DA?1 JL. Y. JiQ PRN AL-OlB&tetR V BR T H VpAYAPM Pli' l9 JlB 8 &. IBUaDlCBS NOTICES. Her HMUth mm. XJfw Depend more on the regularity of her menstrual fanccioos than ob any or all etiuw eumblaed. An actual or (mlc death la tbe Inevitable rvsutt of dwutaoMi oi a function which mutt woman what sbeUlnevvry re peca especially In ber eaoorai ana 000147 eonsuiuaon. tienee. immediate relief from such iterance menu is tbe only e'- fura acatoet wroeK and nun in ail eaaee 01 stoppage. ' delay, or other lrrecularlty of tbe "boumm,1' Dr. J Bradne d'a Vernal Regulator t u voiy Mrs rrmeay. it ecu by giving tooe to t nervous centre, tmorortnc U blood, and dot mlntnc direct 7 lo tbe organs of menatruailon It U a select -flo preeertpilou, and Ui moat Intelli gent phjslelcns qm tt, Pe pared by Dr. J Bred- a-ld. Atlanta, Oa. Price, trial aire 76c; largo 9160. Jror sal by all druggiAU. I , Mr. J. BJ bavls, Mafreesboro, H. C.eays: "I recommend Brown's Iron bitters as a good medi- ao- 1 Absolutely Pure. This mwdev never vanea. Amarvalaf pmrtty trearth and raoleomn . More oanomli imioat than th ordinary kinds, and esnnot be sold in 1 petition with the multitude or low teat, short gat, alum r phoseheta powders. Sold only La a. I B0IAI.BAKD4O POWDIBOa. aept29 I 104 Wall at.. Nw York. Buffer no longer from Dyspep sia indigestion, want of Appetite,loss of Strength lack( of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Cotton. V ovember ad. 1S81. Blown Casaticat. Co. Gtwicwci : For years I have been a great sufferer from Dyspeps ia, and could get m relief (having tried everything which waa recoatunend ed) aatil. acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by 15 bowk's I bom Bmaas, I tried a bottle, with aaoat surprising results. Previous to taking Bbowk's I box Brrreas, everything I at distressed ana, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation In the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing BkowWs Ibom Birrm, all my troubles are at a end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re sults. J am practically another Afra. W. J. FtTJtK. 30 Maverick Sc, E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. J -".''' " BW by aJl Druggist. Browrr Chemical Co. Baltimore, ltd. See that all Iron Bitter are made by Brrvs Chrssii .1 Co., Bahimore, and hay iiemiil red Sam aad trade- atark oa wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ATTRACTIVE, fi -On Display of Spring Novelties In low goods for UDIEV aw acim' riNE itkib. We earry tie Largest stock ot CniliDRENS' SHOES la the city- A, Be. RANKIN & BUO. apS - TJa Street, Oppoalr Baford Hoose. I ' - oor.iDTHiwo EVCRY'l.ADV- 0UG1IT TO U10V. I v . - There exists a means or se curing soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how poor f it raaj; naturally . be. . llca's llamiGlJa Balm is delicate and harmless arti cle, rThich instantly rempTp3 Ronghness, Ernptlong, YiH car Flashings, etc, etc go delicate ana natural are its effect that Its use Is not. suspected by anybody. ; No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society irhen. the 'Hasnolia. Bslnls sold by all druggists for 75 cents. I 3 NATIONAL HOTEL, l SAUBS0BT.V.C. . i St, tit. mXTJZX rroptetresa, ;TH1 HaOemal Eotel. flaUabory. If C , has be L nvtwoMd tar ttva acswmmodatkm Of the trav -:ag pnone. The at loaal ta eonaenlenUj joeaT l. near the eanwr ot the baetnre Moak. Trae- .og teeaiee wlil eeeoeetHilag tnetr latereet by MKwtof at t&ls bouse, where they eaa pruenre moikHaamri rooea. ' er eee reepece t oila(cd t rive gee geil. . omr'ne at aU una. iMssectlttJl, ' - - airs. sc. avAAT aaltaAa IPi! Stylish! Com vh p.H Jl U1U1U TI1E OLD CLOCK. TtM old e'cck erooas 00 too aun-klased vail. Tick, toek! tick, toekl The merry teeood to minute eal; ilea, iooai 'xie moral A maiden stts at the mirror there. And smllea a an braid ber col