DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1905. Published Daily except Monday CHB INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHING CO. Greensboro, North Carolina. THOMAS a ROLLINS President SPENCER B. ADAMS. ...... . . V.-Pres. ROBT. D. DOUGLAS..... Sec & Treas. Counting Editorial TELEPHONES: Rooms.......... Rooms 1000 ......1001 FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE not shattered our faith or shaken, our fealty ? Would we in token of our allegiance give to Him some small giftd on this, His natal day! With one ac cord we say we would but how? WTiat can we give to Him who calls the uni verse His creature and all things earth ly His creation t He Himself has made the answer plain. In the paraphrase of the poet He has said: Whatso'er thou doest unto the least of these and lowest, That thou doest unto Me." This, then, should be our Christmas thought to give to our King a birth GOOD STORIES GLEANED FROM WORLD AT LARGE editorial comment FAIRBROTHERS FARRAGO QUITE TOO BAD, I. From this on seven more days, there ' ' . . . . ' iy soe iiUropean authorities on its uaeous comparison Bisnops Wilmer of Louisana and Ala- P"8,1"88 mvtj-, and we are entirely ' IWllllllir to lot hllslllpas Itcrht it. .,.n l,f l r-i i i . i. . . . ,..:. v.." " cama rcespecuveiy a uniia s Advice A ministers America has been harshly criticised will be something didding and a week ' aonia Nliimmkan ni . i Spiritual Appetite. ROBT. D. DOUGLAS .... A. R. PARKHURST. JR. ...Editor .M'ns Editor Subscription Sis Dollars per Tear, payable monthly, quarterly or yearly. . A Printed Advertising Hate Card may be had for the asking; all reputa ble advertisements are solicited at these rates only and every advertiser may rest assured that he is getting a square deal. Entered as second-class matter at the fostoffice at Greensboro, N. C, under the act o. Congress of March 3, 1897. Bishop Joseph Wilmer. of Louisiana, ' train finally reached tiie dirt roadbed and Bishop Richard Wilmer. of Alabama. I again the old woman looked at her hus wcre cousins and intimate friends, says' bund with a sigh of relief and said: the Xew Orleans Times-Democrat. Thev j "Thank the Lord, Silas, we've lit!" .,0,0 lr.,.ni;n if I...K. ., ..,1 ' day gift-to : give that gift which I afternoon while the Bishop of Alabama; Doesn't Care for Dollv Now would bring most joy to His Christ-1 was entluisiasticullv pointing out the ,, , , , , . " , . y , Child heart. 'beauties of some architectural 'ruins, the ' J 'f0S!Io.r ''. Smit.., the venera- iBishon of Louisiana w-m hoi-ed t W b,e Canadian publicist, believes that as Ihe world-our part of the world-is I J,, ul wna was "0,otl' M last an encouragement to matrimony two full of men and women and children who! . .f ',,11 vciv fine Cniniu lmt -vo(es shol'W be given to every married see but the hard unlovely side of life-.! nevertheless a' rich Held fragrant ' with i ma"' "-.s very fond of children, who ,.i,i u... ...j ... ", the nHor of ,inu-..nn-.. 1,0- i 1,1 "'' lavish their affection on him. "7 Rm,w u,u- lul l""lJ ana wane aim ' V ' ........... r.. . Tm? profMSW d(,lig,us in lening to privation which numb the body and chill, , th' ,,..,.... ..i:.i. 'grow up to be a ireuius. The other nf- Cousin .Toe, tlie.es not' an ass in' nl'l tvr.?n w"keing fronV her nap. she Italy that would not agree with von." , c"!.'?Ilr hPr mot 101' to, b,p,V ; ''. ' ..itiiiiuici. tm: siuu, num. i Cl A Child's Advice. i"R about before I went to sleep?" .' iw ,,,.;. w i..- -,.i...i "Hw mother smiled. nlii. i i. d;,,,;.,,! ,;,i ii... ,..,... " were crying, my sters were already in anticipation of relaxing tlieir cramped little limbs after which have fastened themselves upon! ' ,. . '" lT ,m,"em ",' slra'.-m- uui-M'u t-iiuiis ana oeueiics, urn me su perintendent arose and. instead of the itMiiti iii-MiiisNai. aniKMiiK'rii ; iki now i children.... let me .introduce Mr. nuth. who will give us a short talk." yt Smitli smiliuglv arose, and after ties. But the critics are now interest. ing us by taking up other questions. ! They are discussing our postal scandals, the proofs of graft in the departments, the evidence that Senators and Repre sentatives are concerned in the land of fice steals. These cut deep because they discredit our sytem of government, and are used to bolster up the monorchical establishments against which ours was born to protest. Nevertheless, we have no kick coming, as long as these objec tors stick to the evidence and the de cisionsyellow literature is not author ity, nor the yellow papers, nor the cam paign circulars. But, if we are on the way. what of the monarchies that have arrived ? As an instance, we note that the Yi,.,,i,: from' tonight, Childhood throughout the world will be happy. Xot all of Child hood, for there will be illness and in the sick chamber the nurse may forbid hap piness to come: there will be paverty and to shivering childhood and hungered childhood and starving childhood l.itppi ne9s is unknown: there will be Death, too, here and there throughout the world while the Christmas bcl! are ringing, and when Death sits at feast the holiday is bleak and cheer! :3. But I nm telling aliout the happi.ioss that win dc over all the land where condi tions are favorable, and the night th.