It Pam to THU rEOPLE an invitation to trado with yon. Tho bost way to invito IhinnU to ad vertise in H TUTS TIMES. mm 8 Cum menial Printing J9 K Lfltu Heads, Bill He.!. Noto Hernia, SUiWihi'liU, . ButiiuuM Carda, uvelojc, - Executed Neatly and Promptly. VOL. V. WALTER S. SELL, Editor, ELKIN, N. 0M THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1897. N881U & ROTH. Publishers. NO. 22. MEMPHIS IS MENACED. Mississippi May Cut a New Chane for Itself. BIG FLOOD ON THE RIVER. a ureak la the Levee The Tennessee City May be Left High and Dry, Storms Throughout the West. The Mississippi river t Memphis, ibursday night, registered 84.8 feet ilia danger line is 83 feet, and it is thought that the water above will run the river to 80 or 30 1-S feot, which will, bo experienced river men say, overflow Arkansas as far as Crowley's Ridge, forty wiles from Memphis. The most eerious feature of the present size of the river is the possibility of it outting out b new uea lor itself through Crittetlen county, Ark., and leaving Memphis high and dry, or at leant leaving her on a shallow lake. Should this happen the JW,OXH,Ot)0 bridge which stands across the Mississippi will end at the new Eastern bank of the river. About five miles above Memphis the Neely plan tation is partly overflowed beeause of a break in the levee. The current through the plantation is very strong and rivei mon say that unless the heavy timber along l'onr .Mile Jiayou breaks the cur rent, so that it cannot eat out a new bed for the river, that the Mississippi will change its course and run through Four Mile liryou, coming into the main : river ajrain about eight or ten miles be low and leaving a long narrow island botween Aiernphis and the river. Tho high waters have already reached a critical stage. The ferry steamer Bryan now makes daily trips to Marron, Ark., which ordinarily is three miles inland. All along the route to Marron sub- merged houses can be seen and some tock has been drowned. There has been a rise of seven-tenths of a foot since yesterday morning, the height at iuib imiiii now ueing rj. a feet, which is ' 4.7 feet above the danger line. At y lckaburg the water stonds at fe8.8 feet. a rise of live-tenths of afoot within twenty-four hours. The danger line at this point is 41 feet. Blockade Threatened. ' The greatest snowstorm of the season is still raging over the eastern portion oi Minnesota, ine weather is cold, the snow is drifting and a general Lloikfttlrt U-ill hfl tlio l-oonlt 111 t.-D,r. Under an authority of an act of the from the West are delayed. Trains on the Little r ails and iJakota line have Deen abandoned, and the cuts between ns. i am and Morris are full of snow. tumes u suspended, it is lmpossi- vio i or larmers to reach the towns with wood as the snow in the roads is be tween three and fonr feet deed. Blizzard in Dakota. A severe blizzard is reported to be raging in the Dakotas. The Milwaukee Koad had just opened its South line j i . uu now nas several freight trains Duried m drifts between Aberdeen, 8. x. , ami iuncneu. une train was de serted near Warner Station, the two locomotive rrews running through to Aberdeen. There is a probability that tua Biorin una accompanying blockade in ne up tne roads tor another week. WRECKED BY THE FLOOD. Fate of a Train on the Evansville and Terre Haute Koad Near Ilazelton, Indiana Five Lives Lost. The Louisville end Nashville train. limited, southbound from Chicago, was wrecked Thnrsday at a point one mile south of Hazelton, Indiana, and ihirty seven miles north of Evansvillo, on the tvansville and Terre Haute Koad. Five men were killed and two serious ly injured, as follows: Killed, Herbert Allen, Evansville, head janitor of the oiaienouse, caugntintbe smoking car ami arowneu; jos isoleman, of Evans ville, locomotive fireman: John Sears, of Terre Haute, conductor: two un known men. Injured, Brakeman Han sen, or evansville; J. 13. Henderson, In-nthAr of ev.Ktota tn;iA tr.,.),... Both are seriously injured, but will recover. 