- i A K 3 1 the DJiiiir CHAHE.OTTE joviutjik., the njsii,Trcniii,oTYE on &EnrEii, cajrsoi.MnTED jrincii vi, ish3. 1 . ally raarlette owner, Eat aliased Jsaaarv U. tMt. wailj caarlett Jeermal. aateelh.a4 iKUt fa, ISSI. j CHARLOTTE.N.C, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. aw-- -i n &. U ' 4 Urimmm H WW I i-ArAW rr-i-t s- 1 1 ; 1 11 11 1 1 it"1! 11 t nt is 1 1 7 i galls oxvcnxilbszxvtv TO S U liSCRI O ERS AMD PATRONS. Bf fb tenaa of Dm eoaaoUd&Oon ef Tn Jcrre BuVHnTM.tkpnicMsnel the cooaoiklai d amt ifrn to olttt out all contract lortunr tMif and aubeertptioa. exlstinc wlJi tUhar paper ptrtKiua to auen eonsonaauon. Wraona wb have paid la aovanee for enbsertB tkn t-r not tt peter ul barn ttao time expended on tba cm subacTtpdna books, peraooa "bo nav paMIn advaao lor dtbr paper wui reeie T- cnxAL-omsnran 10 the exptraoou of Uw VD paid. The annual income of Cm. and Mrs. Grant ia put down at 9.00a I "The French Government is having forty-six verse Is constructed for the nary, fourteen of which are iron clads. T' Juc to tost 82500.000. idge Uilcbie, of Maryland, has six teen daughters, only one of whom Is married. II ere Is chance for one or more young sen. Prof. Saltier of Munich has been ex attaining ancient tMnjr. and has ar rived at the conclusion that the present year is 1S33 instead of 18S3. A vacation has ben r ran ted Key Drl J. Henry Smith. Presbyterian pastor at Greensboro, to enable him to recu perate his health, which has been fall- ,:wjer Ker's speech in summing up the star ifute cm-s makes a book of pagef, aud there are still a half dien other lawyers to hold forth. Pity that jury. jrhe August. Chronicle suggests the cheering probability that the prohibi tion of American pork in some of the European countries may lower the price to home consumers. And now Tennor is coming to the front and claiming the proprietorship of the cool spell that ushered in this tnimth. If they trrr gt up another arctic expedition we hope he will vol unteer. ngressman lliil Thompson, of Ken tujeky. who 1 tt week kil'ed Davis for the seduction .f his wifV, is said to hive killed six men ince the war, five ofj them in stlf defer.sr, Dixis being the sixth. I When aomo malicious or rp-rtive in vidua! in Eogland wants to create a Mnsation cow he sends an anonymous Missive to somebody threatening to blow up something and thereupon the excitement begias. -m The Itepublicana iu Iowa are in trou b over the mixed condition of politic 14 that State. They have opposed to tljem the Demociat. Anti-Prohibition' lts and Greenbackeis. a combination of which tbey are in dread of. frt Maa rhe skin tanners of Tewkesbury. asa. Almshouse, say ia extermination that It was only the skins of negroes tfeay tanned. That ia the county in Which they professed so much love for the dark skinned brother. Bengstran murdered his wife and barled her la Minnesota, and his story that ahe had eloped was so implicitly believed that no suspicion of his crime arose. Bat after a year of remorse he QomslUed suicide, leaving a full writ ten confession. I An editor of some experience says: f During the honeymoon a mm can Come home from a lode at a late hour, fall down roil uodsr the bed and tell tiia wife that be is looking for his collar batton, bat after that period the ex Sanation wears an extremely guzy appearance." lu It was Mecklenburg that saved the btate for Bennett iu Vi. To allow a few diasatisfled men to defeat Democ racy In this field of our former strength Would be for a testimony against the glory we achieved ia that day of jobi jee. Let every Democrat bo at his pes: and we shall not suffer the loss of what was woo by the work of months. Senator Beck is said to have started In life aa a farm hand. Conger aa lum ber baod. Davis of West Virginia, aa a brake man. Fair aa a bar tender, Farley as a stage driver, 0 or man as a page Vest as a reporter. Sawyer aa a laborer Jonee. of Florida, aa a carpenter, and Morrill as a country a to re keeper. A Brooklyn coachman. In telling his experience among people wholly be yond their mesna. relatea bow be was employed to put on a livery suit and bare a coat of arms painted on his coach. After a a bile his lady patron confessed that tbey had gone beyond their means and could not pay him his due. Geo. Sherman has instrneted GenJ Crooke that "no , military movement tnust be made Into or within the Terri tory of Mexico which Is not authorized by the agreement between this country and Mexico, published in general orders numbered 01 and lis, headquarters of the army, 1833. Negotiations for the modification s re now going on with the Mexican Government, but It cannot be assumed In advance that that Govern ment will assent to any modification." The following from the 'Macons1 V Telegraph Is quite .as. applicable to Xvrtn Carolina aa to Georgian "While the people of Nebraska are engaged in planting out trees the peo ple of Qaorgia are destroying them. If nature had given Nsbraskatbe.treea, Instead of giving them to Georgia, the occupations cf the two people would likewise be reversed. The world is in habited by very queer people.' The Providence Prtu says "the ciga rette and the dime novel are powerful ageacles la corrupting the minds and planting disease In the bodies of the hoys and youth of the land.'.Thelregia- latnr of New Jersey. In view of the large growth of the traOe In cigarettes. and after a full investigation and an expression from the wisest physicians of ; the pernicious effrcta of . their, use. baa enacted a law which imposes a fine of 20 upon every person who fella a cigarette to a child under sixteen' years Ct sga. "What's the use o bavin a 'coon un less you're goin' to have some fun out o him?