $2,926 realized from one cow. River ourt llurbor Amendments. The North Ouroliua amendments to the river and harbor bill is:' Cape Fear above Wilmington $5,000 instead of 4,000: below Wilmington $150,000 Instead of $100,000; Neuse $7,000 in stead of $5,000; Pomhco and Tar $5, 000 instead of $2,500; Roanoke, com pletiig improvement, $12,C00. ' Rev. J. B. Cheshire, D. D., of North Carolina, will deliver the an nual Commencement sermon at the Oak Ridge Institute. The Commence ment oconrs May 17th, 18th and 19th. The graduating class will number for-tj-tLro. . j . The Messenger, of Wilmington.1 tt workmen. Lew Evan irr, !.. wer6 crush i almost beyond recognition. ' Abq-ler exp'osion occurred in a sawmill at Greehe, Qhlo. E. T. Stookwel), Charles w , "curKD "i" ana unarles Waloott ere injured, the two former fatally. A por tion of the boiler was blown forty rods. The Russell Shits and ftennrn n,,M .,ki...j to Mayor Srrrng propositions for Important extensions of the elevated railroad system In ""n 'va VJIJ. At Belmar, N. J., Stanley MoDarmott. rourteeu years old, was accidentally shot and killed by Arthur Hairrmn tit. years old. ' The Theosophical Society of America opened its convention at New York City, lectlng Ernest T. Hargrove President ' Minnie Allen, alias Campbell, a prisoner In the Penitentiary in Waupun, Wis., tor lar jeny has confessed that she murdered Montgomery Glbbs, In Buffalo. Sadie and llarenoe Robinson wnr iuiini .- orlme and are in Auburn Prison. Five men detected robbing the Mauoh Chunk (Penn.) Postoffloe escaped on patt ing tnin, but were headed off at White Haven by a posse, who shot two and chased one into the river, while the others escaped. uniiea states troops drove the Washing-; ton State militia from Sand Island, where1 they had been encamped, protecting the fish ""i "m uw usnermen. Band Island is a ' Government preserve, and theoooupattonbyl the Washington mllltta was oallea to the t- tounuu oi me federal authorities. At Rochester, N. T.. Edwin W. Home, a locksmith, went from his work, and, after - umnj mem, roae ais oicycie lor an hour on the avenue. He returned home and entered the bathroom for a bath. His father S" ueavy jail. Bursting open the door. Edwin was found dead. says the Standard Oil Company's tank Bteamship, Maveriok, arrived Satnr dcy from Philadelphia with a cargo of 6,000 barrels of kerosene oil in hill in her tanks. It is the first tank v. w,n, n5,,0' N- ' tne shoe P,M of steamer cargo of oil landed at .nv h.Wi1"?"tl?'8".dwtroyd South Atlontw port , U.40.000. The olneem did a bi7bSnes7 In I mouuiiKiuro oi cmiaren s snoes and em- Saturday a severe eleotrioal and wind storm pervaded some sections of the Btate. A man named Cates was killed by lightning at Hillsboro. A building was destroyed at Altamahaw by light ning, and the roof of the great cotton mills at Rockingham was damaged by the storm. , Andrew Carnegie's Generosity. - Andrew Carnegie has purchased for $25, WO a plot of ground at Duquesne, near Pitts burg, Pa., on which he will erect two han,l- some buildings, one a public library the other a gymnasium and natatorium. The estimated tost of the builcinus is 150,000. Thev will be free to the citizens of Duquesne and em ployees of the Carnegie Steel Ccmpany. New fork City's budget for 18987as finally passed, ealls for 43,99fl,671 to be raised ia (axes, or 16,51 9.61J more tija? In 183i ployed 160 persons. David H. Jerome, ex-Governor of Xlon! gan, died at Watkins Glen, N. Y. He had been la ill health for a year and a halt A widow aad one son survived him. ' At Foreirn Rotes. Magpie, Canada, the house of Jean " Mercier was burned, and his wife, son and daughter perished In the flames . M. Mellne, the new Premier of Franca completed his Cabinet . CC Advices from the Island of Crete say that the Cretan Reform Gonmi . pulsed the Turkish troops at Belle, klUiS jot them. A duel wlih sabres took place at Badapest Hungarr. between ITerr FiDn .