iff Commercial I'riJitlita Rj lg Ir Pais to Gt (3 THE FEOPLE- 0 Letto Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, 1 Business Cards, Envelopes, 0 Exeouted Neatly and Promptly. an invitation to trade with joa. The bent way to invito them is to ad vertise in THE TIMES. VOL. V. WALTER B. SELL, Editor. ELKIN, N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1896. HUBBARD & 10TB, Mlnta- NO. 4. rm inn h w WW' I i urn rUO.OL'Xt'Kl A SI.'CCKSS. TIiO SUite Kulr Closed Saturday His " Crowds Attended Each Day. The happy aad handsome North Carolina folks bare Lad their annual re-union and renewed ncqaantances around a groat cod credituble display cf the products of North Carolina's industrial men and enterprises. These ood people Lave journeyed to their capital city, rtoiived and duly ap preciated its generous aud bot-pi table welnoinc, passed friendly and some times even holier greetings with each other. Hearts and bands Lave been clasped together and a week has been filled toovoriiowiog with genuine en - joytnent. 1 he weather was most pi o pitious, and the soft fcluw of a gentle autumn bud added greater latter to the gorgeous apparel of the charming matrons and maidens. It was all beautiful sunshine until parti: g time enmo wbcu just about the time the ciowd began breaking lip and the exhibitoisbegan packing away their exhibits, the tuu wLieh had shed its rays so bountifully end uspaiiugly upon the gain occasion, hid itself be hind dreary looking clouds and jubt us tho God-bless you's wero about to be (mill it begun to rain, and it teemed that the clouds were furnishing tho tears for the aad farewells. Frank Stanton, of the Atlanta Con stitution, recently sang an odo to the Lsadsomo colonel from Buttery Park on his visit to Atlanta. It has been as true of his vint to litltigh than it was in Atlanta. So tie beg leave to ap propriate it-verbatim: "When Ed. MeKlssick came totown the hands liegna to play. Aad "JJixio" went' a-rolling o'er the moun tains fnr away. And the red stripes of "Old tllory" waved la splendor up aad down From tlio yery highest story when McKlssick came to town 1 When Ed. McKisslck came to town the stars In welcome smiled; The engines thty went whistling an' the sto- lie bolls weut wild 1 And there rosetlm-e cheer, from Dill1,' which no roir-y bells could drown. And the big balloons weut skyward when Mc- KissK-k came to town I He was welcome on the mountains lie was welcome on t he plain, His smile a benediction la the sunlight and tho rain; And the flaj:s waved from each steple, and the Bkies they ceased to frown, And a ;hout rote "m the people wlien Me. Kisslek tamo to town ! THE KEWS EPITOMIZED! Trashlaeton 'Items. A volnme, completing tha British case. was laid before t!ie Venezuelan Boundary Com mission. In his annuil report to tha Secretary of the Ji-ivy Commodore Hiehboru, Chief of tha Const ruction linn-au, deplores tba set ions delays and ineonrenienee that have resulted from lack of adequate materials for repairs to shins. Ho asks Hint ConKn-ss authorize the allotment of 11,500,000 for naw store;. The President appointed lease H. Lion- berer, of br. Louie, Assistant Attorney-Gen eral ror me interior Deportment, vice win- inm a. Jut:e, nsipnea. Tost Chanlnin Georpe W. Simpson has been placed on tha retired list of the army on accouut of difabilltv. and K-v. Leslie 1! Orovti, of Albany. N. Y.. appoiuted to suo. eeeJ biui. Chaplain Fiiippon was bora in Unrymnd and appointed in 1978. Sir Julian Tauncefole, British Ambassador to tha 1'nited Slates, returned to this coun try or tue Uennatno aller a luree ninntns Taeallon, f pent chiefly In Franoe. Sir Julian rail a cenfi-renee Willi Lord Salisbury and Heeietary ( homberluin regarding tba Vemx- ueian mention. Tha TJuiled Slates fourt of Claims banded down judgments in 403 lellarcarrior cases in favor of the claimants. Many of the cases were of carriers In New York City and Tren ion, n. j. 7 lien i st installment ei cow naw maca- r.ine rifles has been cpmo'ated. an'l 500 of mem were oroerea to me How York Navy inru, am oi inein lortne new cruiser Urook lv aud the others for tha Puritan. All the other ships will be provided with this small core, nut trajectory arm, as soon as possible. The Department of State has Just pub- nsueu a volume oi consular repoits relating to the money queslion, which contain stalls- ties tn at Lear ou tuo lluaucial issue in this country. Burceon-Genernl Trycn, of the Navy, In nis annual report, save mat tne care ana com fort of the iiek and wounded of the navy nave been much