It r ays t o Give THE PEOPLE . an invitation to trade with 70a. The best way to Invite thomis to 4 vertis in TJTE TIMES. MM P 0 mil h ' I til 1 1 li 1 1 'I i 1 Commercial Printing Letto Heads, Eill Heads,- Note Head. Statements, Bwriness Card, Envelopes, j Exeonted Neatly and Promptly. iVVWffOTW?P'g5?'i7'7!;i5c!i7VW9OT7S?iH VOL. V. WALISH 2. SELL, Editor. ELKIN, N, 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1897. EUSSAUD & &.0TH. hm- NO. 20. linn i ii-iis. Bills General, Local, But All of Some Importance. THE LEASE ANNULLMENT Of the North Carolina Railroad Fait by Vote of 20 to 24 Tax Rate Fixed. SENATE. "MoyDT. Eonate mot at 19 o'clock. There were a large hatch ot &ew bills and resolutions introduced, but all were of a loool nature, principally. Amcns tho bills paosod were: Yo inrorporate the town of Clyde, in SIaywrod county; to provide for Worfc sua tho public roade of Halifax county; tdita1)lidh. a system for working the rmblio roads of Vance oounty, to author ize Madison to levy a speoial tax; to levy a sjiecial tax in sohooi district No. 1. in Wake Forest township; to allow (Ireensboro to issue bonds: to allow Jirunswick oounty to levy a speoial tax; to provide for printing tha laws of 18'JiT; to allow Duplin fcnnty to levy & social tax; to allow Kaon Oounty to levy a Bpecial tax: to kUow Anson oounty to levy a special tar., paised second reading; for working jmblio roads of Chatham, passed; to empower the city of Charlotte to ac quire real estate, eta, to better regu late tho water supply, passed seoond uud third seadings;to incorporate the 1 jiunk of Erevard, in Transylvania coun ty, passed seoond and thud readings; to provide for the exchange of circuit criminal oonrts and to employ stenog raphers, passed seoond and third read ings. iy leave Mayo introduced a bill for the relief of women and children in cot ton mills. Tuesday! Senate met at 10 o'olock. Among tho new measures were: Person, a bill for the protection of employes. Lyon, a bill to amend chap ter 18tl, private laws of 1891, relating to publio roads. UUey, a bill to provide ; for the 'additional equipment, repairs, ' and eupporj tf the University of North Carolina ad tho Normal and Industrial School. This carries an appropriation cf 8.3,000 for the University and $12,300 toe Normal and Industrial School. xiills and resolutions were disposed of as follows: To ainond and consolidate the acts incorporating the town of Mor vin, in Anson county. To amend the charter of the town of Forest City, in tntberford county. Passed seoond leading. To amend the charter A the town of Soutbren Tines. Passed second reading. To encour age horticulture and. to aid in the Horticultural department. Passed second and third readings. For pro curing and distributing the bodies of dead human beings for the promotion of medical Bcienee. Sfr. Abel offered amendment: "l'hat this bill shall not apply to those who die in the Home for the Aged and Infirm." Amendment adopted. On third reading Mr. Ray demanded the roll call, which was ins ttiined. The bill passed, ayes 80, noes 12. To provide for the additional equip ment, repairs and support of the Uni versity of North Carolina. Carries an apjirouriation 0f 85,000 annually be sides, what is now appropriated. At water was opposod to appropriating the additional &,KK), and on seoond reading demanded the roll call, which was sustained. The bill passed second and third readings. The vote on seo ond reading was ayes 80, noea 10. To provide for the additional equip ment, repairs and support of tho Nor ma and Industrial bcbool. This bill carries an appropriation annually of $12, MX) additional to that already ap propriated. This will be a total of ffW.OUO. the same that the University of North Carolina geta. 'I he bill passed eecond and thud readings without a dissenting rote. To "incorporate the colored grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias of North Carolina. Passed 6econd and third readings. To incorporate the town of liedmond, in Madision oounty. Passed second reading. The President of the Senate appoint ed the following as a committee on election of trustees of the University of North Carolina: Messrs. Rollins, liuru soy, rihaw, Uatler, Scales and An thony. . To change the name of the Criminal Circuit Conrt of Buncombe, Madison, JJavwood and Henderson counties to "lircnit Court" The bill allows the judge to practice law also. Passed apo end reading. To amend section 24W), of The Code, renting to the restoration of citizenship, l'assod eecond and third readings. At the afternoon cession bills passed to protect the birds in Kandolpn and Davidson; to amend the act to incor porate the Atlantic A North Carolina Railroad and the North Carolina & Western PaiLroad. Wednesday. Senate met at 13 i o'clock. Among the large batch of lo , eal bills introduced were: To promote the interest of public schools in North Carolina; Mo.