glltin gitncs. Tprnu to Subacrber. Pu I'ojy, ong ytar, . ., ...ll.W Pit Copy; six tfaouiha .'. ',6 singiu i'oj)ii-H, . ' Of ArivmlHlny ruti rrasonabUi, nd mtule luiowr ' on appilonUou. Walter P. Bku., tfubbord&Roth.. Editor. . Proprietors Entered at the postofjloe at F.llilii, N- C, ' Hfcuuu clasH mail mat tor. . Elkin, N. C May 7, 1890. Whats the matter with W. T. Crawford ey CongresuRi&n from f he njoth district for Governor? Raleigh News and Observer. The only thiryjr f,he patter with the above nailed gentlemen is he was defeated In his home district fwo years ago fpr congress and we are not looking for defeated men to fan for office thjs year. Tb.9 Truth, A Dotnpcracy that sip old de plare for free coinage at 10 to, 1 would not ho the Democracy of Jefferson, pr qf Jiicicsqn, pr of jtfenion, or of Calbqun ft would not realjy bo Democracy at all. It would bo Populism, whatever jt might )ns called. Fqr a party is more than a name. Jt is an prganization that represents cer tain principles which are of per: manent application. Sound money - js not ft thing that was only for Jefferson's day or Jackson's; it is for all time. -Florida Citizen. The Cost of Surry Court. Ejlitpf Times: I send yon ag gregate of the bill of cost allow ed as expenses of the last term pf the Superior Court, qf Surry -.bounty. ' Vitnesses. and Officers costs tyoiiq. jury cpst estjmatpd 475.00. Total $1489.67. It cost the couniy nearly fif: .een hundred dollars to run the jast term of court. J alsp send you statement pf bills ignored by the grand jury. I do this in or- der that the tix payers may know whore their money goes the No. pf bills ignored was 08. Remem ber the abqve bills qf cost are for only one half fes. If they .had all been paid in full it would have cost over 3000 dollars. Respectfully, J. G. Burrus. Roekford, May 5th, 1390. Doughton for Governor. Mr- J. M. Carson one of the editors, of the Alleghany Star writes to the, Raleigh News and pbserver the following letter bringing prt Hon. Rufus A Doughton Lieut. Governor, of North Carolina foi the Democrat iq nomination for Governor at the conventjon which meets at Raleigh, June. 2ath. This fal the voters qf North pacolina will elect State and ponnty qfflcers. In per,fqrming jhis d.u1y, incumbent upon every yoter In the State, our people should cxercisa precaution. In this time qf political unrest and financial panics the needs pf people ara. somewhat different from wfyat they have been Our - ieople 4 P,t want men for their public officers with nqthing but a namp. They want men whq arq zealous of tho welfare of their Slate, and country whose yiows arp broad and magnani mousjwho can and will deal fair ly with all, regardless of politi cal affiliations, and whose every gttp is not dictated by a set of political bosses; men with back j nope and will power, who bow pot at the ehrlnq of men who re , gard their own interests above those of their State; men who have well defined and well found ed principles and will stick to them. The fact that our State has flourished under Dempcratic. rule is evidence that its princi pies ar.e suited to, the ne,eds of o.ur people.. To-day Democracy is as well suited to the people of North Caroling as it ever, was and if we make a square fight on these principles success ill be pur reward, provided we have the right man at the. helm,. This man we think is our own Lieu tenant Governor. R. A. Doughton. We think lie comes as near, and possibly nearer, filling every prerequisite for the success of tho party, as any man in It He having a clean record, always in accord with his party, and whose popularity Is as broad as the A united Democracy will sue- c.?eg in this State. letter on Finance. On this beautiful day when the sky is so etherically blue and the sun so warm and dazzling, when the catbirds are chanting their melodious voices in honor of thoir safe return from the regi ons below, when tho crows are flapping their wings and shout ing caw. caw. over the sprout irg corn, when tho sheep bells tinkle merrily in the meadows, when the cows low in the pas ture, when the horses neigh In the barnyard and tho children and chickens are cackling and crowing around it seems like everything in nature should . b happy and if they are not, they ought to be but not so the gold bugs, the silver bugs, the strad dle bugs and numerous and sun dry kinds of bugs are plagueing and tormenting the people and keeping them in an everlasting turmoil and racket until it seems as if wo are bound to take sides some way or other. It looks as if the silver question is destined to make trouble for tho people but is has never bothered us and from sigr s and indications it nev-! er will. We arq looking for our 1 bushel of silver