DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1905. REYNARD ANSWERS SECRETARY ROOT President of Isle of Pines Asso ciation Says Island Is Not Subject to. Cuban. MRS. FAIRBANKS CUT FROM OFFICIAL RECEPTION LINES! HAS PI Vice President's Wife Will No Longer Assist Mrs. Roosevelt' Cabinet Women's Protest Win and a New Court Is Established. T TO FORCE COUNT EXPRESSES ASTONISHMENT AT SECRETARY'S ATTITUDE J Bill With That End in View Will ! Be Introduced In the Legis : lature. Washington. Dee. 1(1. 1 Washington so-1 Mrs. Fairbanks is popular, and since i wiving lino at tin; official levees at the I White House. . ' ' -.'- Mrs. I-Virliuuks, wife of the Yico- , .' . ! I 'resident, lui.s not been asked to stand Declares That He Is "Siding Against ! be-ude Mrs. fioosevelt at t lie New Year Those Who Are TJefenflincr Their Law-:'w,'l' '', l'r. Will she ho expected to " - ! aniKnir ns other than eh'ty received a great surprise when it slip began her Wednesday ut homo this loifniod today that a new regime had been iuaujrurated in regard to the re- season she has hundreds of culler. She PROVIDES FOR REOPENING never approved of the Onbinct women s p!liev about not serving refreshment.' AC ill Dll I AT RftYPC and she spreads a. generous collation andj Ul ALL UnL.Lv I VVALJ has an orcnestra in attendance at all her at 'homes. fully Acquired Interests in American Territory." ' 1 . guest at nnv ol the oilier levees, during Vho season. The close association of Mrs. McKinleyi and Mrs. llobnrt has led society to ex-1 Basis For Action Will be Alleged Fraud, and Extent of Fraud Will be Ascer tained Through the Recount Does Not Displace Suit. llaiitiia. Dee. lli.-M liarles 7 Keynard, president of the Isle of fines Associa tion, forwarded today by advice of his -attorneys, a letter in reply to Secretary of -State limit's communication of No vember 17. in which the Secretary out lined to Mr. lieynurd the attitude of the 1 it t ( 01 1 (Stales government' to the proposal of the forming of it territorial government in the island as part of the I tiilcd Stall's. Mr. Keynard ' contradicts Mr. Hoot's M.iteuiont and says the. Cuban Republic exists solely by cirtue of it const it m ion. the terms of ' which explicitly exclude the Isle. of Tines from the domain of Hit' republic. 'The . IMatt amendment passed by the l uited States Congress, he says, also remains in force until it is reienlcd or modified and every ollieer of the Ameri can government, no matter how high, is bound under its terms to consider the Isle of Pines outside the Cuban control and jurisdiction, personal opinions of such oflicers to the contrary not with Mtinding. ,-.'-. " The' letter says that Secretary Root's opinion as . -to the validity of the cliiini ul" the I'nited States as to the .le of I'iues is today opposed to the opinions of I'residcnt MiKinloy, Secretary l.lay, and governor (icncral Leonard .'7 Wood and it quotes some oilicial acts and re iiiiirks to prove this. . The letter regrets, that Mr. Hoot, as Secretary of War. permitted such '.neglect and ilisnbedience. mid adds, that "Mr. Hoot, in opposition to the expressed wishes of '-.Secretary of State Hay in sisted uiioii t lie negotiation of a treaty abandoning American claim to the Isle; of .Pities to Cuba thus covering and con- ! eealiug illegal acts and omissions of the; department of the government for which' yiMi were then responsible." j He says that the petitioner believes that when an opinion is given to demon-: .sunn" i in -'vm in'iniis?. 11M--11 1 111 U jhe lr'in ai iisiiingion. nun i icsiiieiu, jxoose ' Volt will enforce the law relating to the ownership of the Isle of Pines ns faith fully as he enforced other laws.'