Commercial J'rintliiQ Letto Heads, " Bill lleoils, Note Heads, Btuteraonta, -Business -Card, Envelopes, eto,. ... jEieouted Neatly and Promptly. THE TEOrLE r an inviUtion to trade with joo. The best way to invito them is to i vertiee ia , f THE TIMES, VOL. V. Wi LT& 3. SELL. EditBT. : BILL ARP'S LETTER. BIOKY AND NF.RVK AUE IDEN TICAL IN TIIKIR EFFECTA ricnty cf " IMlliy Lucre," Cut It Is Not Circulating Freely. The doctors tell as that paralysis ii the lota of lbs function of motion from an interruption of ncrvons iuflaenoe. Trade, commerce and industrial pur suit! biro uervo", too, bnt tbey seem to be paralysed. The spiaal marrow is diceascd i.nd mnacular power has be come stngoant. b lias caused tots uunataral cnndilion we know nt with any certainty, for the political doctors diMfjreo, but it is believed by man that it is owing to the lack of circula tion of tho blood that is of money, and that tlio demonetization of silver is at the bottom of it. Whitever it I, the patient is in a bad fix. Tbo other day I rode out with a ludy friend in tho tnburbs of Atlanta to lock at tome of the cottage homes. Bhe wanted to buy home for herself, and wo spent parts of three days in examining and pricing properties. There were hun dreds of them and they were cheap euotigli, bill what struck mo was that a buililinft and loan company had more for f a!o tlian anybody. Tbis eompaoy leaned money four and five years ago to improve suburban lots. They loaned dot exceeding one-half the value of the vacant lot and have bad to foreclose their mortgages because I he borrower conld no longer pay tbo interest, and so they bid in the property and bave held it, hoping to get their money back, but tbey can't and are now seeking buyers at less than the property cost them, and in some cases less than the original loan. A lot that four or five years sgo was worth $1,000 and has on it a bouse that cost $600 or $800 is t flered for $1,200, and perhaps $1,000 would buy it The company can stand it, but what has become of the poor fol low and his family, I know not. Tbey had hepea and were looking forward to the time when their humble home would bo paid for, but this paralisys cvertook them and swept their home and their hopes away. The Merchants' bank has long been regarded as one of the solid, conservative institutiona of Atlanta, but it advanced money on real estate and conld not realize. Tbis is the condition nil over the country. Trade is pira'.yzod, especially in real estate. ; Financiers tell ns tbat there iaas ia the country as there tver was but it does hot move. The stagnation not only continues.but it gets worse. Threo years ago a man f ffered $1,500 for an eligible town lot in Cartersvillo. A year Inter he bonght it for $800. and now he oouul not got $500 for it ii he wisuca t eo;i. is it any wonder that the people have lost confidence and are willirg to make ..... t.nna thai ia i Trnil ? Thn natient Uj uu.uj. - " - . , is eful sick and wilt even iuko birjeu nine if it in prescribed. Bat the long agony is nearly over and we shall see what we shall see. The peoplo are ready for the ballot and the ballot will settle the nation's will. . It is the masses against the classes the same old story, "And David fled from Snul to ibe cause of Adnllum and all who were discontent cd or in debt or distress joined him there." lhat was aaorry lot to fight a king, but in conrse of time they were victorious. But I don't believe that capital ia as much alarmed aj it was a month ago. The banks bave hedged and are-pre fared for the change if any come?. Certain it is there will be no collapse if Bryan is elected and there will be no relief if McKinley is. This govern ment can't be ruined by a change of rulers. The civil war cleaned up the touth pretty well, but in ten yiars it had rallied and in fifteen years hardly a trace of (he war could be fouud. Then let ns not be alarmed at the situation. If Mc Kinley ia elected and a Republican congress, and something is not done to relieve the people they will be mmiouS'y Luried irom power loui years hence. Distress and disoontent are growing thing. While capital is all the time concentrating to the few, debt and dicointrnt U spreading to the many. Capital will not tnrn a wheel as long aa it cau be loaned on mortgages at a good per cent. A few months ago f ome of our public spirited cit'Eens determined to baud a cotton mill tbat would eive em ployment to the cnilclren ol tlie poor. The stock was oil absented, but bo fore any contraota were made the timea sot harder and money more valuable, and so one by one the stockholders dropped out