-e, (by request) to require . license to carry concealed weapons. Among the new bills: To amend! c.uapter iv, Laws oi itw, re'atuig to the improvement of pnblie rords; to ex tend the time to compromise, commute and settle the State debt, strikes out J8-i2and inserts 18.W; to embrace Mc Dowell county in the Criminal Circuit Court; to prohibit the working of fe males on the streets and made of Vance connty and town of Render on; for the relief of the Croetau Normal School in Robeson connty; to amend the charter of Selma, Johnson connty, allowing the town to tax druggist for selling li quors. At the afternoon session the follow ing were among the new bills that passed: To abolish the Circuit Criminal Court of Eobeson: to embrace McDow ell county in the Western Criminal Cir cuit. The bin to regulate the sale of animal food, making it a misdemeanor for any one to sell any fowl, cattle or wine that bas died from sickness or were sic k when killed, was tab ed. The present law makes it indictable in the Superior Court to se I any animal food that in unfit for food. By Ieava ereon introduced a bill to Mist in the maintenance of Jigford Sanitarium, for the treatment cf negro consumptives. . Thtt.sdat. Senate met at 11 o'clock. Among the bills that passed were: To amend the act incorporating the town f Morvin. in Anson county; to amend the charter of the town of Forest City in Rutherford county; to incorporate the town of . Kedrond in Medisws connty; to allow Madieoa Bounty to issue bonds and levy a special tax; to amend the charter of Southern Pines; to allow Transylvania connty to levy a speoial tax, passed eecond reading; to aid In the construction of the Winston Salem Southbound railroad; to protect Creditors and innocent purchasers of personal propertV'YAortgaged in other States, to reguM o appointment of cotton weJersTirVe city of Ealeigb j authorize tho AW-lor to draw war rants on the Statu Treasurer for 85 extra for each page ef the General As rerably; to incorporate Palmeraville Academy ia Stanly county; to prevent bunting on the lands in Yadkin county without permission. By leave Butler introduced oil In to protect employees, passengers, ship pers of railroads, and to elect the rail road commissioners by a vote oi the people. At the afternoon session bills panned to repeal chuptor 81, lews of 187; in so far as it applies to Anson county;. to amend Chapter 64. private laws of 1883, by striking out Thomasvillo and insort Greensboro; to amend chapter 810, private laws of 1831, by striking out ThomHsville and inserting Salisbury; to revise and improve the publio school system. "PntDAT. Senate met at 10 o'clock. Bills were i" troduced to allow women to vote in local option elections; to in corporate tho Lumber Bivor company and the town of Haly in Columbus county. Among the bills disposed of were : To allow Chatham oonnty to issue bonds and levy a special tax. To allow Transylvania county to levy a special tax. Passed. To establish a graded school for Greenville, Pitt county. Passed. To authorize the commission ers of Madison county to build a bridge over Ivey creek. To allow the town of Monroe tc issue bonds to build water-work-. Passed seoond reading. To au thorize the town of Monroe to hold an election to vote on issuing bonds. Passed second reading. The North Carolina Railroad bill be ing a special order, relative to the lease, it was taken up and Orant's substitute bill passed whereby the lease stands. The speeches were long, and when the vote was taken resulted: Yeas 20, noes 24. At the night session the following bills were passed: To fix the time of holding oourts in the fifth district; to establish the dispensary of Waxbaw; to amend the charter of the Commercial Bank of Kutherfordton; to repeal the act requiring all persons who cell seed cotton in Anson county to go before a magistrate and have it registered, so as to detect theft; to establish a dispensary for P.utherfordton; to permit the estab lishment of publio libraries; to estab lish a dispensary for Bladen county. Passed. To provide a disponsary for Littleton. To regulate fees of sheriffs aud tax collectors in Bo wan; to create publio roads in Caswell; to permit the practice of ostheopatny. Saterday. Senate met at 13 o'clook. Among the many new measnres intro duced were: Clark To provide for a code commis sion to codify the laws of North Caro lina. Anthony Bill to place Mrs. B, Lucinda lloylo, of Gaston county, on the pension roll. Earasey To amend the charter of the town of Salisbury; also to amend chapter 274 of the code; also to cheapen and hasten proceedings in court. Mitchell To regulate the pay of mechanics, laborers and other hired help. ScalesTo change the name of the Normal and Industrial School to the Normal and Industrial College. Alexander To establish the nonnal school for the oolored rooe, near Charlotte. The bill to allow free passes to State officials aud to regulate passenger rates