i huJ I! R Willi ! H vertise in W 3 ' I'M Trrw rnrnrnfl. lH - Krorrrocracow , - .rear , " 1 ! T , . 1 1 " I b Commercial Printing ) Lot toe. Heads, Bill Ileiuls, Note Heads, KUtemenu, Business Cards, Envolojoe, - eto. Executed Neatly ond rromptly. mm m if it Bills General, Local, But All of Soma Importance, WANTS A DISPENSARY. A Bill In tha Senate to Instruct Son tort and jtcpi-csenUtlres Sot Freo Silver. SENATE. TtnssnAT.Scnuto met at 11 o clock, Xioutenaut.Govornor Ueyuolds presid ing. After praver by liev. Mr. Daniel, tho joical of .Vlonday was road and op jirpTed. Hills ond resolution were introduoed us follows: . . . Justice -In rcsard to the probate or wills. . Vakeflold-To prohibit the Bale f liquor near a church In Burke county. 1 ho lynching bill of Person, colored, "wan takoa up and disaussed, but was tabled. Person of E&geeombe, introduced ft bill to establish another voting precmot ia tho above county. Clark, Populist. oppose1 the bill, and it lost on second, leiw.'ug. a rejolutioa was adopted directing Ihe doorkeeper to keep the Senate clock by standard time. The time having arrived for the elec tion of a Senator, all other matters were diseased 'with. Vr ... O 1- ,.1 . 1 11 iVBDNESDAX. COUttlO luou "o'clock, Lioutenant-GovernorFeynolds ta-esiding. After prayer by Bev. Mr. Eabbtha journal of luesday was road and approved. A few petitions were introduced, which are of very little im portance to the general pubho. Bills and resslutions were then mtrc laccd and referred as follows: justice -Bill to repeal chapter 877, l aws of 180. relating to divorces; also to repeal chapter 117, Laws of 18J5, re lating to sales by trustees tnd mort gages. Wi&lkor Bill relating to probate of wiJ'.s. timathers-To amend chapter 277 of the laws of 183. in regard to divorces. Kewsoaio To amend chapter 817 of tho laws of 1389, relating to bridges and publio toads. - Anthony To amend chapter 108, laws of 180, relaiiug to pensions. 'i'he calendar was thon taken up and a few bills aud resolutions were dis poeed of: Bill to amond section 8764 of vbo Code. Passed second and third leadings. The President then announced that tbo fcenato would repair to the House of Koprecentatives to vote for United Jiiios Senator. 'fauasD at Sonata met atl2oolook and the journal of Wednesday was read and approved. iitohell, of Franklin introduced a petition otking for a dispensary law for -Louikbnrg ana tho township of Louis Larg. After the reports of the standingcom mittoca. bills were introduced and re ferred as follows: Atshburn -Resolution to investigate the use of tho several histories in North Carolina publio schools. AlexiiDder To nrevent the for feiture of goods sold on the installment plan. MoCaskoy moved to have the refo: m alor.v bill for young criminals printed. -aoDprea. Uaik-Ey requoct-bill in regard to rritchinT fish n Columbus county. Alfo bill in regard to the trapping and killing cf deer in Columbus coun ty. Abell That our Senators and Kepre aontatives in Congress be intruded to vote for the free and unlimited coinage oi silver at 10 to 1. Butler To prevent discrimination in the currency o the country. The calendar was then taken up and the following bills and resolutions were disposed of: l.i'1 to reconstruct committee in formally atsed over. Bill for thereli&f of L. M. Morrison, ex-shr liffof Cabarrus county. Tassed second and third readings. Bill to pay J. M. iiarly's expenses as contesting Senator in 181)5. Passed eecond and third readings. Bill instructing Senators and Eepre rentatives to vote tor the free and un limited coinage of silver at 1(1 to 1. Mr. Grant moved to inako this bill tho spe cial order for Tuesday next at 12 o'clock. The moUoa oi Air. Grant was adopted. Grant, by unanimous consent, intro duced a joint resolution that tha presi dent cf the Senate appoint five Bene tors and the speaker of the Bouse ap point eight to consider the election Uw oad the subject of county government The bill fasted second ana third read ings. Pjiteat. Senate met at 18 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Bcynolds presid ing. Journal of Thursday was read and approvod. Bills of most import ance introduced and referred were: Abcli Bill to amend section 1H57 of Tho Code, relating to depositions. " Xcwoui Bill to abolish Hertford In tel ior Court. .'