PEHFEC1G PIS III Reidsville Committee Which Has Investigation In Charge Gets Services of Expert STRONG RIVALRY AMONG TOWNS FOR THE NEW LINE I . Governor Glena in Speech at Reidsville p Urged Farmers to Together in the Interest Roads. of Good fpeeial 10 jwiiy inausmai Items .lie, "S C , March 3 - The Kud j l- CI IC OOmnlllLee KM Ul'ljliru IU uiflv nreli nn uar v investigations alon; the ( route of the proposed electric or steam road into Caswell countv lias secured the services of a civil engineer and also nn expert to estimate on the available timlier in the sections through which the mad is pronsed lo t inverse and the '-information is now being got into! shape. i W. K. Meriek. of Aslieville. arrived J jjeU'idav and has nlreadv begun the1 -. work of estimating 'the -timber." He, is nuikim; :i e.nvliil survev ot the avail- ; able timber .within .three. six ami till : miles ,f the proposed road ami will lie 'readv to lile hi report within a week, or tt'n ilavs. I lie committee is .expect- : iiil' the civil engineer to "arrive today jiiiiI the .optical, survev will at once Ik-; made by him and a reiHirt tiled with the committee. I In .people along the proposed route lull lie untitled to meet witii the KehU- i ville eoiiiiiiittiK' to 'leii' ilie lejioits t .. tin' exiert at nn early ilati At this i time it ! ieeted that tleliinie slep-t 'Viir'be. taken townrd organizing ihe' cempaiiv tor Imildiiig the ritad. 'I'liere , vill he 'riiinen pre-ent iroin more than. one tniile ai ilie nu'et in-.' to. 'pull . for 1 1n- i-D:i .!. The Looks the company ' will lirutiiibSv be Ojieneil :it the. . uiei-ting. did 1 1 1 ; -i-i ; i " ions ior . -tlii k invited.. . ,:. 'tile i-oe.d '.Kill ceriiiinly be built pro-; vidi-d ji'-iii.le- a.long the rome ami ' . nV" Vaii-i-yk ilie ;i;:.uiiiet; ' sllllieieiit; m-1eie-t to lii :i'c v.nil.- So far tlie (..iillinittee. i- at a los. io decide upon the di'-t ina;in . ut' the road wet. -of lieidsvilhv" t'l course this link will' lie built to -,iiii -'point, on the Norfolk and i Wc-.'.eiii loiibviiv. ;iml tnrei progii-niivc little ; lowus arc biiiding lively . for . ihe road to c-oiie ineir. wav. Rivalry for Road. :eeenilv a . nieeiin ol tne cinzclis of Sloneville was held, m n I tlnv voted to Vote u lioinl ii-sue to flic anioilnt of sev eral thoiiiiiml dollars lor the road to be extended to that jioint. Manv ot the eiMens ni thai, section have siguitieil a willingness to take stock, one man alone expressing a desire to subscribe Mock to the amoiiiit ot xlO.IH.Hl. I he riht ol wav lor. ilie proposeil iiiad. it was decided- will lie given tree. Judge wav. a., is iiiriiiiio tilings uosnle down to get the projectors of the enterprise to (onie iier wav;. while Madison al-o , 1 , It. t .. I wouni oe via-i io uae.uie roini. miiu oilers as all iiidiiceiiient' a ' roadbed, be- M 1en I.caksille and that town which Vai graded III J .". Ii -eenis tnal tln'ie is o be a battle royal between lliee rival tii'.uis.' ..' Glenn's Plea , for Good Roads. t.overnoi loeiiu. who was here this Week, iind who addressed the farmers ill Went worth, begged ilicni to ursanize find stand toctiier ami prorect their interests, ami apiH-aled to those who were able lo lend iis.isinnce to the more unlortunate imes, lie advocated the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ni ol n urcnoiises. ami suggested lhal tins was the solution to the prob lem, as n would, 'enable ihnse who lime jcitiliztr and otner iieionnis to settle to draw a ..purl ut the value ot then crops ami iav oil t hose expenses ami Mill, hold ilieir emps for good prices. lie entered into a detailed explains lion oi the great waste which larmcrs Mistntir iwv vear ironi mid roaos. He told of the live. or "ix counties of tin; Mate Wiiuli are niiikoig me greatest ad v anci'iiU'iu-'Aleekleiibiu t iinltoril. (.as 1on. rasijiiolank. Wake and Durham" mill said that, none ol them had enoved natinal adveiilagcs wliicn Kockui'i Jim in eniovs. locir womlcrlul growth ii ud increased value of property was due fu It. Hiimv izdii.l ...Vlils FOR CASWELL ROAO "I have a plantation in ncrkinghai.rl.