D AlJiYTJtQUBNA JL-O B S ERV EB :? T U E S.D A Y r A E B I L .3, 188 3. STATU NEWS. Rockingham Spirit of the South : A petition is in circulation and being nu merously signed, praying the county commissioners to have county bridge erected oyer Little River at Smith's Ford. w Died, at her home in this county, on the 27th Inst, Mrs. Flora Ann Webb, consort or Sumpter Webb; and daugh ter of the late Solomon Morgan, aged aged about 25 years, leaving two small children; one of them only about a month old. Chatham Common wealth : Pneumonia Is quite prevalent in this surrounding vicinty. There have been 3 burials In the cemetery within the last week. Goldsboro Bulletin : The Sfx vear old child of William Griswold, colored, was burned to death in town this week. -The unfortunate colored man, who was last week crushed bv the train, in the northern part of the town, is dead. we reeret to near tnat tne symptoms In Mrs. Wi F. Korneeav's case, who is very low with pneumonia, were thought . oy her physician yesterday to be even more unfavorable, and that any hope ror ner recovery is a forlorn one. On Tuesday evening a little child of Giles Hicks, colored, was found dead in bed. in the suburbs of town. Dr. Tom Hill being notified made an ex amination, and found evidences of dropsy. I Wilmington Star: The people "of Whiteville are considerably excited over a case of hydrophobia. . A mad dog, which had bitten several other dogs. no.au y attacked a colored child at or near the depoVand left the. impress, of , his teeth in the little one's flesh. The child was subseauentlv seized with spasms, and at last accounts was altern- ately writhing in the greatest apparent aeonv. foamine at the mouth, barking and whining like a dog, and manifesting very otner symptom or - most vioiens Jjies. I Trouble is feared from other , does which have been bitten. We learn that Hon. R. T. Bennett is expected to deliver the Memorial Ad dress in this city on the approaching . ..iota oiM.ay. Gaptared aid Recaptared. Balelah News-Obserrer. 1st Inst. John F. Hawkins is a printer, who veara aeo worked in Italeiirn. Alter- wards he was at Oxford, and is charged with Brain? to the nostoffice there and asking I for letters belonging to other . partiesJ 'His offense was discovered, and he fled to Goldsboro. He was cap tured there by special agent Spragins, but escaped from that officer. He came here on Friday, and yesterday was ar- - rested. He is now in custody. The case will be tried next Thursday before U. S. Commissioner ParnelL The reason . of the sdelay is that some depositions d to I be sent for to Alabama, The trial is to be held here to save trouble and expense. There are several charges against Hawkins. It appears that he has been roaming all over the State. Hawkins was in the guard house up to noon yesterday, when agent Spragins came here after him. He was turned over ta him. In half .an hour after the E slice had turned him over he made a reak for liberty. He was closely pur sued, and captured on Jones street, just as he was about to enter a house.proba bly for refusre. He was then taken to jail, where he now is. Aa Unprovoked, asd. Cold-BIooded j ; Harder. - Fortress Monroe, Va , April 2. A brutal I murder occurred about eleven o'clock! Saturday night in the bar room of Barnes' Hotel, at Hampton. Va. It appears that Thos Phillips, a quiet, in- offensive citizen, was passing tne notei on his way home, where he was met by an old acquaintance named P Joyce,who invited him into take a drink. Phillips refused to drink, but accepted a cigar, and while standing at the counter of the bar Joyce, without any provocation whatever,deliberately shot him through the heart. After shooting him. Joyce placed the pistol In Phillips pocket and fled, lie was arrested later and loagea in jail; Joyce is employed as a clerk at the National Soldiers Home. Phillips leaves a wife and four children. Fears were (entertained yesterday morning that Joyce would be taken from the jail and lynched. An extra guard was placedj on duty at the jail last night. The Mississippi River Aral on tke New Orleans, April 2. The river rose St inches to-day. and is now only one inch below the hight attained last ear. IA special to the Times-Democrat from I West Melville says: The Atcha- f alava river is still - rising. Eighteen inches more water is