1 he accident was tho result of the heavy ruins in Southern Indiana since c-atuitlay. ihe damage to the road beds of the Evansville and Terre Haute and the Kvansville and Indianapolis by the recent rains and floods to date is $1,000,000. Defaulting Colored Banker. The total loss by the insolvency of the Lexington Savings Bank, Balti more, and the defalcation of " its presi dent and cashier, Everett J. Waring, colored, who disappeared last Satur day night, will be about 17,000. Of this low the defrauded depositors will bear 88,000. the stockholders $.1,000, and the bank and monev handlers, who have lent the bank money, $4,000. Waring lost 9,000 by loose and frequent speculations and the remainder is sup posed to have been carried away with him. Big Grain Fire. The Byan E!vator, Buffalo, N. Y., was burned Thursday. . It was an old structure with a capacity of about 140, 000 bushels, and contained about 0,000 bushels each of wheat and oats. The loss on the elevator is probably $50,000 and on content $10,000. Byan and Clark were the ownem. Alongside the stationary elevator was a floating eleva-' tor, also owned by Byan A Clark and Taea at pu.uw , inis too was " troyed. DOWN A SIXTY FOOT BLUFF. Heavy Rains Cause a Disastrous Wreck on the Southern, - A passenger train on the Southern railroad plunged down a bin 2" 60 feet deep at the approach to the Etowah river bridge, near Borne, G a., Satur day morning, with the engineer stick ing to his post. The Wreck canght fire and seven cars were burned. The fatally injured are: Engineer James T. I'lttman: fireman Alfred Kennedy: Express Messenger Polk Culberson; Baggage Master Win ston. All of the above live in Atlanta. John Simpson, colored, who was in the smoker was badly bruised and two other passengers whofe names are not known, slightly injured 1 be train was composed of one l ull man sleeper, day coach, sinokor. bag rra rrA aviw.c. cw ntnl Hva A... nt freight. Heavy rains caused the tres tle near the bridge to give way. A stove in the express enr set fire to the wreck aud all the cars which had gone through the trestle were burned. A freight train came along aud pulled the sleeper and a car away from the fire. James Pitman, the engineer, went down into the river, but swam out. Kennedy, the fireman, Polk, the ex press messenger, and Winston, bag gage master, were .niured, but none fatally. Pittman and Kennedy are in a hospital at Home; the others went on to Atlanta, Destructive Fire In Savannah Savannah was visited by a large fire Friday. The following is a statement of the losses and insurance: Jos. Mab- bets, 83,000; insurance. 8600 on stock. Ivler, aeent. $3,000: no insurance. K. 11. Williams, $1,!500; insuranoe Sl,- 000. Walker Bros. & Co., on building, $4,000, insurance on stock, $o,U00. O. W. Averetton stock, So00;on building. $2,000; insurance, $3,000 on pro perty., wade & Powers, $1,500; no insurance.. O. L. Lilly, $1,000, in surance on stock, $1,500. Sweat A W ilson, $300; no insurance. Harrell &Co., $3,000; insurance, $300. Miss Waters. $1,200: no insurance. J. O. Morton, $2,000; insurance, $800. Creech 4 Tbarin, on building, $2,000; lunurauvn va bhk'k, 9,uuu. misses Monger, $1,000; no insurance. Wm. Hunter, on building, $2,000; insurance on stock, $3,000. J. W. Hopson, on building, $160; insuranoe on stock, $3,000. Grover& Co., $2,000; no in surance. L. 8. Price, $1,500; insur ance, $1,000. Several other losses of smaller amounts partially insured. Important Extension. It is announced tbat'negotiations look ing to the extension of the Mobile and Ohio railroad to Montgomery, Ala , have been successfully completed by the sale "of $4,000,000 live per cent bonds of the Mobile Bailroad Company, having fifty years to run. Terminal grounds and facilities granted by the city of Montgomery bave been secured at that point and at Tuscaloosa. Mississippi's Great Height. The latest news received from Mem phis says the Mississippi river there now registers a higher stage of water than ever known. Disasters attending this condition have begun, two Arkan sas towns across from the city being submerged, and the inhabitants driven to safer places. '1 hese are Marion and West Memphis. The former ia under from three to four feet of water due to a break of its protection levee. BUS IT BECAME LIS. List of Measures Enrolled and Ratified, A NUMBER OFAPPR0PRIATI0NS. Counties Permitted to Levy Special Taxes Towns and Companies In corporatcd -Other Laws. From February 1 27th to March Cth, both inclusive, the following bills were enrolled and ratified and are now laws: To amend chapter 134, acts of 1883, as to Ashe and Watauga: to pro hibit working of women on roads and streets of Vance; to establish two new townships in Surry; to incorporate Hodges School, in Davie; to incorpor ate the town of Bedmon;to appropriate $3,000 additional to the University; to