every day that: Doctor York says is due every man but so far it has failed to show up. And too the Honor; able R. Z. Linney promised us relief, but the only relief we have got is a paper of onion seed and if there is anything we de spise, it is as the old Kentucky fellow says ;'ingerns," have been thinking of running for an office this year but if we did we would have to run on a credit and we Imagine the year 1897 would open up ami find us still running. Buc after all the wrangling and fussing we be lieve the son "1 money wing qf the Deinoei nlic party is the best placp for An Old Fogy. A Burning Bush in Caldwell Mr. Calvin Cobb, of Granite Falls, Caldwell county, writes State Geologist Holmes as fol lows: "On my plantation there is a piece of land where fire is to bo seen both day and nighttime. The light appears like fire, moves like it and roars like it. yet the vegetation is not burned. Plants etc., grow cm the spqt as well as they do anywhere else. There are brqqm sedge and grass on the place from year to year, The blaze is of various sizes, Some times jt is much higher than oth ers. I saw it once cover a pKQ of 80 feet and more. No smoke was to be seeen. The blaze rose 15 or 18 feet, and then seemed to die out at tho lower part. Ten or twelve times smaller fires have Swan Creek Smile. Mr, James Carter and sister Miss Jan le Carter visited at Mr. 11. L. Mat his Saturday and Sun day. Mr. W. D. Adams lost a fine milch cow Sunday morning. Cause: murrain. Mr. f. S. Wagoner and wife, of Lonsrfown visited at Esq. Eenj. Sparks Saturday. Miss AUie Swaim and Rev. C. F. Fields and wife spent Sunday with J. P. Adams. There was a Demorest Silver Medal Contest at Swan Creek last Saturday night. There were ten contestants. Mr. J.mmie Adams won the medal. M. A. This. May 6th, 189.1. Hamilton Disston the million aire saw manufacturer, of Phila been seen, four within tho past del nhia was found dead in bed month. Tho stones near by are last week. A branch is white flint. A branch s near There are many flint stones. Thrown from MiiIb and Killed. Other Yadkin News, Revenue Agents have been playing havoc with our block aders around here the past week. They cut up an illicit distillery about, 4 miles north of this place and seized one bucket of the corn luice which thev took down to Mr. A. Dink'ns' and gave Mr.! tho bucket and gave a negro vho was working for Mr Dinkins tho contents, seems that the negro beat the white man out "that once." Communion services were held at Forbush church last Sunday, A fairly larse crowd was pres ent, and Rev. Jones Angel, preached a very interesting ser mon to a large and appreciative cor gre nation. Rev. M. II. Long, of Yadkin- ville will conduct a two days meeting at Huntsville, M. E. church commencing Saturday bo fore the third Sunday in this month. The continuance of the dry weather is preventing some of our farmers from planting corn, as some of thsm havent got their land broke and cannot break it until it rains; but vegetation is growing off very nicely, Mrs. M. E, Warren, of this place will soon have garden peas to eat as they aro all In full bloom and young ones on tho vines. Who can beat that? We learn that there are three stu dents in the Yadkinville Normal School who will complete the course this Spring. They are as follows: Misses Nora Hamlin and Lola Taylor and Mr. A. W. George. The. commencement of this school wU take place June 8th and 9th. A very serious nccident oo curred in the Cross Roads settle men t on last week one of Mr. Dave My res' boys went to get on a young mule when it Jumped out qut from under him letting him fall with grtat force on the ground his breast Striking across a rail. He suffered great agonies until the latter part of the week he reliet?4 his, pain by crossing he Great River. His remains were mtrred Jn tho graveyard at Cross Roads church. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereav ed family. Chiger Toe. Tilden, N. C, May 5, '96. A Campaign Reduction. As Js the custom with nearly all the State papers we have de cided to makp a reduction in the prjee qf tlo Times fq" the cam: paigr. We will sond this paper from now until January 1st 1897 for FIFTY CENTS This is eight months reading matter for only fifty cents. The cash mut accompany each pame. Anyone sending us a club of six subscri bers will receive a copy free. No reduction will be made jn the prjpe of the paper We ' oevon(1 1 11 c' te named- You all know wnat tnis paper is so there is no need to dwell on its good traits. We have a full staff of correspondents in Surry Yadkin and Wilkes who will keep us posted on the doings of their respective neighborhoods. The campaign this year will be inter esting and we propose to keep ud