-a Wl Korbuly, editor of the Nemzet. Tha seriously wounded. The trial nt T)r lamwA. th. . ramer.and his companions was eontinoed In Bow Street Court, London, and the ease ad- by the North Carolina Stale Weather Service. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Woather Crop Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina State Weather Service, for the week ending Saturday, April 25, 1896, indicate very favorable conditions. The temperature con tinued . very high until Wednesday, when cooler weather set in, but the temperature has not been below the1 normal. Showers occurred on the 21st, and fretty heavy rains on Friday, 24th, with some haiL but only slight damage in two or three counties. The rain-fall, greatest in the east, has beeii of incalculable beheMti and t. the drought everywhere, except in a fttw western counties. There waa mnn than the normal amount of sunshine an ung the week. j astern District. Reports this weckore generally ?ery favorable. The Dreamng of the drought just in timei greatly benefiting all crops, has put larmfcrs m good spirits, and they are working with energy. Seeds already planted will not sprout. Farmers are now planting cotton as rapidly as pos- 1 " v.w i. 1 1 0 UUJUUg WCiit and some young com has been plowed ior ids urst time. Transplanting to- ruvw uhd unu uu. uarnnnii nnn vorro: tables, whioh were injured most by utuugub, ore oacawara, Dut raiu will bring them out considerably. Setting u tnuuuge, conara, tomato plants; All, ' tmm - 1 Tt 1 . . v. ,u tiiugfcuKog, rianung rice nas just begun. Much complaint buuuu putuLo-uugs, .wnicn are very Aiuiuoruua. v entral District. Rain on two aays ended the drought, whioh oontin uea almost unabated up to the 21th. -ml ,U 1- . ... ' uu, mi'ugu many places did not re aaisA n..;,.. ...RI.J a . t .to HuiTO nuuiueoi rain, mere was enougn to put new life into vegetation ouu iu cause seeas to germinate. Some damage by hail was terjorled in An.n and Rockingham counties. Cotton planting now making more rapid pro gress; in south cotton is being chopped; Dw,uu irregmar. some young corn nas Deen woiked, and planting of re maining crop is being pushed. Win ter oat are thin; spring pats have im proved. Tobacco clanta'ar rilonHf..! though damage is reported by insects; - low mruiers iook advantage of good season to commence transplanting. The appearance or potato-bugs, cut worms ana cumcn-bugs is reported. western Ui strict. The showers which occurred in this district were less in amount than in other portions of the State, and a., few counties are still suffering from drought, but as a wnoie crops nave been greatly bene fited. A good state of both cotton and corn is reported at many plaoes. and planting is making good progress. Po tatoes are un and bum hmnn,-n thi. destructive work. Clover is doing well. In the ' north-west Counties breaking land and making prepara- iUI corn is maaing good head wjr. uo mo nign plateaus in 11 uuuiitam section tue woods are just showing green. Planting oats, Irish yvuea, garaen stuff, eto., is pro gressing, while tho condition of fruit seems exceptionally good. n. D. Battle, Ph. D., Director. Men, Arms and Ammunition lor the Insurgents THE POPE FOR MEDIATION. THE FUrnr-ifOUUTH CONORKSS th Spaniards ClaliU the Victory la Tni Sharp Skirmishes 'A tric Supply ot Blunltldnt Safely Keach the FatrloU