-.t Santa Clans is due to arrive is the hap piest of all the Imppv davs of child hood. ( '. What faith what absolute faith the child has in Kris Kriujrlc! 1 kii.iw that somewhat out of place to celebrate so sacred a day by blowing horns and filling the air with rockets but it was observing the day, and each section to its notion. I have tried for some several recurr ing Christmas days to insist that t.ia Christmas jag should be cut out, but it seems that my labors are in vain. I cannot see just whv a man who is so ber and tmperate, and who is opposed iu ni isMjy as a Deverage, can make him self believe that Christmas egg-nog is the proper stuff for Christmas dav but hit many do that, 1 presumo it is none of my business. But I always in sist as I go along that what is good enough for Christmas Dav ought to be good enmurh for any other dav. And I notice so far as the jag is 'concerned many people seem to think so, too. the soul human beings who . can be moved by the same joy and gladdened by the same sunshine of the heart as will make our Christmas a time of light hearted merriment. At this festival season, then, let us put by and forget the cares and trouble OUR CHRISTMAS ISSUE. We point with just pride . to. today's Issue of the Daily Industrial News. It has over been' our purpose to present to our patrons,, not only the best paper in the Stats, but to stride to make it the best paper in the South.-and in the production of this, our Christmas num ber, we feel that our ambitions . have been realized. In order to do this it is absolutely necessary that we have the cordial co operation and support of both the read ing public and advertisers.' We invite h careful perusal of both the news mat ter and advertisements that grace our columns today and nt the same time extend to all our friends our : best wishes for a merry Christmas and a prosperous ending to -a prosperous vcar. our hearts. Let us. if onlv for the dav be as light-hearted children, loyal sub jects of the infant King; but let us re member those other subjects of this King who are not as we arc and till their hearts with joy and our King's heart with gladness and our own hearts with that sweetest peace which comes from a generous hand. And the Christmas will be truly as it should be, a time of glory to God and peace to man. gazing' impressively around the class- dear.' she an- , swered. 'because I wouldn't let you have ! your father's wateh to play with.' '"(Mi. yes; 1 rememher now." The lit tle gill's face contorted and she burst ' out again. hoo-hoo! Boo. boo-boo-boo! Boo- llioo!'" Treated His Hair With Anti-Fat. lolin Drew, as he : lunched, talked l?t i .lv X- l ... Dm 5e,t charged that Premier Koerl.er np W"M t hnstian feels sonvhov,- tint ! ,)i(ln-t t,. t ", ';;",' T'T 1 carried on a profitable traflie in titles 'l" troW in his faith, and he never j ilivhie&wnZiitarffSi. d I land deeoratins; that he sold seats in doubt. th.t what there is a -iod-he Z "h i non'rr ',,ousr...?f.thP. ?rkhratB yLJv? j.i.. QllcbccJ it ?8 1-0 be :va. oom, began with: "I hardlv know what to sa.v,' when the whole school was con vulsed to hear a small, thin voice way back in the rear, lisp: 'Tlmy iimen and thit down!' A Minister's Appetite. : certain minister applied THE CHRIST-CHILD. A week and a day hence this old world of ours will pause for a brief sjm(;e in its daily grind, its nerve-racking hope-killing chase for self-loving, 8 OUR STATE, Xorth Carolina was the birthplace of the first child bom of Knglish parents on the North American continent and to day after more thaii .three, centuries Xorth Carolina has the most homogen- euous the most w holly American popu-i lation of any State in the I'nion. In every war that has come into the his- tory of-our. country Xorth Carolina has' than -a church furnished her ".imota more llinn lier!"sl'il: k. . i ...J J i .i -.11: .' .u..ii, u, urate ami ut.i,nru M.micr: in every field of peaceful endeavor Xorth' Carolina has heme a distinguish ed and useful part. And looking back about barbers, "They are so uncomplimentary," he said. "They tell von such unflattering things." "A friend of mine went to be shaved at the Dark Harbor Hotel one dav last j summer and the barber said to him: A certain minister applied to hisi , 01"' na,r la ng tlnn. sir.' church for an increase of salarv. "Sal-1 ' m.v fn,11 answered, tartly. '1 arv!" cried one of the member's. "Sal-1 naVF bpt'11 treating it with anti-fat. i ary! W hy, 1 thought you worked fori novcr llld 1,ke stollt n;lil'-"' souls." "And so I do." meek I v replied! tu. i?..'X.tr"w i the impecunious minister, "but 1 cannot : TIlEfV10s ,Woman; , cat Souls and if 1 could it would take a ? 