-j.ntKj. The complaint will l tiled at wrrcspomlence. -who attempted to com -miiiiu In ,a.d, 'wh,,!! is l.t.d ai ! the nnnroaehing term of court and will rn.tsnieide by cut nig her throat W ed- about 1n.imi(). 1. have instructed hi- 'i foreman here today to tell my tenants, iiltecn or twenty, who are voters to cast, their vote lor this bond issue, and vnen tiiev pav then- taxes to cliarge (lie increase us a result ot tins bond : issr.e up in me I kiio.v what macailnin roads will do lor the. countv. and my I farm is no: located on either of the I proposed macadam l'mnls. ilie governor lias promised to return to the comity m April and make sev eral speeches i;i favor of the bond is- Hie. Miss F.llingtoit riiterlnined the Tiles dav iternoon Heading Hub tins week. F.dgar Allan Poo was the studv for the iiiternoon. rlli storv ot this s short, sad lilt: would fill pages. I he greatest part of the poets life was ! j'asseu in iiiiuusc unci unceasing von, and no poems or romances were ever j produced at greater expense of brnm I and spirit than were lus. .Mrs. Scott lMllman cnrertained the Knchre (.lull thin week, the gave. wan called at 4 o clock, and for nn hour u;.d a half good-natured excitement pre vailed. Mrs. J. N. Watt and Mrs. A. h. Haskma cut for the hrst prize, n air HOLLISTER'S Reeky l.:-r.t2in Tea Kegels K Busy Medldns fof Bmy PeopM. rinn entfen Heaitti md Renewed VHof. A speoiflo for Constlpstloa. Indigestion. Liver and Kidney troubiei. Pimples. Kczems. Impura Blood, Bad Brealb, Slnt'sish Bowels, leudaohe and BaokeclMu ItsJtouky Mviuilaln XaaJn tub lc form, as cents a box. Genuine mode by Hoixmrsa Oruo Compaht. Madisos, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE of silk stockings. Mrs. Watt was the lucky one. The booby was given to Mrs. S. A Hubbard. . A delicious luncheon iris served con sisting of chicken sftlad, green peas, po tato chips, cheese sandwiches, wafers, pickles and coffee. The club will hold its next meeting with Miss et Hall. Tttiss Emma Sharp chaperoned the S. S. S. Society out to Miss Maude Ander son's. Recitations seemed to be the feature of the evening, among them be ing "The Society Boy," by Jkliss Irene Iiutler; "The Champion .Snorer," by Miss Bessie Bennett; "One, Two, Three," by Miss Lucile Womack; "The Broken-hearted Dutchman," by Miss Su sie Stokes i and "Maud Muller,"' by Miss Helen Wray. A luncheon was served consisting of hot chocolate, chicken salad, potato chips, celery, olives,- salted peanuts and mints. The word contest was also an enjoyable feature of the evening. The bv -Miss LuciUs Womaelc, tfndthe bonbv, la lumping jack, was awarded to Miss Bello Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Staples Fuller Lave gone to Xew York, where Mrs. Fuller will undergo treatment for appendicitis, jXrom -which sue lias been sunering lor some time. ! "Miss Ida fiuviiii. of Raleiuh. is a - . . . . . c 7 I 6 v 1 lrJ"ll,ra z. ' .hiss jiarns Jias rruirneu ironi a delightful visit to friends in Concord. - ; UUrnam BO)' tlCld lOr AttaCK On Ex-Senator Lyon and Faces Another Charge. NEGRO ACCUSED OF HIGHWAY ROBBERY special to Daily Industrial News. ,vvard raised so that i will know when ,is oomiionv'at Appoi.ialtox as sergeant Durham. V. C. March 3.-Will Dun-j to Ik. on hand.-' jt tl. SUri:ender of, at which time negan. ci.lored. charged with bighwav I" reply to the ' communication M. ; there were, only twelve 'members of the robhci v, was given a hearing before I Ko,.lv' 1,!'oth,'r of .''