appropriate $12,500 additional to Ihe State Normal and Industrial College; to allow Charlotte to issue $350,000 in bonds for water-works; to repeal chan ter 87, publio laws of 1808, chapter 80!), private laws of 1871-'2, and chapter 103, private laws of 1898; to allow Jackson county to levy special tax; to-incorpor ate the Qrand Lodge, Knights of Pythias; to allow Washington county to levy a speoial tax to build bridce: to amena chapter 84 of the Code; to estab lish dispensary for Bladen: to establish graded schools at Hickory; to create publio roads in Caswell; to allow Madi son to build a bridge across Ivy creek; to amend chapter 04, private laws of 1888; to amend chapter 810. private laws of 1801 ; to amend charter of Mor- ven; to regulate the proourinsr and dis tribution of dead bodies for dissection: to allow Transylvania county to levy a Failure In Cincinnati. jriermann urocKman nas been ap pointed receiver of the Consolidated Building and Saving Company, of Cin cinnati, O. The liabilities are $230,000 and assets $175,000. It affects almost all the employes of the Consolidated btreet Bailway as well as others. It was incorporated in 1883 with a capital biock oi $uuu,uuu. Rise In the t'hottahooche. The Cbattahooche River is on a biir boom at Columbus, Oa., and the Eagle and I'bcBnix Mills, employing 4,000 ha-ds, have shut down on account of high water. The rise measures 27 feet a few inches below biffh water mark and still rising. If the rains do not cease all bridges will be in danger. A New Georgia Colony. Deals bave been closed for the pur' chase of about 4,000 acres of tbe best farm lands in middlo Georgia, located about ten miles from Antrusta. for the organization of a colony. A town site ill be surveyed and the nrnruirtv uiviueu up mio sinaii iarras, principally iur me culture oi lruii. Mr. Carlisle's Trip South. Hon. John G. Carlisle, Mr. Cleve and's Secretary of the Treasury, ar rived, in Lynchburg. Va.. Tuoedv ... ' J night on the rlorida special, from Washington, and after remaining there for two or three hours, left on the Washington limited for Greensboro. Sensation la Court. A sensation occurred in court at Gads den, Ala. Ihe case of Danforth k Armstrong, against the -Tennessee A An Embezzler Sentenced. At Boston, Mass., Allison Z. Mason, convicted of embezzling the funds of the Globe Investment Company, of which company he was president, was sentenced to Mate prison for a nerind of not less than five or more than eight years. Jaa. D. Cowan Dead. James V. Cowan, of the firm of Cowan, McClungACo., of Knoxville, Tenn., died Saturday. Mr. Cowan had been a merchant there for more than SO years. men. Miners Strike. The miners employed in the Eichol beger, Hicks, Sweet and Reed bitu minous coal mines at Dudley. Bedford i-oosa itailroad for money due on con-' county, i a., nave gone oat on a strike tracts. $150,0110, has been in court sev-! because of a reduction in the price ol ernl years, and carried to the supreme yardage. The strike affects about 40C court four times. Fach time the ver-i diet has crept np. The railroad attor neys moved to dismiss the case, alleg-1 ing a conspiracy between the plaintiffs . aid Dr. Baker.- it is the general im pression that there is a conspiracy in town to corrupt justice in the othei rases. An official investigation will be made and other aensations pay follow, J Kentcky'a Senator. W. Godfrey Hunter was selected by the Republican caucus for United States Senator on the firot ballot. It is said Mark Hanna's influence brought about the early result special tax; to incorporate the town of Dudley; to establish a publio road svs tern in Vance; to allow Craven county to build bridges across Nease ana Trent riTjovo- . agricultural hen ;to incorporate the town of Whittier; to amend Ihe t ode in re gard to restoration to citizenship; to al low unsiow to use si e.ial taxes for gen eral purposes; to locate line between North Carolina ard Tennessee: to amend the charter of Kitti e 1 Colored Normal School: to reneal the charter of the town of Kuffin; to establish a die pensary at Waxhaw; to incorporate the North Corouna Land and Timber Com pany ; to incorporate the American Trust and savings Bank ; to allow Monroe to . sue water works bonds: to allow eradu ates of the Asheville Normal and Col legiate Institute for Young Women to teach in the public schools without ex am nation; to allow Perquimans county k itovjr a Bpeuiai tax; k