News. WEATHER i Partly cloudy and warm er today, Saturday fair and cooler; variable winda The News A paper for alt the' people and for tha people all the time. Read it and keep posted. siiiu:i2iffiUiLx t PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. IV. NO. 68 STATS EDITION. GBEENSBOEO, N. CM -'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1908 STATE EDITION. siTVfrWllV "TEE MIDDLE WEST IS AWAKETONEEDS OF TO Renewed Activity Is Shown Since Return of the Delegates From Washington IHI1T0N HAN S SAYS HE'S SURE OF flCJjUITTIiiL State's Case Against Him Is Prac tically Closed Defense Be gins Saturday, CHRISTMAS JOINS FOURTH AS MENACE TO PROPERTY CUBITUS "EVE"-"" MQIIIET THAN THAT LAST YEAR Fire Cracker Ordinance Being En forced and Few Explosions Are Heard. Labor Leaders and the Judge Who Imposed Sentence El' " SAMUEL GOMPERS. JOHN MITCHELL. " "T"rj PROSECUTION CALLS MERCHANTS HAVE DEFENSE'S WITNESS! ANOTHER BUSY DAY Has Acquired No Little Odium Among I SurPrise on Hains' Cowtf .and -Trains All late and Traffic Is Heavy. Underwriters Because of the Burning of Santa Claus' Whiskers and Other Foems of Gayety. Evidenca Goes Against Him Cabmen. Called, Testified That He's Been Ly ing. Chicago, Dee. 24.-Sinee the return of - - - the governore and debates to the con- f .P. WJ ?ne or. lwo .UDS , T" aeration conference at Washington ! ul he heard on minor points, the state s early this month, renewed activity has ' case against Thornton J. Hains is prae teen shown in the movement, especially ; t'cally closed. The defense will out ine in the middle west. The next impor- j to the jury on Saturday after tant step, which is now awaited with the prosecution rests . keenest interest, is the transmission of ! , the defendant returned to the u. rv... , Pr..;. Lone Island ail tonight rne knew all thu Roosevftt with whatever reeommenda-' I vhal evidence that the prosecution had i tions he may sea fit to make, .-:.. 111 11,. k nAa nM At the time of the conference only tha MUm E. Annis. Jffore leaving the general conclusions w-re announced and j courtroom Hams declared that lie felt ft is understood that some of the pa- ' his acquittal was only a, matter of Santa Claus Comes Through, Brings Gifts for Little Tots Beggars Were Active, Too. There was a striking contrast in Christmas eve this year and Christmas ero one year ago. The streets last night were crowded, but the people were order ly and little noise out of the ordinary was hard. A year ago the fire cracker ordinance was suspended and until after midnight therewas a fusilade of explo Th j obtained to prove its eiiarge that he wasjsiohs that deafened the ears and soon, iblie ! one of the' principals in the killing of 'drove in doors most of the women and . . 1 L pers Wtlicn .ceompnny ine mil report, contain new and sensational informa tion regarding the x site of the coun try's natural resources. At the con ference resolutions were passed by th-i governors and representatives of big davs. District Attorney Darrin surprised Hains' counsel ny calling Henry L. des many of the men and boys, his year the fire cracker ordinance is being enforced and everything is eom- jparatively quiet, except the tramp of unsei ny caning nenry u. ues ... nd th. of thousand. o person, a former real estate agent, whom ..... , the defense had planned to call as one of , tongues. A few big fire crackers were their principal witnesses. Jcsperson's exploded, but not where the policemen national onmnizations indorsing the eon testimony developed nsny points favor enua detect who was setting them off. elusions of the commi'on, particularly able to t'lie defendant. He said he had The gtoreg m crowdfd ,n '."day and am lie uvea , Some time knows when or tht crMtion of a several conferences witl t '....! nn.miiinn nrifli water front oronertv at Uouclaston. at least a small appropriation from Con- near Bayside, and that Hain had mud dren as well as grown ups. Kress to enable it to continue investiga- an appointment with his par ner, Mr. dllrjn the nijht, nobody kn P. . .m .1 1 1-iJ i. tion along cne lines aireaay iio ou,. (Continued on Pag Flv.V T liupg, about some property near the (Continued on Page Two.) M'GLCLLAN REPS LICENSES OF ALLiyiOViflG PlCTUBESraSlljlJ. Preachers and Fire Department Combine and Mayor Issues Order. OME MAY OPEN AGAIN lL5.C0DBl-RRie TO SETTLE QitlOl OF GEQR6IA PiOHIBITO New York, Dec 2. Moved by the protests of ministers of every denomi nation who complained to him that the great majority of the 550 moving pic ture show establishments of Greater New Ynrk were exhibitine pictures detri- ,how, Santa Claua passed through, leav ing toys for the little tots and this ' morning thera is probably more happi Inesa in the homes of Greensboro than Inhere hf-s been shier tR"vrs1t"7ir" Santa Claus a year ago. At the passenger station there was a continuance of the rush. Trains were all late and the passengers crowded about the station as they do every year about Christmas time, except there seems to be more of them this year than ever : - .;' i '-.