- Coon WJUppr. , ... The arrests of immigrants at Castle Garden thus far this year are 37,000 less than for the same period last year. x Gov. Hendrir, of Indiana, is in dignant that Congressman Calkins aays he is going to die in a little while. He never felt more like living in bis life. The recent Kentucky Educational Convention was so successful hat an other has been called to meet at Louis ville, June 14, to be composed of teach ers and county school officers. Mrs. Thompson, the wife of the Ken tucky Congressman, who slew Davis, says that Davis was innocent, and that the charge sgainst him was concocted by a Misa Buckner, who had malice in her heart. , An Iowa villager laid a wager that a stranger, whose acquaintance he had casually made, could not within six hours woo, win, and marry a young woman who had just arrived at the same hotel. The suitor in trod need him self to her, she smiled upon. him. a minister was called in. and the cere-' mony was performed. The couple left on the following morning, with no in considerable sum of money. They were husband and wife- of long stand ing, and had played the same trick in many places. It is the avowed object of the Inde pendents to defeat the regular nominee of a Democratic convention regularly called and constituted. It is their pur- Iose to defeat the choice of a majority of the Democrats in Charlotte by the aid and assistance of men who rejoice in Democratic defeat by . whatever means achieved. This means to popu larize a disposition to dissolve allegi ance to party organization on every occasion "my man is not nominated," and to jeopardize the strength of that grand old party In whose triumph alone the country can hope for good and economical government. Shall it be done. Democrats? Foreiag Taeaa to Keep Their Prwaalsea. St. Louis. May 3. A teleirram from the Indian Territory reports that Spiecheo, the Creek Indian Chief, hav ing railed to go to ifort Gibson, as he Kromiaed Capu Bales,of the U.S. Army, e would do, the latter arrested him and two of his Chiefs, J uckabatith and llarjo. Spiecheo s band then scattered, but were pursued by the troops, and sixty-Q ve of them, together with a large number ot women and children, were captured and taken to Fort Gibson. This has completely broken ud the dis affection, and no further trouble is ap prehended fiom them. Advices from different parts of Texas report great activity among the stock men, and a great number of cattle are already on the trail for the North. It s estimated now that the drive will ex ceed that of last year. Km Onlctml Ialoraaatloa ol the Dablia ladtctsseats. WasnrxoTON. May 3. -The State De partment has received no information. except through the press dispatches, of th Dublin Indictments of Tvnan. Walsh and Sheridan for murder, and there is no truth in the London rumor that the 'United States government has consented to extradite them." It is also learned at the State Department that no demand has been received for the extradition of any of the persons referred to in the recent dispatches as having been connected with the mur ders of Bailey and Kenney in Ireland. Seateaee to e Csaassatetf' Ialoraaer. Anetker Dublin. May $. The sentence of Deianey will probably be commuted to life long servitude. Joseph Uanlon. one of the prisoners awaiting trial, has Anally been accepted aa an -approver, lie will confirm the evidence of the two Careys against the thirteen prison ers In Kilmainham jailed charged with conspiracy to murder. Bliss Areolar the Case. Washington, May 3 In the star route trial to-day Bliss, for the govern ment, occupied the eutire day. and bad not concluded wh err court adjourned. To da? was bis foorth day of speaklag. and Ker consumed several dsys on the same side. Bliss to-day said incidentally that the record of the present case ia the largest ever made in this country during a trial by jury. Aa Iafaais Exeerleace of a Cycleae A little baby of Mrs. Schett Is one of the wonders of the Wesson (alias.) cyclone. It had a splinter driven down two inches on top or Its head into the brain. This splinter waa not observed nntll last Thursday, three days after tne cyclone, whan Ihe doctor discovered It. He pulled It out, when the blood fairly spurted as high as a man's bead. This little child, strange to relate, will recover. i , ..... Gea Creok follows lk Aysekei ato Mexico San Francisco. May 3. A Dispatch from 1 Paso states that General Crook has crossed Into Mexico and baa been in the Sierra Madre, Mountains four' days in pursuit of the Apaches. The Mexi can autboritlea are co operating with mm ana navet sent two companies to the frontier and other troops to the field of operations. , : , . . - , , Cel. Ulcks Whips the Talie rrtshet; Cairo. May 3. A telegram has been' received i from CoL Ilicks reporting that on the zOth ultimo, he had an en gagement with 6,000 rebels. The battle which lasted an half hour resulted to the defeat of the. rebels witrrSOO' killed including L't GaL ElMahdi. the false prophet, and many (wounded.' The Egyptian losses are al MthU. CoL Hicks praise the gallantry of Egyptian troops, An ladlctaaeat that Created, farariae, Cincinnati. May 3' A special to the CorameTcial-Gezettefrom Uarrodsborg, Ky, ears tbwgrand-jary yesterday re turned an Indictment for murder against Hon. Phil B. Thompson. Jr. for killing Walters. Davie. April 27. The indict ment creates surprise although gener ally approved. xerenaant and inends ex pec tea it to do lor mansiaugnier. i .? Death, efaa Attorney Fail are of 8hr i ? Balleers ... S.: 8ah Francisco. May 3. Alfred f Ai Pardo. a well known attorney, and a nativ of INww Orleans, died yesterday. The Dickey Brothers, the largest ship builders oa thAooaaL have failed. Lia bilities a 100,00a i ' . m -m m ' f" I ; Fall ere ef Aa Iroa sua Steel Cosavaay. . . e i : Bt. Albass. VTL'Mav The 8L Albans Iron and Steel Mills have filed a petition of Insolvency. The schedule filed shows liabilities Of 503,000 and assets oi stv7jwa. Joaalj Another Batch of laalctmeiU ' Bub lin. May 8. The crown has pre sented to the grand jury bills for mur der against Peter Tynan, ""Number One," John Walsh and P. J. Sheridan, and a bill as accessory- to murajer after the fact against Fit z. Harris. Walsh and Sheridan are in America, and Tynan is supposed to be there.