with the procession. We ask every friend of the paper to tel your reighbor of this oner and ask him to subscribe. The time to subscribe is now and get th full benefit of the offer for eight months. We hope toTidd a great many subscribers under the abov offer. Xdeal Panacea. James L. Francis. AJdorman Chicago, savs: 'I regard Dr, King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colqs and Lung Complaints, having used it in mv family for tho last nvo years, to the exclusion of physi- cian s prescriptions or oiner pre parations." Rev. John Burgus. Keokuk, I ia. wn'es: . I have boon a Minister, of the Method ict Epis cooal Church lor oO years or ninro, and have never found any thing so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles Freo at Dr. J. W. Ring's Drug Store. L. J. Barker's. J. F. HEftSOREfl, ATTORNEY AT LAW ELKIN, N. C. Prai tleeH in the Sttu and Kertcral Courts. Collictlim of Claims a Sp; cUlty T. T. Best, of Winston who died last week left his property which amounted to about $10. 000. to the Christian or Campbellite church. New Castle Notes. Politics and the other kind are beginning to bother the people a. little. We dont claim any ac quaintance with the former. Mrs. J. M. Crater has a bon net that was made by her great grand mother sixty live years ago. Mr. J. T. Roberts has a clock that has been in use one hundred and fprty years. Every whee is made of wppd. Ugly Sam May 2nd, 1886. A child was cured pf crpup by a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neighbor's child died of the same dread disease, while the father was getting readv to call the doctor. This shows the necessity of havin Ayer's Cherry Pectorai always at hand.' How to Tret Wife. (From jPaclflc Halth Journal.) First, cet a wife: second, be patient. You may have great trials and perplexities in your business, but do not therefore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though of less magnitude, may be hard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds o gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamber lain'sCoughRemedy in the house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for her aud wish to protect her health. For sale bv J. S. Bell. Monday was the day for the Federal pensioners to sign up their papers for their regular 'quarterly drawing. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; aud to use each one in such a way as to derive i.he greatest benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We be lieve, however, that no better use could be made of one of theso quarters than to exchange It for a boyie of Chamberlain's Colic, Choier and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicinc every family should be provided with. For sale by J. S. Bdl. Agent tor the Continental in re Insurance Co.. of New York and the Southern Stock Mutual, of Grcenstwo. Insurance placed in these standard Co's., on liber al terms. rif a 3 5 3 3 Hi i I 3 O O pa H O CD CD I o 3 O 4 pi II I IS s s: Pa w - CO cs t E3 13 l C I J. L. TURNER, NORTH WILKEBORO. N. C WE SELL THE AERMOTOR WIND MILL, PUMPS 4c, If you need a helper about tho house qr barn, wo will fur nish yqu qne for very little money. Call on or address, HUBBARD & RGTII, ELKIN, N. C t Saved His Life BY USING) ayer's Cherry pectorai, "When mjr adopt- e, f it bCa was seven o yenriof age, he had as lovcre ft cough 0 as 1 ever knew any- o one to lullcr from. j He coughed luces- santly, and spit up blood. I tried every- thing could think 0 f, but he constant- o ly grow worse, and I feared the poor o little fellow would surely die. At last, I . gave him Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, being g recommended to do so by the physician, o This medicine gave tho chld speedy re- O Mrs. M. E. Dbbat, Liberty, Texas. o o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral S Recalved Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 0000000000000 0000090001 WWMCv&W CtV&wVOVd W WUWOWWW Wit (I WW VOW Wt'Wv WVWW WWWWWWWWf P ALWAYS HAS BARGAINS 10. OW YOU, , This week it is , , Ladles Knlry$t.s, at 10, 20. 