I -4 - Y bum? c Pais to Oiv Giv .THE PEOrLE an invitation to trade with you. The boat way to invite thorn it to ad vertiue in Jliif mm WjJ v.,,,i,.i.-i,i( I'fititl nil. II Lotto Heads, Bill Heads, kj Note Ileads. Statements, jH -Business Cards, Envelopes,- Executed Neatly and Promptly. W VOL.V. WAWffl B. JRA, Mil ELKlN, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14,1897 EUBBASD & ROTS, Publisher!. NO. 13. q . LEGISLflTUR t. Both the House and $enate Getting Down to Business. ADOPTS A CUBAN RESOLUTION, Several Bills Introduccd-Coinmlttees Appointed First B1U Introduced Was to Repeal "Assignment Act." end that said charttes may be fully Invests Kosoiveo, liy 1110 H'jnii"-", i uuuno,n roBeutativea concurring that a special oom tutitee ottwo Henatorsand three llepresento tivea be appointed by the President and Speaker to liivstinto and report at tue ear liest convenience tuo facta in relation to said charges. , s , . i. w. Jlosolvodi rurtuer-, mm i.... mlttee be aud it Is hereby authorised ubd em- i .. i t.i.... .nl.a AnmiWl lltten powereu to ouuiiuiomr ' " . utthce of witnessis and send for persons and nnnnnt r-r . honator Wednesday the State Legislature con vened in Raleigh. The body is com posed of Democrats, Populists and Re publicans, It is useless to say that the entire State, as woll as the whole country, has been waiting nud watch ing anxiously for the" convening ot this body of law-makers, as there is to be a United Htates Kenator elected. From the present outlook it seems that every thing lias been out and dried in favor of 1'ritehard, since be took the oath of lli to 1. At tho caucus held Tuesday night three Republicans failed to stand tip when a motion for a rising vote en dorsing him was put, but it is said the defection of these cannot defeat him. Congressman Harry Kkinner said in an "Twenty-seven Populist members announced themselves in favor of Witotiarjl nml Raid tllfiV would Vote fOT him in the caucus. Seventeen will rote for him, no matter what the caucus iiirn. It is said that Senator Butler does not concede Fritohard's election and -ilt mi.lfinlitmll v control the Populist caucus. He is working hard to keep a sufficient number of l'opuusts to elect mm from bolting ine caucus. The conference of Democrats ex pressed their sentiments for. the sup port of some good Populhit, probably juoj. uumrie. The latest concerning the Senatorial . ncrarnhle is that Pritchard will un doubtedly succeed himself. RFVATF. Wednesday. Lieutenant Governor Tii,,, ii. runA iha MahaIa to order. Senators then came forward, beginning Ikn Virnt. rlinfrmt.. and were all vnm in. Tt took iust one hour. The President declared the Senate duly or ganized and stated the firat bumness was tue election 01 a principal i-m resulted in the election of Hill iv Tinry Vm- rlnnrkpunpr. T. N. lifal lv'burton and N. L. Wagstoff were nom- ntor.il- WncHiaff o. Hallvburton 40, and the latter was de clared elected. For assistant door- H 1). MuCorthv and L. E Hnu-nrtmi wore nominated. The vote -l..! UrnPurthv An Hnwurfalll. 7. Mc- ( inrthv was declared elected. I or red- ,. i.Wlr .T W Watson and J. O T1 , nninin n 1 11,1 . Til 11 mffl WAS VI IV uvIMUIUm.... . - . .... Brown 8. WotBon 88, and Watson was declared elected. For engrossing clerk J. Buchanan ond D. 8. Lovelace were . m,,,, innim! Tlio vMi wnA T.nvelace uuuuunvvu. . . . . . w . . . Buchanan 40, and Buchanun was de- The President then osked the ofneers elected to ooine forward and quality, . 1 . i . , 1 nr-itmat fn rin Keuator MoCaskey then introduced a resolution tnat a commuiee oi inrce uu 41, a Y.ovt of (Via Spnntc in act with a llouse committee, notify the Governor mat ine uegiainnuiD a vig ized and ready to receive his message; also that a message be sent notifying the House that the Senate was organ ized. Sonator Smathers presented a new gavel which Iresidont Doughton re ceived on the part of the Senate. A large crowd was present. Thursday. The Senate was called tc order at 12 o'clock, Lieutenant Govern or Doughton presiding. Prayerr by Rev. Ashby, of the Senate. The Jour nal of Wednesday was read and approv ed. Senator McCasky reported from the enmmittee which waited on the Governor, that his excellency would, as soon as practicable, send in his mes sage. Leave of absence was granted Sena tors Maultvy and Odom on account of sickness. The message from the Governor was at noon received and read by Col. S. F. Telfair, the Governor's private sec retary, assisted by the reading clerk. Senator McCasky introduced a reso lution that 1,600 copies be printed. This was adopted aud Bent to the Houbo for concurrence. Pmmv Scnatn railed to order bv Lieut-Governor Dauchton. Prayer by Rev. Mr. McNeill, of the Senate. Tbe rules of the Senate of 1 Nrt were adopted on mouon oi nenaior iicvasKcy. Senator Grant submitted the names of the several standing committees aa adopted by the Republicans and Popu lists, stating