improved by the adoption of iron swinging cols for the sick bays of all vessels, and the eslnblishment of an ambu lance service at Chelsea, New York, Thila- ueipuia auu ionoiK. A REWARD FOR SOBRIETY. Ceorjta Crocker Ilccslras the 500,000 Lett II I in hy Him father. As a reward for five consecutive years of total abstinence from intoxicants George Crocker was awarded 1 500,000 at fan Fran cisco, Cal. Charles Crocker, father of George, Charlea P., and William H. Crocker, dial September 22, 1881, and In ranking hi will failed to be nuentn a portion of bis property to bis son Georpe, who was given to overindulgence in Intoxicants. Instead, he placed 4 'JO bonds of the Souihorn Pacltlo Company in tha hands of the other two sons in tmtt for Guorge, with thJ oroviso that if within fif teen years after the death of the fouuder of the fund Oeorge Crocker should stay sober for five consecnllve years ti.s principal should be turnod over to him. If. hover, he failed to abstain from overindulgence, the bonds were to be distributed among certain gsiud childrea of Charles Crocker. September last Oeorge Crocker applied for the bonds, alleging that he had been sober for flvs yea rs. The matter was submitted to the courts by tba executors, who wero In structed to turn over the bonds to the legatee. DEATH AT THE CROSSING. V BIG CROP OF APPLES. The Azgrezate Yield a Shade Under 80, 000,000 Barrels. Throughout the States of chief commercial production, including New England and Now York, the crop of winter apples islarge. A spsilnl rsport places the aggregate yield at a shade undor 59.000.000 barrels for all o the United States, Hgnlust 60,500,000 barrel in 18M and 67,000,0uo;barrels two years ago. This authority savs that the crop la Now England, New York, Michigan and parts or a few other States Is phenomenal. New Eng land and New York alone have over 1S, 000.000 barrels, ngalnst little more than 7,000,0.0 a year ago. while Michigan is har vesting the greatest crop of fine fruit ever se cured In that State. The report oovering the Central West, however, shows thnt In rannv instances the crop is inefficient to upply homo requirements. The Canada croo is among tne largest on record. Exports Dr. V. W. r1inrr and III Granddancb' tor, of Keanrbuijr, X. J., lulled. Dr. W. W. Palmor, a prominontpbmlcinn. ot Eonnsburh', N. J., and bis twenty-two- yenr-old granddaughter, Fannlo Palmer, wore Lllleu, and William E. Habn, a friend and Miss Peborab, Vr. Palmer's daughter, were Injured on it grade crossing of the Atlautio Highlands division of the Central Itailroad of New Jersey at Keansburg. Mr. Halm's injuries, it was thought, might result fatally, but Miss Deborah Palmer, who Is only bruised about the hips, will recover. The accident occurred a 1-jw minutes after 8 o'clock a. m. Dr. Palmer, who was the owner of cousldorablo properly In that vicinity, intended to drive to a iWolllno u.'ura vwunj uy iiiui jusi uonaoi me village, where repairs wero tn progrra?. Ho had in the wagon several utensils commonly nsed by house ilecoratois In their work and quantity of paint, which was placed under tho seats. Iu the front of the wagon aat Dr. Palmer and his granddaughter. Hiss Deb orah Palmer oceupii d the resr sent with Mr. Hahn, who Jives at Allantlo City, but has b-en visiting tho Palmers for deveral days. Ho is an eugiueer on the West Jersey Rail road. The roadway leading from Dr. Pal-, nicr's house to the Kido crossing is rather winding, and at the freight station there Is a sharp turn to the right, just before cross ing tho track. Tha station hides from view all approaching trains from the south. It was just time for the 8.26 train from Atlantlo Highlands, and apparently without any warning it came upon them aa they turned' the corner of tho freignt station, strlkingtho rear end of the, wagon with terrlflo force, knocking it fully a hundred feet and hurling the occupants out witn great violence. W. W. Knmsny, the station ngent. heard tho crash, and went nt once to aid the injured. It was lound that Dr, Palmer had sustained a fractured skull, his head having strujk the sharp corner of a railroad tie. His right foot had been cut off Dy the train. He was other wise bndly bruised and lacerated. Miss Fan-' nio Palmer bad been badly mangled about) the limbs bolow tho knee, und had sustained1 uruiseu uooui tno nips and laeo. Mr. Hahn was removed to tho Long Branch Hospitai;in THE LABOR WORt.'J. v5 Domestic, Fonrteen-year-old Myrtle Eva Adams, of Bowrtoiuham, Me., acouses her uncle, Charles n. uicmord, of abducting nor