25, and GO cents Belts for Ladie and Gentlemen. Ladies Hose, at 8, 10, 15, and 25 cent?, per pair. Indigo Blue Prints? G cents per yard. Flutter Duck Suiting in Spring and Suinmer Shades. Hats, Shoes, at.d Groceries, Full stqck and prices tp suit the Dontfiulto give us a look, We will save you money every time. means so much more than rvmi imacrinr -sprimis nntH J "te , , fatal diseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. ( V"U arefoeliliK m out of sorts, wenlc J uiii kuiivi any eft- iiausled, iietvoua, have no aDDetite and can't work, J ucin ai uncc la ing tlieinosi relia ble strciiKthoixK nicdicinc.which is Blown Iron Kil lers. A (ey Lot ties cure benefit comes from the veiy first duseiY won't ttai your J letlh. nnd it's! plcassut to take. Brown's ron Bitters It Cures Dvsnensia. Kldnev and Liver ' Neuralgia, Troubles, r Constipation, Bad Blocii Malaria. Nervous ailments 4 Women's complaints. Get onlv the e-cnuiiie it has crossed red f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- utilities l)n rKfilit of lu-n 9l Rlitnlil we will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair Views snd book free, DDAVAM PMriliril fn RAI TlMriDC UA MMllMIMIHll"iMfIIM Manufactijrer and Sealer in Cabinet Work, Upholstering, FURNITURE, 4 Coffins. Caskets, Burial Robes Burial Shoes, and General Undtrtakhi FINE WOOD MANTELS A SPECIALTY -ALSO Manufacturer of Mattresses. N. W. N. C. K. R. Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Wilkesboro. 2 S . ra. p. ra. J sap. ra 6 w p. ra. 7 Hi p. m. o. B7. Mixed Sue Note. Leave Grwnslmro, Iav Wluston-Salera, LrtM Rural Hall... .. Lave Elkln ' Anlve W ilkesboro,... o 7 Dillf pt Sunday. Iav Greonsbcirn, . I'l 15 a m. Leavo WlUNton-Sakm. 1C3na. m. Lahyo Kural Hall ... 1 IV" p.m. tava Klkln !2 p. m. Arriv Wllktsboro. I 30 i m. No. 6, Mixed Sec Note Ieav Wllktslioro. ft nrt a . m. Leave Elkin lfllfia. m. Leave Rural HaTT. :. J)p m. lntvn Winston Saiem ltp m. Arrive Qretnobo i o,. 45 p.m. No. I Dally Except Sunday Leave Greens uoro, .. . . Arrive Wiiwton Satom . No. Daily Except Sunday Lfave Wilkesboro IKp m. Ieave Elkin S 42 p m. Lave Rural Hall 2 p ra. Iave Winston-Salem 00 r ra Arrive Greensboro 7 60 p. nv o. Daily Kxsipt Sun day Leave Winsum-Sali j. 7 00 a ra Arrive Greeuaboro, ( 110 a in. Not No. S7 will leave Greensboro Monday, Wednifrtaj-s and F"ilriaT. No. I8 will leave vilkcboroTuewlar. Tour lliSp. m 133 p. m. QGOIJLERvi H RACKET MTORE. Headquarters for Bargains. Wh are full of ood.s nd are prepared to wait on n the people of Surry County. Ladies visiting Winston w ill find it to their advantage to give us a call as we cary the lar: gest line of Dress Gooes, Milinery, Trimmings, Notions Mr R. T. Motsinger formerly of Click & Co.. is with us and would bo pleaKed to meet hi.s friends. Special bargains in Shoes direct from auction in New York, also Sample Shoes in fine goods, at half price. Ladies desiring Buttericks Fash ion Sheet for May, by writ ing us, we will mail one frcQ of charge. Orders by mail promptly filled. Samples on application. Respectfully, D. D. SCHOULER Winston, N. C. ALEXANDER B, CALLAWAY, FRONT STIiKKT. Dealer in Dry Goods, Hats, aud Caps. An elegant line of Ladies and Gentleman Shoes. GROCERIES Such fas Coffee's. Sugar's, Some very fine Mocho Coffee, Can acd Dried Fruit's, Oat Meal and Grits Candies, Cakes. Nuts, Raisens, Ground Peas, Snuff, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigarfi. Cigarettes, Bacon, Lard, Nails, Plows. Horse Soes. Coffee Mills. Buckets, Back Bands; Plow Lines, Dr J. H. McLeans Medicines. Dr Roc3 Medicine that makes glad the heart of man. CALL AND SEE ME. 9 'i 1 1 -" " 1 " y PshgssyiaAfayAyaM In ' j Poor : : Health Fox flie Present My, AND TO MOVF. Surplus StoeL WE OFFER, Strictly for cash. Glark's Cutaway 10 Discs at $20.00. 12 Discs at $22.00. BROWN, RODGERS & GO Winston, N. (J. fi ARROWS I" Ill ft II Dep't. ailof ipg . . OF THE . . THE ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS SUIT J of our 1 OASSIMEREj $15.00 i to I $20,00. We aro now prepared to do Cus -torn Tailoring in the most per fect manner and latest styles, A trial of our work is solicited. . RESPECTFULLY, CHATHAM MANUFACTURING CO. J 7 CLOTHING For Men, Youths, Boys, and Children, in the very latest Style. I have the largest and nicest assortment ever shown in Elkin. Would to pleased to have you examine rny goods and prices before you purchase your spring Cloth ing I also carry a large stock cf Hats. Shoes, Shirts both white and fancy, Scarfs-. Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuffs, Ac, at hard time prices. , FERTILIZERS . I am agent for the following brands of Fertilizer. Roysters High Grade, Dissolve Bone and Potash and Navassa Acid Phosphate for corn, and Star Brand, Anchor Brand, Farmers Friend, Old Dominion and Stipe wall Brands for Tobacco which I will sell as low as the lowest. pon't fail to give me a call whon in Elkin. N. W. Fowi.rcK, Elkin, N C. 16 'H), 'It 4 Ers 1 -J 3 '" m'mi'PN WE ARE AGENTS IN THIS SECTION FOR Clarks Cutaway Harrows, Empire Grain Drills, Chattanooga Cane Mills, Lucas Paints, Excelsior Cook Stoves and Ranges, Oliver C hilled Plows, And - dealers - in - all - kinds - cf , Hardware, We would be very glad to quote yoi prices. Call and see us when in Elkin. Respectfully, HUBBARD & ROTH, ays and alurdays. I

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