that there were several va cancies loft open to be filled at somo fu ture duto. Senotor Grant stated that he desired to sav that the list of the committee on judiciary had been mis placed and would be made out later. Senator Butler eaid the committee on railroads and railroad commission would also be named later. The report was adopted. A joint resolution on Cuba was receiv ed from the House. Senator McCasky introduced a bill "to provide for counting" the votes of the election of 1H!)0 for State oflieers and carrving out the provisions of ar ' " tide 3 of the constitution. Referred to committee on judiciary. , Senator McAeil introduced a bill for the relief of an ex-sheriff of Wilkes, and Senator Barringer one for the re lief of ex-Sheriff Morrison, of Cabarrus. Both were referred. Sattkdat Lieut. -Governor Dongh- ton presided. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Weston, the journal of Friday was read and approved. port from the committee on privileges ud elections, rcixirting a substitute - for the resolution offered yesterday in recrard to counting the votes for State u r:tv.ll T!oolntion that at . , i n i: n 'i iUin iicn - - - . 1 o'clock the Senate go into an election of enrolling cierx. Senator Atwater introduced the lol 1UV1 ic.ivu-iuvju. Wbtsrens, Theelertioo o! United BtaW Senator to eprwnt tho hute In the United Htntt1 Snat is a matter of the very higbpst nnrn tn the rwwinlfl ftud la a dntv develop ing "poo tbs Legislature; and A hereap. It is imltlif-bed and openly charired that briln ry j ,.--ti In ralatlnn tn oalti (IPOtiOD. b:iu vui i " ' . , v Brl tra hlncr mud ft tn mmnberfe to ufluoucoaid election; now, therefore, to tb A rAwohitiou in- structing our Seuutors and Represent atives in Congress to u v"",."""" t . l.ill to amend the constitution VVF I'HDU t aj in regard to the right of suffrage. Senator Anderson 10 araenu uio ,.i! ,,f North Carolina in re- i ..i;itntioii of voters. . L.i a bill tO ncimiui wuii't ...... i ..i.. : vaiiuer suits. auiena acis in irnmu ,.,... ---Senator McCaskey moved that the Senate iro into the election of an enroll ,.l..rk n.t 1'J:110. . Tim :.. a , :u : .lwnriiinniLtion in re i 1......1 4..n,l..r moiiev nnd lor ;mu iu """" - " lier itnritoKes. v.... . ,- l..4irt.. in. u....n4..i. a iwi.ii'Hon- ivf.mn I iii-n u- ntiuiHi J........ . . structing our Senators and ltepresema te for the Came ron resolution in regard to Cuba. Senator Grant tliougui uim wM matter in which the Senate ought to go slow. Jt was reiurreu. j 4... Ai..f'..u ;ev i loiicrni ine tcno C41UV4 .u - v..' '. j - n . ,, ;.. -,,., ,.,1 4.. investin-lltinir t lie cWo-eH of bribery aud corruption ' r. . ..i .A..1..4i..i. ne should be a concurrent icti ii :..i.n,l...Iiil milv nniilies to the Senate. It was ofterwards iassed as a concurrent resolution. u.,4 Woketiniil Bill to restore the office of county treasurer in certain counties. .... ti. ...wjtnfn nf the committee in regard to the counting of votes for State officers was taKeu up ana passeu. The Senate then proceeueu iu iUMJ .... n Anllilll OT flllfllllll S 1.1171 Ik. A U President appointed as tellers on the part of the Senate oenaiors auiuuuj i xr..r'ouV.i. Kenatnr McCaskev lUI.V-li'i.VJ . - -,.T - :,.4,i AKliott . Kwiiisnn. of W avne. There were no otliernominauoiiH. iut t i. ;.,.. 4nlro Afr Swinson received 40 votes, and the tellers proceeded to the House to report tne same. Ill II r si IA Wednesday. Chief Clerk Satterfield called the House of Representatives to order. The members were sworn in and A. E. Hilemnn, ot t auarrus, was elected Snenker. The Democrats voted f, Col .folni H. CunninL'ham. of Per mm Rev. Dr. Levi Branson offered the opening prayer. He prayed that lniva to nrevetit intemiierance miffht be enacted. Reading Clerk John D. Stan ford, of the House, called the roll of mnmluari nnd these came forward in "blocks of five," and were sworn in by Associate Justice W alter A. Aloutgom .... l.'..,.l, 4. .ok a. .lolililft Ollth tO Sill) port the Constitution of the Stato and the United htates. Nelson. Harris, of Hyde, and Black "tvove nniMiinteil tellers. Other oflieers elected ore: Principal ..lurlr V. l IMnsteu: readinir clerk. 1' H. Benbow; doorkeeper, D. T. House; assistant, Abe Middletou, colored; en ..li.vL- 1 P Sciirliorouch. Governor Carr was notified that the House hud organized and w as ready for TuritsDAY The House was opened w ith prayer by Rev. C. J. oodson A 4 iio.n Prirn tn Secretary Telfair de K.