failed to pass. Ayes 23, Noes 23, The President voted no, breaking the tie. At the afternoon session the follow ing were among the bills to pass: To authorize the town of Concord to issue bonds. To authorize Monroe to construct waterworks. The amend the charters of Mount Airy, of Winston, of Concord, and of Salisbury. For the re lief of sheriffs and tax collectors. (This is not a general law, but applies only to a few counties J To amend and re enact the law relating to the Marion & Asheville turnpike. To change the name of the Normal and Industrial School at Greensboro to "College." To incorporate the Lumber Kiver Bail road company. To regulate the sale of liquor in Cumberland aud to establish a dispensary. HOUSE. MovtiAY. The nonse met at 10 o'clock. Onlv a few bills were in tro dneed, and the following were among tbetn: Wilson To allow the people of Gas ton oonnty to vote on the removal of the conrt house frm Dallas to Castonia. Bills passed: To allow Conoord tc issue bonds upon a vote of lhe majority of the people. Resolution by (jruoh) that the House adjourn at 2 p. m. in memory of George Washington: to in corporate the town cf Betbnond, Madison county; to allow' the city of Charlotte to issue $30, Ooo in bonds to ray for water-works; to allow Bobeson county to levy an in creased tax; to forbid ex-Coutf derate soldiers' who ar inmates of vie Sol diers' Home f' n receiving pensions while therein, and giving them ttie op tion as between remaining in the Home or receiving pension: to amend ' tne road law in Ashe and to provide that Watauga' roads be kept np as they were prior to the adoption of the Mecklenburg road aw in 183S; to allow Rutherford to employ conviots on the publio roads or on the streets; to allow Caldwell county to ley special tax to pay debt; to allow Monroe to issue $30, Oiu in bonds for water-works. Among the above bills there were a large baton to allow different counties to levy speo ial tax, etc. TtnaDAY. House met at 10 o'olock. Among the new bills were: Green To establish a criminal circuit composed of Mitchell, Yancey. Mc Dowell, Ashe and Watauga counties, to nave all the jurisdiction vested in the Superior Courts so far as crimes ars concerned, the judge to be elected by the people; salary 1,600 and 300 for expenses; tho solicitor to be similarly elected and receive the usual fees. Mr. Lnk (resolution) That after March 1 no bills or resolutions be introduced. Green To submit to the popular vote at the next general election the ques tion of State aid to higher education. Mr. Nelson To preserve and protect deer in Caldwell, Yanory, Burke, Jin- PoweH arid Mitchell counties. Mr. Hancock To reduce bonds of sheriifa 6Q per Cent, of the assessed taxes. Candler To prevent destruction of fish in Buncombe, Henderson, Kntherford and 'Transylvania, allowing them to be caught with hook only. Cathcy To promote publio education, by Jiovld ing that if the eonrU fcimnl the 09-year Jaae tf the North Carolina Railroad and it bo leased for a greater sum than the present one, the excess shall be ap propriated to the State Board of Educa tion among the various bounties among iho school children, on a per car basis. Bills passed: To amend the eharter of Lexington; to amend the act creating tho Western Criminal Cirouit Court by providing that whenever the eommis eiooe) of an county in th district thell request the judge to call an extra term he shall call it and receive the compensation of a Superior court jndge from the oounty, also to provide that the Governor nmy order the judge to hold special term whenever it i, in bis judgment, necessary; to embrace McDowell oounty in the Western Crimi nal circuit; to charter the Snow Hill Railroad, with $100,000 capital. The bill to change the charter of Wil mington was defeaicd amid the most In tense excitement. The bill was Russell's own measure, and its defeat is taken as a direct slap at the Governor. A num ber of Western - Republicans voted against the bill. . The anti-gold oontraot bill was de- feateo. Uovernor nusseii seni a mes sage to the Legislature announcing thirty vacancies in the Board of Trus tees of the State University. Th Honse by a vote of 03 to 88 puta New Berne in the hands of the negroes. Wbdshsday. House mot at 10 o'olock. Among the new bills were: Ward To reduce the pay of legislators to 83 a day. Brower To allow Mt. Airy to levy special license taxes. Young-To make $4,000 appropriation (addiuonal) out of the general fund for the seven oolored State normal schools. Doekery To allow Clerk Long, of Richmond Superior Court, to be absent from his office on certain days. Currie To protect Lnmberton artesian wells. Blackburn To change the time of holding courts in the tenth distriot. Bills passed: For the relief of Z. F. Long, clerk of Richmond county; to rovide that Beaufort, Columbus and .enoir oounties '.'may" instead of "shall" publish the oonnty financial statements ; to change