. . Parker, of Alamanco Bill to incor porate tho f inehurst Bailroad Com pany. Move-To amend chapter 8SD, of ldSi', relating to liens on canal pames. Justiee-To incorporate Bank, of Buthcrfordton. Mitcholl-To levy special tax Nash county. . Bollins-Bill to regulate the law in regard to the dissection of dead bodies. Parly Biil to amend chapter 240, laws of 1SJ5, relating to fisheries. The calendar was then taken up and the following bills aud resolutions were disposed of: Graut -Bill relating to the meetings of committees, passed second and third readings. .' Bill fcr the relief of N. T. Johnson, a one-legged Confederate soldier, allow ing him to peddle without license, pass ed fccond and third readings. Bill for the relief of J. L. Stewart, a one-legged Confederate veteran, allow ing him to peddle without license, also passed second and third readings. Satckdat. Henata met at 10 o'clock, lieutenant Governor P.iynolds pre siding. Th journal cf Priday wai Tead and arproved. The following bills and resolutions were introducea and referred; Grant In regard to the supervision c the public school. laws com- the Lavi in Justice Bill for tho relief of sheriffs and tax oolleotors. Parker.of Baudolph To amendchftp tcr 45)), laws of 189a, in regard to trus tees, and assignees. Giant said this Uas a cerious -question and moved ta print. Adopted. . The calonriar was taken tip &na the following bills and resolutions wore dis posed of: till in regard to the county line bo twocn Chatham aud Alamance oounti6i made special ordSr for Friday next. Bill to establish a uniform standard cf tiifie for North Carolina passed sec ond and third readings. ' Bill to plaoe James fhelton. of Surry county, on the pension roll, lost on leconcf reading. , , Bill to amend chapter 370, laws of 1831, in regard to selling cigarettes to miners. It prohibits the sale of chew ing tobacco and snuff also. MoCarthy apposed the bill; also Mr. Bharp, of Wilson. MrKinathers, the author of the bill, spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Moye, cf Pit opposed the bill. Mr. Bharp, of Wilson, moved to table. It was re-referred. , Bill to incorporate the town of Bridpersvillo, in Wilson county, passed secoudroading. , , iUovDAY. fcenate met at 4 o clock p. tn. The bill was favorably "ported unending the divorce law so as to add the words: "Unless tha wifere-mames then the husband may also re-marry, mdaddtho words, "Unless the hus band re-marries then the wife ttiajr also re-niarry." - , Bills were introduced as follows: Person -To establish and maintain an insurance department and consolidate Jio insurance laws. Clark -To requise the registration of ie names of partners in business con jerns, eto. MoCaakey-To authorize the Goyer lor to appoint two additional .justices )f the peace in any towr.hip whenever in his discretion ho may believe tho jnds of justice will be promoted by inch additional number, their terms to md tho Hist Monday in December, I8j8, for those first appointed and those lor eaeh succeeding term shall begin on .he dato given above; whenever the Jovernor ; thus appoints justices one mall be of a political party different toni that of the majority of the justices u Baid township, and such appoint nents of additioaal justices shall be nade by tho Governor whenever tho esident judge certifies it to be desk- lble' . ,.. There was soma disoussion of a bill o incorporate the town of Bi idgersville, vVilson county. Mr. Butler said there iras a bad habit of incorporating these sross-roads towns so as to exempt the jeople living iu their limits from road iuty and allow the sale of whiskey. Tne question of visiting tho Univer lity Wednesday to attond the inaugu otion of President Alderman, camo ap. It to decided that tha Senate tttend iu a body and that there bo a aight session at 8 o'clock Wednesday. TtJEstJAT. House was opened with prayer by Bev. P.. H. Whittakcr. The lay was with the exception of inaugu ration day, the most interesting of the session thus far, and tho galleries and lobbies were filled, owing' to it being the day sot apart for tho election of !nnator. Bills were introduced as follows: Button To regulate the registration of grants of lands by the .State. Lusk To regulate service of prooess in criminal actions; to protoct game nd song birds in this State; to proteot political