-ovA.l 41io flovernor's iness(Vre. lr. Schulken announced that the Senate mill House committees had called on the Governor and notified him that or rnt'Sn4ion Tt'flU CllOlllet Mr. Sutton moved mat tne reaains oi the message be dispensed with and that SOU copies be printed. Mr. Lusk said it was always the custom to read the , iouun.ru ii,,,! tlmt, ho honed Mr. Sut ton's motion would not prevail. Speak er Hileman said it was tho rule always to read the message. Mr. button tnen withdrew his motion. The readinsr oo cupied two hours. Mr. Sutton's reso lution was adopted and 230 copies were . . . t. 1. ordered rrmtea. nome leaves oi uu sence were granted Tfuturdav. Dr. Levi Branson opened Utu hottsfe with rayfch Mh Sutton, of Cumberland, submitted the report tf the committee on rules of the House. It amended the rules of 1'J5 so that on the demand of any member or at the suggestion of the speaker the names of members sufficient t make a quorum in the hall of thft House who do not Vote be recorded in the journal and re ported to the Speaker, with the names of the members voting, and be counted and announced in determining the presence to do business; also that no amendment to any resolution, bill, or oth- i- II n ..l.nll 1,11 tr matter penaiug ueiore nuurcwmu oc t,.i.,m.l ,inli, the. same shall be in writing and signed by the member of fering tne same. A resolution was introduced iy mi. Clapin to settle tho accounts of the ll)j session, ami one uy mi. uumnH favor of T. R. Puruell (to ray hnu $o.) , ,,.. Mr. Terson introduced a bill to in crease the duties uud power of the rail road commission. . The bill to repeal tno assignment, law of 1H!(5 was formally l eiKirtcd. M PnriroHon introduced a bill to amend the law regarding the payment of scrip, due lulls, etc., so mese m ut 41.a bmim n nnutl nit. Prion Hill to allow the town ol Monroo to construct water-works, and ;uunn em i ii i i in liomls therefor. loniil jwi,v.w.. . Mr Honser To reduce salaries of ..l..,.l,u ..f 41iu T eiriulntnrn to 94 iter daV wciso ...w n - , " . , M Kn4oii'rn ullow mdires to limit the length of tho sieeehes of lawyers save in capnui cases. Mr linwn enlled for the odontiou of Mr. Sutton's report on rules of the House aud amendments, as aoove given. . The Senate resolution to print 1,500 copies of Governor Carr's message came ... . T f .1 A ...... . . . . no Up. I lie rlOUSe leiuseu lO euncui, aa the majority seemed to want 2"0 to be the limit, and a committee of conference was appointed. A GOSPEL SHIP. Ohieairn Will Have One of the 8traiift -CHnrcli Ertlllcei In Uie Worm. CbleaKO is about to have one of the queer est church edifices In existence. It Is to bo known as the gospol ship, nnd Is in the form of a steamship. It is to be erected tor the use of twin brothers liovs. Herbert and Horace Morrill who are locally Known i i.o . irnin tmlna M iia aotnrfl ftf tllO Mor- rill Baptist Church. Tho pospel Bhip will find its restiuj? plaoe on land instend of on .1 - ..w. I,, Ilia nrnur water naraoiy, ou uiiuun -.u ii...nii awAiiiirt hnucrlit- nrnresislv lor hiud u jniij. .....' . .v.. ..p. 1 - the nurpose. One of its recommeiidtittous is its cnefipnefis. j?or u il i,uc"'",u the ennie capacity would cost severnl tbou- SSI A Complete Picture of the Public Affairs of the State. RECOMMENDS SHORTER HOURS ! - ' , . Bccommcnds the Let jo of the No rt Carolina Hnllroad Both State Fairs Endorsed, Etc. ' THK 0031I. SHIP FOB CHI0AOO. sand more. It Is expected that the novolty di tbe idea will at t met nuuureus ui iiuuiho wno wouiu never uuu meir nj m " iinary Banctuarv. Tho unique doslKn hits jlready attraated more attention than would the construction oi a Duuuiug iu ti i '.tin The plans are for a building 100 foot ia length by twenty-live Icet in wiatn, or. properly, In Di'ara. ino irauiowon n o u .ofii .hW mllh nnrmirntOfl iron. TWO masts will rise from the deck to the height 3f eighty feet, whiou will ee ngRou wit i . dimmia An iron smokestack U1S '.'I Ll OUkVuu - rtsinf? from the deck will be connected with the stoves in the bold, w nen servioi-s are m n....ia n anntilv nt liir or pitoh in the itoves may emit clouds of smoke from the Forty windows in the sides or me nun win i i,A nm nhnlaii Anil tho nnulical nnenranne ot tho shlo will bo otherwise Hie neighborhood. Two anchors will depend K-nm Ilia hnnr nnll H CnnStnn Will RUSH it9 heaa Irom tne lorocaaiie. x-mniuto iu .. auditorium will be (rtfon through aRatgway i n, v.n . Mioiniinn of naval architecture 111 . .1 VJ wun ia ..W.....V - mado neeessary by the narrowuoss of the lot. The auiutonum iispu m menu r..n i.v. nr ha hiiii in ttxn now a nuinii mill hn r.anA nn whinh ii cnmDass is to rest. fr.aM fn tlia a il 1 ionrA In conductiui; the ohureh, tho naval itlca I n BrihAr(a tn Thn twins have iu con templation tbe orffanuauou oi mo uuy r,t iL unminv iMinoi Into coins ct naval Ainri in iiina nnirnrm. A nnvfll band will be formed to discourse nautical melo- rlfa nranarntni-V tO ?rVirOS. DVraDB WJii ! u mulvllna nf thn A. nnd the U Bl IV - . i i -a i .il.iiniiiUd Aarriail nil r XL I VAPC' IOU 1 !. j n- -- - - rm i. ii.ml.AP vai-.U ilnnk hands from tno i a- i . t u - .1 vAiiut nltrtiifa tram th UOHIB m I HO nuu -.uct.ew bi.i.s.ii will ha nttnifted to the troH- . . . . ... 11 itinm. nil riln nml will flflIt'a IU vurun iiium- nelves In the crew. Already tho sir.e ot tbe coDRreRaUoii ia said to have roacnea iwu. Tha Hanuounccd the following XJ ... 