? mn,;,',.Ted ma"' i company ticsides .Mr. W ooters. The in i ; ' of ,i , !. . f ,,".,. J makr.ll"s. l,rJ,1",lons; J. "' l,a,lt.v i tennent will be at .McLeaiisville. (iuil- ...... ........ .. s. ......... afternoon. There will be a similar charge against him on Monday. He is now in jail, .having been sent over to court tinder Isuid of .S.'i.iO for the case tried today. Ihi November il It Is last there were two cases of highway robbery reported on tine of the roads leading out north Iroin the city. One of those robbed was ex-Mate Senator .1. K, I. von . -and the i oilier was .luck C'liiseuliall. The two' , robliciio womrrd very close together ii l.,,f f.:' tl,.f 1. ....... ....n li.1 !. ml.Uii. ii Simui -after-lr. T, von. was robbed 1.. met I'. II. Mail in and a partv ot himter's- .tiiiri in a no a pariy oi iiiiuiei !) .. . i . . ,, , I and lold uiem in wiiat iiau occunea. , poiiumg out ine negro, who was tnen ,-oiue distaiicv away. Mr. Martin fol- n, t ew .s;J.iid(). 1 bianco of nionev. lowed the negro and placed him under 01. 0 ,m1., as niav be needed will be e arresl. It was get ting dark and when ; ponded for exteiiions : ami jiiipi ove- w iUiiii a sliort uistance ot ine city til? negro made a break for liberty and (s.iped. Mr, Martin shot him twice with bird liiit and eame on to town. "remrting thai he thouL'ht lie hail killed the ncaro. Senicliing parties went out in thaf see-: tion but could not Jind the negro. Escaped Though Badly Wounded. ' "It is nmv learned that after the shoot- ins the ne;;ro. w ho was badly wounded the small of the 1 lack, managed to escape to a toliaeeo barn and from there lie was taken by itcmls and cared for until he Was able to travel. Since, then he has lieen to Kichiuoiul. Xorfolk and iiiher places, retiuninp to Durham a day oi o 1130. In the meantime the ' oll'.cers ascertain-, id that Will Dunnean was on the road named that night and his reputation was such that he was suspicioned. The offi cers have been loukius for him and this lip wii. n.-vested hv . llennlvf r - - -., , Sheriff, llai'ward and Sergeant Crabtree, ol the police force, lie has not yet fully recovered from the wounds he received when shot by Mr, .Mat tin. I he hearing today was for holding up Mr, l.yon and he will be tried ...Monday in the ( hi-'eiihall ca-e. Dimuegan has ,i bad record in this county. Suit Against Traction Company. Suits were instituted todnv by .J. II ii 1 -.!f .'-.i nniw...,it l. .1 u) v. . , i, ...... .' n.i.n,., t,..V;' (.oinpaiiy. These suits are for injuries received by Mrs. Allen nearly a year -alio while getting oil' a car of the crfm- I panv.'' 1 he amounts to be aked for m these two suits arc not known but the total .l..,.,..,.s v..l-.l ;,.;il n.,1- l.o li. -41,.., . i,i.,i l...,. :,, ,i I ! Mr. Allen, tin husband of the injured j j woman, Is now acting treasurer of the i countv during the illness of Treasurer iLiuisford. He was city treasurer up to a short while ago. JV case will be one of more than ordinary interest. 11. I!. ISooue ,'niid C. Al.'Kdwards. trus tees of 1!. 1 Duke." haVe'lnonj-h't suit asfainst .Vlrs. Maude Hackney Pugh, widow of J. K. Pugh. to ; recover an amount that Mr. Duke claims is due him by the, defendant. The summons in this case was issued today. TRINITY DEFEATED BY WAKE FOREST COLLEGE Special to Daily Industrial Xews Trinity College, Durham, X, C, March 3---A large ami enthusiastic crowd gath ered at the college gymnasium last eve ning to see Trinity play her first game of basket ball. Tlie visiting team was from Wake Forest College. The Trinity boys played fine ball, con sidering the short time that the team ha? been organized, but from the start It was evident that the boys from Wake Forest were better drilled in the game. I he first half resulted in a score of 18 for Wake Forest against 3 for Trinity. At the end of the econd half the vis itors had gained 0 and Trinity 7, mak ing a total of 24 for Wake Forest against 10 for TnilrCj''. The next game will be played at Wake Forest in about two weeks. 