It Firs 10 Giv - THE PEOTLE Rj an invitation, to trade with too. . The best way to invite thorn is to ad verting ia TUB TIMES, bi225 unit i I i m II ( J I r 1 If it ii iwr 11 :n- Commercial Printing v i Letto Heads, . BilJ Heads, Note Heads, (Statements,- Buaiacwi Cards, Envelopes, etc., Executed Neatly and Promptly. ; VOL. V. WALTER B, SELL, ELKIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FfcBllUAttY 18, 1807. HUSSARS & ROM FubliBhers- NO. 18. Bills General, Local, But All of Some Importance. ARBITRATION TREATY INDORSED North Carolina Railroad Directors 'Protest and Demand an Investlga tloD"Swlnson Ousted. 1 SENATE. U TyIonda v. (Senate met at 4 p. m. .Among the bills and resolutions intro duced were: McCasky To repeal all laws allow in grace ou notes and drafts. Clark To regulate the transports i, n of bicycles. Graut A resolution in favor the ar nitration treaty now pending in tho United Btates Henate. Under burixhi tjori of the rules it was taken up aud adopted. Uutier (by reqnest) A memoriu from the President of the North Caro Una . Railroad and the directors, cm rbatically denying the truth of the statement of Air. HofTnion in his lette to Governor ltusscll in regard to the lease of the North Carolina Bailroad It requested that a joint committoe be appointed with ixwer to summon wit uesses to investigate the whole matter, A joint resolution to appoint such com Biittee was adopted. Bill to require Beats to be provided for female clerks was tabled Bill passed for the better protection of the traveling public from baggage smashers and other emtilovees: to ure vent public drunkenness; (this applies only to Buncombe, Transylvania and Henderson counties.) - At tho night session the bill providing vtiat ttie fare on railroads be, nrst class 2 cents per mile: second class. H cents, J : i auu uvirvuiiuiu low I H La uu irtugui A came np. A substitute Was offered jPn motiqn of Mr. Sniathers, the whole inatter was referred to the committee on corporations. Bills passed: To amend the Code re luting to chattel mortgages by provid ing for sale after 10 davs' no. ice. (This ... only applies to perishable goods and live stock.); to allow au agent to make tale of land under mortgage but not to make a deed; to allow disabled (. on federates on the pension list to own land or anything in value of $000; to prohibit timber and other obstructions ia Yadkin rivor; to incorporate the Levy JrJauK oi Kutnenorciton. The bill to prohibit the sale of spir ltuous liquors wit bin aw feet of any ennrcft in tne Stale was tabled. Tuesdat. Senate met at 12 o'clock Among the hew bills were: Walker To improve the public schools of Si on u Carolina. Person To prevent the hiring of con victs in competition with free labor also to pension all ex-slaves who did service in the Confederacy. ' Earnhardt To regulate the fees of students and registers of deeds in this State; also to regulate the practice i 3 ! V . . , 1 ft M vi medicine in norm i.aronna. Scales -To incorporate the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of the do main of Aortn (Jarolma, Patterson To appoint a cotton weigher for the town of Lauriuburg - Clark arose to a question of personal - privilege thatof the statement made by ' Bwinson, enrolling clerk, to the news paper correspondents and bo moved that a committee of three be appointed by the President to investigate the chaices made bv Swinson. Adonted. and Clark, McCarthy, and Parker, of Alamance, were appointed as the com mittee, the said charges being that $1,500" had been paid out during the nrst 81) days of tne .Legislature, when (W wonld have been sufficient to pay for me worn done, the cause of the expen diture of so much money being that he Had had forced on him more clerks than he needed, and if the work had been done outside, as heretofore, $1,41)4 would have been saved. Not content with this, the officers and the General Assembly were trying to force Uku nun two additional (negro) clerks. Last night (Monday) the House passed m bill to abolish the office of enrolling nora. l his was none to oust Kwuisou - because he would not appoint two no- gro clerks at an additional expense to me rime. Pcpolution asking the treasurer to furnish information as to whether tho penitentiary is self suporting; adopted. A bill was introduced to give certain dead bodies to medical colleges, but V leges, . after some deb ate it went over to Wed nesday. Wkdsehpat. Sena-'e met at 12 o'clock. Parker, of Randolph, pre sented petition front citizens of High Point asking that the present lease of the North Carolina Bailroad be not in-,.