ten balx: On, In tbe light but ber face I fair! . tka, we 1 uos, weai Far over too sea the rood sMd brines The lver of whom Um maiden etnas: From tn orange tree the first tear sprlnga; item, ticai ucx, wcai The old clock langhsen tbe fljwet-dched wall. Tick, toekl Uok, toekl Tbe roe winged hours elude their thrall; tick, tooai 'lis noon 1 Tbe k Tets pride and bis love are Meat; The maiden la folded to his breast: On ber brow too noty bKoaaom. reat; xiea, (oeai uca tocai . : . , On. thrlee. tbrlee long may tbe sweet bells chime as ec Doing uu taro ruture umeL 6 till to my heart beats that measured rhyme. xsta, tocAi uca, tocax m. j The oi l clock moans oa tbe crumbling wall. Tick, tuek.1 tlec toekl Tbe dreary years Into eternity fall; Tick, toekl TH nigut! The thread that yon spider draws with ear Aero tb gleam of the minor Uma . - eeems like tbe gnoat of a goieea hair: - - Tick, uekl Uok. took! Tbe sweet bells chime for those who nay wed; The h-wald-snowerowna man-a head. But tree and maiden and love are dead. Tick, took! nek, toekl OCT CABLTOM, in lift STATE MEWS. Rdleiffh News arid Observer: Th lake at the Denitentiarr is tbe deeoesr. anu cieaxes. aneet 01 water in JNorta Cjtroilaa. The plan for the exhibit of North Carol iutt's resources to be made at the grand Boston fair, arc now heinar con aidered by Got. Jarvis and commissioa- er McOenee, - cl The directors of the North Carolina railroad meet here to-dav. It is nndar- 'Stood that they will specially examine ith a Tiew to its purchase tor railroad purposes. Deputy Marshal 1 Moore, of Col. fount's revenue force. deatroved an illicit distillery. 500 gallons of beer and 0 bushels of meal on Rocky river Cha tham county, last Friday. , THE COUKTr TAUlrs. A Few Remarks y Taxpayer. Kdltor J oun isi-Ob jerrer. Some days ago. Taxpayer wrote an article in which the county commis sioners were asked wny they awarded the contract for constructing the coun ty vaults, wiinout receiving nids and estimates from other parties who ap plied to them for that purpose. That was the usual proceeding when any thing of a public nature was to be con sidered. II ow could they know the work could not be done better and cheaper, when they allowed only one man to produce drawings ana diagrams and make estimates? Mr. roan lirown whom we did not know in the matter. as we bad no conversation or dealings with nim. attempts an answer tn an article in which he principally praises himself, advertises the safe be sells and assumes that be is wiser and more tin cient than any contractor in Chailotte. lie may be as smart ana skillful as be represents himself, but it takes no great amount of talent for any contractor to build a fire-proof vault, especially when a largn sife company famishes him with the reauisite drawings and dia grams and the necessary materials for the same. Tbe firm that Importuned the commissioners to be allowed to make bids, are "local agents," as their agency only extends over Western North Carolina. They do not represent several States. They have a business in Charlotte, own property, pay taxes, and expect to make this their perma nent home. They only ask of the com missioners the consideration they ac cord to others and act in public matters like business men would act in their own' aft Airs.. Taxpayer's article was intended only to call forth m reply to questions he asked the commissioners and not an article of self-praise from Mr. Brown and bis Cincinnati safes. His controversy was not with that gen tleman, neither did he allude to him in bis first article. TAXPAYER. SALISBURY DOTS. Ilappeaiaga in City aad Coaaty. Cbrreapoodene Jeejrnal-Obserrer. Salisbtjrt, April 17. CoL John N. Staples, of Greensboro, and CoL F. C Richardson, 01 Washington uity, nave been in town. It was reported that they ware looking after some railroad suits of public