V.'.'W'. r 'V 7000 ' Weather: Fair todayfand Wednesday except rain Wednsday in 1 Circulation is offered to the advertiser. 1 hrough this medium results are sure. wesi portion; light variable winds becoming fresh east. VOL. I, NO. 717 CITY EDITIOIC REENSBOEOXITPAY, JANUARY 2, 1900. PRICE: FIVE CENTS CITY EDITION. Hatli . . . i til ! V1 Jcr V" DR. MATTHEWS, INSANE OR FEIGNING, CALMLY TALKS OF HIS WIFE AND HOME k Slave to Morphine Habit, Now Occupying Cell in the Guilford Coun ty Jail, Whence, if Living, He Mut Go Forth to Face the Charge of Causing His Wife's Death by Injecting Poison Into Her Veins, While Aostensibly Praying at Her Bedside, Spends His First New Year's Day ia Prison-Prisoner jk Mental and Physical Wreck. New Year's Day the day of prom- j vilely murdering spoke of lior n.s alive isc and hope for the. future, of amend-(and near him. meat and good resolutions, the day of j "She is coming tomorrow to take me the putting oft" of the old year's sins to 1 for a drive,'' he said. "1 hope the weath begin the. young new year in imioeence !er will he fair and warm, for I need 1 lie this day was spent in a prison cell by I fresh air. 1 haven't been out for some Dr. Matthews, morphine fiend, would-be-I time." . suicide, and accused wife-murderer. ; i Dr. Matthews was suffering from When seen by a Daily Industrial New. rheumatism, his ankle being badly reporter yesterday in the office of the jn ft swollen. lie spoke of Jailer - Bush-It's Dr. Matthews had not the appearance ij'f I kindness to him and told how he had a, man for whom there is any "new1" j come to be where lie was. 'T was taken vcar, with us fresh buddmss of hove 1 ill in the street,' he said, 'and car- ami ambitions, its ieelings of life begin ning anew, with better and firmer foun dations, and a surer outlook on things. Tor him time has stopped with the ,'ld year the year of succumbing to temp tation, the year of abject slavery t, a drug, of total relinquishment of (he SUICIDES OF YEAR BREAK RECORDS Homicides and Deaths by Violence ; Number 9.212 Against 8.482 in 1904. MURDERS BY HIGHWAYMEN SHOW LARGE INCREASE ! 4 Mi. li,.'i..b.'a U. n.,.l 1.... .. been unable to be. Mr. F.mick has treated me very, kindly' .indeed and has saved mv life mailv limes," Then the prisoner spoke of freedom..! not with despair, nor with feverish; hope, but with calm certain! v.' ' "!. have cins of self-mafterv into the hands: of j been ill so. lung," he said, "so very long: his slave-driver, Morphia. J -.-'tor two hundred, and forty-four days, i The man who greeted his guest in .the' but "scum 1 shall bo able to go home. : oftice of the prison had gone "far bevimd I l'robably, if I am very much belter the wrecked condition described in these j 'llpn "'' wile comes tomorrow, I shall .. columns at the time of his hearing, be able to go home with her. I hope Here was naught but a shrunken, warn-.;' smin, w, ior j naio imposed on .ur, . ed hull to be blown by each nerve temp-1 Uusiclc much too long Jealousy Prompted 579 Murders; Li quor 642, And 51,111 Were Ordinary Manslaughter Physicians Lead Those Who Take Their Own Lives. Chicago. III., Jan. 1. Unofficial statis tics of the year show that the number of murders and suicides in this country has greatly increased, and that there has been a decrease in the number, nf legal executions, compared with the number of homicides. The homicides and deaths bv violence total .0,212, a I shall all tliosi: ( vhercvei- it l.utiul t. 4 In. Ml ..'rmost I JlllllllrrtiW Ot days h,ni,u nf i,iiv . OjucerniiiL' his aiipelite, the uiaii who His eves were abided in no direction i lla", been Steadfastly refusing I'uod in his ' compared wit If 8.482 last year. ',",,' by