'T lr'?,M 1,11,1 J1""0!1 "ut of U.' ?pr'l 0O0.1 maiiv souls the -ize of vmirn-'In ' n,,m" ' lnn COliflllclor was on ins tare- 'make n decent n.,.,,1 " ' collecting tour. In one car there sat alone a woman dressed in deep mourn Caring for the Preacher. j ing. YVhen the conductor approached 11 ivni ,.i ,i k; ,;, ti..,f ii .! i her tnc woman hurst into tears was said, more of a liHens' moflii,, '''nr conductor asked her what was the at-hm-inrr ,. n,l Mr- iti-n .uiaucr. hc sotihcd this leplv: " Ten years ago l took my first hushand over what can von do for the'!l"s ,;onU to bp ereinated: ..five years ago preacher? -Tdon't intend to not the bur- 1 ?0OK m' spi" hushand on the same den of m v living upon anv one Tamilr, trP t0 lne cr.miatory. nnd now I am but upon all of vou turn and turn about. tak,"Jr W.v tlrd husband to be consumed I -itl n.il hntv.'.vor . ivhnr.. !..!. I ,0 asllOS. ' ' - - ,tlu , .1.... . 1 O 1 J V 1 "ii.i inrii uinr iit-rr loua sods Jicatd two legislators who had so acquired their places. One of these. Von Markof. sued the paper for damages, whereupon such proof was given that the suit was withdrawn and the testimony is now being circulated throughout Kurope, giv ing, the testimony and the rulings of the court, with the dismissal of t lie suit at the request of the. mweciitor. The worst that can be said of this is that we draw- nearer to such conditions ot hers grave whether or not his nave arrived. Ye grant the presence of been , heard and answered cmi. ne refuse to believe that this evil comes because of our system yet devised by the wisdom of man' is exempt. -Florida Times-Union. , daughters have every reason to he proud of the record, of tlieir dear old mother Slate. But after all, the past is past and it is the future which looms big and im portant before the men and women who wwild achieve. The possibilities are great, the time is ripe, the country is expectant, and the call to a broader, a more progres sive, a more eillirrlitpn.rl rilWmi.Jiii i mm c,.M ig anns ana oojects and turn 1)pillg ,lnde(1 b thwe- who .have 1(),k. us iat'p nacK uuo tno past nacic into ,i . ... . sirlllir i tint iitiiimiiir nnr rt tin nm over tne past Aortli tarolma s sons and Wh.,r o,n vou dou- the preacher?" ."." from '"t -im the opposite side One old l'alv. who had a dim reeollec-' ,)f ,ar- Th inductor turned and t ion of a small church in the pine woods"?" wom" erying. Approach- of (i.Miivia. when she was a girl, said: I ' omy, Me asked the weeping one: I lie outskirts of an obscure village in an obscure eastern land, and sec in a hum ble hillside stable amid want and loveli ness, a bearded toil-bent man a fair bom babe. 'Ihrough all the centuries this picture has come down; through all the cen turies the; world . has said it knew the meaning of that picture and has acted is if it had forgot. We believe when we pause in our worldly pursuits to believe at all that while time had not yet begun to sum its course; the One Great Being who al ways was and is and alwavs will he ed deep and long into public; affairs. In the first place, we must put away must bun- all little petty, senseless, zealousies and remember: only that what is for the good of one is for the good of all that we are each and ewy one of us bound together by ties of a common inheritance; and a common destiny. ''. Grave and important issues are now confronting us, new and complex quesr tions are every day rising up and de manding a careful consideration and broad-minded patriotic solution. Animosities that arose from times "1 kin cat him. but 1 chu'i sWo " nat is tne matter, madam : ' him." ' ' j' faking-her handkerchief from her "That's good: now who next?" asked ' "v"' th" 8PW,nd, ow tears answered: the missionary "lhat woman has husbands to burn. "Well, if Sister -Tcnkiiis is gwine to H'.hi,c 1 an't Bpt ! one' : eat him I'll agree to sleep him. but I ' can't wash him." ; . i . . . . .A. Little Absent-Minded. That's good; who next ?" : I'rof. O. P. .leukins. of Stanford Uni Tlicu another sifter spoke up and said, versity. is fiiven to abseiit-mindedness. "Well. I ll wash him, hut 1 ain't much He was reading one evening after din ou bilcd shuts." -tier, when his wife approached and. 