1 1 UU J1D111U UJ. M w . .. . committees: l'rivilepes of Llections: Cook, JJlack Imrn Kiitfin nf pw Hnnnver: Peaco. ?rya'n, of C'liatham; JJrown, Tersou, of Wayne; Cunningham and (iallop. liankin? anil Liirrency: xr.vau, oi Chatham; Hauser, Crum)ler, Ormsly, i- a .i i -ii Ai.-,infl;A 1.'.1..,. Unlli.n ..f ft,ii.itAirtnni1 aiiiii;. ;iiii', v ......... ....... , Brower, Bryan, of Chatham. Schulken ana xvelson. Judiciary: Lusk, fctmon, of Cumber land; Cook, Yonntr, Meliulken, Trice, Cravrn. Scales and CunninL'ham. i'ltiDAY. Kepresriitativo Dixon of fered jirayer. Sir. Hutton introduced the followim? rosolution: "That our Senators ho instructed and our K'ire- sentatives be reUosted to unc all lion nrablfl means, uud hs rnrlv as lmssible. ... . tn iirmi itiMii i in I'RNK ii'fl iii an im-l ui ( VmirresH rni'iii'tiiv.iiitj' tlu indooeiideiiCO - "--ri- 1 o of Cuba w ho mi loiiif a time have been striiL'i'liuir for life and liberty, the uod- rrivuti in.l'i 1 nim nf ill! T11A1I " It V&R nnanimousiy adopted taud sent to the rrenaie. It Jlr. Lusk introduced the first bill. It is to repeal the notorious chapter via, art nf IHSti. i "Hssi'-mnent act. Afi lQi-n A liill tn tnkA Vftnrfl county out of the eastern criminal cir cuii. ! Cnunn 'V,. ,i.,.,l ..lifiTitir Af( mia 'n."i nml also chanter 4.id. acts of '03, repardin assignments. Also bills regardiutr action ol co-w arranters, nu regulatinjr fees of sheriff of Cunibenond in sccurin;; secial venires. Mr A muni nr-lo proviue lor mnkinir nn ontirplv 11P.W list of iurOrS, VnlirnorTT 1 in everv conntv in the l, 1 11 1 v.; . The Siieaker announced the follow ini AATtiiiitTtnoa iiuance Johnson, iiryan, oi uai- ... .. . . i w n bam, i nitener, l ersou, 01 nn uc, Alexander, Young, Aiken, 1 etree, el on. Ati.UAri9ia Ki ll- tl ami VpflPA. I nin-nmiiiH Ri 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 X . HlrUlii. Chupin, Arrington, Barker, of l'erqui mans, Holmes, l'rice, Carter Ferguson mnA 1 ,pnk Railroads and Bailroad Commis sions Brower, Blnckhurn, Dockery, Pinnir Fprrpll: Vhitfi. of Bandolln. Ward. Dickson, of Greene, MeKenzie an fl Smittl Cortxirations hchnlken, JMclirnie,, Brown, Alexander, Dockery, Bailey, n'altuM nnd TTlllsteMd. Kdncation Dockerv. White of Ala- AtilnrT- rpnen ("fit. Yotinif. Abcrnethy, Kins, White of liandolph, Kountree, Whitener, Kelson and altera Tuesday of last week His Excellency, Ellas Cair, Governor of North Caro lina, retired from office, his term of four years expiring. His last message was submitted to the GeneralAssembly Thursday, and Its principal features will be found .below. BeuiindinK tho Legislature that, tho Governor's duties are executive onty, and that tho upholding of the (State's credit, Lor pride and honor and the care of her institutions devolves upon tho General Asfiembly, His Excellency continuos: "The people liave iutrnsted this sa cred woi'k to you. For the first time in twenty years tho interests of tho State in all its branches have been delivered into the hands of a different political party. The measures which you may deem wise mnv beoiinosedto the policy heretofore pursued, and in making iilinniraa T finiill.ill v-i.il ..m. ui .1 1! Hilll. l.lll.ilca A lUfllL-AUU J Ull 1.1 llill'iiniJi ' fnllv nml wpll fiitili flinntrfin lis lirlrtftin to tne institutions of the State, for the people will Jiout yon respousioie ior me mippora nl fiiilum nf nmti nlpnslirpS. Feeling assured that you have the inter est of your State at heart, 1 submit tor vntir p.niiMii1prA.tinri bi-ipf observations made from the differeut reports fur nished me by the State officers." He refers to the rejiort of the Secre tary of State, showing that this depart- ,..,.( l,no ,4,1 .,.,.1 int.. (1,11 uicui, urn, vviimini uu.i ,i.i. 1,1m .i.w Treasurv nrpsnmnblv fur the biennial period $120, OHO. DO, ""ft sum sufficient to defray the expenses of the Executive Department more than five times." This source of revenue, it is pointed out,, is not a burden ntion the citizen. The special tax bonds cases Baltzer vs the. State and linltzev nnd Timke vs the State have been decided, the Su- lireme Court of the TTnitod States sus- fninintr tlm Sn i ivum A iinirt nf Xnl'tll Carolina, wliich had decided iu favor of the State. The cases involved 4il3,".)i, 1111,1 .....I 41.n i.,ioui;nn ,,f 41m Utnln's liu W1 1111. 1 I11H IJ'ICOIllll ui hid iiiuiv. u .... Viili4ir fi.v 41ia linnilu iuaiiiiil liir flip rp consti uction convention oi inno ana tno Legislature which succeeded it is set tled for all time in the State s lavor. TIia Tvensnrer'u rennrt. in dinenssed Tim flnT-pi'iwir innnill'fl with tlip Trpn! ,.,. 41. 4 41,1. ,.,..,.liio il.'nl.lniiilu M. Ill 131 UllUill IUC nill'lUH JX .11 T HIT.1 Ill 1', 1,' 1 ,1 11... I 1." II . il. 1.171 Cjll Mil IUD 1J.IIIC 11 Oll'll. Ill Vlltl ..,,11 1" ,i;,, i;..;i,.,...,i ti,,.i.i nni l,a 4i,v.n,l V.IIIU11UU 1III1I1UIIM 1,1111111.1 11W 11,1 V... ...... into the general fund, as has been the custom, but be held saei'edly, as tne L.H -,m.i.lna 4Y.1. 