f (JJLr JtJtil-J t. Jl- JL.JL iUUWMW-. j r 1 Ir Pays to dm 3 , tiie rEorLE 3 an invitation to trade with jou. 3 The best way to invito thorn is to ad- 3 vertise in - J Tf T131US. ft . . . i ii i . r--rrr ,;.r lm . (H IS ' i! r n 4 K k iJi v ! r VOL. V. WALTEK8. SELL. EiitW EL KIN, N. BQSTIfiN BRIDGE DISflSItR. Cream of the Happenings Through r" out the Old North State. THE STATE ALLIANCE OFFICERS. '4 Return of Taxable Values Machine for Transplanting Strawberrle-Tne State Fair . . :v The graud jnry has rottJ ned a true till for.murdtr against J. A. Hand and Bird Shepherd, who are charged with having caused the wreck at Bostian'a bridge, near Statesville, An?. 27, 1891. Twenty-two persons were killed in that 'wreck aud the iiill of indictment charges Hand and Shepherd with the murder of Hugh Ii. Leinster, of Statesville. one of the victims of the wreck. Both are w hite men, and both are now serving terms in the penitentiary. Hand was eent to the penitentiary from Iredell in t83 (for burglary, we understand), and Sepherd was eont op for manslaughter from Alciander county in the same year or soon thereafter. We haven't learned when their terms expire, but whenever they are discharged from the peniten tiary they will be brought to Iredell to be tried for the offense with which they are charged. It will be recalled that the railroad company always maintained that the horrible disaster at Bostian'a bridge won due to tho work of train wreckers, and bad one or more persons arrested for having caused the wreck. They were never able to make out a case, however, aud the general public never "cepted their theory of the wreck. We tffc not kuow the nature of the evidence uainst Hand and Shepherd and couse-rpiontly- are unable to give an opinion f it, bat it was ol sumeieni importance t cause the grand jury to nnd a uiu, aAd this in itself makes the case one ot unViortance. Btatesville Landmark. 1 ho following resolutions were unan imously and by a rising vote auopiou byMhe State Alliance at Hillsboro: IWhereas, rue fttuie finance yiu, befire its consummation, most earnest ly ptrotest against the lease of the North Carolina ltailroad to the Southern Kail way (Company for r.inoty-nine yeors, nudf whereas the preservation of our liberties demands the recognition of the Boverovgnty of theStateaof this Kepuo lie, ou he part of the Federal judioiary, therefor, be it - "iet!tlved, first, TLat we protest ?fiinat Jloterefereuce la btate afluirs on thi )pt .vtf the Federal ludioiory. focon. ti,i ratr '? fr lr!' If iEtfJered to tiufernor Kus TiTT7niie noble stand hi has taken 'ou the side of the people 1)1 their con- litMt with corporate power ,nd corrnp- That we consider the at torning of the Governor of La from trie penormance dutv as a high-handed Subversion A A . .. T t 7 I f w. 1 officers elected for the ensuing Ob State Alliance at its meet- "'sboro areas follows: Fresi n Graham, Wan eu ton, rot. A!ox (Iraham, of Char president, V. E. LpchuLeh, ; business agont, T, P. Barker, ie; secretary and treasuror, J. Hoover, of Wilson: chaplain. Dr. rcer; lectures? Dr. V. N, Klover, of core: executive commute, J. W. Denmark, chairman; M, F. Hileman, Concord; W, B. Fleming, Warren county. Dr. J. B. Alexander, Charlotte. ' and It. J.Dldham, of Orange. There were fifty-five counties represented, nud 100 or more officers and delegates nt the largest attendance, it is iuce 181)3. It was decided to annery and shoe factory as rt siirintendents can be ho Farmers' Alliance set meet the operating ex- nery and shoe factory. lUi - HP . i. .K Davie county farmer, named D. B, WEEKLY CnOP BULLETIN Of North Carolina fov Week Ending August 16, 1807. The