'touching him on the shoulder, remarked softly: "Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Branncr A Little Girl's Reasoning.-' Here is a bit of exact reasoning on the part of a little school girl. The teacher wihed to impress the idea of the wrong of idleness. He led up to it by asking who were the persons who got all they could and did nothing in return. For some time there was silence, but at last the little girl, who had obviously reasoned out the answer inductively from her own home exierience. exclaim ed, with a good deal of .confidence, "Please, sir, it's the baby!" ; . Russell Sage's Caution, "Hussell Sage has a perspicuous mind." said a Xew York broker. '"He can see tnrough nearly everything. I doubt if he was ever duped on an investment yet. They say that two promoters once called on .Mr. age to try to interest nun. in a that is on the earth, and then made j arising a spirit of frank tolerance of man '"but little less than the angels" to i differences of opinion and a closer and looked forth and saw but empty endless ' nn1 (',"ld't'on'' 'which are now happily space, and willed and by willing made i things of the past, are fast dving a the sun, the stars, the earth and all I natural' death,-'-and in their- stead is iceiiain seheine of theirs Thev talked to the great Hnaiieier aliont an hour. Then they took their leave, having been told that. -'Mr. Nige's decision would be mailed to them in a few days. 'T 1e lieve we've got him." said the first pro moter, hopefully, on the way up-town. don't know.' rejoined the other, 'He seems very nspiiious.' "Suspicious?' said the first. 'What makes you think he was suspicious?' "Didn't you notice,' was the reply, "how he counted his lin gers after J had shaken , hands with him?' " lake the highest place among all earthly things. ; Xo less do we believe that after four thousand years of darkness, of sorrow and of sin, the Christ-Child came to teach men the fatherhood of God the brotherhood of man, and that this King j would do thing: ui ivnijjo wno came unio rtis own with i springing up, new- more cordial feeling of iiiter-dependence with a sincere desire for more hearty co-operation upon all public questions, Throughout the length and breadth of the State new avenues of human activ ity are opening to receive the man who new industries arc and hitherto the power of ten thousand earthly known progress is being made. If all ot sovereigns was that little new-born babe -in that wayside stable. Measured as earthlv events this is true, and who can deny that it Their First Railroad Ride. All old nutrinrch And his wil'o from is, he who loves his State would be a j the hills of Indian Territory, were rid nart of the motive nower which is fa. ! ins 'on a railroad train in the Choctaw n.easured-eonnted in human days and hng and must continue to force Aortli! N",io!1. tho first 1imo in their lives, years, figured in difference of location Carolina to the : forefront of i,m. . J1!!'?.?.: li'T. "t1 A .....a; - :. a....... . . mi-. in) inueii iiucrcsica in tnc DUx.u.m.UB,, .., Bri aiviuc5ipr0wCss and human success, . must . re us trora that liumblo birth-place on that far-gone night! And yet how near how real it all is how strangely near mid real if this world were all. member that ' other people may differ with him and still be as honest and sin cere as he and that the points of differ ence which divide are so verv mn,.h Kings and princes and imtcnlatcs have fcwori s0 vorr mildl , jlllnortant tha l.ved and reigned and died and been for- tie multitude of common aims, common gotten by passmg ages since that star aspirations and common interests which in the cabt guided the three wise mcnlliml 113 n together in one great com- im.u t V1.c new-corn iving earth ; monewcaltb. that we should bear ..nd first kingly homage. But as stupendous ly important to the human race as was are coming over this evening, so just go upstairs ami pur on your otner coat. The quiet little professor complied without a murmur.'- An hour later, when the visitors had been in the house some lime, the hostess excused herself for a moment and slipped upstairs to see what detained Dr. .Icnkins. She found him in bed, calmly sleeping. '"Oh, to be sure, the Branners." he said when she awakened him. I'll be right down. I guess I was a little absent-minded. 