IN THE CITY AND COUNTRY That is Betus-Saia and Doue Brefl Helate<{—>Short ParaKrapUs in a Jfut shell A merrj Xmas to al]. Mr, Fred Sparger continaes to improve. Mr. H. G. Chatham killed a hog this week that weighed 511 lbs. Mr. D. W. Bailey is back fVoin a trip to Wisconsin and other northern and western states. He tells -08 the thermometer was 20 degrees below zero. Mr. W. L. Woodhouse of Boon, ville was here on business Wedn esday. Miss Julia Dobbins and Mrs. Dr. flickerson of Ronda attend ed the Gwyn-Lillard wedding here yesterday. The Band boys will give an entertainment Tuesday night be fore Christmas in the Odd Fel lows Hull. Every body go, two hoiirsof fun. Tom Crumpler’s banjo solo at tlie band entertainment Tuesday night is all right and will tickle your funny. Mr. Van Poindexter of Elk Creek Va. was here Monday. Mr. T. F. Bryant representing the Mount Airy Mar''’y' works spent several days 1 ihis week. Mr. C. H. Gwj jft Wednes day for a two weeks hunt on the State farm in the Eastern part of the stale. Eev. J, H. Booth will be home for Xmas from an extended visit and preaching tour in the East ern part of the state. Miss Maud King will come home for the holidays from the State Normal at Greensboro. Miss MoHie Bradley who spent a moath here last summer, will be married the 27th to Mr. Sam uel Journey of Olin, N. C. Hon. B. H. Woudle, grand lecturer for the 1.0. O.F. Lodge lectured here last Monday night. He has been lecturer for this or der for 17 years. Mr. J. F. Cook will move from the town of Jonesville to his new residence in Eikin next week. Mr. Cook has put up a residence that is a credit to the town, it is one oC'he nicest and best con structed ^uildings here. Mr. Ghant, Express Agt. at Madison put in a guess in a con test given by the Cincinatti En- quirer^,and lost $34 000 by not seiidiii'g it a little sooner. He guessed the exact nut'nber but got in too late. Just remember that the new stove at The Times Office is to go Xmas morning and you may delay until the last moment. Mr. Walter Worth and Vern on Lillard of Ashe county are vis iting Mrs. Ada Penn. Miss DeEtte Bonham has re turned from Creston where she had been visiting relatives and attending the wedding of her cousin Miss Clyde Worth. Mrs. H. V. Bryan and_daughter Miss Lilly are visiting friends here and in Jonesville this week Mr. Aaron Tucker, of Kapps Mills was here Monday having some dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Arnold at tended the Gwyn—Lillard wed ding here yerterday, Just about everybody in Elkin attended the wedding yesterday. Among those from a distance who attended the Lillard-Gwyn wedding here yesterday we note Mr. E. Walter Gwyn and wife and J. B. Horton ofNorth Wilkes boro. Messrs. Walter Worth and Vernon Lillard of Creston, Mr. James Lillard of Charlotte, Eev. and Mrs, W.L. Sherill of Mocks- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Knox of Hickory, N. 0. Eev. W. E. Welborn left last ■week on an extended preaching tour in the interest of the Prinii tive Baptist church. He goes a- cross the Continent by way of Chicago an to Vancouver Island in the Paciic Ocean thenee •tb San Francisco, Calif&rnia and back by the way jf Galveston, New Orleans ana Atlanta. He expects his.mission to require four or five months time and several thousand miles travel “Verily a Prophet is not without honof save in his own country.” Mrs. Pattie Halcomb wife of Fletcher Halcomb, Esq., died at lier home near Hamptonvill Mon day. She was a most excellent woman, just in the prime of life and her death casts-a shadow over the whole community. We ex tend to the bereaved husband and family in this sore bereave- ement our deepest sympthathy. Rev. Dr. Eenn occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday and preached a most excellent sermon at 11 o’clock A. M. after which the Sacrament of the Lords supper was administer ed to the congregative. Eev. T. A. Boone the new Me thodist Pastor at this place arriv ed here last Tuesday and has en tered upon his work for the new Conference year. He preached bis first sermon here last Sunday night and we hear it .very highly spoken ot,we gladly welcome him and his family to our town and trust that their stay here may be profitable both in temporal and epiritual things. A Home \Vcd<liu8r. At the home of the brides fath er Wednesday Dec. 10th at 6 o’clock P. M. Miss Mittie A. the beautiful and accomplished daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Bryant was’happily united inthe bonds of matrimony to Mr. J. K. Beamer one , of Surry’s bright energetic young farmers, Ruv. A.. J, Wil liams officiating. After the con gratulations the guests with the bride and groom retired to tlie diningroom and found a table well laden with many good things which seemed to be great- ly enjoyed by all present. The writer especially. Thursday the wedding party wended their way to the home ol' the groom, where they met a cor dial welcome by Mrs. Beamer, the groom’s mother. The partj was there joined by Dr. Woltz and wife of Dobson and others, after feasting awhile