- j The grand ' jury baa found true bills against Lawrence Uanlon, James and Joseph Mullett and Daniel Deianey on a charge of attempting to murder Juror Dennis meia. They nave aiao rouna true bills for conspiracy to murder against the two Muuetts, xjiwrence Uanlon.- Edward f McCaffrey. (Edward O'Brien. Georre Smith. Peter Doyle, William Meroner and Daniel Deianey The bill against Thomas Maxup, charg ed witn tne same oixenae, waa rat ec James Mullett was arraigheBl morning on a charge of conspire; mua4er. and aeeaed Jruiity, WOK ronet alsQMfeeded guilty to a ibarge of conspiracy to radrdar. 'Several or the other men c ha reed' with- the ear" 9 of fense, art expected alsote plead guilty. Lawrence uanlon was next arraigned on the charge o attempting U murder Dennis Field. He pleaded not guilty, and his trial began. Dublin, l p. uxr If true bills are found against Walsh, Sheridan and Tynan.it is understood the government will demand their extradition from .America, it s DtlBLtN, S p. m.TIvB grand jury has returned true bills . agai est Tynan. Walsh and 'Sheridan for murder, and against Fitz Harris as accessory after the fact. Seaer Jtocaero- A Coaster Claim b the Pacific Railroad. : Washington. May 3. Senor Itomero, the Mexican Minister goes to Ke'rope the 0th instant to remaiit all summer. His health t3bd, ' ' J ; j Sidney Dilkn, the ; president df tie Union Pacific Railroad Company, has written a long letter to Secretary Teller in reply to a rocent commanicaiion from the latter demanding from the company payment of some thing over a million dollars due the Government under the law calling for five per cwt. of the net earnings for the sioklag fund. Dllka sets up a counter claim of nearly three million dollars due the railroad from the Gov ernment and a contingent claim up wards of eight hundred thous ind more. Dillons letter in effect, though not in express terms, refuses the pay ment and re.'ers the government to the courts lor redress. TQILlfl kea F.gkt-T2fHf 1 ipavata Arrestee J' '- The Kaleish Ckickea . ciaal Paruel; HaLEIOH. May 3. The cocking main at Kaleigti for J 000 terminated to day in favor of the Halifax birds. Large) Bumi were wagered on the result. The attendance was larger than ever known on such occasions in this State and the display of birds wms unusually fine. The Sheriff yestetday arrested some of the pariicipauts on warrant. A bench warrant was issued by Judge Kutttn of the Suprema Court and the principal participants were arrested and bound over to court in Si .000 each. Yellow Feoer Talk ta Texas. St Louis. May 3. A despatch from Austin. Texas. 849 s that considerable apprehension is felt on the lower liio Grande regarding .the yellow fever. Gov. Ireland received a telegram from the chamber of commerce of Matamo- ra?. Mexico, advising that should quar- entlue be necessary this season a sta tion be ratal Jished at Bagdadin instead of Brownsville. The Governor has di rected the health officers of Browns ville to consult with Mexican authori ties on the subject. Aa Esplosioa ia aa Oil Wotka, - f CniCAoo. May 8. A dispatch to the Daily News from Vicksburgr Miss., says: An explosion occur rea in in? Fefuge Oil Works, one mile below this ci.y last night, by which Minnie Na- vender was instantly KUiea, inline ana Henry Parks wo badly injured tbey can not recover and a watchman named Donnelly and a laborer named Andy Green were seriously hurt. The cause of the explosion is unknown. Iacreasiag the Army. Vienna. May 3 The Lower House of Beieherath yesterday ! adopted a bill flxlntr the minimum number of Etrus can Wehr, exclusive of that pf Tigrol.'f at lw.000 men, aorj authorizing the ror- malwn or six regiments or land eDr cavalry. The measure will involve an increase in the military Budget or one million florins. i Feaiaas Bocomfac Alarmed. Belfast. ilaV Sf-Two hundred per sons, who are known to be members of the Fenian iSrotliereood. have left Cross Maglen. county Armagh, and its vicinity. Oecanao- ui , tne revelations, which have been made-recently impli cating them in unlawful acta. Mrs. Ualaee Acsdastlhe City of New ' - . - - - T :y oi new opinion In tlie New Orlkans, May 3. lings to day rendered an opin ease of My ra Clark Gaines against the City of New Orleans on an exception to a report bf tbe Master in Chancery. The report of. the Master is confirmed and Interest is added. Mrs. Gaines gets judrmeat egnst tbadty. , - , i ' I - -Ilaareo, Bat Died Uame. , . , Helena. Montana.' May 3 Henry Fordham was hanged In the jail yard yesterday in the presence of the officers of the territory and. a, few spectators. lie preset ved a stolid demeanor, and op to tbe last moment gave no signs of weakness; He left a will bequething his body to the surgeons; ; , rinff Psulareol aa AUoota i 'Atlanta. May. '3.- wholesale notion dealer, has assigned : liabilities- S40.000; i assets nominal. There are So creditors; A bill has been Sled alleging fraud, and praying for the recovery 'of goods. The assets are not estimated at over 320,000. BStimaWd at over vzo noiiQ'jilr-' EaoaghtoB e each to Begin Oa. XtetroKT es Prmair yr i : "io you dan rot barned out on Has tings sUeet . las' night " queried one Colored woman of another as tbey met on Monroe avenue yesterday. Yes, de boose dun burned tode groun'," wasth reply. An you . lost eberything? "All cei tone bedstead, two chairs an de , bewro.. "SJh.tio! j Wall, lr8 one eon8olsshunbauS Uj Mn 'Beebe.yQU has saved 'nuff. to beftfU pri?g, hohse cleanln'onr -'f " " ' j.