-) '.; "'' before. ; DAhihliln. MAt ntiAtlr.n' Yesterday was also a busy day for urasv a lv...v.uwu w. """ the gtrwt vender. Jlistletoe and holly ! For Settlement By That DOdy Vas brought in by the country residents and for the last day of the season witn them they were especially active. The (Salvation Army contribution solicitors were at their pots all day ringing for PETITION coin in an energetic manner. The blind and the cripple were on the sidewalks with their fuss boxes and chin music, begging for a few pennies to help them be happy on Christmas. Packages by express and mail kept the expressmen and letter carriers busy. sd ' f i $t I r$k ' tv i ' 4 k : , I atr-.i ----- ,.r,. , fimm piipl Of . ) Jh. . j .... h y ) (;Wf ; S iri gt,V J I i - I nil lifciui n.i.i. I KICK AGIST SENTENG E Punishment of Gompers. Mitchell and Morrison Raises a Siorm t)f Protest. BRYAN JOINS IN THE MESSAGES OF SYMPATHY Condolences From All Parts of the Country Sent to Men Who Were Sen tenced in the Buck's Stove Case on Wednesday Last. : , JUSTICE DANIEL THEW WRIGHT. Says Judge. DISMISSES THE Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 24. State prohibi tion .won a victory in the United States Circuit Court here today when a deci sion was handed down by Judge W. T. Newman, dismissing a petition attacking One Killed; Four Hurt in Fire. New York. Dec. 24. One man was killed and three other men and a woman mental to the morals of the youths of ! the constitutionality of the Georgia pro- wj-M 11 XJ allj i RUiru unit tlllt-r ii.iiri ii'.rii onu a nuiiinu the city, Mayor MwJleltan today issued 1 hibition law. ' Judge Newman did notjwfre riouslv burned while the lives drastic order revoking every picture show, upon the cngtitutionality of the I 0f mRnv others were caved only bv license issued by the bureau of licenses. ,jaW( out dign,i(,sed the petition on thai prompt "and heroic work by firemen and ine oraer oi ioo bij ium.( - (ground of non jurisdiction, noming tnat n i tlie tenants themselves in a fire thut. FOLLOWING CHRISTMAS ALSO AJATOF REST Various Business Institutions Re Quested This'Action Sayt the Governor. Washington, D. C, Dec. 24. .William J. Bryan was chief among nearly two score of men, the majority of whom are loaders in the labor movement of the country, who today sent messages ex pressive of their cordial sympathy to President Gompers, Vice-President Mitch ell and Secrntury Morrison, of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. The messages, which came from every section of the country, and voiced the sentiments of persons in almost every avenue of labor, convey feelings of regret over the court's decision, extend moral and financial support, and in soino in stances, express indignation. Mr. Bryan in a telegram dated Pittsburg, Pa., ad- , dressed to Gompers, Mitchell and Mor rison, savs: "Sorrv to read decision. You did your duty in testing law. Glad you are tak ing appeal. ' What action on the part of organized wage-earners, will, in your opinion, bo most useful to reestablish freedom of '.he press and of speech!" asks H. B. Perham, . president of the Order of Railroad Teleg raphers, in a telegram from St. Louie, addressed to Mr. Gompers. Perhaps one of the most uirtque avmong-,. the messages is that from J. S. Barry, ot Oklahoma City, Okla., after expressing regret over the decision, declares: May with the baggage. Right must prevail. W, D. Jlahon, president or tne Amal gamated Association of Street Railway F.mployes, expresses sincere regret at what ho considers, "an unjust and un American sentence" upon the labor lend ers. He says: "You are clearly the . victims of a judg-e-made-law, which is wholly uncon stitutional, tl should be carried to the highest court and contested to the bit ter end, and we pledge you the united support of our association to that end." That history will place the names of Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison on the roll of honor, with those men who liave made real sacrifices for human uplift, ia AGAINST NIGHT RIDERSi rf1ABi"iB Feration of La- -rt,V 1 A p 1 A 1 rl 1 " Wr, in a message from Bloomington, IU. "No court decision, Mr. Lennon says, "can make vou criminals at the bar or FRANK MORRISON. WITNESS, THREATENED WITH DEATH, TESTIFIES Told Before He Went on Stand That if He Made Revelations He Would Pay For Them With His Life State Offers Further Evidence, ; this revocation js only temporary, ouiwag a m8tter for the state courts, and the conditions under wmcn new licenses ,c jd j, fpderai eourts only by will be issued are such that it is doubt lul that more than a third of the licenses revoked will be reissued. In addition to the representation made to him by the elery of the city, the mayor bad had a report from Battalion Chief Beggins, of the fire department, which stated that almost without ex ception the halls where aueh shows are given are only partially equipped with safeguards against fire and fire panic. In making public his order of revo cation, Mayor McClellan deelarcs that his action is taken, "on personal Knowi wrecked the five-story apartment 'house at 122 West 12i!h street, early today. Death of Mrs. Caviness. The wife of the Rev. C. H. Caviness. of MeAdcnville. died yesterday and will writ of error from the State Supreme Court. ' . , ,. .- The suit was a petition for injunction bv the Christian Moerlien Brewinir Com pany, of Cincinnati. O., and the Chatta- . be buried today at Pleasant Grove nooga Brewing Company to enjoin At-1 ehureh. The funeral will be conducted jrvy the Rev. v. R. Ware. ; Mrs.-Umneasi l survived oy a nusoani ana tour cnu-dren. lanta city officials from prosecuting al leged violations of the law. The petition attacked the constitu tionality of the law on three grounds. First, that the prohibition bill contained a duality of subject matter, in violation of the state constitution; second, tunt No Pythian Meeting Tonight. .. There will be no" meeting of Guilford V-dee. No. 6!). Knights of Pythias, to- ihm lfnla i iir ewpeAoA Um AiithoritT in 1 nitrtif. TfiA niTf rrnilnr nteet.infr will h edge of existing conditions and with the degtroying a thing (the sale of liquor) i held next Friday night, when tho newly firm conviction that I am averting a which the state, constitution specifically jek-cted officers will bo installed. public calamity. i recognizes as taxable; third, that the The reissuance of licenses will only be j jaentical bill did not receive a constitu made to those showmen who agree n i tional majority in both houses of the writing to comply wim an nro nu oun- .legislature. In his decision Judge Newman says: "The atrbject 'matter .of this case is peculiarly for the courts of the state. It day closing regulations and further to omit from their programs all pictures detrimental to public morals. The order has caused consternation ; concerns the internal policy of the state. The legislation was , in pursuance of what was believed to be the proper ex- amons the moving picture show people and preparations are being made by them to contest its validity in the courts. ' '' . . 4 " 1 (Continued on Page Two. Steamer Sripplcd by Storm. Norfolk. Va., Dec. 24. The British steamer Aureola, with cargo from Gal veston to Europe, mad? Hampton Roads this afternoon in -a cnppled condition. In the batle with the storm the machin ery was disarranged. She will be re paired here. Prof, and Mrs. W. H. Price have gone I to Rock Hill, S. C, to spend a few days. OBSEKVE DAY WITH , PRAYER ; Union City. Tenn Dee. 24. Instead of resting with the testimony it had submitted, the state decided' -'today to offer mora evidence ncainst the nignt .. i : riilers. and summoned Thomas H. Cloar Raleigh, N. C, Pec. 24. A proclam- j as its first'- witness. .-"Thomas H. Cloar is tion issued today by fWriior Glenn de-. no relative of the defendant. Arthur signates- Saturday. Decrmber 26, as well Cloar. Thomas H. Cloar wa sinduced to as Friday.," 2Sth, leital Christmas holi i join the night riders by Arthur Cloar days. He urges the people all over the ' early in 0?:.ober. state to enter"' heartily into appropriate The witness ' was ' coo), but careful. f"r obier'.v.nee of the birthday of the Savior, i on last Sunday a fnecd of one of the The pro;--!:ation i declared to be at men on trial approached Hoar and -told 1 . . . . . Ihm if he testified he. would be killed the earnest r- -nest of various business ; K,fw h u.ft t), gtand. u was miillg institutions tlirougho.nt the state. . , for an (,our or two last night and the The proclamation by the governor fol-I R(te feared -he had been abducted or lows: . killed. An armed party found him it At the esinest request, of various bui-, hi, homo jn clarion, however. ness institutions throughout the entir.!, q,, TnP dav of Captnit; Rankin's miir- (ilenn,, governor of orth , d(r. rw .went to Reelfoot Luke for tish and met Bob Huff men and Bud Mor- when we get him," said Cloar,. "you will have to go whether you want to or not."