Ir Iiys to Giv Commercial Printing t -TIIE TEOrLE- Letter Heads, Hill Ileals, - Vntft Urmia. Ktnlrmnnta.. ku invitation to trade with too. The best way to invito them is to J- H Business Cards, Euviloics, Teruse in TZ7? TIMES. g Executed Neatly and Promptly. VOL. V. " WALKS !. BELL, Elite. EL KIN, N. C, THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 1896; E.BBA&D I ROH Mli&irr NO. 9.. Mi MLL AKP'S LETTEfi. WILLIAM HELPS TO FIND LOSQ. LOST 1SKLATIVK3. Ileary Mall pher's Attests ths Popularity. Now if there is any old 'soldier liy ing who was in the Indian rar in Ore gon unring the years 1859 and 1863, under oommand of General Joe Lane, and knew Captain George W. Key. Holds, in tbat serrio, let him please wrimo bis widow, at Mars Hill, Mad ison .Bounty, North Carolina. The i poor vomai, is entitled to a pension for her Lmbaad's service, if she can prove it. It is a Ioog shoot and car row chance, but maybe some comrade will see this. It wonld njoice my heart to see a little of that pension fond coming down this wy. I am not bureaa of information. : . ... . wu. receive many letters of, inquiry about antebellnm days and families and events, and am always pleased to uswer mem and give the information if I can. Many of them are from old . Georgia soldiers who removed west soon alter the war, and they or their widows havo heard that Georgia is yajing u ner invalid soldiers or their widows a pension." Please let me say n aII - 1.1 . . . . uuuceruea mat tnere is no pro vision for non-renidcnts in onr state pension law. This seems hard npon . those who felt constrained to emigrate, but it is the law, and that settles it. Then there are many letters from ' aged men who look back to old Geor gia with longing hearts and wish to trace np their kindred. It is a sure sign ot gray hairs when a man or wo man begins to hunt up their d;stant kindred or the companions of their youth. Here is a Mr. John A. Harris, of Pass Christian, Miss., who wants to know about his father's rela tivesthe Harris family, of Appling and Macon and also about h's moth er's kindred the Bledsoes, of Athens and Augusta, And here is Mr. Bed wine, of Bedwine, La., who wants to know of his kin of that name in Geor gia. Alas, my old venerable friend, Judge Clark is dead and so is C. O. Jones, the only two men who knew all the old families of Georgia. It wonld perplex even them to identify any I uiauca oi ine Harris family, for their name is legion, but the Bledsoes and Red wines could no donbt be traced by "ome oi me octogenarians etui living, ineseare very unusual names and their kinship is not so remote. I was rnminatiog about the origin of names, Anglo-Sason names,- and find it to be curious and interesting aiuay. i or los'ance, is it possible that the original Bledsoe was wonnded in a fight or by acoident and bled so much that it gave him a name? Is it probable the Bedwine ancestor had vineyard and made wine of tbat color, or maybe did not have a vineyard, but was mncn given to looking npon the wine when it was red? It seems that the common people didn't need but one name until long after the Chris tian era. The Romans, however, be- gan a system to honor and distinguixh distinguished people. They adopted pre nomsn a nomen and a cognO' men as Pnblius Cornelius Scipio Pnblins was his Christian name, as we 1 1 i - i . .... . cnu ir, iqq no ciouDt tne boys called him Pnb. Cornelius, his family name, and Scipio was his most notable char acteristic, for he was good to his blind old father and led him abont with a staff, and Scipio means a staff. nave great respect for Scipio. Horace . was oiled Horatius Flacous because ha bad very large ears, and Flaocus