and the mill died in child birih. But why worry about there things i'here is no good sense in brooding over trouble. I had rather read a good book or plant out atrawberries or pley " with a grandchild tban total! politics. I was in Atlanta yesterday an.: was in troduoed by a mntual friend to a mem ber of the legislature. He got the idea that I was an office seeker and asked mewhatlwas tanning for. "Nothing, sard I; "nothing at all." He seemed relieved and said I was a curiosity and asked iie for my picture. I will say this and can prove It. There are better men out than in and always will b j. When nigger Bob came back from the penitentiary, after serv ing his time, he declared that "dsr wai some as bad folka in dar as dsr was ' tuten dar and dar was some as good people outen dar as dar was in dar." There are some mighty clever men holding effiee and the people were pleased to honor them, but it is a rare thing for a modest gentleman to be el evsted. The day of Cincinnatus will never return. Bill Asp, in Atlanta Constitution, THE NEWS EPITQM1ZE0I i 'Washing-tan 'Items. Aroitment has been complete.l Before tha United States Gupreme Court la the Boll Telephone ense, tu which the Government claims that tho patent for the Berliner trans mitter should bo eanenlUd for fraud tn the eiml deKv la its l.u from too I'atent Office. It fs expected that a deolsion will he rendered durioR tho present session. President Cleveland regards the military !untion in Onbii its far too critical to war rant uny action by the United States at this me. Admiral TJnnca'a fleet hns been ordered to enesuelao waters for drills and evolutions. Tho administration in Washington ts said to he apprehensive ot Brave complications 1th Spain and to Dt preparing lor .more- eneles. . The Commission, eons'stln of Adralral Walker ami lour ethers, recently sppoimea by ths President to a deep witter har bor at Santa Monloa or 8 m Tedro, la South ern California, will soon met 1o organise. Coneruca appropriated a.900,000 for the arbor and tW.OOJ for tho expense ol ino Commission.. Reerelary Otney Rare out two letters re- fiarOinir tha VpupfiicIho depute. Hie ar rnnir"ment of the dispute inuiei ni oy i.unj KUs'ury Is reiranled ns a diplomat io triumpa for Secretary Olney. In the CAM of rfanl"t Monme acainst the ew York World, the United States 8uprom Court affirmed ihe decision of the lower court nwardln? her fsooo damnecs for the publication ot the World's Fair ode surrepti tiously obtained. Chairman Dinqlev. of tho Ways and Means Committee of thn H"use. aid that no had little hope thut the Senate would pass rus tariff bill at the short session. Thestatement is made on Rood authority is has been decided thnt an extra ses sion of ConciTE.", just artertha inauguration, Cannot ba avoided. Chairman tlanns, of the Republican Na tional Committee, rieoi.le.l to locite the per manent National headquarters in Washing ton. . . . , Chairman Butler, of the Fopulisi nauonni Committee, Issued an address deciannR tno People's party sun) to win lour years nence. President Cleveland wont for a couple of days' duck shooting on the Potomac, marshes in the neishborhood of Qnanlieo, Va. He was accompanied by Dr. O Keliiy. The annual renort of the First Assistant rostmaster-Geueral was mado public Pomes tl c Kittv Martin shot and perhaps fatally wonndod Henry Kirchner la New York City and then tried to kill herself. They had been lover.-", and be wouted to end the acquaintance. Tho Nntloual Farmers' Concress, In ses- lion at In.ilanapolis, Ind., adopted resolu tions favoring International oimeiauisui. Allnn thn colored Ilennblicnn candidate for Governor's Council in Boston, Mnss., won on the reaount by a small majority over his white opponent. C.pnpnil Master Workman Sovereign in Ms annual nddrees to ihe Knights of Labor tu e&sionat liochpster, N. Y., urged thin to carry on the fight for free silver and nn in- ome tax nnn proposea mo cicouuu ui degree, the minute-men. Oonernl Harrison sent a lntterof congratu lation to President-elect M?Kiuley. Oeorfre n. Mo!Tl?on, Ihe defaulting Treas rer of Rensselaer County, whs sentouno'l nt Troy, N. Y- to tea years and uvo momns at Uannxmorn Dy juaga rarser upuu m jjic of guilty to two indictments. The Grand Jury of Queens County, My; York, indloted Mayor Gleason.ot l.oug Isl and City, for violation ot the Election laws. A fust freight train nt Gibraltar il'enn. grade crossing ran Intx a carriage contatu- ngCliarie If. Drigm, n weanoy ciuku u. lioadiug, Penu., and Catheitne uoyer, a nineteen-yor-ol I working eirl. unmarried. ..... i mi.j it:.. I. -n Bnth wero