In rinar del Klo Soma SUtlsUes That Tell the Situation. rlAVAA, Cuba, April 28. The Cuban ym- pat hilars In this City are secretly rejololng over the receipt Of trustworthy lntelligenoe that further aid for the Insurgents has ar rived. Ah expedition, with a large quao'liy Of arms and ammunition, has safely landed on the coast of PInar del Rio, and tho sup plies are now safe In the hands ot the pa triots. The expedition comprised a large hurnbef of men, all well armed and equipped for Instant service; Nd details are given as to where the expedition was fromj but there is no doubt of Its having safely evaded the Spanish warships and troops. Colonel Zubia renorta that the t.oons un. der his command met a band of rebels on the San Jo j estate, near Camajuani. A brisk fight followed, In wuloh the rebels lost four killed; The ihsUrgents retreated, but wore followed by the troops, Whd agnlri attacked (Bern; The rebels made a stout resistance, but could not withstand the fire of thetrooDs. and were oompelled to retreat, leaving eleven dead on the Held; The troops, aaoordlng to the report, had only three wounded in both fights, a statement whioh seems improbable. While Colonel Pinto's eommnnd was re connoitring on the Conohita estate, near Marlel, a rebel band under Perioo Delgardo Was encountered. The insurgents ooounled Strohg positions In the Rubi Hills, but the troops dislodged them and pursued them in to the mountains. The loss to tho Insur gents ii said to have been heavy. Thev left twelve dead on the field, and two men, who were wounded, died later. The troops had seven Wounded; Among the documents loft-ftd on the bodv of Jose Alfonso, the rebel leadnr who whs killed near Cardenas, was a circular order ing him to respect the property of Americans. Manuel Marrlnez Valenzuela was shot in the Cabana fortress for rebellion and arson. The Insurgents have burned all the tobao 86 plantations belonging to- Pedro Murias, hear Dlmasj In the Pluar del Bio province together with other property; Over 800 houses and 0.000 boles of tobaooo were de stroyed. The loss IS estimated at over $1.- coo,OW) that Of Murias alone being f 700,000. The misery resulting from the firing of the plantations is terrible. Threa fcVmsnnd nnr. sons art rendered homeless. They are be ing proteeted by the Government and fed witn military rational CUBA AND THE POPEi V led XIII; Desires Spain id Accent tlit , Mediation of the United States, libuboit. April 28. The Chrnntnln nnh. llsb.ee a despatch from Borne saving that Mgr. Oretonl, the Papal Nuncio at Madrid, has haJ numerous Interviews with Mr. Hanuis Taj A Synopsis of the Proceedings of Both Mouses. THE SENATE. MONDAY. The Senate committee Monday completed the river and harbor appropriation bill and ii was reporieu to tne Hiuiate. The com mlttee rod need or struck out Items to an bk- gregte of (631,858, and Increased or inserted items aggregating $2.6t1.6!H) malduK a net increase of t2,029,882. the bill now carrying u voiui oi ri2,4M,ODU. TUESDAY. Tuesday tho most of the time was occupied in me consideration or tne naval npproprla uon uiu. Senator flutler introduced a bill approprl atlng (25,000 for additions to the publio building at Greensboro. Ho filed a copy of the grnnd Jury's indictment of the present inadequate accommoclutiona. Hnnntor Prttch- ara presented a petition of Newborn cltlreus praying for a clock towor, clock and illumi nated uiai, WEnSEMtlAt. The stntue of f ather Marquette, plnoed by the Stale of Wisconsin In thn National Hull of Statuary in tbo capital, wns ofllclully pre. seuted to, and accepted by, tho Senate. Af ter this matter was diripciaed of the naval