-1 , -.. r ' . ' The risreaes Ilshtlagale ef the Rarsery. TUe foUowtna Is an extrtct from a letter written to the GermanTlefonned Messenger, at taiambenv Ssat the ooor for tber. and atrs. Wlnslow wul prors the Amerteaa Hoeanee Mlchtlngsla of tbm BivwiT. -Of thfa mm ara ao aura tbai ws wQl teach our ensr to mT, A Bleaslns oo Mrs. Wins tow" Xot he.) ber.'to 'aurrr andeaeac ltm tha aTtptnc. eoiickli v and teettaiaa; siege. His. Wlna lom'u Soothing brrop wiievea Um eHUd from pain. aneMerr and dUurnoea. It sonena Um auma. radooes tnflammaUoB. aaraa wind eolla. and aarriea tns Inrant ttaroucti tos teethloa period. It performs precisely what tt pr-r -o prrZarvy "ererr rurt ot 1 BOtWne less , lit t ner t set i Wr. Wtpslow kow her onlf' tt Ter rauoa of ber SooUuoc 6rrt-lcClr.. eowj lac." If we had tbe power we would maks her, as she la. s Dh rlek- m Hoar to ttao infant rse. bom ay au araavauw so THE DUBLIN COJISriRACTj laTToTl WILLIAM C. MAXWELL! f Iadex to If ew Advertisements. W. W: Harne- Qasln's Dictionary of sdldae. H. P. SdmoDd aocmes. Presses, etej T. M R. Taloott C. C& A. Schelaiei j IaeJ cations. j . For the Soutn 'Atlantic States, warm er fair weather, vaiiable win's, shift ing to I southerly, stationaiy or lower pressure. I LUCAL BIPFL.ES T lay . To-morrow is the last day tor the oafiuiuauea vu pui iu Liictr wuik. j- m w aw- usiyaautfu umtcb w Messrs. Juo. W. Wads worth, " and Jno. W. Miller left last evening for New Yoik. "j i Mr. Arthur Butts' paintings will be exhibited at the opera house to night, M i. 1 . . ' v. J. aim sai.s are iu uemun. : .-:-i Coil T M It Talcott, Capt. W..H. Green and Messrs Sage and Beeves. passed through the city yeaterdifjreqr a inMial car. in rnntA tn Atlanta, i f . i Doti't forget Mr. A. L. Butlf JpainV ings at the opera house to-night. This is perhaps the last time you - will have an opportunity of seeing then. The german last night was a dectd- ed success, and was a most pleasant affair both to the visiting yonng ladies and to the dwellers at home, who par tldBateSwrPy lM Mr4B- ihjetrnedy, bf Chesterfield, South' Carolina, has consented to de liver tte address at Long Pine com mencement, so we are Informed by Mr. J. F. McKinnon, the principal. Picnics are now on and parties may be seen coming back home every evening laden with dogwood blossoms and other trophies from tbe woods. The graded school children will fciave a pioi nic to-morrow. The Camden road out: by the old fair grounds, has been put in excellent order and now affords a fiSs drive for fatu)r Wilrs ?It Jxas. editfehed and teWlle.1 f and j si lW U good weather lasts rs at model & a sou airy rdid. The ladies of tbe Memorial Associ ation and all others interested io the proper celebration of memorial day, are reminded of tbe meeting at the residence of Mrs. M. A. Ojborne, to morrow, at 10 o'clock a. m. Let ;ail the ladies interested keep the time end place in mind and fail not lobe there. Messrs It M. Miller & Sons have leased their store house on College street to the Westioghouse iianufac turin'g Company, and ' will move to the stand on Trade street foTmeriy oeeupiod by Mr. John Brook field. They are tio w having their new place of buainraslfit-- ted up and put in order for occupancy A basket of luscious strawberries as large as partridge eggs were placed on our table yesterday by Mr. E. W. Lyley, a prominent farmer of Sugar Creek. Mr. Lyles is making a special ty of small fruit culture and from an acre of strawberries be gathered , yes terday a fine lot of the fruit for market. He has otua thanks and the good wishes of maayiwbo watch the success of his fruit gardens. A Beaatifal Gilt. The officers and employees of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley ft K have presented Col L C Jones, labs of that road, now superintendent of the Caro lina Central, with a very handsome me mento of their regard. It is, according to the Fayetteville Observer.a Splendid ly carved and embossed ; silver tilting pitcher, with gold lined gebletaa waiter Accompaaytng.1 the latter? baying; en graved upon it a locomotive on the ten der of whhjh are tbe lettters,MC F & Y V." On tbe pitcher is the inscription:' Presented to Col L C Jones by the offi cers and employees of tbe Cape Fear Sc. Yadkin Valley Railroad Company April. 1883," The whole is an exquisite piece of workmanship, according to the judgment of tbe Wilmington Review. Time Exteaeea. Over the Memphis aa Little Kock Ronte. To Waco excursionists, the Memphis and Little Rock ,Une has extended the tyme! pf return k 1 r that route to June roth: ' This is done to allow ample time for a trip to Mexico ' to those wbnj desire it, and to give a margin for a stay at tbe famous Hot Springs in case any desire to stop over on return., Mr Williams, tbe agent .of. this line b railway is in the city, and states that seven tickets over his route were sold at Spartanburg yesterday, ten at Green ville and 30 at Atlanta on yesterday and the day before. . I The fare from Atlanta for the round trip ia $4& 43, and the A & C. Air Line offer round trip tickets over their road at the rate The Neptune Fire Company did not get through with their meeting for the election of officers, night before last. until after 12 o'clock, and,consequently too late to publish in yesterday's paper with the others. The! following is the result of their election : . ' O Presidents-Gray Toole. Fire Secretary J. C. Wrtb. . Kecording SecreUry;t. Hafl.t ' Treasurer Pembertdn Jones. Foreman Mc Taylor. Second Director Sandy Thompson. Third Director Win. Hall. Bnglne Janitor Thos. Cornelius. Plpeman W. II. Robtnsoe'.l r il f Second Plpeman pi AJ Iorr.f 1. 