incorporate tne unuea Brothers' and Misters' Associa tion; for the relief of ex-Sheriff MoArtan, of Harnett; to regu late the bond of register of deeds of Edgecombe; to fix term of olding Superior Courts in the fifth dis trict; to increase and regulate revenue; to amena laws relative to Craven Su perior Courts: to amend aud re-enact chapter 810, private laws of 1883, and chapter 818, private laws of 1835; to in corporate trustees of St. Mary's Sohool. Kaleigh; to increase the powers pf the railroad commission; to exempt certain fraternal benevolent orders from tax; to amend sections 677 and 701 of chap ter 16 of Ihe Coae; to incorporate the auxiliary board of health of Edgecombe; to amend the charter of Winsm; to al low the people of Concord to vote on bond issue; to allow Secretary of State to furnish Superior Courts to Johnston county; to provide for new buildings at Deaf-Mute School at Morganton; to amend the charter of Concord; to incor porate the Dennis Simmons Company and enlarge its charter; to incorporate tbe Bank of Enfield and enlarge its charter; to amend the charter of Dur ham and allow it to issue bonds; to amend the charter of Mt. Airy to regulate the oourts of the tenth district; to allow Cumberland county to refund its outstanding debt; to provide for new buildings for the Deaf-Mute and Blind Institution; to extend the stock law limits in Wayne; to amend chapter 428, publio laws of 18i).j ; to amend the law of 18J5 regard ing a turnpike in Henderson county; to legalize sio.oou in bonds, issued by Elizabeth City and levy tax to pay them; to allow Haywood and Jackson to levy a special road tax; to incorpo rate Hovereign Camp of Woodmen of the World; to incorporate the Toxaway company; allow the clerk of Bladen to be absent Mondays; to incorporate the Supreme Ruling of the Fraternal Myptio Circle; to amend the charter of Elizabeth City; to allow Beaufort to levy a special tax; to incorporate the Carolina, Chimney Rock & Tennesseee Bailroad: to rerwa! chantar 181 : laws of 1895; to provide for working puouo roaas in xvan; to incorporate WimerviHe. Pitt county: forth relief of Clerk Z. . Long, of Riohmond; to amend the law as to cotton-we ghers in . 1 . . . 1. . r . nusuouiuut, wj give vue iusionists con trol of the penitentiary; to allow Madi aon to issue bonds and levy a special tax; to - pave streets aronnd Capitol Square; to regulate the collection of taxes in Durham county, to work roads in Cherokee; to incorpo rate the Harnett Central Railroad: to incorporate the Mulberry Turnpike incorporate the A sheville Electrio Com pany; to improve roads in Union by taxation; to allow Wilkes to levy a special tax; to inborpor-i the Yadkin t.iver i ower Co npany; va incorporate the tank of Ra ulolph- to amend the charter of W ilin ngton so that Govern or appoints aide man from each ward; to amend the charter of Newbern in same way as Wilmington; to amend the charter of Bocky iV ount; to estab lish dispensary in t umberland conntv; to require all bankers or officers of rH l ectors of railroads. State banks and all other corporations created or cuar red bv the Lwi-dsture to tdkfl nn of flcial onth: to in 'orporaM the Hoe Fire Company, of Greenville: to buiU publio road from Gambill's school houss to Virginia line; to establish a graded school at Washington; to amend chap, ter m, publio laws of I8l)5; to make Su perior Court olerk of Robeson ex-oflloia clerk of Criminal Court; to amend Dur ham's oharter; to incorporate tho Win ston-Salem South Bound Railroad, re quiring State to furnish surveyors and 2.(0 conviots; to provide a police justice ior Asuevuie; for the relief of Clerk Pace, of the Henderson Superior Court; to levy speciul sohool tax in Wake For est township, Wake county; to incor porate Durham's publio library; to drain lowlands of Carter's creek, Davie coun ty; to amend chapter 267, private lawi of USUI; to allow Halifax county to levy special tax; to amend chapter 152, acts of 18 J3; to amend seotion 1355 of Ihe Code: to prohibit takinir of clams for market in Brunswick betweon April lotn ana JNovember l&th; to allow the State to refund $300 to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians; to regulate the manufacture and sale of liquor in Haywood; to incorporate Whit sett Institute; to allow Sampson to borrow money, issue bonds and levy a speoial tax ; to create a separate board of trustees for the white Agricultural and Mechanical College; to