meetings lrom wiiuui inter ruption and disturbance. MoKenzie To exempt undertakers who are funeral directors from jury duty. Murphy For the protection of hotels and boarding honse-koepors. Pinnix To allow ex-Sheriff Kel ley, of Yadkin to collect arrears of taxee. Bill to allow Bobeson county to levy a special tax passed third reading. A bill to put a man named Nail, of Buncombe, on the pension lists caused some dobate, but no action was taken on the bi)l. Wkdnesidat. House met at 11 o'clock. Many bills were reported, among them, favorably, tho bill to re peal the Act for aid to the State Fire men's Belief Association; also bill to punish publio drunkenness, and bill to require seats to be provided for sales women in stores. Bills were introduced as follows: MoKenzio-To pay special venires in capital ca.es. i)uffy-To amend The Code regard ing appeal s from assignments of widows' year's support. Wemyss To doaijnato tho duties and fix the compensation of boards of county commissioners. Conley To incorporate tho Commer cial Bank of Marion. Harris, of Ualifax To repeal tho act requiring sworn statements of election expenses. button, of New Hanover To allow active firemen at Wilmington tho amount of their city poll tax. Ferson, of SVayue, offered a resolu tion to prevent the sendingof any com mittees to visit the penal and charitable institutions of the fit ate It va. on motion of McKenzie, referred to tho finance committee. A resolution was also introduced to pay f Si to the per sons who in November compiled tho election returns. A bill to rrovide for a stock law elec tion in two townships in Cumberland county was road, aud then at noon tho Senate entered, to hold a joint session and elect a cenator. Tub nsD ay House mot at 11 o'clock Many bills were introduced, nearly all j foej-g. or local importance, among iuoso worthy of mention era these: Hancock To amend tho charter of Newborn. Hare To make it a felony to steal any election bill or other official record oi election. . White, of Alamance to protect birds tn Bandolph and Davidson. Hare (resolution) Instructing Sen ators and Brnrescntatives in Congress to work for the repeal of the tax on fruit brandy. Mcbryde To amend tha F.obeson county stock law. Ferguson To amend the divorce law, to if a man is in jail his wifo can ro marry. The bill to allow clerk of Superior Court to appoint deputies who can pro bate wills, deeds, eto , was takau up, applying to Columbus, Craven, Hen (''"son, Cabarrus. Buncombe, Favid son, Harnett, btol;es, Davie, Chatham, Dare, hurry, Hobeson, iyneii, icr son, Wilson, Bichirond, Madison. I'cr-. i quu&ana. Cdsecombo, hanuolpu, 1 Vance' Granville, Folk, Caswell, Hah fax. It was re-eomramittod in order ibat general bill might be prepared. Tho bill to rogulate appeals was taken up and passed, providing that in appeals to the higher court the evidenco kuall be sent up at the request of either party to tho aotion. It does not apply to magistrateo' courts, city courts or mayors' courts. Bill to provido that guardians, ad ministrators and executors who misap propriate funds are liable to indictment for embezzlement was pasted, aft6r Mr. Lusk had explained it and stated that it was eminently just and greatly need Bill to protect furnishera of material or contractors, by amendiug the labor ere' lion, wa3 discussed, but it went to the table. Bill was passed to allow Bobeson county's commissioners to hire or farm out tho chain gang, no females to bo employed on the roads. It was shown that the publio law forbado such em ployment of femalos. ' T'he bill to pay a per diem to personi summoned to court as a speoial venire in capital cases tho same as other ju rorB was taken up and discussed, but was re-referred to tho judiciary com initteo. , i Tho bill was passed exempting from iury duty undertakers. . Tho bill to incorporate the Caroline Exohango Bank at Monroe was tabled. By leave Mr. Hancock introduced a bill to amend Tho Code as to tho phar maceutical association, FatDAt. House met ftt 10 o'clock. A great many bills were introduced, nearly all local in character. Among those of general interest were these: Wilson To change tho time of hold ing courts in Gaston, Stanley and Mecklenburg countieSk v Petree-To give deputy clerks of tho Superior Court power to probata deeds aud conveyances. . Lawhon To proteot onltivated f rounds from tho ravages of poultry, y making it a misdemeanor to allow poultry to go on or remain on such ground after ono day'e notice by its owner. Meares To pay registrars and judges of election 91. 