means flip-eared. It was not till the eleventh century that family names were onnciea down to succeeding een orations, and this custom was adopted because of a law reqiring births and marriages and deaths to be registered in th9 parish books. As late as the eighteenth century many families in England had no surnames, and the children were given nicknames, as Hosr, boaker. Backer, Snaggletooth, Cockeye, Jnmper, Bowlegs, Bedtop, - etc. . As people multiplied, new methods cad to be devised to diatinsmsh them. Prefixes and afSxea were "resorted to. The word son was added to distinguish tne lather from the children, as John. Johnson, Will, Wilson, Tom. Tomson. The word Fitc was a prefix to Norman names and came from, n's or film. ftnn' . Vll1 in . ) a T!nu i.n ta.m,... nas the same meaumg, aud so baa von or van in UermaD, and Alio in Hootch ana irien. as MaeDonald, the son ol .. wonaid. O is an Irish prefix and means O'Connor, O'Barr, O'Hsllaran. ete. D French prefix for son and Ap means tue nut in weioh. Tnoae affixes and j renxes will classify a great nnmber of names, for from John came Jonsoo, Johnson, Johnston and Johnstone. The Srsith family name had peculiar origin. The old Anglo-Saxons wora ever on the lookont for invasions of the island, and hence they kept a large force of men on the hills near the coaat to look out for the invaders and to smite them when they came. These men had but a aiogle name, as John or Jack or Will, but' they were known as John the Smiter or Jack the Smiter.or Will the Smiter. which was soon abridged to John Smiter and then to John Smither, and finally to John Smith. A emitlr is smiter a gold smith smites gold, a blacksmith smites iron. And so all these soldier on the highlands became Smiths by name.aod were good patriotic fighting stock. Hurrah for the Smiths including John. The Jones family are of Welch extraction, and no donbt had a similar " ig'"n or the original name was Jone, and the 3 was added for plural But names were still acarnor than people, and so they bad tJ I oeoapalions to distinguish them; hence i . i i . . cme me nonest nsara oi farmer. Carpenter, Mason, Baker, Gardner, Tanner, Weaver, Taylor, , Draper, Cooper, Miller, Porter, Joiner, Sadler, Brewer, Barber, Turner, Plumber, Thrasher, Carter. Currier, Granger, Cook, Bridgmao, Bowman, etc Scores of others oould be added that indioate trades and occupations; Great Weil era Billiard. The great storm whlob. swept over Minns iota and the Dakota resulted in soma lossot ; lumaa life an J great loss to livestock. Hail tjent BorroilRhs, of the Great Northern oad, perish d in a snow drift near Devil's jake, North Dakota. John Hooey, a farmar ; iviui? lour miles from Fark Hlver, North Dalcoln, started from his house to his barn and vis round two miles away on the prairie, I Tozen to death. The loss tosiook sere- kt i . . ,i. i , ... tales hundred A eoat of tee covers the uu ...o FOoF. uiullt. , .round and gnow u , ,, pe(1 in inns twelve feet biRh. In many looAlltles he temperature sunk as low as forty degrees xlow aero. All railroad tr.tfflo was at a itandjtiil, and thecal lie are perishing on uo uuis lor want oi (ooa. ; plied, they were named for the places where tbey lived or aomo natural ob ject near by, as Hill, Dale, Forest, Wood, Grove, Fountain, Lake, Pool, Rivers, Brooks, Branch, Bush, Grnbb, Tree, Stone, Banks, Shore, Beaeb, Birob, Waters, Wall, Cliff, Peak, Seay, itain, Rainwater, Timberlake, Rice, Wheat, Corn, Allcoro, eta. They even appropriated -the names of animals, birJp,.tte., as Lion, Lamb, Hog, Colt, Fowl, Bull, Bullock, tioaver, Bear, Buck, Vaer, bwan, Hawks, Dove, Crane, Bird, Herring, Base, Iront, halmoo. And