week ending Monday, August 10, was warm and very dry.,, Some IockI ihower,occurred, tepcially in the ex treme west portion of the State, and heavy dews furnished some moisture. The drought has been injurious to dearly all crops, which, ' without lain soon, are in danger of being cut short. There has been fusiderable shedding in cotton and somo rust is reported, but the bulk of the crop is still very fine. Cotton is opening in all of the nr.ilif.rn counties. Late corn needs rain badlv. In a fow counties where' the drought is most severe crops are drying up. , -. tAHTKBN Distbiot. The conditions in thia district have been very diversi fied. In some counties, as Currituck, Gates, Craven, Nash and others, sufli cient rain occurred, generally on the 10th, to keep crops in flourishing con dition; but over the greater portion of the district the week was very dry, warm and unfavorable for all crops. Crops seem to be failing on acconnt of drought most rapidly in soma of the northern counties, Hali fax, Northampton, Edgecombe, as well some central and southern oaef Cotton need3 rain, but is holding i, own fairly well. Shedding of bolls aud leaves is reported to be pretty bad in somo counties, with rust in several. It is beginning to open in the south. Been too dry for late corn. Fodder nulling is beginning almost almost everywhere, still good; curing Cabbage, field pei rain. Bice TH Cbwtbal'w has buen ouite uauu. tf Iisrh not ex cessively so, and very tfar. Though heavy dews supplauted etime moisture, rain is needed now every: here. Light showers occurred on th 9th and 10th, over some counties, nnd in these crops continue in a very flourishing condi tion. The drouth has ben most inju rious over some central (Johnson, Wake, Durham) and ninny northern counties. Still some correspondents report tobacco and corn safe without more rain. Bottom land corn is about made; fine and well eared. Late corn not good, needing rain badly ; much fodder pulled in south portion this week. Tobacco is fine, cutting and curing progressing nicely, with good color and fair body. Cotton is still looking well ; there has been considerable shedding of bolls this week and there is a little rust. It continues to open in the south. Flow ing for wheat and oats; planting tur nips and crimson clover coutinues. Fine crops of melons and grapes. Westebh Distbiot. -The cmiitions during the past week bay' generally been very satisfactory in district. It is getting very dry r""1 Jam. ia needed in the eastorn rT,jtleg. but in tlivwesfc . . Toconrred ou tne lotu and Crops aredoin? verv well: corn is excellent, doing w ell. ard prom ises more than an average crop. Cotton - blooming up to the top and boiling well. Tobacco is goods 8weet potatoes and late Irish potatoe. doing well, except in extreme west, where some rotting is reported ou ac count of too much moisture. Late cab bages are line, melons larsre and a bund nt. Bulk of the turnip crop still to be pianiea. Rome Lay baa been saved this week. Tobacco cures are is nearly over. A turnips need oOrj?J8" week Angiolillo, Premier Canovas's Murder er, Awarded a Death Sentence, EXECUTION BY THE GARR0TE, Vi AFRAID OF NOTHING. f ;uo i i to in Js tant Boger, dropped dead at his home last week. An investigation proves that he iad either taken, or had been given strychnine, llis stomach was carried to Baleigh by a physician for analysis. : Domestic trouble is thought to have caused the rash act. Boger attempted to hang himself a few. years ago. He bad the rope around his neck, and wai swinging, when his father came up and cut him down just in time to save his life. : Messrs. G. W. Wesibrook and W.'A. Wright, farmers, near