JSLK.IN, N. ,C Mav 7 1890. TOWN AND COUKTIiy NEWS. The dogwoods art- In bloom, fhe lightning bugs have mado iluii appearance Deputy Sheriff O. O. EidfiOB went oyer to DQbson Monday. Mr. p. S. -Ko.throck returned io his home at jdt Airy Saturday. The Times eight months for .only fifty cents. Subscribe now. Miss Luna.Mastin has been fleeted leader of the choir at the Baptist church. Mr. S. Porter Graves and wife jof Mt. Airy spent a day in lown last week. On last Friday twenty twe sacks of mail was sent away from 4he Elkin post office. Mr. Walter Gwyn, of North Wilkesboro was in town last week. Mr. Charles Gwyn killed an f ight pound Walloon on the river Jast week. Mrs. Flynt, of Winston was a visitor at Mr. Q. U Earnhardt's last week. Messrs C. II. Gwyn and E. F, Mc-Neer went up to North Wilkes boro Monday. Mr. R. l- Hubbard gathered ripe strawberries out of his gar den Monday. Col. A. B. Galloway has had an annex built to the dining room of his residence. There is to be a missionary rally at Moravian Falls the fifth Sunday in May, Good rains have fallen in this section since our last issue and props are looking fine. Mr. W. A. Hedgepelh and family visited relatives in Yad kin county last week. The steam whistle at the pin factory was heard for the first time Friday morning. Messrs J. F. Hendreu and Fernando Castevens attended Yadkin court Monday. Now is the time to subscribe for the Times. See campaign offer in another column. The water courses were muddy this week and some of our peo ple had fine sport seining. The Mount Airy News is of fered for sale at 3000. " This is a good piece of property. Miss Geruie. Sale returned last week from Winston vhere -she has been living for sometime. Mr. Winfield Windsor and family, of Iredell county visited Bt Mr. N. W. Fowler's last week. The bridge force have been re pairing the platforms and wait ing rooms at the depot the past week. There was no services at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing the pastor being unable to preach. Mr. J. E. Reynolds went down to Winston Monday to visit re latives and attend to some busi ness matters. The town exhibit showing the receipts and expenditures of the tow:n money for last year v ill be published next weetc. Mr, and Mrs. J. I. Dimmette, Dr. James Hickerson, andMisses Marv and Lou Gwyn, of Ronda were in town this week. The month old infant of Mr Will Comer died last Thursday morning and was interred in the Elkin cemetery Thursday even ing. The Surry Camp Confederate Vetrans will atteud the grand reunion at Richmond, Va. . on June 30th with full ranks and in uniform. Amos Brackens is to be im mersed at Cool Spring Sunday. If the new church is gotten ready in time there will be preaching in it on that day. Mr. John Hamby and Miss Cynthia Sales were married at the brides father near here Tues day evening. Rev. W. R. Well born, officiating. Messrs Benjamin Sparks, of Plumtrea Indiana and Charles Spencer, of DeKaib, Missouri have been added to our subscrip tion list since our last issue. Mr. D. W. Baily went down to Greensboro Monday to meet his wife and child who came up m j t vt v l. rru tuuyjaj, iiuni ni-.w ium. fue warding at Mr. TL. Green's. WJu mhin Another one of John March's .. . , , i i i i . nu, ic i i rin a (u lasi wjmv. i makes two wives aud four chil- m Uhien that he has buriod from July 81st 18W to May 1st J.80H We hear that Iha Republicans fessri Hasten Bfiamer of Mt, Airy, J. J. Wal lace, of Rusk and J. M. Mcuann, of Edwarusville for county com missioners. lr. W. D. Haynes, of 4he Mt. Airy Marble Works spoilt a few days io town this week superin tending the erection of the new monuments in the Elkin Coine tery. We regret to learn that Mr. Phil M. Holcomb who went West a few months ago from Long town is seriously ill at his home in Kansas City, Mo. We hope he has recovered ere this. Mr. Thomas Simmons and Miss Nettie Norman were man ied on the evening of April 25th at the residence of C. W. Smith Esq. at Laural Branch. Mr. Smith per forming the ceremony. . P- Mr. Ephraim Boyer, of Spring Valley, Va.. who is well known here was struck by lightning and instantly killed Friday April 24th while returning from the mill. The horse he was riding was al so killed. The Ep worth League met Sun day evening and elected the fol lowing delegates to the Epworth League and Sunday School Con ference which meets at States ville May 28 31. Misses Annie Gwyn and Louiso Byruni and Messrs J. F. Hendrtn and J. S. Bell. The closing exercises of Mrs. Caroline Hickers-m's school took place at the colored Presbyter ian church last Friday night. A good crowd wa3 present and the best of order, prevailed. The children all aquitted themselves well and reflected great credit on their instructor, The new Baptist Church at Macedonia two miles north, pf Ronda will be dedicated the third Sunday in May. Rev. John E. White, Secretary of the Bap tist Board, of Missions at Raleigh is expected to be present aud ch that dav. All are cor- dially invited to be present. Little Miss Marjorie Roth cele brated her sixth birthday one evening last weeic Dy invuing several of her friends to enjoy a few hours of fun with her. Re freshments were also served. The following were present Misses Ruth Liliard, Nora Bell, Laura Noell, Susie Gwyn and Minnie Ross. Alleghany and Grayson peo ple are talking strongly of form- a j5int stock company to build a telephone line frcm Indepen dence via Snarta to Elkin. A line has just been completed from Independence to Edgewater. Va. to the Thompson Springs in Ashe county. We hope the Hue Will .. ... 