interest. Vr. J.J. Juotc, toe great sposue 01 the Liberal Republican party, spent Sunday in town. Some of our amateur politicians surmisea trial ue was look ing after the interest of his party in the coming municipal election, and hopes to organize them ror a victory, so tney can have some prestige in the State But this view is not held by the "older heads." Rev. W. S. Bynum. tbe Evangelist of the North Carolina Episcopal Diocese, is stopping for a few days with Ret". F. J. Murdock. lie preached with great acceptability iu St. Luke's church, San- day morning and evening. Tbe semces in an the cpnrcnes were very interest ing and largely attended, i Wm. Woodly. late of the penitentiary, was arraigned before Esquire Mnrpby, on aionaay, upon tne cnarge 01 naving entirely too much chicken for bis daily meais. i ne prooi oeiog sucd as to con vince the Justice that the prisoner had not been overly careful from whose chicken house he obtained his supply. sent him to jail to await the action of the Superior court. Us seems to de light in the prospect of his going back to the penitent! try, where he cn ob tain his meals with less trouble. There is still a good prospect of get ting a bridge across the Yadkin, at the old Locke place, some 01 our enter prising citizens are investigating the location and probable cost, with a view of putting a toll bridge across the river. It paid a handsome dividend in other days, and there are many reasons why it will dsv better now. 1 The friends of ths wheel-barrow man have ordered all his things, including the wolf, to be ieturned to his home at Albany. Some enterprising Yankee will take these trinkets and ourlosities and make a fortune out of them., JXhm wolf has mane some reputation while here as a first-class prize figbter.' Jf they will match him with some 'of? the northern pugilists his backers will cer tainly win if he sustains h? reputa tion. . I -e Mayor II arri son's AenMtloa. WlsniNaTOW,- April !la-The on derful good 'luck which Mayor Hani- eon, of Chicago, has experienced in his political career is sal a oy tne Illinois noliticians to have inspired him with dreams of much higher; preferment. Ills tariff s pee oh, made at the banquet of the Iroouois Club, of Chicago, is said to be in tbe nature of a feeler for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Illinois, with the ultimata view of cutting into tbe United States Senate. Mayor Harrison, while in Congres. ranked among the. empty-heads or the House, the only notoriety which, he ever gained resulting from a ridiculous speech of the spread eagle character on the Marine Band. Bat as be has been three times elected msyor of Chicago, when other members of tbe Democratic party of Immensely more character and ability would have failedVhe baa come to look upon himself as a man or destiny. He has now taken the aggres sive side in national politics which be bss maintained for some years in local politics, ills aspirations for mors ex sited political honors will doubtless be ridiculed and derided aa much as his three times candidacy for mayor of Chicago, but if his good lock remains with him. be will continue to laugh last.'! .. v, .',7, :"- , A faaatare DeclaleaV . -. KbertiaA)8oatV ; Hearing so much of Courts and seeing 83 many lawyers recently reminds us of an incident that our Congressman, xionoraoie seao Reese, used to - ten or while Solicitor General on this judicial circuit The Superior Court was in session in one of the lower counties of the circuit, and tbe Solicitor with the counsel for defense, was engaged in tbe selection of a jury for the trial of a man charged witn muraer. ; . - v . ? . As usual in such cases, some difficul ty was experienced in obtaining a jury. and the Court was getting tired ox such tea ions proceedings. "Call the next juror. , Mr. Clerk," said the Solicitor for the hundredth time.