incorporate the Raleigh Library; to incorporate nyatt Academy, at Boonville; to amend the charter of Lexington; to allow t ra ven to levy a special tax; to complete publio road from Creton to Mills Hiver; to let Ashe county vote on issue of road improvement bonds; to incor porate trustees of the First Pres bvterv of the A. K. PrAshvtnrinn Church; to provide for working publio roads of Halifax; to charter the Nation al Protective Association; to prevent the introduction of the San Jose fruit scale and other dangerous fruit and crop pests; to proteot partridges in Chatham: to establish crraded schools in Chapel Hill; to incorporate the Lumber rtiver Bailroad: to amend the oharter of the town of Hub; asking Congress to reuuua arsenal at layetteville; to allow Randolph to sell county bonds; for the relief of E. O. Vestol, of Chatham; to except Polk county from chapter 427, publio laws of 18 Jo; to- allow lialeierh's school committee to issue $10,000 in bonds; to incorporate Bethel Hill Institute, Person county; to pay James I. Moore $300; to allow Forest City to issue bonds; to repeal chapter 8j8, public, laws of 1835, so far as relates to Transylvania; tn except Onslow and fender from the new oy6ter law; to give the colored orphan asylum at Ox lord $1,000 additional; to amend tbe .barter of Forest City; to amend sec tions 2812. 2813 and 314 of The Code; to revise and improve the publio school nystem of the state; to regulate road working in Tyvrell; to allow Forsyth to issue bonds upon petition; to incorpor ate Hominy Valley institute; to allow Sampson to work convicts on public roads; to extend time for organization of the Bank of Lumoertcn; to provide for representation of this State at the lennessee Exposition this year; for the relief of the sheriffs and tax collec tors (allowing collection of am a s of taxes) ; to reduoe fees for impounding stock in Buncombe, Madison, Wilkes, Tyrrell, Surry, Haywood, Vance, Davie, Cumberland and Halifax; to establish graded school at Haysville; to incor porate the Atlantic development Com pany; to repeal chapter 418, acts of .Hill ; to repeal seotion 1738 and amend section 1739 of the Code; to repeal seo tion 5, chapter 13), acts of 1896; to reg ulate the keeping of stock in Tyrrell county; to allow the State Treasurer to pay out appropriations quarterly or semi-annually; to incorporate the High lauds Turnpike Company; to amend the charter of Newborn, in regard to spelling of name; to amend chapter 171, acts of lo72-'8;to prevent damming Eeaver creek, Jones county; to repeal chapter 12, public acts of 189-; to clear the channel of Haw river, in tfockinghaui; to provide a disiensary for Louisburg township; to amend the charter of Southern Fines: to incfjTpor ate the Chatham, Moore and Harnett tiank, at rauford; to plac the insane asylums at Goldsboro, Kaleigh and Morganton in the bands o tn fusion lata. BILLS BECOME LAWS. List of the Measures Passed From February 22nd to 26th. Frflnl February 33 to February 26, both inclusive, th following acts have been ratified and arc now laws I Directing the State Library trustees to distribute tbe Colonial and State Records; to provide for working Macon county's publio roadd by taxation; to incorporate the town of Roanoke Rap ids: to stimulate local taxation for com mon schools in the rural districts (by use of Astl.000 of board of education fund); to restore to the control of the btate of JNorth t arolina the Atlantic a North Carolina Railroad: to define dn ties of local boards of State colored normal schools; to amend the charter of the town of Springhope; to reduce rates of pilotage for Cape Fear river and bar; to allow Rutherford county to levy a siiecial tax; to give deputy clerks of the Superior Court power to probate deeds and conveyances; to provide cotton-weighers for Wades boro, Morven and Lilesville; to iu-o-vido for convict labor on Rutherford's roads; to protect all fish in Banner Elk river. Wawipa county; to allow ex press matter to be carried on Sunday trains; to extend tho time for settle ment of Slate aud county taxes in Bun combe for 189tf-'97; for the relief of late Treasurer O. A. Durant, of Urnnswick counqr; to provide for and promote the oyster inausiry in me eiaie; vo pro scribe the liabilities of railroads in certain cases; to amend the charter of Clyde, Haywood county; to allow Brunswick county to levy a special tax; to allow Yancey to levy a special tax; to allow JNash