-trfcied with; Clark, from citizens of 'MLittleton, against a dispensary. Clark, for the committee appointed to investigate the statements made by A. L. Swinson, enrolling clerk, sent forward his report. After the report was read Parker, of Alamance, on mo tion, referred the matter to the same committee with instructions to employ a competent stenographer, and that af the evidence bo taken and reported to the Senate Thursday. Among the bills and resolutions in troduced werer Butler Bill to revise ami improve the public school system of North Car olina, and on motion of Butler 500 copies were ordered printed. Ashburn Bill to regulate the sale of fertilizers. Bay Bill to protect creditors aud inaoccnt persons where property is mortgaged in other States. Clark Resolution that the. special committee (Swinson committee) be vested with power to summons wit nesses and employ such assistance aa is necessary. Adopted. Clark A bill for a dispensary for the town of Littleton. Hardison Bill to provide for the treatment and enre of mebriats. Bill for too procuring and distribution of dead bodies, for the advancement of medical science was re-committed to the committee to draft a new bill on ac count of so many amendments being offered. A petition was read from the North Carolina Teachers' Association asking for a reformatory forjyouthful crimi nals. Thvbbdav Senate met at 11 o'clock. There were several bills and resolutions introduced, . but were mostly of a local nature. Among the third reading bills were: To prevent the fishing with ucts ia Albemarle sound and streams Emptying therein; to amend chapter 159, laws of 181)5, so as to add the coun ty of Cumberland to the Eastern crimi hhI circuit. This . bill creates a new cflice of Judge, and the bill gives the 1 Governor the power to appoint until the next election, when a judgo for the said court shall be elected. Resolution to advance the cause of good roads that a committee be ap pointed to visit Charlotte and examine the roads around said city and the coun ty of Mecklenburg. Adopted. The committee will leave Ilaleigb Friday night and examinine the roads the next day (Saturdav). , At the night session the bill to pro hibit tba use of free passes of suite oui ccrs passed second readings. The bill to oust Bwinson as enrolling elork passed second and third read ing. Friday. Senate met at 11 o'clock, Alexander introduced a resolution en dorsintr the Woman's Exposition at Charlotte. Anions the bills on third reading were: To authorize Richmond county to issue bonds to pay ontstand inc debts: to incorporate the Winston Salem Southbound Railroad; to levy special tax for working public roads in (iuilford county; bill to change the Department of Agriculture and the A. and M. Colleee. The free pass and fare bills were made special orders. Butler's bill to amend chapter 820, Acts of 1881, to provide for the general supervision of railroad, steamboat, ex press, telegraph and telephone compa nies doing business in the btate, was made a special order for the ICth. The bill to license foreign corpora tions, companies or associations was passed over. The Senate met in night session at 8 o'clock. The calendar was taken up. Bill passed to facilitate the trial of civil actions, providing that no persons shall play or engage in any inter-collegiate or other football game in which such violence is used or required from the nature of the game as to endanger life, limb or health, was tabled. Bills passed requiring the registration of the names of partners, providing that firms hav ing silent partners shall let their names be known; giving Yadkin two weeks sprins term of court instead of one week; resolutions for the encourage ment of fairs. Hyman introduced a bill to provide for woman suffrage iu North Carolina. Saturday. Senate met at 11 o'clock. Among the bills were: Ray Bill relating to Rocky Mount Agriculture and Mechanical Associa tion. Hyat A bill to provide an addi tional term of court for McDowell county. Shaw A bill to establish a normal school in Robeson county. Person To protect the lives of pris oners or accused persons. The following bills passed second and third readings: To aruond chapter 93 Private Laws of 181)3, relating to con victs; to amend chapter 127, Laws 18!). concerning tho payment of scrip, checks, etc Bills that passed their third reading: To incorporate Roanoko Rapids Com pany, Halifax county; to stiroulte taxes in the rural districts; to authorize Richmond county to issue bonds to pay indebedtness; to amend the charter of the Ashcboro and Montgomery Rail road Company. HOUSE. Monday. House met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were : Cox To require owners of personal property to list at its full value. itawis Xo amend the landlord ana tenant act, chap. 40, the Code, by strik ing out in line 2 of sec. 1754 the words "or oral. Suttc- of Cumberland To declare bicycles to be baggage (accompanied by a ctition signed by hundreds of bicyclists). 