1. 00 REWARD FOR MURDERER Anonymous Communication In Winston Paper Causes Brother of Kobra to Offer Money. MOTION TO VOTE ON BOND ISSUE UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED . j ' - ,i - , , . . . , , Helton Sends Reply to Second Batch of Blackhnra Charges Salem's Firei t;-,! c.t trni . c.zii Limit Set-Pohce Kill Six Supposedly Mad Dogs H. C. WOOSter Dcao, ' Special to Daily Industrial News, ' .. , c ,, . ...Jaiid Mrs. (ieonra Xonlcet. treasurer. The ' of an anonymous coiniminicauon in the . .. uivi 1 puprr iicir, luuscu cvnic ui'iuo sion today in regard to the mysterious; Miss Delphine Carter. After the regn murder of Henrr Kohi-e.. -i IMirew eiti-1 hir meeting the mission study band. zen, over a bar-room in this city in Jan uary. The writer of the letter publish ed states that "I have the guilty parties located and liuve enough evidence to nut them behind the bars when t'et readv for them. I am' wailing for more i " I'lo Friday afternoon at Ins homo on; reward to 1 offered If the reward isj" al slrcet; S:ll,'m- JIis,f w"i wised double the amount it now ntaiids.-b""t1'2 years. He was a well known j will ilolivpr tlimn ia tl.R sherirT of I.',-,,-, i on federate veteran and an honored; isvtb cottutv. at, the court lmuse. j member of Xortleei Camp. Mr. Wooters ! ".Vow if the citizens will rai-e thel'dted in -Company A. Fifty-third I j amount the .guilty parties will be de- j livered in less than twenty-four hours. I am not trilling with this subject. It is! j a fact and I will do jim as 1 say 1 will i do. Please let me know ut once oi- as : i early ... it ).,. or parties iiir.ii-iiiug ucn ev nieiice inaijfor, countv, tomorrow. A funeral ser- "'" ' '" ""-' vice was held tonight, conducted bv the the lnurdei-er of llenrv Ixolire will liml to1 ,, ,. lr , T . t. . i.; , .-' v .. , ... ... ; ,, i v .Lev. Dr. il. A. IJrown. chaplain ol Nor-1 Ins or their credit at the Peoples Nn- ., , .. 1 - . . tioual l!ank. of Winston. N. C.. the sum j " ,., , ' 1 . ,. ' ... ' . , - . ; of sixteen hundred tl.lloil, dollars. I'ro- , 11,0 XN "'st,on P"'" H'" " vided. however, that the said infoi nia-' 'hi ''cix.rted to have been bitten by a j t ion is furilislied within three days .from i'ram" ''aiii'1''. I this date. March lltiKi." ' . Holton Replies to Blackburn. j To Vote on Bond Issue. ! District Attorney llolton has replied i At the regular 'meet ing of the Salenn l.ommi-sioiieis last night t ity .Attorney ; vongn-issiuan juacKinii n wnu uie oepaii A. If. Filer-' presented to ..'the board ail ! incut of justice at Washington. The an ordiiiance relative to falling an election ' svveis. which were sworn to, were -mailed on the voting of $-2,(Mifl in bonds with , which' to imrchase the jilant of the Sa-' IKin Wa pr Simn r I n he s:imp w is s.u.pieu uiiaiiiiHiniM . il provides ioi-! i" sage ot the ordinance at two wa ill... Jiiiriiiii;? date of election dune 2ti. mm:. ....... ;"..: i...i .... I Tl. hnnU -ill Iw. f.-.e -ut v,. at .,,, (H,nt ,.r ,,.t ,. ., . : : juetil-". ; , .''.''.'-' A ri'.rt. was cniTeiit this .'morning --T -. - . . -" 'lo the cH'eett hat a -child had been Tumid ' Special to Daily Industrial News.. dead in i'airview, northeast of this city.! Heaufort V.C. March 3 The Hhode, : SliorilT .Mspaugli and ( oroner IJobinsonV, . '. ' '" . '., , . , ' ; went, out and an investigation, revealed i J,i"Hl P"rt.v me to Kalciph to r- the fact that t lie child, who-c mother is , ! young woman named I ueker, residing , 'Uh of Vairview chuirh, was aecident- 'allv smothered lo death, during the ; niht. The little one was about one ! month old. ( ant. i:.iliiiion decided licit. investigation by a coroner's jury was unnecessary. M.