Wilmington, barea machine for transplanting straw berries, which waters and fertilizes the plants as it puts them down. It is operated by animal power and will plant from three to s?x acres of ground . ir day, according to the condition of the : load. , ' Official returns of taxable yalues from aeventy counties, so far received show an increase, of $1,124,944 over last year. Bockingham leads in increase with 163,101, Cabarrus showing $4(10, 000. Rowan. t4(J.0O0. Gaston fcHl.VOOO iw uwieitsu, j ergon snows F2J0.000, Madison $liW,000, Granville fm,ooo. . The State Fair in October is to be nade a big success. This is a lucky ear. There will be a fine exhibit and irpe attendance, for the people are all i the right humor to go to fairs and uco gainerings. The Cape Fear aud Yadkin Valley ail way psys t iremen John M?Culs- a Il.Wn) as compromise for inimina feeived in a remarkable manner. Ha as under an engine cleaning out a fire I wnen anotber ensine struck his ,d he was drafted over hot coals. He under the new fellow-eervant act J).000. - - i ne Jnter-bUte Foultry, Tigeon aud i i oioca Associauon bas heen orenn- hi ABiievuie, witnu. jr. Weston, tnitmore, as presideoL A poultry r"t stock show will be hlil th.r. I jiemner u-uj. W. Hinnlmw rf tVimlnn . dent of the Stone Mnn n. in T?il. i t, chartered by the last Legislature. rci uicu omi convicts to grade it. .e hundred of them go to work in Oo-!.r. llexlco's Wild HiB, or Tcccary, Bans from Nothlnn Under the Sun, c The most vicious and feaile33 of the brute creation Is' the peccary or wild hog of Mexico. This animal seems ut terly devoid of the emotion of fear. 1 hare never seen It turn a hair's breadth out of its path for any living thing, says a writer. Man Is Its epecal bete noire. It displays an intelligence in fighting the human strangely nt vari ance with Its apparently complete lack of any mental attributes, save the very lowest order cf Instinct They are rare ly found singly, but go lu drovw of from a hundred to thousands. Their ability to ecent men is particularly marked. I have known a drove of them to ecent a man a mile off and strike as straight for him as the arrow files. There is no use to try to frighten ' them with guns. The cannonading of a full battery would have no more ef feet ou thoiu than the popping of a Ore cracker. The only thing to do when they get after you Is to run away from them as fast as a horw can carry you.- And. then there Is no certainty mai iney won t eaten yoji. Tuey are nearly as awlft as a horw, and their en durance Is as great as their vicious nes. A friend of mine encountered a drove of them In a wild part of Mexico a few years ago, and his escape was miracu lous. He very foolishly shot and wounded a number of them. Then he to refuge In a tree. The peccaries kept him In the tree all that day aud tnrongn the night Tbey circled around me tree, grunting and squealing their nellght at the prospect of a feast ; He soon exhausted hlirinoiunltlon,-and viuugiu uown a peccary at each Hrr, But this bad no terrors for the beasts. Along toward morning the brutes be gan to eat the ones he bad killed, and when they thus satisfied the cravings of their stomachs Ihey formed In line and trotted off. If fliey had not had some of their own number to devour, AA, tm . ... uit-y wouia nave guarded that tree un til my friend, throuch sheer exhaus tion, dropped from his perch and al lowed them to make a meal of him. The w ild cats and tigers that Infest the Mexican wilds, flee from the peccaries with Instinctive fear, and even rattle snakes keep out of their path. River Steamer Blows I' p. News has just been received to the effect that