1'urgason to raako it a misdemeanor to trive or sell intoxicating linuors to an habitual drunkard. Several bills passed to allow several counties of the State to extend the time of holding court, to levy special tax, to amend the stock law, etc. Cox, by leave, introduced a resolu tion that all private pension bills be re tained and acted on so as to be incor porated in an omnibus bin. it was adopted. Sutton s bill empowering the Gover nor in extraordinary cases to convene siecial courts for the trial of capital cases and to also convene the Supreme Court to hear cases, was taken up. It was so amended as to provide that the courts shall be convened only at the re quest of the sheriff and the chairman of the county commissioners of the count v in which such court is to be convened. The bill then passed as amended. Bill passed incorporating tho Bank of Brevard (on motion of bchulken an amendment was adopted making the charter DO years.) iiill to amend lhe code rerardini? pauper suits was tabled. Ihe bill reardinc the eivmcr of cuar- dians' and administrators' bonds in se curity companies, allowing them to iu- clude in their charges against elates expenses amounting to not over one- half of I percent, for the giving of such bonds passed. By leave. Grubbs introduced a bill to enlarge the jurisdiction of magis trates. At the night session a resolution. introduced by Hancock to Abolish the office of enrolling clerk and oust Swin son, came up and caused a hot debate between Populists and RepulJicans, the Democrats stood hands off. The resolution was adopted and Swinson was ousted. Rcsolut on requesting the North Carolina Senators to secure a ratifica tion of the treaty of arbitration was adopted. By leave. I'arker introduced a bill to prevent minorsfrom entering bar rooms and billiard rooms. Tuesday. House met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were: White To repeal the act of 1885 to es tablish true meridian in the various counties of the State for the correct re tracing of surveys. Eddina To require deeds in trust and mortgages to be cancelled of record within ten days after tbey have been r.Md- . .... Currie lo extend tue corporate lim its of Maxton. Leak To revise the charter of Mor- ven. Dockery To amend the law regard ing of analyses of fertilizers. ihe bill to make it indictable to in terrupt a public speaker cSme tip and caused a lively debate, an,d after several amendments was offered the bill passed to a third reading. The caleddar was then taken up and among the bills passed were: Altering times of holding Superior Courts in Mecklenburg, Gaston and Stanly counties, making those in Meck lenburg seed id Monday after first Mon day in Marcu, fourth Monday after first Monday in September (each two weeks) ; sixth Monday before first Monday ia March and thirteenth Monday after first Monday in March (each one week.) The resolution placing in the hands of the Governor $1,000 to be applied to the erection of a statue of Geo. Peabody in Statuary Hall at Washington was in definitely postponed. Wednesday. House met at 10 o'clock. Among the new bills were: Hartness To provido that in case of suit for damages brought against a person resident of another State, who bus property in this State, it can ho at tached where there is unliquidated damages. McUrary To create a short form of agricultural lions in North Cnioliun, al lowing tho creditor to soil enough of the property at puBlio auction, after 20 days notice, to recover the debt and in terest. Lusk To amend tho act of 1895 es tablishing a criminal circuit to be com posed of the counties of Buncombe. Madison, Haywood and Henderson, by striking out the -word "criminal;" that the judge in addition to his present ju risdiction, shall have also as to all civil actions aud special pleadings and all civil business originating or pending in any of these counties concurrent equal jurisdiction, power and authority with the Superior Court judges; that there shall be two extra terms of Buncombe court, of two weeks each, beginning on the third Monday in June and the first Monday in October, these to be civil terms and to be presided over by the circuit judge as provided in this bill; that in compliance with request of com missioners'of any of those counties to hold a special term, the judge to re ceive $50t) more annually. Lusk To restore the rules of evi dence in the making of sales of real es tate for taxes as they were prior to 1888. Cook made a report for the special committee on the bill regarding the lease of the North Carolina Railroad, offering a substitute for the original bill, asltiup