ap propriation bill wam taken np a id the remainder of the day's session was given up io political speeches. THUUsnAY. The Beunto Thursday after the routine bus iness taken tip the appropriation bill. The pending question being tho amendment of fered by Mr. Gorman reducing the number oi oaiiiesnips provided ior In the bill from four to two, and tba amendment to that Amendment offered by Mr. Quay to increase the number to six. The naval bill bad the undivided attention of the day. Allou, fPop.) Of Nebraska, predicted the collapse bf the Democratic and Republican parties, the for mer within three months aud the latter by the 4th of March, 1901, and by Mr, Gorman, (Dom.) of Maryland, In enforcement of his Views as to the necessity of more eoonomy n appropriations. FRIDAY. Friday'6 session of the Senate was enliven ed by two characteristic speeches a fiery and impetuous one from 3lr, Tillman, tem oorat, of South Carolina, and a temperate and suggestive one from Mr. Hill, Demoornt, of New York. Mr. Tillman, wearing in his necktie an emblem of his last speech In the Senate, a miniature gold pitchfork, strode up ana aown mine rear oi tne unca seats on the Democratic side of the chamber, gesticu lating foroibly and Inveighing against the President, the Secretary of the Treasury and the bankers and moLey-lenders of Wall street and threatening the withdrawal of bis .State from the Democratic column If the Chicago convention should not declare In favor of free stiver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Mr. Hill's re ply to him was dignified but sarcastic He,too, spoke of the Chicago convention declaring that he did hot believe that Mr. Cleve land was a candidate for the nomination) he said that he was not pledged to him or to any member of his cabinet; eulogized Mr, Carlisle fo his publio services, while orit icislng him tor his Interference against the ( re-eieotion oi t (senator Blackburn, and closed a long speech by declaring that the pouoy of the Democratic party should be "In essentials, unity: in non-essen tials, liberty; In all things, charltv. Mr; Gorman's motion to reduce the num ber of battleships provided for in the bill from four to two (a reduction of $7,608,000 in expenditure) and it was agreed to yeas 81( nays ii. noiore tne navai oiu was taken up jur. jouiior, ropuusr, oi JNorin Carolina, in- troaucea a out to make tne Mexican dollar, the Japanese yen and the trade dollar eciuaj iu value to the standard dollar of the United What is 2 mm n A aI ULnM Castor-la la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Htibstance. Jt is a harmless substitute for raregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething' troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural b?ep. Cas tox'ia is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Ixnvell, Mass. "Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by ,orcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. P, Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Abchhr, M. D., hi 6o. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. V. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have aiuoug oui medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria ds won us to look with favor upon it." United Bospitaz. and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres. Tha Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. lor, the Amerioan Minister to Snain. relntiv. value to the standard dollar to the Instructions received by him from th I 8ttttes and a ,ul1 leSal tender to any amount vanoan to endeavor to have the mediation Ot the United States anenntad h thrt flnnniah i Government