4 be ouilt from here to Sparta at an earlv date and we extend the w right hand of fellowship to our mountain friends in advance. An occurence hamoened at Yadkin court Monday that would make the angels weep. Hon Ashouter Euseno Holton, grand mogul, of the Republican party in this State was told to take his seat by Judge Hoke. Holton was instructing Brother Johu while the Judge was giving his charge to the grand jury and was disturbing him in conse quence of which ho was told, to take his seat. A chuckle could be heard all over the room, and Holton sat down looking '.ike he had swallowed a balloon. Sometime ago Rev. W. L Sherrill distributed mite boxes among a number of children and young ladies with which to col lect mission money. Saturday evening they all met at the par sonage at an ice cream supper and the boxes were opened. Miss Grace Gwyn's box was found to contain the most f Q'83 and she was awarded the prize a Matho dist Hymn and Tune book. The total amount collected by air was $23.24. The other contestants vrere Misses Clara Bell, Bertha Poiadexter, Malel Weathersbee, Lelia Thornton, Marjorie Roth, Jennie Gray, Edna Eidson, Met La Harris, Fannie Money, Jennie Laffoon. Maud King, Lucy Can non and Ruth Liliard PLcher's Crstoria. V: Qftlklrengryfqr Messrs Paul and R. M. Chat' haui. T. J. Liliard. Will Gilbert and John Minlsh ate the latest 1 - 1 . ! ..... 1 . . 1., . purchasers oi uwyc-u-s u, The Directors, of the lioaiing Gap Hotel held a mooting at Winston yesterday, Messrs II. G Chatham and T. J- Liliard at tcidod from Elkia. Esq. J. F. Walsh was around last week raising money . with which to provide a street sprink ler which will be put into ser vice this summer- A citizen, of Elkin says he wishes everybody w.ould eat on ions and then a person could eat and enjoy them and feel that he would dare go in twenty feet pf anyone else. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ring left Tuesday for High Point and oth er points to recuperate their health which is not in the best condition. We hope they will be benefitted by the trip. Mr. H. P. board's fine racing mare "Kitty Mav" which has been kept at the stables of Col. A. B. Galloway this year drop ped a thoroughbred male colt Monday night, whose sire is one of Bethel, of Reidsvilie register ed racers. The Yadkin Republicans held their county convention at Yad kinville Monday to elect dele gates to the State Convention. The Dockery Pritchard, Hol ton combine was endorsed. The convention broke up in a row and Sheriff Kelly had to appear on the scene to quell the distur bance. The town election held Mon day was yery quiet lLtle or no enthusiasm being manifested. There was but one tic net in the field and only twenty one votes were cast out of a registered vote of over oue hundred. The fol lowing gentlemen were elected, Mayor, Dr. J. W. Ring, Com missioners, Messrs A. G. Click, J. S. Bell, H. G. Chatham, C. M. King and G. M. Burcham. Con stable Rev. Braxton Woodruff. Mr. I. L. Hanes asks us to publish the description of the men who broke into his store a few weeks ago. They were heavy set men one larger tnan tne orn er aged somewhere between 20 and 30 years darked skinned. high cheeked, bones smooth face ooked like brothers.' Mr. Hanes offers SriO.OO reward for the thieves or the goods and money stolen. He thinks they went to Virginia. Fix up the Sidewalks It would be a erood thing for the citizens of Elkin if the in coming munincipal officers would give more attention to the side walks than has been the custom in former years. They should be kept repaired when planks are broken and where the side walks need leveling and banking un to keen them from sesawing when two persons walk side by side. Where sidewalks are re moved for any purpose they should be replaced by the person? removing them as soon as pos sible. Citizen. Jonesville Item. Our town is pretty wellrepres pntftd at Yadkinville court this week. Mr. Milton Call and daughter, Annie, spent Friday night at Mr. J. S Claywell's. They went to Wilkes Saturday and will return here the last of the week Rev. Dave George got his foot and ankle right badly sprained last week, he was at Mr. Cook's saw mill standing near a stack of lumber when it fell towards him, he did not sae it in time to escape We are glad to note, however. that he is improving and can now walk, without the aid of a cane Ten wheelmen from Elkin passed through our village Sun day afternoon. They report jood roads for "cycle' riding on this side of the river. Mr. Will Shugart, who has Forest for the past eight months returned last Friday afternoon, He wUl romain at home until fall. The Republicans, of Knobs township held a primary con ven tTon at the Haynes School house Saturday evening and elected delegates to the county conven tion." B MayTjth. 