expected here, and V nrobablv more in the swamps along the fine of . the Texas Pacific Railroad. A considerable portion of the track will be washed away between this place and Baton liouge Junction, a - distance ox 40 miles, but when the water subsides a large force of men will soon put the track in repair. The water in Fordereche ." bayou is rising an inch daily. It is now running through the levee a mile and a half above tha railroad crossing, sub merging many small plantations, ur Hill's Plantation has only 130 acres above water. The levees on the lower Fordereche are all good, with 18 inches ; above water. The Gross Tete is rising. but the levees are secure. 21 e a aad Woasea af NewYttlu - The women of New York are not beautiful. Many of them are redeemed by their style, but their pale, sallow races and dofecuva figure forbid any idea of beauty that is, of the perfect and peerless beauty of feature and color which is a rarity anywhere, but should not be among such members oaa one meets on Fifth, avenue. In point of fact, it is astonishing how rare a thing absolute beauty is. I saw flocks of pretty -girls beaute du diable In the Music all at Cincinnati; and a sprinkling of pretty girls in every city. for tnat matter; but not one Deaumui woman. Beautiful that is. peerless and unquestioned, like Adelaide Xell- son or Alice Dunning. I was prepared to Bee whole flocks of them on Fifth avenue, but 1 was obliged to take style instead, and style will outrank beauty in New Yoik unless they go hand-in- hand. ' -si- I have seen three really handsome men one in Kentucky, one in Boston and one in New York. But any New Yorker of tolerable figure and with a fair credit at bis tailor's and batter's- the hat is perhaps the distinctive feav ture of the tout emW may present a sufficiently stunning appearance to guarantee his afternoon promenade on the avenue. They are a comfortable, well-groomed looking lot of - men, and. look as if they found life a very endura ble affair, ' T - 1 Virginia, deferred, Adams' Ixom, American sxpreM. t Chesapeake and Ohio, bhauro and Alton. I Chicago A North Wettem, i I t t t I t . - t "t i . : i t t X t ;t s I I Cbiogo North Weat-rn. pre' err. d. t . Cfatofcgo. bC Loots ana Bow Ortwrn, t - wuuimum voaj. r : - : . t i Deiawar and UcUvioA. t z Denver A Be Graade. . : : : i Krts, : t i i i j Bast Tennessee, : : : t Port Wajne: t - - s t Hannibal aad St. Joseph. : s , t -Harlem, t t i : t : t t Houston and Texas, i : , t i Uilnofs Central, : t t t t Laka fchora, t tit, t - louiavtlle and bash 11 le, t Manhattan Klevatt-a. x t : : s Memphis aod Charleston, i i : Metropolitan Kiev axed. : : : : Miabigaa central, : : : MobUa and Ohio. t : t ; x NaahrUla and Chattanooga. : : Mew Jeraef Central, t s : i : New Orleans Pacific Brat mortgage bonds. : Hostile Indians Captared. Washington, D. CL, April 2. Secre tary Teller to-day received from Agent Wilcox at the San Carlos, Arizona, the following telegram dated yesterday: "The Indians at the agency were great ly excited last night : by the reported presence of one or more Chiccahaus on the reservation, at 3 o'clock this morn ing. .Lieutenant Davis with one hun dred scouts and friendly Indians passed up the San Carlos river thirteen miles to the camp of Nadaski, chief of the White Mountain Indians, where they found a buck named - Peach who -went out with Locos' band of Chiricahaus on April 19th last. Nadaski and Peach were brought' in and the former was tried and ordered to Camp Thomas to be placed in irons with recommenda tion that he be sent to the Dry Tortu gas for life for harboring renegades, threatening to' burn the agency, kill the employees, eo on the war path with the Chiricahuas and for endangering the peace of the reservation. Hoping to obtain information Peach will be held here for three or four days. The Indians here will see to it that he does not escape. All are quiet. Conduct of the Indians last : night proves their loyalty. Ilia; la Aallkartijr. ) Dr. W. K. Scott, president of the soil eg ot phy sicians, Montreal, writes: "I hare recommended Oolden's liquid Beef Tonle as the best prepara tion for debUltr. Indigestion. dyspepsia, fever, ague, aad loss of appeute. ( Take no other ) MAKKETS BY TELEGRAPH APRIL 2. 