that it be adopted for tho bill; asking that it be printed, and that it be made the special order for v.exi Friday. Blackburn protested that this was too short a time. It was stated that the House would be light Friday, owing to the absence of committees. Cook then moved that tho bill be made the special order for noon next Tues day. It was so ordered, The bill of Hancock to place the At lantic and North Carolina Railroad in the hands of the Governor psssed the House after considerable dobate pro and con. Grumpier introduced a bill to revise the public school system. Several other bills were introduced bv leave, as follows: iMcurary io create a school district on ine uue ueiweeu jjuviubuu uuu Randolph. Lvle To provide for workinar nublic roads by taxation. Thcbsday. House met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were: Currie To extend the time for the organization of the Lumber River Rail road Company; to extend the time for me organization oi tue uuok ui uuiu berton ; Allen To incorporate Worth ville, Randolph county. The "fellow-servants" bill introduced by Hartness passed second and third readings. It gives any employe of a railroad the right to sue for damages and prevents any waiver' of such right to damages. Bill passed prohibiting bird hunting in Mecklenburg, Carteret, Beaufort, Rockingham, Union and Haywood with owners' consent, the penalty be ing $5; to allow ex-Sheriff Grant, of Davidson, to collect arrears of taxes. Senate bill to allow pensions to per sons who bold over $500 in property was referred to the pension committee. Bills passed to incorporate tho Levy Bank, of Rutherfordton; to permit fisn to be caught in any manner in Colum bus county. Lake Waecamaw excepted. The bill appropriating $5,000 to "North Carolina on Wheels" was ordered printed. I.t was formality ro ported. At the night session the Senate reso lution to investigate charges of fraud in the matter of the last lease of the North Carolina Railroad came up. Blackburn moved to table and attacked the resolu tion, but withdrew bis motion and the resolution was referred to tho Secial committee on tho lease of the road. The resolution requesting tho com mittee .appointed to investigate the charges of bribery in the senatorial contest to reort by February 13, came up, but it was shown that the rcort could not be made on that date, so tho resolution then passed aud the date was Hied as the 16th for the report. Friday House met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills and resolutions were: Pearson Creating a commission com posed of Governor Russell Julian S. Carr and W. A. Hoke to procure a suit able design, with all necessary specifi cations, for a monument in Raleigh, upon a site. chosen, in memory of Z. B. Vance? that the commission may co operate with the Vance Memorial Asso ciation; that a report be made to the next legislature; that $1,000 be appro priated for necessary expenses. Eddins To extent the time for the organization of the North Carolina Slate Company, iu Stanly comity. Aiken To reduce the tonnage tax on fertilizers to 20 cents per ton. Ward To reduce the salaries and fees of all public officers, save those fixed by law, 25 per rent Harris of Hyde To provide for the taking of depositions, etc, in' the con tests for seats in the legislature, and that no member shall voto -until the matter as to title to seat is decided. McBryde To provide that iu . all cases of the mariage of women under 21 the marriage shall have the same force and effect in law as if the woman so marrying were 21 years of age. Crewe, contestee, from Granville, re tains his seat in the House. Bill passed to protect fish m Nense river, aud the House took up the reimrt of the committee on insaue asylums, made by Sutton, of Cumberland, the reiiort leing attached to a bill to pro vide for the maintenance of the three asylums. The report says that at Mor ganton cottages are needed, but they are not recommenped just now; that there are 26 criminal insaue; a depart ment for the criminal insane is recorti mended at the lienitentiaj. v; it is reo- oinmended that Durham and Robeson ho transferred to the Raleigh asylum; for the Moriranton asylum $100,000 ia recommended: for the Raleigh asylum1 8(18,450, and 840,000 for the purchase of 100 acres of land; that $43,000 be al lowed the Goldsboro asylum and 81,250 for purchase of $100 acres of land and i,!00 for eleclrio light pluut; that at each asylum a person be gived polied power to arrest tramps or persons Who violate the rules. The bill coders thesd recommendations. , At tho niirht session the bill to rei quiro the vaccinatica of all children over two years old was tabled; the bill 10 pui uio election oi muuij pu.y Biciuu in the