a stead v wiiC but rolled aimh'Fsiy ; courlship of death, said with a touch ! The startling feature of the record is ., nil wildh his hands; stretched 'out to I "f comedy ahi;ii as gay as the grin ; the increase in the number of .murder touch anything, trembled iike a shrunken j "" kl'". " oiu!o.;eat. anything but i committed by highwaymen, being 5S2, leaf in an irv blast, and on hi face the! nothing else satisfies my .appetiie against -Kit during l!Mi I. Four years vcliow skin "h mm in fold.' ad lirmness "!' "PpeuN ' my t.istc. . I cat lilleeu 1 ago the number was only 10;!. and color gone i -oni it The man may j P'1" every night, and am very fond of ; Jealousy provoked .7 imirdcrs and li M'ill Ji.:vo .'ibont : 'nini . Morphia's pall of 1,1 ":i because t hey are sweet. 1 ra cat ipi ir M2. Homicides grow ing out of weary indillepfiice, but (the tired. wreck-j lls, "'any pics as any four men.'' V'iiiarrcls number -5.111, 'The record of P.t life spirit within him is clamoiing fori Toiii-Iiing his nir ntal condition,-, lie , sclt'-deslnic.tioii is one. of the most do freedom from : this profitless and numb' sn'': ." ani ('r' ml"''' troubled about I'ploraMc of the year, the number of ,-lay. . , !'".' mind. Many si range things have prominent men being much larger than llis.iwr liii is in iiibevancc lintil a .' roo i u many srrange tilings nave inllicrlo. the total is !),!W-. an increase 8,G52 SHAKE THE PRESIDENT'S HAND New Year's Day Reception At- tended by Nearly 2.000 More Than Last Year. .n ... . LARGE NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN THE LINE ; Little Ones Constituted a Feature of ; the Day First to Greet the Roose velts Were the Vice-President and His Wife The Story of the Day. PREPARING FOR HIS BUSY SEASON. 8-HOUR DAY A IWATER WAGON TRIP RUSSIA GRUSH1MG KM GEERIL STRIKE! A 1IERI BRIEF DIE! THE II r him rest until, is in iiibevancc lintil a (in i ios tniM.-f t ;Vle, his 'lod given di ance until Hie hingoiu ji.'ppv shall have wrn dung hini 'aside and h .;'roni som"whi ic ill 1 and mercy shall gise beem ugain. 'I'lm Inn n vli.'iw.i !'.l!ffci a ii-ill nrrtlio Kl , " .1 .. '. . i . . ,.' V one - ineie or.i ueniii jo eiii'i 11 ne lives long enough to come beUfr the man. who is ci'iirt! i.aii dcfuie his ':" "P1"1 J"!"71' : :-.'ver the list ..f the; preceding : international Typograplcdl Union Foreigner Writes of the Ouaint Announcement mai uueruw wui- 'UIIV n !l itU" i. I ' ' " . Jt iii nu iiuni' -'n i liii: iiumi la ( :is liei.d of liie:r'";'(', yh''" 1 v . very, young man 1 indicate,! in the following table: I ... -Will FOfCC l!l6 ISSUC ig him drv and tried lu t;.,,c my own lite. Jle slioweu in isil!), 5.:i40; 11KNI, 0.775 ISW1, 7, j the wrist, still band.iged. that he had oi-. . iim ss.-.ot- villi 0!ii- lun.-. o. ,e uuiwrse. pity ;"f 1,18 alm t",.''1PP Jdgm,M.!. .. him strength to ! N""': 'ar! , m'xn- cAp.ai.ied. The propon j - , ..uld take a .J,i! non am- cut. .h, aml wJmo'H ,. . . ,. . , i.'irm like t!in(. I U.d not do it. Some- ,,,.i. ..:- himself from that tribuiiinl. spoke in lov ing tones of the wife their' (ribunal- elsc that appear as if I hail been i commit suicide." tion'of suicides 'huinng men emains '.::'iHi:t th" -siin'c. u. oome- n,.n,.i.,,? ,,.:. j,. i.i.ii,,.- n,r,i .1 ,vrt,i..n to try t make t taking their own lives: l'hvsicians head irvin" i.o Today. FIRST UNIVERSAL MOVt . c i , : ,.,, CUSiurn oi Jueii in ivew i ui j on New Year's Eve. A, fare Would Be Carried on In creases Severity. MYSTIC CEREMONIES DISORDERS CONTINUE ON SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION death to save! n of ic is accused of rse," said Dr. Mnt- (f'oncluderl on I'acre Kiglil. Col. 3.) M'GLELLAN BEGINS HIS SEC0D2D TERM BERLIN DISCLAIM This Probably the Last Public Of fice He Will Ever Fill. He Declares. HIS AMBITION IS CITY CLEAN 0 GIVE ALL IDEA OF WAR What Could Germany Cain by It." the Query of the Fore ign Secretary. THOUSAND REASONS tlie list of professional men, the number being 041.'