1 j lis for Uhtaaisiini. Messrs. H. Peek edn, or gtreetaboeV.' lxH 8 J . I Z5a'5rer I write aa. Jnna B. 1884 tts Boaadatls for Infltm Is dome wonders hero In eorlnc the rt limn so " wa i. we oo aoveruse u m euro tueomatisin, as one can see by readmit our ieoJar."t la a Blood Meaieioo.iand rosc&aa ma r root aad mrmt et dlaaawa bv beinc aonMMi throoch Uta Wood. Drocalata. laartina Dhrateiana aadetusaosof tbe hlcbeA Staadioajudta In oobs- M lAUlfl!U i nni,u vu ,nr want m mni ifun. iwcuv bsd-bngs, flies, -anta. notes, moles cidpaninxa; avDosrs. 16a - . -..w.u. i at 1 trr 1-SJ IN DURANCE VILE. The Davidson I College . Postmaster 1 Shags his Little Pistol and Is . Ran in !jthe Gaard ; IIOBseSbootinc; at a 1 Womaa ud Defyias the Law. Henry Gillespie, the post master of Davidson College, was arrested in this city yesterday afternoon and locked'np in tbe guard house by officer Black welder, on charge of being 'drunk:. shooting at a woman and for lawless fubd disorderly eonduct generally. 'Wrhen .t - jta "1 - ' t. 1 J fii i 1 r me omcer axresteu uuiespie, ne was in the Charlotte Hotel bar, leaning on' the counter, with a pistol lying between his hands. Policeman Blackwelder laid his hand on the weapon before OiUespie could pick it up and seeing nimself in the grasp bf the, Jaw Gilles pie walked quietly along with the of ficer to the guard house. The scene of the festive postmastei'a first indulgence in the fun of ; shooting t a woman was at one of the- houses 'in rear of the Central Hotel. iThe shot was fired just as the hacks were leaving the hotel to go to the Liacolnton train, and inconsequence of the noise made by tbe wheels, was not heard on the Streets at all. A , moment, afterwards Gillespie rode throogh Independence square on his horse ana went in the di rection of Wa Is worth's stable. He had hardly passed through the square be fore a messenger came to policeman Blackwelder with the intelligence that Gitfespie iad shot a a woman in rear b'tuo-Caiilral .Hotel arid on hastening mj ui (scouts uj luuijca group or excitea women standing around one of their number who was relating the details of the shooting and of .her narrow escape to the interested group. The name of the woman fired at is Ann' Haygood, and she says that she dodged just in time to miss tbejtmllet. Upon ascer taining the facta of the shooting, tbe officer started off in search of Gillespie, and had no difficulty In tracing him up. At several places along the ! street the officer was informed that Gillespie had been seen just a few minutes previous ly, and that he was flourishing a pistol rather promiscuously. He was traced in the direction of, the Charlotte Hotel and on arriving there the officer was informed that bis man-was in the bar and had a pistol in his band. Police man Blackwelder stepped into the bar. and found Gillespie leaning on the counter, with a ; pistol lying between his hands evidently ready to do any deed of bloodshed and violence, but without hesitating a moment he step ped forward and grasped the. weapon just as Gillespie made a motion to take it up. ' Once disarmed the postmaster made no attempt at resistance and went along quietly to the city prison. iGiHespie'a visits to Charlotte are un fortunate, as he seems to rush right in to trouble. Not long since the police arrested him.and had hini'bTorertho 'nUyor for lawtass conduct' in the city. very; nearly akin to the present in stance, ne will be tried by the mayor this morning on the several charges of drunk and disorderly conduct, carrying concealed weapons and attempting to shoot a woman. A Woader ia the Air. About sundown yesterday afternoon, the streets were filled with people with upturned faces, watching a big ring of smoke passing over the city. It was thrown out by the shifting engine of the Richmond & Danville road and was a sight to look at. It resembled an im mense barrel hoop, and kept its form and shape until it bad gone beyond the reach of the eye. - Perhaps the last per son who saw the novel thing were Mr. Eccles and a newspaper man, who were on top of the Central with a big telescope pointed at it. Thrown from a Ranaway Horse. XI LiBst weonesaay nigncas air. das. a .Ross.! who. bad been on a jpsit to the country, was returning home, the horse he was riding becamefrightened and ran off with bimn ' Mr. Boss was thrown irom ine saaaie ana iqok m violent header to the ground, : striking on the right side of his face. The skin la badly peeled away and his teeth are loosened to such: ani extent asjfo mace the man ipulation of a piece of beefsteak an im possible luxury. He is severely braised and scratched, but it is nothing seriou?, and bell be ; all right as soon as the f reseat wears off. Betel ArrlTaJa. - j Central Hotel. C C Pusey, Balti piom ()i E Cox, Cedar Falls, N C; Ira Y Sage, AtlanU; W W Watt, BalU more ; Rev S H Chester, North Caro lina) Jas B-Brnner, Col E F Anderson, Baltimore;' Me WT Edmonds, Cberaw, S Or A J Burns, Shoe Hee), N Cj H S. Fletcher, Monroe; ES BobinsopNeW York; fajW H;'Gren, Richmond; Capt V if McBee, Salisbury ; C A Aim strong, Montgomery county ; H L Eden and m ir fej 'Bednettayllle, S,Cr W B Meafs, Jr.'Chas E Robinson,' N. York ; J J Gamble, Gastonia ; C A Hamner, High Point;-H A Cosiner, Lincolnton ; F M Fremont, Wilmington ; James C Taylor, Designolle Works ; Wm Sloan, New York ; Prof J 0 Horton, Chicago ; M L Mott, States ville; F W Wheeler, Norfolk; Jasper Miller, Spartanburg. 