., The night 'riders were never able to get Harris 'who was one of -the owners of the West Tennessee Land Company, hecause he was guarded at all times. His Dublic opinion.' "Two hundred union farmers of Texas sympathize with the three labor lead ers," declares D. J. Neill, president of the Farmers' Educational and Coopera tive Union of Texas, in a message from Forth Worth. "Advise us how to aid you." concludes Mr. Neill. "Victory of greed is but temporary; justice will yet prevail," is the way John F, McNa'mee, editor of the Locomo tive Firmen and Enginemen's Magazine, states it in a telegram from Indianap olis. - J. A. Sankline, president; William O. home at Tiptonville is a. veritable fort. The grounds and approaches to it ar ; Giltherpe, international secretary -treas- eipctrically mined and it could stand Burer, and A. Hinzman. of the Interna- siege of weeks. Wietlier this was known i (;! Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, at to the night riders is not definitely ; Kansas City, sent a message declaring Known, nus.iney never fctiempiea to raid jthat Judge Wright's sentence is "unjust.' OVERDUE STEAMSHIP LOST IS THE BELIEF IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE SUNK WITH ALL ON BOARD SOMEWHERE AT SEA. PROXIMITY WAREHOUSE HAS HEAVY FIRE LOSS Sydney, N. S., Dee. 24. Wit the passing, today of an even month since the Norwegian steamer Stiekelstad left ' Glasgow, Scotland, Novmber ti for this port, the mariners Interested in the vessel gave up nearly all hope of ever gain seeing her. ' 'It is generally believed' that the steamer sank with all on board duriag the terrific galesvof early December. Or dinarily the passage - across seethes about week.' ' , ' Spontaneous Combustion Starts Stubborn Conflagration Which Lasts Several Hours Several Thousand Dollars Damage. Fire in one of the storage warehouse! t Proximity last night did several thou sand dollars damage. The fire . started bout nine o'clock and is supposed to have originated from spontaneous com bustion. The cotton where the fire started had been stored away for three or four months. About two 'clock this morning the Greensboro fire department was called out to aid the private department of the Proximity Manufacturing Company, and By ISO the fir was thought to be under eontrel. The fire burned furious ly and It required heroic effort to keep it from spreading. Superintendent Campbell said -that the building would be saved and that the fire was under control. He could not make an estimate on the damage, but said it would be several thousand dol lars, ' ' Fires in cotton mills are frequent, but it is seldom that they do any consider' able damage. This is probably the heaviest loss by fire the Proximity mills have sustained since their erection in 1806. A private water system, one of the beet in the south, ia kept ready to fight a fire at any moment, A sprink ling apparatus is attached which will wet goods and raw material and pre vent the fire from spreading. f ' ' state. 1. R. B. Carolina, in addition o declaring Fii day, December 25. a legal holiday, do earnestly request . that Saturday, Do eember 28, be also regarded as a holiday, and that on these two days that the people observing th"ir usual Christmas custom, will not only meet in their ac customed nlaccs of worship, but also in Harris' home. til Mondav The court adjourned un- James West ley White, of Wilmington, is here for tho holidavs. Mrs. J. Will Patterson and little Miss Margaret Ray left yesterday to spend the holidays at Mt. Airy. ':.' their hearts render tnanus to uoa ior , . Waudell. and number of other the great mercies tha He has bestow-, i l)romim,lt v,vn who vere urging the ex ed upon them during the year just past. ternijn)ltiotl o the .nillt rjdpr ,ban(i. The observance of Christmas is a beau-1 Th. witn(s. wa, toif: that, the nieht Miss Maud Hamlin, manicurist at the ris. two of the defendants. Huffman i.uuiord notei. is spenauig i nnstmas at lold him they hid wc.nted him to joiiiiher home in Ashboro. She will return in order to get information as to how j about January 1. I'uion Cit v was gunrded, as they wanted 1 '- ' , .' . .... '-' , to visit that place and "attend to" Judce j ..