.pf glltin giuus. Terms to Subiortbers. Oue Copy,. OH year, . ,Oue Copy, nix wwotba .Single C'ople,.. ......... .. II ... O'i Advertising rktei ream rable, Mid made laiowi mi Kppl cation. T-r- Walter B. Bell, . Hubbard & Roth', . i . . Editor. .Proprielcis' E.uurect at tlx bos' toffloe at Elk lu, N. C, Hf second clutia mall mailer, ; , JSucm. -N. C.. Aug. 0. 1880 LETTERSROMTHE PEOPLE. rOUGHTON FOR .CONGRESS Finally 'brethren let "ice "give you soYde advice.1' It is ttbt long toffuntil wfe'af1o meet arid n6tn 'inate a'iriah to' beat 1 Linhey for ConVresk : JJoxt'iSs ooV Shancbl 'Linney is for McKinley for Pre "sidenl and McKinley Is for1 gold ;and'is 'ih'favor of grinding down the working class'. ' tr.' it.' A. "Dotfghtbh'of Alleghany is for Brj'aV) nhd Vs a friend 6f the pert' pie and 'not 6f a fcqrtain 'class. 'Let' bs1 nominate Dougnton "T6r Congress and lie wilf be 'tHu'm 'ph'alitly elected.'1 Alleghany. XAslie, Sury, ajid Forsyth" are -solid fot Dough ton and we invite fthe other counties to getln'lin. Hurrah frti D6dg.htOn'.bur nest congressnuan. Workingmnn. lacKinley ancTCorn Whiskey. A promrnen I mtfn and merchant in "Wilkes 'riot a dozen miles from lElkin keeps 'arid treats "McKhi jey Liquor" to Ihe'teople atij by "this means trfes to 'induce them 'to vote for McKinley. Is pur next president whether for gold or frdti silver' to be 'elected by these-means? 1 'And if 'so will times d'uring'lhe next four'years .be be1ler tliahi ' the last? Now we want you who : are sober honest men. Honest "with 'your Grid" and' working for thegood of the country to put'your shbulfler to the wheel, least your votes for Bryan" for our next president" and cry oat fchame on this man. ; ,w ho ' treats "corn whiskery for that oppres sor of the poor William McKin ley. : 1 f?nn A fit August 3, i- ' Birthday Dinner in Yadkin. nele John RB. Johnson.' our venerable christian 'worker arid Sunda 'School organizefr was fcighl y'four' y.Nirs old last Sun Jay 'Ju'y SGth!" In honor of Uncle Johnri'e's birth day occasion; his many1 friends, neighbors; rela tives, children and grand chil dreitgave him a surprise birthday d.nnet'; When the company' be an to pohr in Sunday morning and made known to the old" man the object of the gathering " he remarked that he had rib objec itjon tq tncif setting him a d.nner every month If they wished. The occasion was 'very enjoyable and no' one seemed to enjy. it1 more than the old gentleman in whose honor this 'very lrjn riant feast was spread. 'There were twenty four children and grand children present, besides a large number of friends and "neighbors, who came with their baskets filled to overflowing with earths choicest products made palatable by the skilled hands of the noble wom en of the community. Dinner leing.over the company assem bled in a convenient place and position to hear soipo words of fcdvice and instruction from this old soldier of the cross. Uncle Johnnie said he did not have any Jdea of seeing another birthday, and hoped to see all those, who had met there to do him honor around the wgreat hiui throne, to this end he wanted all to put their trust in Him, "who is long suffering to us and not wjl'.ing that any shouid perish, but rath er all shou'.d come to Him and live." One Present. Iaui to iville. July :tl U i , . , , , Electric Bitten. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but per haps t(ins generally needed, when ihe languid exhausted loe'.ipg prevails, when the liver is torpid and slup-gifh and the need of a tonic and alterative s felt A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and fieeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache,. Indigestion,. Coneti-. j pat ion. inzzlnus .yield to- Lleo ric Bitters.