to bring about the paolfloation i of Cuba; The Cuban Itond lisne. Nw Iobk Cur," April 28. B. J. Guerra, Treasurer of the Bepubllo of Cuba, said that the bids for the 2,000,000 of six per cent, bonds offered by the republio aggregate I 9,000,000 rft an average prloe of sixty-two n mo aonar; xne mds came rrom all over th4 United State , for all debts and demands, nubile and Drlvate ana ne maae an argument in support of It SATURDAY, The haval appropriation bill, which has been under consideration in the Sen :te dur lng the entire week, was passed SaturdnJ ana now ii wui De ior a conference oom; mlttee to reconcile the disagreement between the two houses. The chief of these is tho re duction of the numbor of bnttle-shlps pro vided for. The House fixed the number at four, the Senate at two. The ships are to cost 3,70UjUW exclusive oi armament Venezuelan negotiations. ItaaMn TVitH the juestloi or Arbitration and the Veneiuela Dispute. 6ir William Haroourt, in aooordance with notloe given by him, asked in the House ol Commons the British Government what, 11 any, arrangements bad been made to con elude by arbitration a settlement of the dif, ferenoes between the United States and Great Britain in regard to Venezuela. l J" Bal'r said that arrnngomcnti to arbitrate m respeot of the Venesuelauanii Si??!?"68"0119 waS 8 matter which bothths -riiisa ana me united States Government THE HOUSE. ' MONDAY. The House on Monday passed aj few -pen sion bills, and others local to the District of VoumDia; representatives i'earson and Tdlbert spoke briefly on the pension bill. The latter defended Southern fe-Unlotis, TUESDAY. The first business In order In the ifoust Tuesday was the voto on the passing of the pension bill, which was taken by yeas and nays, at the demand of Mr. Crowther, Re publican, of Missouri. It resulted: Yeaslftf, nays 64. the Bepublicans and Populists sup- fortlcg the bill and the Democrats opposing t, Six Demoorats. however, voted for the bill, The liouse tVeduegday debated the expon- had W View. Tha, UlMMnn,n,nnl.H.. the subject which had Just been reoelved dltures and revenues of thn gOTerflment Mr. froiri the United 8tateS were now under ion. Walker, Republican, of Virginia, presented Slderatlon, and dealt with both tba seneral tne report upon the contest of Thorp, Re- question of arbitration and the Venezuela publican, Bgnlnst McKonney; Democrat, from aispure. xo give further Information con eernlng the matter hA n.i,i the present time be Inexpedient ' FEIGENBAUM EXECUTED. th. The British w THE HEALTH or THIS COUNTRY. Grip Waa the Most Prevalent Disease t8t Year and Pneumonia the Next. In answer to the general question whether or not the last year has been a healthful one for human beings, the estimate from about 72 per eent of the counties of the United States reporting to the Department of AorU culture at Washington. Is that the ronl. a hJi,n w fout the average, while 28 per cent. Tnt ft hftlow h avw.M. Bi-i j . mi ,!.. . r -. - r - ua "".'-"ui TOimu- mrougnout the coun try make mention of special diseases, the leading comDialnta irur rH i amTZ t'ie.ortLp,,r eoot of tne whole; pneumo i oi? 22o4 0r 85 nt! 7Pii fever In 212, or 82 per erot; measles la 138. or 21 per cent,; diptheria in 78, or 12 percent: ung troubles in 60, or 9 per eent.,and ecar let fever lo 68j or 9 per oent, Atleced Confenlon that K tVblteehapel Fiend. Carl jerdlnand Felgenbaum was exenitp la the electrle chair nt Sing Sing (N. V.) Prison for the murder of Mrs. Johanna Hoff man, the landlady of the house wher. hi boarded lu New York City tn 1891. At 11 18 leigenbtum walked inin h Ha.i, k At his sile was Warden Sae and