and subject ing her to fearful torture. ..... i-,-: The Jury at Nw Haven, Conn., in the case of Dr. John Edward Lee. charted with abusing Miss Bird Madeline Palmer, a young arnsr, ana attempting to perinrm an opera tlon, returned a verdict of guiltj-. Dr. Lee was at once entenced by Judge Thuyer to live years in tue slate prison. The factory of Konnlds 4 Co., on Eoerum place, Brooklyn, was destroyed bv tire, with a loss of over 4100,000. Huudredsot em ployes, many of whom were women, made their escape from the building, and a fire man was tne only person to sustain injuries. The firm of Harper A Brother?, New York uuy, oe.'nme a corporation, with a cnintaliE ntiou of 1 2,000,01-0. Fire In the Washington Mills, Lawrence, Mas9., damaged them more than (55.000, and has temporarily thrown 4500 men out of work. All in all tho State Fair was one of the graudestin the history of the Asso ciation, and they promise that the next thull be equally as good in every respect XOrtb Carolina Skins and Furs. Tkero was a time when skins of coons, doers, bear, etc., wero the me dium of eichango (tho currency) in this r-tutc, jutt as herbs nro now in re mote sections. Hut we have long ago lost sight of the kiu ntd fur industry, nnd left it to the Indiana of Manitoba, the Norlhwcbt and to Alaska or to the Esquimaux. Imagine our surprise when wo wero told that the only fur works (wo do not know if a more tech nical name is current) in the Houth are in JNoilb Carolina, in livdo county. We saw the product, too, beautiful coon, possum, mirk otta, muskrst furs perfectly cured ;und well finished. The proprietor told us that the people Atrial Sound Money Association, which latiirhcd at him in the herrinnin,, oved down the i North River from Harlem .,,,,, , " to tne Battery, New lork City, proved I nil t lhlV BPrl lr.ht.lnf fn. Iilmniw I i ' - -v. - -i i " ts -" i .reotaeuiar success. iie uiium;u cuicuea aooui lour nun- Ya o and a team from the Carlisle India dred animals a season, ana ho can bny Bohool played a game oi football in New maur more. And yet there are Dcoule Xo" Xa'"- winning, 13 to 6. John Lawrence, aga.l soventy-two, pleaded guilly in Worcester, Mass., to theft, to forgery, no J to having impersonated a priest. Mrs. Eunice Russ Davis, the oldest female abolitionist living, colebratel her ninety sixth birthday in Dednam. Muss. Honry W. Cornell, a son of former Gover nor Cornell, wai arrealed, charged by a Buf falo (N. Y.) hotel proprietor, who says that Cornell gave blmtwo drafts that were re turned dishonored. M. D. Seibert. Democrats elector from the Seventh Alabama District, died suddenly on Sunday. The tickets had been printed In all the counties and could not be reprinted. The Massachusetts Supreme Court sus tnlned tha injunction against striking furnt ture workers parading in front of their tormer employer s door, holding the patrol to ne an uuiawiul interference with tne 1st ter a right: Emnard McMeeney was buried to his head in a trench fu Newark, N. J., by a cave-in A body of brave nv n labored over twenty nours in tne work of rescue, and finally freed ujtn. The water pageant of the Shipping and In tho Atlantic. Coast are already 1,000,000 bar rels, or a tnira more than all of last season, and the foreign markets have a capacity for absorbing further vast quantities before spriag. - vi ti-' PHUrtSSOR BURF? RETURNS. i Expert of ths Venezuela Commission Tells of Ills InTeitJgatlon. Trofessor George L. Bnrr, of Cornell Uni versity, the historical expert who was sent to Europe In the interest of the United States Venezuela Commission, returned to Now York on the steamship Teutonic. Helen this eouutryln May last nnd has spent most of the time in Hollund looking up the old records at The Hague that relate to the colonial period of Dutch Guiana. "Mv mission was nurelv a sclent i lie one." he said. "I was sent by ths commission to explore the ni chives of Holland. '1 explored a great body of documents mat neiore caa not oeen searched. 