18&8 DOMESTIC NAVAL STORKa CaAKLJro 8ptrlts Turpentine quiet and nom inal, e&lea at 45a Rosin, steady; strained and good strained Si MOSS 1.88 waauwnia epirus iwrsnam nrm, saraa at 4&le. aoeln firm, at SI 80 for strained; Xh tor good strained Tar steady, at St.fWX Ciude Turpentine steady. at si.eu tor nara; sz.o tor yellow dip. pkodock. Wiumsroa Corn, firm: prima whtte 87toe; mixed &Q60 CHiCieo Hoar, qtilet and aachanged. Wbeat quiet: ttegular Sl.UM4asi.'6aa forapru. Cora QUie mna uiinr. u oiauow iw an:oiw for April. Oeta-steedy, at 42Vh or eaab; 400 4 1 (or A prIL Pora modrraieiy aetrve an i higbMr atSl8.Z5aS18 8 for easb; Sl8 27tasi8 M for Apt 11 utra nigner ana in aeuve aemano, at S 1 1 SlVtCt S 1 1 .40 lor cah and A priU Whlakrv steady and ancnanged, at Si. IS To-morrow be ! log election day there will be no markets.. oALTUtuu piour , iaie ana un, oonni Btreet and Western auper SM 7S9S4 OO; family 15 OOAS5 H7:Cny MUlssaper.S:i.M7fiS4.00: extra S4 2b(la bO; too Brands si-MUtZSVZ&. wneat Southern scarce and nominal; Western a sbade oil and eloalna dull; bouthera red SI.I7QS1.20; amber $1,20313 No, 1 M&rrUnd $1.2 1 tk ask ed; No. 2 Western winter red spot. SI.184IO)-Sl-18. Oora Soothem fpjteaa'y; Western very dull, bontbern wbita 63444; ytlow efiaMd. Oats lower; eoatbera 6orT63: Western white 5IOK3: mixed 4W06ft; knasylTanla 5CS&3. Provisions steady and firm: mesa pork, S2UOO. Balk meats -shoulders and dear nb sides eked. 8I1. Baenn -shoulders Vt; dear no aides 14; name I4u la. iih u' fir a; bio cargoes -ordinary to fair 8lfcatlfc. Sugar firm; a 'soft 8. Whiskey quiet, at Si.lBWZai.iv. ardignuouu. New York Central. New York Herat ed, r : : Norfolk and Western, preferred, t Northern Pacific, common, : Northern Pactfie, preferred, t t Ohio and Mississippi : t t Ohio and Mississippi, preferred. PaetneMaU. : i Plttkborg. t : t i ' t uutcasiiver, : : : : t : Quicksilver, pre r erred, .:: beading, j : t : t : : Richmond and Allegheny, t blchroood and Danvlila, i t t i Richmond and West Point Terminal, t BOCk falaiwt, j t t I t 8b Louis and San Francisco, t t i 8C Louis, preferred. t t : : 84. Louis Ban JTaneteo, 1st preferred e. raw. i t t i t 8t Paul, preferred, t : t : t Texas Padflo, : : i t : Union Pacific t t : i t : United States Express, t t : Wabash Pad Sc. : : : . : Wabash Pacific preferred. : t wens- rargo. :;:;:: i Union, ; : : : tLast Md. fOfTd. IKx. Dtr 10 ; 127 8 ' 201 il 83V I.H4l2 1 ROW 7rf 5 124 tS; Bit IjOH : . R4 ' 41 .86 8I4 ! R7 ?2Vfe KM : 1.04 40t : 49 IS- '. l.OO 4014 t 'lev t 42 . 68 JJ'Vi t R2 : ! 22 1.22 t i 20 48 Vb 9M 1.1 4 t 89 t M t $2M t i 4MV4 122 t 824 tAaked s a l W "amaw LW U I J BP BHBSP 4EEEJ . . t-A - . After a taorwairh trial of ihm S P U R IK I E S j rnj.Pt 3.tjmau,a xtLmm piaaema In atatunr tnat X hats ms& sTTeaur bnfitaa By i tiM. MlTilstTw and Ptio- llo Bpastkara wriU And it of thm g-reateat tsUs where a Tonio La naoea aaxy. I rsoomwarwl it ave raliabia romo1lal SMrant, prwaalnsr nn donbtad nutrltiva and reatoratiwa properUea. p OcU S, ima. r wsiii ay rmn, rm PscUUy, xM a Aj-p Piwws 4 ialWIsswiei ate. T RZV.J.ITUW-BLKlt. Xadaatrw, HL- a lOCigarettesforSc moat axoallant rsmsdy , dabilltatad witsu 1 It A LOT OF ngASITIgiPB.HABXElX HXDICIHX CQ CJ k. mat sz ex. lcth. -AKO- m si STOCK. J-WE HAVE THE : , HANDS01IEST LINE OF PARASOLS TO BE FOUND IN MARKET, Embracing from the White P. K., to the HANDSOME COCOANUT CANDY, brocade ottoman, Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce it to be the 13 est ItorKDT isjsfoyrs to mast. TRADXMABZ. AG Sim WASTED Laboratory 71 West 8rd st eet. Hew York Ctty. XmTJGGISTS 8KaIa it. IN BLACK AND WHITE. Our Stock of HiMBDRS, SWISS and IRISH EMBROIDERIES and IKSEBTIXGS, ISI,iAAAnT.JfiIJBi. AArmFULLrWfFOOL0B10LCalCrnraUBjPAiI H Lambmjulns ihe P.eUlest cRXroNNKS ta th atarket Our DEC8 UUd are coming In, and about the 4t& or Bth Inst , wa win snow yon a Bandaome stxk. SATINS AM; f OIOITSi liai .Ql 25 Vim vknn ir n il ti m n I wi r w.ww r ..r.-r ivinor ot ins lav mv. mnapi asm, ' ay Q 11 v v j a v ap a ajrva jmaa, aaaa wiviaw . Fresh Crackers, And tta Celebrated Dowkikobtill, K. OL, Jely Kth, 1881v-DcClaak Jobaaaai-Totir Indian Blood rrop has greatly neneniea me tor uver uompiaiat. - mrs tuuia eaiia. Jaiaa ' DXBT 8TATXHKNT. ( f The debt stsmsnt hwaed to day shows the de crease In toe amoont of the public aebtdaru( the month of March to be. 9.844.824.S? Cash in the Treasnry.. 