two priest! folic wed. Teigenbaum held aorueiflx in hit hand. He walked to the choir without as aistanee and sat down. The current wa. turned on at 11.17 o'oionir. -T Sf)3dBiatBr 11 wa ""Wttttoed that the man TVa ucwu Fiegenbaum mads a oounael whioh leads to the belief that ths f Jafk the h,PP9r- wh0 kt"d and mutilated twelve women , tetatry' ,h6r' ln ,arlous Parts of ' this The Work of Incendiaries. A dUrpatoh from Cripple Creek, Col., raysi "Evidence has been secured which indicate. thnt the Are at Cripple Greek was the work of an Incendiary, for the purpose of makini a raid on to Tlrst National Bank, which now appears to have had nn ...... thing over $100,000, on account of the near ??.?! 0fwp?dajrat, the Iedlng mines. Chief Marshall revea o l thi a,.t reasons for keeolnff a hnav .. -...-j the town." I'thr and Son Kill Kaeh other. At Bosedale, Va., Mr. Dutfer an 1 his son quarrelled over a money transaction. Ths nrea several snots at bis son. one of Which took effaot in thn nn- KM.. u. Imi-f?0.1119 ,ath9r tor"?h th' heart, killing him Instant l ti., ii.u.i, ' hour. u THE NATIONAL DEBT. An Increase Five for April of Over Millions. IJie debt statement issued May 1st. shows a net Increase ln the public debt ks cash In the treasury during April ot t5,945.16.62. The Interest bearing debt increased f 518.671. and cash In the treasury decreased 1,551, 087.6Z The bail, sees of the several classes of debt at the close of business April 30, were! Interest bearing dbt, W2.S12,140; debt on whl-h inter-st has ceased lince maturity (1,651.790; debt beariD do inte-t a74 . li,400i total I1,218.878,880P -1 !. . tne lourtn. ulslnct of Virginia, which was ordered printed, with concurring vieiVs from some members of the committee presented py Mr. ueArmoml, Upmoernt, ol Missouri. The remainder of the day was spent in the discussion ot the bankruptcy bill. tuuiisDAY, The House Thtirwiuy devoted five hoUrt to the bankruptcy bill. The principal speak ers were t Mewirs. Dt Arinond. Democrat, of Missouri; Tawuey, Republican, of Minneso ta, and Bulley, Demol-rnt, of Texas, against the bill, and Messrs. Burton. Republican, of Missouri; Culher.-son, I'emocrat, of Texns; auu nay, iiefuuiican, oi mew lork, la lavor of the bill. Tho discussion developed the fact that the House was practically in favor or a bill providing for voluntary bankruptcy. t-BIDAf. In the HoUso Friday Mr. Codding, fieptib Mean, of reiinsjivnnlUj submitted the unau Imous report of tla ti n committee No. 3 In the case of Joshua F. Wilson, itepublicao, vs. .Tohu L. MeLumin, Democrat, from tho sixth congressional district cf South Car olina, that McLaurin was entitled to bis seat. The report was agreed to. Mr. Overstreet, Republican, of Indiana, from the same committee, reported the ease ol George W. Murray. Republican, vs. Wm. El- liott. Democrat, from the first district of South Carolina, tho committee finding that Murray, colored, who represented the. dis trict in the last Congress, was entitled to the seat now. The minority of the committee was given leave to fllo thoir views and the ca.-e went to the calendnr. A bill wns passed to admit free of duty artieiesof foreign man ufacture intended for exhibition at the Nash ville Exposition in 1897, and to admit pevsons engaged to care for the exhibits. SATUBDAY. After a debate continuing over five hours the House Saturday, by a vote of 157 to 81 parsed the bankruptcy bill. It Is substan tially weli-knowii as the Torey bill. The Uouso passed without a division, the bill pafs"d by the Senate yejterdayappropriating (75,000 to defray the expenses ot tho com mission to be appointed under the recent treaty