to levy a special tax to pay debt; to levy a special road tax in Guilford; to incorporate the James Baker Lumber Comnanv: to incorpor ate the town of Oak Ridge, Guilford county; to allow Alleghany to levy a special tax; to allow Mitchell to levy a special tax; to provide for the print ing of the laws of 181)7: to allow ( as well to levy a speoial tax; to allow Cumberland to fund its debt: to amend the charter of the Atlantic North Carolina Railroad and the North Carolina A Western Railroad; to in oorporate the Pank of Brevard; to in corporate Elizabeth I emale College, at Charlotte; to establish graded schools at Monroe; to incorporate Mt. Moriah Male and Female Academy; to pro- to incorporate the grand lodge oi Knights of Pythias (colored); to in corporate the Stone Mountain Railroad to give the judge of the Western Civ- out, Criminal Court civil power; to prohibit the use of Dutch or pound nets and fish traps in Neuse river; to allow Anson to levy a special tax; to establish a stock law in part of White Oak town ship, lilauen oounty; to amend the charter of !-!elma; to extend the time to compromise, commute and settle the State debt; to amend the oharter of the Southern Trust and Guarantee com pany; to allow the people of Chatham to vote on the road tax question; to amend the act relative to Littleton's publio schools; to appoint trustees ol the Presbyterian Church at Louisburg; to place MoDowell county in the Western Criminal Cinnit; to prohibit nunt:ng on any lanas in xaamn save fL . , --juimJjjj. by consent of owner: to allow the I Wanton An Irion grandchildren of certain ex-slaves to ,a,,l" M" luc inherit and become distributers of their 3 What is m Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infbnts And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Fancjrorlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It Is Plcascnt. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thr stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural ep. Cas toria ts the Children's Fanaoeathe Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria U an excellent medietas for chil dren. Mothers hvt repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children.' Dr. O. C. Osoooo, Lowell, Mast. "Castoria Is the leat remedy for children ef which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and ute Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da- J. F. KlMCHBLOB, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Castoria la so well adapted to child rem thai I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." B. A. Aamaei, it. D., Ill 60. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. T. " Our physicians In the children's depaie, ment have spoken highly of their expect ence In their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have auocg out medical supplies what Is known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won as to look with favor upon it." United Hospital aitb OurBmuBT, Bostoa, Mass, Allev c 6ifrra, Put. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. The Charlotte Observer DAILY & WEEKLY 0ALBWHA a Tbtom rears, Publishers. t. P. CALnwau,, Editor StTMCBIFTION PRICK. ACT CVtfMVaW, ) Months tnnxyOa setavn,-) e I I Yelr. 6 Months Woo 13 09. tl.W. 11.00 S. .15. Fall Telegraphic aerrlee, Mid large corps Boreependenta, Beet advertising aiedlan) between washing Ion, a 0 , and AtlsMa, O. A. Address. OBSERVER, "mm ott. v Who ean think of some simple thing to patent? Protect Tour idea.; thoj- my bring you wealth. ror their ai.SOO Drlae oSer K i if two bundled inventions wanted- estates: to give the white deaf-mute in- neys. Mhinton, p. c stitution at rtaleigh 884,000 additional 2.' appropriation; to allow the county com- f AlTfl TTlf nWTfiM Vvlx eleot four "-eh" tUflSUMrllUrl 00 VIARS XFSRISNOsT. .1 i Mil TRAD! MARK. Diaiana, COPYRIGHTS Anrone sending a sketch end deeerlptlon etegr oulcllr ascertain, free, whether an Inventloa fa probably patentable. Communications ati-toMy eonfluenttal. Oldest atrenoT forseouiinf patents u America, fre nave m vruninevoq orcoe. -nrni uin mroujta JtuiiU m km. Speoial notloe In tbe Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago. Saturday. The lead inn fntures were as o!'jws: Wheat: Or.on. Close March r . . May 72? 78 July 70i 71 i September 68; C0 Corn: March CAN BE CURED. May. July Oats: March Mey July Septembnr. ... Mess 1'ork ; March May Fuly Lard : March. May July Kihs: March ........ May July 18 24 i 25 20 8 S3 8 70 4 23 4 33 4 CO 4 67 1f "J ISi m 21 j 2-jJ 20 j 8 50 800 8 70 4 15 4 25 4 PS 4 00 4 60 4 CI T. A. Slocum, M. C, the Great " Chemist and Scientist, will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beeattfullv illustrated, lxi-mat emulation of 8 ?L,0,entl,0 Journal, weekly, term. 11. 00 a veee-i 1.60 six months. Specimen ooplea and HAMS Book, ok Patutts sent free. Addreat MUNN A CO., 301 Braadway, Maw Yerlj. ELKIN Mfg, CQ HIGH GRADE COTTON TIMS. WISH, TWnBS, OUTlNfl COTTON. ELKIN. N. O. . A Plethora of Diamonds. "It Is no secret that the supply of dia monds is more tLan the demand at the present commercial valuo of the dia mond," said a mlnine; engineer recently returned from Klmberley, South Africa, to a Philadelphia correspondent, "and millions of cut and uncut stones are kept back in the great steel vaults of the diamond companies, which, if put on the market to-day, would flood the world with previous stones that would soon cease to be precious. "If the hoarded treasures of the South African Mining Company were Indis criminately shipped to England, Russia or the United States, the standard nrlce of the diamond per karat would de crease) NO cer renL The mnrltotlnir nf lh. company; to cnange time of holding I entire product of the diamond fields of iuiva iu mo roiouiu uiRirici; to appro-1 me woria, Brazil, Austria, South Af pnaie so.owiorcoiorert teachers' tram- rlca and India, at the present time iug scnooi, to incorporate the Carolina I would make diamonds nlmn i-h.,. it -i . , . i - --. . cuuiuem nanway ana dumber Com-1 as rhinestones. As the big syndicate mpauy: 10 amena cnarter of Wil-i Knows this, it Is acting accordingly mmgton Chamber of Commerce; to in-1 White and yellow diamonds would be corporate the Mutual Aid Bank iiio- I comfl rtftrtfriilarlv rommnn Hi m. kin. vumpaojoiewMrn; y teqnire state diamond is bound to maintain Its couvicw io won certain roaas in An- value for all time, owing to Its scarcity . . u ?-ram 1 Ureek 1JV' connty ; and eitreme beauty. That is, of course, to take anoe out of the Eastern crimi- unless some volcanic upheaval opens nal circuit; to incorporate the Williams- up hidden strata of the matrix or FitzWh T.imr-, r- j..:. m? rocK containing these almost certain low land. ln T.- .V. "ZiZ crystallized car ewauveeua J WUI1 I WfT son to finish iailrerirr'fftvrK- -.lilf D.oul" Alr.,c ln" ?utPnt r ..." . ' gumnnn mines in carrm i u.1,,,1.4 niman: to a. nw ... . . . -u.-ou. ' ....... w . 1 . .j 11 11(1 11 r 1 nr inwmDni w . n a n. the great syndicates that thA finnnlv shall not exceed the demand. Bv this the riTf of V. n k;7k .aIZ' . "ds .lne' are aDI l eil the stones er..of B h.- r r" vut: " fW'Pnca without glutting tie New York Cotton Futures. Nk-wYowc. Saturday. Cotton cloned quiet ana steaay. Liowest. Mkrch 6 l6 April 7 01 May..., 704 June 7 08 July 7 09 August 7 14 September 6 89 October 6 77 November 6 80 recember January CloRing. 0 y- 6 68 7 02 7 07 711 713 6 87 6 75 6 77 ofR. O. county to levy a speoial tax and itsue bonds: to allow Jackson conntv in hniM bridge across Tnckaseepe river; for t-mith and oth to work public roads 111 Washlno-tn munlr- j -1. .; . aiucuu cuniiier 5'. acts ol 'low Alexander to lew a Kiwial tav to build a new conrt house and jail; to improve public roads from ftnatinir Uap to Virginia line, in Alleghany: U marUPt Th nnrnr .Inr... to iwnr In Immon.a e nr. a v. .. . , lMO.t, tO , vanlln that ir. r-, . . . . ' "u "rfU.UIC. CllC B II II quantity are carefully sorted, and a perfect system prevails for keeping np the supply of each particular size and quantity without exceeding it. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Saturday Middling S 31-82. Futures Closed firm. March 8 C8 March and 4pril 8 58 April and May 8 68 v May and June Rr,i June ana jniy. g 68vaoj July and August 8 58-5. August ana September 8 56 b September and October 8 60(551 October and November 8 48(45 ovemoer ana 1 ecemoer 8 45 a December and January 8 45 January and February Carlylo and Mltlaia. One day Thomas Carlyle went with Mlllala to look at the latter' house, and, after gaslng with wonder at all iu splendors, he turned to MUlal and asked, tn bit brusque manner: "Has paint done ell tfcle, Mr. Mi;'rflr The painter laugiied. and replied: "It has." "Then," rejoined tbe dweller of the modest bouse at Cheleea, "all I bave to say ia that there are more fools In the world