- ; . 5 . t 1 The Clerk called out the man. and an old man with an honest f see and a suit of blue jeans clothes rose up in his place ana tne solicitor asked tne following customary Questions. "Hare you. from hating seen the crime committed, or having heard any ox tne evidence aenverea unaer oath, formed or expressed an opinion as to the guilt of innocence or the prisoner at tne par r No. sir." "Is there any bias Or prrj adice resting on your mind for or against the prison er at. ue par r - -v None. sir" ' ' . - 'Is your mind perfectly Impartial be tween tne state ana.the aeeasear -It is." - Are yja opposed to capital punish ment T Tm not." AU the questions hsd been answered and the Court waa congratulating itself on having another juror, and tbe Solic itor in solemn tones said ; J uror. look upon tbe prisoner; pris oner, iook upon the juror." Ths old man adjusted his spectacles and peeringlv gazed at the prisoner for full half a minnte. when he turned bis eyes toward the Court and earnestly said. "J udgeIll be. condemned if I don't believe he guilt? r -v I , It is aseless to add that the Court was considerably exasperated at haying lost a juror, but tbo more numerously inclined had a good langb out of the old man's premature candor. , ' . Ream svrstavhl sSacatpe. ' John Kohn. of Lafaretl. Ind . bad a vary nar row escep from death. This Is his own story: One year ago I was la the last stage of con- napiaa un- neat pDjsiaan gave my ease up. j nnaiiy got re torn tne our doctor aaxi 1 earn imj Ha t wen It -four hoar My flier-ds then tnir- ehased a botUe ef I. Wm Ban' Balaam for tbe lyunga, whi h brnefl(d me. i eonunoed until I took nlna b"UIea I em now tn perfect hath. navaog oa-a no otner mewcio. Hero advertisements. BRADFIELD'S 3 TEl BRADFIELD'S FEIJaLE REGULATOR la a 8peetal B medy for an dlasasea rertalnlnc to THB Wt MB. and any tnte Igenl worn to eta cur beravlf by fol lowing the oireeUc aa. It Is espeeta ty efBeaelons la ease of cUPPBrBSKD OB PAIlf- ITUL MXNSTBUA ION. the WHITXS. and PAR TIAL PB0LAPEUS. It a Sores Immediate re 1st f. and pennanrnUy resttres tbe Menatrnal lone nona. As a remedi to b used du-lng Uiat ertllcal period known a "Change of Life." this Invalua ble prepantlt-n bas noylvajf HOLMES' LIHiraEHT la aa INKSTiMABLK BOON 10 all M'd-bearing Women, a real blesalng to suffering feaialea; a true MOTHER'S FRIEND. When a;pLed a few weeks before cot finrmt at tt win produce a tare and quick delivery, control pain, and allrUte the nual draal. agon zing suffering, beyond th power of language to express PRYOR'S OINTMENT ' Is a ure and speedy or a for Pllnd os-Veedlnc Pilt-a. iro-ea. Ulcere. To mora. rU:s!. Ba na. Corns. Felons. Bore Mpp!ea.ete . Its effects, are almpty mar-e'.oos. and It I an Inexpreaalb: blees log t all afU'eted witb either ot tbe alore com plaints. Try It For circular. U-atimon'ala. nd full rarttenlara. add re a Sole Proptletor and Manofaeta or of thet THREE GREAT REMEDIES. J. BBADFIELD, " No. 108 Sooth-Pnor Street, ATLANTA. Oi, 10 M aa eeX-att1 a'aiiaell tta orVg M Itbla; Ba tnaaffestdr tba disease tbe cacss mast be removed, and la no ether way ana a aura ever be effected.! WAB VXBfB BAXB KXDNXT and LIVXB CURXUea mbilabed ea os tad prtoctple. it raaTTwe that as rmticwiith'T )Vi ut 111 itTnaana 1H11 TTnm itsTififniT UdDeyaaiM Uver. and tt atrfkee at one at tbe root ot tha'dliB eatty ' Tbeetamenta of -orhlcn B hi eompoaed act dlmetly npa thaw great organs, nothaaayosn and Baaraaaa. aad. by ptaetrax tnem In a bealtby oodlQea, drtv diawaae and pain trots tbe ays tern, t ' " ' ' ' ' - - ' ' JTor tb trmomerable Ormbtee eanaed by nn bealtby Kklneya, Liver and lirtnary Organs; for the dlMtreaalng rXaorders of Women 5 far Maiarm, and tor phyataal- aeraagetaefjta . gonaraiiy, Uils rraat resaaoli baa no equai, . Beware of Impostor, tmitatlone