sexl the fruits snd flowers, as Apple, Orange, Lm3n, Plum, Cherry. Berry, Haws, Ct flV, Turnip and Tar- nipseed. Colonel iurmpseed was col onel of the Ninth Georgia regiment. Of flowers aud freer, there is Rose, Violet, PrimrcS3, Chestnut and Holly, Then they had to encroach on the nobility and olergy, and so we have !DPi yueen, Frince, Esrl, Lord, .Duke, Jnight, Pagp, Stewart, Cbam berlain, Pope, Bifh p, Priest, Abbot, Prior, Desoon and Biiley. And on the heavenly bodies and heavenly things and precious stone", as bun, Moon, Star, Cloud, Wind, Gale, Sky, Angel, Diamond, Pearl, Gold, OUs, Jewell, etc. And on parts of the body, as Head, Heart, Beard, Hair, Arms, Legg, Foot, Sbinn, Hack, Hipp, Hand, eto, And on colors, as White, Black, urowo, Ureen, Bedd, Blue, Gray, Hoar and Violet. Some were named on account of per sonal peculiarities as Jjong, Long' fellow, Strmfffellow. Short. Small. fttrong, Meek, JLiiobtfoor. Good. Best. .miss, wise, Witt. Wisdam. Fite and i itten. But there are enough for the yonne folks to build onto and make a very good catalogue of Dame. Charles Lamb save that the original name of uscon was Hosnesh. who was a verv wealthy and clever gentleman, but his girl wouldn't marry him because she oouldn t bear to be called Mrs. Hog flefh. It would be awful. And so he applied to parliament and had his name changed fo Bnoon. He couldu't give up the whole hog, but took it cured. Many names were abridged or changed from circumstseces. John at the Moor was changed to Atmore, and At the Wood to Atwood and Peter at the Seven Oaks to Peter Snooks. win, tne tayior, bad a 6igu ot peaoock over his shop, and got to be called Will Peacock. Anslem, the pawnbroker, bad a sign of a red shield, which in the Jcwit-h lannga was Rothschild, and sj be and his brothers were called Botbscbildp, and became the richest men in the world. The old story of the firm of I. Ketchum and U. Cheatham may have never ex isted, but before the wnr there was a firm in Rome of Wise & Goodman, and close by was a Wit and a Wisdom, There is a Fcnte, and a Fito in Car terstille, and some years ago there was Fitlen. The poet asks what's in a name? There is a good deal, and if I was a pretty girl, and had a pretty name,' I wouldn't change it for a Hogg or a aheept-hanks. Uill AliP'ia At lanta Constitution. Fatality la lodia. The Earl ot Elgin, Vlneroy ot India, ar Ived at Uaroda, India, on a visit to the 3nlk war, or native ruler of the State,' The habitants turned out en masse to see a dis lay ot fireworks In his bonor. At the end f the ceremonies tha crowd mads a rush (or ha park (rates, which were so narrow that bpysoon became jammed with poople. Those enina preseea forward, ana when tne crowd x-as finally cleared away it was found tbat Twenty-Bins persons bad boon killed and :htrty more or loss seriously injured. Llred More Thaa a Century, Mrs. Surah Annli, who died a few days ago, it Worcester, Uass., was 101 years, five souths and twenty-tbieedays old. She wni 9orn in Cowell's Manor, Canada, and tmtil tight years ago lived in Feru, N. T., the Bully, Found and Killed. A notorious character named Buz ird wai ItUled at Saluda, 8. 