than I thought there were." Nothing oonld be fairer, more phi- lantbropio or carry more joy to the af- flioted. than tbe offer of T. A. Blooum, U. O., of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable cure for oonsnmptioo and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great menu known, he will send free, three bottle to any reader of the Elkin Times who may be suffering. Already this "new scientino course of medicine" has permaooutly cured thousand, of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty a duty wbieh he owes to human ityto donate his infallible cure. a has proved tbe dreaded con sumption to be a curable dineasa be yond any doubt, and ha on file in hi American and European laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefited and cared in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, meinsspeedy and certain death. Address T. A 81o onm, M. C, 98 Pioe street. New York. and when writing the Dootor, give ex press and postoniee address, and please mention reading ibis article in the Elkin Timex. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RT. Jobm Oibb, Eooeiver. CONOENSED8CHE0ULE. In Effect February 7th, 1887. HOBTH BOCMD. No. 2. Daily. t-eave WTJnnuKton 7 50 a. tn. Arrive Fayettevllle... 1100 " Leave Fayetteville , 11 21 ' Leave Fayetteville J unotioi , .... 11 37 Leave Hanford 1 P0 p. m. Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro 8 25 Leave Greensboro. Leave Btokeedale Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall Arrive Jit. Airy soma boumd. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove Leave rUokosdnle Arrive QreeDstioro Learn rennnuoro Leave Climax fLenve Bmiford Arrive Fayetteville Junotlon Arrive Fayetteville Leave Faynltevilltt Arrive Wilmington VOBTII BOCMD. .. 8 35 " ... 4 23 " ..4 55 " .. 6 26 " ..6 60 " No. 1. Daily. .... 8 40 a. m. ....10 04 M ....10 82 " ....1107 ....1165 ....19 15 p. m. ....12 43 ' . ... t 65 " .... 412 " ....418 M .... 4 83 " .... 7 45 " No. 4. Daily. m. Anyone who btievee that "mnsre bath charm to toothe the eavsce treast" should drop a note in conflden t CoL Alapleaoa, Inclosing auunp tor icply. Try It TonrelC A very curious fact la the Impossi bility of moving your eye while exam ining tbe reflection of that organ tn n mirror. It Is really the most movable part of the face; yet. If you hold your bead fixed and try to move your eye while watching It, yon cannot do It- even tbe one-tnouaanatn oi an men. Of course, If you look at the reflection of the noec, or any other part of the face, your eye must move to see It Tut the atrange thing Is that tbe mo ment yon endeavor to perceive the mo tion tbe eye U fixed. Tble Is one of tbe reasons why a person's expression ns seen by himself In a glass I quite dif ferent from what It Is when een by other. "How do you like the new leading lady yon have, Footlltes?" "She won't do at all. She's only been married twice, and hasn't bad any diamonds j stolen for a year. She jrot no ener gy at all" Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Leave BennettsvUle 8 20 Arrive Mexton 925 " Leave Haxton 9 83 M Leave Hed 8prings.... 10 02 " Leave Hope Mills 10 47 Arrive Feyettevllle 1108 - SOUTB BOCD. No. 8. Dally, Leave Fayetteville 4 28 p. n Leave Hope Mills 4 49 Leave Bed Springs 6 36 " Arrive Maxton. i... 6 09 " Leave Maxton 6 17 " Arrive BennetUville 720 " KOBTB BOUND. (Daily Eioept Sunday.) No. 16, Mixed. Leave Bamoeur 6 45 a. m. Leave Climax 8 35 ' Arrive Greensboro. 9 20 " Leave Oreensuoro 185 u Leave Btokesdale 11 07 Arrive Madinon 1165 " ODTB BODXD. (Dally Exoept Sunday.) No. 15, Mixed. Leave Madison .,...12 80 p. m. Leave Btokeedale 1 28 " Arrive Greensboro S 40 " Leave Greensboro 8 25 H Leave Climax 4 20 Arrive Bamseur 6 05 " fMeala. FORTH BOUKD OOKKXCTIOKS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and Eaet, at Banford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Bailway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk eV Western Bailroad for Wioston-Balem. eotrrH Botiyn comrxoTioirs at Walnut Cove with tbe Norfolk Went ert IUH road for R lanoke and points North and West, at Greeu.-boro with the Boiithtra Ilniiwey Company for Balelgb, lU-shmond and all points north and east; at Faymevlile witli the Atlantio O- ast Line for all poiuui South; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all point south and southweet. W. E. KYLE, J. W. i HY, Oea'l laaa. Agent Gen'l ilanager.