and cneoctAn eald to-be Jam a good. For Diabetes, aak I Or WARN Xtt'S 8AFB i4A BXTXa CIJHX. i lor sale by ell Oa'era. ts. ts. tf4ttnt.1t r -' -v . nwcaaa)aer. I. Ta aprl A f - ti r- i- t 7 ' -'',- : t JCatV . CEIIBRATEO i Wiial tha ereat reartorarrre. Boatetter'g Btomteb Baters, will do, most be gatbered from what it bas done. It baa effected radical cores In tnoa- umi at mim at m aoarmia. nuions tusoraera, in termittent fever, nervous affection, general - blilty. eonsUpaxion, sick bead actio, mental oea nonxieney. and the Deeullar eomnlalnu and dla- abUitlea to wblch tbe feeble are ao snbieat. Aor sale oy utohomum ana utw gvuernu. . frt ' - Of -1 aav. a uullit raiasd f 1 ta. abo'. Oi..w; i u SS. tMUHM -t of I n arvn i at staaai.x h.v. h- - ti'l ' --i,fym -m. i rTiaj a asfdiiaq,' ... t v .r 1 v V)ifLt.JKHJ,k rMterviwstAU'tiiks tut. )iini,a araalkavasv lar -a T. . aw jna, .T. ; : UWA ua, M rMdSteTek, - awr29 i ' mm K7 m 1 iS. We:Take RIeac5iiro IN aXNOUNCINQ to tbe PuMte that oar BParXfJ HToCXls now earn piete. W bare evertthina; tn BILXd, em bracing all tbe new shades tn Otto- man. both Dials and brocaded. and 1 and we can show on tne nannaomest tin ot BLACK 8IXKS ever shown la Cnarlott. .Also, a alee tin) ef Btnn p Diaca and the new abades. AO ofeecClan Bilks, , ATI the KOvwltJea la Iraaa THmnhM tn ana tunre AaoroiaerM, ArUea,a St errtblria new In Bnanlah aaKMim u wiana sua wwam, aiao tne new Onx atork of Dreaa Dorwla mbsm a n'litM aergea,. In Black floods our atoek la eomnlcta fraan a cimsb oununc 10 ins nimni jsrwi aocna. ai Caahnteree, Moan's VeUlnga, qenrleuaa, Ax Handsome Tin of Kmboaard Nnnn'a Va rnv in ernabed strawberry, Terra Cotta, Jersey Clay, MUe green, imu a, ag A full ttns of DosncatlA and ImnortMt RaftMtna. Mull Moalm in an tbe fane and de float shaflss. uunni auu in wum svm raney eoaota. farla'an Saltum-a In wntta. itmb ntnk- tansa. black Ao ' . Wf have everrtMnsT tn Whtta Rnwla. tn Tntlm ara, Tw ona lawm, moil mumim large atoc k of data and Mail Xmnraadswlaa tw trim to toe 1 Xvernhlne In Nottlnah b laeee, and made "urtaljis, very hand some lAcj Conalns ftota tlOtotlODer natr. tjnr atoca 01 Hosiery, U loves, Seckweai, Bnttoos, Whan tou want to boy a SAAB debt fan ta 1 par stock, aa It la an acknowledged fact that we nav in prettiest line tn cnar ott. umng yea a cordial lontaUrn to eme as, we are very Beapectrulir, T. L. Selgle & Co. P. 8 We have a vaiv nratrv ltr.. nf ran., Vatt. trig, ao-cn w are soiling cheap. apy 1 daw W.W.Ward & Co., COLL BOB STBBBT. C II A R I. OTXE, Pf. C. DOORS, SASH. BLINDS, SaUGLXS. LATHS. LIMB. CKMSMT. PLASTKB. GBAIH. HAT. BRAN, Ac, Ac aprl Still Closing Out!! DCBlNa tb twt SO days am have sold a great many Goods at &UCB TKLLLMU PIGUkBsa that the neoDle cannot beln baying them. We ttUI bare an aa oilmen! of FLANNELS, 'htte and Bed Plaid and Onera. tn different hade. WaTBHPsCOOrd AMD CLOAKiaGt Men's end Boys tasal mr ra. FbeeUn. Be Spreads. Blat-keta. Dawaska. Mabkina. T owella. white mm ail tmhikgs, And a great many other Good which we offer at a aacrlSrw It wui ha to roar advamaea to avaU and esaaune oeiore paenaioa: elsewhere. atespeciruiiy. are., aprl BABJUNGKB TBOTTXB. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN EVERY DAY In the Year. BtTXjrs, CCTS, Partsga, Spraiats, Scratches, OosriTRoys. Bwxi.t.nrfxt, Scalds, Sores, Dislocations, Faxoxs, Botu, PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER IS THB GREAT REMEDY FOR DRUGGISTS I KEEP IT EVERYWHERE, . Arttsis' Materials. WIHATX JUST RECEIVED A K1W AJTD COMPLETE LINE OF ARTIST ATERI AL3 Cf CX.17IIIG CJLHYAM. PDAWLVG PJLPEX,! - m wixATjriAirta, AW OERlaLaUtJ BtJsJVlJFACrTimS. AfUPEMT AJTD MOTJaTCta BOARPst, rntfli-rsH, frxnch, axd Okkmas WiNpaoa & NxwToif 'g On. CoLORa, - Palettks ahp Palsttx Kinvxa, lin Boxxs fob HoLDnta Colors, ' Plaqxtks akb Paitrxa, ' ' Or Various