. -;' -..- - . ' . ' . .- '' The causes were despondency, domes tic infelicity, disappointment iii love, ill j Several Sectional Strikes Have Been De neal in, , liipior . ami business losses, i'eison was re-orlcd to in t.7."2' civs, shooting in 2,8(11 cases, hanging in and drmvning in . SOS. . 'leu blew themselves up ''.with dyna mite and three starved themsehe. The legal exeeiitions numbered IX), of c'arcd Which Er.iployrs Have Won More Than Quarter of a -Million In Treasury Fund For Impending Battle. MARK ELEVENTH HOUR; LINE OF SIBERIAN RAILWAY After "Swearing Oft" All Around Jour- Wit te Urges Czar To Promnlgate a ncy to the; Aquarium Begins With ; Moderate; Constitution And It Seems Much Hullabaloo, But Only Thirsty Likely That the Emptor Will 'Acqui- ' ; Driver Completes the Trip. ' cscc In the Sugcction. If which. 51 were in the North and 8 in the. South. Seven! y-thi'oe wore negroes, a!) while, men and one a Chiiiamnii. lrs. Itogers, of Vermont, was the one woman executed. Showing the relative changes' of murders mid executions ma v be said that in 1SS. 1,81)8 inurder- : were reported while the number el I hangings was 108, wdiile this year 1:1:'. (Were hanged or electrocuted for 0,'JI.' murders committed. The number of lynclnngs was fill. ilic. smallest number reioiled since 1 .", i when stilt intics were lirst gatlierccl by OVERNMENT ! AGAINST HOSTILITIES ,,' 10 -S , t v :'; i ; . lvncheil lor murder, I.j tor eninmal as i ..-.. ; sault and l.'i for mi at the End of Six iears He Can ; British Influence, It is Declared, .Ne I have endciwored to set forth in let-1 Icrs hitherto on.o -habit, ami I ! , ;rrorists is known to beat worU here of dwellers in the citv of New York that I cllaneous nason- i!i-'c.".Tan. 1. l or the first time since org nization of ! ht Interna-, ii'inai -j.'V'pogiuphieiil I'l-ioii, a general Mi!;.v wiii into ciVed tomorrow in cM'tv slu'p,: in the United Suites and Canada, nl ere the employer refuses to grant an eight-hour day. s.i-i.,:-l iliiio-i holnve tlie union m-irit. crs in vauous parts of the eoimtrv have appear curious ami -in nmi iii i- "' SPnr,,1Pi, for suspi.(.i .. 1 . .. ... . r.. ...... ,.(,- T l,i-o in mvr I..,-. . ..i.lcvc ! strikes to entoree a ueurrnifm " - ".. of their comlilimis, but these strikes I We .way, described to you the iron nne h.ne al vnys been sectional and in a few : of. the janitor, the impcriousuess ot the ii,,lnn.-es have been won bv the em- i surface and snb-siirlace conductors and " iLMinrds anil the -huiiuddy. .'.cnieinor il V ... ...m. . i v..,i to hat A tt'irimone i-iris. aim J ' lrnt .M)H . W 1 L II il II l .t BUI IUIH1 t'l I lie, ii a ouarter of a million dollars, ob- i they were ot interest to you laiii.d liv assessment on every -' Washington. -.Ian. 1.- Xew Year's Day1 ;was 'di-erved at the White House to day with all the traditional brilliance of ;l'ic I'resident's reception, Crip, sun- I shiny weather brought out. crowds, and . ' by actual -count O.OovJ people shook tlifi : lVeident' liiiud. Last year 7,115 were ..' .received. .Mrs. Roosevelt remained until ! tin- end of the reception. i A feature of the .-public reception was I I lu- large number, of children who passed ! the rccciv ing line. Jliss Koosevelt and Mr. Lorgworth - -miiiglcd with "the guests in the Kast :i. mi. Tvliss UooHevi It wore a gowu of. -!.:! b!oe cliil'on omT pink, silk.: cut., ' h.w. She .alsii wore; n- dinniond neeklaco; ' and peuilunt and a huge bunch of or- ''cilid-. -' - ' ;.'