1?J0. air. Will onugari, y.00 ..." i j jui v .i a- , ,wT.Lwhich never left her and felt tired been attending school at Wake h , .. but six bottle of Elec Prof. John M. Clioolt. of High gatb was in town Tuesday. Mr. Alex. Chatham. Jr., is as sisting in (the office of the Elkin Mfg. Co. Mrs. R. L- Hubbard returned last week from Adamsburg. Pa,, and other cities where she had been Lsiting relative:!. . Mr. Nathan Carter died at his home near Ozark Tuesday night aged 83. years. Mr. J. S. Roth left Monday for Virginia in the interest of the Chatham Mfg. Co. Mrs. Roth spent Sunday at Crutchtield. The price of sugar is on the up grade, The production is shoit over a million barrels this season, the Cuban war contribut ing largely to thw result. Some cruel boy or boys poured turpentine on a harmless bouse cat in town a few days ago and the poor thing suffered terribly. Such an act deserves punish ment and it is repeated the law against cruelty to animals may be enforced. We have heard the names of Messrs R. S. Folger, L. U Waugh, Stephen Venable, Vir gil E. Holcomb and B. J. Snow mentioned ineonnection with the Democratic nomination for the House of Representatived from Surry county. It is Stokes' time to name the Senator. Little Miss Marjorie " Roth thanks again, each one who con tributed to the Missionary box she had, thereby helping her to win a beautiful Bible, presented to her by Rev, W. L. Sherrill whom she also thanks. May bless ings be upon those who gave and those who shall receive. We have received a communi cation signed Uncle Sam in an swer to an article published in last weeks paper but as no name acjempanies it and we are not in the business of publishing anonymous communications as we have repeatedly said before it now rests with its other friends in that especially 'prepared place. the waste basket. Our attention has been called to the fact that people have got to iding and driving recklessly over the new bridge oyer the Elkin river. :t is $2.00 fine for each offence md the law will be rigidly en forced in the matter. We just publish this to warn the people and now if they continue to vio late the law they may take the. consequences . We learn that the Republican Co. convention at WilkesboroMon. broke up in a general row.- The Mott, Benbow and Mowem iac tious all had a hand in the row. Some of the delegates got dis -gusted and left the convention. We dont know wmcn siae win come out on top at the State con vpntion but vou may paste it in your hat that they will all come together on election day. The Republicans held a town ship convention at Uioenezer, Satnrdav t,n P.lect delesatS tO the countv convention which meets at Dobson to morrow. The following were elected. John A. Day, Morgan Gentry, S. M. Dickerson. Alternates, J. W. Hicks. J. F. Burcham, J. M. Eldridge. It can be said tb the rredit, of Elkin that she was not venresented at this convention We learnthat some of the breth ren crot pretty" "happy" before the exercises concluded. Great slaughter in prices in all kinds of Dress Goods, Shoes &c at Rounsalle's. $1.50 Shoes at $1.20. 1.33 " " 115. 1.25 " ' 1.00. Simpsons Percales 7$c. " Calicoes 5Jc. and other eroods sold at cut prices. For the cash. A Valuable treacription. Editor Morrison of Worthing ton. Ind.. "Sun." writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, ana i can cneer fully recommend it for Constipa tion and Sick Headache, and as a general Bystem tonic it has no enual " Mrs Annie Stehle, 2625 f!nttara Grove Ave.. Chicago. was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache ar.d wearv. but six bottle of Elec trie Bitters restored ber health and renewed her strength. Price 5o cents and tl.00. Get a Bottle at J. W. Rings Drug Store. L. J. Barker's. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori. S.-t.il vmir .TnK Wnrlr to The j Elkin Times Job OfSce, B UCR'L RyS . 1 KM C. i & 4 L I 'E. The Bust Salve in the world Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulwrs, Salt Phoum, Fever Sores and Totter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, .Corns, and all rikin Ei up tionsand positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guar' auteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Prk-.f 23 cents per box. For sale by J. W. Ring and L. J Barker. . J, E. REYNOLDS, PAINTER. AI,L KINK OW 01? AIMING, I1AKD WOOD FINISHING, TAl'ICH II VNOINQ 0TC. KsLimiilea f m nl. i.'n't'. on implication. Sutls- Oullou or adUreiM, J. H.