the conrt house from Dallas to Gaetonia; to allow the sheriff of Surry to colleot taxes before Maroh 15th; to authorize the Governor or the penitentiary direotors to have the streets around the Capitol Square paved by convict labor; to incorporate Central Institute at Columbus, Polk county; toamendthe charter of Lanrin burg fto allow Laurinburg to issue $20, 000 in bondp for water works, street improvements, ete. ; to prohibit taking of clams from the waters of Brunswick oounty between April 15th and Novem ber l&th: (resolution) that no bills be introduced on or after March 1; To amend the law regarding issues of fact in trials; to protect fish In Newbe gun creek; -Pasquotault oounty; to amend the mad law in Ashe ana Wa tauga; to incorporate the Bank of Ran dolph; to amend the charter of Mt Airy; to provide for the inspection of coal mines and the' safety of miners therein; to change the time of holding oonrts in the tenth .district; to repeal the charter of Mars Hill, Madison connty. , By leave Cook introduced a bill tore quire the constitutions of North Carolina and the United States to be read in all the publio schools. At the night session the bill to charter the Winston-Salem Southbound railroad came np, bat was laid over until Thurs day, i Bills passed: To fallow Forest City, Rutherford county, tto issue $4,000 bonds for improvements, and to levy a tax: to repeal tpe Cabarrus road law so far as it applies to townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, II, 8; 11 and 12; that provisions of chapter 143, acts of 181)8 are not to be in any way affected; to allow the people of Forsyth , to vote on the question of a special tax for a court house, not over 20 cents on 1100; to prohibit the takuig of fish in Bun combe, Rutherford, Transylvania and Henderson counties, save with hooks; to prohibit fast riding or driving across any bridges in Buncombe; to require all publio school teachers to read aloud to their pupils twioo during each ses sion the constitution of the United States and of North Carolina; to ratify the charter of the Elizabeth Oollego Company, of Charlotte; to allow the commissioners of Maxton to increase tat levy from 60 oents to $1. By leave, Person, of Wayne, intro dnoed a bill to amend chapter 81, acts of 1893, fixing the maximum schedule of charges for selling leaf tohacoo by all warehousemen in the State, as follows: "In section 1, line 4, strike out 15 and insert 6; in line 5 strike out 20 and in seat 10; in line 0 strikeout 10 and insert t, and in line 8 strike out 10 and insert 6." ( , Tbtjrsd ay. Honse met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were: Wil sonTo allow Gaetonia to vote a dona tion to Gaston county to erect a conrt house and jail at Gaetonia. Hauser 'J o provide for election of railroad commis sioners bv the people,, and give the com mission the right to. prevent the reduc tion of wages of any railroad employe whose annual wsges are less than $2, 000. the penalty being 820 for each case; and also providing that no railroad shall charge over 2) cents per mile for first class and 3 cents for seoond class fare between any two points in this State, nqdex penalty of f 100; this to apply to roads classed as "standard" by the com mission. Duffy Tp protect turpentine workers by fining apy person &( Jra adulterates spirits pf turpentine with kerosene oil (or 80 days' imprisonment, or both). Bryan To protect lant owners in Chatham,' by forbidding peo ple in stock law territory to graze stock ontie. Bills passed: To amend the chsrter of the North Carolina Dairymen's As sociation so as to allow it to offer pre miums, the State fcKgive it &00 annu ally; to amend the charter of Wilkes boro so as to allow khnnal elections on liqnor licenses to be held; to change tho time of holding Superior Courts of Cra ven ; to amend the If w regarding regis tration of citizenship, so that the iti tioner ean file his petition in the county in which he was convicted, or the on n which he resides; to amend the char ter of Mt Airy; to make it a misde meanor for any person not duly licensed to perform th marriage ceremony; the $5,000 appropriation to the Univer sity; to appropriate $3,600 additional for the State Normal and Industrial School The bill to charier tho Winston-Salem South-bonnd Railroad was taken np. McCrary's amendment to foree it to go through the town of Lexington was overwhelmingly voted down and the bill passed seoond rending. At the night eession the Hmisfl piss ed the following bills: To fix "New born" as the proper way of spelling the name of that oity; to make pvbperly verified statements of aooount prima facie evidence of its correctness; to work Union county's publio roads by taxation; to nllow Lumberton to issue bonds; to submit to the voters of Anson the question of the road tax; to allow Charlotte to issue bonds: to provide for th erection of a school building for the Nerlk CArolinrt School