--'.'-'- ; Mrs, lloosevclt worn a gown of jwlo-.i hi ne chili'on Imilt .over wliHe cilk. The iicli skirt nil' trimmed with rr.--vs of ruf lies -winch' fil . f-vota 1 he. Shirred girdle, 't he wai.-1- was ( i-iiiimci! with white luce , mid her only orniiments ycre :i ti-w dia--liioiuls; sin I'-nr.ried , ii both-piot of roses , and liijcs of tie: valley. . . - Reception 'Begins. ' '. -. Siior'.iy before J I o'clock the Tresi-. ' -dci.it i-nd M's. KoofcieSt, ' proceeded br 1 he - inilil ai'.v and iiaval aides U tier I'lvulciit aid the several White House aiih-, ;ifl in S iei-ial full dress, descended I he . ivarhle - stairway .leading from tiui i-i-oii,!: ;i,ir.:- Kntering the bhu; room ' hey took, up tli ir -.positio'u to (he light mi tli.-". d.irif leading if :,-. lh" lied room, . 'l'iic t'u-v 1,1 v-'i-'i iliein a h.'ppy new year -ven:' the N ice-Pi"sidei( and Mrs, l-'airbaii';.-. , t ho parsed bchinil the re caving line unci stood to the right of Ic.o-'i.'it. Ncxl (itrnc Secretary .it a ! '-!'!'. ', R;iot and te re'iiaining mem liers'. of tli'- abinct. Who v.-ct behind '.f i -c. '-I-, i i. e. . - : At liii: r - ilcj't'- left was bis mi l tary iii.h'. Col. Churlcs S. lironiwcll. who maile ihe presenlal ions to the President.'. N earl a was the : rrcMde-d. 'jjdvi:1 aide. l.i".:ti iui nC .AlhC'V" 1.. Key -' (:pposilo -I :- --' .!-- M,' !-v C'uii-les !.; ' Mel'ii'w'ley, I'liife;! States maril'Cs, who a.:''le th; preseiit a'iriu to her. In single .line lai:ig tlir .fresident ain't the reeeiv- big party Vcie mcii.iicrs of (ho "Pres.1 i;('s slaff, young ofiieers of the army, :. .ivy and murine .rp. ..'Th oi-.les were: ' aptaul .V. K. Uaruni2, I nilcd Mat; marines; Captain Dan T.Moore, of the nrt.illc.rv5 Captain f ltzhr.gh I-e, of tho New York. .Ian. 1,-Corrcspoiidence of Si. Veter.-l.urg. dm. 1, The policy of : a traveller in a forcisrn counirv to his repressing the revolutionists continues; friend s i'.d' former teacher at home: ; : j with a .engeaiiec. Titeir amionncement c,,viry; lienleiinnt Robert L. I'.erry, of ... , , , , i- i , i : that tliev pri'posca to carry "ii a gin ni- Lst-rmed and lll.is.r.ous Friend and ,val.-ri' a ,,,.,,,.,,,1 armed levolt ; ia ..i-i.ii.i ...I, l l w Mlo,inLili' l he .m.-el'll- I I'""' " - - lie navv: l-ienienaiit t nssyes urant. Ihird; ef the ensiiieiT corps: Lieutenant; T'hilip H. Sheridan, of the cavalry and tnent to redoubled ei.eigy. A band of Knsn Ad'dplius Andrews, of the navy. mid last night there were j-'-wIxdcmtlc 13 Leave New York Better Than He ! Found Her He "May Feel That Six- Years Hard Work Was Not in Vain." New York, Jan. I.-- Mayor Ceorge B. McClellan began today his second term Largely Responsible for the Feeling of Uncertainty in France as to the Atti-,! tude of the Kaiser Toward Republic' The naners publish terrible pictures of the conditions picvailiii1" along the SilK'iian -'.railway. There arc no railway liberals-on duty and on Ihe section as far as . t.'heliabinsU.v. : . govennucnt. of iKn..l... ..11 I... .i 1,'ii-A ,., ii nil- '" I 1 i v.,,.. .1.,!.. ..,.;.l.. nii.v.U nl union these, however, I assure you.mnk Int.) : -fVkutUlc;' ' .vriit l'nilifarv trains -are1 ru.i- nnter ft determined effort is to be matte 1 involute tminess ana inaniiy eompan i , . .vitllo11, nnl. r or proper en'jineers. . . . ... . . I 'il. i.n i.i.i niimiiiinv fir tilili'll m establish the eight -Hour day miner- "; x.,-ily' - . . . . : - i l was this night o! December .11, liltU, ' Out of the sW thousand members of iln-ss. In brief, il was, in the pai--Tvpogniphieal l uion No, 6 in New ! lnnce of its participants, -a ceremony of . - ' r. . . . . ni:..