the feamer Frits had blown up Sfteea mns south ol Cairo. IU., and that aloe ffalorM men and a white deck hand hv bt-n killed, hereral others are reported as Injured. The steamer was owned by Cap tain B. B. Bradley, ot Cairo. The Trial Was Summary Government Ordered It Haitened The Aain Bpeak In His Own Defenee Faulon For Vengeance led Illia to Commit the Crime Horrified by the Scaffold. Hadbid, Spain (By Cable). Mlchele Anglollllo, tho Anaroblst assassin of rremier Canovas del Castillo, who was tried by court martial at Yergara, was found guilty and was sentenoed to death. AnglollHo will be garroted within the prison. About 200 persons were present at the trial. The vicinity of the prison was almost deserted, the publio being parently in different. In view of the certainty that the death penalty would follow the court mar tial. Anglollllo, heavily raanaoled.sat between two Rendarmes and Immediately in front of his Judges. On a table near by lay his revolver and other material evidence of the crime. The President of the court read the declarations of eye-witnesses, alter which the written statement of the prisoner was read by the cleric of the court. Anglollllo, In the course of the statement, said that be left FoRRla in October, 1885, and went to Marseilles and Barcelona, where he took the name ot Jose Hantos. At first he had no thought of becoming an Anarchist, but while at Coromlnabe began to be Interested in Anarchist doctrines. . When the execution took place atBavoe lona, on May 4, ef five of the Anarchists eonvleted of participation iu the bomb out ran at the feast ot Corpus Cbrlstf, he con ceived the idea of assassinating Canovas. Without seeking an accomplice he. carried out tho ruHolution. Anglollllo went on to say that the passion for vengeance led him to commit the crime. As be was unacquainted with the manufac ture of explosives, he used the revolver. TbePublic Prosecutor described the crime as "premeditated murder," and asked tho court to impose the death penalty. Lieutenant Gorrin, whom the court bad assigned as counsel for Anglollllo, urged that the prisoner was demented at the time of the shooting, and made a strong appeal to the benevolence of the Judges. While bis counsel was presenting this plea, An glollllo listened in silence. Then be asked permission to (Jpeak for himself, which was granted. He tnonked Lieutenant Oorrla for his efforts and denied thathiJifid any Afinmnli-AA III Ml it il I i.u.. .k , . 1 " ""compiioa oommutea tne bomb-throwing outHtgXat Barcelona, or that he had participated in secret gatherings of An r cbists. Aogiollllo persisted In speaking of poli tics and ol the wars la Cuba and the Philippines. The President suld: "All that has nothing to do with your crime." An Klollllo replied: "I must justify myself." The President retorteu: "That is no justifi cation. Moreover, you oan convlnoe no body in that way." ' Anglollllo began again, bat the President declared the trial ended, and ordered the' court room cleared. . Tho judges deliberated for an hour and Jhen announced the sentence of the court. n hearing this the prisoner, who oxoected lo be shot like other Anarchists, looked startled and horrified. His flnshing eyes nuu uxtuiea countenance gavo a strong uspect to his haggard features, uncombed b:irif nd slight figure as the guards led him away to solitary confinement, from wniou no will issue only to be led to death behind the walls of Kercrara Prison. An. gloilllo will hear nothing of tho outer world r s io an k-ooiiy Out the priests. J A REMARKABLE PREACHER. He is ifie Heart and Brain of the Unique Philadelphia Temple. Rev. Or. Russell H. Conwell, pastor of the Gra.n Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Punn., Is mo of the most remarkable men In Amerlti. -He Is the heart nnd brafn of tne lempi-, a church organization the like of which Oxists in no other place. Dr. Conwell has bnilt up a congregation large ciiuuku ior jour cnurcnes, nut ne holds it together py tne power of work. In t in Temple nro four auditoriums, a college, an ui.