8lfc.OUA.WK3.eA Gold cerUOcates outstanding. 74.0rtfl 720JX) BUvereerancatesoatstaodina: ... 77 253ai.0O Oertlllwtea or deposu outstand'g. wwwt Berandtng eartmeates eotstand'g. Legal tenders outstanding. . . fractional currency eutatandlnc FOREIGN. AGENTS! TZZZZZZ tWAJJXEPl YC LOPED I A OF LIVE-STOCPf Ksbraotn iactossoak bUsliaa. Ooateiaa 1 IMS lapl4l rto nf HonM iTmlfto wiiiH sstiascS vartate pHloa. Cbfl-pM teak Md CWctisi 7aOBpmrmw 8t.MH.10fl.0O ' 7.010.678 81 Lrrnpoob bhxmi--Flat and rmgular; BsldJltng aplanda 6 0-1 Ad: mlddllnc oriaaaa 6d; sales 8,000; 1 1 e ilatloa and excorta l.OuO; reeelpu ; imnma z.zul uptanos iow mioaima alanaer AprU and May deUwwy S8dA4d; May and Jane 6 87 4d; Jane aad July ft 4rUd; Jul and Aognst ft 43-A4d; A must aad Beptembrr ft474l4dO.4t-4d; October aad November 6 8H HAdati 87 etd; November and December 6 85 044)25 SI CAACta 83-644. Futur a oleC Umrox 2 p. sl Middling Uplands 6 0 1 0d; Middling 6 9-ltkL fa'aa Americta eottoo 0,OOti balea Uplands low middling ciaase: October and November delivery 6 8-04d; Morember and lie eemher 6 84 644. CITY COTTO.f MARKET. -MS OrncB or Tn JocUAi-OasxaTn. I Caaaxom. N. C April a. l&aS-1 The dty e ttoo matket yesterday Cosed weak, at the following qoo aUotu: Good Mlddllnc. 0 B-1M9 7 1 Mlddlloa. . B ffUUi atrtct Low Mlddllnc 8 13-19 16-18 Low Middling. WRT Middling Ttngea, Ktf Hn Middling Stains. 791 Low MWd.lng Mains. 7 d7i Lower Grades. 6 QW Kmaam suca sarmaaa rrasr. Receipts from September 1st to yesterday, 47.82 1 Beeelpts yesterday. 170 Total BeeeipU to data. 47.W' Receipts same data. 1 812. 27 W4 Becatote same dak. 1881 46 JIM I ! aad 4) otord plsSM. 11,000 sold tn 8Q daym, Prmre elnr SlOO a smtb. Art bow. Esrliwraa wanrx. ynrOttJMattlTaa..attaMs ft. O. TMOalPaOW Atft. rwsi.. ma aaa naaaway. w era. BANK EOBBERY. -:o: Watchman Bound, Gagged and Thrown INTO THE BASFHFNT, WHILE THE BURGLARS AT- C. H. DulsSc Co's. mar79 B AY STATE ENGINES. Portable and Stationarja From 6 ta 2 10 Borse Pew r. Oar Taiiable Cot oft Fxglae took Gold Medal at St. Loata. Mola 1878. GUMS acdSaXir. The ONEIDA MOUNTED XXGlNX-ona ot the aoet klghly Bplthad Fnglnes on l be mark-t and onaoCtaabraC FBXNCH BUHB XB1 MILLS The cheapest aad beat an the market, Hz, from IS ta 80 tachea - win grind from 6 1 1 0 boabrls go-d meal pat hour Xterone ga rant al. FCXB.L1SS TBHXSaXKS aad 8 BP ABATOBS aare been triad aad irvved good orarsbot and amdersnct -30 Inca cy ladcra. CAR LOAD Daniel Pratt Barolslng Head Gins. Brery 61nter who has tried one say thy are (be All Wool, Black Bunting, at 15c. A Handsome Ftoek ef Laos Bnattngs. a l eVora. Iarg 8t-ek of KID5. LtSLB and 8TLX GL .TB3. wu wa ww iwyuur oLaumiu ai me. Aiee usiims and Bed Setts, in end ess anrt. JuM recetTrl a larg stock ot AVlTTa Ladlrs t-hoes, tTrry imlr warrajitd. wa baseaAme of Thompson sCwsets that we ,Bar. to eMHe at Si.25. PFAbL SBIBT. Lion's Hiika. We will be glad to ree yoa In oar store, and w 11 ttae pleasure In showing you oar stock.- IX n t buy till yoa g ta us a look. L.BERWANGE R &BR0THE WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING OUR -WHICH r CAB LOAD Parry Bosea Reapers The simplest and eaalcat draft Baapar ta tba Verd. Twoeoc a heel aad tw ptakma eompr as all tba gearing. BIG GIAKT Cora aad Cob MUa Kfry farmer ebOBldhaaa ooe-wCl grjad f rem 4 to 5 buabeis lear per boor wttbeoa man. -ATTACK TU - DfloVlLL'S flMIIM SAFE. 1 i EUaBXd EULKT PLOWi-The best saUy the one which tarns square corner. tgatt. . ill be Ready for Inspection ON OR ABOUT APRIL, 2ND. f" All the BBaTB3T FAB RICH for MXJC and BOT8 MANUFaCTUBXD IH CUSOWH HOUsX can be found on our Counters. A'.l are lnsltM to call and examine the same. BaspMtnlly, Jgwata for PBABL 8HTBT3. Leadig Oothjen aad TaOora BOS3 FBZS9. f aw lima. Astmc, PoUba. Jet rumps. Hannock Insptratora, Piptng. Pica Tone. i FlttTngs. At&. Ae. Xrery arUda warranted. Bar29 OothTnc male to order at rery short notice. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Bate. potteries -:o: :o: The Public la requested earefuUy ta notice tba bow aod enlarged Mhedule to be drawn Monthly. t- CAPITAL PBIZE. $75,000. Ticket, waly 4VS. lavna la Pswwwas Another Trmmph Aided to Our List! iKnslaeafor i wkXO or Urc larfctne gbopa ar reoneated to call ana xamlaa my tampla TarUble t al off , ar wrtta tortnngars and prlessv aaar29 JAtur.JOHuros, CaDece StrreC ChartoCe. JC C VARIOUS QUACKS. :o: :o Lonisiana State Lottery Co "W do hereto eerHAt (M m swi.iii'ww (Ac aw roMffememta Jbrmtt (Aa MotUJUy mmi flea at A amid MJmwiMff tj Um umimamm matt uaamry inmpny mamma aaa awra um u a am that Um mm are tomdttetad. saUA awd t ooudJtiUM Ajsau il mtt tmr tit, owd m mmUurim (A Vtmrnuatm to law (Aw eerUA- eote, vA fac stnules o our mgmatmrm mttaehtA, m FARMERS'. BANK, (Aansafai I arnd MOOBVoYtf -K, Ir.. FKBBUABT 1211 18XS. HALL'S 8AFX AND LO.K ca. atdnrmtl. Ohio. a plaaara la tesrKylac ta tba a -enrtfy affad by your loeomparabla amrk. wis ha, baaa uetag ooa of twr Fire aad Burgiar Proof Bans Safe la awi lit Jaaaurr nd. riTK BURG LA US al TltKtl) OVB blHBT VlTvH COlTJfL V U ' " - , Iolar Basiaess la a Lxc;e War a London. April 2. A dispatch to the Central Hews from Brussels reports a sensation . caused in financial . circles thereover the discovery that 1L Van- damme, a prominent stock broker had prnbezzled the sum ' of one million .ancs belonging to persons who depos ited money with him. 1L Van dam me was arrested and lodged in prison. GALravToa Weak: mind ling Otke; Um middling filfat: aood ordinary 8U; net reoatpta 3 04(1; gross 2.616; aalee 23; stock 66,821; exports to eoaaewtae 1 Great Britain ; ta eontl- nenl 800; to Franca : ta ehannal : . Nounu-Su r : micdUnc Wkts aa tteelpU 1,433: arose 1.433; stoea 6I,9wd. exporta eoa- ruw ZjSiVi sates i exports so wrea hiuui I to eonttnent . , , . Balttwokx Unlet; mlddllnc lOet low ' said- dllna Wtc: aood ordinary 8Vtc. net receipts 60; gross 2.204 salea ; atoefc 80.486. aoaotwisa ziu. spinners uu; ro ureat Britain ; u eratlneni ; to France t Bobtosi Steady: aitddirna lOUss taw musniina GSe; aood ordinary 83i net reeuipta 864; gross 8,729; sales .- stock 6JB85 to exports Oraat Britain t to France - WnjaTBTOToar DuM; middling 9 9-1 6e; low mid dling 8 15-16o: good ordinary 8e: net recetpta 14H; groas 143: "wies t ewea w.Btra: - ax ports eoaatwta. 827: to Great Britain l to enntlaent j to ehannal . . Phxladbxfboa Dull; middling lOSyke; low mid-' alma 10c; wood ordinary 9u nm meetpta 20: gross 838. sales 1 acock 8.C91; es corts ureal Britain 1 soacnanent . SATAjraAa Dull: mlddllnc OXha low mlddllna 9 l-lBc; aood ordinary 8 7-16e; net reeetpu 14U. groas IJOU: sales 1,250: stock 44.760; exporta to coastwise 183: to Great Britain ; to Franca ; to continent . Nxw Oirfwtmi 'Steady; auddHnar WAfi. low mldilma 8&e: aood ordinary 81AC: aat reaelpta 1,144: gross 1.896: sales 6.20O; stock 8(XL807; exports to Great Britain 2.423: so rra&ea aoaatwiaa l.Stfd: to eooonem l.itKJ; to . f - I - - Alilla Baraed.- . 1 ' - m r . a mJI a LiQMX2iSTB A1.AS9 . AIU . A UO large leather board tmllls and outbuild ings owned and managed by CoL J. A. Har wood are burned ; ioss $100,000. In surance $71XXX r . v r '. tA Case ol Sappoaed Saleide : - Ra vajtkah. Ga. April S. Dr. John W.Ferguson, lately from Charleston, was found dead near the city limits yesterday. It is supposed that he com mitted suicide by poison. Xawsmamibar XMia. Tf von aza sick Hod Bitters win sorely aid Halnra ta making you well when all alas I alia. Ix you are eosure or dyspepUe. or are suffering from any Outer i tu uuuiihuub vumomm vi. mo tiAnurh or bowels. U Is your own fault it you re main LU tor Bop Bitters are a aorarelca remedy tn n .ueh eomDlainta. II yoa are wasting away with any form at Kidney TJiaease, atop tempting Death this moment, and torn for a cure to uop muers. if too are sick with that terrible sicknes Nerv ousness, yoa wui nod a "Balm la Gliead" In tba if you are a frequenter, or a resident of a mias ma'lo district, barrksada your system against the scourge of ail countries malarial, epidemic bu- ous, a id intermittent xevera oy tne use ox Bop lTwn have a rouxh. Dtmptr. or sallow skin, bad brea a. pains and ashes, and feel miserable gen- era. if, Hop BUters wiu giT; you iair axia. rich Z.fztl ' .nif aameteat breath, health, and comfort. .'v.r thrt ir all dlaraaea ot the Stomach. Beia. B ood. LlTer, Nerroa, Kidneys. Brlght'e . Sele. f V00 wjU be paid foe a case they will a m M PsJklrV - , That poor, bedridden, lnrmlia alfa, sister, moth er or dio?titer, ean MntMiu picture ot health r a few bocUes of Hop B liters, costing but a trifle. Will you e mlimr apr . - - - F02XA8U ! Her KaUU Ufa r nd r nr on Use reralrr ot bar menstrual w w mtddllna -SXaax Asa 91: good ordinary 8Vk; aw tMelpta 474; gross aaoea suu; now inao: expons aoaatwlse 886; to Franca 1 to Great Britain to continant w - j i -. ; , - irwMTO-eteadys middlma Woa VowaUdditnc 9e; good ordinary net swampta' 1.777; arose 2.001; shipmenu 8.823; salsa 1.000; stoak 6766. AceoaTA Drill: middling 914c: tow mtddrmg 8te: good ardlnair 8; - resents 188r senta ; aaias azs , . , w CKiaLBBToa Kaxr: mlddllnc fffte: low mkf- i dUng 9Va good ordinary 8a; net ratal pas 705; gross 706; sales 600; itoek 81,123; norm coaewwaa ks sa uraaa awiiatn ' 1 l to eonOnent t to Fraooa ; to ehannal Br. Loon -Weak: .mlddllnc GiAe: low mM- dllng 8: good ordinary 81.; aat raeatpu 1.229; gross 1,274; ahlpaaaots aoo; salsa ILOO81 stock Kaw Yoaa Xasy; sales 289 bales: mkWCtna wpianda lOl-ldas mtadUng asieana 10616.: aoudated net leeeipta a.uoo; exports ta urea Brttata 6269: to a ranee ecnUnent 8601 ehannal . 1 Incorporated m 188 for 25 years by tba Legis lature for Educational and Cbarttabla porposea with a capital of 81.000.000 to which a lesurra fund of rJ0.OO0 baa since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Canamatloo adopted December 2d. A. IX 1879. The onry Lottery ever voted an and endorsed by ba people of any state. IT nVBB tCALB OB rOSTTOsTBA, Its GBAND 8XNGLX HUXBKB Drawings wlU take place monthly. , A 8 PLKJN M rPPOBTl5lITf TO WIN A FOB TUNS FOURTH GBAND DBA WING, Claas D. at Mew Orleans. - , TsaUay, arll A Bt, ASS3. Car 15 1th MONIBLT DBIWINQI CAPITAL PRIZE, TS.wa, lww Tlcketa ss Flva Pwllavre Eatam. Fractions la Fifths ta proporJon. 1 APITAL PBTZa,. . .. ...f7JMnO r - .7. WW of ft.OOO.. . a.utx ... lxx.. w., aSOOwaa 200... GKXTLKXKF:-W take I SS the followlnx WUI Show W Bank lite Boom. Oa the ntrht MAN. BOUND and G GGKO HTM aad THUIV HI at IMToTUK BASSataMT. aerloaaly lajarmc btsa. and PttOCBKDao 10 OKKN TBI BAFK and aitaougb tay used a l the ai'p.ian-a koorn ta ihe erait. lnelodloc tba COMPOUND BLO W-PtPK. and that pwrful axptwdsa -DTN aMITa.' Tbay lest wuieut making any tmprasstaa oa the bubuusb tnisr, except to oreaa- on thadiaL Tbawatcb saaa.wbom they left HaNDCUP'XO. ssys thetr tXJB4Sd were b-Xb lood aad deep Had the Bale aoC swew protested by yaaw Time Lacsu tbay woaad aaooawy aava taaaa oar caahier oat ot bhs bed and POMt.au him aa ouaa oa the Ha'a. w te cwrathN yea to aeatd a man to eat the Safe opea. After bis arrival bare, ba taorked FIFTY- BIT in (nit HOUttS. a abated by two other workmen, aner aa aecctiuta la keaiag the are apea w K aot'BD TcLa txjwTaisTo ili giuar.im were mm won picasaa wra ewr expan-mca ana gosa pack, that our Board drctded aoanlmoualr to puiea) AHOrHIHOr TOUlt BAWtS, of Urger alxa, wltb all your late Impraawaaeata, haetajdesi yoar n TIMS ATTACHMKXr. wtib operarlnc Wertea. aad would say, mat m mamramauua tannr rwai taaaa u awaywai taaw w auwas n.m aiparMat TOO bKiXHVKOLT STaND AT THK HgAD, so pasaaa bauy "W w new fsafe. Skcaed . ft 4TTIHWHm Preefdent, W.W. HADLXT. Caahier. NOAH BROWN CHARLOITK. H. C. IS MtNAGKB FOB THK SOCrBKBJ YTATK1 FOB THK ABOVE HOUSK. They ulso Hike the Oalj Fire Proof Sale Chit Always Opeas'cn COM BIN A TICK AFTFB A 1T&C. AND NX? KB FAILS TO 8ATK THXIB COSTKNT8. a- For proof wfO f urnlb on appBeatlon cert Bcatea of repeal Srea in Niftb and Footb Cranila. as wa.1 aa the great are la Kaw Turfc.ua World BuUdiagwbere too of odr cafes fell from tb. 4ih story to ins rmiiai ssian ina r iniimis anil nnesMn nn tne rniaismaimn noautretn uinMiarmwaw area. For pnoM aad terms, address - - . bUAH BROWN. Box 246 1 hartotta. M. U. ris naencb swIiBi It la owrm sw 'chema j CalUrala am? Flelal of Bm . am sua Katara. Tbera have always been aa.ka: legal ajaacxa. theological quacks, sesentlfie qnacls an 1 me ileal ejaacaa gams of them are b'and. oily XeCowa Bdamflstao war:d lata beBerlngta ibetr favortta t4t ef bambox. Ctb-rs are pwmp- i and pretentloaa parssjtaa Bat they mike B Mea seem to lore to be ra i tied, stlpnlaUng only ihatBahaQba neatly aone. . Tba dear public are eomOy fibers! to tba - Ula aad magnetic fraud. This feQow la a genius tabu Baa. Hewtapot a aaagaatle belt around t magattls aeevlaca avader yoar chin. or at yoa out atUi ra entire salt of magnetle dithe. warranted to seive the purpose of ordinary , aad at tba same time to cure all dla- froaa whooping-cough to hasty eoaeump- ttoa. Moat cf tbsre have no more electee or magnetic tower about tbraa than rasUos lawoolaa blankets or tn girdles of sack-inth Only when applied by aa expert la ekVitetty of tba sflgntest use aa a mdldnal agent, aad even then Ba value at vay-way J 07; I 1 Bfjoen Hew aad Improved Stock Cpsalac. CABBIACIl An 1 Two Wheel Phaetons. 