lusianiiv Kina. u dukuio person wore found 10,n00 worth ot bonds. Cora Abbott was burned to rtoatn in nor .ihar-a imnuv n Milton. W. Va..iu a tiro which it is alleged was started by outlaw 'or revenge on tho young woman. i pnmnipin nnnvMsof the voteof New Jer- wvmadobvthe Countv Clerks shows Mo- Kiniey s plurality is oi.ouj 71,610. Napoleon fiarony, the faraoin photogra pher, died at his homo in New York City ol para ysis. Tho twelfth annual National norso ouow Exhibition wns opened iu Madison Square Garden, Now York City, with the usual fash ionable attendance. dnmntnir scow Cinde rella for the New York Street Cleaning De partment was successfully launched. Tbo dead body of i rlts uaieniup, oi jior- ristown, a litllo settlement one anu a nan nlles from Matawan, n. j., whs iuuuu iu ellarof his home. An examination of his wounds proved beyond a doubt that he bad Men murdered. ThA entire business nortlon of the town of ?peneer, W. Va., was wlpodout by flra, In cluding tUO DanK, IWO noionnun iuuij-iiiuo buslnoss plaoes. Only two etores are left la ihe town. This same section was burned. In 1858. Huiro M. Fie.Vor. assistant bookkeeper of Ihe City Comptroller's oftlae. saot out his Drains In the uny nan ouhuiuk, uuw Cinanclal troubles ais asslgaol u tho causo Of tbe suicide. Alfred L. Hurtridge, a well-known broker, kas beeo arrested at Snvnnuah, G., charged with forgery by raising Southwestern Hull- road stoek son p. The amount invoivea is ytween i,00U end 30,OOO. The Germania Bank, Nntloual Bink ol tjavannah and tho Savannah Hank and Trust Company hold , 'be scrip in various amounts. Ten boilers tn the Central I a colliery, near Burleton, Penn., blow up at once, creating great excitement and Kilting tnreo men. "Cap" Hut field and his fourteen-year-old itepson are in Jail at Huntington, W. Va., for tho murder ot two McCoys on Election Day. EdwardW. Walling, formerly a well known. ommission merchant, became in?ane and terrtfled the citizens of the town of Keyport, S. J. "Fred" Conkling, a driver at the State Re formatory, was struck and instantly killed by a trolley car between Rauway, N. J., and IVoodbrldgo. Conkling attempted to crow Ihe tracks but felt, the ear passing over his. body, cntting him to two. He leaved a wife and three children. A colored man named Johnson was shot lead while robbing ihe house ot his former imdover, Hoopoe, a Cbeslor Cpunty (Penn lyWaoia) farmer. He had three razors In bis pocket. At Wollsvllle.N. T.,two men and a boy who were stealing a ride on an Erie ear loaded with tron piping were instantly killed by the larring of tbo car by a : witch engine and the ihiftlng of the pipes. One of tbe men was Identified as Diet Allen, a colored man of Boston. Mass., and tho boy as Harry Baiter, Df Athens, Penn. The third body, that of t. large colored man, remains unidentified. Hugh Beddy jumped in front of a raiirdud train at Bridgeport. Conn., and saved two children from bnlng killed. At Plattsbarg. N. Y., J. Qnincy Edwards, a well known resident, eommitted suicide by taking strychnine in a glass of eider. - He expired In ten minute. Despondency is said to have been the cause of the deed. Gnstnve Schwartz, a farmer living near North Tonawandn, N. Y was held up aad robbed ot 2O0 by fourhlghwavmen while oa his way to his home from Bufialoat 1 o'clock l. m. There is no clneto the robbers. The famous Meam lug and alleged Cuban fllitjusler Three Krionds was seized at Jack lonville, Fla., en telegraphio advices from j9 Treasury department, charged with a ELK1N, N. C THURSDAY. NOVEMBER COMMENTS ON VENEZUELA. The london Konspapon Think Krery. thins is Serena. toxno (Bv Cabl The Dally News, com mpnttnirnnon Lord Sallabnrv's soeech. sayi in refrnceto his explanation of tha Vene uelan maltnrthat the terms of the settlement as announced bv the Prime Minister are per. feclly satisfaetbrv. involving no surrender of essential principles. The solution arrived at will enable each side o elalm a vietory. T.or.I R.illahnrv ejtn tnftlv sav he euccewded in nrotedlnR the rights of th British settler, end Mr. Olneyean claim with literal truth that he succeeded In bringing Great Britain to einsnt to arbitration. Tho Post savs thnt the settlement or toe Veneiiulan dlspnte is wliol'y satisfactory to Great Britain and the United States. ' The Dally Graphle holds that the solution to the vexations questlbn reUeeia the Mch eet erdlt upon all eono-rned. It fully jnstl- ns the intervention of tne uniteu state.". The dtandard briefly welcomes "the ausniolon annnunoament." The Chronicle aa-s that It finds Lord Balishurv'a statement rather