-tummy. training sotioois lor almost every profession and calling, and the head quarters ior tne direction of outside work oi so Jarge and varied an order that no less liil nm ItrainffW LJilJ ill JJIIMIU T Littlefchwi'T (JHAriUt r l . T ,i(rtiWflrrriHi by HinrroP ' . iMHml I. 1 TTflfT C H A Ar A TTnTTCHP ')! 1R HI RANSOM. Ibany, N, Y., Street, .imoSSCASEL DUPLICATED. Letter That I'n- dl3D0O the Boy it Way Coaxed jat u snppotea lthExciteinenti AlUr(IP"l ; j r, (ipcia-m planolBttto MMdt as ceienni" '", -The kidnap. i likely to be criminal his tory as (liUiiotlol ol CT? bi1 fin 4' police in " , ,iwlthMle-t:, almost mn'' , m searohlu t-, olllHors about the citW 9,tm tan sent; dcspatiMMl" ' tmm tec and hUptitf' )B.ieta, of halliMW'" jionlnapplngot ho ThntMPITi - ..utetthexa-ols1 is the wiimi P'tiaiun m pors5n V That jure lit " . ... lit not 1 Ten senms Mil u,ii:l tl the reWlw cl aboutsudilll 'ii h lh8(hllilr- ml of the limn,, m yihetis bo Mr. Cnwilir iLlsiiiiliikti. lor at this hi Ii W"( ' m Alba dlspattlir lil','iABiil Hu(l" York Cnlrslsl l5.oiaiiwd l wwo ot ha hashinlllW"1 ha) rourfeii disDuta nlliW?,i:t,t.'teolhila yon Wliotijei thsiHilf ij-eiMlnl or rrwely is an ml ol KrtwfoitiMnIni rins-om ol a desiri rlflsltosj. The parents aro Friends are ooufct? hoh Ilea ind Troy, and Chief "Wlllard 9 authorities n lo olilf ' i H be Html . ned. i i nM.,ll dr. ll..rtillrtinaS ainff I 1IUI al uicnuuii. - .gi lai miuni,i.v- -."o l a rn.-L.,l f- h-- iflrjd three er, Mietol l'klol lid, Uary mnd 'b- .Liu wiii.m. '......u ..i, f wft fo years. . dii ii hi . j JBI ' 7 IfnoVilnneil lived l!Coltit' ,mflupjiroomjw old I9'a They not ottill &Jottieh-i 11 towff d,Brd; houietallmU: Vtehteoelp-t ol .nVcellent way. CWll of JOhD lflYt nl PoDway child no question. concerned tho where- Iroumetunces lories. inemles. In .night train ttie New Ir Railroad, three labor 'fgentinent. Lgest ohd caused jy $3000 cau- Mthetath- r lrignt el 'inlwuie lsivvor thnfmtilll. I'll : i. H llilttholltfcle 0119 his fatliirialllW 1 .w.iolhat li oouldl readlly,tati&rM)bMliir,in8i numberuilllMljetmMi "rj The (!ieiiiui"l,lii,ii.'pewni;o ild, and ot only tell it s home young elosely 'barley ippear 1108S 31?ed, h -oundlng -ftsemule Cnnnrni'l Jhlfl J n. it tblkldDIt VDlDK Of thoae ll(nillull '."( K omif'l Rla-ductors Ross. Vouuii:9nwfjc?l'fclose studen tg ol th to hnveksn iW 11 case. ; . ..iMllmoltili ftaov'l dlsa On ttaniilii o'l.--rnliirned t;ohlallom ance Mt, Douttfi- i. sWi i and ate l jreaktast as' his nlgli!'dlin? y, V, Alter bra-ktat the th h i im iR", MiLUiiar-. oia ooy w in, ik-r... -" . -;. z .., . i . tvi,,iiu.ii iu t ier oo mocn. foit theboiiMin ""VlH Mn, Cou'wrajf soswered a hours alltrwl)(r'1.t m bell. ring of tlidwW !'(tclc9' JW Old tnol poorly A boy lowliiu La-i-wdlw the--e with a letter f Castorl and H the ' for It f MIf ft7 cu tj tt I) t'rof. Ludwig, of the faculty of tli ith Carolina College, at Mt l'leae- t, is to write the bif torv of tho gal Eighth teinien't. Boy Killt Baby Accidentally. Morrii Krpler, eight years old, found a revolver at boms at Dayton, Ohio, and -fhlle trying the weapoa shot and killed iiudolph Freikln, threu yean old. lie arage t the rt,dy Into theyarl and went to d, but be 1 mwlnjall, 1 If w' 11KV. SB. BURBELL H. COHWILL. than a book would serve to