6 lO 20 too Z , 1000 -i 28 .... AFPBOXIMATtOlt PRTZXa. 26,000 . lO.OOt . 12XKX) . 10.O0O . laooo . iaooo 2000 80.000 . 25 0O0 . 26,000 Aprawxtmatloa Ftraea of 8760... .... o 9 Approximation Prime of 9 Approximation Prizes af 00. 250 2O60 1.987 Prbwa. smonnnng to.M...'.. ..' 1288X00 Appncation for ratea to crabs abeuld only ba made to ibe office of tba eomrjaavla Naw Orksns. For fnrtber mrormatloa wrlta oiearly. giving full , addreaa ( Bead ardors by Kzpreea. BeglsiafveLLe- ter or Monerorder, addrsmi 1 only to . . at. A. DAUPHTJf, j f ' - MowOlaaaa,La. wa.a.iAuriuji, v 807 fiivsnih atiaot. Waabmgtoa. rxa K. B.- In tba Txtraordlnary Serai-Arrant! Draw ing of next June the Capital Pr:xe wiu ba SlaOy OOO. . - ris a-T. nVPTH AN, and Batan, Charlotte. M. C. ,What Is the strongest pomlble pre- lptlva evidence la favor of a partienlsr reaaa- dy T Clearly that B shald have been prepared by responsible persons at arJraowfcdied akCl m tba treatment af dlseasea. , y gojoarafy on tha oa-WatfciB stands BX.TSOJT8 CaPCTXB ' POBOCd PLA8TK&. Kndarmd by aWXX) tmyaatiBBV, pbanaact-t. draf4 ad ,B aaads a tarsbar gokwy nor Intro? Tt I the poe aad pa'y traa aad tried ex prtaatloa. Quaoxa of all kjnda pay tba br TTmrlmTrt yf trTfT -Ht'Pt-. aa fiataa uasMtaba'alaotjwasc. Look In tba middle of the planter for tba work -CAP.. INK." rrieaSSa. 8XABU8T J0HN3OB. atar29 4w Cbamlts. MawTork. OPEN AGAIN. f - ft--- BMOCIbll COlTtOB OlO. r4 Isa . t. i.t:. ;. COBTI488 vraoaa. - : i. i - . ' - . rrBK well 4- known as tba Baannoa aad popular boarding- bouse kannoa Housa. overtaoTalo- J-apn omca. am raxa tabia boarders oa stood ty. prll tad. Tba bonaa haa been taoraurbly reno- FUTUBJE3L Hsrw Toast Net lueelDta IT: Future doaed steady; sales 99.000 balea. 8.182 fiff:::::::::: June. Juty.........i August September..... October........ November..... . o oo w O WW. January.... Faoruary... Bar oh o oo b- oa aooo wa aoaaai a FINANCIAL. t 9 929 94 10089.09 100.28 j 04133 Jd 10 449.45 1020O2I Bf4a 94 9 86 86 9 863 87 - 9 95a 97 d-BSVa $30,000 FOR $2. POPTJLAB MONTBLT DBAWDtS OF THK P77r um m a mi s '.BiIUiPl r 1.04 1.1314 t 1.1W l.'3V : riozo S128.R24 1 ot a lifr t dul avue umunuw kwuw . . t r T m I .nnHjn IIIWI I WHIIHI a is in f"- 'T r r"t, ao-l aspedaily tn bar : . i t'v)n..uiuOD. llenoa. lmmadlata ' .. r?ey5nta la the only aaia- , m- i mivi ruii. lit ail casea or ' t-r r inr-clarity of the ' , J 4. s reaa BrulAtarU ' " .it ti t.t'.2ZUmtothm , . x u a t Md, aod deter '" if s cf r'entJruaiicn. It .. and tie poit.lt i j .4. - a f 1 tf Vt. trad- i. i t. tod lars9-xa Kxehana'd. j : : Goremtueota trregulAT. new nvea, -i t t i Four and a half par cents. Four per aenta, t Three par cents, t ; Monf. t t 1 t ' Staxa Bonds necleeted ; ! Sub-treasury baisncea Gold. -: - -OmnM. tdosed ormt at - Nxw Toxx 1 1 Am at. Tba stock market opened Irregular, but la tba main a shade lower tbaa it dosed aaturday. while fcC Paul, Miaaeepousac at anitooa opaoaa l per eeat tower. awiasi toa nut tk, market hu beeo dull and sreak. and at It o'doak a decline of iA&t per coat took place, led by Caatrai nctoa. suuMns tenwrau however. adTxaeed 4 per aeoi, bat aubaaoaenUj lost 14 P cent. I ' 82 S4 : l.OO - 1 M-06 I 1 1H 611b 8l t t.om t .4114 4"Vj t ?0 - -. 81-, ,v : Di tboCItyot Lotdsvlia,aa . -' . . . . . ... i i . btardr April SOcb, 1SS3. These Drawtngs cenr ea tba last day of aaeh aaantb (Suae ays excepted) at epea fed adjudkeav Uon by Federal and Stam Couru have pleas this company beyond tne aontroversy of the law. To tola company belongs the sole honor of having Inaugurated tba omy plaa by which their drawings are proven hooeet and fair beyond question. N. B Tba company baa now oh band a large eapttal and reserve fund. Bead oaraf uOy tba list ef prtsea for the - i -- r - -.j m ' APEIL DBAWEfe. "JwAH Kl gHg m ii a . . i - Alabama Class A. 2 to 5, AJAOama vutm A, ami a lanama ciaaa b, r s, Aiabaaia Class C, 4' a, Georgia d'a, t - t t Georgia 7 'a. mortgage, i Georgia gold, t t Louisiana t onsols. t i North Carolina's, t - t North Carolina's, new, t : t Korth Caroltnaa, f undine, t Nona Carolina's, apeelal tax, t 1 1 )iiih Carolina Brown CoosoU, 1 onssee os, . . i, 1. Tl.'l f virsrtuia ti'S. : t -1 t , t t t t i i r J tv": t V t Jt r t i - ; t -; t t -- I v- I ",!?")' t -' I - I 1 Prlaa,. f ....... 