-'Prof. . C L. Padgitt; of A inson-Salem, Jones. Attoniev-Cienersl Caldwell, the was in the city yesterday. lat tor's fatlier. a man ighty years eld, The evidence proves that you obeyed Judge Gould's order," says the message, "but human judges retain and reflect the environment in which they live. This judgment throttles free speech and free press, and tramples on the principles of the American free man." Wreck Reported at Sea. Norfolk, Va. Dee. 24.--A wireless mes sage to the Norfolk nsvy yard from aptain Dreyer of th.? Ocean Steamship Liner City of Memphis sent via the United Slates steamship Montana re ports a sdiooner, no masts, standing in latitude 36.5", lonti'.udo 75.05. Name un known. : tiful custom, and coming as it does this year at the last of the week, it is but meet and rignt tnat two aays innieau of one should be set aside for kind re membrance of friends; &nd for thank fulness to God for what we have re ceived." It. B. GLENN, -,' Governor. GRIEF STRICKEn'fARMER TAKES OWN LIFE Raleigh, N. C. Dee. 24.Bennett Wall, an aged and highly respected farmer, took his own life by blowing off the top of his head with a shot gun at his home, two miles from Raleigh, this morning. He was oeside himself with grief over the eonduct of two drunken sons, who had brought three gallons of whisky to the house the night before and were making a "rough house" in ! their intoxicated condition. Mr. Wall ! was advanced in years and in poor health. J. Hampton Rich, of . Atlanta, passed through the citv last night to spend Christmas with his family in the west ern part of the state. riders were going to "pot" Rankin and Taylor that night, and lie was urged to ride with them. He told them he had no gun: t'hat his child was ill, and that he could not go. Prior to this hour he had burned his mask mid told his wife he would never so wit'i the riders again. He was not present when Rankin wus killed. H talked with Arthur Cloar. the defendant, a few days after the killing. The latter told the witness all the de tails of tin; murder, and said that he, Arthur Cloar, was present when it was committed. Dr. E. M. White, while visiting near the lake the night of the Rankin mur der, was approached by a marked rider who was armed with a revolver. The man deminded guns and got an auto mate pump gun belonging to Dr. White's host, John Moore. The giin wa returned the next day. The doctor did not recognize the man as he spoke in a falsetto tone, false tone. William Roberts, a Reelfoot Lake man. wss solicited bv Arthur Cloar to join. He refused, whereupon Cloar told hun the rider proposed to "pet" Judge Har ris, whip him and cut off his head, "and T TO BE REINSTATED CAPTAIN RICE DISMISSED FROM SERVICE FOR ALLEGED PERNI CIOUS ACTIVITY IS RESTORED. Wilmington, N. C, Dee. 24. the many friends of Capt. Fred B. Rice, of this city, government inspector of steamboat hulls for the district including Wilming ton, will be interested and pleased to know that he was successful in his effort for a revocation of ihe recent order of the United States civil service commis sion, dismissing rum from tne service for allegvl pernicious activity in poli tics during the recent campaign. Instead of the peremptory dismissal of the inspector, the department in Washing; ')P has made a mere order of suspension for ninety days, which will (Continued on Page Two.) GREENSBORO PATRIOTS C0MHN9 ATTENTION BASEBALL PENNANT WINNERS WILL BE HERE AGAIN IMPROVE MENTS AT THE PARK. Before the opening of the next base ball j season considerable improvement will be made at Cone Athletic park. The leacher extending down the first base line will be converted into an addition to the grandstand, while additional bleacher accommodations will be added, extending down the third base line. - Martajter MoKivett is expected to ar rive some time in January, when he will get his men in line for the race to keep the pennant in Greensboro. He has al ready been communicating with num ber of new players and lias signed Jake Mereeman, a pitcher of Grand. Rapids. ; Nearly all of the old players will be mith. the team again. , . - .r . r r irtiim TT TV. TT iBftT,ilfiria.aiii