Ketds, BRTJSECES For Oil and Water Color Paiiitiiii. IOLLTWOOQ CsOQDS I ' FOB DEXXrAXIiGU OONTE'S CRAYONS, PRAWTNO BOOKS. -SKETCH BLOCKS. . TRACING PAPERS, ? ; : : : . impression papers, LaCaoix Colors for China Painting, be. . These goods were selected expressly for this place,' by . one well acquainted with the) needs of Charlotte in Artists Goods, and we think reasonable wants In this line can be supplied by , . . TIDDY & DBO. ; I LANP AGENCY. CAFT.X w. Ward. U. a A. Oeured), bavtaf located at Morgaatn. K. C , wm act as ttn pnrcbnalrig agrloaltaral, mineral gad timber lands fcjfp. westeta part ot the state, r t i . t - '.);--" -- ' 'Paroes wUblngte bay ot ecll would do wen to I evMre. bxm. - ajfjeodXa GrcceritUy &c ; i xaersKcxa. J. & SPMCER S CO.. ?; Wholesale -Gwccrs v -AT ooix.xax rrraxxT. - - - csuaioTTZ.x.c : alDQTJAiriUtS ffOB Beavy Oroowlea. trKdndlnc XX T. LtKO. MO- XASsxa. salt. rLoua. Buaut, cxrrxt. also the rigtu gioceilea nanaay carried tn a Grocery a Snp'riitiyc Pitapsco Patent Hcsr, ths rurxsT mads. LerttlEf'i Eelitile Ecafcd ftfjs., fferiawaspntsCoT the oHrtraxbam 4-4 A ffiatettngandPee Das PUlds. ' i given to bandnng eotsoa est apotf xasmcxaaco, JUST RECEIVED. i a lot or a lot or I CHOICE HAMS, BREAKFAST BACO.v, DRIED BEEF. I here alaoln stock 1C a M0LA38XS. SUQl STaUPi OJrrXX and BUJABetall grade. PIXXM0X T FATXXT WHTTXaOUC XLOUB. Boekwbeat and Graham rtw.Oat Meat, Grtts, Aj , all of which I am get ins ebeea. B. W. BARN aprl Seed Potatoes, IN DRXJH. XAULiY XZOSE, ae xhiljs. Goodrich, hdxjb. pefhi r.nm. aa Bisxji. PAOUPic SENDaYOTJB ORDERS TO Springs & c WHOLXSALX AXX SZTAXL OOB ttoattaeast Trmds Ctiext, rtearCoUcseBt., ' t v .. OHABLO TT S N. O. 118U jaall T. XX. BlAOIIalas WHOLESALE GR0CEK AND X)3OaSSI0N aOCHANT, Orders asOaicated and promptly fiQad. rtAIalaAX TIDDY tfc BBOjS. AND GET A VENNOR'S ALltANAC FOB 1883. PRICE TEN ClaNTEL Fa C. MUNZLER .. j.Uat9rroB fts Mm i mttam oczji tOT Phladltihla. Pa J Cr If bra led Lager Deer, IPRCI ALTT. pVBMwm to reoar ALB and POatTXH. w I lot Of BUTTURO htoh I oamr tolhe notaatat taraw AddTea a RAO U. BUSSliXS. AMV-i Barker.Cains GREAT VICTORY And eaptamathw ; BniireSpartM i , R.H.W.Barltor. ap6d8w BUTxaariLLX, n c. U AHUanCB VBJft TRXBTV XXAfca. f t aaaarhM. ta mriai at tt- a maa, ga mm , m-mm a. aaa riwini tail a. watM 4A a xasc. pmmm ka mm a w4 a, I i n mr..-. "" ' a i-aiiaanastnnla. araa. kaun .-. mm tmmr . v T t Inn -T-i .1 1 --mill' ir tal. SMt.au aim - 1 a.iH.TTa. i a. aw a-ai-Ht Kanafaetnred only at Ponders End, Uliddlcsex, Br tb C03TICINE FLOOR raVERIHS CO. LONDON. Ha4ml, lSTS. OOKTIC1NK la a tm which, after twtlr ymnot bard trial. tnoioogniy eatao- imnecl ttae r In tmbUe- favor. It la or par yvgetabia Oat, prepared by a sneelal netted witn groan i eork. and roliad on a mraria' " vawrmmm smava It ta a warm, elean. and latmarhtr f a aa Mwnnr ssaMrtaLlMdOAMa, of great aarahtuty, and per- fSSS52!x!Fj&&E 1 temtieraaara. It nmilna anrt wt piianav an iameoaoem3 W) wUb eonal advantac ta lAjailbUIB eaa O nunntictaMd of anv saw. bletybetog aa tetegrai part ef the malarial, will I aTi?i m mmmm. aar OBW in asan nam c Of DUbUo bolklln- 1 Ita warmta. nolseimsnaan. 1 awsspninHaniaf ror Carpec aaa. wiuca can p rranirv none or of a few new a. at rvoBarae am arvee p a aa a va. . U fca laelmi V nanaa. ramanrsms, thotrafflela aeat, as en boa d aala. Ac Diaees where amawmbry adapted tor tier ataieeqra taorernmenc save gaaOpMtXat afavreaxaelf. 1 iIezsiffJ Jliirii anrS ' SPB1DG STOCK. Oar BPSUta BTOCr ot Ladle. ehf. - Tt DCpT8nd;:8npES i Ma J butto axvptsia. nwpoar suptzbs aad 8AHDALS a specfaK ' GentV aad Teotha GAITXBSV BCTTOJf aad LA CM BALBV STBAr SHOXS. OOsTGl t BUTTON OXrOBDd PUMPS aad SLIPPXBa an 1 Getda'i fiCk. SUC Fes HAT etjlee. Aran Bne eg TttUXXS. TALIS SS, TaUVXUJft BAGS. 1 SHAWL STRAPS, I BotUners and Battott Pi All ta ear tta la Tarlety a. an GTVX U9 A CALL.' ' Pcgran & Co, 150 BARRELS ABKTVH.D TO-DAY. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY SENDING US - - - v . ' .. THEIR ORDERS. SPRINGS 4 BURWEb lo Ccatraetcrs. OFFICX COtUITT OOflTaTTSSlUNXRfa MAaXnoSD CMTarrr. - BASAAJtaiiixacVAprilXd. 1BS3. ! Thla etae will be oteai frosa this data s i plans aad apaetSeatioaa for a tstw Coort awaraai dm iw sajiimsig ta aamav aoto rtMM3u,u.inaiw.. ' . aa tn arm mossoav in may nana ane oewri t ana no owero tor eaie as ta air nam sad- oari pnrcnaaer to rmav tne mvmm watata aix veeaa iroa sua mt pmcaaaaa. Tb right to refuse all bad C1 be teeared by P H- asABirBcaataaaa. JOB H. DAViD. - CHAS. F. WXBSTXS. '- - Cnmmlaainnara Marlnora 1 AttethT. a. lsoexaa. Laerk b. c.cl S9iiawii JUST RECEIVED. CROCKERY, - - i GLASSWARE, . TINWARE, ' axo Honoxa Gxxxsuv.r.y : '- H Icfc'te Irfcd,' t : a - v ff . TJil, mtt J mtk i ' f - II : fJ . . 3 ' i ' ".' i LA- : laa.ivMZH - - - .- - Tartaty tbTrawra national Bssna '-Hit - Tbeaadaeatgaedareaew praparad to r9eba aof '.'.- x r t" . . - GOLD. SILyEU, - - ' - : 1 : , ant suLpnuiia '- i. - -.ax CeaBSFtang sosdl Cal;arrg XT'ieral to be Vvai ft r-" t y ytfV a. Xersas: -Ai-arvt m - - . Tt.. .a c ' 'lit asnanmlm- ana iN- Hht ' " i i- - I t . a,.-., i jCont..ll.fi Cat Assl lor le tuc4 Lue. ut, 88 Is aww fofl a aoanpfctav-c the beet asmkw and asaMt eoeetiayaa tadBaa. JOaves HUunflt's Grits, aasaBBmmaaenmmaaWamaw . VI -,j fit aXaUAEsS, - Board ef Cemtyj0omaaisloejm Marl bore Oomuy . i Atteao t. a. lsoexaa. taerk r. t. c . w MUirxLXB. I apildawim .. . , . ..r lyilifactiifi d Iiim, J. C. Weaver, Manager. T .' eaaSwSaaW mi ji jjr . - . v -y- . Smutteraaaai T' ain.ii 1 wiaip ii;iw;i;,;i,.trWy-w---'''' wSSawk, . .-. - ,' ... mi 1 11 iiiimii iiium III I TA Y LOR'S DE Y ; CUniu I a n 1 11 c ti n 1 c'niT ncr HUM W w I M as a. is wU 1 UT :V Bvetnm Tnbolar and IcomoTe BUer& send for descriptive: catalogue. apr4 ' ' . . I GENTS7 NEWARK MADE SHOES. WE HJLTSZ Jk FULL SCPPLT OI? XIIEM Vf AUK. AX SaiJAllJaJTrEE amlXY FAIQ WE SEXI !! Our Ataortneil of UM, Ilisses COMPLETE, AJfI AJ)ArTED TO TJLE SEASOZT. ; ! THE INDUCEMENTS TVE OFFER: ' GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST POSSJBLE PEICES. Respectfully, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT CHARLOTTE, N. C. la -s a taMUininia Si i 1 t Tratvellais; Patblle Will Wimm taa,t sOl I bwftwv amenta 1st Cwaaffwrt auael AtBewMvdBeMHetsI teaihef Vraahlagtea. : ; Carriages and Porters H.C. ECCLES, Proprietor. anarSO TflLHAGE OH HUSKING. gff Cawm Uaatt BXlacl If, Ol "Mt nearvra. snooted Bee. Sr. Tal wace. from bis pal pit In tad Brooklyn Tabernacle, ea a bright Sunday morning last November, "going at tbe ram of forty amies an hoar last Wedneeday. I got thla aeo on bnskina. trod ha arrancea taai tne ear aad tbe bosk anaB be parted. Kvery rnenmaue ; oaln is awt a tnrnss or tne anaaaog peg; every imiial.ir talnan ta enlv a Mat of the hneker. f Thus n takea away what binders yoor soul's liber- ' la permitted to preachers: brrt tbe fact is. nobody wants to be hosked. nor doe. anyone be- neve that the bony is to tne sou wnat tae notin to tbe corn. Un tn otner hand Nature teacnes as to lUhttnu nasaung proceaa. aence most people are thaaktm for wbsteeer can abate those "rfaen e Dalna and -nearaurto twinae.'- Thai, at least waa the view taken of tbe aabiecS by M. Altred B&er, a Freneb gentleman, who, at bis pleasant bome. ereenmat, near Bing ding. Mi TU aatd the other day. to a reporter: - - - - "Ht ttfe n&s at timea Deen renoerea aimosc m- tolerable by Rheamatlsm. I bad tried different vetoed law without resoH. Bat PARXXB'd GINtlXR TO a IC gave me greet aansfaeaoa yon may ten iCes leers Hbeox At-Co. of New York- the pro prietor that I certify to tta perfect effieacy, as the-Toale bas completely reaiored my health. i eay, also, that tney are welcome to nee my and ask tnem to accent ar thAnka." added the eonrteons Parialan.