punilne. It douhti whether settled colonists exist !n any grat numnera, but suppose it Is all riitht. Ths Dally Telenraph ssys the terms of the settlement leave the dlenlty and Interests of Great Britain and the Unite! fitates unim paired. ' TEXAS SINKS' IN HER DOCK. A Remarkable Accident Happens to the Cnlted State! Ilattlethlp. The United States aecond-class battleship Texas sank at the Cob dock in the Brooklyn Navy Yard at 8 a. m., a few days ago. Bhe lies in twenty-five feot ot water, and there are nine feet of water In her lower compart ments aft and four and a halt feet forward, and it constantly rises. Six tugs and three divers were at once set io work to raise tha ship. The damage cannot be ascertained, but as the engines are well under water, the money damage will probably bo great. The cause of the slnkingot the ship is sup posed to have been due to the blowing out of the main injection valve or seaoook at the bottom of the keel. The shin arrived ten days before from Hampton Boa ts for repairs. While In the Roads she scraped herbottom. She was to Join tbe North Atlantio squadron in a few days. v At la. m. one of the watohmen notice I the boat heel to starboorJ, and oonolu led something was wrong. He watched th'i Texas for awhile and oonoludel she was settlinc. Then he gave the alarm. Tho engineers said nt onoo that the boat was sinking. Tbe sea invaded the lower deck despite the pumps and the eugines were nearly half submerged all mornin?. She settled on her starboard side In the mud at the bottom of the dock. Her slant is not noticeable to tho ordinary ob server, but to the nautical eye she heels as if she nd "a eone in ner teem running oo- fore the wind. The efforts of the divers were confined to stopping tbe inflow of the sea through tin hole where tho sea-eook was located. It was said at the yard thnt the aooident could not have been foreseen and that nobody was ra iponsible for It. jne lexas is now resting easily on mo mud bottom at tha Cob dock. There wore only two feet of water under her when tho ecldent happened. The only damage to the ihip will be In the engine-room from wator. EXECUTIONS IN CHINA. An Average of 1O0O Mahometan Heads a i IJay. Terriblo aooounts come to hand with inoi lenls connected with the Mahometan re bellion in Kan-Soo, China. It is estimated that 10,000 Mahometans, chiefly women, shildren .and old men, have died of hun trer or have been frozen to death in Ihe bills and mountains. Those that have submitted number 18.000, women and ohil drun for the most part. Thirty or forty thousand rwmnlmd under arms among the bills fu tha southeastern district in the mid dle summ r. The business of beheading tho Insurgents was conducted with wholesale vigor as soon u their strength had been broken in any district. An average ot 1600 had been de capitated dally for two weeks ia 8i-Ning-fou, from June 16, and as 3003 heads re mained to come off, the sanguinary carnival waj expected to go on for nn Indefinite time longer. Crowds ot people watched the exeoutions, and It is easy to eonoelre the de moralisation that must have resulted from such prolonged Intimacy with this blool ihed. KILLED HIS BABY SISTER. One Child Pour Oil Over Another and Sets Fire to It. Fred Bits, the four-year-old son ot Mr. ind Mrs. Emll Bits, ot Newark, N. 3., while eft alone in the bouse with his two-year-old lister Jennie, poured a can ot keroseno oil sver her clothing and set fire to It. The little one was burned almot to a orisp ind died tn great anny. Tbo boy told his freuzle 1 mother be did it "jurt to see Jennie 9urn." About 10 o'clock Mrs. Bits went out to narket, leaving the two children alone, Sho was careful to place ihe match box when ihe thought the little ones could not reach it and the only fire was in the cook stove. As Mrs. Bits was returning from the mar ket she glanced up at the windows of her rooms and was horrified to see one of them raiMd and tbe boy hanging halt way out. Fearing that he would fall she ran swiftly op the stairs. As she reached the room aho unetled something burning and a low moun broke upon her ear. Throwing open the door with frantio haste ihe saw her little girl Jeonlo sitting on tbe door la the kitchea apparently a mass ot name. LOST WITH FIVE MEN. Ihe Schooner Sonora Wrecked Lake Ontario ofT Buffalo. A report from St. Thomas, Canada, says that the schooner Sonora wis wrecked and Bve lives lost in the late storm off Point Abine, about ten miles from Buff Uo, N. Y., on tne Canadian shore. Mate W. Duquett, wno claims to have beeo the only sur vivor, carried the news to St Thomas. The Sonora was lumber-laden. bund from Wiarton, Ontario, to Tonawanda, N. Y. Those who are reported lost are: Captain James Buokley.of Karnia; Daniel Bnssell r.nd lamea Morrison of Glasgow, Scotland; Mal colm McLeod of Toronto: a cook, name no' cnown, but bailing as "Dumpling Maud." Bread ItioU la India. At Sholapur, India. 