describe It. To further unify this great business a twenty page weekly paper, the Temple Magazine, Is published In the Temple, and makes a profit for the ehurel. Indeed the enter rrisea nnder Dr. Conwell s charge pay handsomely and the moaev is spent In helping poor peonle to learn how l h!n themselves. Dr. Conwell is fifty-four vests old. Ho has seen life In manv rnnniriaa nnd In many conditions In his own countrv. Ho fought for the Union whea only a lad and after the war bocsoio a lawyer. Then he dropped law and became a n porter on New lork papers. He fonnded the Minn eapolis Tribune, traveled around the world as n correspondent, abandoned journalism to return to the law. which In turn be o-e-a op for the church. Hn has 1.en rn, Grace fbiireh finoe 182, and by liU nrfive labor in those years he has hunt It I, A trnrlf that furnishes a splendid object lesson In the matter of APtdied religion. dressedns ihblwlBlr. Conway- This did not addressed toil. CS.IriBr.Coiway'atoad loveral men alarm to.nsItCtfwWMt Mbansgr-, and in case of under Hi sth t Le.ilrelotakea a tew hours off siekneaiortMNt L.)-nd tawo-d. Ibis letter a mau lild J'nile1' tkta th..os usually re uppearel biillli tBjtliiiidn keerJnKH until her oeived, udlutodl rJs jMlhtatterr-mtoon Mr. Con busbanijiiol'l'th jppula room au6S.he rend itr con way toolltt)lr"1i'' till llrat - intlmntion the tents. Bi ml;li';(5itt)illiotldiijpp-tnio(the child, parents lid ol kli .jByjteiy, tndfl evtu now the The affnltls n nri(nit-o'(i'iuld ba at a loss to account boy's puraitiiiilid Iron hora had not the for lily 'itoiilro'l j e w plot ufokAled Id tbl9 lot prlucipnl!lntl!il ot Ljgilo tin boy's fatlwr, and ie- ter theirttalillie' ,nsoiii ol I3000 manded i um oi'u til llireit to kri U both tbe bey teoroey udai)roai;( WtacoaiMMtioiia wereiiot and thel(lhllli39!,' ' . oompllediltb, ,jifuiid Iho Iot teralouil. Bo- '1.1 T nilrul MM m ;otivnv h fLfl Im. Mr. Coin; i9 JijcelWiKN Mrs. fora he biioiiniillw, ,. Tlidelte: letteatK" wnstalrly well come hyilirw, wft -1 was no ar- iparent at tempt written. Ihennsw,l,rltl.' to diagulittlitiilt im'jjruJTOid not a)p-aolat tUe faot At first Im nil K, Wwy 1J bne.-D stoled. Then that his Hill: t, :hf '(jii(i"iiJ undo hi rrlod luqu tries he rususioaul m'jcJ'wod, wlthoat result. Ses lu the nalbtibcl. t c ol tkeappareot hopeless perute Imuni tljyijrb, ht wout to tbe polioe, ness of tart, b iiywea wable to obtain any but they live n 'Vff'B'i iereubouti or b.Is ab clue to lie bqi wl duotors. ifderei phot-ograpb of the The polto fkvi j be noplod, tind sent thera missing boy bit oeiWeltlbwIniEtc description ot hroadcastiltliKo)' i him: ,tvW Bdnapr-d; nro ' Ave "John Oon K ls lljlit ooHred hair, oat years; blw eym, IfiH jeo Pmts.pta- k Btrlpe; blue short; won knik'lj'lit with. brown Btrlpe; waLst, llsll ilmlKiU'j at button 8hoa." black stuiiliiqiuaUi , , at eTflr( lat In Albany Excltennt bit fliMu;, Huniiai -eds o( people over the Utaa;;j;. Ve'otoiiwIiicBSVM tboboy lived thron"edHniM,o'Vid wohedU every visitor all day long, ri 'W o (pM wi aew of the abduo olosoly. eiptliiHJ)"3 ( t ("buohad . aooreof clows tors. Tun pollute)' jtt'l'Mlliou ltxm"vestlgntIOB to that havenipoiiiiid ulj f EnrJ one t ateea, and nothing ii all. keii'JrtB'tU lost nhliJd are nearly th- pareidolia "MilM ujocertala as to orazan w im, i what stepltlaa been offor- d by a looal -v and police A rewaiJ hulie'jC5t,'1,lre detent aner. and hah3 ",itil"m force, as well utoidaool 'b, SOrnd biilP'-iMlii tbe history of Phlla- delpbla bw arawjcrW WilHan C5- Wilson, pro has the irilei(iiWi widely UtJJown prl vote prietor of the ml nVi'n r 17 In (be olte 3r. sad almost clrcnlntlngb,,ji on a miT. He was as widely Inon h , ', Wa store . within ten found den) 0 J i door of tt- library, bis feet of thiop1,onWto(t(b.t Jytledaround head enmitfiv)yikna(-Br. with which his neck, silt Ls I'a W inmm-4 tted.lvlinr at the murdithsdn.D Ml'emsun'taubtedly rob bis side. Jin,,!,, W y eonmonlgr supposed to be. Wllm fiigod .a ot mouny In the store, keep a lajjHiil l - ' ttbnmM Now York." Wilson orljiiaiLra UvllWiltiarjt.