hands of the commissioners Dossed: the auti-foot ball lull was ta bled: a bill passed making it unlawful to remove any minerals from the lands of another Without tho permission' of the owner; resolutiou instructing the Senators and Representatives in Con press to endeavor to secure the repeal of the civil service law; a bill to incor porate the Coleman Mfg. Company at Concord and to employ colored lubor passed. Saturday. House met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were: Morton To tax cigarettes 15 cents a package. James To protect deer and turkeys iu Pcuder. Ward To declare ordoined minis ters and justices of the peace public officers. McBride To amend the charter of Lumberton. The bill to provide forond promote tho oyster industry of the Slate passed second and third readings. Jones, Miller, Maxwell, Byrd, Leh man, Winibish, Spruill , aud Carroll were appointed and confirmed as assist ant enrolling clerks. Bills passed: To repeal chapter 207, acts 18!)5, so far aa Pender is concerned; this being the act allowing a county to vote a tax of 20 cents on the SlOO for public schools; providing that ill all ac tions brought by hcirs-nt-law or minor children defendants in action to plead inv defence which miyht have been pleaded by on executor, or in other words, to plead the statute of limita tion in case an executor or administra tor failed to make that pica for them; to allow Sunday trains to carry express matter of all kinds; to allow all justices of tho peace, notaries, clerks of Supe rior and Inferior Courts power to take aud certify acknowledgement of all grantors and the private examination of married womon (Onslowand Iredell ex cepted! ; creating a new township in Mc Dowell; to givo the judge of the West ern Criminal Circuit Court the same power as a civil judge and striking out the word "criminal" in tho designation of said court and allowing the judge to hold special terms, at $100 each. By leave, Sutton Bill to protect pub lic water supplies by requiring all com panies selling water to take precautions to protect the supply from contamina tion and that in cases whore the supply comes from small lakes or Btreams not over fifteen miles long, a sanitary in spection shall be made weekly or of tener if the board of heal th'ad vises, failures to do this being punishable by $25 fine. LIST OP NEW IjAWS Made by the Law-Maker at Raleigh, Up to February 10th. Up to February 10th the following bills were enrolled and ratified, and are now laws: lo allow Edeecombo to levy a speciul tax: to amendthe charter of the W adosboro Cotton JUiIl; to in corporate Robbiusville, Graham county; to incorporate flamlot, liichmom county; to allow Cherokee to issue bonds; to allow McDowell to levy special tax; to allow Richmond county to levy a special tax; to allow Mont gomery to levy a special tax; to allow Wautnuga to levy a niieciai t:ix; to re peal act of 18fi5 establishing dividing line between Alamance aud Chatham and let tho people vote on that (uiestion; to extend time of hold ing February term of Guilford court; to protect iron bridges in Macon county; to make land grants valid even when not registered iu newly formed counties; resolution to raise a commit tee to look into reduction of salaries; to remove obstructions in Big Dutch creek, Cabarrus county; to establish a new township in Surry; to give Mc Dowell a county treasurer; to amend the charter of the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance Company; to require orsons fishing with nets and seines to pay $2,500 for licenses; resolution to raise a joint committee to investigate charges of bribery in the Senatorial contest; to repeal act nf 1805 relating to assignments; resolution to adjourn iu memory of R. E. Lee; to allow ti e Cashie and Chowan Lumber and Rail road Company to hold 100,000 acres of land; to allow ex-Sheriff ieaarue, of Swain to collect arrears of tuxes; for the relief of Clerk Watson, of Craven Superior ' Court; to relieve ex-Tax Collector Elmore, of iiryson uuy; resoiutma look ing to reduction of salaries; to repeal act regarding ranging of stock in Gra ham county; to abolish extra term of Washington Superior Court; to incor liorate town of Milbauka, Wilson coun ty; for the relief of ex-Sheriff Woods, of Yancey; to extend the time for col lecting tuxes in Asheville; to extend the timo for organization of the Drummer' Deposit Bank and to change the name; to incorporate the Stone Mountain Railroad Company; to fix the pay of registers of deeds for recording eleo tion returns; to amend The Code as to probate of deeds; to amend the charter of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company; to make guardians, administrators and executors who mis appropriate their