- 50c and . tl,00 per ttiaat J. W. Ring'g drugstore. ""New Catle NeverfaiU. It seei'iis'' to us the hottest weather we have ever felt.' Miss Laura Tulburt is slowly growing wore all the time. Miss Carrie Paris la alsdindisposed. j New Castle is to have' a new store in the near future. Mr. M. II Martin, of Pleasant Grove is to be' the proprietor. ' ' Vf.' D. Rough ton and W. D. Howard visited yillcesboro a few days this week. c ' Mr.' Columbus Swaim. of Swan Creek is teaching penmanship at fcennyyille church this! week.' 1 i Prof! W. D. Howard will begin a vocal music' school at lirier Creek church, Augus 7th. OVss lie' would be glad to have the S wan Creek band' v isit the1 school. ' We are very sorry that we could not be at the good supper prepared Tor 'us Tuesday night. : . i ! '' - Ugly Sam. August 1, 18. ' " - Ronda Rockets. Mr. J. W. Miner 'made a ship ment oTf bee hives to Florida iast eek' :t "'Misses Hat tie and Julia Dob bins are visiting relatives at Boonville. ' Mr. 'Weaver Hickerson has ac cepted a clerkship With the Ron da Store Company.' Mr. R. A. ' Womblo has gone to Ashe county for his health and to paint biiggies His daugh ter Miss IJuby is staying with Mr. J. T. Edwards. Mrs. Sallie Gaither, of Mocks ville is visiting her brother Mr. J...T. Edwards. Mr. Willie Edwards, of Wilkos boro was in town last week. Prof. Debnam'and Mr. W. P. Bell made a trip into Iredell last week, drumming for the school. Prof Debnain is a real worker and'we wish him success. II. August 2, 181H5. Traphill News. A good shower of rain would help now. Prof. S. W. Brown preached a very able sermon in the Bap tist church Tuesday night oflast week. Mac Waoner, itehead was among us Saturday, ami Sunday. Mr. Loyd HolbrooK and Miss Emma Sparks were married last week. May their lives b hap py and useful. Threshing has been the order of the day for some time in our vicinity. Crops are much better than was supposed. Prof. E. J. Johnson arrived Sunday week. Prof. M. B. Joines arrived last Sunday. They teach the free school at this place and will open up to day. Dr. York and General Jackson are frequently among us. They are both true silverites. Gener al Jacksor wont kick at nothing but a gold bug. Everything going Democratic this fall. We are all for Hon. R. A. Douglnon for Congress. Hort B6wer. wont be in the race if he is nomina'ed. Sweet Marie. "' " 'August 3. 189(5. Swan Creek Items. Mr. J. P. Swaim and Miss C. 0. McBride were united in mar riage Jnly 29th. A. L. Ilendrix, Esq., officiating. The Swan Creek people will celebrate their Sunday School on Saturday before the 3rd Sun day in this month with speeches and a basket picnic. Hon. J. C. Pinnix, Maj. Jas. II. Pooto and Rev. J. E Hampton are expect ed to be present and speak. Ev erybody is invited to be present. Rev. S. D. Swaim and family. of Wilmington are spending some time at his fathers, E. D. Swaim, Esq. They will be with us aooui a monin ana it goes without sa3ring we are all glad to have them among us. Mr. Swaim preach d an interesting sermon for us on yesterday.. Mr. J. L Sparks received a right bid wound in tha hand yes terday morning by falling with a comb in his. hand while shingl ing his little brothers hair. Miss Nora Freeman is quite low with fever we, are pained to note. ''''. Hurrah for Bryan and free silver. The poor mans - friend. Let free silver come boys quick and fast. i M. A. This. -August 3, 1800. . " . "A Eepublkan TeUs Why He Shall 1 Vols for Ervan and Bewail. 1 As a Saturday evening caller the ElkYn Times is ever welcom ed and rend as a let ter from home. The news aiid personal items are of much interest to us. Many of the items amuse us because so unlike the things of the west to which we have become accustom ed; and yet they are the same old things with which memory is so famil'ar. However, one thing noticeable in all ruial 'Journals is, that the sickness of e horse or other nmrnol receives more Attention than a half dczen suicides or a hundred deaths iu metropolitan papers. ' Since my last communication the great National Conventions have convened and adjourned. It was my pleasure to mingle uch with the delegates to the