1 must have forgotten what I came for when I removed my coat, for 1 kept right on undressing and went to bed," : '-'' : Was Afraid of Young Lawyers. George Hiirvcy. at the dinner that he gave in Xew York in honor of M. Wittc and Baron P,osen, told this, apropos of foresight: "In my native Peat-ham -' there-.once dwelt a brilliant young lawyer. To him there came one day a tottering and grim Vermont farmer of 80 years. '"'Young man.' said the farmer. "I want to leave all 1 possess to my wile RELATIONS WITH SOUTH AMERICA In the reports concerning . Secretary Root's forthcoming visit ' to South America there is a suggestion of a nrv development of governmental policy which may, prove ultimately of gren't importance to the nation's political and commercial interests. Mr. Itoot, ucr-ord-ing to the present plans, will nite id the rail-American Congress at Rio le l.ni eiro next year, where he will meo! the delegates mid envoys of the leading Ke publies and devote himself to promoting a better and closer understanding Wdh them. He will aim to .convince Ihcin that the I mted States has no thought that it is true. Hut no firmer m ti.e Christian's faith in God than the child's faith in Santa Clans. The Christian hangs up his stock ings of 'Hope and Prayer the child hangs up his stockings and finds them filled. 'I he child has more right to feel that Santa Clans docs cxit thaw the man who in darkness stumbles on a.nd hopes on and never sees this side the prayer has The child writes a letter to Sat.ta Clans or he' tells a friend what he would like Santa to bring him: the storking is hung by the chimney side-.md with a faith unshak en and a knowledge greater than doubt can dim. the kid lisps its little evening prayer, goes to sleep utd on the morn ing's dawn looks nt the stocking and behold ' ' ; Santa Clans, bless his fat, good-natured soul! came down the ehinincv. rah. now- past her sixtieth vear. alionl.l come to America and the New World on a farewell tour and be the recipient of a shower of eggs. But even Genius sometimes gets it in the neck and I pre sume that Sarah must take what comci -r-even if it happens to be a doso of . .'"' '--I "struck up." as the expression is, with an old citizen the other day and he .wanted to know if I had read the President's message. I told him that I had. And that was no joke. I always read the President's message, read it earafully, just to lie. in position to an swer a man like the old citizen who aske me if I had read it. And he com menced to talk. He said he would step up to my office ft minute, and I told him to come on up. He came in and sat down and then he commenced: "Look-a-here," he started, "do you know this won't do," and he commenced to re- of territorial' aggrandizement. "and .that thev' view. it. u - it is to the .interest not ahm - of this j Therefore, ve of little faith, take heed country, but of all the natious of the and lesson from the child! ostein Hemisphere to baud together I ... : in support of the Monroe D.vtvni". j ; There be those who doubt the divini At present the feeling is widespread j ty of Christ-but. no scoffer or disb throughout South America flint in its lievcr can doubt the hiininnitv of (hr-,i. took from hi, wMl.filWl ,.,,.L- ;,f ,..w ! 1- 7 " :. " ",,:' 1 " as a the child had wanteiCleftir rX' r l . !:n't"':ihfi ""-g "d criticizing the metage. ........ .. , s., t ,..,.. Jle llHfJ rpad pverv word of it, and op- ercd the goods! Sometimes he does not t r.xlj i.. . ' 1 bring all that was expected but hard ly ever do yon hear complaint. . In a worn with childhood, tsanta Clans is nl! right but with the children of men, as miinn,ii. oi mis poucy ine i m eii Mat t, has assumed the role of prot--t r ai d infercntially of superior to its l.iiin American neighlxirs, If. Mr. lion; can succeed in removing this prejudiie and convincing the South American sn-.tes-meu that the Monroe Do;t.":ne is for the common benefit of all cis-Athintic Republics and should be sunnort.'d bv all alike, he will have aeconipfishv 1 an important work. A tacit linderstimling to this efleet would relieve the 1'nited States of much of the embnrriijiiicnL which it now risks in its sinarL'-handc)'. x....,... ... piti.iri ofunior on liiC'oartJi any,1 n.vf f :,.. T3 1.1- . i, . pu.v v, ii I epoiiNiuiC JCJ)UU1ICS I lai. I'C pudiate their debts. Chicago cws, mas day. it is a tune when our Better Self has pushed aside all greed, all avarice when somehow we get it under our brisket that truly it is "more blessed to give than to receive" n time when our dollars take eager wiDgs and we arc anxious that they should Bv away. ..." . . ..''.' It may be custom: it may foe usage: it may he -habit;-or.- it may be true that there is something in tlie divinity of the Christ who died. Howsoever it may be it is in the Yuletide davs that are abroad. . MEN AND WOMEN. The Empress of Germany is passion ately fond of flowers, but for some time lias favored orchids, of which she pos sesses a great variety. '.- "Lucky" Baldwin, the 'famous-California horseman, has been informed bv his physicians that there is no hope of his recovering his eyesight. He is in a San Francisco hospital. Rev. W. W. Armstrong, of Paducah. Ky., now a Methodist preacher on !100 a year, says he has just refused nn offer of 2. 