Terms to Subscriber. One rny. year,... (One Vriy, nix Mnutlui ,..1.W ... .fiO ... . A 'Voi'tMiiL' r reruuimUiV. and niiji" known " iiUI'lii'inlii, , Waltrk B. Bkl'u Editor, Hubbard & Roth. . , . . Proprietors k-iliwd at Xh" IMiHlomoe lU KlUtn, N. U..M Rlkjn. N. C.July 15 1807. Eighteen new cotton mills fire in course of construction in this Tin tariu bill nas ai iasi p;ia fd the Senate and WP will ow havu prosperity without any far flier parleying. ' Tho man who is always short fs usually looked dpwn upon. -Winston Rppublican. And the pian who js long is generally jooked up to. -; .. : r- r - " Tho Daily Charlotte Observer ramp out Sunday in a new form a six column eight page paper. Wc havo sajd many Mines that the Observer is tho best paper in f he state and we still stick to the .priginal statement. The North Wilkesboro Hustler has been enlarged to a four page six column paper and is brim fall pf local news. Brother Robert son has purchased a new press and seems to be succeeding well. We are glad "prosperity" has struck him. A petition is in circulation at Charlotte-asking for the pardon pf Holland, the Charlotte cash -cr, who appropriated several thousand dollars of the bank's money to his individual use. The ietition says that previous to the commission of the crime he p.ad always deported himself as a sober industrious and useful citizen. So had thousands of Other thieves who are in the pen ileutiary and for -whom no effort is being made to get pardoned. The people of Charlotte "the 400' 'are Jailing over eacn oiner to sign the petition for he is one pf their set and must be got out. "doncherknow"- Of course he will be pardoned, while Wald, he bjcyclo thief, will have to serve out. his term, That's why the people are taking the law in heir owq hands in many places and is one of the causes that is doing mare and more every day to plunge this country into a bloody conllict oeiween me pie bians and, aristocrats, the rich . . . .i a : l nM,1 U ana ine poor, wie wmbis turn mo snobs. ... . m m The Statesville Mascot of a recent -date says "Mr.- J. A. Wood, of Elkin, who recently lost his mind was brought here Monday night by officer J. J. Wallace on his way to the Mor ganton Hospital. Mr, Wallace said that this man made the pinth person who had gone to the hospital from Elkin in the last twelve months". We do not believe Mr. Wallace ever said the word attributed to him. He might have said that nine persons had been taken to the asylum from the county but from Elkin every one knows it is a mistake. John Wood is the first man that has ever been carried to the asylum from this town in pur knowledge. People from a distance will be afraid to come to Elkin for fear they would go f razy, if the circumstances was Jike it is reported! We hope the Mascot wUl correct and all other papers that copied it, Mr. Wal lace is Dot evon a citizen of Elkin but what he says is reliable and that's why we don't believe what js attribqtvd tq him. m - Joneqville Items, The post office fight remains n statu quo. Mrs, Atkins, of Traphill, is yisiting her son T, A. Atkins. - The people uf Joncsytlld have p,n education spirit right. They met last Friday and cleaned up be building and grounds and ptherwiao improved the property Prof. Johnson, will open ichpol August 10th Ho. will have an ssislaqt frorQ Wako Forest. Will Qqwles, of Guilford Col- lege, siqppeq wun. Mrs. ,iv a. Benham last Friday. -He was on his way tq Wilkesboro and trde ho trip on his wheel Lexo. Education, School Tax, Etc. Little did wo think last fall when the oluction was over and the political dagger sheathed, that ere the present year had ex pired tho money hunters would mount the "stump" and yell at the tax payers to increase their taxes, yet such is the case. And now, since the quest ion of the ed ucation' of tho children of our State confronts us lets s:e who will derive the greatest benefit frpm th.e expenditure of the in creased school fund wrenched from the hard earnings of the tax ravers of North Carolina. Will it bo the school child, or will it be tho school teacher V I insist that it will be the latter, Already we are paying about six thousand dollars annually in tho interest of free schools here in Yadkin county, while the aver age attendance of the school chil drcn is less than ono-tnird. Again, the free school system has boon established in xsortn Carolina more than half a centu ry, yet more than fifty per cent, of our people can't even read and write. And yet said a young professor tho other day, the "leaders" are in favor of the tax payers increasing their taxes, claiming that it will promote the cause of education in our State. But we needn't be so astonished at this when we find that a large number of these so-called "lead ers" ai-e teachers and officials who expect to feast upon the school fund, no difference if the tax paver has to sacrifice his home to pay his taxes and be committed to jail (as the law is now) because he couldn't pay them at a certain time. And now, since we are to decide this ques tion of increased taxes in a very short time, I would like