for Deaf and Dumb; carrying $20,000 nppropriatiorli passed second I reading and was recom mitted to the finance committee; to al low flasionia to vote a donation to Gas ton county, hot toexceed $15;)00, to aid inbuildirga court honsft and jttil; td incor;orate the trustees of St. Mary's School at Raleigh; to incorporate the Carolina, Chimney Rock & Teanessee Railroad Company to bo operared by steam or electricity from Ruthorfordton via HendorsonTillo to the Tennessee line. , , , Fbtbay. Hons met at 10 o'olock. There were only a few new bills intro duced. Among them were: To estab lish graded school at Washington: .Tames, to provide tor the purohase of the battle ground of Moore's Creek for 8200; Murphy, to amend the charter of Salisbury by allowing a speoial tax of 25 cents on the $100; KoCrary, for the relief of tne town of Lexington and Cotton Grove, in Davidson county; Green, to establish an independent school district composed of parts of Burke, Mitohell and MoDowell; Allen, to incorporate Diamond Star Lodge, L O. O. F., at Asheboro; Hancock, to create the office of prosecuting attorney for the Eastern Criminal Circuit Couri to get same pay as solicitors, to be ap pointed by the Governor and to servo lour years; Lusk, to allow county com missioners to elect an auditor, Th House went into committee of the whole on the revenue and machin ery aot. The rate of taxes was fixed as follows: Poll, $1.35; general tax, 21 2-3; pension tax? 8 1-8; schools, 20. There was a hvelv debate on the question of taxing the sale of horses and mules. Finally it was agreed to tax all persons or firms who keep either private or auction stables a tax of $25 to the State and$10 to the county. At the nicht session bills passed to in corporate the Carolina, Chimney Rock & Tennessee Failroad Company; to amend the carter of the Moore County & Western Railroad; to incorporate the North Carolina Land and Timber Com pany; to incorporate the grand lodga, Knights of Tythias; to prevent minors from entering and loafing in barrooms, bowling alleys and billiard rooms passed. The owners of such places are made guilty of a misdemeanor, with $50 penalty, if they allow minors to enter eneh places after notice from parents or guardians. The bill to incorporate the American Trust and Savings Bank at Charlotte passed. Satcbdal -House met at 10 o'clock. Among the new bills: Wilson To ex tend corporate limits of Gastonia. Chil cutt To repeal the special tax on phy sicians. To allow the State Medical Board of Examiners to grant license to physicians who have practiced ten years. Lu6k To prevent carrying con ceuled weapons by detective agencies. To adjourn sine die March Cth. Cun ninghamTo regulate fire insurance companies. White, of Randoloh To incorporate Asheboro Lodge, K. of P. Person To allow Wilson county to is sue bond3. White, of Randolph To exempt the Goldon Chain, order of Da mon and Heptasophs, from insurance tax. Lnsk To provide for election of superintendent of health by the people. Bills passed: To incorporate the Wake County Live Stock and Poultry Af bo: iition, giving it li e right to have cock fights at any place they please; this being done by a provision in the bill, which suspends the provisions of ohapter 12, vol. 2 of the Code, so as it prevents cruelty to animals: to make it discretionary with the State 7'reasiu-er as to making dnponitsiu certain banks; to require all bonkers or officers and directors of railroads and State bankiS or other cor- porations created or chartered by the Legislature to take an official oath; to make the stockholders of any bank chartered by the State individually re sponsible, equally and ratably aud not one for auothcr for all contracts, debts anil agreements of such association to the extent of the amount of their stock therein at the par valuo thereof, in ad dition to tho amount inv.osted in snch sbaro and all c: e notions in auy bank charter are repealed, and to forbid any bank from lending any one person over one tenth of its capital; to give faciory employees in Chatham and Alamance the right to cash their checks whei evur they wish. Tho supplemental Halifax connty fonce law bill was taken up and dis cussed, but finally tabled, thereby al lowing stock to riu at large. By a vote of 76 to 24 the House allows Buncombe county to vuto on fastening a dispensa ry onAsbeville. " At the afternoon session the follow ing bills passed: To provide that the collection of arrears of taxes shall cease June 2d next. T locate the line be tween this State end Tennessee To declare null aud void the bonds voted by Lexington town aud township and Cotton Grove, township, Davidson county, to the Roanoke Southern Rail road. To change the line between Hen derson and McDowell. To forbid any fire insurance companies not incorpor ated nnder the laws of this State to write policies in North Carolina save through regularly appointed and li cened agents. A