1 found them among the Dutch arohlves, and they are naturally good material for the commis sion." P s a critical condition, nnd Miss Deborah. Dr.l I,ilImcr's daughter, was taken to her homo' sutTeriug nriuoinallv from shonlr. . Dr. Palmer was sixty-seren years old, and j.i ucausuurKii uooui iorty years ago from Koyporr, rdiero he was a successful physician. Hn had not been engaged in ii-uvo practice ior twenty years. He leaves a widow nnd ono married daughter, ilrs. uuuu vxiuursou, ui x- uriniugdaio. THU FARF.1ERS' CONCRESS. Call Issued for tlio Annual Meeting to Be ..:r Iicld In Indianapolis. The call for tho next annual mooting of the I armors' National Congress bos Just been issued by rresidont John M. Btahl, of Chi cago, l he meeting willfoe held at Indian apolis, Ind., November 10-13, Tho regular uuiegaie irom eaon mate are one from each Congressional District and two nt large, ap pointed by the Governor of the State. The English roilroa ls employ 100,0)0. Jbe world has 8,000,000 unionists. - New York City has Chinese eigarmakers. New York City has 8J0O union bricklayers. Unionism is displacing Socialism in Our many. 'lew York State has thirty machinists' Unions. Cleveland, Ohio, has n union of walking aeiegnbs. TheKrupp plant at Essen, Germany, eovers Z3vu acres. Belleronte. Tenn., is to have a co-operative ginse piaui. Eukers have twenly-Hve unions In an! about New York City. Washington musicians want the German street bands prohibited. Toledo, Ohio, hns tho only union of carpet layers nuuurapurs in America. The Nashville (Tenn.1 Tra-tes anil Labor Council bns joined the Federation of Labor. Washington unionists have asle.t the Gov ernmeut to pay navy yard bricklayers tin aay. la eighteen years the nutibnr of trades unionists has jumped from 41,000 to half a minion. The Amalgamated Society of Carpenters paid 133.2:12 out-of-work benefits In its last uscal year. It is claimed that labor Is better organised In the city of Detroit, Mich., than in any umer city m America. The South Australian Labor party regained all tha seats in Parliament previously held uy mom ann captured two others. The bicycle manufacturers have a wide spread organization, formed to rirevent organization among brass workers and stop uiiruipia iu increase wages. The Detroit branch of the National Asso ciation of Stationary Engineers hns deeiilnil to go through a thorough course Iu the study oicuiriun y.wiin i ruieusors mng ana Stod dard as Instructors. The New York Outside Iron Finishers' and Helpers' Union has taken a new dennrlnra in the method of keenin? nn th st.unl.ir.l nt the men In the organization. A physical ex amination is now ma le of all applicants for membership by a nhvsician. and If Ihnv are found not to be sound in physique they ure rejected. The United Journeymen Bakers' Associa tion, of Philadelphia and vicinity, has start ed a campaign ngalnst Sunday work, and tha members, so they say. do not propose to i 't up in the fight until they succeel in per ruading the State Legislature to pass a law making it unlawful to bake bread on the Babbatb. The condition of the Florida cigar trnda is becoming alarming to manufacturers, and they are husbanding tneir Cuban leaf iu every way possible. This is, of course, due to the continued war in Cuba. A Jackson ville manufacturer says: "it will bo at least two years before we can hope to get any to bacco from Cuba." who cannot make a living, even when berbs hnvo only to be gotten out of the ground or wild animals caught in a trap, if one cannot get along in Aortu Carolina, he need not go else where; his case is hopeless. Biblical Recorder. To Memorialize the Legislature. Dr. r. E. Hines, of lialeigh. has teeu re elected president of the JNortb Carolina Confederate t-teraus" Asso ciation, and Capt C. B. Denson, of Itak'icb. is re-elocled Secretary. Mni Graham Daves, of Newbern, is vice president. A rising vote of thanks was given W. C. btronsch, superin tendent, and Vt. 1'. iu, JUines and James McQee, physicians, who givo their faithful services wjthont charge to the home. A committee composed or w. ii. Mronach 1 Ji. Hines. C. B. Denson, W. A. Outhric. W. II. Kitch. in, Washington Dnko, J. 8. Carr, B. i. liinney and W.V,. Jr ancett, is an- pjiDtod to memorialize the Legislature lor sd increase of the annual appropri ation to me tiome. a committee com posed of A. C. Avery, Wharton J. Oreen, J. W. Watson, Walter Clark nnd T. S. Kenan, will urge the Lecis latnre to poblish the historical material collected by Avery and Clark. Daring Fair week at Raleigh over a.ooo visitors were recorded at the btate Museum. They were of a par ticularly intelligent class, so says the Charlotle Observer's Raleigh corres- I ponje&i. The Minston -Salem division of ths Korofolk k Western Railroad will b sold by Special Master Bowden al Winston jNot. 24th. The road is six teen miles long. Frofecsioca! burglars at Cary dyna minted the safe in F. R. Gray' store aji a rot JJjU. Imagines Himself a Monkey. William Eoonsman, near Eokomo, Ind. Imagines that be has turned Into an anlmsL A week ago be east off all his clothing aad went