600) men looted 15X1 bags of grain; the police fired upon the mob, killing four men and wounding six. A further outbreak Is feared, as Sholapur li one of tno wont famine t riots ot the Presi dency. sjteunthlpe Colllalon. A despatch from Seville 8pln, ears that two steamships bays been wreckel la collis ion at the entrance to the Gsadnlquivlt River. One of the vessels was sunk and twenty of the passengers were browned. Most of thorn lost were wealthy and promi nent persona. Iie4 From Lm f Sleep. Andrew Magnusoa died suddenly at Mid dletown, Conn., of paralysis ot the brain Mevnnson was the fnther ot the ehlld wbc was killod the week beare by falling from s bridge, and he ba t not slept since be aooi. Uent. . McKinley Will Be Repudiated as Cleveland Has Been. THE PEOPLE WILL YET WIN Under tho Banner of tne People's Tarty Which He Declares Is the Nucleus Around Which Reformers WU1 Rally. Last Saturday National Chairman Butler, of tbo People's pirty, gave out the following! "To tho people of tho Uulted Statesi "In the remarkable campaign Ju-clojed, the People's party was the only party lbat sunnorted solidly and unitedly the gtent is sues represented in the candidacy cf Mr. Bry an. This was tiaturnl, for the People s party eama Int i existence to bring to tbe front and toprcrsto victory tbe principles of Llueoln and Jefferson, already dlsearded by the two old rartles. Tbe money powor. feeling reas onably sure of its control and domination of the loaders and the controlling influences in ik. Td.niilill.-nn nartvln!892. CBVO itssiipport to the candidacy vt Grover Cleveland frlje espeotul purpoto of having him, through the j use of patronago uud otherwise, erush out tho silver sentiment in the South, nnd make the leaders la that party asoompletelysuosonuTw as those In tho Ue publican party. To ueeoui. p l h this purpose, four cabinet ministers were selected from the South and an unus ually large amount of patronage used to that political end. it wwuo rommiuMou u Cleveland demanded that Eomocratlo Sena tors and Congressmen give a decisive vote in tbe interests of tbe gold standard before he would even give out postolllces. "This deep-laid plan migni oe,ye iu' wti. had not tho People s party, at this Juncture, sprung Into existence, exposed the plot, stood iu the ureaen ana appeuiea iu mo y triotio hosts of both parties to obeok the scheme of tho people's despoilers nnd rally to the common deience. Thus the People s party forced the Demoornlio organization to repudiate Clevelundism and return to the correct fundamental principles. Not only this, the People's party then foroed the Re publican party to cease hedging and strad dling for the purpose of deceiving the peo dle, and drove thorn to take a staud on one side or tbo other of the vital issues ai stake. The issue was evident that those influences In the Demo cratic party, which had dominated and de bauched the party for a quarter of a century, would be driven to the i uppotl of the party that took a position on the side of trusts, mo nopolies ond money pnmblers. While, on the other hand, it is evident tbnieven a larg. er per cent, of tbe Bepubllcan party favored tha principles now squarely forced to the front, yet only a small per cent, would in this campaign support them because they fouud tbem uuder the Democratie banner. Had it not been for the protestation against the Democratic name, as well as a want of confidence in Democratic promises, forwhiou It must be frankly admitted, past experience furnishes a gronud, a majority of the voters ot tho country, In spite of tho tremendious and unparalleled forces put forward by the Bepublionu managers, would have cast their vote for financial reform and American inde pendence. 