-K. t rawford Marshall, mevi liant at larwlan, today tiled a voluntary tuti- tion in bankruptcy with .ludge lViyd, at tireeiislmro. After adjudication th- e tit ion was referred to Mai .1. K. Alcx.-.ii-.f , . i t , ... n linn vn. unit-.- II. ji i I I. Ml . i Mr. MsTsliall's liabilities: arc nlaeed wt ?l.M00 and assets SiJiOn.. Salem's Fire Limit. . The commissioners have designated all property fronting the Salem square and extending east, west, north and south 00 feet as the tiro limit, accord ing to a recent state law. and Mr. Wil liam Pfohl lias been designated as lire inspector. In lnrger towns 'where busi ness is more centered this fire limit and its provisions are very essential, but Salem with its '-exceptional fire record and peculiar situation was extended special courtesies bv Insurance Coin- . , ,. . i , . Miwxwm-r . i-uiiiig, i i.aici"ii, niro is in- Iclined to 'point. tvillt pride to Salem in ,. .. Ins addresses upon prevention, ancient and) modern methods, and remarkaWe good lortiinc from the ravages of this ! ,. 1 . land a halt i. . v '-l... t '. ' ' .' ",' ' , i It was Mrs. Chas. brown instead of iMi's, Chas. Rariicsi as sent out in this nosuay nncrnoon at .tier uome on routii- side. Mrs. Brown will recover and ar rangements are being made to send her; to the state hospital at Morganton for mental treatment. Dr. J. M. Phillips of YnilkinviUe, spent the night here on Ids return from Richmond, A?a where he has been for six V"CtU!',.," "P!'ra,io ' performed upon l)r, Phillips in a hospital there for i appendicitis, lie has ful I V recovered. 1 ,'. , , . Kx-C ougressimin John Brower, oi Mt. Airy, was here todav en route to Illll.i,, v,b. l. mJd -..zu.-.zt;.,,. vn.u.......... .... ' mwninlllH- with a view of locating. T. (, Foy left this afternoon for Dob son, riurry county, in response to a tele- TO DRUGGISTS If one of yours had Typhoid and you had a iecif:e that only reached inild lorins utid another that controlled the most serious case, which would you use? ' . You would take no canres you would use the one that would control the case if serious. ; Kxactly the same in Kidney disor ders; There aro dozens of preparations that are used, but there is only one thing on your shelves that will cure it if serious, and that is Fulton's Itenal Com pound for Blight's Disease. Don't you agree with us that these facts ought to be called to the attention of en turners? . . ' Fariss-Klutz Drug Co. is . our eole agent in Greensboro, i gram stating that his father, J. M. Foy, died suddenly at his borne last night. ! Deceased was about CO years old. , Rankin Society Entertained. The D. C. Rankin Society, composed of young ladies and young married wo men of the First Presbvterian church, was most pleasantly entertained on j yesterday afternoon by Miss Mary Oils at her home on Spring street. The subject for the evening was "Mission in Mexico." Among the missionaries who are working under the Presbyterian board in that country now is Mrs. Bray- hill.--A most interesting paper on the I work in Mexico was given by Mri.'W. 'P. Reid. A very enjoyable symposium of the work in this field was given by i Mesdamea Chnrlfla VmHeet. Siitteuflcld irB,Tgfv At ",is wcning !). H. Fletcher, the president, and Airs. Hettie Woodruff were elected delegates I to the Missionary I'niou, which meets at Graham in April. The Woman's Foreign Missionary So. Jeicty of the First Presbyterian church I , mpf ,,strny ,viUl MlV. (;eorge Xor-; .(lect, in Spruce street. After the devo- itional exercises, Mrs. Calvin Wiley was! elected president; Mrs. Henry Mclver,; j vice-president; Mrs. K. Webb, secretary, , fow wep elwtml delegates to the ... . .f. : "'iiw , t.lll..l Ht ...i.IM.ln. .'ichujiuvb iti. K. Webb and Heiirv Melver and which is studying "Christos Liberators.' was led most instruetinglv by Mrs. 0. ! K. Webb. ! Henry C. Wooters Dead. Henry C. Wooters. after a lingering; illness of several months 'died at oiIK). ivcgimont, ortli Carolina troops, .May; lsW2. lie was wounded at Spottsylvnnia j Courthouse, and Mount Jackson, Vn. lie was promoted cornoral and Serjeant of , . :.. . 