- aabaaamaosai m a symptom or noney oiaeaae. not aa a eetion ef tbe Joints or moseiea. - Parker's Ginger Tonle pnrt&es tbe Blood, and acts with a KM eeyooai was w aut wmr preparnuoaa in i of Dvsnensia, liver. Kidney and Stomach diaerdera. and tn eosamoa eeoghs -end oolda. Prte.0 eenta and Si per bottle. The latter the apr -:-v'::r-y:T- r . ' -- ' - PHEEI; RELIABLE SHfrGURE. I ' - mvor-ia . fT"! 'lHton rrrme or -. I moat aot and o "av wnilfct b the C. S. I (aaw r-tirrd.H. ib-nir.JVnwx ttvUm, I . JCsae 9Smm't triilMSuil DM.. hu- I " tau.Mkdi-lifeliiurrMA l.fil' ul4l,raii H.l Ir - WARD teO. UwtkM. Ht r. w w arr rt iv;.a a.w Wk mi WF3 fmil EUlDT ' whew va. saflcv I araae .-V " "jtt wrnjr W " ----a'1 i l a a. ii i tv maJ fhyataal itead. . ar aajeily aa4 radMaily aarii. Tm asaaHv la aci aa la Wxt?. k , I aatuaf a BMotaj, aa. ' aiaaukailKMBXktteakman,tMi i a.a arssaatak . aa a auu la pi. I. vnnaan. ar Cla amasaaa. wfc KM. PaaiptJM aaen- WMS CASE-F0RrB5I5. 4 Fenny vsci is a Jenny IZczZSm' -.12 YOU 7AUT TO SAVE 071 HAT r-.-ieyv'Tits to GEO. II, C11APON, Ast, A;:-iirtoa, for r Llculors cl ratetcJl l;r9iairTCrefoi I'arrcls. 1-1 m 'p. Gxacx. xGzzzrsra iron 'MOORE COUNTY; GRIT CORN HILLS, ntisxaoo'a wodd-woecinq macbikxbt, Bfltterworth Tiire Aers & Horse Powers. COT1 OS 81N3. FX DIBS and 00NOX5SXS3, iWm PBE3SIZ HOT-POLISHED SHAFTE'l HASCOCX ZHJPIRAT03S. . Be'.tlrg and General Machinery. Met t. a STE AM ENG I NE S, cTiTinniDV cnniMtrc , J I HI lUIIHIl I LHUIiik v$ Iron ' . - v.. .. . - - , - 1883. ail (Mirers1 Slices is Fdl ail IIOM & lfflSaniO.- -a i rJ 11 J g cr5 th CatNTlXai. BCTXBI Iteepe witb Fatre, staval in lfw, mm ffer Tcan Iavaft Ui Uest all the Trains, SAILilCDITILnGA o Ff Blarw. llaaammiaiitami. a3eatt ar rTestrsUxia IMMXDIATX BXUXF WAKBAHTXIX " I 1 ' PXBXANXNT CU3X GUABA TZZTK Five years established and never Imown to fan ta a single ease, acute or chronic. Laler to aJ prominent pbyalciana and drnggiata for the atand tngof sailsi tuca .-,......,,-., -, ...... 8BCRCT! ' The ontydtasolverof tbe Polaonons Urie Ac!4 which exlote ta ths Blood of Bneomaue a&l C ow PaUenta. . . , 8AHCTXICA Is known a cc "i tense remedy, because tt atrifeea directly at t a of i Bheamattsm, 6oot and Kearaigia.'acLi.e ao many no-cauea epecuies ana: sapposea p&aaeeas otuy treat locally the electa. - It baa been eonoededby emlnert sclent'" tfc at outward appitMiona aoeh aa robblnt auhoua, otntments, liaimenta. and soothio k :- wui not eradKte these dmeasea wbicii re t reauit of tbe poir. lag of the blood with Urie Afc i BALIC1LICIA works ,wttb m arret oca eJact on this add and ao removes the disorder. It Is now exclusively used by all celebrated pt rs ',na Ameriea aad Aarope. " Eigaeet kiMl. 1 Ac inmy of Parts repoaa per oeat eure In wee tuty. '' '.' i-i - that SAXICTXICA a certain cure for Eheoma tiara, eoot and Keoralgia. Tbe moat intense pain a are anbaoed aimoat inatantty. - Give tta trial. .Leixf gararOeed r money re XarKled. - , ; Thousands Gf teatUaoclala sent oa appUc&sea. - v: at aboz. e Boxxaforto. ' Sent tree rnosji on reoel of amey. ' :T;is;ca ra gqist ro3 it. Bnt do set ts Calndsfl fsta tsWax taRaSor- or snbstlto'-s, or eon t.lng repommenoed as Juri ea good r I".! t en Use genuine wiifl tbe name or WaSBBURI- a CO., on (wtu box, which la guar anteed eiHMJcA.ly rare under our sroture, en tndleper-.- rjiUjii to insure snceus in .the . treatmeiia. Ya- r ttr, or sendto ns. ... VAillUESX CO., Pror.netra.w : -i 1 287 Broadwy. eor t??: Tor sale by 1. & U, PAVlKsOjl, JJrucslst lra- street , , ,no18 daav ly - . Edward P.HalpIrnd, wTrrcrtiriAriX' axrnuEcrr, tj .tti t"e fun i tvA e t " L,a i lti. - fht;'!. 1 t rwtfli e at.! . t tHisA,tuwt, . f a tit- f ji-iwi.''' " r ' i C-a... ..e,U. o. r- - ' ' be aeea iaon'.j ti U.4 Lj