'Ihe people's parly, with a high patriotism and an unselllsb devotion to principle, greater than ever before exhibited hv nnv nartv. stetioed outside of its organisa tion to throw Its two million votes solidly for Mr. Bryan. Had not more than this numbor of those who called themstlves Demoorats in 1S92 given their support to McKinley, the mute of the neorile and American pnnolplee would have triumphed this year. - This class of Democrats will surely support the party of monnoolies and trusts iu future. Their t.laoea In the ranks of tho reform hosts must be taken by patriotic Itopubllenns. In fact Brvnn would Lave been elocted in this .ion test bad even 25,000 more silver Republicans come to tbe rescue. The election of McKinley and the trlnmph of the gold standard does not express the de sires and sentiments oi tue American people. The majority oppose the policy for which he stands and will so vote whenever an oppor tunity is present! d for proper alignment. The remarkable and brilliant campaign of Wm. J. Bryan would have aligned these forces and matched them to a triumphant victory if any candidate or leader I J America could have so done under tbe Demooratio banner. "The administration of McKinley cannot bring prosperity to the American peoplo. The mills cannot be kept open, idle labor giving employment nnd general prosperity restored and maintained until the wealtu producers re ceive fair returns for their labor and thus are enabled to purchase. The gold standard ond monopoly rnje, to a continuation of which McKiuiey stands pledged, means four more years of lockouts and strikes, four more years of reduoed wages and idle labor. This will cause tbe pntriotlo rank and file of tbe Republican party to coiSdemn and repudiate MeKinlovism as the patriotic rank and tile of the Democratie pnrty has condemned and re pudiated Clevelaudism. I cannot believe otherwise, for I have not less confidence ia tbe patriotism of this class of Republicans tbsn the rank and (lie of the Democratic party bos already demonstrated. Tboroforea large per cent who, though not fooled by the specious pleas of "honest money" and firomtfed prosperity, jttwho would not in his campaign fight under the Democratlo banner will surely Join bands with tbe ma jority of tbe American voters outside of the gold parties to overthrow a government of trusts and monopolies run In the interest of foreign capitalists. The People's party has made this possible; in faot inevitable. The position ol tbe people's part io tbis great con test has convinced every patriotic American tbat the parny can be trusted to stand for the principles of good government aad the inter ests of the people under any acd all circum stances. Therefore, the People's party will be tbe nucleus sreund which the patriotic hosts must and will gather to redeem a be trayed republlo and to restore prosperity to a j oppressed and outraged people. Murrlcred iiis 51other-in-Lav. A special from Richmond, Vs., rays: One of tbe moit brutal murders ever eommitted In Carroll oounty has just eome to light, and the Sheriff and a posse are in pursuit ot the murderer, who is an Italian named John Sel- ego. On November 3 Mrs. Ann Mitchell left her home to go to Woodlawn, about flv miles from Hillsvllle, to get medicine for bet dangbter. Selego, hn son-4n-law, started to a blacksmith shop near by, got a mattock, ....11 himuir I. Ihiobnt thninnh alil.h Mrs. Mitchell bad to Daps and crushed hei Bead witn tne mattoox. ne Duriea ner ooay in a pile of rocks, where it remained several days. Selego then carried tbe body through bis yard on a sledge and left it in tbe woods. He then joined in tbe search to And It, until tbe marks of thn sledge were discovered, when he fled to the rrl- Ten-Cent Cotton. D. A. Tompkins writing fromew Tori U tbe Charlotte, N. C, Observer, says: "Cottoa men say that European buyers expect a rist in price more on aeconnt of the prosperout trade expected all over Europe this wintet than on toeount of short crop. Good au thorities here eay that with a .op of 8,000.. 000 or 10,000,000 bales cottoa will go to H cents. It should not be forgotten, however, that New York is excited over the result el the election." j 19, 1896. SAVED" HEftBlSSUEEyE, A Lndy'a Narrow Kecape from Being l atally llittcu by a copperhead. Bnlloon sleeves, ribbed wltb stnys oC whalebone, saved a young lady at West Point a few days ago from being fatally bitten by a copperhead snake. The j-ouus lady, Miss Florence Pears, of New York, visited West Point with a number of friends and while leadlua tho party on the mountain elde over looking tho training ground of the youns soldiers sho stooped to pick n bunch of wild flowers. As sho was about grasping the flowers she heard a startling, h!6slng sound. Not realiz ing what tho danger was she f.rew up her right arm to ward off some uuseou peril. Iu a moment a copperhead snake FLORENCE 6EAT18. struck at her from beneath a loose rocH lust abovo whero sho was standing. Miss Sears saw the reptilo as It struck at her. It was too late to jump back and the arm that she had thrown up ward caught the blow. It saved hei face from injury, and the balloon sleeves of her waist