abotit bis farm entirely nude under the neiiei ma? cia eoay would soon be covered with a"growth of hair as a protection against tneweatner. in tnis condition be stayed on .the roof of the house several nights to avoid Vaptor. sitting oo the chimney occasionally to break the force of the cold, frosty night air. Eoonsman was finally takes Into cus tody, but he successfully resisted every effort to dr him. He was put in aa Iron cage In the jail, wbere be eiimrx-l and ran around the bars Uke a monkey. He has beea taken to the arium. Mr. Brvan and his wife attended church In Jacksonville. II1.. where thev were slu uenis in conege ana were married. The bo Jy of ex-Fpeake- Crisp was burled in americus, ua. Nearly every United Slates nort reports scarcity of vessels to carry the wheat now waiting to ne exported. Hobs of masked horssmen overran the pikes in Anderson County. Eeatuckv.de- iroying toll-gates. Backers believe that a nrl of ihn cnl.l that nas oeen imponed is Deing hoarded. Major McEinley talked to many delaca. tloDKin Canton, Ohio, and declared that the country must raturn to a protective tariff to secure prosponiy. Leonard Lenin, agent of tha American Ft prers Cominv at Brookfleld. Him. . .11 nn.il from bis bicycle In front of an elect rio car at that place and was Instantly killed by the i.r. The sesoulcentennlnl eelnhmll nn .nr1.il I Princeton with a ban a not. Preitiinnt n.v.. lana Kade a sneecb. and many dei?raa .cm Horace W. Chi York Train for Comnanr. dronned dead Irani a tandem bicycle, which he was riding with ui. uaugmerin now xomcity. Dr. . C. Moore, charged with tha oyer itouo pi stoeit ot tue Uulon Publishing Com pany. or Manchester. N. H.. was fnnnd gouty, iir. Moore issued tho stock to him' self, and borrowed money on it as collateral. William F. Bare. PrmMlHl Mantnr tn- ine iwemn Ohio District oathe People's party ticket, has withdrawn his name. This secures perfect fusion of Democrats and ropuilsts on the Bryan ticket in Ohio. Word reached Fleminirinn. W J nt (h. nomoia acstn ot rreddy Kornberger. two years old, at Glen Gardner. Mia. Korn- Derger was roliihlng a nickle it ova. Kha placed a parcel containing potash on a table. The child obtained possession of the fluid aad drank a quantity. The child's aonth wm nomoiy Dnreea. A cbyslcian was summoned, but failed to relieve the sufferer, and he died in a few hours. "Will" Settle, cashier of thT7nlaf Rt.la Building and Loan Association of Tsinl.. Tille, Ky.. is a defaulter for iSOOO. Ha ne.l two sets of bank books to cover up his pecu- tiuDB, wnien nave oeti going on for sev eral years. He has not veen arrested. While David Vedder anil family, raaidlnir near Oleo, N. Y., were absant from their home, a thief entered the h.-and atoi. seenritiea to the valne of 16000. Superintendent of Vermont Ihhim inln. was Indicted on charges of bruiallv Imii. female patients. Owing to a dlsnnta ahonl b. n.vmM. r . contractor's bill by the Comptroller the en tire street eleaning force of New Tori City was ordered to eeaee one ration hw rvilnn.i Waring. - The Populists of Georgia hya format). withdrawn their electoral ticket. Foralca Ke'ea. Blnarr,'a disclosanvof a secret alliance rtween Germaoy and Bassiu when he T9 tired has awakened dlstrnst, nd may pre sent a renewal ot the Triple Alliance next - . - , i KILLED IN THE BULL RING. A Flcador In Mexico Mangled by the An imal He Was Teasing. A bull flgbt with fatal results occurred at Nogales, Sonoro, Mexico, and for a short time there was a panic In the audienoe. One of the bulls killed a horse, and then a pica dor, Jose Angulo. while attemnting to nut a thorn in the side of the animal, was caught on one oi us long norns, wnicn pierced him like a sword. He was tossed and fell to tho ground, bleeding and mangled, where the oeast neid him between his horns and pawed him. He was frightfully mangled and died a few minutes later. There was intense ex citement in the audience, which 'was Anally quieted by the killu. g of the bull NEW WARSHIPS NAMED. Alabama, Illinois and Wisconsin the Bat tleships Will Christened. Secretary of the Navy Herbert, before leaving Washington for Alubama, seleeted the names for the newjbattleshlps and gun boats now under construction. The three battieebJps will he known as the Alabama, Illinois and Wisconsin. The gunboats will bear the names Ann apolis, Marietta, Newport, Princeton, Vicks burg and Wheeling. Money Lend ers Now I n Politics. The People's Party State Central Commit tee, of Minnesota, announces that it has re ceived over 600 letters from different