upon the dainties the evening was then spent in social amusements of various kinds. May their lives belong and prosperous without the shadow of a cloud to darken their pathway is the wishes of their many friends. L. C. Park. Edwardsville N. C. Mf m POPULAR BOOKS. Our selection embraces the most popular and best selling books of the day. Drop in and look them over. No nicer Christinas Gift than good books. We also will receive on Tliursday of this week an assortment of Bibles, New Testament, Dictionaries and other books. Don’t forget the 1-5.00 in gold to be given away Christ- mas_day. Yours Truly W. H. Woods & Co. RONDA ROCKETS, We are having some rough weather. Messrs. Poplin Bros got into their new store last week and have opened up a nice line of goods. Miss Sallie Byrd left last week to spend a few weeks at Elkvillo with her brothers. Mrs. J. I; Dobbins of Boon- ville spent from Saturday till Monday with rel4\^ v^s here. Messrs. Lipp'sncisVBros. are herefrom New i|evsey'. '^ending a few weeks huntiiia;. till] 3aoi Kev. Richardson preached at at the academy Sunday, but de cided not to protrfS|t just now. Mr. J. I. Dobbins moved Mr, tl. B, Felts house today. By the way those who have houses they want moved ought to see him while here. He will niove his roi 's away in a short while. He gnai itees satifaction and works reaso. \ble. There will be a Xmas tree at Ronda Academy Wednesday night Dec. 25th given by the school. Any one out side if school wishing to put any thing on for their children or friends has lib erty to do so. Write Principal of school foi anv particulars. Everybody is cordially invited to come and lets have a merry time. ..There came ver}' near being a fire here last week. The roof of boiler house at River Side Distill ing Co. caught on fire and was making nice headway when dis covered but was not beyond con trol, five minutes would have given it the advantage. Rover. Tho SlecKleubnrs; Turnip Crop. The standard topic of con versation among the farmers these days is the turnip crop. From all accounts, nothing like it has been known heretofore in Mecklenburg. Several tine spec imens of turnips have been ex hibited at The Observer office this season, and yesterday Mr. R. M. Allison, of Huntersville, come in with a turnip that weighed 14 pounds. Usually when the far mers want turnips for dinner they would send the hired boy to the patch to pull up a few. Now they have to send a mule and a derrick and one turnip lasts all hands on the farm a week.—Char lotte Observer. Saved At Graves Brink. “I know I would long ago have been in my grave.” writes Mrs. S. H. Newsom of Decatur Ala., “if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold a- gony from the worst forms of Indigestion, vVaterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heartily and have gained 35 po'inds.’- For Indiges: tion. TjOss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidn^iy trouble? Electric Bitters are a posi tive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at W, II. ^\'■oods & Co's drug store. Business Locals. Miss Etta Bray has some real nice hats that she will sell at cost. Don’t buy until you see them. We are now ready to make contracts tor next seasons delivery of Chestnut oak Bark' When in Elkin drop in our Office and secure a contract Thanking tho people for past fa vors and soliciting a continuance of same we are Yours Truly. C. C, Smoot & Sons Co. T. R. Crumpler Contractor. Elkin, N. C. “Camile,” “A Red Hot Mess- e,” “Quarrelsome Servant’s and other rich farces will be play ed by the band boys at the enter tainment Tuesday night. Don’t miss the fun. Tickets on sale at the drug store Saturday and Mon~ day. You must be sure to hear “The Duke” tell how music thrills tho soul of the old darkey at the band entertainment Tuesday night. Its rich. Give yoor friend a Bible or a good book for Christmas. You can get them at the Drug store. Crater, Sale & Co., have just received a keg of fresh Malaga grapes. Do you spell correctly? Maybe you need a good Dictionary' We have them. W. H Wood ,& Co. The siovG we are giviy away is a fair deal and as we/ ave said before it is to go to tlij person who guesses the nearest to tho weight, or the exact weight. In case two or more persons should guess the exact weight,they would have to draw for it. H. Wakefield of Char lotte wiK, ''fl at the Jones House in Win'^^'\ ^ 11 Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 7th and 8th. His practise is limited to the oye, ear nose and throat. Call at the oflice of J. F. Hen- dren, and get an Insurance calen dar for 1093. The people are sending in their guesses on tlie new stove. - You can seT'd tho money only 50e and your cuess by some friend. Bibles and New Testaments at the Drug store, after Thursday the ISth. 15 and 25 cents buy a ticket to the band entertainment Tuesday night. If you want a seat reser ved its 35 cents. Tickets on sale at the drug store Saturday and Monday. GREATESIE fiiiVffJ !il?J EVER OFFERED This Organ is of the very latest design and construction, is very substant'.aliy made, richly emboss ed, raised carving, and is complete in every detail. It has a full-sized case of geniii- ne black walnut or oak, finished inthe latest shades, with deep canopy top, large mirror, music pocket, bric-a-brac shelf, handles, swinging fallboard, removable bellows front, and is absolutely mouse proof. It contains two full sets (122) reeds, with bass and treble coup- ]^!l^B&?H’'OX-hnmana. 