- Two Courts of Homage. It. is iinderstocd that in consequence of this ruling the Vice-President and Mrs. 1'airnanks will hold their own offi cial levees t (heir home on Karrasut pent that Mrs. Fairbanks would share1 Square, and socioty will have two courts all the iK-ial honors. I at. which to pay homage. Mrs Fairbanks will make no oxpres-j ft will be: 'watched with interest sion on this new- ruling: hut the im-i where the Kairbanks will be placed if pressinn i-.. she -believes that a fooling i t hev appear lit the White House to pav ! William R Hearst against the ro-elec-exists against, he,- siK-ial prominence at; their robots to the Chief Executive ; ,;,, o M y McCleUan is annoullced present, especially . among the Cabinet'' - -Mrs. .Fairbanks is planning one of the women. "... most brilliant receptions given in years ,1'cnee J. Slicarii, Mr. Hearst s pcr- TJio. Cabinet w ives say she has no ' for New Year's Day. and she has .so- sona I counsel, inure . riglil in the siu-ial councils or ; cured as assistants' some of the most! '-We shall have a bill introduced in the. honors itli h-s. Itimsovelt. than the I prominent women in the ollieial and res- i r.eirisliitin-e nrnvidiiifr for a i-eonnnf. nf Xew York. Dec. 16. A plan for fore- ling a recount of the votes in the tight of lie -President has in the President s ; idont set. !i tle ballots cast in the election in the graver affairs. 'She has not been asked i Among these are Mrs. lIo1art. who: county,'' says Mr. Shearn, "it will not to take part in the boudier conferences j will be the guest of .Mrs. Alger, and ! bo in'the form of an amendment to the which Mrs. Uoosevelt holds every Tues-'' Mrs, Alger and her dauirhtor. Mrs. W. K. iolm-tinn ! which would bo n ro.ct.ivr. day with the Cabinet women. I liailev. IRVING RELICS ROTJBH RIDER LOSES CUSTOMS JOB BRING S10.220 'I VYashingfon, D. C' Dec. 1(5. "Pat" (Iarrett, the six-foot-three Westerner who shot and killed "Billy the Kid," fwill not be reappointed Collector of Cus U,,ii, i 1.-1 -rA..D i. 'fended the President bv attending the r00011"4 ,at?r 'n q wairanto proceed- ; itoiign l.Klers reunion at San Antonio ft.. . , .,, I T , .,' but it will provide for the reopening of all the ballot boxes for a recount, in view of the evidence obtained that there was fraud in the count. The recount will be for discovering the extent of the fraud, not for correcting the extent of the fraud. "Not for correcting the returns which have been canvassed, but we can make use of the information obtained by the In Second Day's Sale at Christie's, an American Obtains Most Valuable Objects. I Inst spring in company w ith a profes- This action, he said, will not take the Isional gambler and saloonkeeper whose ! P1?!, of the present court proceedings ! reputation .was not of the best. 7 i whu'h will be continued. ... (iarrett was a member of the Presi dent's regiment.- and was well liked by Mr. Uoosevelt. who appointed bun to; oltice. (iarrett has boon hero TWO MINIATURES OF ACTOR SELL FOR $189 New Chicago Postmaster. W ashington, D. C. Dee. 16. President several i Iloi.-evelt today sent the Senate the days, and called at the White House to ' nomination of Fred A. Bussc to be post- see the President. His reception was'master at. Chicago and it was continued anyiliing but -cordial.: , by the Senate. : Miss Ellen Terry's Brother Buys An Ink-: stand Presented On the "Hornlet" Other Prices. I.DHllon. Articles Bring ; Excellent sale for ijil.CiSO. It was a vase of classical form on a! Dee. Id. Tlie second day of relics sale showed no de- icrease iu public inlcrest. and -again , Christie's rooms were full to overflow- ling, Mr. .lackson, an American bitver, .,1,1 :... i it... ; i .',..... In .Hiiii'lilswiii Mr 1-ff.vtmi'il Tii-,itfssew T .... . u .. c ..- ,, - . .ti-mnaitlai- -pedestal sur.nounted by ,g their lawtully acquired interests in; , ,...,',,. ,, wf, nd engraved with a ...i l... i.-i., ......, history a Secretary -of State is anxious f , . .. . . to abandon American territory .-. unci . ,ellti to .loin. Philip Kern- American citizens to an alien aii.C law-!,,, .., imirei-s through the hands : . 