heathen burying ground, with giant skeletons, was recently dng np In Mit terndort In the Austrian Salakammer gut Many of the bodies were 0 feet 7 Inches tall. They were all burled with the fet to the east, each inclosed in a circle of stones, with a stoae nnder the head. Large earrings and finser rings were found on them, and one skeleton held a knife In Us hand. No signs or Christian borial were discovered. Magistrate Do you mean to say such a phytlcal wreck a he Is gave you that black eye? Complaining Wire Sure, your honor, he wasn't a physical wreck till after be give ma the blnck rye. FIFTY-FOURTH COXGKEfeS. l'h Proceedings Brief! TuJd From Day to Day. SENATE, MdirttAT. In the Senate Washing ton s farewell address was read in the presence of a large audience by Daniel, (Dem. ) of Virginia. The prinoipnl part of the day was Obe.upibd id the consid eration of the Indian appropriation bill, lhe Lond bill, to amend the pOBtal laws, was reported baok from the poot office committee with amendments, in cluding one for one-cent letter postage. Phe bill and report were antagonized by. two Populist Senators Butler, of North Carolina, andStowart, of Nevado. TtntsDAY. The entire doy of theSen te was practically consumed in a dis cussion of an amendment in the Indian appropriation bill for the opening to settlers of the Uncompaghre Indian reservation in Utah, containing over two million acres. After considerable discussion tho amendment was modi fied, agreod to and passed. The Alaskan bonndary treaty which wos Bignod by Secretary Olney and Sir lulian Paunoefote Jan. SOtli last, was laid before th Senate in executive ncssiori. Without being read it was re- H erred to the committee on foreign re ations. The Vice-President laid be- for the Senate a report from the Secre tary of State as to the porsons claim ing to be American citizens, who were captured on board tho Competitor. Referred to tho committee on foreign relations. , WarHEStAT Tbo Senate disoussed Cuba awhile. Allen (PP ) Wanted to lend battleship without delay in a res glutiou which was objected to and laid ovor until 'lhursday. Hill and Mor gan offered another resolution on tho lame subject It is as follows in part: "That the Secretary of State be and is horeby requested to transmit to the Senate either in open or secret session, ts ho may prefer, all the correspon dence aud roports of th Consul General it Havana." Morgan proposed the release of Julio Sanguilly, an American imprisoned in Cuba in a strong resolu tion. The Indian appropriation bill was taken up and debated without any further action. THunsDAY. There was a heated de bate in the Senate on Sanguilly, the American citizen who is imprisoned in I Cuban fortress. Daniel took the lead and referred to Spain s insult to Consul Lee and to the United States. Hale and Hoar took sides in this particular case with Spain, Hale saying the Sen ators who are so ardent in Sanguilly's Cause really want war. It is also claim ed that his naturalization papers were fraudulently obtained, and that ho is not American citizen. It is now thought that the Cuban crisis is near at Laud. Ibe House bill to amend the act as to receivers of national banks was passed, and the Senate adjourned until Friday with the Understanding that the Cuban resolution will be again called up. The President sent to the Senate the following nomination: W. W. Clark, of North Carolina, to be United States disb iot judge for the eastern district of North Carolina. Fbidai. The Senate had the Indian appropriation bill before it, but that fact aid pot prevent Cuba and the Sanguilly case from being fought over oven in a more angry and excited man ner than Thursday. The Sanguilly resolution having been sent to the calendar two other resolutions as to the victims of Spanish cruelty were of fered and considerable comment pro and oo n was indulged in, some getting mad and others getting witty. Finally the Cuban question was permitted to subside and the actual consideration of the appropriation bill was resumed. Saturday. Tho Senate passed the postoffice appropriation bill, which ap propriates I$y5,8a5,3ii8. It was also de cided that a committee of two chair men of the postotfioe committees in the Senate and House, tho Postmaster General and two citizens be appointed by the President to inquire into the al leged abuses in the postal service, in cluding second-class mail matter; the extension of free delivery in the rural region, the reduction of the cost of railroad transportation, the adoption of one-cent letter postage and other like questions. A number of private bills were passed, and then Quay endeuvored to obtain unanimous consent for the consideration of a bill forbidding the sale of liquors in th capitol. During the debate of the postofhee appropria tion bill Butler, of North Carolina, and Tillman, of South Carolina, locked horns for awhile; Butler argued against the bill and Tillman