funds liable to in dictment for embezzlement; to allow Robeson to levy special tax: to re lieve Treasurer D. W. Powell, of Columbus county and Lis sureties; to amen I the Bank of Gran ville; to rrend the charter of the Caro lina Mutual Fire Insurance Company. In a case In court a New York wom an alleged as one of her complaints against bcr husband that he could not be kept from washing the dishes and doing the other work about the house contrary to her wishes.. Her protests angered him to such an extent that he assaulted her, and he was put under bonds to keep the peace. From this It would appear that the New York man would make an Ideal helpmeet for a woman who devotes her time to poli tic and the uplifting of the masses. - ! frlFTV-FOt'KTlI CONGRESS. The rrocceiiingt Briefly Told From Pay to Day SENATE, v Monday. The session cf the Senate was practically Ilffld behind Closed doors, the question under cbSsldflratiou being the Anglo-American arbitration treaty. The bill creating a new judicial rtlijtrict in Texas was taken up and con sideredj bttt tha matter went over for further consideration.- In accordance with his notice, Sbsrtaan moved an ex ecutive session a few minutes after 1 6'clOck, at tho conclusion of the morn ing business and the doors were closed for the consideration of the arbitration treaty with Great Britad. At this junc tion there was an endless d(ibt on the line of holding closed or opened doora on the matter of public debate which finally resulted in an overwhelming Vote to not hold open session for debate on the subject, and theconsideiation of the treoty was tiicn begnn and lasted until 5:25 p. m. Ti'khoax. Senate spent most of the day wrestling with the arbitration treaty behind closed doors. There was considerable- discussion about tho publicity of the work of the session being reported in the newspapers when everything was donn behind closed doors. It was hoped that the talkative Senators would cease giving away the executive secrets. The timber culture law was called np and passed. A joint resolution was offered and re ferred looking to the payment of some $17,000 to employes of the government printing office for the leave of absence which they have not had since 1887. Wednesday. Before the Senate left its chamber to participate with tho House in the election of President and Vice-President, Tillman's bill ' 'ampli fying and classifying" the existing law as to right of the authorities to seize intoxicating liquors brought intj the State. Tillman explained his bill, but there was great opposition to it from all sides. After the Senate returned to its chamber the Nicaraguan canal bill came up as the unfinished business and Morgan (Dem.), of Alabama, withdrew it, giving notice, however, that he would introduce it at the extra session, and would pass it to a vote. The bank ruptcy bill came up, but went over Vl... ...!.,.. Tl, ..,,, It. ,,! propriation bill was taken up aud pass ed after a lively discussion, iu which Vest (Dem.), of Missouri, held up to ridicule the Sooretary of Agriculture. Thursday 1 he Senate passed the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, carrvinir an asarecate of $l,i)5,it08, after some caustic remarks by Morgan on on item of $10,000 for a minister plenopotentiary to the States of Nica ragua, L'osta ifica and fsaivador. An agreement was reached to have the vote on the conference report on the immi gration bill taken Wednesday. At 1 o'clock the Sonate went into executive session ou the arbitration treaty and continued to sit with closed doors until 4:45 p. m. Friday. The open session of the Senate only lasted an hour, and in that time a joint resolution to have the West Point cadets in the inaugural parade was provided for by the passage of the joint resolution appropriating $5", 000 for that purpose. Ihe ricaraugu(n canal project was brought up agafn toy a joint resolution, Morgan, (Dem.) of Ten nessee, announcing his purpose ef ad dressing the Senate upon it. Hill offered a resolution in behalf of Sylves ter Soovel, tho American newspaper correspondent recently arrested in Cuba. After the open session the doors were closed and the consideration of tho arbitration treaty was resumed in exec utive session. Saturday. The Senate without question or a moments consideration passed a joint resolntkm to bavea naval Vessel placed at the disposal of the Sru Francisco chamber of commerce to transport wheat and corn contributed by California, Oregon and other States for the relief of the panic-stricken poor of India. Instead of a naval vessel, the Secretary of the Navy may charter a suitable American steamship. The necessary appropriation is provided. Morgau endeavored to address the Senate for the