-.l.: m. ii-., Ur i-.,rrnn no linn r'h V...-L- il- -w elimntef rotllirlil. I, ,fi.l tewer coiuuini; w,, . r--- Baron Hengelmuller Heads Line. The iiiembers of the diplomatic body were iieaded by Baron Iiengelmuller, acting dean of the corps. An innovation was i he 'presentation of the embassy and legation stiilVs by the anibassadui's and, ii!ihi-i.M-v "liii i" I lie 'ii-loni at. other eapilil1-. F"i' the lirst'. -time-in'-flve ycaM. the tauiili.ir linure of Count Cassini, the former tiu'Mau ambassador was missing,. Tlii- v: the third New Year re ception, attended by the. ambassador .from, l-raiicc an I ST:id.an:'e- -.dusscvaiid, ' who '.Mi'e nex.r... presented. Berlin, dan. 1. The German foreign ! office has been n ware for some time that,- as mayor, this time foi four years. A i nervousness existed number of new heads U f departments among the Cabinet ministers and wo- France bo't ic Attacks New Ministry as DepeivJ- ina Udoii the Irish Vote for were sworn in includim: General Theo-j ple over the possinility of a renewed ijo Cinnnrt dore A. Bingham, the new poiice com- j controversy w ith Germany. , , uiissionor. I Baron von ItiehthofT, the foreign sec-1 : . ' ' After they had taken th'ir oath May- retary, was informed a fortnight ago! Loudon. Jan. 1. Joseph Chiinibeilaln nr McClellan called them ani i told them that the French Cabinet had serious issued his election manifesto todav. his ambition is to give the city a clean,' . rirmnnv'i in(e..ti...,. ti. After vigorously Htlncking the ne'w eincieni, aim. nonesi ge.veruiMciu. ar - . A man w ho has, utt retiiriicd hero from .Moscow aecou ills for tne great ox-; aggcrafion in the .reports ot slaoirhter . " I 1 1 sr- :aii!;i;isadci' from nenriiuir and there by the fact thai, Ihe troop a ml a i- iy;u'on,-s Stcriilidg . ".returned from illerv gcnerallv ncd . Mank' eiiri ridges 'iv,.n, s. C, where they siii-nt, the holi- se ot . liiglilenmg tlie-; dav", m tnao !" nti'end iodav s reccp- strikers and revolutionists...... tion. .The piefuresiim! tniiforni -of Uaroit It is learned from a high source that Sicrnbcrg, of sky bine cloth, with silver Premier W ide is agaiii strongly urging "trimmings 'w i: li the tartar cap and Whita Z c' V u l icitvnien particularlv are 'wont, for about the Kmperor -.immediately, to proniul-: aiureilc was perhaps tins most iinniua Fatal Wreck On the Big Four Railway : 3(,j 2:j.24javi 0 t'(. year to go about ' gale a moderate constitution. -f.r the,' worn av the rccep:i.iti. their affair punctuating their walking . double purpose ot reassuring Die j.in- tc.iiiig ici, uniy oeeoranons con- Column ?.) Uhan !H)0 will be obliged to slrike to- the pronunciation usually was, Climlmi . . f morrow. . ' " ' " ' - ' . ,'-,' ',-' ; ' The Usual Custom. I THREE KILLED; MANY HURT. ! v,m must know tint in Xew York Near Columbus, 0 j Columbus, Ohio, .Ian.' 1. Three per ! sons are reported killed and a number 'injured in a wreck on the Big four rail j way near Columbus. ; o details vet obtainable. '('Concluded on Vage (Continued on I'age -J, Column !.) (Coiiclndcd on 1'age 2, Column 2.) juae to nu present oiiice as " m -, ... ,, . ,.ssi.ntialv a "llome Uule, Ultle Eng- public office w-hu h, in aI probability, t i iresh fnim Pans, that such iipprchen-! hmder Government, Depending for Its sdiall ever, fill," and aid: . isioih were wholly without cause, add-' Existence On Irish -Votes." he devotes -.government, which he describes as being jl hi. ina rmi oi . i wi.s n. i .v.. , t llf 1 O- mavor i can rtirc iiu,u -"rnni'- mv w Dia Receives Diplomats. .Mexico Cily. Jan. T. President Diaz) today received the congratulati'Ui of, the members of the diplomatic corps. r magistrates ot the court, .