100 a year from a noted stable owner who wanted his services ns n horse trainer. Presklcnt Roosevelt has received twice the honorary degrees ever given any other President. Two doctorates have been Conferred upon him this year. 'He is. the first Presiden to receive the de gree of I.. H. D. Secretary limit's -.energy' is astonish-, ing. He goes to work earlv in the morn - as long as she remains mv widder. nHiii.n ;,,uLi. .... i : .. t. .1 . r i." f "'r-' ...-.--.f. "ii jtii, iii in-ioillll JI1IOI 111.1 - after that t want everythmg to go tojtiou nlK.uf everything . that is going on iesk until as late as the children. ""How old is your wife, sir?" asked the lawyer. . "Scvenlj -four.' '"Then wouldn't it be quite safe,' the lawyer asked, 'to leave out the discour teous phrase about so long as she re mains your widow ? Just : leave her everything.' "Indeed. 1 won't.'' said the old man. jjui sureiy.- said tlio lawyer,- "vou and stav-s at his o'clock in the evening. It: never troubled me a minute to know whether the story of Christ was true; 1 have sized it up that for two thousand years almost, the world has revered His name: for over eighteen hundred years the religion that He taught has widened and grown: and midt all the conflicts and the doublings and the denials; despite all the scoffers and regardless of the fierce asnults of science and the taunts and jeers r f atheists, agnostics and infidels the. babe that the Persian Magi went to see after the .ludeau shepherds had been shown the way. . remains the greatest character that the world has ever known. Throw away the story of divinity a story that were if sprung today Would land the hapless mother behind .irisou bins and put a desperate husband on n man hunt with a gun: dismiss the mire clcs which it is claimed that tie ''per formed:' deuv 'if 'vou will the cm "ilixioti and tin million parently committed it to memory. When he got to the place where the President had said something about having examiners, something like Xa tional Bank examiners to examine the books of the railroads, he insisted that he never heard" of a Xational Bank sus pending or being looted that had not just been examined tho day or week be fore, and he wanted to know how, if it were possible for great corporations to demoralize honest men who were sent as legislators, by the corrupting lobby, the examiners could hope to escajio with their honesty unimpaired. As he progressed he warmed up and finally said, as he "walked around tnc room, "I tell you it won't do, it won't do, it is all nonsense, and I'll be dashed if I dont write the President that he doesn't know what he is doing." And the Old 'man kept getting more excited and nearly wept. I am only relating this to illustrate n point, and that is that I afterwards asked fourteen young men whom I met, young men of average intelligence and young men who proiess to be informed, if they had read the message, and each one of them said he hadn't and some of them used cuss words in dismissing the sub ject. This only shows that as we grow older we are willing to sit through a long message that really means noth ing more than one man's views. Youth, which knows more in a minute than age will ever comprehend, hasn't time to bother its hnsy mind with the affairs of stale. But each one ot those four teen young men knew exactly how the score stood in all the football games of the season. There you have something to think over. I am going to take permission to say in this column that 1 have an idea that one of the most worthy charities in this State is the Xorth Carolina Children's Home Society, of which Colonel W. II. resurrection and yet among the Osborn is President, E. M. Armlield, of living and the counties iiiil- Tlhrli Point. Secretary, and W. IS. lions dead -.lesus Christ. ... the lowly j Strecter. Superintendent. You will see Vazariiie and yet the .Great King ofjon show cases in stores nndnt hotels Peace lives grander and stronger today J a box t hat has a cara on it with a pic than ever since history begun. Thi, turn of a ehild. I don't often advise messages that He brought have pght- people to drop a penny in the slot, but ened more hearts; made, nappy .more I the man who drops a coin in' one of sinful souls: caused more rejoicing mid! those boxes these, Christmas times is nut produced more happiness in ihe hearts j going to waste his money. Ihis Society TO BY scenery and the novelty of their ex perience when the train suddenly fan Ummi a long trestle. Looking out of the window the old people suw ihe ground recede from beneath them, and they held their odd ways of expressing themselves. young chaps