1 Pttaas. ....... ... ........... Jl Prise,.. -- 0 Prlaaa, 8 1,000 taa. 0 Prlxas, . 600 eaeta.... lOO Prises. 100 eaclu.... 200 Prttee, ' 60 600 Prlaaa. . viSO 1000 Prlree, 10 880,000 10,000 6.CKX) ' 1O.0O0 IO.OOO i 0.000 10,000 12.000 t I 1000 Prlzee, 10 each..., 10. IX 9 iMM,.X)ahtA.pDrTlmatloB PrUaA,7( 9 PTaasa, , HOO :.,.. - i IM i'oaBa, : ioo rind j.;, : c. tmtttw . asmaama 1,060 Prttaa..... ........ ..)1200 iniole Ticket, TJ; Rati Tickets, ?1; 27 Tick eta . . iio, 68 Tiokoia, 8 100. " Bemtt Money or Pwk T-xfj in Leftr, or an4 by yreaa. POVT erND BT- kW13TIEii) IZTlAOS POaTOFi iCK OUDE.J.. Ordam of 13 and cpvmrd, ty Eiprma. caa be aeei at poi ex paoaa. AUrt; all oroara to - - B. M. BO i RDM AW.' Coorwr-Jotasxal Bonding. LomsvlUa, Ky. . aprl .. . .r ' . Dlaeaaa an afreet, not a arose. Tm - um at within; aa msnqfrstjtfVme wttboat, Haaca,taeora the disease the oatax ranst be rerpoved, and ka bo otbar way eaa a oura oyer ba wnaa WAB KXB8 SAFX KIDNXT and UTZBCUUtott tahUmhedon Juat this prlrtoloks. IP aaaWaiafnwt . . u feb .cxariv -: . f r of aa Caeascs ansa from deranged kidney and river, and U Uu at pdss st tba root ottnadua-oulty.- Tba alamaots of wWch it ff eosnngaad aat dBsMtrynpoatbeaa great orrxna. both as f poon aad axoruaxa. and. by plactng tbem tn a teaiciy aondiaoa, drtva die ease and paia from boya . Fpr Cj tnansnerabl troaMaa ceased -tymv baalihy aUdneya. Liver and Urinary Orrnat fat the diNtretxg Llaovdars ot Woanaai f - . and tor (.uvsical nvrtw xai-n ta- . t a fTH meaner haa no e ism. - fcfj t i I a, lac 'kaUoos and aoaepcuooa aH to fee jr:-it if i, rvT Vlrm"' I a I or SAluiua CAA A A.. B2IX3 CL'&i& a or sale by aa c-rsw- -. - u. u, wAunut p aswaaiaaBByajwaVsaJal txs, : Just. Received. vatad and pot tat goad order, aad ovary ewort will oaaaaaa so steep op ms xormor Tepataooa aa a trst dam bOArdtng bouse Trm moderate. htra i. H. BaKKB. Pmprietreaa. nr. s mix. an a Miuamwai, . i BQjwrvl marSO lw f 4. ' I SOLDIER LIFE, . - . Army of Northern Virginia, V-' T CABLTO McCABTHT. 1 ' V T. i : l. M;s. f ' s n.;r?.nnn I v .1 v, J . ,AWW - kmmJm tmmtJ Lmmtr XA X W kj Q WATktrr- PROCF tar root, aataid. wmlka 4 UUMM ra irmh t bvAldcawa.and aatAitnlaia tadH!aiaco.rr saarzOdsj IT ATE ?3AIiS AT.I peafanadtosiaulaa, , tcwoecaasapiuapa , J?? tyasdrmrtuae. It Easaana te dray Hair Vv c - falling of the hatr. V A V aaa.A$i lUHIra A C.T. vii j Ii sas. AiasawaasM. ManrNHli TOM b-i-tm, i miial Bant Cm,X,m U iL Si mm U 1m., atmlm mmd liilmh tfe r0j la. (O) (CQ fjj ( f avI.we.ai( im1Im4iTi wt A mm,mm m.mtm.if trat4 ' 'aataaaAf frlaoMt a u mm. mi maliM.7 ull W VrW e M W " 4 W iMm hf thin tiilriin mitnHii ., ati.wairaa. ku. liirrTa, sa a, a at- at. i m , aw f atBUtUCO OVAUt TIUJtTX J Ja.tawa-aexaxml Ca: Uor stg Uw A t, JbsrJey MBsdUtaftTi: C2AXLQTTM. V, V '. o g 3 a H ' .090. snrinrm Cs!? Sag. o 5 BXBX8 AO . EH CO CD Q C O C3 o I S3 T Lui CO o o S -a 3' m M s -S3 I pa H H f- o CO CD O ip& S ; cj Js slip S . h tjT : f i-sU jl -' ;r"v ' ' M : ;. '" . 'sa aS ; " a ? : :4ti i ' ' -J:'uL-.t r:!r -T3 '- v. . iaJ . . . -; , few - " IS , - - - ' ' f 1 s - .7. JA ... rJ ... CJjJ " m ' , H 2 1:" . M r3 ' 'fv :--; -2J " - I . . . aa - 1 - - - SS-1 - t Cj. y. E9-';yat g& , TT-1. . . "L9 'm, - ffsiT:--8 , XI- -rs :fc fiL- P tS -5 rP Sw-.'N 2 THE FURNITURE DEALER, Is Frequently Asked r How it ''s He Sell o.qi in n: lp ' - . . ".f Jf;..Ijt-ji V. y.,V) ; F. EJ, AriDnEWS,T7t6!ecd3 crJ Dcldil Tcalar All Dealinj Sprkg f - 6 AKIT ABIUBT . ' :" Oy OMnror winter palientaL PkOenti trea 1" edfcy letter. Address - S. P. tiATCSTLL. Jr.. K.D. i . - - I.rl?rs, Mountain, r f Tba Brm of Dra. GalcneU 9t Put is tLasoired. JIV -? Ysrtsa sVa-oj ba.- a..i.-r w sva lanrf . ' 3v " -V - rvotj avuhi sBTBtCBJ i wwr-- "J. s'hr, yrsjimaMTw koei v4 " -I tfcHr Jtf fhsBwaf is-i wwfN-, MaaSBHaaBSBBBSBkiaaMm sa - 1 isl a r-. a'.wii.'sF avuai rai gfi-sw Tbw) rtPwbrr U pvt hp la fa a. A . 4 Wuuaj bw , B. t aaamjatetBect lWa,l.l.b -a lb swvrj-re c-, t -- a BtUmf LsVix BBswBiaa, 91. m Pt smart tm p a 9 Virgin, eonaxCttedi y-M.il apri

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