0 by three Hendersons, lather and two sons. Buznrd had killed two men and had shot Will Henderson about a year ago. Henderson recovered, but Buzard bas been bullying him on every occasion linoe. Tbey met again and Henderson re lented Busard's conduct. His father itnd brother onme to his rescue. Buzard was shot and stabbed to death. The Hendersons were not arrested. Dollar Wheat at Last. The price of cash wheat passed the' dollat mark, having been quoted In New Tork tl.C0Jf. Spain's Great Failure. The London Times prints a leader treating bt the situation in Cuba, It says t bat, owing to the incapacity ot her Oenerals, there is no prospect whatever of Spain winning in the struggle on tne island. Moreover. Spain resources are strained to the utmost, and it will be difficult for her purse to bear muck longer the demands npon it. In conclusion the Times says: "We eannot exclude th probability of intervention by the United Btatea." t a. ia i ii Indian Town In Knln, A tftorm struck the town ot Balaton, on th Arkansas River. Nearly all of tho200 ho us in town were blown down and several peo- fie were injured, itaistou is intaeUiag rtriiitn Ktina, l i' T hsjsjff 'aMslsMlM)JJ m rum What is D IU Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants oud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for rarejyoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OiL I It is riensant. ' Its guarantee is thirty years us by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents Vomiting: Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves tcethlnjr troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. - Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thr stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural h.cp. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. Mutually Fate. lie I never mean what I say to a summer girl. She And 1 never believe what a sum mcr man says to me. lie Good. Then we mljjbt as well be engaged without further loss of time. New Yoirk World. MR. MARTIN BARRA. '.aj Californta'a Oldest Voter la 104 Tears and Daily Smokes 40 Clcartttca. Mr. Martin Barra, the oldest voter In Calirornia, Is lOi years old, and lives In n country home In the beautiful vallej or banta Clara. He earns his llvlns bj CAPE FEAR 1 YADKIN VALLET R'l. Jobs Gill, Receiver. CONDENSED-SCHEDULE. In Effect November 18th, 1890 NORTH BODKD. No. 8. Daily. Leave Wilmlntrtnn 7 50 a. ra. Arrive Fayetteville 11 00 Leave Fayetteville 11 21 Leave Favetteville Junction 11 27 Leave Sonford 1 00 p. m. Leave Climax. a 5U Arrive Greensboro 8 18 Leave Greensboro 8 25 Leave Btokesdale 10 Leave Walnut Cove...,...;...... 4 40 Leave Rural Hall. ; 510 Arrive Mt. Airy 6 35 BOCTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily. 8 40 a. m. ....1004 " 1...10 82 " ....1107 ....1165 " ....12 io p. m. .,,.12 41 ' .... 255 " ....412 " Arrive Fayetteville 4 18 " Leave Fayetteville... 435 " Arrive Wilmington 7 s " HOBTB BOCND. No. 4. Daily. Leave Bnnettsville 8 SO a, ra. Arrive Maxton 940 " Leave Maxton , 0 50 " Leave Red Bprines 10 IS " Leave Lu mber Bridge 10 S3 ' Leave Hope Mills 1101 Arrive Fayetteville 11 19 " SOUTH BOUND, No. 8. Dally. Leave Fayetteville 4 28 p. m. Leave Hope Mills 4 49 " Leave Red Springs 6 36 Arrive Maxton ; 8 09 " Lave Maxton..............,'... 1T. n Arrive iiunnettsviUe. 7 25 if NOKTK BOUND. ' p Mixed, a. m. Leave Mt Airv '.'. Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove. . , Leave Btokesdale A rri ve G reensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax. Leave Ban ford Arrive Fayetteville Junction R. MARTI BARRA. chopping wood, and In this occupation ne is assisted by two partners, the Junior of wbpm is more thaa 70 years old. He Is a native of Quito, Chill, and during his younger years was a mer chant in his native country. He has a pretty little garden patch near bis cabin and npon It he raises corn, be ns, Ciiili peppers, and melons. AVhen Cali rornia was absorbed by the United Btatea Mr. Barra became a citizen by the transfer and has voted whenever he remembered it was election day and the polls were not too far off. He Is Mill In rugged heal.h, his eyes are fine, and his teeth all sound and even He well remembers the stirring times of 4'J, but be never cared to bunt for cold. He does not Indulge In strong drink ud seldom touches tea or coffee. He is an inveterate cigarette smoker and consumes forty of these narcotic things day. That Ohio girl who took arsenic to remove freckles will never be bothered by them again. As a freckle remover arsenic knocks the spots off most cosmetic. (Daily Except Sunday.) Kn ia Leave Rmseur 6 45 Leave Climax 8 35 Arrive Greensboro ...