abrogation of the Clay-tou-BuIwer treaty, but the chairman of tho committee on foreign relations, Sherman, however, insisted on a mo tion to proceed to executive business, and a majority of the Senate sided with him. And so, at 13.20, the Senate ro snmed business behind closed doors in the consideration of the arbitration treaty. HOUSE. Monday. The copy of tho returns of the votes of the several States for Pres idential electors, which the law directs shall be sent to the Speaker, were laid before the House and will remain on the table until the official canvass of the vote is roado on Wednesday. Talbert, Democrat, of South Carolina, endeavored to get before the House a concurrent resolution of the Legisla ture of his State favoring Cuban recog nition, but objection was made to its reading and printing it in the Record. Mr. Talbert was compelled to content himself with a reference of the resolu tion to the committee on foreign affairs. Tuesday. The house passed two pension bills over the Presidents veto. They wore for the bonelit of widows of soldiers who had re-married and lost their second husbands.. After a brief debate the conference report on the im migration bill was agreed to by a vote of 217 to 37. This makes the third distinct proposition on that subject that the-House has passed. Under the call of committees the bill imposing a pen alty for the unauthorized or misleading use of the word "copyright" was pas sed. Wednesday. The House joined wito the Senate in witnessing the count of the electoral vote for President and Vice-President of the United States, for the term beginning March 4, 1897, thereby declaring McKinley and Ho bo rt elected. Prior to the assembling of the joint convention the fortification and postofne appropriation bills were reiorted and placed on the calendar. There is an increase in the allowance for free delivery service and also for letter carriers id new free delivery offices Thursday. The House hr.d a thxeb- hours' spat over a bill allowing Arizona to sell some gold bonds. The placing of a semi-colon in the place of a comma was thi cause; -but finally the serai- colon was stricken out aud a comma put in, and the bill passed. Bartlntt (Dem.), of Georgia, presented the nnanimons report of elections commit tee No 1, uion the contest of Thos. E. Vatson vs. J. C. Black, from the Tenth mmmm lirrr''-'" What is r Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infontsr and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays; feverishness'. Castoria prevents vomiting1 Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria rclieva teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural hmep. Cus toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. " Cutorla li an excellent medicine fbr chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children.' Dk. O. C. Osgood, l Lowell, Mom. "Castoria 1 the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mother! will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which ar destroying their loved ones, by forcine opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby tending them to premature graves." Da. J. P. Kinchblob, Conway, Ark. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." R. A. Aucnum, M. D III 8o. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. V. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have amoi.g out madical supplies what Is known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it," Uhitbd Hospital aud Dprmsarv, i Uostou, Mas. Allek C. Smith, Yr. The Centatur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. district of Georgia, in favor of Black CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY R'T. Johm Gill, Hocoivor. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect February 7th, 1807. KOHTII JIOUNU. j No. 2. Itallyi Leavo Wilmington 7 60 a. tu. Arrive Fayettevillo 1100 Leave Fayettovllle 11 21 " : Leave I'syettoville Junction 1127 " ' f Leave Knuford 1 CO p. m. Leavo Climax 2 65 " Arrive Greensboro 3 25 " Leave Grocnsboro 3 35 " ' Leave Htokesdalo 4 23 " Leavo Walnut Cove 4 55 " Leave liurnl Hall 5 26 " Arrive Mr. Airv 6 50 " No. 1. Dally. Leave Mt. Airy 8 40 a. i. Leave Hural Hall 10 04 l Leave Walnut Cove 10 82 " Leave Btokesilnlo 11 07 " Arrive Groonsboro ,.1155 " Leave Greanuboro 12 15 p. m. Leave Climax 12 43 ' Leave San ford 2 55 " . Arrive Fayettovll Junction .... 4 12 " Arrive Fayettevillo 4 1H " Leave Fayettovlllo ; ... 