77 f,,f lleury- A assail. Urd Holland, and UT linn i i iiit.il ut" nft'iun iiimi mini; m Commercial School THAT ISRELIABE NO QUESTIONABLE METHODS It has Standing Applications for its full graduates, and they are all employed. Desires to register only those who are prepared for the work, and gives them op portunity to test their ability before matriculating JUDSON PEELE, Principal. GREENSBORO. N. C. American territory ami deeply regrets, , , ( . that "for the liwt,time in .American , lo, a,.ri,7loil limlm-ir a S,ei-pl 11 i-v. ol Srnle is nnviims r . J - .. . . . given afterward to Irving by his friend. I. I.. JiKile. in Mr. Jackscm also gave $178.00 for u riding coat used by Irving as King Charles 1.: 273 for two niin-atures of Sir llemy by D. Maun and Alfred Praga, and !S18! for a cruciform, hilted sword used bv Kdinund Kean as Ilieh ard III. --"-'". 7; ... ! .Messrs. Spink acquiri'iT for $222..0 a nionteith of wood. 'mounted with aliased aiilim- li. 1, ,, .w I .,,1 I.. ?.u,uuuvii ''" a' 11 Irving by the proprietor of the Boston ammunition needed to defend our rights iel.ajj ' and uphold tlie American flag in this j Vred 'I"'v. Miss Kllen Te.rv's .le. J his makes 2tW,000 cash t,0.0( ( , ,ipl, vp sl(iS ,- . ., inksl,lll(l with men and all the. munition needed should .....bossed sco.ll borders with taper stick we eieci 10 resoii i lorce in luaiiiiani- ..,,1 ,. .:i.. ,.., ...1 ,.f . disclose." MEN AND MONEY FOR DEFENSE. SAYS REYNARD Havana. Doc. 10. President Reynard, of the Isle of Pines Association, in a letter, says: 7 "The last mails from the Vnited Stales brought additional guarantee of: mg American sovereignty in this territory.".-.- : ' Secretary Andrade, when shown the above letter was apparently undis turbed. He .said the United States doubtless could be depended upon 1o pre vent -the embarkation of men and muni tions of war for the Jsle of Pines. Asked whether he regarded Mr. Key nard's letter as grounds for prosecution the Secretary said that it was a matter for the courts to decide, saying that the government, would pay no attention to such statements. IS OF PORTUGAL EUEST America! Embassy At Paris Is ; Scene of a Very Brilliant - Reception. the - by I Pari.. Dec. Hi. The 7 American Km bassv was the scene ot a brilliant re ception : tonight- when King Charles. .Portugal was the guest of honor Ambassador mid Mr. McCormick. The Knibassy was beaut ifully decorated lor , the. occasion. King Charles chatted at length with! his hosts mid hostess and mingled ilcin-IF. ocratically with his guests. Charleinagne ' Tower, the -American Ambassador to j (ierninny, and Mrs. Tower, Mr. Carroll,! of Baltimore, ami Mine. Irishman, wife , of the American Minister to Turkey. ! engraved ..'"Presented to iluiirv Irvine by a few ladies mi the 2lH)th night of Haunlet.' .lune 2iith. 1S7.V" Of the reuinining ulijccl the follow-7 ing arc worth recording: .- ' . .. j A plain oviform .lea urn. 17H8. eugrav-i ed w-ith the i-oval anus and initials P. A. 11.. .$210. ' 7. ., -., A case containing forty-seven bronze-; and silver passes into theatres in. the i time of Charles 11.. $7:i. 1 A short ltonin 11 sword w-orn by Kd-.' niiiiid Kean as llnitiis, $1(,V obtained by; Mr. Seymour Ilicks. A writing desk of teak and maliog. ' any. early eighteenth cent:-y ISombay work, and Chippendale mahogany stool,; M2l. The do-k was bought by Irving J in llirmiiiglmni for $40 or ."((. . ; The total for the day came to .$10,. . 220. bringing the aggi-egate so far -In I $2:t,010. -1 The famous Whistler portrait of Sir ; Henry Irving, as King Philip II, of! Spain, was sold at auction todav for; .25,200. Satgent's portrait of Ellen j Terry as Lmly Macljeth reali.ed .