Republican Convention which met here in Jm e. It was my pleasure to be present in the con vention when Mr. McKinley was nominated and then step out to watch the firing of the great can non near the convention hall. Though I am a Republican, Iliad already resohed not to vote in the interest of Roman Catholic ism, the Rothchilds and Regal Monopolies. To vot3 for Mr. McKinley is to do all of this. Many of us the common indus trial classes, had resolved not to vote at all; for we hoped for nothing from the Cleveland De mocracy. But when the Chicago Convention, as it seemed to us, by accident, but as Hon. Chas. Towne, of Minn., more properly says; by direction of divine pro vidence, nominated W. J. Bryan, the heavy burdened began to feel that a deliverer had come, and now, thousands of the common people, regardless of party affili auTiis heretofore, will vote for Bryan and Sewall. Just last week there were two other tional Conventions in this the Populist and the -'Free Na city Sil ver." to the latter of which I was honored to be a delegate. The Silver Convention is said to have been, composed nf the most in telligent men ever assembled in the convention city. I would be glad to tell your readers about it. but time and space forbid Over two thirds of tlm conven tion were Republicans. They nominated W J. Bryan and Ar thur Sewall as candidates for president and vice president by a unanimous vote. The Populist Convention was large It was composed of a motly crew of all sorts, sizes, ages, shades and conditions of men. Their opin ions were as various as them selves. They endorsed Bryan, but named Tom Watson, of Geor gia as his running mate. This virtually disrupts the party. -The Middle of The Road," men, as they styl themselves, called a convention at the close of the general convention, and arrang ed for naming a new candidate for President. The Silver Con vention having closed on Friday I was present Saturday to wit ness the proceedings of the Po pulist Convention. Bryan and Sewall will get most of the Po pulist votes notwithstanding the rupture. There are many other things which I would like to say but must close by saying to my friends in the Old North State it is to the interest of the com mon working classes to have the mints re-opened to the coinage of silver. I belong to that class and will vote the National Silver ticket. Another thing let me re quest of you. Whatever party you belong to, require your can didates for Congress to pledge themselves to work and vote for a measure to open all convents to official inspection. There are tho jsands of girls in thesUnited States, who havs never drawn a breath of freedom, because their guardians have, years ago placed them in convents. Their inheri tances havo been taken and turn ed over to the vactican and they are doomed t o live i n bondage, filth, toil and subordi nation Will the American peo pie allow this blight to "remain on our civilization? Wi!l not the good American cit'zen of the county join and help us in the cities where these things exist to set at liberty these thousands of souls, who have never yet been free? Respectfully, Turner Shore. St. Louis, Mo., July 27, '9i . Children Cry for ( Sister Lowe Heard Froin. Quito an amusing scene oc curred on the street' Sunday ev ening. ' For several weeks Mrs. Mary Wjlcoxen Lowe 'has been staying aV. A. 'McLean's;' last week, how Iver, they ha'A ii mis understanding, m'd she packed her trunks and departed, out left the' trunks at McLean's. She secured a home at E. L. Hart's and u.'oved her trunks, etc., to homo Saturday evening. On opening the! trunks she1 d'scoverd that somebody hud removed two nice whUe skirts. $'uhday even ing a lady visited Mi's; Hart in the course of their1 conversation she remarked that; Anriice H6r ton. a colored woman, had on two pretty skirts that day. Mrs. Wilcoxen was present. About thy, time the lady got through with her description of them An lice went up the treet. and Mrs. Wilcoxen made a break for her. A'lively race followed, but An nice was overhauled at the foot of the hill just beyond E street. Mrs. Wilcoxen had blood in her eye, and regardless of the plead ings of Annice she had to haul off the siolen articles right there in in the street. Annice has skipped North Wilkesboro Hustler. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, oafe and reliable, f or sale by J. S. Bell. Maple Spring Liners. .Corn and tobacco is doing well Politics are getting on a boom. We caught a ten pound catfish last week. We will soon need electric lights in this town. We hav s been doing some work on our streets this week. It was so hot last week that dough would crust before chick ens could eat it. A singing school next. Some of the girls have already been learning the do's and rays. A little boy near here swallow ed ten cents in silver the other day. It is hoped that he will get well as it was not counterfeit. A king snake was killed here the other day which crawled up and bit himself several times af ter his head had been severed from his body. Some one near here struck a jointed snake the other day when it flew to pieces. The headjnade a mistake and coupkd to the. wrong end and now his snakeship is running backwards. Some of the girls have gone back on us. I guess we will have to do like Sambo, who crawled in the closet the other night and heard him telling her that sho looked like a little angel and had eyes like a dove. He went to see his girl the next night' and told her she favored an Injun looked consumptive and had eyes like a dorg. No doubt this created more love. Aug. 5, 'US. F. M. H. ' Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's re medies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which' gave very speedy relief. We regard it as the, best medicine ever put on the market for bowel com plaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Frederickstown, 'Mo. "This cer tainly is the best medicine ever put on the market for dysentery summer complaint, colic and cholera infantum in children. It never fails'to give prompt relief when u.ed in reasonable time and the plain printed directions are folloed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by J. S. Bell. When Baby waa tick, we gun her Castorla. When she waa a Child, she cried for Canton. When she became M ls she clung to Caatori. When she had Children, she gare them Caatnria. Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, v;as taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cor dial but got no relief She then sent to me to see if I had any thing that would help her- I sent her a bott'e of Chamberlain's Coli. Cholera and Diarrhoea Re medy ard the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different ren edies for d'arrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him this same rj medy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. lie say he oa-esjhis recavery to this wonderful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley. Sidney, Mich. For saie by J. S. Bell. ! PLcher's Crstorlc. P3 35 i 3 O .ha en I Si 's b! 3 CO H O eo i in ESS 13 pa pa I o 7C Hi t55israL3vi5i3i sarassiflFsis Hsasasssci Branch Office at Eikin. For Designs and Prices, 'see, W. B. Bell. BUCKLEWS ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve ' i.A the world Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Pheum, FeVer Sores and Tetter, Chapped'Iands, Chil blains, Corns, andsll Skin Eiup lions and positively cures Piles or no pay requiredi It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. W. Ring and L. J Barker. YADKIN VALLEY INSTITUTE. BOONVILLE, N. C. Fall Teum Opens Aug. 4 181)6. Enrollment last year - - 176 Six competent teachers. Best Advantages. Lowest cost. OUROFFER! We will furnish you a good, comfortable furnished room, board, washing, lights ana tui tion from August i, 1896, to Dec ember 18, 1896, ffye months, for only FORTY DOLLARS. payable on entering. This in - eludes everything. Board may be secured under this offer in sever al families, and boarders will have all the comforts of home. A course in Stenograhy and Typewriting has been added and a competent teacher employ ed to take charge of this depart ment. Write for catalogue. R. 3. HORN. Principal, Boonville, N. C July-2-4w. DOWN GOES PRICES. R 0 U N SAVILLE IT l Is closiug out h'js stock of Dress Goods. Notions, Shoes. HtSj Tablewar.p, AT COST FOR GASH Best Calicoes 4c. to Dc. Best White Ironstone Plates. 