-members ol : 7 THROUGH IB-INCH J. J. ILL JD BREAK -:JML ASST. BIST. ATTORNEY E L UI E ! himself entirely to nu cxositinn of hU-j tbe'chamW of deputies, government of occn jn vain. '""" .call"- t At uio inUallalion of ,tn '' ! slightest iudicalion of Aldermen today Clurencfe J. -Sprn . Government content "Wlinl ..Anlit f li.vnn, n. rr,,Ii, ' lur ucious that tho city I his advnneed in ; W1)r.,.i ' i;ood government ana Itl ww. rigiueous- lnonbies -erc mado here bv f-ren,.!. 41.,. n .i nee, that miinlcipal atl.rJaHM ht.yc. beer, fimin,.itl, illtl.rrst, ,!Ht week i.'s to the ,;rammc f .). Cioiiist nan v. tlTU-' "S wi- rt T fi;7l, . r.i ,v -'"',8i,,ili,irS "' -provokliiR a llld i(,.m. elosdv connected wild the r ll , IhP&t'- -V !""' i"rma" hB"km being the poliev of re. .at ion. feel that six years of hard worlc has not . vir,.mptv un srnrmiKi .miiti. ... r!. ... .:. v .... . i"". , .uiu uiuing an. v niiniocrmiii i s : "l believe our objects can lie tuny at tained by a moderate general .tariff,' scientifically adapted to the existing conditions of our trade and so arranged as to secure the largest amount of em ployment at fair wages for our people. I'lt would necessarily provide for the free admission of raw materials nnd oi articles which we do not make ourselves, while it would place a toll on the man ufacturers of those countries which do not treat us fairly. : I "Our policy is constructive and practi cal, while the policy of our opponent is destructive mid theoretical." i :. - - - '''. item in Utc constructive firo-; (. at the National Palace to pay their respects to mm;-, r i ne .( rcsiucm. was ui: evcllcnt. health. '' Nine by Twelve Inch Hole and Escape Prison. Harkins Olilce by Miss Lcet. Formerly Asst. Casriler. there was not tho that the German .,4.,1 - rt.f: .-.!-. th .entinff .v.s. .......... s... -..v..v av- "1 itr . j iVi-T -- . n tion towards France.". of President H trti" th" ! It was pointed out by one powerful in- Democratic, ticket , Mr . Shearn acted in . i ..ft tlm,a-d r(,aJona pxistcd MIIOIIOI J.U. riicip?5VOK,inBmu....y .n. ... ....,.!,.,. for t1 ownership candidate cx that of lice. " - " .. '- I . 'Mr. Shearn said he hopfs by the pro test to get a writ of eertifnri f"" the courts to offset the ruling! of the board of canvassers of elections wMeh seated the men whose offices ho contests. Mr. Smearn is counsel for V. S. Hearst. ; GENERAL BINGHAM V STARTS "ON LEVEL" w York, Jan. 1. William McAdoo, today retired from tho oflico of police 1 his siieci'ssor, General Theodora A. Bingham, fornhll.V assumed eommand of policp force cj tut greater (Concluded on jPage S, ttoluun 5.) it." ' The apprehensions in Franco appear to be due to a reasonable certainty that Germany will oppose France's Position at the Moroccan conference, now only a fortnight off, and also to the feeling t nat Frances yellow book on Morocco went rattier too far in accusing (ienn.my of assuming a provocative attitude and charging her with bad faith. British influence, it is said in Herlin. is known to be adding to the feeling of mistrust of Germnnv :.;-' in France. Hut in every well-posted quarter here, diplomatic, financial, and military, the statement is mnde that war between lpV-.anv pml FrniH'e; 1 Incredible less France has dcslfrnv Wdich so iar have not bven discloseivH ;, -1 Yale Meets First Defeat. Tiiiminghaiii, Ala., Jan, l.Thc Yale basket ball team met. its first defeat I since coming South hero tonight at the h Club, Atlanta, fia, Jan. 1. After digging h i Special to Daily Industrial News. hole nine inches by twelve through an Ashevillc, X. t'.. Jait, I. .Miss I.ei ,b. the score being 24 fo 18. :Twety. '"T , , 1 uU " e lOdlector llarkin's onice. has bee, r seven fouls were recorded against Yale ; a-mlln,cr phllni ,ade their eseape. ,'tcd to cashier to succeed J. J and manv charges of "roi'ghmg it. were made against the visitors. The Yule teani goes from .here ; to Cinciu pro- llritt, nat i. Punishing Him for Pro fane Words. j , SI. Louis. Mo.. 