defended it. The Sunday civil bill, along with other mat ters, were taken up, but wore not considered. HOUSE. Mowdat. In the House the deficien cy bill was passed. Boutelle, chairman of the naval committee, succeeded in getting np th naval appropriation bill, aud the other matters were not of much interest to the general pnblio. Tpksday The chief occupation of the bouse was to denounce the civil ser vice law. It came about by the consid eration of the bill to amend the revised statutes so as to give the governors of territories the power to remove, as well as appoint, certain territorial officer. It was participated in by a dozen mem bers, nearly all of whom condemned and criticised the civil service law. The bill that started the debate was passed. The remainder of the day' session was spent in the consideration of the naval appropriation bill, which was passed just as received from the committee on naval affairs. Wbtjnesbay. A message was re ceiued from the Psesident transmitting the report of the joint commission ap pointed nnder the agreement of the United States and Great Britain in 1832, on the fisheries of the waters eon ti"KUOU6 to the United States and Can ada. A resolution recommended by th committee on accounte, authorizing the preparation of a digest of eleotion oases decided in the Filty-third and Fifty fourth con grosses to costf 2, 600 to be pre pared by the clerks of the committee on elections, was discussed and referred to the committee on printing. The ap pearance of Wm. J. Bryan upon the floor of the Honse was the most notio ablo event cf the day's session. Thursday. By a vote cf H4 to 43, the House passed the bill of Johnson (Rep ), of Indiana, authorizing nation al banks to take cut circulation to the j par value of the bonds deposited to se cure it, an increase or iu per cent, over the limit now allowed. Conference re ports upon the agricultural appropria tion bill and upon the bill for the relief of settlers npon the Sionx reservation in South Dakota, war presented and What is Cftitorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iaflants And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for rarccorlo, Drops, Soothing Sjrops, and Castor OIL It Is rieascnt. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Costorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Costorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natnral sep. Cas torla Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. Castorla. CMtmli ! n vrelltnt modtetne for eXIl Ana. Mother have repeatedly told tot of Us good ect upon tbeir children." Dr. O. C Osoooa, Lowell, Mats. catterta Is the best remedy for children ef which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant when mothers will coniider the real Interest of their children, and use CaatorU Instead of the various quack ooatrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agenta down their throats, thereby tta'llnif than to prematura grave." DlL. I. F. KlKCHBLOS, Conway, Ark. I Aixan C bun, fm. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, N York CMy. Caitoria li to well adapted to cMldtva Uut I recommend it a superior to any prescriptkM known to me." H. A. iurai, . n ill So. Oxior St., Brooklyn, N. V, "Our physician In the eblldreu's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence la their outside practice with CaatorU and although we only have amoag Ota medical auppllea what 1 known as regular product, yet we are free to confeaa that th merit of CaatorU has won as to look with tavor upon 1L" TJkitbd BosfRAL Ajro rMrntrsAUT, Who ean think . ot tome ilnipla r thlDgtopstentr I Wanted An Tdea vmtAt vmti Mu; thv itiat bplnir vou wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEKIitJRN CO , Patent Attor nay. Wublngun, D. C . for their fl.BXI prlt oiler mmTuu t two hundred Invaniiuu wauled. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Slocum, M. C, the Groat Chemist and Scientist, will Bend Free, to tho Afili:ted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles.' Nothing eonld ba . fairer, more phi lanthropic or carry more joy to the af flicted, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C, of New York City. Confident that he has discovered n reliable core for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send free, three bottles to any reader of the Elkin Times who may be suf fering. Already this "now scientific course of medicine" has permanently eared thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Dootor considers it his religious doty -a duty which be owes to human ityto donate his infallible cure. lie ha proved the dreaded con sumption to be a curable disease be yond any doubt, and has on file in bis American and European laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefited and enrsd In all parts of the world. Don't delay until it Is too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, mems speedy