like you ot long ago while visiting at the house , money. of a friend he look a little givl on his- knee and asked about a fine wax doll j POINTS FROM PARAGRAPHERS. with which he had seen her pluving. l . '.' . "Oh,' I don't have anything to do 'with! ,- Lol'"H- nt insn has had his mine donnhinkVhc which picks up the homeless wail's and orphans is doing a great work, and I hope the Industrial News will be glad to know that 1 have mentioned the coin Ihixcs to its many readers. again after your death, do vou?' "The old man looked the other full in I the face ns he answered solemnly: "'Well, sir, there's no tcllinir what night do for of the kouj of men than all the other words written, printed or uttered since the morning stars first sang .together. When He cried o'er the troubled waters. Peace, be still! so his vojee went out over all the world and no matter who He was or what Ho was His religion has been the greatest civilizing agency that the world has known. OLJ" .Perhaps in all net ion and in all his-1 c tory there was never another such a I ' :"' '-''. ' ", romance -as is recorded in the second t TRAIN NEEDS NO ENGINEER. ! chapter of St. Luke. A story that snr- I learned to love strong drink when passes belief, almost, and yet it is be-j Minature Railroad Which is Unique in Mr. Littlejohn Has To Say On This Subject. forbear and one aiid altogether, put our shoulders to the wheel and av to our- K.i J -I -i . uay, v...uBw,.aB ,s someuiing more j splvC3) to 0e anothcr ,im, to tl)(, wo).1(, man a me e anniversary, uinst camejtlmt Xorth Cnrolina not to rule mans body, but to rule man's heart and in the heart of man on each succeeding Christmas day the . C lirist-Child is born aguin and claims the love, the fealty of a sovereign lord. The angelic choir who on that star lit night in Bethlcham first sang the tidings of great joy, on this Christmas will sing , to the heart of man that . anthem so old aud yet so ever new. The star which guided the feet of the wise men now shines as bright as then to the spirit who seeks to follow it to the feet of tho King. . The precious gifts of gold, f ranken ceusi and myrth are in our hands today, and we, as did the wise men of old, may offer them as a sign and token of our loyalty and our love. t And would wa please our King? Would wo show to him that the work, the cares, ihe distractions which so till our lives and claim our ' thoughts have is the pride and glory of nearly two millions Xorth Carolinians who arc determined upon one object to make Xorth Carolina the greatest, most prosperous and most contented and happy among tho sisicr hood of States. William Ihompson, who died the other day at Shelby ville, Ind., aged 77, was known as "the man who sold his gold at ?2.75." During the civil war Ihompson accumulated $3,100 in gold, which he carried to Indianapolis and sold at a premium, of $2,7.), netting him $7,525, witjiin 10 cents of the highest price ever paid for gold. "The Lion and the Mouse" is such a success that a second company is to be organized. Do you want a happy Christmas? Then buy lots in "Piedmont Heights" before tbey advance on Wednesday, the 20th inst. If you want to go out and sec the propertyi 'phone 032,. and we will cad with carriage. dolly any more,'" said the child. "We I have a truly meat baby now, and that keeps me busy.-' "Detail Tea Men for Baptism." During the civil war the late Colonel Gabe Bouck organized a regiment which he controlled as u dictator, according to Everybody's Magazine;- It was while the army was 'resting, after Colonel Galie's first campaign that an itinerant evan gelist wandered into camp, and, ap proaching the colonel, asked if he was the commanding officer. "I'gh." snorted "Old Gnbc," as he was affectionately called, "what do vou want?" 'I am a humble servant of the Ixjrd endeavoring to save the souls of the unfortunate. I have just left the camp of the -th Massachusetts, where I was instrumental in leading eight men into the paths of righteousness." "Adjutant," thundered Colonel Both-k, after a moment's pause, "detail ten men for baptism. Xo Massachusetts regiment shall beat mine for piety!" Tears, Idle Tears Mrs. T. De Witt Talmage, at a tea which Jihe gave in Washington in Mrs. Fairbank's honor, said of a little girl: ! "She is a remarkable little girl. Her mind is so original that I think she will their breath in abject terror. When, tho stolen from him. The Golden Rule noes not seeni to work in the silver district. Montreal Star. 1 there are men who think that evrv marriageable woman spends all her spare time praying for a husband. This is only another illustration of the aver age man's coiiccit.