with Great Britalo. Senator Pritchard introduced a bill establishing a soldiers' home at Southern PlneetN. C, forthroatand lung diseases and appropriating (200.000. He has also introduced a bill to re-establish the old Fa vetteville arsenal, for reclaiming which (100,000 Is appropriated by the bill. The arsenal was destroyed by Sherman's army. He has also introduced a bill to pay H. D. Bryan (Craven county) a thirteen-thousand dollar war claim, rents of his plantation. CAPE FEM & YADKIN VALLEY R'l. John Gill, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect April 12th, 1896. p. m. KOBTB BOUND. No. 2. Daily. Leave Wilmington 7 25 a. m. Arrive Fayetteville 10 35 " Leave Fayetteville 10 65 " Leave Fayetteville Junction 11 05 " .Leave Hiinford 1? 22 Leave Climax 1 25 Arrive Oroensboro 2 56 " Leave Greensboro 3 05 " Leave Stokusdale 8 59 " Arrive Walnut Cove... 4 31 " Leave Walnut Cove.... 4 38 " Leave Rure.i Hall 617 " Arrive Mt. Airy 6 45 " SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily. Leave Mt. Airy 9 35 a. m. Leave Rural Hall '".11105 . " Arrive Walnut Cove 11 35 " " Leave Walnut Cove 1145 " Leave KLokesJale 12 12 p. m. Arrive Greensboro ,.12 5H " Leave Greensboro 1 03 " Leavo Climax 1 32 ' Leavo San ford 3 19 " Arrive Fayetteville Junction 4 30 " Arrivo Fayetteville 4 33 " Leave Fayeiteville........ 4 45 " Arrive Wilmington 7 65 " NOBTH BOUND. Southern Railway. PIODAIONT AIR LINB. CndnM Schedule f Passant r Trains. Northbound. Jan. I, 1896. Lv. Atlanta, C. T Atlanta, B.T, " Korcruss..,. - Buford " GaluMville . Lula. " Cornelia.... " Mt. Airy " Tocooa H Weslnilniter 14 fteneoa Central " Greenville... " Spartanburg. Online vs BlaokiWg.. Klng'I Mt... " Uastnnla .... Ar. Charlotte .... Danville Ves. No. 38 .Daily 12 00m lOOp a'ais'p 45p fiSOu ll f t'oi'p 12 00 a No. 4. Daily. . . 8 45 a. m. ..945 " ..9 50 " 1012 " Ar. Richmond.,.. Leave Bennettsville Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red 8ir'i,cs. ...... Leave Hope Mills . 10 45 Arrive fuyottevllle 10 59 " SOCtH BHOND, No, 8. Dallv. Leave Fayetteville 4 43 p. ra. Leave Hodo Mills 4 53 ' Leave Rod Springs E42 " . Arrive Maxton 6 12 " Leave Maxton 6 13 " Arrive Jiennettsville 7 20 " HOTH BOUND. (Daily Except Sunday.) No. Ifi. itlred. Leave Ramseur 6 45 a. m. Arrive Climax......... 8 35 ' Leave Greensboro 9 20 " Jyeave Greensboro 9 35 " L.'iiVe Stokesdale 10 50 " Arrive Madiaqn ........ , 1160 " SOPTn boPxp, (Dally lixcept Sunday.) No. 15, Mixed Leave Madison 12 25 p. m. Jjeavo Ptokemlolo 1 28 " Arrive Greensboro. 2 35 " Loave Greensboro 8 10 " Leevo C'lmax ". 9 68 " Arrive Itanicc'.'r ....6 60 " NOHTH BOCPP "ONNICTIONS at Fayettevillo w-ilh Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and East, at Sauford with the Seaboard Air Lite, nt Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Railroad or Winpton-Salem. BOUTH BOt'NlT CONNECTIONS at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk k Western Railroad for Roanoke and points north and West, at Greensboro With the Southern Rnil WavCompnnv for Raleigh, Richmond and till points north and enst; at Fayetteville With the Atlantic O ast Line for all points South; at Maxton with tho Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and southwest. W. E. KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gen'l Pas. Agent. Gen'l Manager. - A.i. Washington . - Baltin'e.rKRj Philadelphia, Mew or aVeutbbouatf. Lt. K. T., PR R . rhlladslphla. Baltimore.,.. WMlilugion. Lv. Rlohmond . . 