1 ..r: lo he last charges tiled against him by lei Assistant Attornev Ceneral Jtobb las night. One who lias een them s-ays they v,im.i ,11 f tl,o .11..,. ., ,., i.l.. l.i- Air imuklilllll. WEALTH AT BEAUFORT turn the Hag to (he surviving; members of Company II Camp' . North Carolina I'cgimenl, -.spent a large part of the day in Beaufort. They came down last night on a pecial train and were met this morning at 0 o'clock at Moreliead City by Messrs. W. II. Mace, C. D. Jones, and ('. I.. AlK-rnethy and were taken on board the yacht Lavinan and 'carried around lleaufort harbor and landed at Heaufort, where carriages awaited them. Thev were, driven over Ueaiifort. 'J'he . . , ... . , , 'y cons,. e(i of ( lncf duitico Douglas ot i;noue island. who was provost mar shal in llcaiifort during the war; Mar.s den ,1. Perry, president of the. Union Trust Company. 1'rovidence, 1!. I audi also jiresideiit of the A. & X, C. and N". & S. Ii: P.. Co.; J. K. Sttiddy, a banker of Hhode. Island: A. H. Watson, a inaiiti-1 factnicr of Itliode Island; t.eorge L. Shepley, a capitalist; Frank S. tiannoii.i vice president of the Metropolitan Street ( Uaihvav, New Vork, and of the A. &. X. ('. Co., ' and X. & S. l!. R, Co.; M. K. King, general manager X. & S. II. P.. -Co.: Col. M. AW McCuire, general suerinteiid-' ent X. i S, It. R. Co.; F. ,1. Case, private J secretary of i-- S. Cannon; F. L. -.Mcrritt. iiiuuiimi ..i.iii , U..U A., J .. Li. 1M.IICI., t." II : ml lril)ic mn cr of A & y c ; ; , x,& s. ... -. and p KoM ; .. , . .. x- r ;.i,,...:..i ...,. t. r t ti..-..u . v.i iiuiiiiiui i .1, IX, v,. .V. The visitors represent a great amount uf capital and arc very mut-h interested x, ' f., . ., ' , ., . . in Heaufort harbor and its' future wel fare. GOOD LUCK I l om IVaat Hood l.nrkf 1 Do you desire to know' liow you may be fortunate in life, successful in : ImsinasH and prosperous , financially? Is it your de sire to have everything lo come your' way'.' I have ttioiisands of letters from; people who were unlucky in everything ! anil are now havlncr KOod luck -und nr. prosperous in all their undertaking. fcid your namo and address to Cap- , tuln ltimd iiml he will tell you a I about It: it will cost you nothing to I write him. anil It may result lit your ! foritnie nd future liappiness. 'CAP-- n, .... . . ,., . - t A X I . , - f. .. TAIN VAI,TI-:k I. RAND, 17 street, Kosli.ii, Mass; this trology or fortune telling. : is not as- HEN Yon want to make any alterations or repairs to your Plumbing let us estimate' for you. We can save you money. . We have PLENTY OF MEX and BEST OF MA TERIAL TO DO YOUR WORK. ' J. Ed. ALBRIGHT Telepbow, 440. tt W.arkel SL I .;.') -tin v v . -.. BR0MCNIA FREE, . Read ths following arfany: If you havo consumption or omo ot th contaftous forma of blood poisoning w cannot cur you. We do not pratend to cur you. You -Md th ln dividual treatment of uim killed specialist; but It you ar run down In general liealth, if you have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting "pells, a victim la insomnia, bilious- ; ness, kidney or liver trouble, catch cold easily. If your y tem Is in that condition that you may beeome Prey to tbe disease verms ot pneumonia, U grippe nd the various epidemics. If you re bothered Vlth constant head ache, loss of memory, general ly Impaired vitality, we can help you, and. If you follow our directions, render you Im mune against sickness. Most skin diseases can be cured by the use of -BrtOMONIA." "BltOMONIA" Is to the 'hu man syitein what the ecrub b ng brush and soap are to the Jlrty wash bowl. It aids Na