$vt00. j I The Whistler picture goes to America, j ! BONO IS ALLOWED IK THE ASHEVILLE SHOOTING CASE M. Stevens To Be Tried For Shooting of Caleb Lee At February Terra 7 of Court. AT THIS TIME THE SEASON Home Furnishing is uppermost in your mind. You are probabiy figur ing out just how comfortable and cozy you'll make things look for Xmas. . Why not come to us for assistance in the matter? Our stock offers you the Newest Designed Furniture for every room in the house. It does more, it offers you the Furniture you have had in mind at the price you can afford. We have just opened up a most com plete line of Go Carts and Baby Car riages that have ever been shown in Greensboro. were among the guests RAT IN HER MUFF BITES HER. Lehigh Be County Woman Surprised yond Expression. Allcntowii, Pa.. Dec. Hi. Miss Julia Mover, of near Minosjlc, this morning went to h - bureau draweit to get her inuir, where it hail reimscd since lust v itiiininier. V' - he nut in her hand she shrieked and yanked it out. followed by a big rat Special to Daily Industrial New. . Aslioville. X.'l'., Dee. Hi.-71'ho habeas , wrpus pi-oceedings iiistilulcd by uttor-, j neys for K. M. Stevens, who shot (tolob a'V, to have their client admitted to i nan, 'ended this morning when tludgoi I Fred Moore announced that he had de cided to allow - bond ami lived the amount at $o,000. The case against Mr. Stevens will be called for trial at the February term of court. The habeas 'corpus hearing before which has been reposing in the muff audi .Judge Moore consumed all of yesterduy which resented Miss "Mover's digital in--mid a portion of last night. Irusion by luting her thumb to me pone. I 1 ! . Kinston Stijierior Couiit is in session The sleet of the last fev days played j here, .lodge . B. Council presiding. Imvoc with the fire alarm system. Men! Many oa.se.s have been deposed of. For have been "working steadily 011 it and the third time Cbas. F. Dunn is on trial: all the tahinn boxes are in working or-; for the einliczr.lement of funds belong der now, except Itov Xo. .15, located at I ing to a colored lodge. Dunn has been i the corner of . (SorrU and Fayottevillo convicted twice before, but succeeded in alrceU. - ,- , IgRtting a new trial each time. We invite you to call and see our large and varied stock. Everthing guaranteed as represented. Benefield Furniture Co. "THE YELLOW FRONT' Phone 284. 327 S. Elm St. The "Big 4 me The Remington Typewriter Heads the whole army of writing machinery in , durability, simplicity of con struction and number of machines in use. tDw "Macey" Filing Cabinets Have modern features possessed by no other line. Their "Interchangeable- Interior" alone sells them. The Edison Mimeograph No. 75 Rotary, is the newest model, and has all the latest improvements. The Sieber and Trussell Loose Leaf Ledger 245 HIGH-GRADE PIANOS AND 465 HIGHGRADE ORGANS TO BE SOLD AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES. Owing to circumstances over which we have no control we have decided to discontinue our branch stores through the State for the present, draw in our business to Durham and reduce our stock. We are compelled to do this the earliest moment possi ble. Now, therefore, we will offer to the people of North Carolina Pianos and Organs at prices hitherto never attempted. Our stock consists of the follow ing well known makes of Pianos: Everett, Fischer, Krell-French, Harvey, Murray, and other makes. Prices from $165.00 up. The Farrand Organthe best on earthand other makes. Prices from $45.00 up. If you contemplate buying a Piano or Organ you cannot afford to miss this great opportunity. A card or letter may be the means of saving you at least $100.00 on a Piano or $25.00 on an Organ. All goods guaranteed to be new. Liberal terms given if desired. Write today. We will ship on approval. It won't cost you a cent if you find goods different from representation. Second Handed Pianos, $25.00 up. Second Handed Organs, $10.00 Up. W. R. MURRAY COMPANY, W. SCOTT UZZLE, Manager. Is the Ledger of the future and is rapidly becoming the ledger of the present, f The "S. O T positively gives satisfaction and the price is reasonable. Die "Big 4" Line is for sale at Wills's Book Store Phone 194. 118 S. Elm St. Greensboro, N. C. P. S. Our customers tell us our stock of Holiday Goods is the prettiest they have seen. TjURHAM, N. C."

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