4lia i,ni.n,an4 lif 1 11 4llV IBIT I'lllllUDO, 1111 llirj ,l,l UIHUI VI in... est and the establishment of a sinking ! 1 1 1 ... 1 11 iuuu. -ipprovu. is niso given auuiui-i ciiirrrpafimi nf flip Tronam-Pr flint thfl guarantee ond security companies do ing oiisiness in ine ntate oe ieuirea iu deposit collateral to protect the State nnd to relinrpiiHli their right to move cases to the Federal courts. "Under the act to compromise, com- iii 4p anil o.iHU till. SU.itn ilnl.t"1!- uiui'u miniv .uu mh,vi v 'I Rlin 700 A ner cent, new- bonds have been issued in exchange for the old vauu ili,K4a i-.f 41m m4..4n Tt v.-, II vpmiirn MUUia VI 1UD II'IKIIVI. ill ,111 -.l.,..w 822.'), 070 more 4 per cent, bonds to take up the remainder of the old bonds ont- claniliniY Tvmkinrr 41ip vlinla imanilllp .i.uUft, ..... itiw , debt 83. 6 15.770, bearing 4 per cent, in- tresi. l lie Mate owns as an invest ment SilHH. 7.50 of these bonds, and the board of education $148,250 and also per' cent, construction bonds, upon ...i,;t. i4,.i,c4 ia 4 ui i, vi-iii Carolina Railroad dividends, amounts lO 5'J, YU,UUU. tl .,.,...,:...,.. ii,., ,i;4 i.,.i I.. luric x r7iiiLii.-7 VI IUD uiiiau Hill,, mi fund $1,01)9.04, which is held in trust by the uovernor and w liicn win De- come the nronertv of the State March lovi, unless in tne meantime caiieu CRUSOE'S ISLAND IS SAFE. Its Reported Disappearance Was Xu to a Lapie of Sobriety. Cantaln Sloeum. tho American skipper who In vovnflnir around the world alone in a mll rnwl. tells of his visit to Bobinsoa Crusoe's Island, Joan Fernandes, on tne kiuiici, vu Mia " J ' . , . u v.u.iDn ha ii .1 hpnrrl the renorts that the island had disappeared, but ho found . , tt IA . 1. ...... warn 1 1 F-t V- II V it e,n riKui. n"mu . " 1 " " ' " J families on the Island, prosperous and nappy , i, Al - ... n all 11 1 11 1 lint uuuiiiauu v i i.nii 0 - - Captain Blnoum said that the reports of the ... . , i jnn.iul with Oisappearanee oi ine kihou m inian t..... a Chilean skipper, who had lieen sent to tho . . . ... 1 . 4Ua In. island wun a cargo ui Bupiiu i an assortment of spirits, and the skipper ti- v,iinaiiir Thn result win that t .l. i...ni ih wunl left Vainaraiso irviu 1 1 ' H uiwiuum uw . . heeonld not be soberea up hihr rnouua i take an observation ot the sun and deter min thn nnaition of the ehip and the coarse that should be taken to reach the island. None of the crew, except toe ornnKeo ekh- per, nnaerstooQ dtikjiuiju. &4.-..nin aKi.ni ir.w apveral drxvs In tho ki ihnnchi the U'ands should be ,u. ,--.., ..., ,V, he turned me oow oi ma yvci ini.. i- i i . nmi Innnmnrku alnni ik. 'i,.t 'f.mnil hla ire back to port, 'ill 9 . . i .,i,ai I r a failurn aranitea stipp-r, 'Jr n ii.u.- - ... ' H.I..I IV. tann Vinil ni. sppearea out oi sigm. inn'nitrinff in charmlng'ly im, iv 1. .0 -c. tnnn. Oimna nver an unclad isac- .ii.Tiii, Tint- tmTiffPiv enoueh makes no futw on tbe ground tbat the canton 2 1U1 . Tiie nfrresirale value 'of" nntno real nnl iiAvenvin titiMiiitiT si tha Ktotn VA K ML J, ' VCIAUtiVU IU I f I'J I A,V .-' IVia t.tol nmnntit tt nil fnvna I ai-f in the State last year was 3, 570, 300. 07 a per capita oi l.4ii, estimating tne nonulation nt 1.7(i0.000. Tho white peo ple pay !)0.y4 per cent, of the taxes of the Stats and tho colored people U,ub ..... i,i,y,4 in i ii.ii 1,. The Uovernor cordially approves the pension tax and advises that it be in 11 I nrcii, It is reoommended that some step bo taken lor sunn vinar tne place oi a judge becoming sick, iusaue or other Y, inrj ui'.iiinvii. 'Tl,. m4a4ii t limi.l ia n-iirni v rnmniPllil. eil Tt. in better enniniied and more efficient than everbefore. It was called out seven tunes last year. 1 he Hover- 11 1 . 1 iuuiiuucO) The appropriation for their support should be sufficient, in addition to what is furnished by tno national govern- mont ti n.i1pnrintjd v iirfivirlp for their necessary equipment, pay the rent of tneir armories, gne mem kucii uuu i na4 1,4 irtn 1, a , .1 . 1 1 ,1HH,11.1 1 ITT 4 1 . 11 lunu iiiiuu no iowmiui.ii,icii .jj Adjutant General, and ray them for . i - i ineir Berviccf wjjcii iu ncuuu criuc n '- l UiVTiU OUU1U1VU1I V V M V w rn.'V-' - them from pocunUry losswliile on wueh auty. mis w as nine as couiu ne He advises an increase of the salary of the Adjutant General and that that office be provided with clerical assis t.ncft Discussing the report of the Com missioner olLabor Statistics, the Gov ernor recommends the recommenda tions of that officer: 1. That a law le passed limiting the lensrli of a working day to 11 hours. n.i , . .iii, i . t S!. xnatno cunu unuer is years oi 1,i, lli,-.,l In W...