-l stthe close He served lilh, nl -akol MnlrW. had rnArhJil.....L rwl - --..WIHOmi. . ELKBN, CONSDMPTION - -CAN BE CURED. IClIJTv. Id AiriPt Patents T. A. Slocum, M. O., tho Great Chemist and Scientist, will 'Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Keuiedies to Cure peciul uotloe SCIENTIFIlTlMEliTS beaatifullf tlluetrated, lament cirmlai jiTMiiBntinc jnurnul. weekly, terms ja.lXH fl.Jlaix inontln. bperlmRn cobles and ; noon ON r ATisNTS sent free. AdSiBb MUNN A. CO.. Broadway. New York. Consumption and All Troubles. ( Lung Wanted-An Idea fniisi your inean; iner may trlud vs Who i of Of inn .V rite .?OHN WKliDEKBUHN 11 . ners. wsitalDgum, I) c: . for tbelr l ' mi FEAR & YAM Joiin Gill, COiDENSBD The V vi .,M. vctanlr h1iTp,kJIs'. i (Mo.) Barit has been rii!fll,ro.''0M, ,.... tob, the Dr. C. 8. Blackburn, nf tl.la lias been appointed Secretary of the Youne People's Bantist IT 8oatb, vice Bev. J. i. Dcrdau, re siKne.l, to accept a call to the first Haptist church at Savannnh Ii, Blackburn will assume his duties Vt once,, with beaUijuartera at Birminir ham, A,. e The total amount of reel aeUt .,i personal property for tatation in Kali. ury for the rear, I Kit;, as tfiven bv .ist-1 uker J. 1. Me(!i.Miin t... ...si jn.mp.eiea tee IlB J9 one aad $ ' robbed. Tto ,1( I . . ,m rni6lj wlth inllan TerrRot. bffB'1 1 lavllle bo"ecnl na rifles, rode lttowW4i1 ptooeerl ?d to Inttml 10 o'clock Lg.j pi flrL ilieUl- Kirns. Thev date thep(feul4rjU.iiili1fliiiliLi twooftliem then wnt titli, L, ' olhflr Umt P theflrlnir entered, wbfliy,iUi h'Jld uii tlk baok0sh- utside. Onnnwlo'y Kdrojastl the ens b In er while tla otuei!' Mi " anJJtlooo Sht, betwwtfwdl1 ' V beH j Boa, ' ""Wlm-tll' a .u ....... -...v...- Frank DHmnfMfi m,Uror Dlckerson, to death by bl,i,lopnl t yt h, m, ,n Cort. (red twnnt.t,i til1 tnuui, ri "iei ao In respor-d ljr HtoH(A,ll(, t olAfRhon warning a (fh:lffi,-;llsn flnv JT"iniieiit, fa l-tan by tho :,all.('',V,",Hilinielj-' of InUia recnnl to li-lilmuai.rjr'Jrtliii , i f h.a,f,er to r-volt aniinii.iilsi.rj fi'rl,J,nir - iiliiot l'h" n.eor lias Nothing could be fairer, more phi lanthropic or carry moro joy to tbe af flicted, than the offer of T. A. Slooum, M. O., of New York City. Cod Aden t that he has discovered a reliable euro for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, losa of flesh and all conditions of wasting, aud" to make its great met its known, he will send free, three bottles to any reader of the Eikin Times who may be Buf fering. Already thia "new acientiflo conrso of medicine" has permaneutly cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. ihe iJoctor considers it his relicioua duty a duty which he owes to human ityto donate his infallible oure. He baa proved tho dreaded con- sumption to be a curable diseaso be yond any doubt, and has on file in his American and European Jaboratoriea testimonials of ezperienoo from those benefited and enred in all, parts of the world. Don't delay until it ia too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy nnd certain death. Address T, A. Slo cum, M. 0., Of Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, cive ex- , press and postoffice address, aad please mention reading this article in the Elkin Times. IN EFFECT North Bound. IiV. Wilmington Ar. Fayetteville, Lv. Fayettovllle Lv. Fuyetlevilld Juue Ar. Han rordjib f .' n alnut Covi , .irl He A 111. v us I r r I r na lx-uetl iltm..i,rf-iv .. r" wi. "j"la b Imlliui .Li'li-'iae' rilllli9 r ruscrl ! ..! mr LA lis . 