'The'Xlbraets Nest AJlve Again. '' ' It gives us pleasure, to note the cue cessfp.fr ivaljbf the old Hornet's Nest Riflemen, a 'military organization whose very, name is an honor to Charlotte. CoLjEf A- Black; welder, the old veteran who' carried the' colors of the Hornet's Nest Riflemen through the Mexican war, and who has been connected with, the company in all its series of organI-; z&rosj eiote tfiit time, has been inter esting hTmseif in reviving the company for sometime past aad j has about suo oeeded.tPnterdayi he secured enough nasies.iojfprm fkstfrate cdmnany and a meeting' of the members is to be eaileda diys to organize and elect bfneerst AWhenj the company dis- .standing that it waa to be only a' tern Dorary; disband ment( and the old Hor nets Nest was not by any means to be considered a thing of the past. Some ot the names tm; the roll call are new 4nesv 'an4kMce tt the lis, shows that some splendid material is going into the company, j Sodden Death ofa Miner. ; ' Mr. D. A. Horton. of Philadelphia, but for some time - a resident miner of this city, died suddenly yesterday morn ing, at his residence on Ninth street, of a hemorrhage of the lungs. !TMr. Mor ton . operated the . miqe ' ; located just beyond the old fair grounds. He was taken sick about three weeks ago,' but had improved a great deal, and bis friends expected to see him ont by the latter part of this week. His brother, Mr.-J, C, Horton, who owns the .mine at King's Mountain, arrived in the city yesterday evening. Mr. Horton's re mains will be taken to Philadelphia for interment. .' ' " I ." Western N. C. Insane As ylaaa; ' - ' We are requested to say that patients carried to the Western N.' C. Insane Asylum at Morganton, without first ob taining permission from the Superinten dent to.be carried there, and complying with the law and regulations, will hot be admitted. The law rf qtlires . that about 100 patients, who have heretofore been confined in the Asylum at Raleigh. shall be the first to receive accommoda tions at Morganton. After' Chat I num ber is provided for. the authorities of the Asylum at Morganton will use every exertion possible to take as many of the outside insane as' they can. . The Superintendent and directors sympa thize very much with ' the demands made upon them for admissidnjbut they are doing all that it is possible to do under the circumstances.' But remem ber not to carry any one to the Asylum, expecting admission, without first mak ing the required arrangements with Dr. Murphy, the Superintendent; A Stranger ia Trouble. . While prayer meeting services were going on at the Tryon street Methodist church. Wed nesday night, - a stranger walked in and took a back seat, and it was pretty soon evident to those around him that he was under the influence of liquor. He soon began talking to him self in a loud and offensive tone of voice, and by and by he took a notion that be wanted to pray, and attracted the attention ot everybody in the church, very seriously interrupting the services, xesterday morning he was arraigned before the mayor for the of fence,and as a result of the trial be was bound over to the Inferior court. He could find no one to go on his bond, and was sent to jaiL In conversation with the reporter he expressed his deep mor tification and burning shame at what he bad done, and begged us to keep his name ont of the paper. He is a North erner, and is a painter by trade, and came here from Tarboro. fie says that he is a gentleman, but whiskey will make a fool of anybody. A, XaUla Lrm&. AU f&llnr r Tne afternoon train from the North yesterday deposited a little German boy at the depot in this city, to wait over until midnight for the Charleston bound train, as he held a ticket for that city. Being fresh from "der Vaterland." he was unable to either speak or be spoken to, and couldnt imagine why In the world he was put out on the ground. The depot men, in their efforts to make him understand, succeeded in frightening the life almost out of him. and the little fellow sat on his baggage and treated the boys to something they had never seen before a genuine Ger man crying spelL With ; an imploring look he would show bis ticket to the men with the remark: Ich bin nicht helm, Ich bin nicht heim," and rock to and fro with tears as long as a lead pen cil stringing down his cheeks. How to console the little foreigner, or what to do r with him, began to be a serious question, until some one went over to Wilkes' machine shops and there found a man who could speak German, and who hadn't been wagging the mother tongue to the boy more than fire min utes when the tears gave place to smiles and the storm calmed down. A pleasant time the remainder of the trip to the youngster,and may he eventually arrive safely to the arms of "mine f ad der" in old Charleston. I' Th4 Rockies Work ot Whiskey. A letter from Mt. Mourne, Iredell county, gives us the particulars of an outrageous affair which occurred at that place, last Thursday evening, on the arrival of the passenger train from Charlotte. Mr. J. M. Douglass, the deputy postmaster was at the train en gaged in transferring the mail, when he was attacked without provocation by a young man named M. L. Mott, of States ville. Mott struck Mr. Douglass, and then pulling out a pistol struck him with that, weapon, inflicting a deep and .ugly gash on Mr.; Douglass' -bead, from which thev blood poured, freely: At the same time young Molt defied Mr. Douglass to open bis mouth, pre senting' the 'pistol at him. r As Mr. Douglass did not seem, to desire en gaging in a fight, the? young man next turned his attention to J. W. Gordon, the colored mail agent, telling Gordon to hop out of the car or he would kill him. Gordon not being quick enough about it, Mott caught bold of him and jerked him ont of the car, after which he pranced around generally, and swear ing that he wanted to "kill some d n rascal," fired