and certain death. Address T. A. Slo cum, M. C, 98 Fine street, New fork, and whn writing the Dootor, give ex press and poatofGoe address, and pleaso mentiou reading this artiole in the Elkin Times. . aRTeen'to. rpeft-rfer 7od ordered Ibe reference to Mr. lirynn's visit and the Democratic cheering to bo eliminated from tho lleonrd. TLo resolution ly the commiltee on foreign aflnirs, call ing on the President for the corres pondence relating to the arreht and punishment of American ritizeus by Spanish authorities in Cuba was pre sented and agreed to. Sulzer (Dem.), of New York, offered a resolution de claring war between Spain and the Uni ted States. The measure was referred to the committee on foreign affairs. Faro at. The interpretation to be placed upon the declaration of vhe plat form of the Kepublican national con vention regarding the securing of an International bimetallic agreement was the subject of an animated, and at times exciting, debate in the House. Tho result was that only three Republican were of the opinion that their party is committed to the single gold standard. The bill paswd by a yea and nay vte of 279 to 8. Dills passed providing for arbitration of labor troubles between the management of intar-sUte ocm meroe carriers and their employers; prohibiting the imporUtion.of impure and unwholesome tea. Satubdat. The Honse, niier a five hour struggle Tafced the anti-railroad ticket scalping b il by a vote of 143 to 61. The bill only ipplies to iuterMata commerce transportation. The Indian appropriation . Ul was non-concurred in and was sent 3 conference. Among the other bills to pass ws one directing patents to issue to feltlera f.n land; in the eastern peranMila of Florida. "I wonder what that man nn wgrj at himself aboutV" said the uwwju'.to; "during the half-hour I have been Br ing around hts heed, he has done noth ing but hit himself in the Jiw every half minute or sj."Icdianapol1i Journal ELKIN Mfe CO; HIGH GRADE COTTON YARNS, WARPS, mm, KNimyo cohosh , ML BO YAM fV IXPERIENCB. ,r. - TRA0K MARKS -a niaiONO. '' OOPVRIQHTB AO. Anyone Mndlng ikteh and description mr quloilr uoertaJn, fr, whether an Invention probablr pttautaDI. Communication ittlutlr ooDfldeuttil. Oldei Minor foreeourtng patent la America. W have a Wuhtngton one. Patent taken throiwh Munn A Co. relv Vjcial actio lu th 8GIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, bnautlfullr I Ununited, largest circulation of any aolAutlflo Journal, weekly, term. Sfk 00 ayeari LtOeut mouth. Specimen ouplei and 1LLMO Book oa rATzirrs nt free. Addrus MUNN A CO., S01 Broadway, Hew irU CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RT. Jobs Giix, Reoelver. CONDENSED8CHEDU'.e. In Effect February 7th, 1897. VOBTB BOVSD. Ho. 2. Daily. Leave TrilmlnRton t Arrive rayotteville "0 " T 17..ut4AvlllA 1121 reave FRvettevlile juaetlon 11 at fLenvo Banford Luavo Climax i i.i.j.un4thrtriv . .... Ailitc wwm"w.w. ............ Q Leave Greensboro. ...... ........ 8 85 t RtkuerialA i 33 Leave Walnut Cove M 1 00 Tk nv 9 85 " 825 Leave Bural Hall. Arrive Mt Airy StfUTB lITOl Leave Mt Alrr Leave Rural Hall Lsavs Walnut Cove Leave HtoltasdAle Arrive Gruensbore I, ear Greensboro Leave Climax. fLeave Bacford Arrive Fayatwrine Junotlon , A ViivMttavlil. Leave FavettaviiU . 8 Arrive Wilmlngtoa 7 46 oara Boom. No. L Dally. Leave EnnoHavUle 8 90 a, n. Arrive Maxton 2 " Leave Maiton " Leave Hd Pprlnga 10 02 " Leave Hope Mills 10 ' Arrive iayettevtlle 1108 .. 5S8 " .. 60 " Re. L Daily. .. 6 40 a. a ..1004' " n " ..not " ..lies " is f. ta ..13 ii " ...165 " .. 1 " 418 " Vt. S. Dairy. ... 4 39 p. m. .. 4 4 " .. 6 88 - ' .. 0 " ...6 17 " ... 7S0 " Leave Fayettevllle , Leave Hope Mill Leave IVd Springs Arrive Maxton. ... Leave Maxton Arrive Bennetts villa MOTW aotrnn. (TyKxoeptBund Leave ltamsear 48 . at . Leave Climax 8S5 Arrive Grouosboro J W " Leave Greensboro t 85 " Leave Stokeedale HOT " Arrive Madison 11 M " SOVTH BOOB. (DaCy Kxoept Sunday.) 43 M sr. ah 12 SO p. Bx. 1SS S40 Sit 4 ,608 r M-a VadUnn Leave Btckesdele.. Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. Leave Climax Arrive Bamaeur.... fMeaia. oTtt BotntB eoionmoirB at Fayettevilie with Atlantio Coast Lias for all points Korth and East, at Banford wtth i toe Bn&ooara Air Line, ei ureensoora wuu j the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut cove wun tne Aonout m t oriain miuvn tor WlESton-flam. sottb aomrn eoirvicnoro at Walnut Cove ulth th Norfolk A West ern Railroad for Roanoke and point North ad West, at Greensboro with the Boothern Hallway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all poiots north and east; at Fayettevilie with the Atlantio C rust Line (or ail points bouth; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line fur Charlotte, AUiat ana all point oatv. and enuthweet. W. E. KILE, i. W. t'KY, Ges'l iaarv Agect. Oen'l UAasarea,

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