-1- ; an.. U.'l.l. niir lie nuuncii m "uikiii nu uuiiiiiu, and those between 14 and 14 only w hen ,i i. . . : 11 . . . i : ii. .i mey ua.e vreriiui-nve snowing iiini they have been to school at least three months dnrintr the lirecedins vear. a. ine salary oi me Commissioner L1in.,,t.l l.a iiril.iiil.l 4i, S-l la VI ami 4l,a4 n ii i 1 1 1 1 v . .ui , , , . , , -r, ni.ii SOOO be apiiropriated to prosecute the work. The work of the Bailroad Commis competition, ond Idiia inust ttepreciate in value if the roads to it such that, it cannot meet competion. " His Excellency proiscs uigm wf ..,.,( i,f the Insane nsvlunls o IUUUpVlllVU. ... .r- - . .11 the State, and expresses the nop that the heads of these lnstuunoiiu wm uu ha thuneed. He says, mong otner things! ' ,i, , , , "Each institution desires especial appropriation to further carry OH the noble charitable work undertaken by the State, but under tho existing cir cumstances I cannot recommend that all these appropriations be mode, but i don't mean to sav, gentlemen of the Leg islature, vnat sucu apprupriuuuiiB mo not needed. To come up to tho full measure of our duty would involve large expenditures, ond while these in stitutions need such enlargements, Still an increase in taxation would nec essarilly follow, nnd I do not think it proper now to increase the burden of taxation on the real estate iu North Carolina. I euiruuend theso reports and urge yon carefully consider if soma Waiis cannot bo devisod by which these institutions could be en larged to still greater usefulness. " Hearty pruise is given also to tho work of' the institution for tho deaf and dumb and the blind. The compulsory education of blind eliililrpii is recommended. In the following tho Governor pro jects upon the Legislature a novel and interesting idea: "While our State institutions have llv luiuiii'Teil. I believe they can yet be made more so by the application ol ordinary imsuiess pum-i-,.l..a tn fhbir limiiiinrement. bv mnking them mutually assist each other, which 1 1 11 . .. - n4.11 n.,.r,i,li,v .nt'illir til wouiu resiiii, iu ii nun t;icnivi i?i.i ma, 41, n lnr.,iaiai. 'i'llO T1P1I i t.Pll t ifl r V SllOllld inn i 1 '..' ' . " l ' .. raise all vegetables and stnpie supplies, as well as mane an uie eiouung, suoes nnd lints for nil the Institutions; the blind asylum the brooms, harness aud chairs, and the aeai-mntes no uu me Mtn4n tiitvttina- ami biiiilinfr. Bv ex pending a comparatively small amount in the pureuaso oi a piuin iim ueiu mutes could do all the public printing and binding for the State and save the tax-payers ut ieiistMo,4li!i.H0 per annum n.,il nf llin (lama lime OIIPII 1111 a field of employment for the unfortunate object of the State's charity." Bdcognizmg the widespread desire for a juvenile reformatory, the Governor vet doubts the advisability of such an i ...I- .1..1i.4.l UnilOltaKlUK in me plenum .irincmu condition of the State Treasury. The State Board is praised for its faithful and unrew arded work. lliu nvpnllencv- is Satisfied that the State spends no money more judicious- 11 XI. J.l Allk it- n .,..., .1-ia4 All 4, tll.A minimis c-ilrwi' 11, "ri'ini'i i.n State Bourd of Health. The revenues from, the oyster law 'ri. iinnu'iiOT makps an elaborate ar gument in Hiipport of tho lease of th( V- .. i. 1- - 11.. .'l.....,.l T Cm.nVPlI JSorth iwoiiua iiauioau. j. the lease of this property." says ho, "aud it was done by the board of ei- rectors with my full concurrence ami endorsed by the stockholders witnoiu o dissenting voice. I believed and still believe that it is the best thing thai could have been done by tne. rotate, ami the future wilh determine tho wisdom of the transaction." Ho adds: "It may be safely said that there is no othet inm,.inii investment m INortn t aro- lina bearing so good a rate of interest as 7 per cent. , and the stock of th x'..4i, r.,nliiin rtailrond is to-dav thf iivimvii'"" - : . . most valuable stock bearing a fixed anc jiermanent rate of income to be found iu the State. The uovernor nns eu tire enntiilence that unon a dispassion ate consideration" the lease "will meol with the universal Approval ol every im partial citizen." His Excellency is proud of the report made for the penitentiary by Superin tendent Lcazar, and points to this re port as a vindication of the policj adopted for the management oi tuis in stitution. . The work of the Board of Agriculturt is regarded as of "iuesthuable value.' He commends its economy and appar ently concurs in its recommendation that the tonnage tax on fertilizers bt reduced 20 per cent. The experiment station, the museum, the Agricultural and Mechanical College, the fariuer't institutes and the subject ot immigra tion are all discussed somewhat at length. . . , , , . T ho State fair and the eoioreu nui are both endorsed. It is shown that Ivorth Carolina spends much less, actually aud rela tively, for the support of hcrLiuver sity than many other States, nnd it is urged that mis institution uo iomkiuu. 