-920 " Leave Greensboro 9 35 " Leave Btokesdale 11 07 Arrive Madison 1165 " SOCTBJ BOUND. (Daily Except Sunday.) No. 15, Mixed.- Leave Madison .............12 30 p. ni Leave Btokeadale l 28 "T Arrive Greensboro ; ,. 2 40 " Leave Greensboro 8 20 14 Leave Climax . . 415 ' " Arrive Bamsnur 6 00 ' " NOITH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line fot all points North and East, at 8anford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Western Railroad tor Winston-Balem. south; bound connections at Walnut Core with the Norfolk Western Bailroad for Roanoke and points north and west, at Greensboro with the Southern Rail way Company for Raleigh. Richmond and all points north and east; at Favettevllis wtm me Atlantic ijoast Line for ail point! South; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Lin for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points sout and southwest. W. E. KYLE. J. W. FRY, ,. Gea'l Tafs. Ag6n ! Oea'l Manarar. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told rre of Its good eficet upon tbeir children." Dr. C. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. 1 hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria insteid of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves." DB. J. P. K4KCHELOE, Conway, Ark. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to at" H. A. Archeb, M. D., hi So. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. V. " Our physicians in the children's deparv ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we, only have emoug out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Ptes. The Centaur Company, 7T Murray Street, New York City. fcl fit i it riiTtf Wtf at- - jM FOR II: Bill Go SAIL Kill Mil, OF. WASHINGTON, D- C Will Dispose of the Following Judgments- North Carolina. B. P. Ilowell, Jonathan Creek, 190 00 J. II. Hales & Co.. Kenlv. 218 00 W.D. Sadler & Co..LeechvilIe, 20 19 Lftydon & Yarboro, Lexington, 92 45 James ILSandlord, Loaisbarg, 803 74 Perrr.RenfrowiSon.Lucama, 861 00 Isauo Williamson, Lucaiua, 159 57 J. A. Earles, Mansou, 160 05 It. U Bennett Middlebnri?, SO 44 W. J. Bradahaw. Monoure, 845 00 John Bell, Monoure, , 606 03 Biddle & Jobnson,Monteznma, 97 13 M.M.Ma8on&Oo.,MorebdO'y, 124 00 B. B. Moore, Moriah. 94 10 J. V. Mitchell ft Son. Mt.Airy, 114 25 J. H. Cohen. Newborn. . 180 45 B. J. Smith & Co., Newbern, ' 911 10 8. J. Jarrell, Oxford, 403 23 B, II. McGnire, Oxforcl, 443 60 S. 0. Sharender, Pantego, 136 25 Wm. B. Hutchins, Raleigh, 223 91 Thos. O. Jenkins, Raleigh, 181 18 Bioe Bros., Reidsvilie, 227 43 B. L. Bennett, Kidgewaj, " 99 00 F. Vanghan, Ridge way, 168 00 A. M. Long, Rockingham, 143 90 N. T. Shore, Salem, - 22 68 II. P. Duke & Co., Seaboard, 16 50 0. V. Skiles & Co., Seaboard, 44 00 Fnllor ft Ilyman, Smithfleld, 24 33 O. M. Conley, Statesville, 99 SO E. F. Manson, Swansboro, 55 00 V. Harris, Jr., Swanqnartor, . 64 99 Heilbroner ft Bro.. Tarboro, 139 DO L. Ileilbroner ft Bro., Tarboro, 189 00 J. J. Wilson, Talbot, 211 82 Dnoker ft Oarren. Tweed. 87 22 Wheeler Bros., Warrenton, 93 25 O. Morton, Washington, 123 40 Boston Shoe Store, Weldon, 47 09 JohnF.Hardison, Williamston, 109 15 W. J. Harris, Wilson, 809 81 W. Corbett. Wilson, 764 60 Wm. Harris, Wilson, . . 