-r-Dnllas Xews. Po young, and it grew on me daily until it became a disease: so much so' (hat 1 could not control myself, and felt that I was doomed to destruction. In April. ISO:!. I went to the Kecley Institute nt Greensboro. ''and fook a " four weeks' treatment, and was entirely cured. Being cured I am in a position to r.ey that Keelcy Institute is the plice lor those afflicted to go. The treatment, there docs what is claimed for it, it cures; and those willing to be cure I re main so. I have no more desire for strong dunk than I had hcfor I bed iievcil bv millions of peoples of the earth; a story that were i, related for the first time bv the gravest man of Its Way. Germany' possesses a miiiHlure . but most' useful railroad, to which no par- ses in the pockets of the Congress- ever tasted it. and I give the credit to men, however, will probably lie pood for the return ti ip.- Kansas City Journal. the Kecley Institute for the grcHt work er releasing me from th etbraldom , of the drink habit,- which was fast con- I. Ogdcn Armour has been fined so I miming mv hodv. mind mid soul. VVhiln for refusing to muzzle his dog. Mr. Og. 1st the Institute' I was treated as kind deii docs not believe (hat-a prize dog'b' " 1 could have been nt -home: the .k,..,l,l 1... ...... 1:1.- - i ..i - . .. should be treated like Washington Post. a Cabinet officer. Furious Fighting. "For seven years," writes George W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured iny diseases, by tne use pf Elcc trie Bitters. I unhesitatingly recom mend thctn to all, and don't intend in the future to be without them in the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such bad ease as mine." Sold, under guarantee to do the same for you. by all druggists, at 60c, a bottle. Try them today. , manager, physician and attendants never wearying in their good work for me. for all ot this I owe them mv grateful thanks. ' It made my home a happy one; my health good) and the Institute is always ready and able to restore happiness and health to all af flicted as I was. T. H. LITTLEJOIIX. i Gaffney, !?. O, Nov. 87, 1904. Send names and addresses of those who may be benefitted. The Keeley In stitute, Greensboro,. N. C. Only live days to buy lots in "Pied mont Heights at $240 they then ad vance w $280. Don't delay. 'Phone 032. . our times would lie lauchcd out of conn- nllel is found in this country. Accord- tenance and discredited bv the sincercst jinjr t" Railroad Men its peculionty )s people and vet a story that has','lt ,ts tlIllt,s ni,V1' " drivers. It is brought more solatv and 'more comfort f"r wrying salt, from the sal!, than all the otner stories, legends and 1 n,im's 1,1 Stassfurt. The trams consist, historical' facts ever collected in mvf :!0, trucks, each carrying half a ton world. of salt, ihe engines are electric, of 24 ; horse-power each. As it approaches n And il is from that story that Christ' jstnlion, of which there arc five along mas had its beiiig-from that date the 1 I'1"'," t""". automatically rings a New World began. And whether myth, i M) '" the station attendant turns a fancy, invention or an unimpeachable I ?''' to weeive tt... He is able to stop uctualitv, there is something about I lt"t ony moment. . ., Christinas that creeps around our I, lo "rt- ,l !Hin h UmU " U,f hearts, searches our souls, oleaimes us. ' mw'vc .u'hr h: current -and : so to .m,k. nnd fill, us with that lJ1ve!t",' 'lewends ngaiu Dclorc tno engine n nil C hantv which Christ taught and I which made us better. ; - I suppose that were ninn to writo from now till the crack of doom lie would not be able to sa.v much of any thing new about Christmas because it has bccii a theme on which nil . have written year after year and yet if any one says that nothing need be written he is perhaps the one that most needs it. -. S . ' : When I first came to the .South I was surprised to sec the custom of Christ mas celebration, because at the North and West they go through a more sol emn programme. There aro no fire works during Christmas week, or at least there were no fire-works in the old days, and it struck ine as being descends again has gained speed. Burlap Bags for Cement. Owing to the increased expense cost of cotton bags, an effort is now being . made to substitute, burlsp bogs for the , familiar cement sack, ,j Prof. W. .1. McGee, the scientist, slept four months, without a bed, on the hot sands of Arizona, to regain his health, and he lias succeeded. To occupy his abundant leisure he studied the injects and reptiles of the desert. Do you want a happy Christinas? ; Then buy lots in "Piedmont HcigluV.'? before they advance on Wodnesday, thr 20lh inst. If you want Jo go out and see tho property, 'phone 032, and wc will eu.ll with carriage.

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