2Qc The 50c. Teas going at 35c. 1 All the above lines goiog the same way Don.'t delai". call ai ouqq. Feb. 5th. 18J6. ' ' iCOULEP.1 RACKET MTORE, Headquarters for. Bargains. We are full 'of goods and aire prepared to wait on' all the people of Slurry Coupjy. Ladies visiting Winston will rind it to their advantage tfl give, us a call as we cary thg jar pest line of Dress 0ooes. Milinerv,Tr,injmings, Notions Sit.. &c. " -r Mr R. T Mot.singer formerly of Click Si Co.'. is with u and would bfl pleased to' mept his, friends." ' ''" '- iVi Special bargatps in Shqe3 direct from auctiorTin New' York, also Sample Shoes m find gods, at naJ price.' v Ladies desiring Buttericks Fash "ion Sheet for May," by writ ing us, We v)ill In ail qne free of charge. -Orders by mail promptly failed. Samples on application. Respect fully, D. D. SCHOULER Winston, N. C. 3 i &z i S A W ? 111 .' e III o Fop TIio Present Only, A.ND TX) M0VF. Surplus Stock. LARK'S GUTAWAY HARROW! 10 Discs at $20.00. Yl Discs at $22.00 BftOl VII, RODGERS & CO, Winston, N. (1 ailoppg Dep't. OF - THE ELKIN WOOLEN ILLS, SUITS I of our p CASSIMEREj $15.00 -a to p $20.00. p ALEXANDER B, GALLAWAY, FRONT BTRKKT. Dealer in Dry Goods, Hats, and Caps. An elegant line of Ladies and Gentlemans Shoes. GROCERIES Such as Coffee's, Sugar's, Some very fine Mocho Coffee, Can and Dried Fruit's, Oat Meal and Grits, Candies, Cakes. Nuts, Raisens, Ground Peas, -Snuff, Pine Che. vying anu Smoking Tobaccfl, Cigars. Cigarettes, Bacon, Lard, Nails, Plows, Horse Shoes. Coffee Mills, Backets, Back Bnnds; Plow Lines, Dr J. H. McLeans Medic) nes, Dr Rocs Medicine that makes g"ad the heart of man. CLLANDSJSE ME. Wfil RE AGENTS N THIS SECTIQN FOR Clarks Cutaway Harrows, Empire Graiit Drills, Chattanooga Cane Mills, Lucas paints, Exqelsior cook Stoves and flanges, Oliver Chille.d Plows, AnJ dealefs '.- jo - all - Junijs - of Hardware, ' Yl.lwwM W.wpuHl be veiyfglad to quote j oi priqs. Call hnfl 113 Yv li S w Chlldien Cry for WE OFFER, STRICTLY FOR ,CASH. We are now prepared to do Cus -torn Tailoring in the most per fect manner and latest stylps. A trial pf our- work is sojipited. RESPECTFULLY, CHATHAM MANUFACTURING CO. N. W NC. K. li, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Wilkesboro. ) p. Mixed See Not. Leave Greensboro. Leave WinsUm-S.ilem, Leave Rural Hall.. .. Leave Klkln Arrive Willunboio,... S 5 l. HI. 04or. in. - 29 p. m f i0 p. m. r. o. f Ovllf Leave Greensboro . I,t Sunday. 19 IS m Leave WinHlnn-S!em, Leave Kural Hall . . Leave Klkln, rrtve VVJlkej?boro. 1,1 m ;T m . It iip. nl. 12 43 p. in. !)!. nr. No. 6, Mlved See Note Leave Wilki.ebi.jo.' ()0a.m. Lea.ve Klkln, , . 10 IR I in. Leat-e Rural Hall: . . - 2 .10 p. 'v LeaVe WJnuton-Salt m , 3 4C p. Iri An lve Greens bo 10. . 1 (6 1ft p.m. No. r, Daily Excep), Supday 1 ' '' ' Leave Greensboro " - ' 1 JI5 jf. m Arrive Winston Sulera lflo o. in'. No. Daily )aily Except Suuday. " leave Wilkesborc ro ' ' g 5d p. m. Iyeave Klkln Leave Rural Hall,.... 5 24 n. ni. Leave Winston-Salem ' 00 p. nv Arrive Greensboro V 50 p. V. o. Daily Except Sun day I-ave Winston-Salem, ' T 09 m. Arrive Greensboro, 00 Note. No. S7 wl 1 1 leave Oreensbirp Nf ondays, Wednesdays and FrldaJ-H. ' "' ' "' No. S8 will leave VvilkeslK)roTues,dayj.Tbur -days and Saturdays. ' ' ' ' Send your Job Work to I'hq JClkin Times Job Office. HUBBARD & ROTH, Pitcher's Castorl.i. -4