71 07 Mitchell ft Askew, Winston, 83 09 King Bros. Pnre Food Co., Win ston, . - . 23 67 Anderson ft Co., Woodleaf, 286 00 North Carolina. Hill ft Bi-noy, Aberdeen, $ 91 79 W. T. Irwin, Asheville, 83 66 White Bros., Aulander, " 196 70 B. B. Burden ft Bro., Anlander, 47 48 63 40 187 52 61 67 106 00 200 00 25 00 872 00 81 35 203 29 89 34 72 50 478 89 176 14 73 70 B. F. Mayo. Aurora. R. B. Weston, Aurora, J. J. Smith, Bath. Joscs ft Hancock, Beaufort, L. Mangnm, Benson, T. O. Carson, Bethel, E. Woolard, Banyan, Patterson & Brown, Bryeon City, U. A. Kaby, Uryson City, J. T. Wright ft Bro., Candor, J. W. Markham, Chapel Hill, W. T. Williamson, Clinton, T. E. Beasley, Colerain, S. B. Freeman, Colerain, H. D. CraddockftCo., Criswell.421 0G J. A. ft I. K. Buckner, Dem ocrat, 802 00 L. H. Lee, Dunn, 19 60 W. A. Slater ft Co.. Durham. 79 80 Thaxton ft Patton, Durham, 87 85 J. E. Bonner, Edenton, 25 00 Cooper ft Swain, Elizabeth City, 172 60 J. F. Norris 4 Co., Elk Park.1,443 00 88 40 90 86 130 60 373 00 144 45 199 00 41 98 M. A. Wilkinson. Fair Bluff. J. M. Chadwick, Fairfield, J. H. Smith, Falkland. Gainey ft Jones, Fayetteville, J. A. Vann, Franklin ton, R. T. Cliffton, Franklinton, Leroy Kids ft Co., Graham, T. B. Rice 'ft Co., Greensboro, 845 92 Sample S. Brown, Greensboro, 836 47 W. R. Jordan ft Co., Greens. boro 15 80 John B. Hooker, Hamilton, 82 50 J. C. Hoard ft Co., Hamilton, 3dl 97 N. H. Taylor, Harlowo, 84 18 J. W. B. Basson ft Co., Haw River 63 15 Britt Bros., Henderson, 18169 W. T. Cheatham, Henderson, 130 67 0. D. Tharrington, Inez, 60 93 SEND BIDS TO Tho national Collection Agency, WASHINGTON, D C ELKINMfg, CO HIGH grade corrox TIMS, whips, twhes, ixnnxQ conox;i ELUIN. NaC. The Charlotte Observer . DAILY & WEEKLY Oaikwill a TBOHPKura, Puhllahera. 1. P. Caldwbll, Bdliot CBSCRIPTION POICK. DAZLT OatTl HI, wbbklt Oi Tear, Months 1 Yar. i Months MOO HOT II. W. II M .6. .IS. 1 ELIIN LAND CO. aiN THE Thriving Little Oily --' ' r"JC- -T G 111 pyi Jl.UaJII.WU tk-L 1 E3 It never asked boom prices, and will not accept panic prices for its lands, EASY TERMS and liberal dis counts to those wanting to build. It never has sold a lot that will not bring a profit. The coming year will see some en terprises started that will lots at prices better than 8 per cent make present SEE- aCAYtria.llWJLMAr;KS v. tsVFUGHTS. Foil Telf graphic sarrici. rud Jarga corps BorcspoMrote. Best adrsrttslnx sjMdlua Utrcen washing Mm, n. O , ana Atlaata, a. A. ' iddrn, OBSEBTER, CHABLOTTI, Tt. 9 Wanted-fln Idea '..Tjrity.'.u'.rf.r. Who can think of tome simple thing to patent? :rn co. tim Ikair al S.t..n a.. r-VsV sinhlnc-tMi It f ..m ik.i. akt ki . CM - r orT- A PATENT? For pronifit answer and n bnnrt opinion, writ to MINNA: CO., who have bad nearly flfry yeara iw iu im psient pannpf. lommnnicta tiona strict! Confidential. A II ansi hnb nf in. fonration oonoeraio ' I ruts and bow to ob taju them aent free A1m a oa'ArogiM oi Baohaa ai aim aHJlf Hum; DOOKB NDl IrtJ. Patents tat en throiiBfi Mann ft Co. revtT i peaJ nottoeln the r-entthr American, and thaa are brought widflr beffrtb public wlth- mi in invenior. jnia apipnaio papfr, twaod wmkiy. eleant iy illootrnt baa tTl-tha lari:et circulinn of any scientific work in Utm wijiiu., . tpsk raniiite con? aftnt rres. T Local Agent. 0R 0 Buildlnii EIitton. monthlr. tr idrMr HinartA enpiea, 'i. cent a. Krery number oabtntnf beau- 1 VI1UJ iht p in nnirtr inn nhrKurran nouses, with plana, enabltntr builders to show Ui . Hlxh A W. w loua, ifbi fiiuvaowaT A. H. President. E LLER WINSTON. N. 0 . V

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