60 each for services last election day and $1.50 each to persons who carried election returns of election to tho county 6eat; that not to apply to oouutios where suca otucers nave al ready been paid. The bill making it a misdemeanor to wilfully disturb a political mooting camo un on third reading, and after considerable talk cn tho bill pro and con, it was re -referred to the judiciary committee The special order, bill to incorporate the Moore County & Western Bailroad Company was taken up and dismissed. After several amendments it was passed to its aooond leading by a vote of to 2. Bill to allow register of deeds to ap point rogister who can issue marriage licenses was tabled, Bill to reduce the pay of registers of deeds to 10 cents per sheet for recording election returns passed, as did a bill to incorporate Hamlet, and a bill to allow Caldwell county to levy a speoial tax and build a jail. A bill to give hotel and boarding house keepers a lien upon all baggage of Gruests and power to sell the same within 80 days, provided tho board is not paid, was taKen up. wr. iusa saiu it was clearly unconstitutional, as it violated the homestead law, that a hotel keeper had no right to seize property unless it was worth over $.,00. The bill had a favorable committee report, but was tabled by a unanimous vote. I no run to reduce salaries lj cicriio vi the HousoJrom So to Hi per day camo up with a favorable report. Mr. Sutton, oi Now Hanover, moved to tablo. Lost, ayes 27, noes 71. By unanimous consent Mr. Sohulker introduced a bill to incorporate the town of Vineland, Columbus coutty. Batubdav. House met at 10 o'clock. Bills and resolutions were introduced as follows: Murphy To protect gamo anatong birds. Nelson 'Resolution instructing Sen ators and Bepresentatives to vote for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of lo to 1. Harris, of Hydo To repeal tho road law in Hydo. Deweeso -To require corporations to file charters. Daniels-To promote temperance. Ieweeso-To authorize sheriff's to make tax bills. H Miser To amend the railroad com mission act, by electing the raiUoad commissioners bv popular vote; to iiinkft tha rental of tf.lcuhones from il'i to 818 yearly, and inako the rates of passenger fare H and cents er mile; to make telegraph charges la cents for ton t unli nnil i cent for each additional word; also bill to suppress trusts and combines, by imposing ponalty of for feiture of charter by those out of the State, aud for those in tho State not over $fi.000 fine or imprisonment; als j resolution requiring tho Governor to get information as to tho largest salaries of railroad officials and employes, whoso salaries exceed C2.600. l inr.kerv -To provide for publio road supervision (2oO copies ordered print ed) White, of Alamanco-To make tho terms of registrars of deeds four yearo after tho election in )8d8. (JallonVi'o prescribe tho time m viii.h mnrti'tsea msf be recorded. The bill to reduce tho olerks' salaries in the House to four dollars a day was nntaprl- tha amendment to reduce tho salaries of members to three dollars a dav was lost, as the Constitution pro viJed for the compensation oi mem- take private examination of feminln .4 Freeman-To protect , itock-raising and improve tho same., , , Feaco -To provido that land -owners shall pay for one-fourth of the fertil izers used by tenants, unless whon tho land isrentod he tells tho tenant ho will notpay for any fertilizer. Brown-Providing that tho board of county commissioners shall appoint on tho first Monday in April each year ft township road supervisor, to have chargo of all road wok and to bo paid for his timo. '. ' . . Ilaio-To return foraxei for 1893 tnoBO persons whoso property was burned at Murfrcesboro, Ootober 10. Hanson -To change the age when road duty shall begin from 18 to ii The resolution requiring tho refer ence of all appropriation bills to tho finance committee failed to pass. The bill to allow a woman ft divorce if her husband is in the ponitentiary, was tabled. It seems to novo bean drawn to cover ft special case. At noon, incompliance with resolu