for the voter, who has an humble home of his own to consider this ques tion: "how would you like for that home to bo sold to pay your fiue and yourself thrust in prison because you couldn't pay your taxes (at a certain stipulated time) on which to fatten these "leaders," teachers and officials while your children are not in school, but at home, perhaps crying for bread."' in a recent interview with a prominent citizen and teacher of our county, he said : "that the act, as passed by our last Legis lature, in regard to increasing the taxes for school purposes, as nothing nor less than "class legislation." (which is aboslutely true) in that it gave the rich a decided adantago ovei' the poor in the distribution of the school fund. He could then see other objectionable features also; but now he is such a strong advocate of increasing the taxes that some think he will stump a portion of the county in favor of the samo. Guess the old bitter pill has been sugar coated." If 1 were to express my views in regard to a number of these pretended patriotic leaders (ad vocates of the special tax) I should be compelled to say that I fear greatly that they are much more interested iu what they hope to receive, personally, as a result of the special tax (should the people be blind enough to ratify such a law) than they are in the education of the poor chil dren our country. Because ob servation has shown to every one that a large majority of the chil dren of our State are deriving little or no benefit from the mon ey that is already being expend ed in the interest of the free schools; and yet. right in the face of this sad state of affairs, and in view of the fact that hun dreds of homes are already being sold for taxes, to demand of the tax payers an increase of their taxes would be unpatriotic and a burden altogether intolerable, especially under the present free school sys'em. But you talk to one of these "leaders" of a sys tem something like this : "that we have good comfortable school buildings within a reasonable dis tance of every child whether in thickly or Sparsely settled dU tricts, and then compel every parent to send his children, either to a free, or subscription school a certain - number of months in each year, and he will "buck" worse than a "broncho" when he is first '.'lassoed." Just why these fellows kick" so, at the idea of a compulsory "sehool law I km not able to see unless it is this; They know very we'l that if the people are compelled to send their children to school that the children will bo mere tho first day as well us tho la.-t; they know Loo that it would follow, as a natural conse quence, tliat tho parents would take more interest in looking after the school and seeing that tho teacher doesn't sit and nod a good portion of his time with not enough scholars to keek him awake as is frequently the case under tho present system. And now in conclusion I would say that we can't afford to neglect the induction of our children, and bowing in humble submis sion to the command of selfish men who would rednca us toser vitude and slaxery by taxation in order to accomplish their own friendish designs are too separ ate and distinch things. But if the tax payers think their taxes are too light, that they are not paying enough lor the "pie" hun ters of this country to feast as they should why then just vote on more. Perhaps when our property has gone into the hands of capitalists we will seo where we are at. Respectfully submitted, Paddy Rhine. Yadkin, July 12. 1897. Rev. S. F. Conrad was in town Tuesday looking after tho inter est of his .excursion to Norfolk which will be- run next Tuesday, July 20th. Ho reports the out-.-look as good for a largo crowd, In addition to tho many other at tractions there w ill be a special excursion up the James river to Fortress Mopoe. July .22nd. Our people should use this rare opportunity and take in this de lightful trip. The train will leave Wilkesboro at 0-13 a. m., Tuesday, July 20lh. and pass Elkin at 6.50 a. m. Tickets on sale by the agents of the South ern Railway. Those who go on to Washington from Norfolk will be given a reception by President McKinley, and there will also be an excursion down the Totomac to Mount Vernon. FREE FILLS. Three Boys Drowned Hear Ronda. Other Interesting Items. The recent rains are making the farmers wear pleasant faces Com was needing rain right much in this neighborhood. The monotonous hum of the busy thresher is being heard in this section. It is very much appreciated by some, especially those who have been expecting the return of confidence and prosperity. Miss Ada Edwards, near Ron da. who has been ill for some time is improving right fast. Miss Alice Hickorson is visit ing her sister. Mrs. N. E. Parlier of Wilkesboro. Miss Sallie Byrd has returned from a short stay at her brother's Mr. Will Byrd, at Rockford. We learn that some unknown parties went to the house of Mr. A. L.. Hendrix a few days ago and were shaking window blinds and door- knobs which aroused Mr. Walter Hendrix who went out to investigate the matter, at this they became