548.coSI^ :’y? it, complete with sfcH|j^- book ot inslructions. odoit? We buy thorn in car load lots, for SPOT I, i nd a liv-rjes us. V/e will sliip you one to your nearest .station/ you if vou fhid it to .be as represented and perfectly .c^nd us the money. If not ?end it back. Onr jTCTositicrt is 11 can take it out urd try fatif-faciciY in every For Sale bvf. Henry Tharp, Elkin, N. C. bv('.H n'-e#^i'^>very Organ. (^, J. BOWEN, A ten 3'6ar giiarai 3C5 Main Street Winston Salem, N, C. Great Cut Prices. We want you to come in and look at our Nkw Goods We are fixed for you and on addition in regular stock we have some exceedingly interesting bargains and Specials. Such as 50cts Negligee Shirts at .40cts 40cts Negligee Shirts at 25cts l.octs D. W. Dress Goods at lOcts 45cts Henrietta Dress Goods 4-5 inches 30cts 25 Gross 10 & 15cts Pearl Buttons 5cts doz Ladies, Misses, Childrens, and Mens Ilosiery-an immense Stock in black and fancy Colors Cotton and Wool. Our Shoe Stock is the largest and the best in this sect ion. We pride ourselves on the splendid wearing quality of our Shoes. Our Brices are right and our Shoes are the best. V«i,Ko(lol Dyspepsia Cure, Bigtsts all classes of food tones and ^stren thens the stomach and digestive organs, ures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Stomach Tioubles and makes rich red blood health and strength. Kodol rebuilds worpout tis* sues, purilies strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va, says; I have used a number of bottles of Ko- dol and have found it to be a very eifective and indeed a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. 1 recomend it to my friends. For sale by W. II. Woods &. Co. Snow is 7 inches deep in parts of the west. That SlttiDg Roo;i. A- We NYu.a to 1 , if you ^in!i talk ink of lu a Siame. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Haze) Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to iaake*a salve from Witch Hazel that is a {^prcifvc for Piles. For Blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding Piles eczema, cuts, burns bruises and all rat in disease DeWitt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to num erous ^worthless counterfeis. Ask for De- Witt's genuine. For sale by W. H. Woods & Co. Furniture to you buying. ,l Tn the first place,youl'rob- ably know that furnitu^'has advanced in price. Our|"ock, fortunately, was orderejj be fore the rise occurt-'ed. While it was still in hi^'er our designg’ were' s’eTStecf, and we can sell at almo^Uhe old prices. ; Our Safety Bed Slatji and Patent rails are the bestfbeds on the market. Whitaker. & Reich, C. Mrs. IJ, S. Grant died in ington last Sunday at the 7G. Wash- age of A Dltlllou -Voices, Covild hardly express the thanks ofHomer Hall, of WesD Point, la. Listen why. A severe cold had settled on his lungs, caus ing a most obstinate cough' Several physic ians said he had consumption, but could not h«in iiini. Wlien all thougbt he was doomed he began to use Br. Kings New Dis covery for Consumption and writes—“it completely cured mo''and saved my life. I now weigh 227lbs.” It’spoMtively guaran teed for C«ughs Colds and Lving troubles. Price 50c and §1.00. Trial bottles free at W. H. Woods & Co. Fertiiizers-^^ We have a big stock of all grades of fertilizeis and are selling it by tho hundred 10 per cent Acid i’hosphate |l,12i 12 per cent Acid Phosphate $1.17J 13 per cent Acid Phosphate $1,20 16 per cent Acid Phosphate $1’30 19^“ Buy quick these Prices may bo withdrawn. Spot Cash only buys at above Prices. We want your Chickens, Eggs, Dried Fruits, Honey, Wax and all marketable Produce and will guarantee highest market prices. Very truly Sept. 1903 Click & Co. P. S. We forgot to mention the Superior Drills. We are still selling them. If you wand something better than anything else of its kind buy The SuPEKroR Dkill. C;-',;k & Co. The Fire Is Over. We are still in business at the old stand and of fer you the best line of goods that we have ever car ried. We call attention to the fact that we have some goods damaged by tho fire that we offer you special bargains in. We sell the best drills on the market, tho cham pion. We handle the best grade af Fertilizers and a line ol Lynchburg buggies that are the best made. We are agents for the Spach wagon and keep them on hand all the time. In our Livery Stable we have good horses and ve hicles that are ready at your command. Yours truly S. W. COCKERHAM & 50N. Shoes, Richmond Pearson ha^ bu appointed minister to Persia. A The Yuletide Log. custom at one time preval ent in England and still observed in sonsc of tho northern districts of the old couiitry is that of place- ing an