almost baffled the snake. But the strike of the poisonous reptile was a rigorous one. The shnrr teeth and fangs tore through the light cloth and hooked In the whalebone: stays. . As the reptile's weight drag ged It down, It tore the sleevo and the fangs scratched along the skin from shoulder to elbow. The Incisions, how ever, were not deep, nod tho deadly poison, It Is believed, did not enter the victim's veins. At Miss Sears' feet was a large stone. She was still bending over when thf snake struck her. She picked up the stone and crushed the snake's head be fore It could gather Itself for anothet strike. When she had bravely don? this without uttering a scream, het courage vanished. She gave ono cry and fell fainting across the dead snake. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY b!l Joss Gill, Receiver. CONDENSE tTsCHEDULE. In Effect October 18th, 1898. VOBTH BOOKD. ' No. 2. Dally. Lenve Wilmington , Arrive Fa vettevllle 10 . Leave Fnyettevlile H Leave Fayottevllle Junotioa 11 IS Leave Sanford Leave Climax jj jj ArtivM ftrrotn.hnrn 8 08 p. IB. Leave Greensboro... 815 Lenvo Ptokesdale Arrive Walnut Cove 3jj Leave Walnut Cove So Loave lluralllall Arrive Mt. Airy 6 3 SOVCH HODSB. No. 1. Daily. Leave Mt. Airv Leave Uural Hall JO 01 Arrive Walnut cove Leave Walnut Cove W a Tonvu Kfnkna.tnla 11 07 Arrive Oreensboro H 6 Leave Greensboro. .12 115 p. m. Leave Cllmux Leave Sanford 1 Arrive Fayetteville Junction . Arrive Fayetteville Leavo Fnyettevlile Arrive Wilmington hobtb Leave nennettsvllle Arrive Muxton Leave Maxton Leave lied Springs Leave Lumber llrldgo Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fuyetteville , soctu aouKO, ...lit " ...310 " ... 4 S " ...4 31 " ... 445 " ... 7 65 " No. 4. Dally. . . , 8 80 a. ui. ... 9 80 " ... 9S7 " ...10 05 " ...10 83 " ...10 64 " ...J105 " No. 8. Dally. Leave Fayetteville. ... 4 43 p. m. ,oave Hope Mills ... 6U0 ... 542 ... 6 10 ... 0 15 ... 715 Leave lied Springs Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive ilennettsvllle Nt-nTH BOCHD. (Tiollu I'vpont Suni1nv. v ' No. 1ft, Mixed. Tjidv. TtamBAnr 6 45 a. m. Leave Climax 8 85 Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro 'J Leave Stokeedale 10j Arrivo Madison H BS sotrra sookd. Tn.llu ifTmt Sundwv.'i , , Mlxedi r .... Minn li 80 p. m. Leave Stokeedale 1 2S Ar-ive Greensboro 40 'Leave Greensboro 810 Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur 6 W wu-rv nnrifii rnMHKOTIOIlS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Const Line for all points North and East, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Love with the Norfolk A Western Railroad for Wiuston-Balem. out nurno cosxnCTioxs at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk 4 Western RiUlrond for Roanoke and points north nnd . nwn.h.rn with the Southern Itail- I rnmn.nV for Rjllelfrll. KiClimOna OIlQ ' all oolnU north and east; ut Fayettevtl e with tbe Atlantio C- ast Lino for an poinia South; at Mxxton with tho Seaboard Air Lino for Charlotte, Atlanta aud all points south and southwest w. ni.i, J. W. FRY, den'1 Paes. Agent. ELKIMfg, CO. UiGII GRADE COTTON TARNS, WARPS, TWIYES, EOTTLVQ COHOKS, 1 E LIC IN, NsC ss4 w ems'- i w SUBSAHS What is V J V J MT. V: a seaask w M i. J H v wv vi mi is i -j v r' Mm Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nnd Children. It contains neither Oiniini, Morphh-.c nor other Narcotic substance It Is harmless substituto for rarcjforlc. Drops, Soothlngr Sjinipfi, ond pastor Oil. It Is ricasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms nnd allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting; Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates thr stomach and bowels, giving: healthy nnd natural w.op. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. J "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chit-' dren. Mothers have repeatedly told m or its good effect upon their children."' Da. G. C. Osoood, ' Lowell, Mass. "Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the dny is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup nnd other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature groves." Da. J. v. 1UNCHELOB, Couway, Ark. Tha Centaur Company, 77 T FOR SALE! Ill Gilil IB!, OF WASHINGTON, D- C Will Dispose of the North Carolina. B. P. Howell, Jonathan LireeK, lau w J. H. Hales & Co., Kenly, 218 00 W.D. Sadler A Co.,Lecchville,$ 20 19 Layden & Ynrboro, Lexington, 02 io James n.Sandford, Louisburg, 803 7-i Perry.Renfrow&Son.Lucama, sot tiu Isnao Williamson, xjucamn, 159 57 A, Earlos, Mausou, 1G0 05 80 U 815 DO COT) 03 97 13 