4 35 " Arrive Wilmington 7 45 " NORTH BOUND. No. 4. Dally. Leave Dennottsville 8 20 a. tn. Arrive Maxton 9 25 " Leavo Maxtou 9 33 " Leavo Bed Hprlngs 10 02 " Leavo Hope Mills 10 47 ' Arrivo Ftiyetteville 1103 " HODTH BOtlND. No. 3. Daily. Leavo Fayettnville 4 28 p. ra. Leave Hope Mills 4 49 " Leave Ited Springs 5 38 " Arrivo Maxton C 09 " Leave Maxton 617 " Arrive Bennettsville 7 20 ' KOBTH BOUND. '(Daily .Except Sunday.) '-- - -.Ho. 16, Mixed. Leave Itamseur 6 15 a.m. Leave Climax 835 Arrlve Greensboro 9 20 " Leave Greensboro 9 85 " Leave Htokesdalo 1107 " Arrive Madison 1165 " SOUTH HOUND. (Dully Except Sunday.) No. 15, Mixed. Leave Madison 12 80 p. m. Leave Stokemlale 1 28 " Arrive Greensboro J 40 " Leave Groonsboro 8 25 " Leave Climax 4 20 " Arrive Itamseur 6 05 " tMuals. NORTH BOIWD CONNXOTIONS at Fnyettevllle with Atlantic Coast Linn for all point North and East, at Bad ford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with lha Southern Hallway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk k Westorn Itallroad for Winston-Salem. BOCTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Walnut Covs with the Norfolk A West ern Itallroad for Roanoke and points North and West, at areensboro with the Sonthera ltnilwny Company for Italeigb, Richmond and all points north and enM; at Fayattevilla with the Atlantic Ccnxt Line for ail point South; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Ltn for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and southwest W. E. KYLE, J. W. Hi Y, Gon'l rasa. Agent Gon'l Manager. and stilted that lie would call it ''. at k the first opportunity. 1 ho bill making appropriations (a total of ijfi),2.")H,lli."i) for fortifications for the year ending June .'10, 1808, was confridered and passed. The postoflioo appropriations bill was taken up in committee of the whole, and discussed for tin hour without ac tion. Fiiiday. The Houso passed the post office appropriation bill, with all the amendments save one. Uromwell, (Rep.), of Ohio, made an unsuccessful attempt to cut off the item of JlOrt.OOO for spoeial mail facilities between lios ton and New Orleans tbe Southern fast mail. Talbert, (Dem.), of South Carolina, offered an amendment increas ing from $50,000 to $100,000 the item for experimental and free delivery, but it was defeated by a vote of 29 to 102. Batcbpat. The sundry civil appro priation bill was before the House for general dobate. It was used as a basis For an attack by the Democrats on the vast appropriations made by this Con gress, which Sayers and Dockery Esti mated would aggregate $1,045,000,000. The latter paid a high tribute to Speak er Reed and acquitted him of all respon sibility for the large appropriations. The relative merits of tho MoKinley and Wilson bills as revenue producers were attacked and defended, the income tax decision and Justice Shiras' change of position came in for a share of atten ucb and Dearmond, of Missouri, con cluded ll'e day with a brilliant plea for struggling' Cuba. Something More. "So Claude has given up courting that Jones girl? Was It anything less than a Gatllng.guu that discouraged him?" "It was a parrot." Detroit Free Prese. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Slocum, M. O., tho Great Chemist and Scientist, will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more phi' lanthropio or carry more joy to tho af flicted, than the offer of T. A. SJooum, M. O., of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable enre for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, concral decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great meiits known, he will send free, three bottles to any reader of the Elkin Times who may be suf fering. Already this "new acientifio course of medicine" has permanently cored thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious doty a duty which he owes to human ity to donate his infallible cure. He has proved tho dreaded con sumption to be a curable disease be yond any doubt, and ha on file in his American and European laboratories testimonials of oxperionoe from those benefited and cured in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A. Slo cum, M. C, 08 Pine street, New Ycik, and when writing the Doctor, give ex press and poetoffico address, and please mention reading this article in the Elkin Times. Vanted-An Idea Who can think thtofi to iMtfnir Protect rwr ldi: lhr may bring ym WfAlth. Writ JOHN WKiDnKm'ftN CO . Patn Atl-or- iwtl Mblnrun, b C . frr their $1 - pntm uflar The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY PJjjrvMAftTioifrKms, Publish. t. P. Cai.dwbix, K4tVX VBICmiPTION PHICBL ab.t Oaauij, iJitonlh nun Qisiiia, li Yer, Month 9B09 K03. II M. not Fall TiUgTsphk aerrtc. yo& larg eorps BorwpoodMlta. Bost-advartlsinf SMdtam ttea wasting too, n. O , and Atlaaria, O. A. Addrrrj, OBSERVER, CBtHlOTTC. W ELKIN Mfg, CO, BIGE GRADE COTTON YiLN'S, WARTS, mm, KX1TTLV8 conex; 4C, ELKIN, H.C.

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