tion, Ff. J. L. M. Currt .gent or tha l'eabody fund, addressed tho Legisla ture in the hall of the House, and was most brilliantly introduced by Bepro. eeiitativo MoBary. of Davidson whJ termed Dr. Curry "a beacon light ;oI education iu this generation. Dr. Curry expressed his thanks for tho honor shown him and in tho assign ment of tho subject of the 4df0," "Edi'cation." Ibis was the third tima ho had been invited to address tho Leg ;,tt,. wVieti lie finished there was great rplause. and by a rising vote the ?ennto and House thanked Dr. Curry for his admirable address, ana no then tendered an informal eception. Governor Bussell and othora thanked him for his words. RICHARD PARKS BLANU fcfeated for the Presidential Poml- nation, He Goe Hack to Congress. ' Richard Fark Bland, of Missouri, la perhaps congratulating himself now that the eloquent Nebraskaa onatched the Democratic nomination for Presi dent from him at Chicago. It will be remembered that up to the tlmo Bryan made his memorable convention speech. Bland appeared to have tht nomination already In hand. Bryan'i eloquence turned the tide the other way. An ef fort to make Bland the vlce-preoiden-tlal nominee also failed. A few weeks later his friends at homo nominated him for Consress and he waa elected. After an absence of two yeara Bland therefore returna to the capital, where for twenty years he wai the moot eon iplcuous advocate of free silver. .. He Is the author of many free allver mils, notably that which woo merged In the Bland-Allison act of 1878. The silver bill of 1SU0. which passed the House and led to the Sherman compromise, also bore Bland's name. Ho has been Bepresontativo Dockery introduced a resolution that eaeh member return to tho treasury one-iourtn oi nis saiary, 'l hera was an hour and ft half of dis ensbion, and tho resolution was finally '1 ha Populists voted aaainst it Deweeso To require sheriffs to keep descriptions of all prisoners. Mond at. House met at 11 o clock. Amon tho new bills introduced were: ' Mooary To regulate alignments, nrovidinar that all conditional sales. assignments, mortgages or deeds of trust which may be executed to secure inv debt, obligation, note or bond n-i.inl. iHn ureiarences to any creditor of the maker shall be absolutely void fts to free-existing creditors. McKay To amend The Coda so as to allow grana-cuuuren oi oeruun ei elaves to inherit and become disk ibu tni-n r,t their estates. Cook To prevent affrays; to puijish slander and to ameuu mo .oae iu Tpfprenre to Sunday trains. Lusk To authorize clerks of Crimi nal Circuit Courts to probate deed and rtlCHAUD P. HLA2TOW r'.Khtly called "the father of freo coin age." Bland wai born on a Kentucky farm In 1835. Ills fatbar died when ho was 7, Lla mother a few years later, but tho boy. dependant on nU own re- ources, worked hla way tnrougn school. Ha managed to get an academic training and then taught school la Ken tucky and Missouri. In 1S50 be went to California and spent ten years teaching achool, itudylng law, practicing law and fighting Indians. In 18GQ he re turned to Ml&tourl and in 1SCS settled on a farm at Lebanon, hla present home. In 1872 he wro elected to Oon grew and served continuously until the close of tho Fifty-third Congress, when, having been defeated In the landslide of 1S84, be retired to hla farm. FirTT-FOURTH CONGRESS. The Proceedlngl BrUfly Told From Day to Day. SENATE. Tcbsdat The Niearaguft bill nndar consideration in the cienate today fortwohoura. Turpie. (Dom.) ofltt diano, denounced tho bill. Mr. Hill, (Dem.) of Now York, spoke for an hour and a half on a joint resolution relatwg to trie eicctrio suo-ways ia me iimu of Columbia. The matter went over without action. Monday next was fixed npoii as tho day for tho delivery oi eulogies upon tno late Dpeaier wrii-i. custom house bill for tho erection of a new custom house at New York at a cost not exceeding five million donors. They are stall hammering at tho Pacifio railroad matter. As to tho lines be tween Venezuela ana Briusn ouinea, it was referred to the committee on ior elgn affuirs. Turpie (Dem.), of In diana, continued nis onslaught on tho Nicaragua canal bill. Tho legislative appropriation bill was passed. ThcbsdaT An unsuccessful attempt ,was mado by Mr. Hill, baoked by Mr. Chandler, to cave oiu cousiucipu uu passed