sections of the State saying that mortgage loanersare giving warning that in case Bryan Is elected they will promptly commence foreclosure proceedings on every mortcaire in their nn. session which is overdue, and thut Insurance genisare notnying policy holders that they will cancel all Insurance in case Bryan wins. This Information has greatly Intensilled the pomieni leeung in Minnesota, and threatens to make the election the warmest which nvar uwurrw mere. What is -JKi.i -.WL- J Cabtorla b Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants mni Children. It coinnins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic ;i.stnnce. It la a harmless Buh.stituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantco Is thirty years uso hy Hillions of Mothers. Caslorla destroys Worms aud allays feverishness. Cnstoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Mind Colic. Castoria relieves teethiugr troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates thr stomach and howcls, giving- healthy and natural s.op. Cas toria is tho'Childreu's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. J " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chll- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effeet upon their children.1" 1 Da. O. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Ca&torta instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending than to premature graves." Da. J. Y. KlNCHELOE, Conway, Ark. Castoria. ' Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. AacRRC, M. D., lit So. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y, "Our physicians iu the children's depatt nient have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have among out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wc are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." I'Nrrnn Hospital add DiSFtnsARv, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. FOR SALE! Tin: Dial Giii An, PEESIDEKT I. II. BTAHL. Killed a Child for Iteveose. Becking revenge as the result of a quarrel with his employer, Oscar Marshall, a North Bend (Wis.) farmer, William Palmer, eight een years of age, took the three-year-old son of Marshall to the barn and deliberately crushed bis skull with an axe. Later he con fessed to the crime. Portugal Quells a Rebellion. A telegram from Bt. Paul de Loanda, Por tuguese West Africa, says .that the Po;. guese expedition has just punished the rebel lious Eeudo natives, buroiug twenty-four of their villages and killing one hundred of the rebels. Mother and DaaahterAsphjxlat.il. Mrs. Elisabeth Hart, a widow, sixty veara old, and her daughter, Mrs. Sarah J. Hleven- son, thfrty-(lve years old. also a widow, were louna aspbyxiatea In their rooms, at Boston, Mass. A Ros-Jot was turned partly on. The deaths are Relieved to have been canaoil bv (.ccldent. A Brave Grandmother. Mrs. Emma Petarmann, of Hawthorne, N. J., saved bet little grandson from being run over by a train, but was herselt killed. doadsofall agricultural colleges nnd State Wieultural boards nro members by virtue of For the Indianapolis meeting tho Oot- rruuru vi uiuiana, Illinois, Ublo anil Michi gan nave appointed WJ0 assooiate delegates, haviuff all the privileges of the comrrmn ex. tort voting. Tho cominir meeting promises to be tho largest gathering of representative agncuiiurisisever convened in the United aiates, i; not in tno world. i not armors Uoncrrcss is not a secrot or der, nnd is non-political. All railways have oiado n ntto oi ono und one-third'for the rounu trip. CAPE PEAR 4 YADKIN VALLEY BT. Job Gill, Iteceiver. CONDENSE DSCHEDULE. In Effect October 18th, 1890. KOnTH BOUND. No. 2. Dailv. .L.eBYe mimlnirton 7 S5 a. in Arrive Fnyotteville 10 45 Leave Favettevilla 11 05 Leave Fayettevllle Junction 11 15 xeave rianford la 52 p. m. jjeuve Climax. a 4u Arrive Greensboro 3 03 Leave Greensboro 3 15 Leave Ktokesdale 4 02 Arrive Walnut Cove 4 33 Leave Walnut Cove 4 38 Leave liurnl Hall 5 12 OF WASHINGTON, D- C. Will Dispose of the Following; Judgments- North Carolina. B. P. Howell, Jonathan Crock, 190 00 J. H. Hales 4 Co., Kenly, 218 00 W.D. Sadler & Co.,Leechville:$ 20 19 Laydon & Yarboro, Lexington, 92 45 James H.Sandford, Louiubnrg, 303 71 Perrr.Eenfrow ASon.LucamB, 3G1 00 Iaaao Williamson, Lucuma, 159 57 J. A, Ehiles, MansoD, 1C0 05 It. L. Bennett, Middleuurg, 30 U Vf. J. Bradshaw, Moncnre, 845 90 John Boll, Moncure, 60G 03 Eidclle & JohnsoD, Montezuma, 97 13 INDIAN ACSNCY HELD UP. Eocll.p. rarmers Uoardin Wheat. English farmers are holding on to wheat for