'in... .v,. n!,4 iT.,i,i,v4.mi,o. nf eiil'l'vinir nil X 119 t; 1 1 , nn,i,iit.i..v v. - - - . i - - - r. our educational work is insisted upon and the uovernor nisagrees wnon.v with those who make :he "startling proposition" that "thcro is a conflict between the State aim mo cunrcn in niliiniitinniil wnvk- " Iiiiorovemeiit in. tho efficiency of the public schools is noted, compulsory enucauon is m vored. and four months' terms of the schools, which, the General Assembly is reminded, is a "continuing man- duto of the constitution. An mcrcaseu school tax levy of ti per cent, or an in crease f 04 cents iu the pojl taxis recommended. The Governor argues lengthily for compulsory education. The work of the Geological Survey lino lsiAri avfanulVA flllll V it 1 tl M.1 1 1 JJ II r i vjuiii'iiu . Improveuieiit of the public roads is suggestod. 'Liver ordinary ortn iuro- n,r,4i..r r-nnila it l-HMt.4 nllllllt. AS HUH V.HUHI1 J ...... , much to ti-ansort a ton i0 miles as it does a ton from Iowa to Colorado. Transportation is now the factor m nnf. been sufficient to defray tho eroensea of protecting our oyster waters. All lormer oyster leginmuuu has nroved ineffective. TheOoverner thinns mat crime i ,-!,i.u,'nrr innrp rnilld V than HOPllla- inn wfthin the oast two years he has granted 12d pardons, 15 commutations and a reprieves. , . 1M-Arnrif f art" T n 1 n K R nilll H ITPl v-"'fu' --.-. ---- - CntAVActc. ill l.a H(.rvAil hv iriisiiiLr tne ill l ' C ' ll. iT4n.Ai;nA T? o 1 1 .r. , I What is t.3 !' ryr V. C .WWvN.WVuJkWM-l.'- -" irf.iiVi'A.i-.'a--'-J--- Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for InfauU ond Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Bubstltuto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarauteo Is thirty years' uso by Millions of .Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms nnd allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomltlnff Sour Curd, cures Diarrlura nnd Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates thf stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural fe.ecp. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacca-tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. ( "Castoria Is on cxcelleut medicine forchil-nV-n. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its ! good effect upon tbeir children" J Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real hiterert of their children, and use Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, ly forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." DR. J. P. Kinchelob, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted tochtldrea that I recommend it as superior to any prescription, known to me." H. A. ARcnnR, M. D., Ill 8o. Oxtord St., Brooklyn, N. V. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have anions out ..iii .,'Miln what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look wilh favor upon It." united Hospital and Dispensarv, Boston, Mass, Allen C. Smith, Pro. 77 Murray Street, New York City. -run centaur uums""j i mm II II 1 1 "'''V' "''''-'"Vrri'T-r-' JSi:i; " CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY R -i EXPERIENCE. JoM qLLi Receiver. I R B-'rrTllTli CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 'ip- ' J TRADE MARKS. DE8ICNS, enpypicHTS &.O. Anvnne sendlnu s sktcli snd description may OulcklTtttwrtuIn, free, whether an Invention Is vrobnt'ily nateiitntile. Conimuiileatlons strictly Soiitlilentliil. OMost aeeney fiirseciirlrai pa ents in Amorlca. We have a Washington onlc. Patents tuken through Munn & Co. rouolTB special notice Iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautlfnllr tllnstrateil, largest circulation aiir Boiei'.tlfle tournal, weekly, terms a.(lll a yi SI.SOsix months. Bpeeiini n ooiles ami IU Book on 1j a texts sent tree. Address MUNN A CO.. 301 llrondwnv. Now York. EfTdOt November 13th, 1893. KOBIS B0UXD. No. 2. Dally. ra a iVilmlncrtnn. 7 60 0,nH Arrive Fayettevillo " T .am va PnvnttavlUB I' l Of Wanted-an Idea Mys-WMhln UMi. L ' " f"r their i. priss oor SSiVtVif two Hundred Inventions warned. Who can think of some simple .lilllil 111 llatPIlt? thev may tirlntt you wealth. imiia . w.vw . -- Leae Fayettavtllo Junotlon . Leave Baoford Leave Climax Arrive Greeasboro Leave Oreeusboro Leave Stokesdale Leave Walout Cov Leave Rural IlalU Arrive Bit. Airy , boots bound. 0 l p. m. i ii ii ii CONSUMPTION CAN BE CORED. T. A. Slocum, M. 0., tho Great Chemist and Scientist, will Send Free, to tlio Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. ..11 27 ..100 .. 2 60 .. 3 IS .. 8 25 .. 410 ..4 40 .. 6 10 ..6 35 No. 1. Dolly. ... 8 40 a. ou ...lOOt " ...io m " ...1107 " It E3 Leave Mt. Airy Lave Rural Hall Leave Wulnut Covo Leave StokosJale Anivo uiwuow.. t ,n T... lM..il,nM 12 10 HQmo uiiroiioiviv tn-i Leave Climax 1 " Leave Saolord f Arrivo Fayettevllle Jvinotioo .... li Arrive Fnyettevllle Leave Fayeitevllle. Arrive Wilmington nobth bovbu. p. m. II Leave BonnotUvillo Arrive Maxton Leave Maxtoa Leave Red Springs Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fuyotteville SOOTH BOUND, No. . Dally. . . 