ture to resume normal action t Increases the strength. Jhe Jlehllng ftbllltv - of tne phagocytes of the Mood; ft promotes the healthy flow of the salivary and gastric secretions. If your tomarh Is In good condition you are Well. Tbe Chinese are wise poople. Tliey accost aclt other with. "How la your ' stomaen." "The Ferus-Klutf Dtnj Com pany guarantees that, if you will write to the Bromonit Co, New Vork, giving your full name and and address on the coupon at the bottom of this column, you will receive an order on your nearest druggist for a free bottle." Write name and address , plainly. Be careful to address BIlOMOMA CO., NEW YORK. rnao "romoxia coupon Kame Cly State .......................... My nearest dealer is at........ Sly disease Is. . ......... . . . ..... If you think BROMOMA Is what you need and do net care to send coupon, you will find It at all flrst-claBs drug gists,, 25 and CO cents the bot . tie. Special sale being held by FARISS-KM'TZ DRUG CO. Exclusive wholesale agents for GreeasborO and vtelaMy. DRAUQHON'S IraleIGH AXEIGH. COLOMBIA, KKOZVIUS ATLANTA AND HASHVILLE. 26 Colleges In 15 Stales. POSITIONS secured or money refunded. Also teach 1 fY 5'V,1SUWpS"U?e,fVOU I wm van that Draughton's is the BEST. tend for it. and WHISKEY HAMT6 cured at home with out psin. Book of Mr ticulars sent FRER. I II I MaBBa B. M. WOOIXKV. M. D. V 7 A.Uaata,a. Office lot X. Pryor StretU I EIQSQBBBnsHHHisKiBl j We want YOU to try our Cigars at our risknot yours UNICO Express or This is Our Liberal Proposition : On receipt.' oi $2.50 we will eend yon fcxpress or postage .prepaid) a box of ."id I'nico Cigars, provid ed your order is mailed or received on Saturday; if not we will ship on (he Saturday following Teccipt of 'order. , ::..'.; :''. ":' "Smoke two or three and if you do not consider them the best cigars for the price you have ever smoked and equal to the best three for ft quarter cigars, return the rest (expve-s collect) nnd we will return tho entire (fZ.'tO. Could any proposition be more liberal? Tho Tnieo is tt full, plump, club home shape, 4 1-4 inches long and contains a fine quality of long filler, imported tobacco wrapped with select Sumatra, H is made by the best hopl workmen, skilled in their art, and gives a mild, pleasant but satisfying smoke. $4.00 Per 50 is the REGULAR Price I On Saturdays you can get them J. P. SCALES CIGAR CO. sif lo smos itovoupi. In r-Ktit hitut ) Skirts! We li&ve just received all the Latest Styles ; in Spring Shirts 0 j gi . 0 TTiiiicr iuiva auu vfYcituaia N Still ioini at Marked Down Prices to close out to make room for our big Spring Stock. Very respectfully, Vanstory Clothing Co. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE In the Home The Bell Telephone handles with dispatch and satisfaction the little everyday things. In the Office The Bell Telephone is an actual necessity for the proper conduct of modern business. The Bell Telephone Serves all the people all the time with a T good service at reasonable cost. CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT No. 192 Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. GOOD COALS SELL WELL! :' That's one of the rewards of tho dealer who keeps them. That's why we have been liusy moving orders. We don't say they are best because wc sell them we sell them because, after years of experience we found them to be best, and we do not claim one whit more for them than do our patrons. Pay you to try a ton. You'll buy other tons later. THE GREENSBORO ICE & COAL CO. :3W Every Saturday is knovn as RED LETTER DAY by our customers, for SATURDAYS we place on sale the CIGAR AT Postage Prepaid SEE ABOVE PROPOSITION. State whether mild, medium or strong cigars are wanted. GREENSBORO, N. jiimt s r.i rtiiii.1 '(oi,l Shirt $a $a Per Box of 50 for C. idi'isri lin nJ ot o!io 3,; 1..1 Pi' ?