frightened and ran off, jumping the yard fence and going in the way of least ob struction. It seems that the time of housebreaking is not yet passed. On last Sunday, two of Prince Hampton's, colored, little boys about 10 or 12 years old and one white boy, went to the creek, near Bugaboo bridge, to take a bath, failing to come back that day several set out to search for them and af this writing they have not been found, 'i his ought to be a warning to others. Byrd post office has bema moved to the residence of Mr. W. A. Tharp with Miss Ella Tharp as post -master. VociS. July 12, 1897. Tour Boy Wont Live a Montu. So Mr. Gilman Brown.of 34 Mill St., South Gardner, Mass , was told by the doctors. His son had Lung trouble; following Typhoid Malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy five dollars with doctors, w"hro finally gave' him up, saying: "Your boy wont live a month." He tried Dr. King's New Discov ery and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to g"o to work a perfectly wel) mail. He says he owes his pres ent good health to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and knows it to be the best in the world for Lung trouble. Trial 'Bottles Free at J. W. Ring's Drug Store. The Mount Airy commission ers have at last granted liquor license. You may, hunt tho world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by J. S. Ball. Constable Eidson arrested a negro here last Friday on a war rant from Winston charging him with breaking in Kerner Broth ers tobacco factory. The war rant called foi John Smith but the man arrested claimed to be John Mathis. He tilled the de sciiption of the man wanted but proved to be the wrong man and was turned loose- He left Mr. Eidson a good pistol which he said he did not need, nor want. No Cure. No Pay. N. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for Chi'.ls and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price, oOc. A Great Excursion to Norfolk, Va.. from Wilkesboro July 20th--Round Trip Ticket $4.00. A grand opportunity to visit the ocean and see many historic places Those who may desire can go to Washington and return for ?6.oo, or to Baltimore for $5.50. with privilege of two days and one night Four days contained in the trip. Read below 60ine of tie attrac tions of this excursion: 1. As to Time Special excur sion train will leave Wilkesboro July 20th at 6. 15 a. m. ' The com bined excursion will leave Winston at 9.30 a. ni. Returning excursion train leave Norfolk July 23rd at 10 a. m. Round trip from Wilkesboro, I4; Mocksville, if 4 ; , Winston, $3. Children under 12 years old, half price. 50 cents will be charged for seat in reserved cars. Sched ule of time and prices shown on the Atlantic, only a few miles from Norfolk. Daily excursion boats to Fortress-Monroe. Those desiring to go beyond Norfolk can procure a round trip ticket to B-dtimore from the alti more Steam Packet Co., for 81.50; to Washington, from the Norfolk & Washington, D G Steamboat C-o , for 2.00. Our ex "ursion con nects with these two lines going and coming. , No excursion oflering so many attractions has ever been run from this section before. Those who go with me on this trip will be shown every needed attention. Baggage will be received and checked to Norfolk. Ladies without escorts will be carefully provided for. For further information, addtess Rf.v. S. F. Conrad, ' Manager, Winston, N.C Our Dobson correspondent in forms us that the Board ol Com missioners granted license for the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquor? in the town of Mt. Airy to J. G. Patterson, of Dur ham. Several strong spjeches were made for and against, ard two members of the Board, Messrs. Wallace and McCann, thought the majority of the vo ters in Mt. Airy should rule while Mr. Worth was bitterly opposed to granting license. Send your address to II. E. Bncklen & Co., Chicago, and got a free' sample box of Dr. Ktng's Now Life rills, A trial will con vince you of their merits. These Pills, are easy fn action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Head ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from evry deleterious substance and to bo purely vegetable. THey do not weaken by their" action, but by given tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Dr. J. W. Ring, Druggist. Mr. C. L Hasbrouck, a drug gist at Mendon, Mich., says all 0? the good testimonials that havo been published by the man ufacturers of Charabarlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoeu Reme dy could be duplicated in that twn. For sale by J. S Bell. BUCKLEYS AllXICA SALVE. The Best Salvo in the world Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Pheum, . Fever, Soros and Tetter, Chapped Hands. -Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ei up lions and positively ciires Piles or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. ' Price 25 cents per box. Fur sale by J. W. Ring and L. J Barker. Tetter, Sall-trheuir. oiid Kczema. ; The Intense itching nud smarting, inci dent to these diseases, ia instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye nnd Skin Ointment. Many very bud c:iies have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for -Bore nipplrfs, chnpped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronio sore eyes. 23 cts. per box.' Dr. Cody's Condition Puwdors, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. . Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but madiciiiti iiiui ;he best in- use to put a horse iu prime condition. Price 25 cents, per package. HOW TO FIND 0U1 Fill a bottle or common water glass with urino and let it stand twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicates a diseased con dition of tho kidneys. When urine stains linen -it is positive evidence af kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in tho back,' is also convincing proof that the kidney and blaa der are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the know ledge so often expressed, that Dr; Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills ev ery wi-h in lelieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary pas sages. ' It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects follow ing use of liquor, wine or- beer. and overcomes that uupleasant' necessity 01 ocing couipeueu w get up many times during tho night to urinate. The mild and the- extraordinary, effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands tho highest for its wonder ful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you. should have tho best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle j and phamphlct. both sent free by mail, mention The liiLKiN times and send your full post office ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the gen uineness of this offer. OH M Y ! ; This Weaher Is Intolerable- And will continue to be so as Ions as you wear Shirts ami Underwear intended for .winter wear. Keep Cool ; Easily Done Wen;- Shirts as light as. an empty pocket book, as soft as a Government job, and as cool as the shady side of an ice burg. Prices not ex agerated. J;M. Woodruff & Co., Winston, N. 0, , Joking aside we are offering the strongest line of Neglige Shirts and Summer Under wear ever offered at popular " prices Call to see us when visiting Winston. There would be business . with profit to both of us;: J. M. Woodruff dt Co., . Hats and Men's Furnishings Opposite The Jones Hotel, Winston, N.C. HUBBARD & ROTH, ELKIN, N. C. D. M, Osborn's Mowing Machine. Self Dump Hay Rake. I tiaiii it Spring Tooth Harrow. HUBBARD :& ROTH, ELICIT, fl, C. Chatham Mfg. Co. TAILORS TO THE TRADE.:.. -. Styles and Samples for Spring and Summer trade now ready. FIT GUARANTEED. Write us for samples and prices. CHATHAM MFG. CO. TAILORING DEP'T. ELKIN. N. C. BROWN, ROGERS & COMPANY GEISER THRESHERS. HORSE POWERS. PORTABLE ENGINE , BICKPORD & HUFFMAN GRAIN DRILLS, DANDY CUTAWAY HARROWS, -Mc.CORMIC MOWERS AND BINDERS OLIVER UHILLED PLOWS, BROWN'S DOUBLE PLOWS, GLOBE CULTIVATORS, Stoves, Paints, Oils, Mill Supplies, Belting. ! Etc., Etc. Send for Circulars. Glad to hear from you. WINSTON, N. G. Elkin Planing MILL, j. D. Williams, PROPRIETOR. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, and Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mantels, Balusters, Brackets, Scroll Work &c. Special attention given to custom work, drying, dressing, Matching Lumber at reasonable prices. Estimates furnished for all kinds of building and contracts tcade upon application. For futher imformalion call on Of address. J. D. Williams, Elkin, N. C. IHt ELKIN TIMES Job Printing OFFICE, la prepared to do all classes or printing. Store. COOLER RACKET Headquarters for Bargains. , Wo are full of goods and are ' prepared to wait on all the people of Surry County. Ladies visiting Winston will find f it to their advantage to give us a call as we cary the lar gest line of Dress Gooes, Milinery, Trimmings, Notions . &c &c. . Mr R. T. Motsinger formerly of . Click & Co.. is with us and . would bo pleased to meet his , . friends. Special bargains in Shoes direct ; from auction. in - New ;-York, ,. also Sample Shoes in line ' goods, at half price. Ladies desiring Buttericks Fash ion Sheet for May.v by writ- t ing us, we will mail one free ! "fflora Viv mn.il r.rrtm ntl V fillAii :' 4 . VJ i' ' 1 u , ; Samples on application. . Respectfully, D. D. SCHOULER . Winston N. C. Letter Heads, . Bill Heads,, Envelopes. Statements, . . CSrculars. Pamphlets. Shipping Tags 1 A Full Line of Legal Blanks, lilank uooks, ccc. Estimates; cheerfully fur nished by mail or in person. Give us a trial. ! HUBBARD & ROTH, Proprietor, ELKINr N. O. Do you wear Shirts, Collars and Cuffs? If so. you want them laun ; tired in the best possiblo manner. We can give you any kind of fitiish you de sire and will guarantee onlj' the- best work. Winston Steam Laundry. We have an . agency at Elkin. Leave your laun dry at the Times office, they send a basket every Tuesday and is returned Friday. No extra charge. Give us a trial. - pass I 3 ' I 2 g 5 5 " U S3 3 25 i 50 55 a. O CO 3 CO F - if! f'J. w CO H H O ,1 k3 CD -2 o O w CO O CO f3 pa e It? i CO I . IJ o CO CO 8-