8 80 a. m. ... 9 40 " ...9 50 M ...10 18 ...10 33 ...1101 ...u ia ii No. 3. Daily. ... 4 23 p. m .. 4 49 " 6Sti " Ha tliinka hiizlilv of the State Normal and Industa-ial Sfbool for Women, ami SUU lUUUIIalUI iniiwvi - - , . recommends a renewal of its anrojria- A.i,n ..I -lil iliMl 11U1I V . . Tl Ik ulin-n tlini. trin villi ll 10 prilltin2 incostinf, at the rate of $14,Si)2.M for the current two yearn in 11.. I., -..aawi nn, lo.l Anril 1. 1H!)5. The Governor reoommenda the election of a public printer auattiat uie tirimum he given out to tne iowcpi Biuucr uuun hi- directiou. . T-l, - ,ccarri lilftl IB VolnUllllOllS. i uo iiit-ri,.. - --- .- l-l exhaustive and creditalilo in the liiKh- siiin i wartuly endorsed. It ha- J egt w,nfie rTesi.nt8 a complot picture brought in for taxation $14,1.11. 558 of tlie plbiic alVaira of the StAte aud l'11'Ull.lu iv'i ininiiuu ?I1, 1,11,'liiu I'l railroad nrouertv. has reduced railroad. telepraph and express charged. Pail- road tariffs are now lower in ISorth Pumliiisi than in WA nr cpiit of the States of the Union. of the public alVaira nlnCM thllR HTV.1. o.tim'riiiitrntinn of the State ftoverniuent by the Democratic party lor tne ras, twenty j cms 10 uuw uuuug Vniriinir unnld bo fairer, more phi lanthropic or carry moro joy to the af- T. . 1V m A ClAlllYl flicted, than tue ouer oi x. uiunuw, M. 0., of New York City. Confident that he has discoverou a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung di&oascs, ironeral decline and weakness, Joss of . .11 1 : 1 : .. r 9 mauling ATlll llesu ana au couumuuo m i"""8i to ninko its great moiita known, ho will Bond free, three bottles to any reader of tho Elkin Times who may ue bui- Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently enred thousauds of apparently nopoicw cbbub. The Uootor conBiuorsit ma rBngiuu- a ilnt vhinh ha owes to huuiail- itr to donate his infallible cure. 7 - , ii. 1 . 1 .. 1 He has provea tne utosutu a nimble disease be- DULU'lilUM w w - . yond any doubt, and has on file in his American ana iiuropean jauurnwnco i.,i,i;i,nialii of exnerienee frorn those ICDMU1V1U.. i . benefited and cured in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, me.nsspeedy and certain deatn. Address a. a. oiu- n tv i i XT V,tr enm, M. u., va nne Bireet, new and when writing the Uocrpt, give ex press and potoflice address, and please mention reading this article in the Elkin Times, . Leave Fayettevllle Leave Hope Mills.... t -. n a.I U . . r I n i, 1 ..... Ajuavo u'Ju ui... m n. . -.1... ..! . 0 0 Leave Maxtoa ' . Arrive Bennottsville ' -3 NORTH BOUND. (Daily Exoejit Sunday.) v . No. 10, MIxod. Iieavo Ramsenr '45 a. ni. r n a Mltrinr . O Arrive Orueusboro J" Iieavo Greensboro , Lcavo 8toksdiUe Arrive Madison 11 0,' SOOTH BOUND. (Daily Ex,,,,, Sundry jb Leave Madison 12 3 p.(jn- Leavo Btokcsdalo (, Arrive Oroonsboro (, Loavo Oroonsboro f Loavc Climax Arrive ltainsDur . - 6 Noiitii noo-n connections at Fnvttovlll Willi Allnutii; Court I''"8 all rmlnU North Biid Kant, nt Sanford w tU '.. ii-.-..., i.l llri'i'tiii uiro Willi lue neniioiirn Air muu, ,,.,,,, i. u.iii.nrn Unllwav Company, at Vnlniit Covo with tho Nortolk A Wustern llailrooa lor Winnton-Salism. BOUTH BOUND CONNKCTlONS at OroeusUoro with mo w"tu ,"""7 way Company Tor llnluigu, jiicnraouu all points north and eart; at Fayet ovU with the Atlantio Coast Line for all points South: at Maxton with tho Seaboard Air Lin tor Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and southwest. ': V, . ' J. W. FRY, Ch?n ' a1- Agent Gen'l Managei. . . 1 1 ,al von. It is a frranci recoru m achievements for the nplnuiamj . oi this commonwealth and the promotion , of the interests of the entire people. Tith my administration closes me series beginning under the illustrious Vance and continuing tluouh the wise and economic administrations oi Governors Jarvis, Scales, Fowle and Holt. The party retires from tue ad ministration of the allairs ol tne mate ii ,.i . i. ..,-.,, ,1 1 1 1, ami ntliflr iittl - VlllUllu l ... - - - ccrs, feeling that North Carolina has had a denesof years ot go yoni .nr,t oi.niiniiiicallv administered which challenges comparison. Bacon-Did you know there were over 735,U13,n:.!),G00 different whist Hands In a pack of cards? Egb. rt-Yes; tnr wife tells me about each one nearly every time we play.-Youkers Statesman. The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY Oalpviix THOMFKrsa, PuMlchtra. J. P. Cauiwull, lane SUBSCRIPTION PIUCB. BAXSiT OBMBV1UH, MMtTOa )JT-ar. WOO 6Vi'.tU KC? I " ll.W aOTam.je I Tear. 6 Months 11.00 .6. Pall Telegraphmerrlfei aud lrg eorps Ooreapor.dnU. Best ndrertUlnf BMdtnm tetveen waabtng Ion, r. C , and Atlesta, O. A. AAdreva, CBSKRVER, CBABLOTTB. W. ' ELKIN Mfg, CO LTGn GRADE COHON YARNS, WA1PS, TWIES, KiTnXG C0TT0XS1 F.uun, rj.o. . A