'l 1 ' iilloil, " ii'"" asi1" Notrft ylol.l-; At Clintotii, ..jut .... 7. IU, i..-i.-ui ..j, ... f l.lMnolnMi .ils sit; flli(lj(f.lA liOn-noa. ?1 In I-sn. Gmfyy, J ' - sr'roport- New Mlntral 8 I bet ance. f Manjak Is a new mineral sulstaDce found In the Island of Barbados, Which lfl used n an lutcnslflflr of the Il luminating power of conl gas. Its Im portance to the electrician, however, ns In the fact that It poosciRsca ninny f the proixrt.ic of an ideal insulator for electric wires. It Is of a black color, ax. J has a high luster nnd a bright, con rholdul fraclure, resembling In apiear- mce pwly broken pitch. It Is found rery iinr nnd eonietlniea upon thcmir-i face of the ground Iu seauws varylna' ti-om one foot to two fret in thickm?. running wuinlly nt an nn;le of abotit I forty-Qve flcgiwa, nnd In close pro simy io nx'Ks. it is supposed to luiik been formed by the drying up and cor,( found in nbundnnce In (he Bjune local! Ides nnd 1 often seen oozing out of t!i rroiuid or floating down the streams. In ;onipwltlon It Is not unlike Trlaldnd jltcb, the TJtnh "giloonlte" and tlm' Hexlonn "jsteiHt." The a ma lysis of :he l?st qunlity mnn.Ink is slated to be moisture, 2.0C; volnfile orpnnlc mntfor,' rO.K"; non vala tile oreniilc , matter, !0.07; mineral pinltcr, 0.1S. t 'A menilMr of llio Arkanwisi LeclHl.T ture was lined ifl(X) nnd fn-nteneed i ' one nilnure lu Jail the other day f ' "Bliootlngr nt nnd mlns'ii,' nn eslilo' It Is a perioiis offense In thnt State OJlfyHllh nn opptTtuii'iy, t'.outli Boud Lv. Mt. Airy V Lv. ltiiral Hi Lv. Walnut Lv. 8tokea Ar. Oreen Lv. GreeuSWo Lv. Climax... 74 Lv. Hauford. .. 1 Ar. FayettovlllI X A T.' ..... ,v. Favettevl Ar. Wllmlm-f functlon. North 1 Lv. ltnniirti Ar. Muitoil'0. Lv. Miixtoiiid, Lv. ltedvllle Lv. Hope Ar. Fay """iniis. t . t. y"e. Lv. Uotf- Lv. Reiyouud. Ar. Ma-tevillo.. Lv. Ma Mills... Ar. Be 8prin)f8.. ou Q a i'lsvllle i. i 1 A 1 Bound. Lv. ieur.. T,v.MI.... ArAnsboro jifnsooro.... K Ulson..'. . I'son lonesdale. yjnsboro... Iweostjoro.. r.rjSBllr ..1245 .. 1 15 a i 8) p m Ho. 4, Da7iy 7 45 m SOJuin 91,7am 987art, 10 26a in 1- 16J pm o. 8, 1)nlly. i 45 p rn oOJpm ...... o tt pxa 6 11 p m m . . . Dinpa OreenwhT L;y:-- ;; Charl'tosvl; " Alexandria. , r Washingtcn Meal station. e Ha ,;TTv .- No. 16 u a m ... tfssam io voam JO 65 a m lazip m .. i iu pm No. 15 a JO p m 8 05p ni 4 81 p m 0 45 p m 6 57 Dm jfK IIMixod.'dailV'e';,; h.-.8,??P m lUtOvllls with A,, ( ll Souths liu w ' ' V r:M-y-h.fb Norfolk A 111.1'.. irJ.. 81 Wolnut ' f- ' "-oiui ii r ii a i nrn ir JKJir :"- ' - BLE"10 CAR asn nr. J-twwn Now Vorksid N-fr011 '"FiD 7 .ili LM.!,OKaiiaNlS.i,l,ni ""tSprlnifB, Hor num. Hn mn ,u i. wmDi r. l C but mmmmimm . - iu una itL f CharlotfB si) DAILY &VWEEKLY -II jr. I 1 i ill. Krr.r Qen. Pass. At, aTOsap,Hllf puh,nf,m J. P. Caldwbu, SdltM rjQBIPTIOIfr?lICE AH.T O.M ' ( f Tmr, "'".it Months i.TCi,vw,fiX:;1,;ih, Woo ! w, 11. t0. II 00 .ft . .i. . ...v. gunman ri .linMlrh ,1..!....- -.iwiui,,.. Ka Polntn. " a ! at nrlndnWi . th C.nVpoi """auon -U. UkUtK. oin.i'l o . .4 W A Tii. . '"'I'TIII nser, Jtxi 1 Ifaii.1. A i-nnjiiH,, l,e(,, one it s right jo Bny t)l I hnd hud, hurt it?" (-ertnliily, Johnny." ' "And If that hat oncniu.' it and I hnd It 111011,1... 1 had had n hole in it. ii x "Ve:i, there "would ' root in Hint." "Then. Ifd be.X thftt the imt I ' u II, WOllM ' Jul in-' Chi.- ' Wlllll "... J C I .... VI V I)