0a 6 42a S05a ioiu UNn Ves. N. 37 Dally 430p Sbip 20p lup S00 Lv. Danville... M Charlotte . M Gastonla.. Kinic'sMt Blackeburg.. uanney " Spartsuburg Oreenviile.... " Central Beneoa " Vtettmineter Toccoa Mt.Alry Cornelia.. ... Lula " Galneivllla.. Buford Norcrosi Ar. Atlanta, B. T. I.v. Afanta C-T ( 50 a 10 49 a It ST a 12 28 p 1 1P 31p 4Hp 8MB 1a, Xi i no ii'Stia. Daily U IS p 12 13 a Ufrtia "ib'l'a 2Ma SIS a 8 60 4 07 a 4 83a Sill a 16 53a TW a TB'ia I Ma imp etop 40p 112b f 6 20a Fit Ml No. 3S Dally UlSn 3 JOa 22a 1116 a Daily T00a I 60a 10 16 a 10 41 a 1104 a 11 20 a 11 Ma It 63a 12 U7 n 12 42 p iwp 210p 8 22p m p 40p o w p 11 a No. KSuo 4 85 pi, e-.'ip TCgp 7 i ii Sl2p 00a No. (I Dally 12S9p 6 03 P 10 tip 11 Hup iiVo'a 160a 2Ma 00a (Ma 4l a 4 68a (20a lt!li)a 2 00 a No. IT, BSual TOO 12 20p 1 w p 18Jp 2 CO p a iu SOSp HOP. (4'lp 05p 6ip 0p 740p T45p S 12 p 8 30 p 7p 4ip 10 AO p 0 30p 6 57 T20a 748 S'JTa (80 a S90 A 'a.m. "l"'p. in. "M'noon. "W" night. Nos. (7 and 3S Washington and Southwestern Teitlbule Limited. Through Pullman tloepars between Hew York and New Orleani, via Wab lngton. Atlanta J.d (lonigomery, and also be tveen New York and Mempnle, via Washington, Atlanta and Birmingham. Dining ears. Koe. (S and (0 United Sum rast Mall . Pnlk man sleeping oars between Atlanta, Now Oft CUiRIGHTS.Va CA j. TyfTTATIT A PATENT t For a Broimit II There were 130 Inches of enow on the ground along the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad In tlie Cas rtule Dioua'.alns, Waslilngton, the first we-k of this year.y - HTIIf A PATENT annwer and an honest ODlnlnn. wrlt to 1 lT N N V CtK. wboiave had nearlr flf tr tmii' ezperier.oe In the patent bnsiDCM. Communica tloneurtctlTOonfklentlal. A Handbook of In formation oonoernina Pntente and bow to ob tain them ent fre.. Also a catalogue of median- Patenta taken thrnueh Mnnn ft Co. receive special notloolnthe Krlenftnc Americnn. and thus are bronght widely before the pulillc with oot cnet to the Inventor. This splendid iwper, Iwued weeMy. eletantly lilnm rated, has by far the lanzest circolatlon of any ectentiftc work in the world. 3 a year. Sample copies eent free. Bulldini Bdltlon, monthly, 1150 a Tear. StnBte eopie. ti.l rente, rivery number oontitns beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses. wtb plans, enahltnff oollders to show tba latest deslims and secure oontracts. Address MDNN A tX), Mw YOKa. 31 BueAuwATi New Yorl Noe. 11 and 13. Pullman sleeping oar betweea filobmond, Canrllle aud Greenebora. W. H. ORE EN, Gen'l Bupt., Washington, D. O. M. CULP, Trafflo M'g'r, ' Washington, X. 6k W. B. BIDER, Buperinteudent, Charlotte, North Carolina. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARD WICK. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt., Waablngton. D. O. AUWa, G The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY OALBWBU. ft TlOMPKiira, 'PuMlshers. J. P. Caltjwbll, Editor TJB8CRIPTION PBICB. oailt OBawrfam wsiklt Oatsavait, Tear, Months I Year. - 6 Months M 00 13 01 (1.60. 11.03 .5 . .23. An Attack on Bicycles. The Rv. Dr. Haydn, of the "ClU Ston Church" in Cleveland, has made a bitter at tack on bicycling, but explains that he was induced to do so by the fact that many peo ple who used to go to church now give the time to wheeling. The Rev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones, of Chicago, I1L. has provided a bicy cle checking department in his church and Suoday two hundred wheels were taken care pf while their riders listened to the sermon, Full TuliigitpLWi aervlct, -ud large corps Corespondent. Bust advertising saeditsm betvenn washing -Ion, ft C , and Atlanta, O A Adrtrte OBSERVER, 1HAIM.OTTK. W fl ELKINMfg, CO HIGH GRIDE COTTON TiaXS, WAEPS, TWIYES, INITTLV3 COTTON ' tTLECiri. riaC,

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