higher prices, and Europe's poor potato crop will increase the need of grain. Wheat badaallirht risa in Ihn T.lv.rnmi mB,v.i and on the Continent it remained firm ami steady. Bala Islands' Rebel Acalnst Spain. An official despatch from Manila reports a conspiracy In the Sulu Archipelago, a por tion of the Spanish colony of the Philippine Islands. Beiuroroements of troops have beea en: from Manila. Murderous Highwaymen. Highwaymen shot and killed Mrs. Charlea Riser, seriously wounded her husband and rifled the dead woman's pockets beforo his eyee, near Morristown, Penn. Spain's Resources. Aa official note dentea the reports that Spain la without resources to continue the war In Cuba. It polots out thnt the rejection by the Spanish Government of theeondittnn. sought to be in pose 1 by French financiers ior inning tip tne proposed loan is proof that Spain Is able to obtain the necessarr funds. Negotiations for the loan, the note adds, are J&WWUUJ, CIHWUBrC The Biudlts Wero After ths 40,033 An unity Money. The Sac and Fov Ia llaa Agency war held up by four masked robbers. Suo and Fox Is ilxty mik-s east of Guthrie, Oklahoma, and only thirty miles from Caruoy. Threestorcs wero r, VwJ nnd SC30 takoo, Indian Agent General Thomas hud eifl,000 at Sao'and J?ox, innuity mou-yto bo pul l to ladiaus next week. This mouey th robbers wore after. The robbers rushed into General Thomas' office and Dred s iverat shots, but Thomas was ab.v Jt. As tbcv rodo out of tnren l,a fiends nrod Into a crowd of Indian children it the Government School, but none of the ibots took effect. Two of the robbers wore recognized ns be ing In the Carney hold-up last week. The oewscame over tho telephone from Chandler but tho wires wero soon cut, evidently by the bandits, and no further particulars can be CREAT LOSS OF WHEAT. l.lOO.OOO llushe:. Itarned In Two Chicago EleTaton. Ia less than an hour Are destroyed f 1,200,000 wottu of property on tho north. branch of the Chicago Biver, In a dilapi dated arighborhood of Chicago, I1L tnown as Goose Island. The Pacific Grain Elevators A and B, owned by the Chi cago and P.ic:no Elevator Com pany, were completely destroysd. and' several frame dwellings adjoining them were swept away There wore more than 1,000.000 bnshels of wheat stored in the two great elevators. Tha loss on wheat is estimated at i861,000, on corn nt 34,W0, and there was a small loss on oats. Tho loss on builainm and ma chinery Is estimated at nearly (300,000. In surance folly covers the losses. Eloodhoands Tracking Marderen. Mrs. Eva Winner, wife ot Jesse Winner, and her two children, a girl nged three and a toy ft?od cightean months, were mur dered at Kichmond, Mo. The woman's hoad was cut with an axe and tho throats ot the children were cut, their spinal cords being severed. Bloodhounds are being used la track the murderers. Cnable to Hnsk the Immense Crop. Farmers ot Calhoaa County, Michigan were unable to get help enough to 'urefc tie Immense corn erop of this yee r. Slew Ninety Turks. " At Taxis a band of Macedonian insurgents do'oatod a detaohmcut of Turkish troops af ter a long cnsaijomuit. N.nety Turks ww -i bikui were captured. Arrive Mt. Airy 6 35 SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Dailv. Leave Mt Airy 8 40 a. m. Leave liural Hall 10 04 Arrive WaluutCove 10 32 Leave Walnut Cove 10 32 Leave Htokesdale 11 07 Arrive Greensboro il 65 jeave iireensuoro 12 la p. m. jjeavo t iimar u 47 Leave Sanford 8 10 Arrive Fayettevllle Junction .... 4 28 Arrive Fayettevllle 4 34 Leave Fayetterille. 4 45 Arrivj Wilmington 7 65 MOBTH BOCND. No. 4. Dailv. warm lsennettsville 8 30 a. m. Arrive Muxton 8 30 Leave Maxtou 9 37 Leave lied bprings 10 05 Leave Lumber Ilridge 10 33 Leave Hope Mills 10 54 Arrive Fayettevllle 1105 SOUTH BOUND. No. 8. Dailv. Leave Favettevlllo 4 43 n. in. teavo nope mils a oo Leave Ited 8nngs 5 42 Arrive Maxtot e 10 Leave Maxlon 615 Arrive Bennettsvllle 715 HOItlrt BOUND, fDaily Except Sunday.) ho. 16. Mixeo. ijeave jtamseur 6 45 a. m. Leave Climax 8 35 Arrive Greensboro 9 20 Leave Greensboro 9 35 Leave Ktokeedale ...1107 Arrive Madison 11 S3 south Borart. CDally Except bunday.) Ho. 15, Mixed. Leave Madison 12 30 p. m. Leave htoke.