iuiuionso log of wood — sometimes tho root of a great tree— in the wide chimney place. This is often called the Yule log and it was on Christmr.s eve that it was put on the wide hearth. Around it would gather the en tire family, and its entrance was the occasion of a great deal of ceremony. There were music and rejoicing, while the one au thorized to light it was obliged to have clean hands. It was alw ays lighted with a brand left over from the log of the previous year, which had been carefully preserved for the purpose. A poet singj of it in tliis way. With the last years branding Light the new block, and For good success in his spending On your psaltries play That sweet luck may Come'while the log is a-tending. The Yule log was supposed to be a protection against evil spirits and it was considered a bad omen if tho fire wont out before the evening was over. Tho family and guests used to seat themselves in font of the brightly burning fire, and many a story and merry jest went round the happy group. I—Now York Mail and Express. Your New Overcoat. Where are Yon Qoing to Get it? kind? ,he store where you bought the last one? Yes, if it wore But suppose it diden’t wear right—will you try OUR You can Iiave yuur money, if yon want it. But that suggests worry and trouble—don’t thitsls: about it. It’s get ting to bo a by-word among makers that we’re too particular. They are satisfied with nothing but the best,-and neither are we. Come, see what that best is. Long, medium and short coats—Cheviots, Oxford Mixtures, Kerseys, Vicunas, Meltons etc. Some Serge-lined, some Silk-lined. Evety coat a prize-. $3.95--TO$1800. Drop in for a few moments. N. L. QRANFORD & CO. Oie Prlte ClitMekCir. Me & 5lli Sts„ f iistoE, M. C. Fertilizers, Produce. One thing you will have to have this fall is shoes for the family. The cheapest shoe is not always the one to buy. We keep the kind that give service and will sell them to you at a reasonable price. We offer you fertilizers at prices that are the lov/est and oui terms are reason able. Our stock consists of the best brands for wheat that are made. We will take your produce at prices that will please you it you give us the chance. Just one Request. What we want you to do is to see what we have to sell and what we pay for produce. It will not take but a few min utes to step in and see us. We are here to get your trade and expect to have it, or a reasonable portion of it, by sell ing- goods low and givingjyou good prices for what you have to sell. Respectfully. GREENWOOD MCTL. HOUSE. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CAUTION! This is not a gentle word—but when you think how liable you are not to purchase the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1808 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popular all these years, you will be thankful we called your attention to Bos- ehee’a German Syrup, There are so many orJinary couch remedies made by druggists aiKl others that are cheap and gooa for light colds perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Crouj,v—and »specially for Con sumption, where there is difficult expectora tion and coughing during the nights and mornings, there is nothing like German Syrup. The 25 cent size has just been in troduced this year. Eegular size 25 cents. At all druggists. Wlinf He Heard. Little Montague—I was awake when Santa Claus came, dad. Father—Were you? And what was he like, eh? Liitle Mantague—Oh, 1 couldn’t see him. It was dark you know. But when he bumped himselt on- the wash stand he said— Father (hastially) — There, that’ll do, Monty. Run away and play.—Punch. Messrs. Nerous and . Everett Hurt of Rusk were in town trad ing today. A Ware. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough mav invade the sanctity J of health in your own Kome. Cautiouspeo- , pie have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure I ahvaysat hand. E. H. Wise, Madisor. Ga. ! writes; “I am indebted to One Minute ; Cough Cure for my present good health and • probably my life.” Itcurcs Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all ; Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute i Cough Cure cuts the phlegm,- draws out the I inftammation. heals and ;.soothes the muc- ■ ous membranes and strengthens the lungs. { For sale by W. H. Woods & Co. Foils A Deadly Attack* “My wife was so ill that good nhvsician* were unable to help her,’ ’ writes M. M. Aus' tin, of Winchester Ind,, ‘’but wascomplete* ly cured by Dr. King’s New life Pills.” Ihev work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at W. H. Woods &Co’s drug store. very Cornelius VanderbuiU is low with typhoid fever. The little republic of Venezue la is preparing to fight both En gland and Germany. The Pride of Heroes. Many s(>ldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Sore feet and Stiff joints. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns. Scalds, Boils, Skin Eruptionsaml Plies. It cures or no pay. Only 26c at W, H. Woods & Co’s drugstore.

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