fixing tho teim of all postmas ters at four years. Mr. Halo, (Bep.) of Maine, objected ftnd tho bill was not taken up. Turpie beean his third day'e argument against tno iioa raugau canal bill. Mr. Morgan, (Dem.) of Alabama, wanted a day sot for tno final vote, but objeotion was mado by Turpie and Vilas, iinally, vote of yeas and nays showed a bsonoo of a quorum, so me cbuhw ujuiuiu Priday. . . Friday. Tho recognition cf Cuba was brought up by Mr. Turpie (Dem ), of Indiana, saying ho would call up Cameron's resolution Monday and ad dress tho Senate on tho suDjeot. ino arbitration treaty was alsousseci m some length, but was cnauy aeoiarea out of order, ond the , matter" was dropped. The Kicaraguan bill was taken up again. , , Saturday. The Senate devotod it self to tho business of clearing tho cal endar of pension billa and of other bills to which no objeotion was offered. Oi tho former all were passed without single exception. There were 10401 them ana it reqired only. 83 minutes to dispose of them. Of tho latter class of bills ther6 were some 00 passed. Among the above appropriations was a bill to build a lighthouse at the fitch of the Capo Fear river near Wilmmgtari. J. C.tooost $7,000; 8100,000 additional for the publio building at Norfolk, Va. Mo.fDAT. in tne BenaTO a oia pru jtrlinir flint no nerflnn shall be tried in a United tetotes court fox aots in aid of the Bepublio of Cuba, was introduoed bv Mr. Chandler, and was referred to 7. - ... . . ' - - J a1 the Judiciary committee; ira wu, m pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Turnis. Demoorat. of Indiana, address ed the tienato to prove that the primary and iiararrioiint power to reoojrniZO ft new State is vested, not in tho Presi dent of tho United States, but in Con ovflRs. under that clause of the Consti tution which declares that Congress shall have power to regulate commerce that is, according to Mr. Turpie, inter course with foreign States. Ho spoke for two hours aud a half and had not concluded when the hour fixed for eulogies on ex-Speaker Crisp, of Georgia, arrived. ine emogioB m ex-Speaker Crisp wero delivered by Senators Gordon, Democrat, of Geor- fia; Gallinger, Bepublioan, of New ork; Gorman, Demoorat, of Mary land; Berry, Demoorat, of Arkansas; Mills, Democrat, of Texas; Carter, Be publican, of Montana; Daniel, Demo crat, of Virginia, and Bacon, Demo crat, of Georgia. What is 1 Castorla la Dr. Bamuol Pitcher's prescription for Inffents and Children. It contains neither Onhutt; Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It la Pleasant. Its guaranteo ia thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomitlnjr Sour Curd. cureB Dianhoca and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thf stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural kop. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. I Castorlft. Castoria. " Castoria la an excellent medicine tat chil dren. Mother have repeatedly told woliu good Offset opoa their children.' Lowell, Mm. - Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day it not Ut distant when mothers will consider tht real Interest of their children, and use Castorla Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them ta premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kinchblob, ' Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." . . . H A. AacoEB, M. D., Ill So. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. V, "Our pbvaiclans In the children's depart.' ment have spoken highly of their expert, ence In their outslda pmctlco with Castoria and although we only have amous am medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castorla has woo us to look with favor upon 1L" Umtdd HoarrtAX am rjisrairsAar, Boston. Nnia Aixm a Bmttb, Pres. Tha Contour Company Conway, Ajk. 77 Murray Street, Now York City. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. 