-.dale 1 28 Arrive Greensboro 8 40 Leave Greensboro 8 10 LeaveClimax 4 05 Arrive Ramseur 5 50 KOBTH BOUND COKSSCTIOKS at FayetteTille with Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and East, at Kanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Bsuthern Kailway Company, at Walnut Cove with tho Norfolk A Weetera Railroa for Winstot-Salem. . SOCTH BtlKB COHXECTWNa at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Western Itailroad for Uoanoke and points north and west, at Greensloro with the Houtbem Bail way Company for Kalelgh, Iliehmond and II points north and eat; at Fayetteville with the Atlantlo C-at Line for all points Bouth; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte. Atlanta aud all points south and southwest. W. E. KYLE, J. W. FBY, Gen'l I'ass. Agent. Gen 'I Manager. ELKINMfg, CO,, HIGH GEJDE COTTON T1RXS, W1RFS, . TWIES, DOTTLVfl COTTON M.M.Ma8on&Co.,Moreh,dO'y, 124 00 R. It. Moore, Moriah 94 10 J. V. Mitchell & Bon, Mt.Airy, IU 25 J. H. Cohen. Newborn, 180 45 B. J. Smith & Co., Newbern, 911 10 8. J. Jarrell, Oxford, 403 23 B. H. McQuire, Oxford, 413 CO S. C. Sbarender, Tantego, 13G 25 Wm. B. Hutchins, Baleiirb, 223 91 Thos. O. Jenkins, Kaleigh, 1S1 18 Rico Broa., Reidsville, 227 43 R. Ii. Bennett, Ridgoway, 99 00 F. Vnnghan, Ridgeway, 1G8 00 A, M. Long, Rockingham, 143 90 N. T. ELore, Salem, 22 C8 H. P. Duke & Co., Seaboard, 1C 50 C. V. Skilea Sc Co., Seaboard, 44 00 Fuller k Hyman, Smitbrk'ld, 24 33 O. M. Conley, Stateeville, 93 SO E. F. Mauson, Swanaboro, 55 00 T. W. Harris, Jr., Swauiiuarter, 54 99 Ij. Heilbronor & Bro., Tarboro, 139 DO LtHeilbronerABro., Tarboro, 189 00 J. J. Wilson, Talbot, 211 82 Dncker k Oarren. Tweed. 87 22 Wheeler Bro., Warrenton, 93 25 J. C. Morton, Washington, 123 40 Boston Shoe Store, Weldon, 47 09 John F.HardiaoD, Williameton, 109 15 W. J. Harria, Wilson, 809 81 W. Corbett. Wilson, 764 CO Wm. Harria, Wilson, 71 07 Mitchell k Askew, Winston, 33 09 King Bros. Bare Food Co.? Win ston, 23 67 Anderson k Co., Woodlcaf, 2SG 00 North Carolina. Hill k Benoy, Aberdeen, $ 91 79 W. T. Irwin, Ashevillo, 83 60 White Bros., Aulnndor, 19(5 70 R. B. Burden & Bro., Aulander, 47 48 B. F. Mayo, Aurora, C3 40 R. B. Wesfon, Aurora, 187 C2 J. J. Smith, Bath, 51 57 Jones k Hancock, Beaufort, 10G 00 Lu Mangum, Bousod, 200 00 T. O. Carson, Bethel, 25 00 E. Woolard, Bunjan, 872 00 Patterson & Brown, Bryson City, 81 35 0. A. Raby, Bryson City, 203 29 J. T. Wright & Bro., Candor, 89 84 J. W. Markham, Chapel Hill, 72 50 W. T. Williamson, Clinton, 478 89 TE. Beoaley, Colorain, 17G H S. B. FreemaD, Colerain, 73 70 H. P. Craddock&Co., Criswell.421 00 J. A. & I. K. Buckner, Dem ocrat. 302 00 L. II. Lee, Dunn, 19 50 W. A. Slater & Co , Durham, 79 80 Thaiton k Patton, Durham, 87 85 J. E. Bonner, Edeoton, 25 00 Cooper k Swain, Elizabeth City, 172 CO . J. F. Norris k Co., Elk Park.1,443 00 M. A. Wilkinson, Fair Bluff, 88 40 ' J. M. CLadwiek, Fairfield, 90 38 J. II. Smith, Fulklaud, 130 60 dainty k Jones, Fayetteville, 3") 00 J. A. Vano, Franklinton, 144 45 R. T. Cliffton, Franklinton, 199 00 Leroy King & Co., Graham, 4198 T. B. Rica k Co., Greensboro, 845 92 Hum pie S. Brown, Greensboro, S3G 47 W. R. Jordan k Co., Greens boro 15 80 John B. Hooker, Hamilton. 82 50 J. C. Hoard k Co., Hamilton, 3J1 97 N. H. Taylor, Harlowe, 34 18 J. W. B. Basson k Co., Haw Riyer " 63 15 Britt Bros., Henderson, 181 69 W. T. Cheatham, Henderson, 130 67 j 0. D. Tbarrington, Inez, 60 93 SEND BIDS TO Tiio national Collection Agency; WASHINGTON, D C The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY Oaixwsu. a Tom rama. Publisher. i. P. Cjidwsix, Kdlto TJBSCBIFTIOX TBICE. bailt oasasTm, WIIKXT O ii ssjavaa, I it I Tear, alontna Yeir. Months MOO HO) 1X II w . . .. iVK't ni w.ninuL imrMi CURjf RIGHTS. PATENT r For . write to , flftr yejirs Tall TeterrapbJe trrrift. Tut large corps Dorerpontfenta. Best aiTerttsInc ssedlcm betveea wasblnf- lon, B. C , and Atlaata, O A. Addrrrv OBSEBYCR, esjURtnTTI. w r Vanted-An Idea g Who mn think ft Mine B'mDlo tbtDtT to Dtpn. lmtct T:r thT rfiy bring y-H wr-iih. rrmnra anwflr nd an boneit opinion, write to j" i v iv. w no nriTe Dsn seari eiwnm in tne mtent ousn orDoianH Vm unit if prnt1dentm1. A Ilnndbnok of In 1' xfrfU)rn cmxniug i'ntrnin and bow to oh tntn i hem vent Tree. A)mj a mtaiogoe ot me lao kl jn1 wanntlflc bonka nt free. i'atcnts uitpTi tbronch Mnnn k Co. twefra trfc,aj 2Kt!cin the r-iptir Amrrif-nri. ind thtt ara timucht wiflif before the public nth tit ort to tne tnTftitor. 'J hi ?nlid pspvr, Iwuati wklj. oiant it l!!nrrfei hmt-7tnrihn ln.-rH rirruiaTHm of atf fifnt'h; wrk in Ui Trd. H:i a rar. Sri r-ini pnt fre. B'tudm I-Mttton. ftmnTntr. n -r it1 i'itii piart, m rotorn, anri iMio!y(cni-r t ti w b'mw. -with pianA, ensiiinie Vin,ti -rt i. bw Ui9 tawT i'-iiTtf and icurt cnri'. Ai'irp wl Usi4 t9 luTjaMtu u.Le-

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