-JYNOLDS. riiciimi Hi.ariinL.-Ml. Ouoil IttinreuccH. NOTSCE! The best Bed Spring on the market is the Arm Lock Bod Spring which is manufactured by the undersigned at Elkin, N. 0. If you want the best springs call on or address, L. II. Carter. Mar. 19. '00. When Buby wu Mc, we gave her Caatorlo. When she wus a Child, she cried (or Caacorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Cnstorla. When she bad Children, she gave tbein Castor la. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman and merchant of Gosh en. Va.. has this to say on the subject of rheumatism: "I take plasure in recommending Cham berlain's Pain Balm for rheuma tism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for It. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intense ly. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain and .use of one bottle completely cured him. For sale by J. S. Bell. DOWN GOES PRICES --ROUNSAVILLE-- Is closiug out his stock of Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Tableware, AT COST FOR GASH Best Calicoes 4c. to 5fc. Best White Ironstone Plates, 20c The 50c. Teas going at 35c. All the above lines going the same way Don't delay, call at once. Feb. 5th. 1896. FOR SALE. We have one No. 7 2nd hand nnnr ct.nvA in fair condition, for sale cheap for cash. HUBBARD & ROTH. A Cure for Monmlar Rheumatism. Mrs. R. L. Lamson, of Fair- mount, Illinois says: "My sister used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for muscular rheumatism and it effected a complete cure. I keep it in the house at all times and have always found it beneficial for aches and pains. It is the quickest cure for rheumatism, muscular pains and lameness 1 have ever seen." For sale by J. S. BJ1. GRAIN CRADLES. We will furnish a limited num ber of SHUTT'S Handmade rirain Cradles this season as heretofore, and parties wanting c...mo TOi'll nl.asp. let us know as early as possible. Price 3.50. HUBBARD & ROTH .When fevers and other epide mics are around, safety lies in fortifying the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A person having thin and impure blood, is in the most' favorable condition to "catch" whatever disease may bo flouting in the air. Bo wise in timo. Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastor, nnonnn n r n i i UCJUUUU 1 r ? ' m G --3jS& I"1! f pra aaJTi -sii"Kf-te s- " .A? M hi I. M I mij i NINUb! fh' i , I n-iim ' i7 f T . Corner Main and Bridge Streets ELKIN, N. C. NO USE MULTIPLYING WORD SAB OUT IT. We have a Large stock of goods bought for net cash-bought upon the most favorable terms and all discounts off. We know we are prepared in every way to please you ana a litio n.nn air) motion on vour Dart will make it plain to you, as it will to any thoughtful person, that no concern is so well prepared to suit you in goods and prices and save you money on your purcnasers as ours, Special Offer to We ha ve not iced lately that trav elling agents have been in Elkin taking orders for Enlarged Por traits. These men put up at the hotel hire horse ride around, pay no doubt make a and above all these expenses .. We have made arrangements with the largest concern in the United States to furnish us enlarged portraits in Crayon and water Colors and will furnish them as premiums- to our customers. This is a grand offer and lays all tra velling agents in the shade. Apply at B5PWa want vour trade aud on the ground that we can make buy your supplies elsewhere to better advantage we aavise you to so there. We think this is the honest way to treat customers. We have added many new inings io our biuu icubuhj trade has been excellent and we feel very grateful for this Hhorpl na,tronaa:e and promise renewed efforts to please. Our stock is very complete and up some big bargains in all departments ana receiving more oy ev ery train that comes in. Remember our 15c Coffee 7 lbs to the dollar Good Percales iu short lengths 8 cts and Calicoes 5 cts. Ginghams and Guiings 5, 6, 7, 8 to 9 cts. Good Table Oil Cloth 15 cts., Soda a lbs far 10 cts., Best White fish in. town 4 cts. Baking Powders ft Cans 8 cts. Special bargains in Soaps, Tobaccos, Clan ned Goods, Tinware, Black Hosery Suspen ders, Laces, Scarfs, Table Covers, Umbrellas Parasols, Buttons and a thousand and one notions. Coma to see us, you are always welcome. If you dont need any goods pay us a friendly call. When in town on business make our store your headquarters. Shall be.mbre than pleased to serve y ou. Yours trulv. h. H. Hunt, ) W. u orui i Retail Customers, and buggy and rail road tare and good profit oyer store lor terms. must have it. We only ask it it to. your beuefit and if you can to date in all respects. We have - ' S Si 's&JMZJpi