R. L. Bennett, Middlebnrg, W. J. Bradshaw, Monoure, John Bell, Monoure, Ttirlrlla A J nhnaon. Montezuma, M.M.Mason&Co.,Moreh'au-y, m uu B. R. Moore, Moriah J. V. Mitchell & 8on, Mt.Airy, 114 25 J. H. Cohen. Newborn, 180 45 911 10 403 23 413 60 135 25 223 91 181 18 227 43 99 00 1C3 00 143 90 22 53 10 50 41 00 21 33 99 SO 55 00 54 99 B. J. Smith & Co., Newbcrn S. J. Jarrell, Oxford, K. H. McGtiire, Oxford, S. O. Sharcnder, Pantego, Wm. B. Hutchins, Italeiffh, Thos. G. Jenkins, Eitleigh, Bice Bros., Beidsville, . K. L. Bennett, Bidgewny, F. Vaughnn, Bidgeway, A. M. Long, -Rockingham, N. T. Shore, Salem, II. P. Duke & Co., Seai)oard, 0. V. Skiles & Co.. Sooboard, Fuller & Hyman, Smith field, O. M. Conley, Statosville, E. F. Manson, Swansboro, Jr.. Swanquarter, L. Heilbroner A Bro., Tarboro, 139 DO L. Heilbroner A Bro., Tarboro, 189 00 J. J. Wilson, Talbot, 211 82 Dnoker A Oarren. 'lweod. ii Wheelor Bro., Warrenton, 93 J. O. Morton, WashinRtoo, 123 Boston Shoe Store, Weldon, 47 JohnF.Hardison, Williamston, 109 W. J. Harris, Wilson, W. Corbett. Wilson, 764 Wm. Harris, Wilson, . 71 M ite.hell A Askew. Winston, King Bros. Pure Food Co., Win 23 ston, Anderson A Co., Woodleaf, 286 SEND Ths National' Collection Agency, WASHINGTON, D C The Charlotte Observer DAILY &. WEEKLY Oalbwhx a Tbopiks, PuWlshera. TJBICKIPTIOX miCE. li S I Tear, H 00 Bn.T OasaTn, Months w to )1 Ym 6 Mol " Yr, 11 04 . .15 WBSKLT O utas run Tt!craphk serrtf. "a large corps Borrspondrnta. Betadrilslniainm Utreeo wahlnf ton, &. C , and Atlanta. O. A. AdOnr OBSEBrr.. r 51 A tit OTTIl. W Wanted-An Idea VTho ran of some Protect your Mn: IheT m7 rnng j" Write JOHN WKUPEKUDRN CO , P?"-" A'5TI; MTfc h nRUn. U f . fc their 1.S pi M oBet Jlli U Ue Hundred turenUuu waateU. UQIH,hfc.;; NO. 6. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children thnt I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to aie." H. A. Archkr, M. D., in 8a Oxlord Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's dcpail ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria nnd although we only have aincig out medical supplies what is known as regular . products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Vnitbd Hospital aed dispensarv, Bostcn, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. Following Judgments- North Carolina. Hill A Benoy, Aberdeen, $ 91 79 W. T. Irwin, Asboville, 33 CO White Bros., Aulnuder, 196 70 R. B. Burden & Bro., Aulnndcr, 47 4t B. F. Mayo, Aurora, R. B. Weston, Aurora, J. J. Smith, Bath. Jones A Hancock, Btanfort, L. Mangum, Benson, T. G. Carson, Bethel, Wonlard. Bnnvan. G3 40 187 52 51 57 106 00 200 00 25 00 372 00 Patterson A Brown, Bryson City, 31 O. A. Baby, Bry sou City, J. T. Wright A Bro., Cnn.lor, J. W. Markhara, Chapel Hill, W. T. Williamson, Clinton, T. E. Beaeloy, Colerain, s Tl Fmpman. Colerain. 203 29 89 31 72 50 478 89 176 14 73 70 H. D. Oraddock ACo., Criswcll.421 00 J. A. A I. K. Buckner, vtm oorat. 302 00 19 50 79 80 87 85 25 00 L. H. Lee, Dunn, , W. A. Slater A Co.k Durham, Thaxton A Pntton, Durham, J. E. Bonner, Edenton, flnoner A Swain. tliznUotn City, 172 60 J. F. Norrie A Co. Elk Pork.1.443 00 M. A. Wilkinson, l air iilull, J. M. Cbadwick, Fairfield, J. II. Smith, Falkland. Gniney A Jonos, Fayetteville, J. A. Vann, Franklinton, 38 40 90 86 130 CO J7(J 00 144 45 199 00 41 93 R. T. Cliffton, 1'rankliuion, Lcroy King A Co.,' Graham, V. B. Kiee A Co., Greensboro, 815 92 Sample S. Brown, Greensboro, 330 47 W. R. Jordan A Co., Greoui- John B. Hooker, Hamilton. 32 60 J. C. Hoard A Co.. Hamilton, 3d I 07 N. n. Taylor, Horlowe, 81 18 J. W. B. Basson A Co., Haw River 53 15 Britt Bros., Henderson, . 181 69 W. T. Cheatham, Henderson, 130 67 25 40 09 15 oi 60 07 uj 67 j a D. Tharrington, Inez, 50 00 BIDS TO AVlrtiriV,'.lnui-"'niv'f nil u"-'.r ruun i o. -r proinnf nswer and n hnt.wt nr-inmn, wrlta to M f S N .. who hre bud nerl;r Sfty ywt' SirninoTliithe fitent bomew. tl(.n,Mnn(lynlldentwl. A llai.dbaok of In. lorirstion 1'nreHta and bowui , oft. talBlhem Mint tree. Also ratalogoe Qt Bieclian- Ical uid cientlno books sent free. Piuent Mlien thmuen Munn ft tie. rerefw rnyial not loam tbe !rieatl "" "i,1? . tbtu are biought widely before Hie P'lW' i ut o-t to tne tnyentor. This snlendid PPr. twued weekly, elesont It lllnnrste.1. h byfurllia lanrft ciretnaTtoa oi an. bv'i-i..h. - world. SH a 'mr. MrniMe er.p;pi een; free. Building Kilitioo, monthly, v rfla er. t?n'a tbink : Efui wU. in cotora. and Bhotormrht of new impiB honi. m,th Diana, enal.nna bul'oera to snow ut litu.t neelsni and aeruT onrrana. Art'ireea laLH A tX, KW l'OUX. tfvl Bboabwa 35 t