'Tan. 1 .-St retched upon t. a cot in the observation ward at the u -City Hospital is Fritz Iiorehart, a grave digger, ;! years old, employed at ot. Slatthew's cemetery, evidently driven in sa c by ti e. giuesomeiicss of his occu lta! inn. V.. He would work for hours in silence, stopfii'i' now aid t'.en to turn an ear Mississippi Legislature Meets Today. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 1. Thn tytissis Bippi Legislature will convene tomorrow in special session. Among other im portant legislation to be considered are a new code and a bond issue, of a mil lion dollars. . ftoveninr 'nrili)iiiiii!i bus $150,000 Fire at Hagerstown. llagei'stown, Md., Jan. 1. Fire to-nii-ht destroyed tlie large four-story 'pliml- of, tlii" . Hagerstown Storage & I nui"ler oinpauy, ciiiaiiiii); 11 loss 01 . bc'wccn i-li.i.O' i) and iM.i(),U(K), mainly, wn , died Saturdav, 011 g'ods stored 111 the miiuung. , . j 'clock yesterday t hapel, Craw line through the small -opening! who today received his eimmnsion as the prisoners scaled the wall surround- Special As-istant Jtis: net Attorney fur ing the jail and left, Two of them I tlie Western District of: Xorth -(.'rdiin. were cant tired later, but the others arc! 11. R. iloberls, who was an rpnlicant i still at large. i for the Ashevillc postmaster-lnp, has. : 1 IIC IllSOll llllS OCCIl Il'ai'U'U m .'il.' ; ..m-.-I1 ICIlilt-ini III." i.ssinniin. . ,-tisiiM, r nf liie niimt secure in the entire South. ! nlaee. a tnuisfer -from tne held service. . . . '' '!: The Board of Count v Commissioners !"-'l',"r"- . , . ' . ' , ' , r.....i sti' , !.' 4-1.S- .f4 ,r.,..,'.. 1;,.,.,.. ii..,.,. .. Hnnharl s hallucination has been com- The funeral of Mrs. Manila Miller, to K. .1. Sherrill and W. Hawk, les- Z MZSJZZ wt S:iNegro: Prisoners Crawl Out of He Is Succeeded in Coiector: Believed Spirits of Dead Were .1. ... .. ...j ... - . .... ....... . .i... . ... s- ............ i . j . :.. I " ! ' . . . . ... . . 1 n il: e r-.. xpcclHiilly, r.s it afraid ot some unseen.'..-. oicc. ami at .oliier limes acr.inc as ir he were listening to word? from unseen upon biir fvr some. time. : Several oecurivd at 11 sees of the Ulcn lb ck Hotel mid Hotel . ' spK.;ii ..1 1 av g converseo merning at Holts IJerkley. -vim 111c spnos 01 ine ucuu, nuerreu mr- Tho services were conducted; These were the two ho.els out of 'ne ceincieiy vwiere no wivs empiojeu. Leonard Knocks Out Gardner. k.. . . .1.1, l!w!es. : commission last week beeau-e of linuorl". Kccently he believed lie had commit- -UnlTnlo. X. Y Jan. 1,-r.Joe Uonnrd 1 'Mrs. Miller's death came as a shock law violations while under the manage- rtP'! om sacrilege in using a profane of Ihttfalo, todav knocked -out - -'Glial to- her .-family and friends, for she inenL of Mr. Iioughrnn and Mr, t.ange. I word while nt work, and for this he was' (Jarilner. 01 I'tiiladelohia. in the sixth was not considered as damrermislv ill. I he commissioners refused to grant- any warned by the spirits that as a pimaiicfl Mnnouneed thrtt. lin u ill nln.'.o n limit 1 rriiinil of what wu to be a liftccn-rouiid 1 lour ibiuirhtevs survice her mid they : relief .to. the oilier four saloons out ot ; " nmA letrain liom tAlMiis .lot t vu the tnuo vt tho sesmou. italUe. ' all live iu the cty. - business. period of sevcu days,

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