1. A. Slocum, M. C, tho Great Chemist and Scientist, will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption aud All Lung Troubles. Olympian Cameo Will Be Repeated, TUe Greek government will Introduce In the Legislative Assembly during the coming session ft bill providing for the holding of Olympic games in at Kta dlon every four years. If this bill be comes a law it will assure the repetl tlon of the games wbicb so many were Interested In th'.i vear. M. O. Avaroff. the wealthy Greek merchant, wno In part restored the Etadlon for the games this year, has written to the Crown Prince of Greece, offrfriusr 8 C00.000 drachmae (about fOOO.000) t wards Its reconstruction in marble. The rostmuster General te baking r.se of a special appropriation made at tht last session of Congress to experi ment with rural free p.tal delivery la representative localities In twenty-two States. The experiment has been be Kuri In certain counties In Maine, Mas sachusetts, New lork and West Vlr glula, and will be extended aa rapidly as the arrangements can be made. The object Is to determine the approximate cost of ruch service, and Its effect, tf any, upon postal rec'jta. In ono of our courts a bill for divorce was Clcd In due form; the case was call ed for bearing an hour later; the decree ii f divorce followed a hearing lasting but half an hour. "Essy divorces make uneasy homes, and whatever disturbs the peace and order cf the borne Is a distinct menace to the welfare of tho republic. This Is a land of liberty, put liberty docs not mean " ,'. i IIOTJSE. TursoAT. The House spent the whole of tho day's sossion in oommittee of the whole considering private pen sion bills. 1' avoranio action was fatten upon fifty-two of them, one being tho Senate bill to increase to 8100 a month the pension of Major General Julius H. fctahl. Wsdnssdat. Tb6 House taken up the contented election case of Jacob Yost vs. H. Et. George Tucker, from the tenth district ot Virginia for tho possession of a seat in the k iftv-fourth Congross, and a majority of tno oom mittee was in favor of Tucker. A partial agreement of the conferees on the army appropriation bill was reported aud agreed to, tho iiouse insisting upon further disagreement to tho Senate amendments stiil in dispute. Lills were passed authorizing the eoneti notion of bridges across the Cum berland and Tcnnesaeo rivers in Ken tucky; ftuthorizing tho Secretary of War to errant certilicates showing tho service of telegraphers in t Aewarfor the union. Thursday Today after membere of the House, inoluding fifty-three He publicans, had voted in accordance with the recommendation of tho ma jority of tha committee on elections that Mr. Tucker was entitled to retain his seat as a member of tho fifty-fourth Congress from tho tenth Virginia dis trict, which was oonte&ted by Mr. Yost, (Hep.) two hours wero spent in making the vote effective ftnd finally settling tho matter. Fbidat. Today was private bill day in the House, aud tho only work of publio interest done was tho passing of the Texas judicial district bills over tho veto. Monday. Tho House beean business by passing, on motion of Mr. Bayers, Lomocrat, of Texas, tho Senate bill to provide for an examination and survey of a water route from the mouth of the jetties, at Galveston, Tex., through tho ship canal and up liuffaio Eayou to tho citv of Houston. The House committee on'foreigri affaire ordered favorably re ported tho resolution requesting the BecretAry of Btato to give tho House the nropent statns of tho treaty by which tha TJnitjd States and Great Kritain are restricted from buildinsr or maintaining war vessels of tho great lakes. Following this action, tho Houe disposed of a lot of miscellaneous busi ness, and toward tho close of tho ses sion, took np tho consideration of the Indian bill. Johnson, Republican, of Indiaiift, gave to tho House at length his views upon tho necessity for a revision of the currency and banking lawt Nothing could be fairer, moTO phi lanthropic or carry more Joy to the af flicted, than the offer of T. A. Slouum, M. O., of No York City. Confident that ha has disoovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all oonditions of wasting, aud CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY R'T. Job Gill, Kooelvor. CON DENSE D8 C H EOULE. In Effect December 20th, 180S. HOBTU ItOCHD. No. 9. Dally. Leave Wilmington 1 0 a. in. Arrive Fayottovlllo Louve Fayi'ttevtliu Leave Fuyetioviilu Junction 11 il Leave BanforJ 1 00 p. m. Leao Climax " Ariive Greensboro M Leave Greensboro 85 Leave Btokesdalo Leave Walnut Cove J" Lenve Rural Hull. 6 28 Arrive lit. Airy B o0 SOUTH SOUKD. No. 1. Dally. Leave Mt. Airy.. Leave Kurul Hall ,, Leave Walnut Oovo J jjeavu BioKUBuiuo -- - Arrive Greensboro JJ Loave Greensboro.. Leave Climax L'uve Bauford Arrive Fayettov'Uo Junction Arrive Fay ewe vine . w. ,. fcnnwr.. hawill Leavo Fayettevllle. . io iu . --- --- " Aiv, WllinluBton Vftthcr Walt a year, my won, and you m.T fi very different on tconn , dently)-I'YO tested my lore for Mls 1 tiiceins thorousuiy. ana suow n cnu- t,. Khn. I ve played golf with her. I -. t attn want her for my w'fe. I puu I Hananbold 3K:d ........ .. . iu iu... e 4 " i . rrfVa send free, thrse bottles to any reader of tho Eikin Times who may uo eui feriog. Already thie "new ecientiflo coursa cf medicine" has permaneutly ourod thousand" of apparently hopeless casea. The Doctor considers it his religious duty a duty which be owes to human ity to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the dreaded con sumption to be a curable disease be yond any doubt, and has on file in bis American and European laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefited and cared in all parte of the world. Don't delay nntil it la too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, meinsspeedy and certain dentn. Aauress a. a., dio- cum, M. C, 08 Pido street, flew Xora, and when writing the Doot? r, give ex press and postodoe ftddress.'aod please mention reading thie article la the Eikin Times. BO VI XPBRIKNOI. TRAOt MARKS, DCOIONS COPVRIOHTB 0. Anyona ssfldlrif a rkmteh ind dwcrlptlon may quicxIt aprtln, free, whether an Invaation W BrobAblT patantable. Commonlcatlons strictly ooDBdautlaU Oldest aenej forsecurlni patenU in America. Wi hire a VtasUlngtpn oftica. Patents taken through-Uunn ft Co. reooirs Spoeial DOtlca In tlia SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, intifallT lllntrtel, lnrest clrOTlsUon of an. aoiaiitlflo 5"urnal, weekly, Unns H.i a jearj il.lsix months, specimen copies and HAfl MUNN A CO., . S61 Urendwny. New Varlc. ELKIN Mfg, CO HIGH CRATE COTTON TiRXS, WiBTS, TWIYES, KXiTTlXQ COTTON ) 40, ELKIN. M. O. TAKM INTO TDC fAUH-Y Alwrnoo Gotrox Mrs. Jonei. I lov rmr liier im.oieil f 1 have an ample foiome, a ciiy resi U-nco on Kiver (Ida Lrive. a country pli at I.en ix. eicara yacht, a rating suble, a raocn ou at a Widow- Jones fflnttered, but hippy) fay nn more, ilr. Go roi wt are yours uke us and b Iwof-. , KOBTB BOOsD. 13 16 p. m. ...lata ...8 55 ... 4 13 " ...418 " ... 4 83 " ...743 No. 4. Daily. Leare Bonnettavllie. Arrive Maxton Lavo Maxton T. ....... fliul HnrlnfTH.. i eave Ijiimner riuK 830 040 9 60 .10 IB a. in. Leave Ho do Mills. Arrive inyoimviuu SOUTH BUVflU, .not ..11 19 No. 8. Dally. ... 4 23 p. m. ... 4 49 ' ... 8 3d M ... 638 " ... 601 " ... 617 ... 7ii3 - " Lenve Fayettevllle Leave Hone Mills Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Ked BprinG Arrive Maxton Leave ilaxloa .... Arnvo Kunnottsvllle r... (Daily Except buoday.) No. Id, Mired. Leare Ramseur Leave Climax rrx Arrlvo Griitnbore Leave Orucnsboro Leave Bioltef-tlule ' .. Arrive Madbon " SOUTH Ulinu. Leave Madison " P-, Leave Blokendulo f H Ar:ive Greensboro u Leave Greensboro 8 io h Leave Climax Arrlvo llainseur oUO JtOUTB ookd coimsciiojis ot Fayettevllle with Atlautic Coust L no for all points Nortb ond East, at Bauford with tlie Seaboard AlrLlue. at Greeusboro with the Southern Hallway Company, at Walnut Love with the Nortolk fc Weelern BaUruaa tut Winston-Salem. SOCTB aOOSD COSKECTtOKS at Walnut Cove with tb Nodolk W arnRailroaJ lor Boanokeaud points Norta !ud W5? at Gneooburo with tie Southern Ilallwav Company for Baleigb, Lioiimond and all points north and east; at tayeiievu a S..Vi.i.Hn n, act Line tor ail polnta Bouthjat Maxton with the Seaboard Air L.ne lor Cuarlotie, auu r- and southwest. 77 , J. W. Fox, o-"-Gaa'l Manager. The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY latSVBU. ft ftOMTKlVS. Puhltihara, 1. P. Cauwcix, Kditet arOMCBtTTION TRJCB. AH.T vaaxLV Oaaaavn t Mom. ns (I 1 TfcST, Months MM W 00. ll.Nk 11 CO .K . JS. PnttTetegraphlseervtos.iie large eorye UtrespeadenM. Best sdrenUlnf taadlura betveea wasbtnr on, b C . and AUatita, O. A. Adarewi, OBHiaVKR, RI.O'TBl. W 9 Wanted-An Idea Wntm JOHN TVfcDiiEhatftN CO . Patent Attfi Wbo eui thin tbl&sT to PAlesnt? thy rniiT brinf you Wfrnttn. Shut; UN CO , Patent Aft Sort. WaWhinTton, U. U . Ir inrir pt.a. F' v- tiUii tit iwt WoOrvd U.rnUMta wtva-

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