off his pistoL; The post master of Davidson 'College was by young Mott'a side, and both were under the influence of whiskey The .law abiding citizens of ML Mourne are in dignant that: such ah; outrage 'should occur within the borders of . their town and are determined .that the. perpe trators shall feel the full punishment of the law. After the 'affair, Mott disap peared, but it Is stated that be got on theT train at Davidson College and came 'on back to Charlotte, ' vj t - - -.. - If rorowf sw. -h It. j s: Were as good M alnd-slgat, how uneh troaMs we last winter, and cot no relief until he eammenrwd taktpc New Lite, the Great Conch Bem r. I he aaoM metUelae also eond Mr. Caars neiabois. iryo Cauroolio S aUve. iThe best Eslve tn tbs world: for Cuts, bra! sea, Or-s. nlees, salt rhr tetter, etmpped Ikis. eluiblalns, eoms, and k.l kinds ox saa srat ms, eta. Oet Henrys Crrtxv e 6alre, as ad otaars are but Imitations. mooaOBQta. Wedding Bells ia Concord. , Yesterday I in ' Concord Mr. IL L. Eden, of Bennettsville, S juth Carolina, was married to Miss Jennie OdelL by the Rev. W. S. Creasy, pastor of the Methodist church at that, place. The bride and groom arrived ia this city on the afternoon train yesterday, and stop ped at the f Central Hotel, continuing their journey last night to their future home in Bennettsville. A pleasant in cident of their stay at the Central yes terday was the presentation of an ele gant bridal present from Mr. and Mrs. Will. J. Hall, of this city, but who were formerly of Concord. - ; I f Suit Against the City for flagging the '"" Walks. -,t;3 l t-.- t, Mr. J. A- Johnston. ' stone contractor, yesterday brought, action against the city of Charlotte before Justice IL P. Waring, to recover a balance? due him for laying the flagging of the pavement from the Baford House corner to Ken- drick and Bixbey's saloon. Mr. T. R. Robertson appeared for , Mr. - Johnston and Mr P. D. .Walker represented the city. Mr. Johnston claimed a - balance due him on the work of 8163, and the city claimed tlitt be bad not done the work aa" well as it should have been done, and consequently refused to pay him in full for it unless be would do it over. After bearing the merits - of the case discussed by the counsel. Justice Waring returned a decision in favor of Mr. Johnston, giving him a judgment for $100 against the city. list of Letters . . -. . Remaining in the post office at Char lotte for the week ending April 80th: Mrs Mary Ar instead, Mrs Lncinda Armstrong, Jno Aldrich, Abe Adams, Marthy Caldwell, Nimes Bramm, Mrs Laura M Brown, Julia Bar ringer, Liz zie Banker, Alex Bos Lick col, Charlotte Birch, Mrs M C Cook, M P Carlton, Mary Clements, Isabella Coker, Mack Davis, Jennie Dorset, Ella Davis. D D Davis, Mrs Mattie Freeman, Walter F arris, Mrs Nancy Foster.Tice Harkey, Laura Hairson, John Hall, B L Jones, Dr T A Jones, Wlnslow Land, Sally Mack, E F Moaely, Alexander McDon nell, Miss Miller, N C Pope, Walter Potta, John Fhlfer, L ' Padney, ,W C Roes, Laurance Reevesv Joe BummeL Hilliard Rhodes. H E Bitch, Frank Rice, Alfred., Rhodes, Wm Sample, Toney Sturdiaon, S C Cross, H Laurance Sloan, Mrs Famie SbaffesAdam Stough, Mrs Alice W Taylor, J P Timberlake, Nancy Taylor, Mrs W J ' Williamson. Mrs Uly Watkins. John B Walker, Florence West. Mik Williams, Cora Wallia. Ann Voliogtine, Walter A' Young. ' ''y'J. . : j When calling' for the above please say advertised. - - W. w. Jenkins. . Postmaster. i an - sUclee ia Slav Bow the Moon Will .Hiale Beta Seorpii. - The planetary records of May are full of matters of exciting interest. Two of the giant' planets, Neptune and Saturn, reach conjunction; . Mercury arrives at eastern elongation and is visible as evening star during nearly the entire month ; Venus and Mars are in close conjunction. Every planet Jn the system, viewed from the earth, is in northern declination. Tbe moon comes in for distinguished honors. She ia very near Saturn; she occults Beta Seorpii. and she gets np for a favored few in the far-away region of the Southern Pacific Ocean ; the grandest, most sublime and awe-inspiring specta cle that terrestrial observers ever be hold, when, for nearly six precious minutes, her dark shadow . conceals from view the glorious orb of day. Beta Seorpii is a double star, the larger component being of the second magni tude and yellowish white in color, and the smaller component being of the fifth and a half magnitude and bf a lilac color. The moon is just past the full at the occultation, so that nearly her whole disc is illuminated. An ob server with a telescope will witness a superb exhibition. About 11 o'clock on the evening of the 2 1st the larger star will disappear behind the moon and in less than a minute the smaller one will follow. The immersion of the star has then taken place. The occultation will continue an hour and a half. At half-, past twelve o'clock the emersion of the star has then taken place, the com panion stars reappearing on the oppo site side of the moon. -The occultation may. be observed with an opera glass, which, ho wever, will , not separate the star into its components. The bright moonlight will obscure the view to the unaided eye. i'.;,;." T -,i v. . - : . fK ,"o . - The Best Route to Texas. : An opposition line having - intimated in ah advertisement that there was dan ger of detention by high water on'the' line vu .New uneaos.x wrote to iter. a. Landrum, D. D Pastor of Coliseum' Place Baptist church. New Orleans, on the matter,, he. replies, "No danger of detention on account ef water by the line you chosen, it is the, nearest way to Waco never overflows."' Parties arriving in Charlotte to-day will do well to see me before . purchasing - tickets. Be sura your , tickets read, 'via Atlanta aad New Orleans. No detention at At lanta. Can spend Sunday In Mobile or New Orleans as you choose, or go right on. Through sleeper to New Orleans, only a few berths left. Reduced rates of board in Charlotte, and half fare in hacks for parties . going by this line. I will be glad to give any information. We leave to-night. Sleeper will bo on the track at 8 p. m. ,' : ; t . . huhj sW;? ?O.F; Gregory; - f-v'i ' - ,mt . . . .: ' r i: . :.Notioe.; ;-- ; -: 1 Si This is to inform my many friends of the Second Ward that I have retired from the contest for alderman and will not be a candidate : under any circum stances. Thanking my friends fur their confidence in me, I am, - - xtespectiuiiy, - - . ' ; ; : , 1 5 Jim Harry Hunter: , covtausitr at Qellet, ,n . . ' Wilmington. N. l. Van. a. irsi . : Warner St Co 8lrt-I know from per- -nw wiwmm uiac your ears Kidney and Liter SSX?. STsatpedictne, and I beiiere all ho are afiitdtsd can take tt kua a eertalary of roi)-f and Horafert's AcM Paaoawaavto Jannarta Dr. 6. "W. Neweomar. erunlnM. ri.uni "Tn tbs esses of seyeral s ad men. ?o eoinpjn'ned ct - tjnraUulneas and dinc.:nai.on to u..ti, rore or be sokea to, or harrsssed In anr way, te told mt U Imparted new lus and TUor.' , ' i ". .: . . ' . For Aldermen Ward No. 2. To the Editor of The Journil-Obserrer: Please advertise the following tick ' xor aiuci uicu vu it aru im o. Z : : ' JOHN BIX BY, HENRY HUNTER, JOHN SMITH. " Many Citizkxs. For Aldermen Ward INo. 2. Xdttor Jouroal-Obserrer: Please advertise the following ti,.b for Aldermen on the 2nd ward: L. W." SANDERS, R. T. WEDDINGTON. , J0HNT.SCHENCK, j ' Many Citizex? II ap Blltcraavre tbe PnrcatnndH, Bittern Ever Blade, Tber are compounded from Hop. Malt Bur Mandrake and Dandelion-tiie oMest. te,t moat Tamable medicines tn tha wor d and c tain aU the naat and moat curative tironBrtiA all other remedies, beta tbe 6reanfBiVxxi v, 6er, Uver ttenoiator. aod Life and Health itr lor Aent on earth No dlaease or IU health possibly long exist where tnese B!ttr are u so varied and perf oct are their operation. : They sits new Ilia and rlsor totbetiPKi,. fnflrni. To all wlxS3 emt.lOTmeuU chu.vj irit larity of the bowel, or urmarj orniis. or w require an Appetizer. Tonlo and ml i niun j!h Hop Bitters are Invaluable, beloic highii cutv tonic and sUmu.aUnz, without lnu,x..-.,-.mii ' , No matter what yar feeilacs or ijmptonn o what the dteeaae er ailment la. use nop bku Dont wait until you are mcic, twit ir rou emit t bed or aoleef able, nse Hop bluer at oiioe may save your life. Hundreds have been sav bysodolnc. S50OWU1 be paid for a case t eannot core or help Do not suffer or let your friends si ff-r. but i endorse them to use Hop Bitten. Bemember. Hop Bitten is no rile, drutre drunken notrun, oat the purest and best in, etna ever maoe; the "'InTaJl-i't friend and Hot and no person or family ahou'.d be without Hi. Try Um Bitters to-day. - . o f Ifr JunM VT Willi. w.,iv.n o ..... naye need Brown s Iron Bitters rerj auccessf , aa a tonic ad appetizer." 'Srtxxf aticrtiscmcrits. Quain's Dictionar Or BIEDICIltE A6K7ITS WAHTXO FOB THK snUTIt. i dress w. w. hitnk ' 184 W. Baiamore t . Baltimore, kl aiay4dlw He Lsst Oppartonily. ' DUTI'S New PALWL(' W1U be eshibl ed at the opera houg: Friday, IVlay 4th, Reserved Seat Tickets ICe. extra, sold at usual places. ap2Uo FOR SALE. ! ' A Valuable H003 and LOT In the city of Charlotte. The boose contains 0 rooms la main building. 18x18, with bain room, hot eoM water .natter pantry and two basement ro Two-room Brick Krchen, slate roof, and aerr noose and stabls. The bulldlags are all it : elans order.' The lot.eontalna.f3ur acres, beautiful shade trees, evergreens and fiov This lot bu two wells of excellent water. Tbe property Is eonvenlently situated on T street, within flre minutes walk of the p senare. B la one of tbe uiost desirable reside la Charlotte and a puiehsaer can obtain this i ertr at a barxaln. - Slngls lots wlU be sold. If desired. Tor farther Information apply to WALTKB BET ap22tf DON'T FORGET! We are Still Closing Out ; AT AND BELOW COST. ANOTHER COUNTER OF CHIMP BUM Dreas Goods, BuaUnirs.Grenadluee. bincf Fancy Caahmeres. Detains, Alpaocts, H Lawns. BultlnES. Aa.. Jto. Casaimerea fori ana Boys wear. a bargain in BLACK GRAPE VEIL Coneta, the cheapest in town. A tot of han tana. We would be pleased to show Ur many ataer lines of goods which we are a: to close out. KespecuaJTy, c. , apr24 . fiAbftlNGm & THOTT r:c:nEccu:rrYG:: s cert L:ils jind i::llc: : ' AI,Xa B1?KKX 'w ma ma sm mmp -1 w I ill.... 1 SJU. r If '. 4 A t . w f ''SITU "ILUX t .... aprl74w IhnMnd, at MM ot tn wont kintt ... . H,mli fcya n cwmmL l.fl".d,oir..n i M lMauior;, thitt 1 will ,nt TWO hOill.t it fthr with a VALU -on tl.i. ti.. iaj aailaiar. Qw Ihotm ud r. o. i.ir .... . ta, X, A kiAKlM, 1M l'xui(,w:, ' ma'r29 4w : ; . ; VTED. .Xdealreto secure the services cf af -carpenter at once, to work-la mr Binh en aud Wood Working siacblne bbop. tie. and good wages wui be given to a reliable, tent man. . - tnaildtf - JQSUnASi: GENUINE GERMAN KA! : y ",; . j " Direct Inpartaiic" New LandlnrTbe Latt Car: This Season : - Tbe Bark "Boll Deo Cnorla" I now l!c 400 tone, whlcb we wlU. aeli low (or c prompt paylnaj partlea. f tud In four orders Quickly. Correspondence soUeiied. KJESCHNSR CAtDIR r WllUllllKl"" ' maj8d2t BLkCX ENAMSL OR VABNI3H FOB t Mantels, or any I wfUt XitV Jet black finish ti reoulred. Just retetrtr f'; ; E.ILJ0ED1NAC , aaai8tf xrrouj TJI.ACX aNAMKL OR VARN ISU KWl Ji Mantels, or sny Iron work. here a 5et blsck finlah U rtqulred. Just rectivt "MS : ' B.H. JORDlNAf 'msyStf ';- ' :' fr" LACK KMAMIL Oft VABN1SH ro3 Atanteia, or auy li n woik. " Jet black flnish la reo.iu.ed. Just re . " ::; :, : ": an jc-??